Julius Charles – Profile

Chinonso Ericson Judith (Nigeria)

What I have learned and How I have Changed?

Since completing Levels One and Two, I have learned a lot in becoming a very positive hopeful individual and leader within myself and community. I learned to lead right no matter the situation even if it doesn’t please me yet I desire a peaceful loving co-existence with each other and as long as it’s bettering humanity

I am becoming more vibrant, conscious in every aspect of my life, the books I read in both Level One and Two really in some way mentally supported me in my health, career, businesses, relationships, my choice of speech, marriage more positively. I could feel, see, understand how IIGL has been of guidance towards my path in life into becoming great and successful.

Here are my examples from the books Keys to Success and success through a positive mental attitude I read which helped encouraged my growth as an individual and towards becoming more successful in every aspect of life.

Definiteness of purpose was the starting stage of my personal change and success because I realized and understood that whatever good progress I desire in life and towards my success begins with questions which I asked myself on a daily basis first; What was my purpose? Next, What do I want out of life. Third, How to achieve my goals and dreams? Finally, How do I want to be remembered when I am not on earth anymore. So it was an eye opener to actually focus and define my purpose. First, then I establish a mastermind alliance in every aspects of my life including wherever I find myself and I keep growing a positive mental attitude, applied faith, and understanding infinite intelligence while I overcame my fears and replaced fear with hope, I started being grateful for every situation I found myself, and I took the extra mile, developed more personal initiative to becoming better, I began to welcome friendly criticism instead of reacting to them negatively, embraced any opportunity to learn how others see me and used it to take inventory of myself and look for things which needed improvement; took control of my enthusiasm, encouraged self discipline, started thinking accurately, controlled my emotions, attention by directing my enthusiasm to definite ends and gradually I came to those ends and the more my enthusiasm grows . I inspired my team work in my businesses ,learned from my adversity and defeat , becoming more humble as I asked God for more wisdom, understanding and knowledge that supersede man-kind. All of this has and is being a guide to my transformation and becoming successful in every aspect of my life.

Right now at this stage of my life, I am at peace with myself, growing and expanding my businesses, my finances while moving forward to my next level in advancing my career in Msc in anthropology, mental health, my health though so much stress on my legs even though I still have surgeries to undergo and grateful for everything that God has done, his doing and yet to do in my life, sometimes I even praise God for the challenges on my path into becoming the woman I am today. I believe God was preparing me for greatness and it hasn’t been easy either by my own strength but God almighty, he has given me peace of mind to function in every aspect of my life in fulfilling my purpose and destiny for his glory.

I am gracefully progressing to attaining my dreams with consistency no matter how life storms could get I am unstoppable heavenly being, God is in me, for me and with me. I am a winner.


Name: Julius Charles
Email: orangejulius21@icloud.com
Country: USA
Birthday: December 3, 1979
Education: BS
Occupation: State employee

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

Peace, a world where views are discussed openly rather than debated. People coming together to discuss their ideas and in doing so coming to an agreement as to what is better for all rather than themselves; a world where everyone is selfless rather than selfish

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Selfishness and greed.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

See above; my vision of a world that works for every one.


I am a single father of 2 daughters. Served in the USN I am searching everyday for a higher purpose and how I can be of service to others and leading them into a better future after I am gone. I would like to leave a legacy for my daughters but at the same time leave my mark on this world and the people I meet in a positive spiritual way.

It is what I have been searching for I believe I have a gift but need better teaching and education and this would give me the confidence I need to help and teach others and from here I would like to expand my thinking and that of others to be better and spread empowerment.


Name: Julius Charles
Email: orangejulius21@icloud.com
Country: USA
Birthday: December 3, 1979
Education: BS
Occupation: State employee

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

Peace, a world where views are discussed openly rather than debated. People coming together to discuss their ideas and in doing so coming to an agreement as to what is better for all rather than themselves; a world where everyone is selfless rather than selfish

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Selfishness and greed.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

See above; my vision of a world that works for every one.


I am a single father of 2 daughters. Served in the USN I am searching everyday for a higher purpose and how I can be of service to others and leading them into a better future after I am gone. I would like to leave a legacy for my daughters but at the same time leave my mark on this world and the people I meet in a positive spiritual way.

It is what I have been searching for I believe I have a gift but need better teaching and education and this would give me the confidence I need to help and teach others and from here I would like to expand my thinking and that of others to be better and spread empowerment.

 Click Here to Read My Book Assessments


Books Completed

As Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Giant Steps
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Goal Mapping
Leadership for Dummies
Maximum Achievement
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
The Law of Attraction
Unlimited Power
Nonviolent Communication
Creating your Path through Leadership