Jennifer Aliu Kadiri – Profile


Name: Jennifer Aliu Kadiri
Country: Nigeria
Date of Birth: December 04, 1995
Education: Higher National Diploma in Journalism, Fellow African Art and Media Earth Initiative
Occupation: Writer

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
Protecting the Environment and as well providing for the need of the People through solving environmental challenges.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Climate Change is one of the problem facing the world today. Followed by poverty and lack of education. If there\’s proper and quality education, poverty will reduce and climate action will be everybody’s business.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
Through Education, Poverty will reduce, equality will be achieved, Indiscriminate disposal of waste will be minimal and there will be partnership in accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals.


My name is Jennifer Aliu Kadiri. I’m a recent graduate from the Nigerian Institute of Journalism. I am 24 years old and the only girl amongst four boys. Where Many children had a happy childhood, my own childhood was been locked up in stores, toilets, dog houses etc. I love to play tennis and I hope to learn how to play Basketball and Lawn Tennis.

I am a graduate of journalism from the Nigerian Institute of Journalism from 2012 to 2017 passionate about using the media as a tool for social change. I have core skills in events and programs and project management. This is a skill I have gained over the years through managing and working with different teams on projects. I worked with Korede Bello Initiative as an Event planner and programs director. During this period I planned the Police and the Media Forum, Youths and Security Seminar/Conference, trip to Juvenile Home with the artist Korede Bello in Western Nigeria as well as the just concluded International Youth Day (#SafeSpace4Youths) 2018- End SARS series which led to the reformation of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad to Federal Anti-Robbery Squad. As a journalist I have interned with TV3 Network as a business and entertainment reporter and a teleprompter operator, TOSH FM radio, Volta Region, Ghana as a presenter and content creator and finally as an assistant Editor-in-chief in my schools magazine; NIJ Voice. I managed the Korede Bello Initiative’s social media accounts as well as that of Eco Nigeria. I work as the communication’s manager in media and communications for Durian; an NGO dedicated to empowering rural communities to be self-sufficient through transforming local waste into value.

I escape my pain through listening to songs and African drums and sounds and my desire is to play for kids in urban slums and rural communities through the strings of my guitar. My dream is to see that every child and Individual has a second chance to life and be treated fairly regardless of their background, race, gender, sexuality, skin color, financial status. I want to create safe spaces for lgbtqui youths, prostitutes, homeless and runaway kids. I would love to partake in environmental and climate solutions through recycling, Reusing and Refusing products that causes harm to our environment thereby causing harm to human health. There are lots of children and young girls who are not heard or understood and even seen, I want to be a channel of Love to the hate they feel for everything and everyone around them. Imagine a city where prostitutes, lgbtqui, homeless, runaway kids, teenage mothers and victims of mental and sexual discrimination live in harmony and imagine a world where children are taught the value of service to mankind. I see a world of equality and respect and understanding and tolerance for one another.

Providing support to victims of rape and sexual harassment is part of my dream. Asides music, I’m a storyteller who is passionate about telling stories of social change through photography for effective positive change. I’m a lover of nature. I can go hiking whenever I feel depressed. I really want to see a Nigeria and Africa where no one is marginalized because of their mental health, sexuality or even their environment. Maya Angelou was one woman who inspires me never to give up. I want to be an effective servant leader and change maker. Everyone is Enough just as they are. I am Enough. So are you. This is the message I intend to spread across through my works. The books I have read that spoke to me are Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, Richest Man in Babylon, The Alchemists by Paulo Coelho, Think Big and Gifted Hands by Ben Carson. The moon, the clouds, the sky, flowers and natural environment are my biggest inspiration.

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Books Completed

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull