Japhet Aizebeoje – Assessments

“As A Man Thinketh” BY JAMES ALLEN.


What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea James Allen is trying to convey in his book “As A man Thinketh”. Just as the title goes, is that we become what we think. In other words, things that happen to us and around us are simply products of our thoughts. Whatever we nurse in our mind will either nourish us or punish us depending if the thoughts are good or bad. We become what we think of, everyday of our live. When you think success, success will come to you. And when you think evil or bad things, the Law of attraction will definitely take its place without any negotiation. Conclusively, our thoughts make our things.


What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

§ Character is a product of thought.

§ Our thoughts attracts like circumstance.

§ Our thoughts will either make us sickly or healthy.

§ Purpose not governed consistently with like positive thought will end in shamble.

§ What we achieve or fail to achieve are product of our thought.

§ Dreamers and ‘visioners’ the saviors of the World.

§ Serenity and Calmness.


· Character is a product of thought – This idea is personally important to me because I have been made to understand after reading this wonderful book that my character is a product of my feelings and my feelings or feeling as the case may be is a product of my thoughts. Meaning, how I react and behave to people, things and work is being determined by my feeling which is given birth to by my thoughts. So, if I want to alter my character and do things rightly, I must have to feed my mind with the right thought. A wise man once said, “Character is capital”. Then my thought is more important. Yes I have personally help myself with this point, I was to speak in a gathering where my audience are youth of my Church. Before I left my house for the church I started an autosuggestion process by saying “I gain access into the knowledge base of Prof. Pat Utomi and I begin to speak like him”. I discovered that immediately I was called on, I turned a different person entirely and began to do things like Prof. Pat Utomi. Honestly thoughts have really helped me in building my character in life.

· Our thoughts attracts like circumstance – The reason of considering this point an important one is simply because it makes me understand that the circumstance around me are attracted by my thoughts. Meaning if I want good things to happen around me what I need to do is to start thinking good things. It become pertinent to note that, if I adhere to this rule, as simple as it look and sound then it will certainly be well with my entire moves in life. Lately something happen to me that really made me to be angry and the anger so engulf me that my emotion was tampered with, before I could know it I started transferring the anger on others and event that kept happening were things that will make me angry the more. This was because my thought has being filled with anger and I have to choice than seeing things that will make be become angry. So, If desire a good and great circumstance around my life all time, I have learnt to keep my thoughts straight.

· Our thoughts will either make us sickly or healthy – My body is a servant to my mind. Meaning how healthy or sickly my body is, is determined by how healthy or sickly my mind is. To me this point is important because I just learnt that if I want to be healthy I should keep my mind healthy. When my mind is down as a result of fear, depression and negative pains, it will certainly breakdown my health. So, if my keep my mind cool and free from all forms of negativities I will never fall sick. I will never forget this, at a time in my live I was feeling pain on my eyes. It was so strong that, it propel me into doing what Christ did by spiting on sand. and I used it to rub my eyes and I was confessing certain positive words that “my God cannot feel pain on His eyes so I cannot feel pain as well. Because I am made of God’s own image and likeness.” My mind change and started behaving as if all is well. After a while that eye pain disappeared and still date I am freed of that eye pain.

· Purpose not governed consistently with like positive thought will end in shamble – I have wanted to be a resource person of great repute, leader and a motivational cum inspirational speaker. And by the grace of God almighty, I have being using the method Brain Tracy taught in his book “Goals” to confess these purpose and build the like thoughts towards the realization of these aspirations and vision. I write down what I want on daily basis. The absence of this, imagine what will become of my goals. So, following up purpose with positive thought at all times is very paramount, if guaranteed success is to be achieved.

· What we achieve or fail to achieve are product of our thought – my lesson here is that, if I get what I desire is because I strongly desire it, pursue it and create a good thought towards that thing. But if I fail it get that same thing is also due to my inability to strongly desire it, pursue it and create the right thought. My greatness and achievement or failure in life is up to my thoughts.

· Dreamers and ‘visioners’ the saviors of the World – A wise man once said “every civilization is a brain child of someone else’s vision”. And I always tell my audience that nothing makes our world ideal like idea. Our world will forever live to celebrate dreamers because they are nothing but buddle of solutions and answers. Without vision, the world will cease and lost its vice. This point to me is the most important because I have being made to know that, if I want to be heard of in live I must carry vision, and not an ambition, I must be ready to cause a positive revolution in my generation. I am a vision flyer. I am working presently towards my Foundation, Consultancy Firm, Transport Company, Estates, Farm and Political Leadership.

· Serenity and Calmness – This idea is important to me because it teaches me the usefulness of observing quiet time. Personally I love solitude, it help me to evaluate myself and to create an avenue to connect with the infinite intelligence for divine inspiration and as well boost my creativity ability. If man must attain greatness he must learn how to operate in serenity and calmness. Often times I get instructions while I am observing quietness, serenity and calmness. Take for instance, after reading this books, I took time out to think and brainstorm on certain things and in the process of doing that, ideas and insight came. And as such writing this assessment became interestingly interesting to me.


How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

§ Serenity and calmness help me to observe quiet time or solitude where I can evaluate myself and get connected to the infinite intelligence at all times for instructions and insights as well as ideas. Which will in turn accord me the know – how of things and how to tackle problems of self, organizations and my fellow man.

§ Becoming a dreamer as taught me the lesson of seeing ahead and possessing my destiny via the eyes of my mind. This will greatly contribute to the upliftment of humanity, because when my Foundation, Consultancy Firm, Estate and Farm is up and running for instance. People will be employed, lives will be transformed and liberated, food will be provided, houses will be provided at a subside price and the economy activity of my nation will improve. All these, become the important of this lesson and idea to me and my world.

§ What I achieve or fail to achieve is a product of my thought – If I succeed or fail is really up to me. So, if I want to achieve greatness and accomplish every good thing I ever desire from life, then I need to programme my thought in accordance to what I want. On daily basis try as much as I can possess my day via positive confession early hours of the day. This has indeed help me and set my pace of progress and success on the high side. It has also helped the people around me because I have taken time out to teach people this life changing principle.

§ Purpose not governed consistently with like positive thought will end in shamble – On daily basis I develop positive thoughts that are in line with my discovered purpose and aspiration. Doing this build up my confidence daily. as well, set a clear cut direction for me. This will in turn make me deal with people rightly and attract like circumstances and people. The universe is indeed neutral, what I design is what the universe will sign for me. So, if I design my goals/purpose and develop the right thoughts in attaining them. I will certainly arrive well. All of these will also reflect on my world positively.

§ Our thoughts will either make us sickly or healthy – Really, if I become sick or healthy, is as a result of the kind of thought I accommodate in my mind. A mind not free of thought of fear, depression, pains and unforgiveness will certainly lead to negative biochemistry which will in turn lead to health breakdown. So, in other for me to become healthy at all times, the lesson has taught me to always cultivate the habit of nursing healthy thoughts that will make me healthy. I personally think healthy things every day of my life and it is the reasons while I have always remain strong. My world will become great for it, if only they know, understand and practice this principle. Which I am set out to teach and show millions of people God helping me with the needed resources and materials. For now, I am doing it in a small scale hoping to expand.

§ Character is a product of thought – imagine a world of people without good character, imagine world full of people without proper conducts. This idea is so important me because it revealed to me how I can build and generate positive character. I now know that my character is a product of my feeling and my feeling is created by my thought. Meaning if I must possess great character at all times in life, I have to train and boost my thought pattern in the right direction. I am who I am among other things, as result of what I think of and feel of. So, what I do on daily basis is to think of things that will indeed make me feel like the things I need and want especially in the early hours of the day before living the house for any task of that day. This has also helped me in not just developing good character but also developing principles. All these make me to be in better position to do make, work and discharge my responsibilities. It becomes useful to my world in the area of having me to do whatever they feel like doing with me and the believe that things will certainly go well, because they are dealing with someone of good character.

§ Our thoughts attracts like circumstance – my lesson here is that whatever I think of will go ahead of me to attract people, resources, circumstances and nerves that will assist me in achieving those things, like attracts like. So, if I want good result and I think of good result, this thought will attract the people, resources, nerves and other circumstances that will enable me achieve good result at all cost. My world will benefit from it via learning and practicing this law. So, now that I am arm with this law, I deem it fit to teach my fellow brothers and sisters. This is what my Foundation is set to do.


Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

v “He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly”.

COMMENT: It is important to me because I now know that the degree of the sacrifice I pay is what determines my greatness and success in life. If I sacrifice little I will get little and if I sacrifice much I will certainly get much in like proportion. So, my input triggers my output.

v “He that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened”. “ For only by patience, practice, and ceaseless importunity can a man enter the door of the temple of knowledge”

COMMENT: There are two quotes here that also considered important. My commend on the first one is that the kind of door that open for me, is determine by the kind of things that I seek. While my comment to the second one is that I need patience and constant practice as well as ceaseless studies to get there.

v “By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought he descends below the level of the beast”.

COMMENT: Everything and anything I will ever become in life, my thought is the main raw material needed to make the manufacturing of my success succeed. To attain Divine perfection and attain a higher height, my thought is a factor that must be properly guided.

v “Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good result. This is but saying that nothing can come out of corn but corn, nothing from nettles but nettles”.

COMMENT: It is not possible for me to think the right thoughts and work in accordance to those thoughts and still not get the right thing. It is not possible! It is not possible! Because the law of attraction is a law that has never failed and will not start failing now.

v “The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart. This you will build your life by, this you will become”.

COMMENT: It is striking to me because it arose the mentality that the thought I give my food to in my mind is what grows. So, if I feed victory, I will be victorious and if I feed failure, I will certainly get it. In other words, “to become I have to be first”.


Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I understood everything in this book. The message to me is clear and there is nothing that I disagree with. The message is ‘I become what I think.’ If I can think it and allow my subconscious mind to absorb it for a long time with strong believe and patience as well as constant practice, I will get what I want. Because the Law of attraction cannot be broken.


Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The exercises were great, I did them and they were indeed great and interesting and helpful. I am still working on the exercises and will continue to work on them. Because to me thought building and development is a continuous thing. So far, so good, the ones I have done were really helpful to me.


Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I think everything has being covered in the previous questions and as such, I do not have anything to really comment on.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10






What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of Richard Bach in the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull is that we should not get ourselves too used to the usual. In this book, I discovered that the mentality of other seagull was to live within the shore fighting for fish head. As such, they were used to this kind of life thinking they cannot get better. The fact that a certain situation of life has being like that for long time does not mean that, it is not subject to change. We are not what we naturally think we are but rather we are the new goals ,vision ,aspiration and target that we set for ourselves and work towards on daily basis via unlimited learning and practice for perfection. We are not just what we think, but rather what we learn, strongly believe in and practice every day regardless of the difficulties we encounter in the course of attaining our goals, vision and aspiration in life. We should be determine to go the extra mile, to live an extra ordinary life of impact and change in our various field of life. We are met for greatness, endow with unlimited potential and resources to become anything we really want to become, only if we are determine to change things, learn continuously to attain perfection and leave beyond today.


What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

§ Don’t get too used to the usual in life.

§ Be open to learning and practice to attain perfection.

§ Be determined to mine your goldmine.

§ Understand content.

§ Learn to give back to people or society.

§ Don’t be down cast even if you have being mark an outcast.

§ Believe in yourself and your vision and do the work.


· After reading the Book, I discovered this important idea that we shouldn’t get too used to the usual in life. My reason of taking this idea an important point is that, everything, I mean everything in life is subject to change no matter how difficult it has been in the past. All we need to do is simply to work towards change. When we wholeheartedly work it, then some day we can change it, not minding any challenges. It is very wrong for us to think that what we are not going through cannot be change or corrected. The fact that people have being failing in a particular endeavor does not we mean that you too will fail in that endeavor. Just work up and do it differently.

· Be open to learning and practice to attain perfection: – This idea is important to me because learning qualifies a man for flowing. People who don’t learn, when they talk they make noise and never make sense. I always tell people that if you don’t want to be outdated in life get updated, if you are not in the know you cannot be in the flow. Meaning if I must grow in life, I must subject myself to learning and practicing that which I want to become on daily basis until I attain perfection. Perfection is doing it continuously until i get a different result. Prior before now, 2006 to be precise, I don’t love reading and learning. Not until I meet a friend who I will forever be grateful to. He exposed me to reading great books and the importance of attending seminars for related trainings and today I can proudly say that I fall sick if I don’t read or learn something each day. Today I can stand in front of people and deliver motivating and live changing speeches. I discovered that, when we don’t read or learn, we fine result oriented thinking difficult. Learning and practicing that which we are learning to perfection is very important in life and as such it should be embrace.

· Be determined to mine your goldmine: – Like I always tell people, when determination is predominant success is inevitable. When a man is determined to get whatever he wants from life, be resolute about it and work towards it. No matter the degree of negative forces, he will definitely get it. Goldmine were means that which we want from life. Whatever you want in life that you work towards committedly you will certainly achieve. Personally, I had challenges in gaining admission into the higher institution; I spent eight years after my secondary education seeking for admission here and there to no avail. But determination saw me through. I refused to let go my conviction and kept pushing and today I am about rounding up my HND studies. It was determination, to me among other things that actually saw Jonathan Livingston Seagull through. His parents discourage and insulted him, his fellow gull rejected him and send him out as an outcast, yet he was still determine to bring into reality his dream of higher flight that others considered impossible.

· Understand content: – Understanding content here means, know your configuration as a person. Getting to know the real reason while you are here on earth. Like I will always tell people, nothing makes life to be well compose like a well define purpose. If you don’t understand why you are here, you will certainly live for nothing. This was what distinguished Jonathan Livingston Seagull from every other Seagull. The beauty of purpose is that, it makes you set target, makes you know what you don’t have that you really need to actualize your goals and aspirations, it makes you go out for whatever you need regardless of how difficult it takes to get it. But the absence of it makes people under leave their lives at the expense of greatness and extra ordinary achievements in life. I have really discovered who I am and the content of my configuration. And I have being living my life in accordinance to this configuration of myself that I have discovered. So the idea is important to me because, its helps to discover the race that I have been pattern to run in life. Jonathan Livingston Seagull knew he was more than what others think they are, because he understood content.

· Learn to give back to people or society: – This idea is also an important one because, despite the fact that Jonathan Livingston Seagull was rejected by his fellow seagulls as well as his parents, despite the difficulties he encountered in course of realizing his goal and dream of becoming a high flyer, despite the countless number of failures he experienced he still deem it fit to come back to his flock that rejected him to teach them his new discovery and the beauty of flight which he now enjoy that makes him an extra ordinary bird among his equals. What way of showing love and to development his fellow Seagull. Personally I have training programmes that I do give to people in school free of change. I did not say because I have failed many times or because it cost me money to get that knowledge I should keep them to myself. I have being giving out the one I know. And the more I give the more I am personally empowered by the higher power, thereby knowing more. This was what Jonathan Livingston Seagull did and at the end he was regarded as a superb bird full of abilities and vision.

· Don’t be down cast even if you have being mark an outcast: – I must confess here that this particular point is an inspiration from above that I got while I was reading the book for the forth time. Jonathan Livingston Seagull was “ A madder man who knows that, it takes a madder man to calm a mad situation”. He saw certain abnormalities, he saw great lives being under lived, he saw people satisfy with the status quo and not ready to change to improve their lives. All these were what made Jonathan Livingston Seagull dissatisfy to pay the sacrifice in changing the status quo to enhance his scope in life by doing what any seagull has never done. All of these made them to reject him. Though he never rejected himself but rather turn that rejection around into transformation others never believe possible. So do not be down cast because people have marked you an outcast sequel to your vision and the revolution you have set to course happen. So no matter what people say about me, no matter the kind of game life play with me, I have leant that it is in the going that my goal is, and in reaching that my goal can turn into gold.

· Believe in yourself and your vision and do the work: – Imagine if Jonathan Livingston Seagull never had the self conviction that his vision and aspiration was not possible. What would have become of him? Failure right, your guess is as good as mine. When your faith is not alive, your flight will lack height. He did not end there; he had to work it out. Which made me to know that I can only worth what I work? It becomes pertinent to note that believing in ones vision and working out the vision into reality is a major ingredient of making the impossible possible.


How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

· Don’t get too used to the usual in life – this idea has help me not to accept everything that others think it cannot be change. It make me to be hungry for change thereby helping me in doing things differently and to also make others not to always follow the norms because not all norms are normal and if we keep living our lives base on abnormal norms our own lives will certainly become abnormal. But when we stand out to change things rightly regardless of its cost, our future will be better for thing thereby creating a better world for ourselves like Jonathan Livingston Seagull did.

· Be open to learning and practice to attain perfection – When I open up myself to intensive studies and constant practicing to gain perfection in my field of endeavor, I will certainly become authority in that field. Meaning the more I know the less difficult handling of problems will be. So therefore, problems cannot pose any form of challenges to me. And if I can do this, then problem management to my fellow man will be easy also. When I solve people’s problems for them, then I will make life beautiful for them thereby make our world problem free. Learning is an important virtue that should be imbibed by all regardless of age, profession, color and what have you.

· Be determined to mine your goldmine – This idea help me to get going regardless of whatever comes my way in life. It is so great that I cannot motivate others when I am not motivated myself. To achieve in life, and make others achieve also, I have to be determined and motivated. Meaning my joy and self courage at every point in time can either make or mar others. So to make our world a better place I have to be determined and make others too. Thereby making others good to go.

· Understand content – this idea is vital to me because I cannot achieve a vision I do not understand, I cannot sell a product I don’t understand, I cannot share what I cannot fare for. By understanding content and establishing purpose, the pursuit of my goals becomes easier and friendly to accomplished. This makes my everyday work simple, because I already know what I want. When I know this and imbibe it in others the world will certainly become a right place to all.

· Learn to give back to people or society – This idea is great because when I give back to my society, I am making others to know and when a society is full of knowledgeable people, ignorance will be out of the society and as such a lot of problems will die a nature death. So this idea to me is very important because it makes me to know and make other know and turn our world into a place of people with knowledge and power.

· Don’t be down cast even if you have being mark an outcast – This point is also important because, there is always a massage or messages in a person’s story. So if it can happen to Jonathan Livingston Seagull and still survive it to become great, then it can happen to me only if I get going in spite of the rocky side of live that I will encounter. So my lesson from this point is that, I should not write myself off even when others have done so.

· Believe in yourself and your vision and does the work – this Idea taught me how to stay, run and be persisted with my dreams as well as to work it out. Because that is the only way I will ever become it in life. When everybody in our world develop these ideas and practice it purposefully, then our world will certainly turn around.


Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

v “The only true law is that which leads to freedom, Jonathan said. There is no other”

COMMENT: At this junction, other seagull were trying to give excuses with the Law which made Jonathan Livingston Seagull to utter this statement, which to me means that any law that cannot make the people explore their potential and developed themselves thereby breaking every forms of limited and make them express and exercise their freedom is not a Law. Laws should be made towards the upliftment and advancement of humanity. It shouldn’t be met to to keep people in bondage.

v “It is strange. The gulls who scorn perfection for the sake of travel go nowhere, only those who put aside travel for the sake of perfection go anywhere”

COMMENT: To be satisfy in life be ready to sacrifice something. To go somewhere, start from somewhere no matter what is will cost you.

v “How much more there is now to living! Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there is a reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance; we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!”

COMMENT: These were words of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, charging other Seagull that they are excellent creatures with extra ordinary skills and endowment that they are far more than what they think they are and that they should rise to the occasion of accepting their freedom and learn to fly higher and higher.

v “We choose our next world through what we learn in this one, learn nothing, and the next world is the same as this one.”

COMMENT: Our world becomes better only if our knowledge base becomes proper. What we don’t know and gain mastery over will continually be our master and slow down our progress and growth. Our world will forever remain the same if our knowledge bases remain the same. Let’s keep learning new things every day.

v “Our purpose for living is to find perfection to our imperfection and show it forth.”

COMMENT : Yes, if we cannot perfect our imperfection and show it forth, we will certainly perfect nothing. Learning, continuous learning and constant practice is simply the cure.


Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I really do not agree with this idea “forget about faith!” Chiang said, it time and again. You didn’t need faith to fly, you needed to understand flying”

I disagree with this idea because I don’t think it is possible to take away faith, when somebody is trying to do what he or she has not done before. Hope is seeing what is not and believing in tomorrow. While faith is the incubator that incubate our hopes into realities through a womb call patience. So, for someone to do that which he cannot do, he will first see it possibilities with the eyes of the mind. Yes we must have to work it out, but we must also believe and have faith that what we are about to do will certainly yield result.


Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Though there was no direct exercise, the message I personally got from Jonathan Livingston Seagull exercises which are: discover what to leave for, change the status quo, pursue the dream with virtue, learning and constant practices, and don’t go down because others have put you down. Learn to gain perfection in all you do for that is your heaven here on earth. Show love by teaching others what you know despite the pains you went through in acquiring the knowledge, don’t condemn because others do not like what you are doing. These are the exercises I can bring out of the book. I have indeed carried them out; I will say they are really interesting, helpful and impacting to me. And must confess that I was indeed blessed by this great book.


Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes, the series of events, insightful words and conversations that took place within Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Chiang. How they both met, how Chiang motivated and taught Jonathan Livingston flying and all what he needs to become that which he desire to be. The rudiments of flight and words of encouragement that Chiang imbibed on Jonathan that he can be that which he wants if only he can learn, work, practice continuously as well as believing in his mind that it is possible. And how Jonathan Livingston’s parents almost killed his dreams and aspirations via discouragement and dislike.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? Ten
B. How helpful were the contents? Ten
C. How easy was it to understand? Ten
D. Would you recommend it to others? Ten
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? Ten


Assessment By Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author of the book Pscho-cybernetics, Dr. Maxwell Maltz main message in the book is the importance of developing new self-image, mental picture and mental image of whatever someone wants to become or where he/she wants to get to in live. The book went further to dwell on the fact that most people in live do not really need facial surgery, but what they need is mind surgery. The ways and manner with which this self-image, mental picture and mental images are developed, maintained and constantly practice via the picturing of one desired future, imaging the reality of the desired future and behavouring the end result of the desired future today and as well as using the success and failure mechanism to make life better and great. Thought pattern and how they influence life and how they can be properly management are the main ideas of the book.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

To me, my seven major personal ideas among others in Psycho-Cybernetics,are as follows: –

* Stop trying to do it by strain and effort, just picture to yourself the target you really want to hit, and let your creative success mechanism take over.

* Live today as best as you can, by living today well you do most within your power to make tomorrow better.

* Most of what we call evil is due entirely to the way men take the phenomenon.

* The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere.

* The fearful unbelief is unbelief in yourself.

* Failure mechanism management and how to make it work for me like my slave.

* Three rules to immunizing myself against emotional hurts.

Explanation: –

Honestly, when I came across this statement while I was reading the book, it really touch and minister a lot of ideas and insights to me. That I should stop trying to do things by my strain and effort, I should learn to picture to myself the target I really wants to hit, and let my creative success mechanism take over. This idea is so important to me because, it has lighten my consciousness that no matter how strong and calculative I am, my energy and strain cannot do all for me. So I should develop the mindset of creating that which I want in my imaginary room and see my creative mechanism/subconsciousness mind connecting with the infinite intelligence to make things work out in line with the electronic tracks I have picture in my mind. Personally, sometime in mid January 2012, I was really tensed basically because of money. While I was bush hurting myself with worry and all sort of things that will not bring the money, I had an inner voice that says “calm down”. Since then I started experiencing peace of mind. Thereafter money came and somebody I list expected promise giving me something. It is indeed important for us to known that in live our personal effects cannot do it allow, put your creative mechanism to work and you will be surprise and amaze what will happen.

The second idea is important to me because it has made me to realize that, if I work well today by doing all what I am expected to do, tomorrow will definitely take care of itself. I have now developed the habit and mindset of doing things well on daily basis. For if I do, it will be well with my tomorrow. What this also means is that most of the problems we come across on our day to day activities are as a result of things wrongly done yesterday. Just fix today, tomorrow will surely fix itself. What a lesson!

Most of what we call evil is due entirely to the way men take the phenomenon – this point is also vital to me because I now known that, it is not everything that happen to me, were meant to happen, that most at times things happens holing to how I see them, perceive, receive and respond to life and events. This has also made me to understand that, there are certain negative conditions that our environment and parental up bring have conditioned our minds to. We should be very careful how we respond to these conditions, we should therefore apply autosuggestion mechanism to edit and re-edit our mind. Because if care is not taken these conditions forms negative belief which in turn form our phenomenon. Imagine a child whose parent brought up with words like ‘be care with strangers’, ‘don’t aspect gift from strangers’. The child grow up with a mindset of timidity and fear each time he/she comes across a stranger or refuse gifts from people outside, thereby rejecting love from people and apparently lacks love experience in live. All of these will definitely build up his/her belief system which will make him/her continually see evil or negative insights. On daily basis I make certain confession that I will never react to the event of live negatively no matter what, I will also and ever be calm to bring out the best from any situation live throw at me.

The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere – It is important to me also because it has made me to know that the healthy state of my mental health in live is tie to the degree of good I find and see around on daily basis. Meaning if I want to enjoy and experience mental health, I should learn to see good, do good, treat everybody in a good way no matter what. Just be good and I certainly begin to enjoy and experience good things around and within me/you. Personally, I have decided to improve and increase the way and manner I treat people and do good to them. It doesn’t have to be my family member or friends. I have resolve to do good to all whenever I am privilege and opportune too. There is something I know how to do by the grace of God, and that is advising/counseling and motivating/encouraging people. What I often tell myself in my closet is God help me to make positive impact/influence in the live of the man/woman I will meet today.

The fearful unbelief is unbelief in yourself – though idea in this statement is really not new to me anyway, but the way the author put it here made a new push and motivation inside me and as such I am moved to consider it as a vital point. It is important but what I am trying to say is that it is not new to me. My lesson here is that not believing in myself is the greatest unbelief and the worst thing that can happen to me. In other words, if I don’t belief in myself I will leave for less. Nobody will ever make reference to me in live if I cannot make any difference, and the only way I can do that is to first belief in myself. I so much belief in this creature with unlimited potentials and possibilities called Japheth Aizebeoje, Do you know why? Because, I am a world class consultant in Management and Leadership, International Public/motivational speaker with great repute, capacity builder, trainer and coach, CEO Wellspring Estate, Naija Xpress, My mindset my Asset Foundation/Club, Fulfill Farms Nig Ltd, Mindset Consults. In fact I carry a global solution; honestly I am too dangerous to fail and to be stop by any adversary.

Failure mechanism management and how to make it work for me as my slave – To be honest here, a lot of revelation was birthed during my studies, especially when a got to the chapter of how to management failure and even make failure to work as a slave to my favour. What an insight! This point was more than important to me because it made me understand the solution to failure is in failure itself. Dr. Maxwell Maltz went further to give one word each to the letters that makes up ‘FAILURE’. According to him: –

F – frustration,hopeless,futility.

A – aggressiveness, misdirected.

I – insecurity.

L – loneliness.

U – uncertainty.

R – resentment.

E – emptiness.

The message and lesson to me here is that, all these words representing FAILURE are rooted in events or activities we come across on daily basis and these things influence our feelings. Not forgetting that feelings are the soil that thoughts and ideas grow in, then our feelings/response to these things is what we must check-mate at all times. So therefore, what is required of us is understanding, knowing fully well, that understanding brings cure of any kind. Understand what is causing what. If they are thing beyond your power don’t kill yourself over it. If they are within your reach, analyze yourself to know why you didn’t do well, correct your mistakes and move on. For no great man ever become great without making mistake. That you have made a mistake doesn’t “distake” you, rather remake you to become better for it tomorrow. So, continue and stop worrying yourself over past knock downs. This mindset will help you manage anything that will endanger my feelings to frustrate me. Take for instance Resentment, Which represent letter R in failure is cause by unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, jealousy etc. And when they are not curtail it leads to anger which in turn affects one’s thinking, old face ,sickness and destruction of physical properties. The only way to management it is to show love, forgive and your offenders, believe in others and respect other people at all cost. All of these will give you joy, boost confidence and strength. Thereby managing failure and frustration to your advantage. Same is applicable to other points above. Understand the cause and avoid it and move on instead of allowing them build a negative room in your heart and imagination.

Three rules to immunizing myself against emotional hurts – this is another point that has contributed immensely to me. It is so because it has taught me better ways to manage as well control my emotional hurts and of other people around me. And the rules among others are; Be too big to feel threatened, Relax away emotional hurts, A self reliant, responsible attitude make you less vulnerable. With these three rules, I am better equipped to manage my emotions and be in better position to help others too.

Shadow-boxing is also a great idea that I have learnt from this book that I will like to add to my points here. It is important to me simply because it has taught me how to picture other people’s greatness in the area of my specialty, study their work and use them as my own motivation and propeller to attain success and greatness in live.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

* Stop trying to do it by strain and effort, just picture to yourself the target you really want to hit, and let your creative success mechanism take over – this lesson will help me to preserve my energy and get help from a higher power and source that is more accurate. By so doing I will in turn better my world by doing what is right with creative energy.

* Live today as best as you can, by living today well you do most within your power to make tomorrow better – my lesson here is that my best day is today, in other to make tomorrow better I should live today well by giving it my all. It makes me more productive on daily basis, which in turn boost my contribution to work and family thereby making the world a much more better place.

* Most of what we call evil is due entirely to the way men take the phenomenon – this point has expose me more to the power and concepts of perception to human live. That evil most of the time are human responses base and are never real. So it makes me think well and analyze well before taking or responding to life events. This will in turn help me reduce problems in live and make the world much more problem free place.

* The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere – it has help me to develop the mindset of doing good and seeing good things every day of my life because this is really the only way I can indeed enjoy good. Doing good of cause makes the world good.

* The fearful unbelief is unbelief in yourself – It has develop my consciousness in believing strongly in myself. And this will make me define what to leave for and die for in life. This will make me a problem solver and never a problem myself.

* Failure mechanism management and how to make it work for me will my slave – this point has put in my hands great techniques to manage failure and to use them to my advantage.

* Three rules to immunizing myself against emotional hurts – this point has taught me the how of turning my emotional hurts into emotional palace of peace.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“You act, and feel, not according to what things are really like, but according to the image your mind holds of what they are”

The picture of your mind will either nurture you or puncture you. So be very careful of the images you carry at every point in time.

“For imagination sets the goal “picture which our automatic mechanism works on. We act, or fail to act, not because of “will”, as is so commonly believed but because of imagination.”

The picture of your mind will either nurture you or puncture you. So be very careful of the images you carry at every point in time.

“You must not wait to act until you have proof – you must act as it is there, and it will come through.

Don’t always wait for motivation to take action, just make moves then the motivation you engraved for will come.

“You must find yourself acceptable to ‘YOU’. You must have a wholesome self-esteem. You must have a self that you can trust and believe in. You must have a self that you are not ashamed to ‘BE’, and that you can feel free to express creatively, rather than hide or cover up.”

You cannot become in live without trusting and agreeing with self. If you are not yourself, you will definitely live for less and never get the best rest in life.

“The faculty of imagination is the great spring of human activity, and the principal source of human improvement ……. Destroy this faculty, and the condition of man will become as stationary as that of the brutes.”

Imagination is great and important just as yoke is to an egg.

“Change the goal picture and you can as easily generate good emotion.”

Change what see, think and perception then your feelings will change for good which will in turn enhance your emotion.

“Develop a nostagia for the future”

Use your energy to create a great and powerful tomorrow, instead of wasting

“Create a need for more life, and you will receive more life.”

Have a reason or reasons to live, by setting great goals for yourself. People without goal don’t go and until you go you cannot get your gold.

“Retire from a job, But never retire from life.”

People who don’t work or get engage in work retire from life fast.

“We age, not by years, but by events and our emotional reactions to them.”

There is no way you will not deteriorate in life, age wise if your emotional reactions are wrong and negative.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

To me, the book was explicit and I do not disagree with anything.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there are exercises; I have completed some while others are really on going because most of the exercises are continuous. Honestly they are very interesting and helpful. Take for instance the first exercise in chapter one, Create a new self-image for yourself and use your creative mechanism to think and imagine success in attaining your goals. They are helpful

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I will like to comment on unlocking your personality. I have being made to understand that, personality is the free and full expression of my real self, the act of divinity within me, the outward evidence of that unique and individual creative self. And, in building or unlocking my personality I should learn to always do the followings:

* Ignore signal

* Delay signal

* Relax and observe quiet time

Count 1 to 10 principle – this is same as delay signal. They enable you manage yourself properly to avoid working or responding events of live in pressure which will affect your creative mind and productivity.

Stop fighting straw men. What this simply means is dwelling on things that doesn’t really matter and will not make any difference even if you stay and live with them the whole of your life. It rather destroy, but ever construct. e.g, dwelling on the past, killing yourself over what you cannot change in live, worrying over things that are not truth. With all of these, I now understand my person better and in good position to manage my reactions in live.

Another point I will like to also comment is about the five rules for freeing my creative mechanism. And they are as follows:

* Do your worrying before you place your bet, not after the wheel starts turning.

* Form the habit of consciously responding to the present moment.

* Try to do only one thing at a time. Be focus.

* Sleep on it, by putting your subconscious mind to act work for you.

* Relax while you work.

Honestly, these are amazing revelations that I am already putting to work and they work the way things work when God put things to work.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book “SUCCESS THROUGH A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE” main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book is how to use PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) to attract success to oneself in all ramification of life and how the use of NMA (Negative Mental Attitude to rebel success from one`s life. More so, it is also about the use of our human computer, using the powers of our subconscious mind and ways to constructively use and control as well harmonize with our passion, emotions, instincts, tendencies, feeling moods and habits of our thoughts and actions.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

a.Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things, you don`t want.

b.Begin to want to be rich, a burning desire to become rich. The quickest way to make money is to sell something.

c.Love people and the important of serving others.

d.Develop inspirational dissatisfaction.

e.If a man is right, his world will be right.

f.One word can cause an argument, develop misunderstanding, generate unhappiness and end in misery, mind your use of words!

g.Thinking is not creative unless it is followed through with action.

h.Have a enough reason why you can must achieve your worthwhile goals rather than hundreds of reasons why you can`t.

i.Do it now!


Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things, you don`t want – Is one of the major lesson I learnt from this book because it has made me to understand that, there is no point wasting time and energy on things that I do not want instead of focusing on the things I want. With this knowledge, I now put keep my mind and eyes on the things that I want on my daily life. Recently, I had an issue that indeed put me of balance in school, what I did in my closet was to myself if the issue at hand has anything to do with where I am going to. After analyzing things I discovered that my goals in life has nothing to do with the issue and I immediately take my mind and attention off the issue and after a while, I became free and happy with myself. So it pays to focus one’s mind and attention on what he wants.

Begin to want to be rich, a burning desire to become rich. The quickest way to make money is to sell something – This life transforming lesson has made me know that foe me to become rich in life, I have to first think and imbibe riches mentality in order for me to become rich and one other means to boost this fact is to simply sell something, meaning the riches of life belongs to those that sell something. As such I think riches every day of my life by writing it down and by the grace of God I sell information and knowledge.

Love people and the important of serving others – this idea has made me realize how important it is to love and serve other people on daily basis. As such I have decided to serve people more than I have be going prior before now. The lesson has also put in my consciousness that there is great difference between success and significant. And the only way to be significant in life is to serve and make others to become great with our great positive inputs.

Develop inspirational dissatisfaction – This idea is more than great to me because I now know that it is better to use my disappointments in life as stepping stones to higher platforms and heights to become a better me and achieve my goals. In other words, the problems of life should not make me discontinue to push but rather serve as things that will make me continue and push to the front in life. On daily basis I now see all challenges of life as a sweet cake of continuity to become the desired me.

If a man is right, his world will be right – With this idea I now know that most of the times, it is not always the fault of others but rather my fault. Because it can only become right if I am right myself. In my daily life I try to always blame others and situation around me but rather try as most as I can to fix myself up rightly. For it is only when I am right and think right that things will become right to me.

One word can cause an argument, develop misunderstanding, generate unhappiness and end in misery, mind your use of words! The lesson here to develop the habit of using good and great semantic i.e use of words. In my daily life I have learnt to be careful of the words I use, because words can motivate and demotivate as well make and mar a fellow man. I try to always use positive words as I have taken it has personal assignment.

Thinking is not creative unless it is followed through with action – The point is important to me because it revealed to me the important of action. That no matter how intelligent and creative I am, until I back it up with action, prompt action, I will never become something in life. As I embark on my daily task, I ensure that every thought and inspiration that comes to minds is being back up with action. For no matter how interesting an inspiration and revelation, it will never build you mansion if not followed up with action.

Have a enough reason why you can must achieve your worthwhile goals rather than hundreds of reasons why you can`t – I read an article titled “The Power A Three Letter Word” and the three letter word in question is “WHY”. That many people in life are not getting result in life simply because they do not really have enough reasons why they want what they want. With this point I am reassured that for me to get result in life I must be convince first with good and strong reasons why I want something otherwise, I end up wishing and never getting results. With this understanding embedded in my consciousness, I tried to back up my wants daily with good and strong enough reasons why I should need something in life. This goes a long way providing inner energy that connects with the infinite intelligence to make things happen expressly.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things, you don`t want – This idea in a much more practical way will help me to be more focus and not to be a wander in life. Because people who don`t keep their minds at something end up with nothing. This will enable me achieve all want I want to achieve thereby make my world success for myself and others.

Begin to want to be rich, a burning desire to become rich. The quickest way to make money is to sell something – Of course, when I become rich by wanting, making riches my burning desire and working it out as well own my owe business, then I will get raid of poverty and provide means of income generation for other in my world and as such make the world a better place for all.

Love people and the important of serving others.

Develop inspirational dissatisfaction – When positively imbibe the mentality of unending push regardless of the challenges of life, I will become motivation to myself and my world. Other can learn from me life style and make cash from the trash life has thrown at them. Just imagine a world where everybody in motivated and ready to keep going to achieve results no matter what?

If a man is right, his world will be right – Yes, if I indeed fix myself by being right, I will make my world right because by so doing I would have succeeded in solving the problem of the man and woman standing in front and behind me. In school whenever something funny happen, I try not to blame the other person but to examine myself to see if the fault is not from me before taking further actions. My joining this organization among other things I have learnt “Before you speak, you should think if it is the right word to say”. So if I work on myself, I will automatically less/reduce the problems of others and our world will be better for it.

One word can cause an argument, develop misunderstanding, generate unhappiness and end in misery, mind your use of words! – Without mincing words, the words/word of a man can either make or mar his fellow man, as such I have developed the core habit of using positive vocabulary both to myself and others in a daily life. With this I will become a positive booster to people. Imagine a situation when a course mate did something that would have resulted in quarrel and I told him that it was my fault because I wanted peace to reign and advice him later in his house that he should not do such thing again. Other people were expecting us to fight because of my words usage I was able to curtail problem. Proper word usage solve problem, it is highly medicinal in all ramification. It betters my world by making the world problem free.

Thinking is not creative unless it is followed through with action – Action makes me productive and goal oriented as well as purpose driven. It is not possible for me to be productivity in life without the people around me reaping from it. So my creativity plus action will certainly make productive productivity out of me and my world. I am action driven on daily basis, and by the grace of God almighty I want to die taking positive and meaningful actions the will revolutionalize my world for good.

Have a enough reason why you can must achieve your worthwhile goals rather than hundreds of reasons why you can`t – The about this point is that each time I develop a enough reason to achieve something in life, I sudden develop more reason to live. And each living becomes interesting people around me becomes better for it, because I will automatically develop love and interest in them. All of these will make everyone happy and as such pursuant of goal becomes fun and not competition.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“It is better for people to do something and pay nothing than to pay dues and do nothing”.

Comment: There is no point learning what you know you will not practice. What you know you won`t use don`t fuse yourself into it.

“Never underestimate the value of a book. Books are tools, providing inspiration which can lunch you into a bold new program and can also light the dark days that such program entails”.

Comment: The secrets embedded in books can indeed remove hooks from your life and light up your path to destiny. Value and utilize books.

“If you give away your secrets, people will cheat you every time”. Comment: The difference between us is basically what you know that I do not know. So to reveal your secrets unduly, will make you lose worth. Treasure your secrets.

“The victory within us does not assert itself until we are ready”. Comment: Until I activate my victory within with PMA, I will keep hearing victory stories and never part take of them. If I can activate my victory from within then I will cultivate it from outside.

“Most of the process of seeing is not done by the eyes at all”. Comment: It is the positive or negative signals/messages that my mind sends to my brain at every point in time that makes meaning to my seeing and add insights to my sight. It is a mind thing not necessarily seeing thing.

“When there is something you don`t understand ask yourself why? Look at it more closely. You may make a great discovery”. Comment: Creativity and thinking is never complete without questions that carefully probe into the unknown that birth discovery of ideas and solutions.

“Exemplification of true faith consist of act of kindness and love for one`s fellowmen, not mere formal prayers uttered by rote”. Comment: My kindness and love to people is the true sign of faith.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

With all sincerely I do not understand what Professor Yoshikichi Mizukuri met by “A pearl is formed in an oyster when a foreign object like a grain of sand is stuck in the oyster. If the foreign object does not kill the oyster, nature covers the object with the same secretion that form the mother-of-pearl of the oyster`s shell”. (Page 139)

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there are lots of exercises in the book and I find them interesting and impactful. I will sum all the exercises up in the 17 success principles. That I should develop myself with these principles and make them part of me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

“Learn to fine time out to study, think and plan to correct difficulties and to maintain PMA”.

Comment: I just learnt that, I don`t study things will not go steady. Because study makes me ready. And if don`t find time out to think, certainly things will stink and if I don`t plan surely I will not span well in life.

“Where there is nothing to lose by not trying and everything to gain if successful, by all means try”. Comment: It is better to try failing than to stay doing nothing, because today successful men and women of today are good failures yesterday. It pays to try!

“Let every occasion be a great occasion for you cannot tell when fate may be taking your measure for a large place”. Comment: At all time in life do that you know is right always.

“I have been asked how I keep going at my age. My formula is to keep busy so that the years go by unnoticed. To despise nothing except selfishness, meanness and corruption. To fear nothing except cowardice, disloyalty and indifference. To covet nothing that is my neighbor`s except his kindness of heart and his gentleness of spirit. To think many, many times of my friends, and if possible, seldom of my enemies. As I see it, age is not a question of years. It is a state of mind. You are as young as your faith, and today I think I have more faith in my fellow man in my country, and in my God than I have ever had” – Michael L . Benedum.

Comment: The above advice by Michael L. Benedum is a great insight on how I can live long in life and not end up a liability to anybody.

In the course of reading this book, I got this inspiration and I really want those who will have the opportunity to read my work in the near future to ponder on it; “Why was it that the death of Prophet Elijah never brought an end to the anointing, but Prophet Elisha did”? Think about it!

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Keys to Success

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje E (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author`s main idea in this Book, Is the principles and keys to personal improvement, success and achievement in life. And how to induce a flow of ideas through the mind and to introduce people to their other self.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

* Definiteness of purpose

* Go the extra mile

* Enforce self-discipline

* Control your attention

* Think accurately

* Cultivate creative vision

* Use applied faith


a) Definiteness of purpose – This have to do with one main desirable goal. Something high to live for on daily basis. By defining and establishing my major purpose and goal (World class Consultant, trainer/coach, public and motivational speaker, catalyst/mind miner and politician) and now have something to live for, something to focus and give my all to, which has really help from not being a wander in life. “It is purpose and not suppose that makes life well compose”. Definiteness of purpose has indeed made me purposeful in life because it has made me goal oriented on daily basis. And it makes people around me want to do same; people love somebody that is going somewhere. “The only way to enjoy the wares of live is to be aware of somewhere from where you are”. Definiteness of purpose is important to me because it has exposed me to the power of a burning desire, goal and focus on what I desire and want in life. Each day, I now set my daily goals in accordance to my definite life purpose and as such I come back home fulfilled.

b) Go the extra mile – this idea has simply revealed to me the essence of going the extreme in doing that which is necessary for me to do payment or no payment. The idea is important to me because it is inevitable that every seed of useful service I sow will multiply itself and come back to me in overwhelming abundance. When I go the extra mile in rendering services, the act will certainly benefit from two important law i.e the law of increasing return and the law of compensation. In my daily live I have taken it upon myself to give and do my best at all cost regardless of payment or human praise, and it has made me indispensable. My experience since I started this act fully, it has attracted love to me from my peers.

c) Enforce self-discipline – Personally I define self-discipline as one ability to do the right thing at the right time even when it is not convenient. This idea is of great importance to me because it has thought me self control and how to gain mastery over my thoughts, for my true self is determine by my thought pattern that I have developed and maintained in live. My ability to fix and manage my thoughts is what self- discipline is all about. Every day, I programmed myself to do what is right convenient or not. Recently I have being able to manage by anger simply because I choose to discipline myself via the aid of a vision board I establish for that purpose and it is really working for. This is what I do, ever anybody offend me I say in my mind that that person cannot steal my joy, I still gat my joy. It is working for me!

d) Control attention – This is simply the highest form of organizing mind power towards a desire purpose and goal in live. Controlled attention is the act of coordinating all the faculties of the mind and directing their combined power to a definite objective. It is really important to me because it has shown me the power of focus and concentration. That if I fix my mind and not drift then I will be fit for my fix destiny. It also important to me because it has thought me self-mastery. On daily basis it has help to put all my attention on definite objectives and desires.

e) Think accurately – This idea is important to me because it has shown the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning. Accurate thinking and common sense are part of our experience. It has also thought me how to separate facts from fiction and separate facts into classes like important and unimportant thing. Sequel to this exposure, I now evaluate facts, opinion and thought properly before arriving at a meaningful decision.

f) Cultivate creative vision – It is of two types; synthetic and creative imagination. Synthetic imagination is the combination of previous ideas, concepts, plans and facts put into a new use. While creative imagination is the use of the subconscious to link with the infinite intelligence in creating new ideas. Cultivating creative vision is very important to me because it has thought me how to increase the flow of ideas via developing the habit of taking study time, thinking time and planning time and well as observing quiet and motionless time to listen to the small still voice that speaks from within. Personally it has helped me in my daily in creating ideas via questioning my subconscious mind and listening quietly the small still voice. And it has improved how I see and do things.

g) Use applied faith – Faith is a state of mind through which my aims, desires, plans and purposes be translated into their physical or financial equivalent. Applied faith means action. Believing in the invisible power of the almighty regardless of any circumstance. I have benefited from this idea in the area of my unweaving believe and it had also help to be prayerful every day of my live as well rely and depend in God. And has indeed been faithful to me.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

a. Definiteness of purpose – It has helped me establishing a path and a burning desire to live and die for in life without any form of distraction. The lesson is simply, have something to live for that is when life will be worth living. In my daily live, I am now goal oriented than never and helping others to develop same.

b. Go the extra mile – Going the extra mile has imbibe in me the mentality of core determination and to also render my service regardless of payment, thereby making myself indispensable and attractive for increase return and compensation. With this knowledge, I now advice people around me the important of going the extreme in live to get dream materialize

c. Enforce self-discipline – To control myself in every situation of live and direct my habit towards the realization of my major burning desire. It also makes the people around me to learn from me and follow suit.

d. Control your attention – It help me to be focus and goal oriented thereby making by success my watch word and help others to be focus in live by teaching them the power of concentration and putting all our eggs in one basket until the eggs are fully developed to our desired goals.

e. Think accurately – It has thought me how not to jump in actions but rather ponder and evaluate on issues properly so as to be able to separate facts from opinions. This helps me to be concise and precise as well rational in my decision making. Thereby avoiding problems and diffulties. Every day of my live I take time out to think and meditate properly and teach others same.

f. Cultivate creative vision – It will help me to link with the infinite intelligence through my subconscious mind to create ideas to impact my world. So now find time out to really brainstorm on daily basis.

g. Use applied faith – It help to be absolutely believe in power of the almighty regardless of the circumstance, I should keep hope high and learn to back my desires up with action, action, action and not just intention.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“If you can see an opportunity as quickly as you can see the faults of others, you will soon succeed” It is really important because it has thought me to spend my time on productive venture, instead of finding faults I should find creative solutions.

“There is no scarcity of opportunity; there is only a shortage of imagination” Only if can seat down to think and make good use of my mind, opportunities will be readily available the way air is available to all.

“The value of the wealth that comes with success is that it carries with it the lesson you have learned in acquiring it” What I know and practically applied to attain results will forever be part of me even when the result is collected from me.

“No single mind is complete; no one person can answer every question. But two or more minds, united behind a definite major purpose and working in harmony to achieve it, will accomplish great things”. It is important because, two better heads are better than one. For me to attain success in life I need to work with people whose minds are geared towards the same definite desire in life.

“Our real wealth is the intangible power of thought”. Every great attainment in life all product of thought. Thought produce things and create wealth if back up with action, determination and purposeful direction.

“Our most precious natural resource is not our mineral deposit or our beautiful forests. It is the mental attitude and the imagination of the people of every generation who have mixed experience with education to deliver goods and services that improve the lives of both Nigerians/Americans and people around the world”. The mental attitude and imagination of people is the engine room of every development and transformation.

“If you make your prayers an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessings you already have, instead of requests for things you do not have, you will obtain results much faster” My complain detain my blessings but constant thanksgiving to God makes my tank of desires full beyond my imagination and expectations.

“The price of self-reliance is eternal vigilance in applying your faith” Until I standout inside, it is not possible to standout outside.

“Render more and better service than you are paid for, and sooner or later you will receive compound interest for your investment” I will become indispensable to people around when I do more and more work regardless of pay.

“Going the extra mile is a way of writing yourself an insurance policy against the fear of poverty, against the fear of want, and against competition from those who only half way” If only I can go the extreme in rendering services and in doing all I want to do, then my destiny becomes a must manifestation within a space if time.

“Sometimes the hardest person to get along with is the one who uses your toothbrush, the same one you see in the mirror every morning” If I can fix myself definitely I will fix my life and world – how I think determine how and what I pick.

“Trust yourself, and you will always have someone to rely on” If I cannot convince myself, no one can convince me no matter the persuasion from the other end.

“One good deed a day will keep old man gloom away – an idle mind quickly becomes a negative mind” If I can only get myself busy daily in accordance to my definite major purpose, than I cannot be beaten in life.

“Excite the imaginations of others; inspire their creative vision; help them connect with infinite intelligence” Helping others in life also attract help to myself regardless of the circumstance around me.

“The mind of an accurate thinker is an eternal question mark” Answers will only come to when I ask creative questions.

“Failure and pains are one language through which nature speaks to every living creature, pointing mistakes – realize that the turning point at which you begin to attain success is usually defined by some form of defeat or failure” Failure and challenges is channel to my blessings and never the end of the tunnel.

“Our strength grows out of our weakness. Not until we are pricked and stung and sorely shot at, awakens the indignation which arms itself with secret forces. A great man is always willing to be little. While he sits on the cushion of advantages he goes to sleep. When he is push, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something; he has been put on his wits; on his manhood; he has gained facts; learned from his ignorance; been cured of the insanity of conceit; has go moderation and real skill.” Experience of life is product of life encounter, and most of our encounters are product of defeat and failure. Which are the sources of our strength in life?

“Body builders know that it isn`t enough just to jerk the barbell up; it has to be returned to its original position twice as slowly as it was raised” Resistance, persistence and endurance are important to life achievement like yoke is to egg.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Yes! I do not understand what the author met by Rhythms and waves of live in Page 174.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are lots of great exercises in the book, I have complete some while others are ongoing and they are indeed interesting and helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I learnt these following lessons and they were indeed great and impactful; Never eat while angry, frightened, or worried – your body is simply not in a position to make use of the food when it is on a defensive footing. It is not proper to eat when I am angry, worried and frightened, because the food will not make any difference in your body.Mind-body soundness depends on nature, learn to work with nature and never fight nature Everything on earth is under the influence of the environment and the environment is governed by nature. And for anybody to succeed in life he or she must work in accordance to the law of nature. Success is something you create for yourself, not something others steal from you. The multiple Management plan By Charlse P. McCormick. This management technique By Charlse P. McCormick has helped me in knowing how to carry everybody along and generate ideas from all workers on ways to promote an organization. It is simply all about setting up a board of director for the junior workers. My enthusiasm makes team members to believe more in the teamwork. The level of my energy to my term, will determine the kind of energy and commitment other term members will put into the term.You should anticipate your associate’s needs and act before they even recognize them. It has thought me to also think ahead to solve my friend’s needs and assist them in forging ahead in life. Make yourself so useful that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to replace you. It has thought me to strive to be the best in anything I do. Because I cannot be loaded and not be needed.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



How to Win Friends and Influence People
Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author’s main idea in this book is the tips and strategies on human relationship. He thus provides means with which one can better improve his relationship with others and become center of attraction to people. Nonetheless the book anchor on how to deal with people, attract people to yourself, build a great home, above all bring the best out of people as well as effecting change without offending people. More so, is all about building a great, productive relationship that make one a positive authority.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The followings are the seven most striking ideas and lessons to me in this book:

A. If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive.

This is important to me because it has taught me that to have people around me; I have to attract them to myself via good character and approach as well as my regard towards my fellow man. In my personally live it has help in placing value and importance on people thereby attracting them to myself.

B. Criticism is a dangerous spark

A spark that is liable to cause an explosion in the powder magazine of pride – an explosion that sometimes hastens death. This point is important to me too because it has awaken my consciousness that criticism is totally bad and I should refrain from it if I must attract people to myself. In my personal live on daily basis I try to avoid condemning and criticizing my fellow man. This, in a much more practical term has improved my relationship with people around me in school and it also contributed immensely towards the success in my departmental election as the President. My opponent spent all his time condemning me while I told the students in my department that I am not perfect and if they vote for me in spite of my imperfection, I will represent their interest at my expense.

C. I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.

This idea and lesson is vital to me because it has taught me that my standing in life will become better if I can make others to stand well via words of encouragement and sincere appreciation. By the grace of God I am an encourager and this idea has improved me in this area to do more on daily basis. I try as much as possible to motivate and encourage people around not because am being paid doing it, but because it gives me joy unlimited each time I do it, and I am now hungry for more now that I have come across this idea and lesson.
D. The only way I can get you to do anything is by giving you what you want.

That the only way on earth to influence the other fellow is to talk about what he wants and show him how to get it. This idea is of great importance to me simply because; I now know that the only way to make other people give me what I want is to first make them get what they want. Meaning if I can help them grow, I will grow beyond bounds. If I can show them the way then my own way will be clearer and void of difficulties. Since I came across this wonderful lesson from this great book, I do everything possible to ensure that I make others get what they really want from live and it has indeed pay me than the old style of self centeredness.

E. You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

“When you see a group photograph that you are in whose picture do look for first?” I now know that what makes life interesting is the genuine interest I have in others. So if I want other people to hang around me I should first have their interest at heart. With this on daily basis, I try to put my fellow man first in all that I do. This has really made me live a less trouble live. Some recently ask for something from me, and what he was asking of will not be enough for both of us and I decided to give him everything and made a statement “you first before me” this words has strengthen our relationship and made him to believe me more. I now enjoy more respect from him now.

F. A man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in the English language.

I never knew the importance of remembering people’s names not until I came across this particular point. The illustration attach to it in the book on how election was won by merely remembering names woke me up to start working on myself. So what I now do each time I meet people is to crack a joke and save the joke in my memory to enable me remember the name when the need arises. This I do daily and it has really improved the names I have in my memory.

G. I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way under high heaven to get the best of an argument – and that is to avoid it.

Avoid it as you would avoid rattlesnakes and earthquakes. To be honest here, I sometimes argue with people. But when I came across this lesson, I have started working on myself to put a stop to it. What I did was to add to my vision board of what to stop doing that I read to myself daily before leaving the house every morning and it has really put me under check. As such I do everything possible this now to completely avoid argument.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive. Practically, it has made me to do things that are pleasing to people in order to make them come around me without finding fault.

A man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in the English language. Practically I have task myself to always call people by their names. As a result of this, a very close friend Eric Okpara has commended me time without number that I am good at remembering people’s names. It has really helped me in making friends in live.

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Practically, this lesson has helped me in developing praise for my fellow man. I praise people and as such raise them via my praise thereby showing interest in them. This has boosted my relationship with people and makes me popular amidst people. I often use this capture “I will protect your interest at my expense.”

Criticism is a dangerous spark – a spark that is liable to cause an explosion in the powder magazine of pride – an explosion that sometimes hastens death. Practically this idea has been labeled in my consciousness that it is evil to condemn and criticize people irrespective of what they might have done. My ability to make people around me know that there is room for them to improve each time they make mistake has really brought more people my way.

I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way under high heaven to get the best of an argument – and that is to avoid it. Avoid it as you would avoid rattlesnakes and earthquakes. Practically on daily basis, this idea has helped me in avoiding argument and it has really aided me in preserving my energy, thereby becoming a listener and not talker.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.”

It is the joy in a man’s heart that makes him wants to accept anything in live. This statement is important to me because it expose me to a very great secret of getting people to respect and being with me. That if only I can do what people like then they will always want to hang around me.

“A great man shows his greatness said Carlyle by the way he treats little men.”

The value I place on value regardless of their size and status will indeed make other people want to hang around me. This idea is peculiar to me because it makes me develop the habit of everybody great.

“The man who can put himself in the place of other men, who can understand the workings of their minds, need never worry about what the future has in store for him.”

This quotation got my attention simply because it makes me to be people base and not self base in live.

“It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.”
According to a dog proverb “You fall for me, I fall for you live becomes interesting.” In order word, nothing will ever be interesting if you are not interested. The quotation is important to me because it makes me understand the importance of developing kin and genuine interest on my fellow man.

“A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”

Prior before now I never known that when I argue with somebody and the person decided to fall to my will is never a sign of acceptance but a sign to let me be so we can all rest and stop arguing. This quotation is indeed striking to me because it has exposed me to a fact that argument does not change the will and opinion of a man. So I have learnt to stay of argument completely in my life.

“Men must be taught as if you taught them not. And things unknown proposed as things forgot – Be wiser than other people, if you can but do not tell them so”

The revelation I got here is that I should get the necessary defense but rather look loose like someone has no defense.

“The purest joy is the malicious joy we take in the misfortunes of those we have envied.”

“The reason why rivers and seas receive the homage of the hundred mountain streams is that they keep below them. Thus they are able to reign over all the mountain streams. So the sage, wishing to be above men, putteth himself below them; wishing to be before them, putteth himself behind them. Thus, though his place be above men, they do not feel his weight; though his place be before them, they do not count it an injury.”

What I got from this quotation is nothing but humbleness and ability to play low and be accommodating to people always.

“Success in marriage is much more than a matter of finding the right person; it is also a matter of being the right person.”

There is really no point trying to change my world without first changing myself. Until I work on self, I will do less in live.

“Courtesy is that quality of heart that overlooks the broken gate and calls attention to the flowers in the yard beyond the gate.”

I am sorry will never cause any form of war but rather make peace reign amidst brethren. Little things matters, it is the compilation of the little that makes the great. So greatness is nothing when we cannot add little together. When a man lacks character, he usher disaster into his life.

“Show respect for the other man’s opinion. Never tell a man he is wrong.”
There is nothing that is as bad as destroying the image of a fellow man. If someone air against you making him or her know by correcting him or her maturely and never to make him look stupid because of his mistakes.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I beg to disagree with the author’s idea that out of the things that break marriage, sex is the major factor that curses divorce these days. Can we talk about sex in marriage when LOVE is not completely present? Can we talk about sex in marriage when the man is not leaving up to his responsibilities as the man of the house financially? If genuine LOVE in lacking and lagging, and the man is financially lacking and lagging. There is really no way sex can be valued and enjoy that can build and keep marriage.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Honestly, there are no direct exercise contain in the book. But I am really working hard on my own to personally practice the tips, strategies and formula for attracting people. Things like; don’t argue, put others interest first, don’t give direct command but rather put it in question or suggestion format, pay attention to little things, be courteous, don’t criticize anybody, respect other peoples opinion, read good books on marriage, learn to see things from the other person’s point of view as well as your own, encourage and sincerely appreciate people, make the other person feel important etc.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I will like to comment on the important of writing a good letter. The book “How to win friends and influence people” has expose me to the need as well as the way of writing an attractive letter that will boost sales and make my recipient do whatever I am asking from him. The book has made me to know that in writing letter, regardless of my status in business and live I should always take my recipient in high esteem, value and worth. This will make him to do anything and everything for me. This indeed is a secret in business correspondence. Now that I know, I will start to apply it to its fullest.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Giant Steps

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author mainly talked about decision making and its consequences in my life. The power of action and focus. He further elaborated on the power of questions, global metaphors, Transformational Vocabulary, value system, rules, Neuro-Associative Conditioning, mastery system in relationship, health, finance as well as code of conduct and contribution.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. It is not what we do once in a while that counts, but our consistent actions. And the father of all is decision. Muscles get stronger with use, and so it is with your decision-making muscles.

This idea is so striking to me because I have being made to understand that what I personally do continuously and persistently regardless of the obstacles of life I will certainly become authority in. this hole sway in my life because at a time in my life I decided to pursue knowledge in the area of Management, Strategy, Leadership, Business/Investment and Mind Development. This by the grace of God I have being consistently pushing and sailing with. And today, I might not be a Professor yet in the above subjects, but surely I am not a quack. This decision I can say is indeed powerful and helpful.

ii. There is a huge difference between achieving to be happy and happily achieving.

The revelation beneath this idea is amazing so much more that the very moment it neat me, I sudden realize where I have being missing it. As such I had to trace my step. To wait to achieve before I am happy is indeed a dangerous path to sail in life but rather to always be happy while working through my achievement journey. It pays to be happy while achieving than to wait for happiness until after achievement. The after math effect this revelation to me is that my joy/happiness has know no bound achievement or no achievement.

iii. Obstacles are merely a call to strengthen your resolve to achieve your worthwhile goals.

The lesson from this idea is that, in pursuant of my goals in life, there are bound to be challenges and when these challenges persist it is simply time to change my approach to the way and manner I handle things. That every fight I confront qualifies me to handle higher fight that will push me into a higher level in life. Personally, I had issue in gaining admission into higher institution, and I refuse to aspect that but rather insist on what I wanted. Today, to the glory of God I am a graduate. My experience in this regards has really made me a tougher person today.

iv. To get what you want, you must discover what is preventing you from taking action.

This particular idea is thought provoking indeed. It has unraveled whole lot of insights to me. It suddenly done on me that until I confront what is confronts me, I will remain conquered. If I cannot identify the issue, I will remain an issue in life. Personally I notice procrastination and family platform of the pass and I have being on top of the matter to the glory of God, I am getting better by the day as I see myself achieving results and progressing.

v. Instead of asking, how can I avoid doing this painful task? Ask, if I don’t take action now, what will this ultimately cost me?

There are really no excuses in where, but rather I should always be mindful of the consequences of me not doing with I am suppose to do as at when due. It done on me at a time in my life that if I don’t handle procrastination I will certainly end up not being the global trainer, coach, consultant, strategist, business icon/investor, leader and a motivation speaker and adviser. The moment I started handling things head on with actions after taking decisions has really change my life no doubt. Brilliant I will say!

vi. Revolutionize your life by creating a new meaning for a past experience and the Neuro – Association Conditioning (NAC) concept. The simple powerful six step strategy for producing lasting change.

What this idea has revealed to me is that I must learn not to allow my old experiences in life govern me wrongly in acting today. That whatever those things are, I should create new meaning for them for me to enjoy fresh and positive experiences using Neuro-Association Conditioning (NAC) concept as propounded by the author Anthony Robbins. The six powerful strategies for producing this lasting change are as follows;

State clearly what you really want. (most people focus on what they don’t want)

Get leverage. (make change a must)

Interrupt the limiting pattern. (break the habit’s ‘’hold’’ on you)

Create a new and empowering alternative. (You can’t just stop a behavior or an emotion; you must replace it.

Condition it – until it’s a new habit.

Test it. Make sure it works.

Personally I have being adopting and practicing these concepts since I finish reading this book and I will continue to do so because these concepts are indeed insightful and helpful to me.

vii. Kaizen concept – Japan CANI (Constant And Never ending Improvement)

Kaizen concept which was also interpreted as CANI (Constant And Never ending Improvement) by Anthony Robbins is very striking because it tells me the importance of learning, relearning and unlearning. Permanent and constant improvement on daily basis in all facet of my life especially the things I have clearly stated out as aspirations and vision.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

It is not what we do once in a while that counts, but our consistent actions. And the father of all is decision. Muscles get stronger with use, and so it is with your decision-making muscles. It has helped me in my daily life to take consistent action after arriving on decisions.

There is a huge difference between achieving to be happy and happily achieving. This lesson has thought me to always be happy in whatever I am doing. When I am happy it will certainly help me to see the world as a good place and deal with people happily.

Obstacles are merely a call to strengthen your resolve to achieve your worthwhile goals. The lesson has thought for to always be resolute and strong in times of challenges that they only make be stronger and better in life. In my daily life, I have being able to adopt a never ever give up mentality which has helped me a great deal.

To get what you want, you must discover what is preventing you from taking action. I have learnt the concept of dealing with the root (cause) of any matter, not the effect. This has actually aided to in better handling problems and I am better for it today no doubt.

Instead of asking, how can I avoid doing this painful task? Ask, if I don’t take action now, what will this ultimately cost me? I have simply learnt to always consider the consequences and implications of me not doing what I ought to do. When I understand this, I will certainly see one million reasons to go all out for action. This spirit has revolutionize person so much more that my thinking now is that if I don’t contribute to the development of myself, people and my nations the consequences is that I will not growth. To this effect, I see myself being a reformist and positive information coach to the betterment of all.

Revolutionize your life by creating a new meaning for a past experience and the Neuro – Association Conditioning (NAC) concept. The simple powerful six step strategy for producing lasting change. The idea has known me to essence and how to change and give new positive meanings to my old experiences. When I refuse to allow my old encounters and experiences rule my life, I stand the chance of behaving better to all and experience a much more productivity life.

Kaizen concept – Japan CANI (Constant And Never ending Improvement). Improvement, never stop improving. When I am better as a result of improve knowledge, I will certainly do things with ease. Deal with people better and become a better and improve version of solution to my nation.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Courage unused diminishes commitment, unexercised wanes, passion unexpressed dissipates.”

The gift that I have and fail to maximize will certainly not lift me in life.

“People with impoverished vocabularies live emotionally impoverished lives. People with rich vocabularies have a multi-hued palette of colors with which to paint their life’s experience for themselves and others.”

What I speak of myself will certainly tell if my life will speak or stink. If my mind is rich and talk riches then I will reach it. For life to be sweet I must confess, profess to progress in that direction.

“Just because you don’t see immediate results, it doesn’t mean you are not making progress.”

That the rock of my life hasn’t chip doesn’t means it can’t split in pieces. I must keep chipping, soonest I will start sipping positive juice. It is the ultimate result that really matter, and in getting it, I shouldn’t allow the little results of today deter me.

“The best time to handle a negative emotion is when you first begin to feel it.”

Any form of negative emotion that arises in life should and must be immediately nip on the board by immediately changing pattern, because if I fail to deal with situations that are making me uncomfortable, often they will grow into fear.

“We can’t control the wind or the rain or the other vagaries of weather. But we can tack our sail such that we can steer the course we desire.”

I should never border myself over things that I cannot control. But rather put my energy on things that works for me and are in my control.

“Don’t look for heroes. Be one!”

Stop looking for world changers, be the change you want and others will definitely change. If the world is not changing and improving is simply because I am not changing and improving in all spheres.

“The history of the world is simply a chronicle of the deeds of small number of ordinary people who had extraordinary levels of communication.”

When you carry out a novel and noble task consistently irrespective of challenges, soon or later massive impact will be birthed. More so, large solutions start with individuals who take small but consistent actions that build into worldwide change.

“Saving money is a worthwhile goal, but by itself it won’t bring you economic abundance.”

Economic abundance is birth via savings converted into investment, investment multiplied via compounded interest over time.

“Go put your creed into your deed.”

“Don’t just talk, give flesh to your talk by garnishing it with action. Action and action is what differentiate champions from dumpers.

“In order to produce the most profound and rapid improvements in the quality of your life, you must shift, change or expand your identity.”

When the identity of a man is faulty his personality will certainly suffers certain draw back. And nothing destroys like puncture personality.

“Every day above ground is a great day!”

No matter what thanks giving must be taken as a life style, if we must leave as a star in life.

“Decision making is nothing but values clarification.”

Our rules and values should be right otherwise proper decision will be hindered.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Honestly, no. I am okay with the entire message in this book.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there are so many exercises in the book for readers. Personally I am already on top of some particularly the use of right metaphors, transformational vocabulary and changing of patterns and transforming old experiences into new positive experience. While others will be looked into thereafter. The book is indeed helpful and insightful and revelations loaded.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The 5 steps to financial mastery: These steps are revolutionary sequel to this;

The ability to create wealth. If can find a way to increase the value of what I do by at least ten to fifteen times, then I can easily increase my income.

Maintain your wealth – the only way I do this is to simply spend less than I earn, and invest the difference.

Increase my wealth – spend less than I earn, invest the difference and reinvest my returns for compounded growth.

I should and must learn to protect my wealth at all times.

And enjoy my wealth.

“How did I get so lucky to have you in my life.”

The above excerpt was lifted from the relationship section of the book. To be honest and modest here, as at the time of reading this book, my relationship was facing little challenge. My girl and I were doing things from the surface holing to certain issues. But when I came across this striking insight it done on me that I have failed in my responsibility of praising and complimenting her. I forwarded it to her as a text. Seven hours later she called me and appreciated me and that was how we settle our differences. What an amazing day!

“Create memorable experience.”

The thanks giving memory Anthony Robbins uses his four years old son, Jairek to deliver a basket of food on thanks giving to a homeless man. Who after collecting the basket of food appreciated Jairek and kiss Jairek on his hand. To me this memory is indeed a massive positive reference that will make whole lot difference in the life of Jairek. I will embark on this act soonest!

“The concept of moving-towards value and moving away from value.”

This concept simply talked about identification of my life values that will help me to achieve my vision and aspirations (moving-towards value) while (moving away from values) are those things that can hinder me from achieving my goals, vision and aspirations. The author made me to understand that in mapping these values, I must ensure that they are orderly listed in accordance to their importance or hindrances to me. And care must be taken not to contradict myself. Because this is a striking factor that influence vital decisions in life.

“The single most important step in weeding the garden of our minds is to interrupt our limiting patterns.”

To the above excerpt, I learnt that the point below will help me to create better pictures of my situations. They are as follows:

See situation as it is (don’t see it as worse than it is)

See it better than it is

Make it the way you see it!

“Knowing what to do is not enough, you must do what you know.”

The blessings of God are embedded with conditions. So if you fail to do or play your own part, the blessings will certainly elude you. As such, no matter what you know, if you don’t put them to use. The benefits are certainly not come. Action is the key word and password to results in life.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The New Dynamics of Winning

Assessment by Japheth Erenven Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book, the New Dynamics of Winning by Denis Waitley, a Lecturer and former head of the mental training program of the U.S. Olympic Committee’s Sports Medicine Council. The book according to Denis Waitley simply looked at athletic theories and how they relate to success in business and personal life. In this upbeat, pragmatic guide. Denis Waitley outlines a program for tapping one’s inner resources and abilities to achieve more than one ever thought possible. Citing examples drawn from sport and business, he recommends breaking down major goals into 90-day-long mini-goals, which can also be divided into sub goals. Offering advice on preventive physical and mental health care, he emphasizes such stress-reducing, confidence-building techniques as positive self talk, short statements of praise and advice for repeating during moments of pressure, talked about thinking like a champion if you really want to be one, to transform ability into tangible accomplishment, doing more than you or anyone else thought possible. He concludes with a 21-day plan for establishing and accomplishing specific personal goals.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Champions don’t shrink from risk. Champions know that the greatest risk is doing nothing and that real security is derive from constantly testing your potential.The striking message to me here is simply determination, never to allow the heat of life hinder me. “Strom makes the root of a tree stronger.” To this effect, I have personally activated determination in my daily life.

ii. The three most important traits of a winner; common sense, knowing my field and self-reliance.

This idea is key sequel to the three core message. In my personal life I am doing all it takes for me to know/learn all that I can in leadership, management, Business/Entrepreneurship, content and concept development, Creativity and innovation. Believe in myself and always be strategic at all times by simply asking myself “what can always go wrong in every decision or plan.”

iii. Every goal can be achieved, but first it must be broken down into a series of sub goals.

This idea is key because of the insight I got from it. “Tactics is the motherboard of strategy’’. For me to attain a whole, I must first attain part. To this effect, setting of daily goal has become non negotiable in my daily life because it is the engine room of my success.

iv. If success has an entry fee, the cost is total commitment.

Powerful idea indeed! It made me to realize that whatever I am not committed to will really not produce result for me and as such, commitment has become one of my watch word after laying my hand of this great piece by Denis Waitley.

v. The truth is that I can never win if my concept of success depends upon the perfect performance.

Incredible one again! Is so because I have being made to know for sure that if I wait for everything to fall in place before I act, I will never reach my palace take less more become the king that I am. Sequel to this, I don’t tell people especially my boss that I do not know whatever I am ask to do. I quickly rush to you-tube to get a video, learn and never wait for me to become a professional to act. “there is simply no perfect time in the journey of life.”

vi. Never punish for mistake, managers must ask subordinates “what can I do for you.”

This idea has thought as a leader, I should not be quick to condemn. But always look for means to assist my subordinates. The simple moral is that it has a way of boosting the workers ego. It has therefore become part of me to ask people in my daily life.

vii. The mind cannot tell the difference between a real experience and one that has been vividly and repeatedly imagined. The brain accepts and reacts automatically to the information it receives in the form of pictures, sounds or feelings.

The above idea was key to me because whatever I feed my mind with, I feel and if my feeling is not positive per time, I will endanger my entire life. To this effect in my daily life, I have design a vision board to it that whatever will not help achieve my ultimate goal, is not a gold and as such is not worthy to think about.

viii. Mental toughness is the ability to thrive on pain and adversity. When it starts to hurt, I start to win.

What a word! When problem comes, I should be convinced the more to left my triumph no matter what. I now know about with a winner mindset every day of my life irrespective of the wave of life.

ix. Parent should teach children that winning is the result of effort/hard work, much more than ability/talents.

When I came across this idea about what American and Asian parents think about their children. It dawn on me deeply that it is duty and beauty that put money in people’s pockets. No wonder Bishop David Oyedepo said “if you are not ready to work hard, be ready for hard life.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

To become a risk taker and not just risk bearer in my everyday life

To become more strategic, acquire more knowledge and information about my profession and to be resolute and firm with self no matter the challenge.

Has helped me to realize the efficacy of sub goals toward the attainment of a whole goal in my daily life.

Has made me realize that if I am not dedicated to my life pursuit, I will definitely be relegated from life. So commitment is key, if I must keep greatness.

My message here is that the only perfect time in life is to begin with what you have even with errors, colors will sooner or later come from above because God has a way of using imperfect people, if their willingness is intact. After all, He turn Moses the stammerer into a star man.

The lesson here to my everyday life is that, leadership is all about service and nothing more. As such it has become mandatory to me to always stoop for others to stand especially my subordinates and followers.

To feed my mind well, then I will feel well and when I feel speak, I will speak and in turn do well in life. What I do with my mind will either make me enjoy miracles or obstacles.

This idea has invariably made me to understand that if my mind is not tough and ragged often to stand the fire of life I will be fired from life. As such standing strong in times of turbulence is key.

Greatness and success as well as significance is not only a product of talent. But an interplay of both talent and hard work. Especially hard work, because nothing makes a man worthy in life like hard work.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Outstanding accomplishment depends upon effective self management and total self mastery.”

If I cannot coordinate self, then I cannot coordinate success. Failure to manage self will automatically make me leave for less.

“There was no time to lose, only time to get ready to win to put on my winning shoes.”

“Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is called experience.”

I should never be deter by turbulence, they are not but my teachers.

“There is no reward in anything unless you try.”

I should forget result, when I didn’t write any examination.

:Champions are born, but they can be unmade by their perceptions and responses. Losers are not born to lose. They only programmed that way by their own perceptions and decisions.”

My greatness is a product of my mindset. This is why by the grace of God I am putting up an organization call “My-mind-set My-asset Foundation” to help build right mindset among youths via reading as well foster leadership, Business/Entrepreneurship, Content and Concept development, Creativity/Innovation, Investment/Financial Intelligence and community development.

“Integrity is non situational, but it is absolute.”

If I am not a person of integrity, I should forget about it.

“High expectations are the key to everything.” What I don’t expect or desire, am not permitted to collect.

“What happened earlier has absolutely no influence on what happens today unless you choose to let it.”

I learned here to allow the past be past and not to allow it rule my today. Otherwise it will rein my tomorrow.

“Bend with the wind, you will still be around when the hurricane passes and the good weather returns.”

Following with the trend is never a symbol of foolishness, but wisdom if you must be alive to continue the journey of life.

“What appears aggressive and hard is in fact easily broken when what appears soft and patient is really strong.”

Patient is a virtue, but my patient enough to be patient in life.

“It is not who you are that hold you back, it is what you think you are not.”

Based on what I gat, I learned that I am too ok to achieve greatness.

“If anything went wrong, I did it. If it went semi good, then we did. If anything went real good, then you did it.”

People are the greatest resources, as such accord them that importance and learnt to always recognize them at all times.

“Winning is taking the talent and potential you were born with, developing it and using it fully towards a purpose that makes you feel worthwhile.”

I learned that my gifting, talents and potential are really baseless if they are not geared towards solving human problems in life.

“To travel hopefully is to better thing than to arrive.”

I learned to make the process of my life fun and positive.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I really do not understand this particular statement as well as the message the author is trying to pass “don’t embrace the idea that you need to come from behind in order to get ahead.”

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, especially the 21 days exercise which is indeed helpful and inspiring. I have completed some of the exercise and they were all helpful. Thanks IIGL.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Promises should not be lightly given unless I want them lightly received.

I should keep my words, very key.

Always be prepared for sudden change.

Life will not always deliver what I demand. I should be equipped for any surge.

Winners depend upon L.U.C.K: L – Laboring; U– Under; C- Correct; K-Knowledge and the correct knowledge must have to come from me.

VMBR concept. Where:

V – Visual

M – Motor

B – Behavioral

R – Rehearsal. There are two types of VMBR; Receptive and Programmed Visualization Technique.

The above concept has simply unveil certain techniques on thinking and improving my thought live.

Life is never just being, it is becoming and creating.It is not enough for me to come, I owe my generation the responsibility of producing something in form of my brain child for to enjoy.

The key to genuine and authentic leadership is to listen to my followers and then open my door for them to lead themselves. The secret is empowerment. The main incentives are genuine caring and recognition.

Leadership is all about empowerment, genuine care and recognition.

Power multiplies only when I share it. Real power comes by empowering others.

Sharing of power and empowering other is a way to provoke a positive change.

When I am in the presence of a genuine authority in my industry, I should learn to think less about talking and more about listening. And when I hear something directed at me, I should take it seriously and act upon it.

I don’t have to know everything, as long as I know people who know the things I don’t know. Learn as much as you can and then find others who know even more. I should learn about my industry, customers and profession.

Networking is a great habit and skill that I must cultivate if I must foster growth in my life.

Please rate the following questions on a scale of 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Real Magic

Assessment by Japheth Erenven Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The real magic written by Wayne W. Dyer is a 335 pages book, originally published in 1992 by HarperCollins Publishers in New York. The author recaps the major tenets of New Age thinking power meditation, unified field theory, mind-body healing, and prosperity consciousness, to name a few. ‘’Real magic’’ according to Dyer, is the seemingly miraculous response of the environment to a unity of purpose and belief in the individual. Whatever you believe, he says, you will create both within and outside yourself. In this inspirational classic, Dyer reveals seven beliefs central to working miracles in our everyday lives. From “creating a miracle mind-set” and achieving change in the areas of personal health, prosperity, personal identity and fulfilling love relationships to believing in the magic of miracles on a global scale. Therefore the book basically talked about body, mind and spirit, psychology and self-help affirmations.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The striking ideas to me after reading the book are as follow:

i. The world is not to be put in order, the world is order incarnate. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this order.

It is important to me because it has made me understand that there is nothing wrong with the world, if things are not sailing well for me, I should check myself/thought. This I have taken up personally in my everyday life.

ii. Purpose is always about giving, when you experience giving, serving, loving and promoting harmony you will feel the difference within yourself.

I have learned that when am not giving, I am wasting my mandate and that I am not on earth to compete with anybody but rather cooperate with all in love and harmony, peace and forgiveness. As such, one of my daily watch word peace to self and peace to all.

“The message of my life is in what I give. I show up with nothing, I leave with nothing. All I truly can do with this life in form is to give it away.”

It is vital because I now know that giving, giving and giving is the core to my meaningful existence.

“The wrong turn leading to a new and unexpected place is an opportunity to grow.”

It is useful because its revealed to me that there is always something new, novel and helpful to learn from every situation weather pleasant or not. Personally I now open up myself to learning from any circumstance I find myself on daily basis.

“I know that am a soul with body, and that my soul is beyond limits and defies birth and death. It is not governed by any of the rules and regulations that govern the physical universe.”

It made me to know that I am more of an invisible force/spirit and as such the physical norms have nothing to do with my progress and effectiveness in life, work, business, relationship. To this effect, I now personally align more with my invisible self via meditation on daily basis which has indeed aid my flow and creativity.

“A spiritual being is focused on empowering himself and others to higher and higher levels of consciousness and achievement.”

It is important because I now know that the world will be a much better place if everybody operates in the spiritual consciousness level. When all live their life purposefully crime and other negative things will be put under controlled. To this effect, it has become part of me to enlighten others in order for all to grow. That is the reason why I now post IIGL membership invitation on group “Business Tactics Academy”and other places for other to come learn.

“Real magic occurs in your life when you have eliminated the hatred that is in your life, even the hatred that you have against hatred.”

Hatred within and hatred outside kills and retardates progress and flow. I never can align productively with my invisible self with bitterness and hatred. Today, I have developed absolute and instant forgiveness no matter what.

“All that I fight weakens me and all that I am for, empowers me.”

It pays to focus on what I am for that empowers me rather than embarking on unproductive venture. Personally, I have chosen empowerment. Anything that is not empowering is not worth my time.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

That order is an internal thing. It lays in my hands to put myself in order. When I am in order things will certainly be in order with me and as such help me not to be in chaos with self and the world at large.

That my purpose here on earth is to live for others, giving, loving and forgiveness is key. When I live for others unconditionally peace will reign and conflict will be minimized in the world.

That every wrong bend is an avenue to analyze new opportunities and not to die in regret and worry. This mind-set will has help me reduce worry and regrets and as such when I worry less, joy will certainly flow from me and others in the world which will in turn make our world a much more better place to reign in.

That I am a spirit being and spirit has no limit. This has indeed increased my consciousness of unlimited possibilities that I can access in this world. Imagine if everybody run and flow in this frequency, controlled and competition mind-set will be disabused.

Hatred kills flow, hatred kills the person housing it, hatred kills productivity, and hatred makes self miserable. Replacing it with love pays and work out the real magic for me. So when I love all and flow with all with love, definitely the world will be lovely to live in.

That the world will be better when I teach others the importance of invisible self consciousness. That the knowledge of higher self will be more productive when others know about. So I am preaching and spreading the knowledge.

That I should go for what empowers me in life. And encourage others to do same. Because when we are all empowered positive power will certainly from each of us to all of us in the world. This will translate into more peace, love, cooperation and harmony.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

These are the quotes that particularly got my attention in the book

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”

What I presently do not know is as a result of the fact that I have not made my mind to learn it. When I am ready, definitely my teacher will appear.

“Defining your miracle is the first step toward making it your reality.”

What I fail to define, I certainly cannot find in life. Until I ask for it, it wouldn’t come to me

“Anything that has been accomplished by any other human being in the physical realm is within the field of possibility.”

I can do anything life in as much as it has being done by someone else. I should never allow impossibility spirit run in my mind anymore.

“The ignorant work for their own profit, the wise work for the welfare of the world without thought for themselves.”

The door and arena of greatness only opens to the one who first think of satisfying others. Make the welfare of others your top most priority and prosperity will befriend you.

“You cannot attract prosperity to yourself, if you are filled with rancor, judgment, anger, jealousy, hatred, fear and tension.”

Love not bitterness, trust not doubt, peace not rancor, forgiveness not hatred, harmony not hatred, respect not control and cooperation not competition is the key to prosperity.

“Truly you are not going to get it all, you are it all already. You cannot create prosperity if you believe in lack.”

All I ever what to be is already in me. If I can think, act it, believe it, and work it. I will bring it into reality. My belief is the best processing machine that I have.

“Conflict cannot survive without our participation.”

This quote was indeed an eye opener to me! Conflict can only become conflict when I participate, what a word! Meaning we are the producers of conflict. Which means it can be stopped and eradicated if we choose to. This light is helpful and insightful to me.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Yes! This particular assertion “the secret to changing your life is in your intentions. Wishing, hoping and goal setting cannot accomplish change without intention.” By argument therefore is what is the different between wishing and intentions?

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes! Especially in the area of meditation, standing in front of the mirror and others. I have done them and they were indeed all interesting and helpful to me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes! Some of the quotes, lesson and insights are as follow;

“The non-spiritual being believes exclusively in a cause/effect interpretation of life. The spiritual being knows that there is a higher power working in the universe beyond mere cause and effect.”

Striking because it unveils the efficacy of the sixth sense/cosmic force to me and how to explore it.

“The authentic power is surrendering to that which is loving, harmonious and good in ourselves and not allowing for enemies in our consciousness.”

That to enjoy the real magic power, love and harmony must flow in me and from me.

“It is an alignment with our soul that is our very purpose for being here on earth.”

That when my life is not in accordance to my invisible self, then I am not fulfilling purpose.

“A heart begins beating within a mother’s womb six or seven weeks after conception and the entire process is one gigantic mystery to even our most sophisticated scientific minds.”

This revelation is really novel to me. And I really appreciate coming across this book “Real Magic.” On the other hand, this assertion shows that there are things that are beyond science. That is why I personally subscribe to the development of higher self consciousness.

“When you are green you grow, when you are ripe or dry, you rot.”

That I should always improve myself knowledge wise, loving, giving and forgiving. Because when I am not updated I will become outdated.

“That I am 99% invisible (thought and spirit), and only 1% form (the physical body that houses your soul).”

If I can win in my invisible realm (my thought) then everything I ever desire will come expressly because the spiritual controls the physical in all spheres.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his own dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected on common hours.”

If only can I think, do it and work in the direction of my desire, success is sure and certain.

“Just as the state of your life is a reflection of your state of mind, so too is the state of the world a reflection of our collective state of mind.”

The world is a web, somehow we are all connected to ourselves. What flows out of us as a world, we become. When peace flows out of all, peace will definitely flow through all to all.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

When there is a will, way must appear. The small of ants has nothing to do with their wondrous works, so long there is coordinated unit targeted at a well define positive goal. Cooperation and believe not withstanding small is a force.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Leadership for Dummies

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje Erenven (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Leadership for Dummies by Marshall Loeb & Stephen Kindel (1999) published by Wiley Publishing, Incorporated in Indiana. The book core message is what I tag the angles of leadership. Meaning leadership is eliciting the cooperation of others (followers), listening well, accepting responsibility and above all placing the needs of others above my own needs. In addition to this, the book also lay emphasis on term building and the techniques of building a result oriented term as well as avoiding pit falls to effective term in the work place.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Just because I take the lead, doesn’t mean that I will always be in the lead, because all leadership is temporary.

It made me know that it must not always for me. It can be anybody, and I have to respect that and cooperate with whomever that emerges leader per time. It basically reminded me of my school days when I missed a leadership position as the secretary general of my fellowship. I accepted it in good faith and cooperated my president even to the point that he became my frequent quest in a prayer group I was privilege to establish in my department.

ii. Intelligence is responding flexibly to situations.

It is striking to me because I now know that I must be ready to alter my plans when situation demand so. Sequel to this, I had to quickly alter a move of mine that has being taking a lot from me to execute. Flexibility is indeed a great curative because at times in life. You will not always get it the way you want it from life.

iii. No matter where people live, they have the same needs.

Irrespective of your color and size, as long you are breathing you have a need problem. Discovering these needs and how best to meet these needs to the advancement of humanity as well as how these needs are needed, makes me a good leader. My personal assignment since I discover this insight is to spot human needs.

iv. A leader’s most important job is the relentless search for the truth.

The message here to me is simply that most problems in the work place are not genuinely the problems. Most of the challenges we face in life still persist because of my inability to find out what is really the cause that gave birth to the prevailing problems. Sequel to this, every day of my life truth finding in every issue is what I seek.

v. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

If I want something from life I must have to give something that will propel it. Meaning if I covet leadership, I must have lead but first acquire leadership skill but practically and theoretically. I have to do good, to see good and enjoy good things.

vi. Stopping what you are doing to assign blame is one of the dangerous things a leader can do.

I learned here that to assign blame is simply to kill the moral of your followers especially doing it in the public. To this effect I don’t rebuke people in the open.

vii. Learn to like people.

It is important to me because I learnt that love is a key that makes life meaningful and lovely to live in. I now share love as much as I can in life since this light was shown to me during my studies.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Just because I take the lead, doesn’t mean that I will always be in the lead, because all leadership is temporary; it helps me to know that I must not always be me, that I should learn to create room for others.

Intelligence is responding flexibly to situations; be flexible at situation with myself, people and situation around be. No matter where people live, they have the same needs. Needs are the same in where in the world. Be need meeting conscious. A leader’s most important job is the relentless search for the truth. It will help me to always search for truth at all times

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing; when I don’t give something, I can’t get something. So I have learnt to always give to make things work. Stopping what you are doing to assign blame is one of the dangerous things a leader can do. To assign or apportion blame is to build bitterness in people’s mind. It has helped me know to abstain from assigning blame as a leader. Learn to like people; liking people irrespective of where they are from make things and life lovely to live in. love is key to positive existence.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The greatest force for the advancement of the human species is a great hope held in common.”

Working with people that believes and work together in one accord is one of the greatest thing that can happen in life.

“A vision is a doable dream based upon the realities of a group’s strength and resources.”

If my vision is properly define and interpreted and look real results are bound to happen.

“The greatest way to become persuasive is to stand for something that everyone wants, but that no one thinks is attainable.”

If people don’t want and like, whatever you do is mere time wastage.

“The solution to a problem lies in its definition.”

If a problem is not properly understood and interpreted by me, solving it will be very challenging.

“You become free by acting free.”

Whatever you think you don’t do or act upon will never come to you irrespective of how creative you are.

“Leading is about decision making and one of the decisions you can make is to let your team make the decision.”

I have learned to always consult others in my decision making process.

“Knowing what thou knowest not is in a sense omniscience.”

Meaning concentrate on finding out what you don’t know instead of showing off what you do know.

“Sometimes the way to break out doesn’t involve doing something that isn’t being done at all.”

I have learned to be effective not to always be unique. Because being unique and not being effective will not get me result.

“A new idea doesn’t have to be unique. It just has to be something that works.”

If my ideas are not working I should be cautious not necessarily be unique.

“A smart leader fills a team with individual who are strong where the leader is weak and delegate responsibility to those people.”

If my team members are not good in what I am not good at, I have failed as a leader. Lead by making your team members strengthen your weaknesses.

“The two most critical questions that should serve as a compass in a leader’s mind are; what am I expected to accomplish? What can I accomplish that is unexpected?”

If I cannot deliver beyond what I am expected to do, as a leader my impact will never be effect.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The entire message was crystal clear to me and I enjoy the leadership contents.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I am currently doing them and they are very helpful so far and I find interesting.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I am comfortable with everything that I read from the book.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8


Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Book Goal by Brain Tracy is simply about definition of a pressing desire as well as a specific thing one needs from life and to design result oriented steps on how to achieve the desire and do something about it on daily basis irrespective of life confrontations. More so, the book laid emphasis on purpose, convince self picture of a pressing desire, goal setting tips, discipline, attitude and personal development and value creation which is the mother board of wealth creation at all levels.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Know what you want and determine the price to pay to achieve it.

This particular insight drew my attention because it made me know that the establishment of my desire as well as doing all it takes to get them is very paramount if I must attain success in life.

ii. Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement – Tom Hopkins

The idea is key to me sequel to the fact that until I know what I want from life, life will never deliver it to me. Knowing my personal and life goal will grant me access into my gold if I do the needful in life.

iii. Write it down.

I have come to know that, there is a psychological force behind documenting whatever I want to do or pursue in life. Because if I can impress it in my mind long enough, I will certainly express it in life.

iv. The greatest enemies of success are negative emotions of all kinds, positive emotions empower and negative emotions dis-empower.

This idea is key to me because it has thought me the power of my emotion. That if I can control my emotions at all times, I will win in life because emotion is the mother board of my feelings and thoughts. If I win my emotions, I will win my thought and set my life in a positive direction.

v. Living without clear goals is like driving in a thick fog.

It is not enough to have goals. They must be clear if I must win in the journey of my destiny.

vi. The more responsibility I accept, the greater amount of control I feel and have, the happier I become.

This idea is powerful to me holding to fact that, I now know that one of my forceful propellers to the top is simply my ability to always accept responsibilities anywhere I find myself in life. Accepting responsibilities has indeed lifted ordinary people into the realm of extraordinary.

vii. When I realize what I really want from life, I will stop chasing butterflies and put me to work digging gold.

The striking moral here to me is that, most people in life are constituting nuisance because they are not doing what they originally are wired to do life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Sequel to the message gotten from this point, I now read and impress my goals almost every day and ensure I do at least one thing that will push me closer to the realization of them all in 2017. This first lesson has helped me in paying credence to goal setting in my life. To this effect, I pay special attention into working on my goals my daily basis irrespective of my confrontations.

The second lesson here to me is that, If I don’t write it down, I will forget and not get or enjoy the success and benefits I ought to get from it. As such I write down my goals as often as I can and always do something about them. Yes challenges are bond to arise in the journey of my life. But if I must attain greatness, the moral here is that I must maintain positive emotion. I should always thinks and feel right to invite right things into my life at all times. I must grow behold setting goals in life, my goals must be clear and convincing to me at all times in life if must attain success from life. To this end, I daily work on my goals to make it clear and clearer to me. Because the clearer my goals the easier it becomes to work towards actualizing them. Until I do it, I can never become an expert in it. If I don’t serve, then I do not deserve to become that which I sole desire in life. Accepting responsibilities has become my daily a must do task to all at all times.

The only one way to stop deceiving myself in life and stop chasing irrelevant things is to simply define something valuable in life and pursue it. This awakening has made me to firmly hold on to a curse that will be a blessing to myself and my generation.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“It is not what I know that hurt me. It is what I know that are not true.”

It is important to me because as a result of the insight, I have decided to always validate and test all information and knowledge available to me at all times. Because there are great difference between true and facts.

“There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honor too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.”

I must deliberately move forward, prepare myself towards where I want to be in life and learn to be patience.

“Save your pennies and the dollars will save themselves.”

Doing it beat by beat is the pathfinder of self miracles in life. Greatness has components. To become great I must deal with it beat by beat.

“Whatever the problem, define it several different ways before you attempt to solve it.”

What I cannot define in several ways will certainly not be easy to solve.

“Nurture your nature.”

Only of the way I can really build success in life is to great my empire around what I am naturally wired to do.

“What I do, how I do it and the difficulty of replacing me. Are the things that solely determine my income.”

I simply learned from this idea that I must be a person of great and irreplaceable value in life and my place of work.

“The more I give of myself with no expectation of return, the more that will come back to me from the most unexpected sources.”

Everything and anything I do in life are seeds. If I soul well, I will certainly reap well in life. As such on daily I do all I can to ensure I soul positive seeds to all around me because tomorrow really matters a great deal.

“All wealth comes from adding value, from producing more; better cheaper, faster and easier than someone else.”

Sequel to this I read at least two hours daily and attend seminars at least twice monthly as my agenda for the year 2017.

“Whatever is impressed, is expressed.”

The kind of thoughts I input into my mind on daily basis will definitely influence what I will show forth in life.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No I am perfectly okay with the entire message. They are helpful to me.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes and I am really doing justice to them all especially that which have to do with reviewing my goals daily and doing something about it daily.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes and they are as follows:

Three hundred and sixty degree (3600) degree analysis – this analysis has opened my eyes in knowing the perfect ways and means to ascertain how best I am performing in my place of work by designing questionnaires/survey for co-workers especially subordinates to fill and analyze by an external body (a consultant) to enable you know what people think about you and your job performance.

The theory of constraints by Eliyahu Goldrath – the theory is all about first knowing what will likely serve as an obstacles or constraints in doing a particular task. So when the obstacles are ascertain, steps are taken to first handle them first before adventuring. This concept will definitely eliminate possible confrontations that will hinder one’s successes in life. Very impressing and helpful to me.

Zero base thinking – it is about a thinking pattern that helps in designing possible ways of handling issues of life. Question like, ‘’if I am the head what possibly will I be doing?” etc. It simply aid strategic thinking and proffering solution into possible future problems.

SMART concept of goal setting – this is an acronym that represent a vital way to setting and attaining goals in life.

S – Specific (my goals must be specific)

M – Measurable (my goals must be quantify and measurable base on size)

A – Achievable (my goals must be something that I can achieve per time in life)

R – Realistic (my goals must be real to me and not fog)

T – Timely and time bound (my goals must be time bound and timely)

The application of this concept makes the attainment of goals and pursuit in life makes things easy.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



The Law of Attraction

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The law of attraction; the basics of the teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks (written in 2006 and published by Hay House) mainly talks about the law of attraction, the science of deliberate creation, the art of allowing, segment intending. Using the Abraham concept in explaining the approaches of these key ideas. The book is basically about thought formation and the important of thoughts towards one success in life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The thought I allow to build up in my mind, mould my experience.

This idea is key to me simply because of it awareness of me minding what I allow to build up in my mind. Meaning, anything I do not want shouldn’t be invited or permitted. What I want is key and that is what I should key myself to.

ii. Affirmation is what will move me closer to my goal.

I personally hold this fact with high esteem sequel to the fact that I now know that frequent verbalization of what I want and that which I want to do in life makes my result real and my urge to pursue strong.

iii. My emotions are my physical indication of my relationship with my inner being.

How I feel inside me is simply a prove, whether or not my feelings align with my current state.

iv. Disappointment is communication from my inner being letting me know that that which I am focused upon is not what I want.

Whenever I encounter any form of disappointment, my focus is wrong.

v. When I am clear about everything that I want, I will get all of the results that I want.

The clearer what I want from life is to me the better and faster I am convince about it and bringing it into fruition.

vi. Deliberating guiding my thoughts is the key to a joyful life but a desire to feel joy is the best plan of all.

This idea is very key as well because I now know that the act of controlling my thoughts must be done by me purposefully. Because that is the only ways and means to go about. It requires deliberate action, if I must leave joyfully in life.

vii. The greatest gift that I can ever give another is the gift of my expectation of their success.

Until I wish others well in life, until I deliberately want others succeed in life, success is indeed far from me. To this end, I am now convinced behold all doubt that other people’s success is very key in the journey of life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

If I haven’t gained clear insight of what my thoughts can do, I daily ensure that in all my deeds I flow in and with positive thoughts and feelings. It is now key and I am seriously working on myself to keep constant positive feelings irrespective of the odds.

Yes it is obvious that what I don’t affirm on daily basis cannot be confirmed by the cosmic force. To this effective I have taken it upon myself now every to endlessly verbalize that which I want from life as well as my written goals and pursuit.

My emotion is a pointer to how align my feelings and outcomes are. This idea has revealed a great insight in such a way that anytime I feel negative I immediately know that the relationship between my feelings and outcomes are not at pal. As such I do the needful daily.

The idea here is that disappointment is not a high land but a product of a disconnect between emotion/feelings and what I want from life. As such whenever a communication signal is passed across to me, I immediately do the needful by correcting my thoughts. Very key!

It has brought to my consciousness that whatever I need in life must be clear and convincing to me. This has particularly made me revisit my purpose/goals every day to get whatever is needed to be clarified. Because in the journey of life, clarity is reality for a great destiny.

To be honest, life doesn’t always deliver goodies. Meaning flows and good thoughts can be interrupted at times and as such the need to consciously and deliberately guide and protects my mood and thoughts. Just this morning I had a positive thought rebel and I had to quickly redirect my thinking deliberately to avoid a contrary thought that do not align with where I am going to in life.

I am now very conscious of other people’s success simply because I now know that other people’s growth is very key to my own success. Every day I leave with others at heart. Respect, pray and provide for others. Life is better with others enjoying better life with me. As such I daily work towards bettering others with any clause in my own little way.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“:For me to experience in my physical life experience, I must first give thought to it. My thoughts are the invitation and without it, it will not come.”

This is important to me because what I don’t think about and bonder on it long I will never enjoy. My thought is key to keep positive one at that.

“There is nothing from the past life experience that is influencing that which I am doing now, unless in some way I have become aware of it and I now giving it my attention.”

My past experience has no effect on me except I build on it. As such I have learnt the efficacy of allowing my pasts go and leave in my future from today.

“My point of power is in the present.”

To win tomorrow weed today not yesterday, that is where the power and strength lies.

“Creation is the purpose of attraction.”

“That which I create via my thoughts per time pulls like outcome and results my way. To attract it physically, I must create it first emotionally. Winning flow where winning dwells. To this end, I ensure I flow with winning current.”

“I cannot experience freedom when I have negative emotions.”

My emotion is my life this I now knows that is why it is important to me. On daily basis I jealously guide my emotions to flow run in agreement with

“My ability to focus upon a narrow subject brings forth more charity, while my ability to focus upon many things at once more often brings confusion.”

This is where segment intending comes in. I really can’t do everything all at once, to attain success. The need to break the whole into parts becomes paramount. It helps me to look into and handle my life pursuit bite by bite.

“Every thought that I think that is directed toward what I want for my future is of great benefit to you. Every thought that I am thinking about my future that I do not want is a disadvantage to me.”

Waste no time thinking of things that I don’t want because they won’t help my present and future.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

None, the message and thoughts shared by Esther and Jerry Hicks are explicit and well understood by me.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the exercises are my daily activities now because they are indeed helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 7



Unlimited Power

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Unlimited power is mainly on three core message, the book establishes the fact that life is basically all about a clear definition of one’s direction and desires in life. Then find out someone who has succeeded in the area or thing that I want to do and model the person’s foot print. Develop a good personal representation of behavior and character towards that which I want from life. The book also talks about developing positive energy, communication skills that respect other people’s opinions, proper intake of food as well as operating on a positive self perception.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The great end of life is not knowledge but action as asserted by Thomas Henry Huxley.

It is important because it laid credence to that face that irrespective of what I know and plan. If I fail in the place of action, I will achieve nothing in life. Action is key. I now make action my daily deeds as procrastination is now prohibited.

ii. The ultimate power is my ability to produce the results I desire most and create value for others in the process.

This is also striking because it exposes me to knowing that what I do should and must be people centre not just self. As such being a solution to people especially by colleague in my work place.

iii. For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward as asserted by Jim Rohn.

This insight is important as well because I now know that if I am not culture in life I will get puncture. To this end I daily purport myself in doing the right thing at the right time.

iv. Modeling others who have succeeded in my line or area of interest is key.

This idea is indeed novel to me. Sequel to its potency, I have decided to model Prof. Pat Utomi.

v. The lay concept – duplicating what works elsewhere.

This concept really motivated something inside of me the moment I came across it in this life changing book. The idea doesn’t necessarily need to come from me. I can understudy others and duplicate it in as much as it alien with my pursuit in life. I am presently understudying Philips Consulting firm in Lagos Nigeria with the view of learning to benchmark.

vi. t met whole lot is that it doesn’t necessary for me to understand everything to be able to use everything. This is key because it makes me to know that I really do not need to know all to do all. All I need is meaningful action for my little knowledge. I will get to fix others in the process.

vii. If I don’t know someone’s learning strategy, I am going to have a great deal of trouble trying to teach him.

I know now that everybody does not have the same capacity to apprehend and comprehend. As such to make impact to them I need to first figure out whether they are auditory, visual and kinetic etc.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

The first idea will help me on daily basis to take action at all times. Because “intention without action is detention.” So by taking action, I get things done as such achieving more in life.

The second point will practically help me to put others first thereby serving other first before self with my God given abilities. This will in turn make the world a better place to all because the competition mindset will die a natural death.

The important of discipline cannot be over emphasize in life. With discipline I do the right at the right time. This make to save my time, production and well coordinated in my daily activities both to self and others in life.When a man notice that what he is about to do or embark on some else has already done that thing will go a long way in easy and motivate that man if only he will consult already existing solution. By modeling others I get to ride on their shoulders thereby avoiding unnecessary difficulties to enjoy other people’s experiences and help to save resources that would have being wasted in trial and error which will in turn pave way for frustration, disappointment and bitterness.

I don’t need to know and have all to start acting and executing my God given task for the benefit of humanity. To this end, it’s practically help to make action my daily watch world. I really don’t need to have all, understand all and know all. The little I know and understand is enough to start. To be honest here, I am the one this message is met for because I thought of knowing well and all has being disabused.

Honestly this final point help me to know that the only best way to strategically impact and teach others is to first know how they learn. With this, whenever I am opportune to teach and relate with others I devise means to understudy the person to know how well to relate that person. This has really sharpen the depth of my impact to people on daily basis.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“There are no resistant people, only inflexible communicators.”

If I communicate very well and understudy others before speaking as well respect other people opinions, nobody will resist whatever I have to say at any point in time.

“The best soldier does not attack, the superior fighter succeed without violence. The greatest conqueror wins without struggle. The most successful manager leads without dictating. This is called intelligent non aggressiveness. This is called masters of men.”

What this met to me is that approach in life is key if I must keep or retain my relevance in life. Violence does pay off. What I get via violence I will keep and maintain with violence as such making the world a bitter place to others which is not my arm for living.

“Making an assumption is the mark of a lazy communicator, break through the fog.”

Never assume anything in life, always clear what is not clear before acting.

“If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.”

The only best way to have people around is to access their heart by affecting them positively first.

“One can stand still in a flowing stream, but not in the world of men.”

People are not always constant and perfect. As such be aware ahead of time that they might misbehave.

“The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water and breeds reptiles of the mind as assert.”

Great men and women who have succeeded immensely in life have always being men and women of flexibility. People who set goals and plans but create room for changes and modernization of their goals and plans as occasion demands

“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

Japheth mind your thought and what I say per time.

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in the field of truth and knowledge is ship wrecked by the laugher of the gods.”

Nobody is an high land of knowledge. Never relate with others with such mindset, it limits personal growth and promote discord amidst brethren.

“The world we live in is the world we choose to live in, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Whatever happens around me is all my fault, if I don’t like it, I have what it takes to change it.

“Those who take responsibility are in power, those who avoid it are disempowered; to be responsible and be in charge of my life, I must take responsibility of my life.”

“The easy way out, but not always the wisest.”

Learn to always go through the process in life, shortcut is destructive.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Not at all. Everything therein is well understood by me. Great book indeed.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, some few exercise. I am currently working on them and I am enjoying them because they are indeed helpful to me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes. “Don’t find fault, find a remedy – to grow men and women, always find their areas of advantages not their weakness.” Also, I learned that when I eat protein with a starch, digestion is impaired or completely arrested; eating well is very key if I really want to leave well in life.

Reasons are the difference between being interested versus being committed to accomplishing something – if I have enough reasons, I can do anything in life irrespective of where I am. Reasons and commitment is very vital in the journey of life. If I can get a big-enough why, I can always figure out the how.

I learned about the ultimate success formula:

Make inventory of my dreams

Establish my time line to reach those outcomes.

Pick out the four (4) most important goals for this year.

Review my goals against the 5 rules formulating outcomes

Make a list of the important resources I already have at my disposal.

Ascertain time you used some of those resources most skillfully.

Describe the kind of person you would have to be to attain your goals.

Write down what prevent you from being the things you desire right now.

Take the most important goals and break them into step-by-step plan on how to achieve it.

Come up with some model – write down names of 3 or 4 people who have achieved what you want to achieve and specify in a few words the qualities and behavior that made them successful.

Envision my entire outcomes.

These guides are very critical to me as a person at this juncture of my life journey. I am already doing the needful to make it stick as a daily principle.

I learned a brilliant guidelines on how best to ask intelligently and precisely;

I should ask specifically; I should ask someone who can help me; I should create value for the person i are asking; I should ask with focus and congruent belief

I should ask until I get what I want; These tips are novel to me and I hold them in high esteem.

Very importantly I learned about the “agreement frame concept.” Which means I should always find something to appreciate, respect and agree to in other people’s opinions or ideas. Because, one who is too insistent on his own views, finds few to agree with him.

I have learned to judge myself by my goals instead of what my peers seems to be doing.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



Goal Setting 101

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book as authored by Gary Ryan Blair core idea is simply all about goal setting techniques and importance. Gary Ryan Blair talked about the meaning of goal, establishment of vision and mission statement, as well as adding of date or timeline to every set goals and the need to pool insights from other people’s wealth of experience in the place of mentorship. Commitment is also a key idea that the author took time to emphasize on. Because the absence of commitment only makes dreams, desires and goals a mere wish.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Goals are simply what determine what will or will not become or accomplish.

Nothing makes life golden like well articulated goal committed work out. I told myself years back I must graduate well and better, I worked towards it and made it. I have presently set another goal geared towards establishing my own firm in training, human capacity, marketing/sale and social media development company. Since is in my mind via goal and I am working towards it. Soonest I will achieve it.

ii. A goal is a specific, measurable accomplishment to be achieved within a specific time frame.

This idea is key to me sequel the place of time and date it preach about. To me I immediately notice that the moment I attached date and time to my daily goals, I tend to be much more effective and productive in all that I do.

iii. A mission statement is a declaration of who you are, why you exist and what you intend to accomplish. This simply means reason for being, ‘why do I exist’?

The above idea is very key to me because it dwell on the efficacy of my purpose here on earth. Not until I properly settle purpose my existence will certainly have no impact. As such it touch me allot. I now read my goals as frequent as possible to enable redefine things and establish ‘my why of existence’.

iv. Great accomplishments and achievement doesn’t happen by accident. They are the result of clear defined goals acted upon until completion.

The idea here thought me that nothing in life will happen on its own, I must take responsibility to make it happen for me in life. As I step out every day, it has stick to my mind now that I have to make it happen for me by taking the rightful responsibility and kill procrastination. It is up to me!

v. There is no decision that is difficult to make if I get all the facts.

I personally hold this point in high esteem because of its novelty to me. I now know that for me to make any meaningful decision to be taken that will drive results, relevant facts must and should be pool together. Which further means that, jumping into decision making is wrong, as such I try as much as I can every day and time to first get the relevant information that will aid my action and decision. I have chosen to act on this every day of my life. It is indeed helpful to me and I am glad I came across it in this life changing book.

vi. For my goals to be total, it must cut across personal, financial, career, health, spiritual, family, friendship, recreation, community and household.

Prior before now I personally tag goal to be what I want in the area mainly in area of the business I want to do, the work I want to work, the amount of money I want and how to influence my world. But this idea has revealed to me that goals don’t really end with the above measured points. But rather entails family, friendship, recreation, community, household, spiritual, health, career, financial and personal. My mindset towards goal has being completely overhauled.

vii. Advancement only comes with habitual doing more than I am asked.

I liked this idea simply because it preaches about action and habitual doing not just doing. Every day I make sure I habitually do what I need to do to get my results legitimately.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

First, It will help on a daily basis to consistently set goals towards the attainment of my future goals by working with proper definition of what I want from life. Second, this lesson will help me to always set goals with timeline in view because date and timeline attached with goals triggers my commitment towards doing that which I needed to do to get results as at when due. The third lesson has helped me to define my purpose as well as my reason for existence, as such enable me to properly ascertain my ‘why’ of living. On daily basis, sequel to this, I tend to always leave in accordance to ‘why’ I am here on earth. The Fourth point makes me to know that nothing in life happen by accident. It is all my responsibility to work out whatever I want from life. On daily basis I now do things with this consciousness. The next point has helped to know that the absence of facts and sufficient information birth faulty decision. On daily basis I now sort for information and facts to aid proper decision. Next, daily action at all times is key.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I shouldn’t allow circumstance fit plans try to make plan fit circumstances.”

This is very important because it makes me that it is wrong to allow the situation of life to toast and roast me all about. In other words plan my life for me but rather plan and act my life myself irrespective of the turbulence.

“Information is like eggs, the fresher the better.”

I will do it mindset never gets anything done in life, procrastination is a killer of life and time. This point is core to me as a result of the fact that being timely and active by taking active at the right time with my ideas is very key. Otherwise I will keep allowing people running with my vision and ideas.

“Action is the conduit through which advancement flows.”

I now understand better the efficacy action to every desire and move of life. My advancement in life is dependent on the action that I take. It will either make or mar my success in my life’s pursuit.

“Implement now and perfect later.”

Never wait for things to be better and perfect to start and take action. That time will never come. But rather start to implement ideas then I will keep improving and become perfect in the job or task.

“I cannot swim without being in water, I cannot skate without being on the ice.”

I cannot keep wishing and expecting things to happen for me. But rather get into the field of play to be involved in the game. Sooner or later I will certainly be the game myself.

“The road to success is often bump and constantly under construction, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the ride.”

I should always celebrate myself regardless of the ups and down of life. Very key!

“Goals never fail – only implementation does.”

Insight indeed, a great eye opener to me. Implementation such as my action in everything is paramount any time any day. Which means even if the best Professors of strategy and planning from Harvard University, plan and strategize on an issue without a corresponding action will certainly lead to nowhere. Action, action and action is a core miracle.

“Watch your language.”

My language matters a great deal. Whatever I say at every point in time has the power and potency to make thing be or not. Has the force to push me forward or retard me backward. As such I am really work on myself to speak well at all course.

“Effective goal setting is consultative; it does not squander, it leverage all available brainpower.”

This insertion has brought to bear again to me, the need and place of other people’s knowledge and seeking advice from those who are ahead of me in that line of adventure is very key in making success easy.

“Don’t deny your fears, don’t try to run away from them. carry on in spite of them.”

There will always be fears in life, not to face them head on is actually the fear of life. As such the need to face and confront whatever doubt and fears automatically bring an end to them.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

Yes, exercise on goal setting with date and timeline attach to it. Written my already with date and timeline, I am working towards it already.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Self-knowledge grows as I subject my life to examination. Listening to my own speech. Reflecting on my own thoughts, looking at my own actions. Reflection its self is a great mother board for endless solution. If I must grow in life, I must develop the habit of constant self examination.

The 4W and 1H concept: In planning and decision making, I found out that providing answers to these questions make planning more effective and result driven and they are as follows: What do I want? When do I want it?Who can do it for me?Where can I do it?

How can I do what I really want to do?

SWOT Analysis (internal factors and the external factors): This is another great tool I found so helpful in planning for anything in life. Be it business or family life.

S – strength (that which I can do well and better should be focus on)

W – weakness (area of disadvantage should be know and then recruit best hands to fill in the gap)

O – opportunities (what are the openings or opportunities available to me base on my strength advantages)

T – threats (what are the things that can likely post a challenge)

Implementation is everything and it better be fast. These days it’s far better to be 80 percent right and quick than 100 percent and three months late. No delay, action even fast action is what differentiates a thinker from a doer, a talker and an achiever.

The three (3) projections concept: The most likely; what I think will actually happen.

The least likely; the worst case I can imagine for what I have projected. The most optimistic – the best possible scenario I can imagine if everything goes beyond my expectation.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Nonviolent Communication
Assessment by Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1.What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Nonviolent Communication; A Language of life by Marshall B. Rosenberg is a 204 page book, published in 2003 by PuddleDancer Press, Encinitas California, USA. It basically focuses on three aspects of communication: self-empathy (defined as a deep and compassionate awareness of one’s own inner experience), empathy (defined as an understanding of the heart in which we see the beauty in the other person), and honest self-expression (defined as expressing oneself authentically in a way that is likely to inspire compassion in others). Nonviolent Communication is based on the idea that all human beings have the capacity for compassion and only resort to violence or behavior that harms others when they don’t recognize more effective strategies for meeting needs. Habits of thinking and speaking that lead to the use of violence (psychological and physical) are learned through culture. NVC theory supposes all human behavior stems from attempts to meet universal human needs and that these need are never in conflict. Rather, conflict arises when strategies for meeting needs clash. NVC proposes that if people can identify their needs, the needs of others, and the feelings that surround these needs, harmony can be achieved. While NVC is ostensibly taught as a process of communication designed to improve compassionate connection to others, it has also been interpreted as a spiritual practice, a set of values, a parenting technique, an educational method and a worldview. It is all about observation, feeling, needs, empathy and request of others per time. So Nonviolent Communication advocates these from us to our fellow human being.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Learn to always acknowledge the root of my feelings.

It is personally important to me simply because my detail knowledge and information as to the cause of my feelings and deposition per time will aid how I will be able to tackle it.

ii. Learn to connect with what is said to me, to my needs instead of picking offense.

It is not everything that is said to me that is aim at derogating my person. But often time a core message that could help my person. As such picking offense at thing said to me can hinder my grabs of the positive message coming my way.

iii. How can I extinguish a fire if I don’t first cut of the fuel that ignites the inferno.

The above idea is of great essence to me because it makes me know now that the only perfect way to end my troubles in life is to first know the origin and then tackle it from the root. That is the only time total liberation will set in for perfect peace.

iv. Unless I become the change I wish to see in the world, no change will ever take place.

I am the change, if I don’t change there is no change anywhere for me to see and enjoy. Meaning if I fail to change, change will certainly fail me in life.

v. NVC foster respect, attentiveness and empathy and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart.

This idea has succeeded in making it vividly vivid to that merely paying attention to whoever is talking to me symbolizes respect. As such it is now of the essence to that I must always pay attention to people whenever they are talking to me.

vi. Compare myself with my achievement not physical beauty and someone else.

This is very key to me reasoning being that my achievements and goals are the only basis for any form of comparison and not external things or other people. More importantly I must set goals and take proper record my achievements so as to have to compare with what I want to how far I have succeeded in reaching them.

vii. To distinguish between what I feel and how I think others react or behave toward me.

My view and thinking of what I think people think about me is not always correct. As such I should be weary of how I allow them border my reasoning and everyday life. “They don’t even worry about me.” This should be my notion to enable me live well and free from negative impressions.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

The above ideas have helped me on my daily life as follows:

The idea has personally helped to always ascertain the core reason behind my feelings.

Since the knowledge and secret of this idea became clear to me, I no longer pick offense on what my peers tells me but rather take my time to critically ascertain the why. And this has really help me health wise and minimize having conflict with my peers. Very point indeed!

Sequel to this revelation, my thoughts on daily basis now is always towards looking for the root cause of the problems per time. This has really helped me so many times in handling problems of life and both at workplace with easy. Very striking and helpful indeed. I am the change! This is very core to me now since I realize it. As such in my daily, I don’t see others as my solution, rather I see myself as other’s solutions. I no longer wait for them, I do all I can to do it for them. Simply because I now know that I am the change I want to see.

I now pay attention to my peers and colleague whenever they are talking to me. This has indeed attracted more love and rate at which people bring personal matter to me.

Prior before now I am occasionally tempted to compare myself to others. With this revelation, I have vowed never to do it again in my life because it is harmful to myself. As such the only basis for comparison is with my achievements and goals in life.

What others think about me now is of no use any more. Get to do what I need to do and get going.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

Yes, there are some striking quotes and insights I got from the book I will like to share;

“What I want in my life is compassion, a flow between myself and others based on a mutual giving from the heart.”

Compassion generates peace and foster oneness amidst brethren of all race.

“All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.”

Punishing others and tricking them in getting what I want does not boost development and better life but rather aim the inside and outside of humanity.

“Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need.”

To avoid rancor amidst brethren, needs of our fellow human should be met compassionately by me.

“To practice the process of conflict resolution, we must completely abandon the goal of getting people to do what we want.”

Always allow other freedom to express themselves, not necessarily what you want.

“We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.”

“Peace cannot be built on the foundations of fear.”

If you want peace, then kill fear for peace to be fare to you.

“Don’t mix up that which is habitual with that which is natural.”

Note those things you cannot change and live with them. But never allow those things you can change live with you without changing them; because they are harmful.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Don’t just do something, stand there. I still do not understand what this point is really all about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes I did! Though some of the exercises are still on-going.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

None at all.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 6
B. How helpful was the content? 5
C. How easy was it to understand? 4
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 6



The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, A 381 page book was first published in 1988, the book is a business and self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. Covey presents an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls self center principles of a character ethic that he presents as universal and timeless. Covey defines effectiveness as balancing obtaining desirable results with caring for that which produces the desirable results. He illustrates this by referring to the fable of the “Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs.” The book also talked about the concept of paradigm shift and helps the reader understand that different perspectives exist, i.e. that two people can see the same thing and yet differ with each other. On this premise, it introduces the seven habits in a proper order. Each chapter is dedicated to one of the habits, which are represented by the following imperatives:

First Independence/Be Proactive – Talks about the concept of Circle of Influence and Circle of Concern. Work from the center of your influence and constantly work to expand it. Don’t sit and wait in a reactive mode, waiting for problems to happen (Circle of Concern) before taking action.

Begin with the End in Mind – Envision what you want in the future so you can work and plan towards it. Understand how people make decisions in their life. To be effective you need to act based on principles and constantly review your mission statement.

Put First Things First – Talks about difference between Leadership and Management. Leadership in the outside world begins with personal vision and personal leadership. Talks about what is important and what is urgent. Priority should be given in the following order: Important and Urgent; Important and not-urgent; Not Important and Urgent; Not important and Not urgent.

Interdependence/Think Win-Win – Genuine feelings for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a “win” for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten their way. Think Win-Win isn’t about being nice, nor is it a quick-fix technique. It is a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration.

Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood – Use empathic listening to genuinely understand a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, and positive problem solving.

The Habit 5 is greatly embraced in the Greek philosophy represented by 3 words:

Ethos – your personal credibility. It’s the trust that you inspire, your Emotional Bank Account.

Pathos is the empathic side – it’s the alignment with the emotional trust of another person communication.

Logos is the logic – the reasoning part of the presentation.

The order is important: ethos, pathos, logos – your character, and your relationships, and then the logic of your presentation.

Synergize – Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals that no one could have done alone.

Sharpen the Saw – Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarily emphasizes exercise for physical renewal, good prayer (meditation, yoga, etc.) and good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions service to society for spiritual renewal.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Greatness

No enterprise can become or remain truly greatly without a core set of principles to preserve, to build upon, to serve as an anchor, to provide guidance in the face of an ever changing world.

ii. Discipline

There is no effectiveness without discipline, and there is no discipline without character.

iii. Breakthrough

Almost every significant breakthrough in the field of scientific endeavor is first a break with tradition, with old ways of thinking, with old paradigms.

iv. Personality and Character

It is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves.

v. The inside-out concept

The inside-out concept. Private victories precede public victories.

vi. The P/PC balance concept

Production of desired results, The golden eggs. PC stands for production capacity, the ability or asset that produces the golden eggs. The goose & the golden eggs story.

vii. Assets

There three kind of assets; financial, physical and human asset.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

This first idea has unveiled to me again and again the importance of principle. This basically helped me to development my own principle and as such make them my daily guide and rules. The second idea has actually made me embrace in-depth good discipline and the reasons to build and develop positive character. To this end I am careful daily what I do and how I do the things I do. Knowing fully well that my character is very key in dealing with others. The third idea has keenly aided me to embrace the need to reform and transform my mind by renewing my thinking pattern. As such I ensure that every day I think anew and do things anew for new occurrence. With a strong believe that what brought me here will not take me to where I covet to be. I honestly have to renew things to get better result in life. It is not okay to fix outwardly without fixing inwardly. Fixing self is much more better than fixing others first. To this end, ensure that on daily basis I work on myself, knowing well that it is key in my quest to change and help others. It is only when I win in self that my outward winning will certain have meaning. On daily basis I ensure I am happy and never allowing anybody robs me of it.To me I honestly regretted not knowing about this concept before now. Just three weeks before I picked up this book to read, something happened that if I heard known about it, it would have helped a great deed. That notwithstanding, I am still grateful that I now know about it. I now know that it is out rightly wrong not to take care of what is taking care of you. Because when capacity to produce is low, production will certainly be low. To high production, then high capacity of production. To this end I tend to always take good care of whatever is taking care of me in any dimension daily.This idea to me is a revelation indeed. Because I know now that it is sense less to be well financially and not well physically and human asset/capacity wise. With the revelation of the three kinds of human asset, I daily ensure that I build and develop my core three assets and never at the detriment of any of the three. As such, physical, financial and human asset are very key towards my growth and development.What an insight, if I don’t grow up, build self up and develop myself on daily basis. The momentum of those who have done so will fade me out of life. I honestly do not take capacity development of self for granted any more.

It is important to embark on positive and creative imagination to better things in life.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The voice of conscience is so delicate that it is easy to stifle it. But it is also so clear that it is impossible to mistake it.”

I should always pay key attention to my small inner voice.

“Effective people are not problem-minded, they are opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems.”

For me to become great and productive in life, I must take my mind completely out of problems and start focusing on opportunities.

“The fountain of content must spring up in the mind, and he who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove.”

Anything and everything I will ever be in life will certainly be a product of my inside. They all must spring forth from my inside. To look for solutions or happiness outside is nothing but self deception.

“They cannot take away yourself respect if we do not give it to them.”

When I value myself, certainly others will value. What I don’t sow will certainly not show forth for me.

“He that is good with a hammer tends to think everything is a nail.”

That I know does not mean all I know is what I need to know in life. I really need to broaden my information, knowledge and skills horizon.

“It is impossible to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.”

Principles are principles, if they are not working is simply because I am not working it or I am working against it. Because whatever I respect will certainly protect me.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.”

It will not possible to study hard for four years for accountancy and end up being a nurse after four years. Whatever I do I become.

“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”

First thing first otherwise I will miss steps and lose form.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No, I am completely satisfied with everything I have read from the book. Of a truth the book is great.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, they are indeed helpful even as I am still working on the entire tasks.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

a. My behavior is a function of my decisions, not my conditions.

I must watch my decisions because it influences my conduct knowingly and unknowingly.

b. The “solution selling concept.”

Marvelous idea indeed, don’t sell feature but rather sell the benefits and solutions of whatever I am offering.

c. Anytime we think the problem is out there, that thought is the problem.

The cure is never outside but inside me any time any day. All I have to do is to reach inward for solution.

d. The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it immediately, correct and learn from it.

If I cannot spot my mistakes or errors they will soon turn into odor that can spoil things. As such I should be very mindful of mistakes and quickly correct things.

e. Be a light, not a judge, be a model, not a critic, be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

I should and always be different never to take the position of the crowd.

f. Look at the weaknesses of others with compassion not accusation.

Never undermine others because of their imperfections.

g. Measure twice, cut once. The carpenter’s rule.

I should be detail in everything I do.

h. I learned the efficacy of all family members and heads of departments and their members coming together to constitute or develop their family mission statement with a mutual spirit.

i. Effective management is putting first thing first, while leadership is decodes what first things are.

j. Form follows function as such management follows leadership.

k. If you want to get something done, give it to a busy man.

l. The way I spend my time is a result of the way I see my time and the way I really see my priorities.

m. The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are.

n. When we live the primary laws of love, we encourage others to live the primary laws of life.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it 10

The Life and Business Lessons of Bill Gates
Assessment by Japheth Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book basically captures the journey of Bill Gates smallness to greatness and the traits Bill Gates portrait that made him stood out in his world. These traits include; calculated risk taking, lateral thinking, competition, branding, focus, adversity, adaptability and humility. More so, the book also chronicled the ills of Bill Gates that also serve as a great pointer to life lessons.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

My seven striking seven ideas includes the following;

i. Branding and advertisement (PR) – as encapsulated in this book is an important idea to me.

In the words of Bill Gates, He said “if you can’t make it good. At least make it look good.” This point and the kind of momentum and cash Bill Gates advocated and invested in branding and public relations particularly makes it very key to me simply because, PR is indeed pivotal to business success. Apart from this, the perception that branding and advertisement advocated cannot be down play if business must be taken seriously. In my personal life I now value my personal image and carriage as well ensure daily I present myself in a better way to win and penetrate the heart of men every day. Branding is now key and dear to me.

ii. Follow your heart, there lays my bliss

Bills Gates parent wanted him to be a lawyer, his mother molded him and accorded him the necessary support. His gifting pushes him into mathematics, but later settled for computer science where his strength actually banked. I am particular about this point reasoning being that my understanding is now fixed that my strength or gifting’s or areas of advantages in life are actually my personal power that I can use to change my world if I walk and work it out and damn all odds.

iii. Look for means to solve and ready global problem

I am particular about this idea reason being that the book has come to make me know the essence of starting local but reason global to tackle global problems. Which of course to make one a global player in his sphere. Personally on daily basis I take time to think and meditate on my life dream’s to see how to better find tone it and make a larger spectrum benefit from it in the future.

iv. Negotiation Prowess

Bill Gates negotiation prowess is indeed massive that has got me thinking up to this moment how a man can in anyway way think like him by enacting a negotiation that secured his life, family and entire generation of his. The author called it lateral thinking, I will call it solution driven by prowess from the inside out. I covet this kind of thinking and productive reasoning at all times in life. Personally I daily prayer to God almighty for this kind of wisdom and the one that of course supersede that of Bill Gates in tackling global problems at all times. To this end I have decided to be a wisdom and solution driven people in handling and dealing with people. I now have a better understanding on positive reasons why I should covet wisdom and positive lateral thinking prowess. I want to die a wisdom dispenser in life.

v. Absolute discharge of Leadership prowess

The how and manner Bill Gates coordinated Microsoft from scratch up to the time he stepped out as an active player to embrace his philanthropic assignments, displayed good leadership at its peck. This idea and lesson is indeed of immense stands to me simply because the Bill Gates collaboration ability, (when IBM cemented deal with Microsoft for an Operating System. Microsoft as of the time could not produce what IBM was looking for. But instead of quitting the deal, Microsoft strategically collaborated with a third party company to fix the deal with IBM. This was indeed Microsoft’s seed to massive fortunes). Lateral thinking power which of course poises the great negotiation that made Microsoft a perpetual earner of the MS DOS license. How Bill Gates productively took the company to the capital market to bring in investors and still retail 40% of the total equity of Microsoft. How he led Microsoft and helps the company winder the storms as well produce other mega products and later stepped out for Steve Baller were indeed show of leadership. My daily personal take away and responsibilities is to discharge leadership into in all that I do.

vi. Productive and meaningful relationship

I think it will be apt to say that Paul Allen’s relationship with Bill Gates is a key factor that foster Bill Gates make up for his greatness. This kind of relationship is worth emulating. I personally hold this point in high esteem because, I better see and view the need to keep productive and meaningful men and women around me at all times if I actually want to succeed in life. Firstly Bill Gates had the feelings to drop out of school because he saw Paul Allen did to pursue his dream and started his own business. Secondly Paul Allen was a deeper programmer who was ready to partner with Bill Gates and winter the storm with him. They were both friends and childhood compatriots that both attended the same school. Their relationship was indeed massive and paid off. Though Paul Allen later had health issue. More so, it is also worthy of note that Bill Gates acknowledge the role Warren Buffet played in his quest to start Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation. This to me means that while it is fine hold someone and that person hold you in return in form of a partner in business. Like the case of Bills Gates and Paul Allen. It is also better for a higher hand in form of a mentor up there to lift you by the hand. This is the case of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates relationship. (I call this vertical and horizontal relationship). The revelation here is heart blowing and as I dear guide to boost my relationship with others.

vii. Don’t stop at “Traf-O-Data”

Paul Allen and Bill Gates first product when they both came together to form Microsoft was “Traf-O-Data.” Traf-O-Data was a traffic counting program they produce. Much was not heard of this program simply because it was not an entire success. This did not deter Bill Gates and Paul Allen. This idea and lesson is pivotal here because, if this guys had given up when there first ever product failed. They indeed had failed too. As such, the emergence as the World richest man (Bill Gates) and Paul Allen being a Multibillionaire would have remain a mirage. Every difficulty that befalls a man is nothing but a disguise strength and revelation for greatness if quitting is meaningless to that mean.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

These lessons and ideas will help me in the following ways:

It has helped me to better embrace branding and proper image advertising. It helps to project myself positively and rightly to my world on daily basis. Next, always follow my heart not what people are saying or want me to do. Every day when I follow what ticks in my mind. I find inner peace and joy. When I am peaceful and joyous inwardly it will reflect in my outward world. Also, it will make be solve global problems. To this ends my daily thoughts are how I will handle the issues of life from a global perceptive.
Fourth, to develop a positive negotiating power for self and others. This on my daily life will help me to make difficult agenda fine for me or spend less on things that I ordinarily will have spent much on. I honestly covet to be a super expert in the aspect. Fifth, to build and protect good relationship. When I daily build good relationship will indeed foster cordiality amidst brethren and even boost acceleration of personal dreams as there will be partners that could help in aiding one when the need arises. In addition, it will help me to build and develop my core leadership skill. As I discharge my responsibilities daily I will become a better leader. Discharging leadership responsibilities daily will horn my skill and make my world better for it. Finally, to be resolute at what I do. Never to call it off until I succeed in what I do. Never to use my first output to draw conclusion of myself and business as the case may be.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Business is a money game with few rules and a lot of risk.”

It drew my attention because it broadened my view of risk. In the business world, risk taking is very key if I want to survive and succeed there.

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”

Meaning one best ways to handle tasks in to look for easy and simple ways to tackle problem irrespective of how difficult the task is.

“When are you going to start applying yourself.”

Very striking to me. Start doing something with yourself via your gifts and talents. If I don’t do it now, when will I start the core business on imparting lives around me for good?

“If I were down to my last dollar, I had spend it on PR.”

Branding, Public relations in business is very important that I must not down play.

“If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good.”

When the package of a thing/product is good and attractive. Consumers will be attracted.

“There is no finish line, only the next objective.”

In the business world, do not be complacent with successes. When you win at a task get on to do others. Keep moving on!

“Life is not fair, get used to it.”

Life will not always deliver to me what I want. Just keep pushing and never relent your effort in succeeding at what you do.

“We all need people will give us feedback. That is how we improve.”

The best way to learn and observe is to listen to people and feedback from them to know what exactly they are saying about you and your business.

“Most times good branding involves not only active engagement through deliberate marketing campaigns, but also through the management of the public image during unforeseen events.”

Your personal imaging and carriage at times is far stronger than the jingo and advert we put on air. As such, we should mind the way will deal with people and talk to people as well value and respect people at all times.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Paul Allen and Bill Gates were both school dropout. How and where did they acquired programming skill that made them to both survive and made massive money in the computer industry since they both do not have prior knowledge. Where is their knowledge from?

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There was really no form of exercise in the book for me to undertake. The message was clear and simple.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes! Really want to talk about the other side of Bill Gates in running Microsoft cooperation. I learned from the book that Bill Gates sense of competition was great but taken to the extreme. Bill Gates strongly believes in branding, PR and massive advertisement. This he did that contributed towards the growth and generally acceptance of the company’s products. But in the course of doing of doing this, he aired. This coursed him antitrust law suit because Bill Gates wanted to smoke life out of other companies. This act almost brought Microsoft to a hot. While it is okay to compete is should be done to boost business but not to fall others out of business. His campaigns were massive especially in the era of Window 98. He even went as far as using celebrities in promoting the products and even clearing on some by himself.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Chief Obafemi Awolowo: The Political Moses
Assessment by Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Chief Obafemi Owolowo: The Political Moses is a book that encompasses politics, law and the search for power, as well as incarceration, denial, and betrayal by respected members of the Action Group and the political environment of Nigeria in the 1960s. It is a book that vividly investigates a 1962 reasonable felony, bringing into focus the case hearings and its implications for the young Nigerian and Africans at large.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven main ideas that are striking to me after reading this book of great and immense impart are as follows:

i. Anthill and federalism

Sequel to my knowledge of the book, I understood that Chief Obafemi Awolowo was the pioneer and father of Federalism in Nigeria. This point is indeed is important to me because. It was amazing to know that Chief Awolowo’s idea of Federalism was gotten from his study of the antihill. The idea of people focusing their strength of proper development of their region and the distribution of power and responsibilities was all acquired from the anthill. This was indeed Chief Awolowo’s message while he was alive. He firmly stood for it and died for it. Fortunately, after his dead. This ideology of his was thrown away. Imagine if Nigeria as a country had adopted true Federalism, whish the people are presenting clamoring for, Nigeria as a nation would have being better than what it is today.

ii. Money lending business

Though Chief Awolowo lost his father at a very young age in life. A father who actually met well for him and did all he could before his death to send young Awolowo then to good school. After the death of his father Chief Awolowo got involve in different businesses just to make ends means and fulfill his dreams and aspirations in life. Among the businesses he did that really drown my attention is money tending business in partnership with three of other patriots. This business idea of his is very dear to me and when I came across it, I got a leading that it will do well in my hands and such have decided to run with it to bless people in my local areas to improve their lives. To this end, this lesson/idea is key to me.

iii. Education and quest for continuous improvement

Chief Awolowo was a man of depth, wisdom and verse in knowledge. This he displayed all through-out his life and among his equals. I personally notice his question for knowledge and continuous improvement and self-development was very obvious. This even propelled him to further study Law in London and came back to Nigeria the best and a positive voice for the liberty of his people as well became a voice too that fought for the independent of Nigeria. No wonder his strides in life was so massive that up until now. No leader in Nigeria especially in Western region has surpass his deeds. His depth of wisdom and insights are still being referred to today. This I personally loved and made me know that constant education and improvement of self at all time is indeed pivotal to my growth as such influences my contribution to life to a greater extent. I study daily to keep growing.

iv. Self-determination

Chief Awolowo had a million and one reasons to have given up in life and ended up a failure. But holing to his self-determination and driving he conquered his challenges in life. He left from one school to the other, hewed fire wood and fetch water just to survive, worked as a teacher immediately after secondary school, involved in diverse businesses as a young man, lost the parents early in life, lost money in most of the businesses he invested his money on etc. despite all these he was still resolute and determine to make meaning out of his life. Which he did and massively affected lives that until this day. He still celebrated and will forever be celebrated in Nigeria and Africa at large. This insight of self-determination made whole of meaning to me. As such my mind is now better strengthen to stand firm and become a standard in all I desire to pursue in life.

v. The prison kept Awolowo, while others died

After a moment brainstorming, it occur to me that Chief Awolowo would have being massacred along with others when the Military took over Power in 1964. His peers who were at the herm of leadership then were killed. At this time of life Chief Awolowo is in the prison as a result of the treasonable felony charges held against him from the fall out of the 1962 Action Crisis. My message here is that “one’s trouble has a way of preserving one’s life unknowingly to him.” When he was later release via pardon by President Shehu Shagari Chief Awolowo was appointed as a Minister of Finance as well as in other positions where he served meritoriously. That prison experience kept him and elongated his life. Our troubles and problems of life have a way of making us a better person. The book he wrote after his years of prison, was indeed classical and forever a reference point for any and every upcoming leaders in Africa. I now know better that my worries, troubles and problems are simply in there to strengthen me. I shouldn’t be deter.

vi. The people were pivotal to him than self

Every great leader who has ever lived life blessing others. Did so by simply making the led/people their core area of focus and not self. They lived full for their subjects and lived less for themselves. Chief Awolowo’s case was really not an exemption. ‘The people’ were pivotal to him. He was more of people centered than self-centered. No wonder he instituted the first ever Salary Committee whose outcome birthed the best salary as of then in Nigeria that his people of the Western region were earning. No wonder he built the first Radio House, first stadium (Liberty Stadium), establish a university which is today known as Obafemi Awolowo University, built the first ever Cocoa House to measure but a few. He is indeed a politician with a difference. His strides are second to none in Nigeria. His depth of prowess and quest to build and empower his people are heights that is yet to be broken by anybody. I find this interesting because I personally learnt the only way to stand as a leader is to make others stand and stand firmly in life. That leadership has nothing to do with self but a lot to do with the people. Make them win, you will certainly win as a leader.

vii. Absent of the original vision bearer led to AG (Action Group) crisis of 1962

I personally find this striking to me because I noticed that the moment Chief Awolowo stepped down as the Premier of the Western region for Chief Akintola to pursue a higher vision as member of the legislative house and president respectively paved way for issues that metamorphose into a bigger problem that splinted Action Group and the crisis of 1962. Two things are pertinent here: First, Chief Awolowo was not a greedy leader. Unlike what we have in Nigeria and Africa at large today. If he had wanted to retain his position as the Premier of the Western region then and still go ahead pursuing his ambition. He would have done so without any challenge. Sequel to integrity, he did the needful. But unknowingly to him that he was destroying his work. Because Chief Akintola only came to pursue his own agenda. Second, I made bode to opine where that it is not wisdom to leave a vision for a man who does not understand and believe in that vision. Chief Akintola who Chief Awolowo handed over this mantle of leadership to was less of Chief Awolowo’s vision and more of his rule-ship not leadership agenda.
I am now more refine to in-depth term building, vision baptismal and strategic decision making. These are what this point has unveil to me.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

They will be helpful as follows:

Has given me a deeper view of Federalism and the anthill via a personal research after reading the book. I am now an acute apostle of True Federalism. While my knowledge about the ant will further boost not just my daily life and impact my financial intelligence as well. The second idea has indeed deliver into my hands a cool business insight that will indeed revolutionize my finance with time. I now daily brainstorm on how best to start this cool business. Yes yesterday a very good friend of mine and I discussed about time. Via grace I will triumph here. The third idea succeeded in surging my urge for continuous knowledge. To this ends I don’t and I will never play with education and self-development every day of my life even as I am also working hard to imbibe it in others via my coaching and training programs for youth and women. Next, my troubles are met to make me better. As such I should always remain on my track. No deter. Also, my daily quest for improving and building the capacity of others has in no small measure increase. I am happy for it because if there is anything I covet daily. Is to ensure that I build capacity of others via adequate knowledge dissemination. Finally, to always preach my vision properly to my subjects because assigning assignments to them.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Human desires are like a burning wood that lives in a perishable world except for its flotsam that dies standing.”

Nothing makes desire meaningful like a meaningful action per time in life.

“Education is a better safeguard to liberty than a standing army.”

One of the best and greatest security is education in life. Not to be educated is simply to be unsecure in life.

“I think if the people of this country can be reached with the truth, their judgment will be in favor of the many as against the privileged few.”

The absence of truth makes leaders lead in the contrary. To embrace and know the truth is to enhance leadership effectiveness per time in life.

“When beggars die there are no comments seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.”

History makers, life changers are the only ones are qualify to be celebrated. No impact, no celebration.

“Let him that would move the world, first move himself. Only those who are masters of themselves become masters of others.”

It is not possible to move the world without first move yourself, It all start from within.

“In honest hands, literacy is the surest and the most effective means to true education. In dishonest hands, it may be a most dangerous in fact a suicidal acquisition.”

Put a good thing in the hands of a dishonest man, what you get in turn will be a bad thing. But the reserve will certainly be the case when given to a honest man.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I understood everything therein.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Not at all.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not at all.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


Confucius: A Life from Beginning to End
Assessment by Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of the author is about Confucius (Kongfuzi/Master Kong) that promoted a philosophy of personal development, personal and governmental morality including the correctness of social relationship, justice and sincerity against all odds. Who’s after his demise, his work still leaves on. A “last longing philosophy of impact” that stood for moral education, wisdom, teaching and social interaction. The philosophy was basically anchored on the premise of “the REN concept.” Which connote compassion or loving others. The five basic virtues of “REN” are seriousness, sincerity, generosity, diligence and kindness.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven main ideas that are striking to me after reading this book of great and immense impart are as follows:

i. Self-learning and knowledge mindset

Confucius act of self-knowledge and learning urge to me is such an amazing idea that I considered personally attractive. It is key to note that Confucius was a tireless learner, a skill you realized by age 15. Confucius believed it was appropriate to inquire about everything and anything, a practice that fostered lifelong learning mindset. To me, this is positive and as such I now see core reason to covet more knowledge and as such embrace learning every day leaning and research.

ii. Build and empower the coming generation

The way and manner Confucius executed this point was really striking. It has indeed made me to further believe in my pursuit of empowering people in the area of capacity building in leadership/personal development, business/entrepreneurship, marketing/sales, mindset shift/metaphysics, peace/love, investment/finance as well as community development/project development. Confucius didn’t just stop at learning; he established a humanities program for potential leaders and eventually opened the doors of education to all. What an insight to me. I passionately resonates with me my desire. My reason of holding this idea so dearly is that, it has horn my consciousness to daily look at my dreams to start implementing as fast as possible.

iii. Be firm with what is right and die for is right

Confucius actually had his fair share of the turbulence of life as a young man. He lost his father at a very young age and had to embark on series of menial jobs to make ends means. In all these, he was firm and resolute with what he wants from life and to contribute to life. No wonder in his 30’s he became a teacher and ended being the only Chinese teacher who had the goal of making education available to all. Though his message and philosophy was not entirely accepted by all, had its own challenges. Confucius never relented. He kept at it till the very end. On daily basis, standing for what is right and just has now become my new mantra.

iv. Lun yii (analects) from my knowledge of the book.

Analects connote chronicle of somebody’s work. A compilation of someone’s work in life. It is called Lun yii in Chinese. Confucius did not put his entire message comprehensively together. Shaking though, but after his demise his foot soldiers and disciple did which is today known as the philosophy of Confucius or Confucianism. Meaning the doctrine, beliefs and messages of Confucius. What keep dazing me was that if his work was not put together imagine what our generation and somebody like me would have suffered. To this ends it has become pertinent and obvious to put down my life message and make it obvious and start working it out now and immediately.
On daily basis I articulate and pen down my messages and life ideology and philosophy.

v. Li concept (Doing the proper thing at the proper time to accomplish the greater good moral

The idea has further emphasized the need for me to always do what is proper and right.

vi. Zhengming theory of leadership

It is all about the relation between ruler and his title as well as leadership by example. In 501 BCE when Confucius birthed his political philosophy the people in power were bunch of ‘legalistic’ philosophy promoters (believers of legalism). People who firmly believed in the rule of law that lay more emphasis on punishment as a means of ensuring individual conformity to society’s rules. The idea is so dear to me simply because of Confucius stand in the matter. Confucius rather promulgated the virtue of practicing ritual propriety. This is what will entrench a sense of shame in the consciousness of all at all time. My take here is to continually uphold virtue of moral standing in all my daily dealing. Though I am already following in it. I have chosen to make it better and finer despite all odds.

vii. Moral Merits

The idea of Confucius’s believe that leadership should be based on moral merits rather than linage that to determine who will rule the people, is a striking one indeed to me because it brought to the fore memories of leadership decadence in my country Nigeria and the need for me to assume the position of a crusader for reformation and become the transformation myself. I personally kept asking myself that ‘if leaders are indeed appointed based on moral merits’ as promoted by the great Confucius. My Nigeria will be a paradise on earth putting into consideration our natural endowments. Personally I am working and pushing towards that. Just yesterday being the first day of April, 2018. A younger friend who I am privilege to be talking to/counseling called me to wish me Happy Easter and said among other things, he called to appreciate me over my ‘word’ to him all the while. They have being helpful. Morality has being the bane for this. I honestly covet widening my scope.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

It will practically help me to embrace self-learning and personal development. Because the only way to build people’s capacity is to simply build mine first. When I know and help other to know, certainly the world will be a better place. It has indeed been proven by Confucius. It will practically help me to be futuristic and think long term. As such the only way and means to do this to plant men around positive and impactful life changing philosophy and ideology. Being firm with what is right in life will personally help me to make good decisions. It will personally help me to put my work into writing in a comprehensive document that will aid upcoming generation easily have reference point. It will in turn foster learning and enhance history and make the work leave on and on.
Li concept will personally guide me in doing what is proper at all with people and for people. It will indeed eliminate strives and rancho amidst brethren. As such making the world a better place to leave in, in peace, unity and love. Zhengming concept helps to lead by example. Talk other what is right; show them how to do what is right and take them by the hand to doing that which is right and correct. When my followers notice my leadership style, there is automatic uniformity in conformity to rules at all time. This will foster orderliness and progress in all spheres. If leadership is actually base on moral, then I will be poised to build my moral bank and not fight or kill or oppress to attain leadership position. This will ensure that the right people are in power to do what is right for the good of all. This will indeed foster development, peace and growth for all.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what to sell.”

Greatness is the ability to differentiate between what is proper to do per time and what is wrong not to do per time in life.

“Instead of being concerned that you are not known, seek to be worthy of being known.”

Embark on great strides that will bless your fellow man, you will definitely being known.

“He who learns but does not think is lost, He who thinks but does not learn is a great danger.”

In winning in life, learning and thinking are tools that must not be down play for no reason.
“The strength of a nation is derives from the integrity of the home.”

Family values and virtues if well uphold, fosters nation’s wellness in all spheres.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

Consistency is key. Not letting go until the gold is mine is crucial.

“A superior man remains steadfast in the face of poverty; the small man, when impoverished, loses restraint.”

External situations never change the integrity principles of a great. What right is right at all times irrespective of odds.

“In a country well-governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.”

It is not possible to do what is proper and suffer nor do what is wrong and prosper.

“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”

If you don’t know that you do not know. The appetite for knowledge will be hindered.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Yes. The Chinese classic tests also known as the “Five Classic” and what they entail are really not clear to me. Though I have decided to further do a search about them to ascertain their messages. (The classic Poetry, the book of documents, the book of rites, the I Ching or book of change and the Spring and Autumn Annals).

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercise in the book. Though had a great time aliening with the thoughts therein.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes. I notice in the introduction and the first chapter of the book, the compiler of the book was not certain with Confucius date of birth and place birth. The date and place of birth of Confucius lacks specificity which will in turn base on my on understanding create room doubt correctness and validity of the work. As such abuse trust. I think the compiler ought to have being much more certain and specific with his date.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Gandhi: An Autobiography; The Story of My Experiences with Truth
Assessment by Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The 528 pages book chronicle the life of Gandhi, his message, struggle for the liberation and justice for humanity with principle given primary stage. Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India on October 2, 1869. He was the youngest of three sons and books were his only companions. His father and grandfather were great men of principle while his mother was very religious. They influenced his life immensely and they raised him to put virtue before wealth. At the tender age of thirteen he had an arranged marriage. In 1887 Gandhi left India to go to England to study law. His mother made him promise that he practices abstinence to wine, women and meat before she gave her blessing for him to leave.

He traveled to South Africa as a barrister in 1893 and signed a one-year contract, however he remained there over twenty years. During his time there he fought for racial unity and the end to race prejudice. Gandhi lived by his convictions and persuaded others to follow simplicity, harmony, non-violence, and humanitarian efforts. In 1903 he set up office to be an attorney in Johannesburg and wrote his own newspaper for the Indian people called, “The Indian Opinion.” Because of his belief in non-violent civil disobedience to react to an injustice of prejudice he was sent to prison in 1908. Gandhi expressed he much rather be a political prisoner to stop the Anti-Asiatic declaration then to allow it to happen so he used passive resistance as his weapon. The book is indeed an epitome of non-violent, love, sacrifice and positive struggle and fight for humanity.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. I learned that, one of the best ways to save money to buy something that one is in dare need of is to cut down one’s expenses.

This Gandhi exhibited in his book. More so, he also emphasizes on the need for walk/exercise that will help in curtailing health challenges to a great extent. This I hundred percentage agreed too. It is important to me because it has further expose me to saving and expenses cut down, as well as the need to embark on exercise. It has reawakened my daily road walk.

ii. I learned also from Gandhi’s life style the need for me to always go the extra mile in developing and building my capacity in the area of knowledge per time.

This Gandhi exhibited that aided him in making better impact in his quest in life. Self improvement is simply the mantra. It is very key to me because it has rekindle my quest knowledge. I ensure I don’t allow a day to pass me by without learning something.

iii. I learned from Gandhi that it is wrong to do a thing in the secret that I cannot do in the public. This he firmly advocated for in his quest to impact humanity.

It is important to me reasoning being that, it gave me better version and need for self principle in life. As such, whatever is not proper within is not proper outside. This is the new mantra that I personally guide myself with daily.

iv. Gandhi has taught me from this book, never to accommodate oppression of any kind.

This Gandhi firmly stood and fought for at Natal and other places where he lived for the Indians and other oppress people per at large. Even at Pretoria, he encounters series of assault, humiliation and stigmatization. Gandhi stood for justice at all cause with all sense of determination despite the odds. The India Franchise Bill in the House of Legislature was one among others Gandhi fought for. The need to always stand for what is right to all not just self was key to me. As such I daily ensure that injustice is not melted out to anyone around me. Standing out for what is proper for all has become my daily task.

v. I learned from great depth of insight from his speech to the Indians when he first visited them and held a meeting with them.

He indeed advocated striking thought provoking insights which are as follow:
Have a big heart for people
Service to humanity
Go out of your will to make others better
Others welfare is your business.
Nothing can be so profound in life than to know the above vital points and comply to them. I was touch when I came across these tips. I always look out for opportunity to service humanity with joy in my hearth at all times, not minding going out of my will. What an insight!

vi. One major lesson among other things I got from the great icon is that “whatever policy that is not healthy and anti-people is met to be corrected.’

Always fight for injustice! What is not good is not good. Stand for justice. I have further rekindle for urge to stand for justice to all. As such on daily basis now I forbid injustice of any kind.

vii. I discovered from Gandhi in this book that going to school is never enough, but taking time out to further learn and practice the rope and trick of every discipline is key.

No wonder it was pivotal for Gandhi to go attached himself to higher Lawyers to further better himself to enable him succeed in his field. Internship is the word…
After seeing this, I immediately applied for an internship programme with Philips Consulting for a hands-on training in my area of endeavor.

viii. It is not often necessary to fight those fighting your ideology and philosophy. Education, orientation and prove of impact/result is what they need.

The moment I stubble upon this my thinking pattern changed. I now know that it is not necessary to be arguing. Another great lesson gotten from the book is that it is not proper to run a public institution on a permanent fund. As such Gandhi invested in property for Natal Indian Congress in order to diversify their stream of income for the congress.
This is key to me because it has exposed me to disabuse my mind from running organization solely from the savings of the organization. Investment and creation of other sources of income is very pivotal.

x. Selfless life for humanity is what I will call Gandhi’s deeds in this book.

Particularly in 1899 and 1901 when Gandhi was to return to India, he returns the gift given to him and his family and put the valuable gifts in trust for the community in South Africa. What a deed. Thought me to leave for others at all times. I do my best do stand with people daily as occasion demand. And this is really helping out in life now I must confess.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

These ideas/lessons will help me in the following ways and means:
It will help me to maintain daily habit of savings to enable me meet other pressing needs and desire per time in life. Doing this will enable become financially apt.
ii. It has showed me the need to go extra mile for people and enhance my knowledge capacity. It has indeed better my life by making me selfless and resourceful to others every day of my life.
This point honestly has reawakened my consciousness, which in turn has daily helped me to watch and caution my deeds within and without/outside.
Practically this has made to me to always service people. I have recently ensure in my office that even the tasks that are not mine, as occasion demand I get them done without waiting for others. It has really improved me in all angles.
Standing for justice as always has given me an identity in my place of work that my colleagues are now mindful of the kind of things they bring to me. This has indeed help to stay away from trouble and given me a good name.
Getting to acquire practical in my area of discipline is the lesson and it has really help me to do more and better in my place of work and life.
Don’t fight your fighter, educate them and deliver prove of result they will be calm. It has better me because it save my time, energy and save me from all sort of health challenge that may arise as a result of worries over what my fighters and distracters will say and do. I am free now!
Running investments for organization better the income generation of the organization. This piece of information has better me because I am in the know as such working hard to implement it as soon as I start my business. Though I have started sharing the knowledge to people. The feedback is massive and encouraging.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“To carry out the orders of elders, not to scan their action.”

Obedience to elders per time in life is key.

“I have nothing new to teach. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills.”

Truth and non-violence is not new. We should embrace them for the good of humanity.

“Physical training should have as much place in the curriculum as mental training.”

Physical training is always important. As we build our mind we should stay physically fit.

“A man of truth must also be a man of care.”

You don’t speak truth and fail to show care to your fellow man.

“Good handwriting is a necessary part of education. Children should be thought drawing first before learning.”

Personally I never knew that drawing from childhood can influence or better my handwriting. I will teach your children and generation unborn this.

“Only he who is smitten with the arrow of love knows its power.”

We really need to experience love to understand its power and efficacy.

“Gandhi’s tragedy of eating meat, patronizing brothel, suicide moves, smoking was simply a product of association.”

Our association in life per time must be guided to stay on track.

“Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.”

Truth and morality are virtues that we all must guide jealously in life.

“Becharji Swami made Gandhi to take/make a vow about wine, women and meat before the mummy became convince to allow Gandhi opt out for England.”

Vows can help us stay on track and avoid distraction.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There was no specific exercise in the book. But the deeds and exhibited by Mahatma Gandhi are worth emulating, especially his non-violent way of handling issue.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela
Assessment by Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Long Walk to Freedom, is a 630 page book autobiography of the former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela. The book was published in USA in 1994 by Macdonald Purnell. The book is structured into eleven parts that chronicled Nelson Mandela’s life as follows; A Country Childhood, Johannesburg, Birth of a Freedom Fighter, The Struggle is My Life, Treason, The Black Pimpernel, Rivonia (Trial), Robben Island: The Dark Years, Robben Island: Beginning to Hope, Talking With the Enemy, Freedom. In summary, the book mirrored his life, upbringing, education, struggles/fights, life in the prison (for 27 years) and after prison as the president of South Africa as well as his political ideologies.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Nelson Mandela Leadership

Nelson Mandela has emerged as the world’s most significant moral leader after Mahatma Gandhi. This is striking to me because it fosters the need for me to be morally just and uphold justice and righteous deeds in my everyday life. If we all leave our lives base on ethics and morality our problem in life will be half solve.

ii. Doggedness

Nelson Mandela did well in school not because of cleverness but more of doggedness. Why it is okay to be clever and intelligent in school and life, doggedness is also key in the journey of life. This insight I considered striking because it has open me up for the need to be dogged in all that I do while giving wisdom its place still.

iii. Achievements

A degree is not in itself a guarantee of leadership and that it meant nothing unless one go out into the community to prove oneself. While it is okay to acquire a certificate, it is still not enough. I need to go all out to make my certificate benefit others by using my knowledge to solve societal problems then my leadership depth will find expression and earn me satisfaction.

iv. Self-Worth

In the noble words of Nelson Mandela, he “I have never regarded any man as my superior, either in my life outside or inside prison.” This is striking to me after reading the book because it enhances my self-esteem and self worth.
v. Humility

I learned that to humiliate another person is to make him suffer an unnecessary cruel fate. Even as a boy, I defeated my opponents without dishonoring them. In this afore measured assertion, Nelson Mandela admonishes that I should desist from humiliating others. This is striking to me because desisting from this act will help me in solving problems and make be a better person al together.

vi. Determination

A boy may cry, but a man conceals his pain. This insight was striking to me because it opens me up to determination and perseverance. That as a man I must be strong in the face of every funny circumstance I find myself. Fading out amidst problems is never a solution.

vii. A Fighting Spirit

One major idea that really touches me more was the fact that Nelson Mandela’s fighting spirit was birthed from his exposures in life. Little wonder did he say ‘’I acquire knowledge mainly through observation, imitation and emulation not through questions. To me it validates the fact that as a leader, I must expose myself to happenings within and around me. I must be sensitive to my environment and country at large. Traveling is key, because it will open me up.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

It will help me to leave a moral and just life. After reading the Long Walk to Freedom, I have decided to up my morality and justice game higher. People now see me as a different person while in turn I also see the need to spread the message to all. Imagine the honor Nelson Mandela was accorded during his burial.

Life will not always deliver unto me what I desire per time. As such I must be dogged at all time. This has being added to my daily mantra and has made me stronger and learn to face the issues of life with a positive attitude.

The need to proof my certifications and education was rekindled by this idea and insight. Going forward I have decided to teach others online and offline what I have learnt at all stage.

This idea has helped me to daily see the need to boost my self-esteem and self worth. I am who I am because of the solutions I can birth in life that no else can do or provide. I am superior not inferior in life.

To humiliate others as far as I am concern is now a taboo after reading this non-friction autobiography of Nelson Mandela. I now treat people with respect and special honor, now convince that there is honor ahead.

I now learn daily in my work place via observations, emulation and imitation and I have found it very helpful. I recently watch I video on You Tube on how to use zoom to hold a training meeting online. After watching I immediately emulated what I learnt and the following day I held a meeting online with a client in Germany.

Life is not was challenges free, sequel to this fact I have made up my mind to be firm and strong every day of my life no matter what.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“It is not for you to spend your life mining the white man’s gold never knowing how to write your name.”

Don’t spend your entire life building and working for others without building and working on yourself to better yourself and others as well as your country/community.

“King Jongintaba adopted Nelson Mandela after his father’s death which gave Nelson Mandela access into the royal place to experience royal life sequel to the result of the advise Nelson’s late father gave the king makers that later made Jongintaba to be enthrone King.”

Whenever the opportunity of your wisdom and counsel is required, learn to offer it meaningfully without any form of bias.

“It is not lack of ability that limited my people but lack of opportunities.”

I need to start creating opportunities for my people in my own little way. By so doing my country side will be better and problem free to a large extend.

“Make your way on the basis of your ability, not your heritage.”

Whatever I want to improve in life about myself, I should do it on the basis of my ability. I should pursue purpose, vision, potentials and my capacities.

“First listen to others opinion before venturing your own opinion. Use their opinions to draw your own consensus of the discussion at hand.”

As a leader, it is not healthy to rush into taking decisions in a meeting. Learn to listen to others first and draw conclusion on the basis their aggregated opinions.

“Part of my salary was spent on an even more vital item – candle, foe without them I could not study.”

This assertion was a confirmation to the fact that one of Nelson Mandela’s secret was study. He took time out to pursue knowledge. No wonder his depth of wisdom and quotes are life touching.

“Life has a way of forcing decisions on those who vacillate.”

Indecision in life is a decision at every stage in life, this quote has open it up to me. To that end, the need to accord importance to daily decision making is key and must not be taken with levity.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I understood everything therein.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There were no exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No, there was none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.
Assessment by Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and civil-rights activist who had a liberalization impact on race relations in the United States, beginning in the mid-1950s. Among his many efforts, King headed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Through his activism and inspirational speeches, he played a pivotal role in ending the legal segregation of African-American citizens in the United States, as well as the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, among several other honors. He continues to be remembered as one of the most influential and inspirational African-American leaders in history. Born as Michael King Jr. on January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King Jr. was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. The King and Williams families had roots in rural Georgia. Martin Jr.’s grandfather, A.D. Williams, was a rural minister for years and then moved to Atlanta in 1893. He took over the small, struggling Ebenezer Baptist church with around 13 members and made it into a forceful congregation. He married Jennie Celeste Parks and they had one child that survived, Alberta. The main idea of the book is racism, injustices, freedom, non violence, spirituality and education among other great ideas.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Love

In 1957 Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a powerful sermon on “Loving Your Enemies.” In it he said, “Yes, it is love that will save our world and our civilization, love even for enemies.” He also spoke of the need “to organize mass non-violent resistance based on the principle of love.” In February 1968, just two months before his assassination, he told a congregation at Ebenezer Church in Atlanta that he wanted to be remembered as someone who “tried to love and serve humanity.” His position of love towards humanity and struggle was so massive and indeed caught my attention. The idea of love message has completely taken over my person such that I now have a better depth for the need of love to all on daily basis since I read this great autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.

ii. Service and sacrifice

Martin Luther King Jr. service humanity all through his life, even to the point of death. He was assassinated for his struggle. His fight and movements were strictly for the liberation and justice for others. Indeed his depth of service and sacrifice was something else. This insight has widened my mindset to the positive that it is not all about me but more of others. If I must grow up and make my society better, I will have to go all out for other people’s good and freedom. To this end my everyday life now is pointed at serving as many as I can within my capacity that is in line with the law of my land. This has also made me to make certain vows that I must be a blessing to my generation in Leadership, Knowledge and liberation/Empowerment.

iii. Hard work

Martin Luther King Jr. and many others spent years of their lives in order to make the Civil Rights movement succeed. Without their effort who knows what America might look like today? This idea has shifted my thinking so much now that I have a different and better understanding of hard work and it benefits. As such I am working harder and committed to my dreams and work daily.

iv. Big change happens from little drives and ideas.

Who would have ever believed that somebody will Barrack Obama will become the President of America! This idea is key and important to me because, I daily accord importance and commitment to my dreams and ideas knowing that no matter how little it might seems, it will birth greatness tomorrow if I keep at it. This has become my daily thinking and mantra.

v. Develop strategic partnerships

Martin Luther King Jr. aligns visible support from like-minded leaders outside of the African American community (standing with him in the front of the Selma march, for example, were a rabbi and a nun) – an effort that magnified the civil rights message and helped it influence more people faster than would have been possible otherwise. The morals therefore is that, if the right partners are chosen, strategic alignments with influencers can dramatically help attain dreams and goals faster and better. To this end, I am now building and oiling my networks and relationships on daily basis, because I sincerely need them to fly higher.
vi. In order to lead you must make people excited to follow
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches would have accomplished anything without the large crowds of people who listened to them, and were motivated to act based upon them. It wasn’t the speeches that influenced government officials to make society-transforming changes – it was the large number of people peacefully demonstrating, lobbying, and influencing.

vii. Do not give up follow through to your dreams

Without a doubt, the famous quote most people associate with Martin Luther King Jr. comes from his historic 1963 speech: “I have a dream.” Dreams are powerful, and can serve as great motivators – but they are only meaningful if we act on them. This Martin Luther King Jr. did even to the point of his assassination. No wonder his impart is still being felt today across the globe. This idea is key to me simply because the need to keep pushing through with my dreams and purpose in life was further activated and ignited the moment I read through Martin’s story.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Love – It will help me to be love driven to others. And when I show love to others love will certainly flow back to me. Since this light entered me after reading this book, I daily show love to all to the best of my ability.
Service and sacrifice – this idea avail me the opportunity to embrace service and sacrifice deeper than I used to now. I have always being an advocate of help/assistant to others whenever necessary. As such I am more committed to this now that I have better understanding of it in my daily life.

Hard work – Nothing works like hard work and dedication to my dreams. This Martin Luther King Jr. showed me in this book. To this end, I have made more commitment pledge to myself and around my work/office to always go the extra mile.
Big change happens – This idea has helped me a great deal to know that I thing I do today can make change happen in the future. As such, I am poise to doing things now that will birth great change to humanity on a positive scale.

Develop strategic partnerships – This idea has also helped me to understand the importance of building partnership and friendship as well as like-minded aliens. The awaken here is that I honestly cannot do it all alone without other positive minded people that believe in my dream per time. As such, I have decided on daily basis to be building positive network deliberately.
In order to lead you must make people excited to follow – To me this is amazing and a powerful idea. It is amazing and powerful because I now know that, to earn followership to my movement/struggles, I must make them excited about the movement/struggle. To this end, I have decided to embark on detail research on how best I can excite my followers. And I am daily committed to this.

Do not give up – To win in life and must keep standing for what I believe in at all cost. This has become my daily mantra. The idea has helped me to see reasons why I must keep pushing and get going. This has being one of the major reasons why I am still standing and going in life and I am happy, I have never had the urge to let go completely.
Pursue your dreams – get it done, get it done and get it done. Is all I think of everyday of my life now. I am indeed please that I read this book.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.”

This got my attention because it echoes the need and importance of service towards becoming great in life.

“No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”

This also got my attention because it further establishes the need for excellence in whatever I do in life.

“The day we see the truth and cease to speak is the day we begin to die.”

To me, this quote powerfully revealed the fact that where falsehood reign, death rules. As such the need to always stand for the truth and what is right at all cost cannot be over emphasized.

“If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps moving, you lose that courage to be that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream.”

This got my attention because it poses the need for hope in all that I do.

“Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”

Peace lovers should stand up tall to propagate their peace message more than trouble makers.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Nothing actually, the message was explicit to me.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
There are no exercises in the book. Though had a great time connecting with the thoughts and messages in this book.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10