Iroegbu Daniel Ifegwu – Profile


Name: Iroegbu, Daniel IfegwuNig-Iroegbu-Daniel
Country: Nigeria
Birthday: 29/09/1983
Education: Higher National Diploma in Dental Therapy and MPH in view.
Occupation: Public/ Dental Health Specialist

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

My description of a world that works for everyone is taking responsibility for entire human family, making difference in our little community, creating a relationship that makes a difference in people’s lives and that which concerns the whole human being. Impacting and improving livelihood through intervention programs among vulnerable groups.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Wide difference in perception of the world most pressing problem exist which differ from continent to continent and country to another. Nigeria’s most pressing problems includes insurgency, unemployment, poverty, hunger, lack of drinking water, child and maternal mortality, leadership and wealth management. Social unrest in Europe, political unrest in Libya, economic crisis/ situation in Greece, global warming and pollution in China, Nuclear plant in Iran, Arms conflicts in Bulgaria, International terrorism in Syria, climate change in Sweden. Income inequality, low universal health coverage and social disorder which can be seen as the most pressing problem by Saudi Arabia and Tunisia.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

Problem identification is the first step in tackling and providing solution to the problem. The most pressing problem can be solved by taking responsibility for the human life and community. Putting others first will reduce international terrorism and insurgent. Like in Nigeria, when resources are adequately utilized, poor drinking water, poverty, hunger, maternal and child mortality will be reduced. When selfishness is replaced with high integrity, heart centered leader the social and political unrest in Sudan will be reduced.


Working directly with the communities focusing on malaria elimination, menstrual hygiene management (MHM), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Family Planning, Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C), Rural Nutrition, Dental Health, Reproductive Health, Teenage Pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and STIs/ STDs and associated health problems. I am the Founder of the Global Dental Health Care Foundation incorporated in Nigeria with the mandate of reduce preventable diseases, identify health and environmental challenges, improve livelihood and sustainable health in the communities. Through this Non-governmental organization, we have been able to mobilize the rural communities on improve family planning, safe water use, improved sanitation and hygiene and elimination of open defection. Leading advocacy aimed at mitigating harmful cultural, traditional and religious restrictions on menstruation and menstrual hygiene management and female genital mutilation. Initiates schools education and community mobilizations on improved reproductive health and reduce HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy.

Promote behavioral change communication, education and community outreach activities; mobilize the community leaders in the planning and implementation of intervention program. To lead advocacy toward improving sanitation infrastructures and access to simple facilities for many people as well as to collaborate with international, national and local agencies to promote sustainable sanitation and hygiene. These was accomplished through initiating advocacy visits and consultative meetings with the community leaders, opinion leader, men, women and youth groups, and the religious leaders, capacity building training and social and behavioral communication change. My interested is in improving livelihood especially in the rural communities who do not have access to health facilities. Volunteering and mobilizing people toward volunteerism.

My goal is to be International public health expert traveling the world to impact lives positively. My favorite books include the Bible, adventurous books and movies that focus on improving and intervening in human life. The foundation was established out of passion to impact and improve a healthy behavior and attitude among the rural community as to reduce preventable diseases, identify health and environmental challenges, improve livelihood and sustainable health in the grassroots. This has lead to improving my capacity and studies in The Biology of Water & Health from Tuft University, Monitoring & Evaluation of Malaria Program from Measure Evaluation/ USAID, Economic Evaluation in Global Health, Gender & Sexual & Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Healthy Timing & Spacing of Pregnancy, Community Based Family Planning, Logistic for Health Commodities, Family Planning & Reproductive Health for People living with HIV, Monitoring & Evaluation Fundamental, Fostering change in Health Services, Malaria in Pregnancy, Mother to Child Transmission of HIV, Malaria Basics, Diarrhea Disease, Human Resource for Health Basic, Monitoring & Evaluation Framework, Designing HIV Program for Key Population, Geographic Approach to Global Health, Data Quality, Data Use for Program Managers, Gender and Health System Strengthening, Population, Health and Environment, Nutrition (An Introduction), Youth Sexual & Reproductive Health in Global Health from United State Agency for International Development (USAID) and John Hopkins Bloomberg, School of Public Health, Centre for Communication Programs.

I have carried out several Improve Hygiene and Community Education programs and currently Board member and Executive of some organizations.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age