Ibijemilusi Adewumi John – Profile


Name: Ibijemilusi Adewumi Johnibijemilusi.
Country: Nigeria
Email: wumiroles4real@yahoo.com
Website: www.conceptsandactualities.com
Birthday: 08/24/1989
Education: Bachelor of Science
Occupation: Entrepreneur

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

A country, a people and nation that does not value its youth does not deserve its future. Youth as an important force for change given their inherent characteristics of energy must play critical role in Africa’s development. We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. My long term goal is to secure my territory, sensitize the youths in my community to great potentials they carry.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Lack of morals, ethics, no standard to live by, no enabling environment that can facilitate our youths to reflective thinking, because to proffer a lasting solution to the emerging problems in the world today; we need strategist.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

These problems can be solved if only we create an enabling environment that can spur our youth to reflective thought that can help in combating the problems in the world today. Our youth needs to be re-oriented as this will help renew their mindset so, they can start maximizing their functional roles as a true leader to the world.


I am change driven; want to live for change from time to time. I have not had much travelling experience. My interests are in entrepreneurship, business promotion, strategist formation, youth development projects, a farmer, a network engineer, change agent as well as a growth consultant. My long term goal is to live behind a substantial landmark by the time I rest my soul and in view of this I will not quench, strain neither will be weary till I secure the Africa. I am single and the first son of the family. Adewumi is an alumnus of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun state, Nigeria. I’m from Nigeria and I am a Christian belong to a family called concepts and actualities,Concepts and Actualities is a family that is change driven. The major concern of this family is youth empowerment, youth re-orientation and as well youth development. In this family we create a platform where by African youth can come to the full realization and actualization of the potentials. We also create an enabling environment under which the African youth can see himself as a true leader. We create a platform through which our youth can build a very strong network with the global world at large. Some of the projects we are committed to includes Lifeseeds and many more… My long term goal is to live behind a substantial landmark by the time I rest my soul and in view of this I will not quench, strain neither will be weary till I secure the Africa. I am single and the first son of the family. Adewumi is an alumnus of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun state, Nigeria. I’m from Nigeria and I am a Christian belong to a family called concepts and actualities,Concepts and Actualities is a family that is change driven. The major concern of this family is youth empowerment, youth re-orientation and as well youth development. I am change driven; want to live for change from time to time. I have not had much travelling experience. My interests are in entrepreneurship, business promotion, strategist formation, youth development projects, a farmer, a network engineer, change agent as well as a growth consultant. It is really true that man is the author of his destiny just as an unexamined life is not worth living. He who fails to think will have his thinking done by another for him. The Bible also says that people perish for lack of knowledge. The quotes above are part of the things I will be talking about. I have always had the belief, which I acquired from my culture, that people live a life of chance, tossed around like paper or feather in the wind, a life of poverty, suffering, depression, envy, anger, jealousy suppression and oppression because of external forces. We believe that the causes of our problems are out there and we crave for sympathy from the world believing that we are victims of circumstances.

We believe that there is an external force responsible for our suffering without realizing that those forces has power because we gave them such powers. We fail to realise that any time we wake up to our responsibilities and decide to take our destinies into our hands, all external forces will succumb and even work for our success. We can harness every force of nature to our advantage. The Creator has not placed us under any creature but above all creatures. The bible taught that God gave man dominion over all the earth.

I must confess that my life has been that of wishing and dreaming without a definite purpose and action. Through reading of the books in levels one and two I was able to discover how to first be the change I want to see in the world. I can declare that I am now a transformed person in thought, belief, actions and inactions. I really know that I am no longer the same again. I am now in charge of my life.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull