Doreen Kawira – Profile


Name: Doreen Kawira
Country: Kenya
Birthday: January 27, 1986
Education: Hotel Management
Occupation: Business Owner

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

The vision of a world that works for very one is a world whereby people are respected irrespective of their colour, gender race and aspirations, a world where all people are equal in the eyes of the Lord, a world where opportunities are given through merits not who you know and how fat your wallet is, whereby opportunities are given to the rightful person, being served equally without corruption or anything but justice prevails.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Corruption is killing the world, people die in hospital due to corruption, the drugs meant for sick people have been sold for the highest bidder, also if you don’t have someone who knows you getting a job is an issues, you should have a connection to get a job or government tender, this is what is killing most nations, and it starts
right from families children grow knowing corruption in the mode of life, it is very evident in what we see on a daily basis.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

Corruption can be solved in various ways, introducing lessons in school teaching the effects of corruption from earlier age, also those who are corrupt should be dealt when found guilty, but in our society if one is corrupt and he is rich the penalty is more favorable he is in a position to higher a barrister who is highly qualified, and will get his way out. our judiciary system should be amended in order for those corrupt not only refunding the corrupt money but be penalized heavily.


My name is Doreen Kawira from Meru, I am a Kenyan and a business lady, due to insufficient or lack of employment I decide to employ myself by starting a green grocery in my area, I have a diploma in hotel management, but I decided to employ myself so that I can also employ more people, I am a single mother with one child who I provide everything in may own way.

I am a kind of a person who doesn’t wait for employment before I started my business I was doing all sorts of work, cleaning clothes for a pay, doing garden work, and I could get few coins that I saved to start my grocery which is doing very well. I didn’t mind that I was learned, because our certificate alone cannot put food on the table, so I decided I will do anything to excel, not lamenting about
insufficient of employment opportunities, today I am happy because I can pay my bills single highhandedly without being a beggar, I can pay schools fees for my child without any pain. Self empowerment leads to self-reliance.

After going through your website and also from some teachings I have received from Erick, I made my mind to choose this organization to study because through what is happening in this world, they are giving out solutions and empowering people on how to cope with life on a daily basis, this organization will help me be equipped the knowledge and skills to share in my community.

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As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull