Darko Albert – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Albert Darko ( Ghana)

1) What is the main idea that the writer is trying to convey in the book?

The main or core idea of this book is motivation. Motivation which is the process of gingering, arousing and sustaining the interest of people-employees at work. This involves the total mindset of an individual, thus, changing minds and changing attitudes .This is so because what man perceives is what he likely to receive. It must be noted that the individual’s mindset function as an input-output device such that what goes in as inputs comes out as outputs. By implication, man needs to be motivated so as to function effectively and efficiently.

2) What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you .Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven important most important ideas to me from James Allen’s book are as follows;

Firstly, man should eschew fear and failure and develop a positive and optimistic attitude. This means that in the struggle towards the achievement of goals and purposes, man should be fearless, bold and courageous and be firm since northing good comes easy. Man as a being needs to be focus and self-motivated to meet his dreams and personal aspirations.

Secondly, man must exercise and exhibit patience in carrying out his routine activities. How patience pays off –patience as a moral virtue is a very effective tool for a man who is anxious to climb the ladder of life and to achieve a successful life. Values cherished at the home and workplace embraces patience as social phenomena that ought to be inculcated by man as far as this world is concern. One should exercise patience and portray decency in discharging his duties and exhibit life worthy of emulation.

Thirdly, man should define himself as a master of thought. This implies man must not develop the spirit of inferiority complex or look down upon himself as being inferior. It must be noted that the way we define ourselves make others to detect who we really are. Therefore, man should endeavor to add value to himself through determination and dedication try as much as possible to function well at any given task. Man can add value to himself through the introduction of new and innovative ways of doing things and do it properly. Personally, I am a teacher as at now, my techniques in teaching makes me stand tall my collogue teachers. This is witnessed through the number of students who attends my extra-classes named DYNAMIC CLASSES. I have employed other teachers who are paid on monthly basis to assist and to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the teaching all subjects especially the languages-French, etc.

Moreover, another distinguishing and very outstanding idea I came across was that every man is steerer or captain of his fate. That man has his destiny at his own hands and therefore how he manipulates the rich but limited resources around him to the benefit of himself in reaching his destiny. Therefore man and for that matter all and sundry should improve upon our olden ways and means of doing things and try as much as possible to be distinctive. Being distinctive means doing the same thing differently from rivals to create and sustain competitive advantage and be at a competitive edge. On this note man owes it as an obligation to learn and discover ideas, facts concepts for himself so as to be creative and very innovative under the impression of being different.

Further, I came across the idea that man’s actions should be geared towards the aims, goals, objectives and purposes set for himself –thus, very focus with sense of direction motivated with determination and armed with perseverance. This is a very important idea in that it teaches man and every reader the need to be focus and straight forward in the struggle for the achievement of our goals and objectives in life-one cannot look into the bottle with two eyes. In life one should know where he/she is coming from and where he or she is heading towards in order not to be strained-off our direction. This will go a long way to set the parameters within which to achieve our targets. It is always wise for one to know where he is going to avoid conflict of ideas and circumstances so as to function meaningfully and to be productive for the benefit of society.

RESEARCH FOR EXCELLENCE is also equally an important idea that sounds so efficiently to me especially in this twenty-first century land-scarp. Knowledge is now considered as a critical factor of production hence an intellectual capital which can be acquired, developed and maintained through an integrated approach by interacting with both tangible and intangible resources. Through a process termed environmental analysis which implies the scanning, monitoring, forecasting and assessing the general environment to identify whether there is a particular trend from among the variables of the general environment. Man can therefore through the environmental analysis be able to identify resources that are capabilities and utilize the opportunity to develop his core competencies to create and sustain a competitive advantage. It will very prudent for man to show less interest in things that are obstacles to progress in life to promote serve development through self discipline as suggested by ARISTOTLE in one of his philosophical sayings.

Finally, James Allen did not over upon the term motivation which sounds so echoing in individuals life. Motivation serves as a peal that arouses, gingers and sustains one’s interest in discharging his daily routine activities. A self-motivated person is very essential in life and perseveres till he reaches his dream land-objectives, goals and purposes. Leaders who succeed in life and actually hit the targets of their entities are said and termed as motivators. The do not only issue instructions but ensures that there is segregation of duty and that employees are working with enthusiasm through his inspirational ideas and intimacy with employees. I am a self-motivated person with a sense of purpose having lost both parents at age six took the bull by the horn to educate myself up to the University and my sister up to SHS . Even though things were hard sometimes, I motivated myself and gathered courage towards the achievements of my goals and objectives and to serve as a role model to the millions of orphans out there that whatever be the situation they can make it –education is not for only the rich but embraces all. Interestingly motivation cut across all endeavors of human society hence man must be a self motivator since the road to success in life is never straightforward but full of mysteries.

3) How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas are so educate and will help me to;

• Reaffirm that life is worth living only if I can live it well and right. I should take chances and should avoid unpardonable mistakes if I seriously mean business.

• I should be focus and think positively in meeting my aims and work endlessly to climb the ladder of life.

• That I should be a motivator and serve as example in inspiring others to how to live a better life and be successful in life. Through my good works and achievement others may come know the true world by getting in touch with their mindsets.

• Besides, these ideas will go in a long way to assist me to visualize a peaceful world and live harmoniously with others to ensure total growth of society –peace is facilitator of development and encourages investment.

• Finally, I have learnt that I man must learn hard to be well fitted in this modern society and to serve as a tool that can be used in changing my total mindset.

Conclusively, this book is value adding activity in that it vividly brought to light some useful ideas to a successful life and equips one with the spirit of self determination and self direction towards the achievements of our goals and objectives.

4) Quotes; Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The below quotes took me ablaze and will like to comment on them;

‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he’

‘Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamond obtained’

‘He that seeketh findth and to him that knocketh, it shall be open’

‘For only by patience, practice and ceaseless opportunity cana man enter the door of the temple of knowledge’

‘A sour face does not come by chance; it is made by sour thoughts’,

‘Impure thoughts, even if not physically indulge will sooner shatter the nervous system’

‘Circumstances does not make a man. It reveals him to himself’

From above quotes, wisdom is the key needed by every determined man to succeed in life. Besides, these quotations serve as motivational pill to its readers.

5) Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

The book is very educative and contributes immensely to societal development with its well structured lay out and colorful printing conveying messages of thoughts.

6) Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Is yes because practicing what has been learnt alone is worth a simple assignment. Man should practice the ideas to develop his mindset for the benefit of society in general.

7) Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the precious question? If so, Comment.

Every thing about this book is nice; however, my contribution as a reader is that this book should be made available to all and sundry to be equipped with its wise ideas.

A) How interesting was it to read? 10
B) How helpful were the content? 9
C) How easy was it to understand? 10
D) Would you recommend it to others? 9
E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Albert Darko ( Ghana)

1) What is the main idea that the writer is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea being conveyed by the author is that PRACTICE CREATES PERFECTION. Thus, through hardwork, endurance and perseverance one can climb the ladder of success irrespective of his/her background. Through constant practice one can overcome challenges in order to be at the top. The only tool is to determine, practice and exploit and give birth to success.

2) What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

After a thorough reading of Jonathan Livingston Seagull’s book, the seven most important ideas to me included;

Firstly, one should not be under boredom, fear nor anger as they the element that shortens life. This implies that in life one must be concentrative and courageous in whatever we doing so as not to sway away from our focus and direction in achieving our goals and objectives. Personally, through endurance, hardwork and courage with a sense of purpose, I successfully combined teaching with University degree. I did not accommodate fear or boredom.

Secondly, I was totally taken home when the author exposed me the idea of constant practice which breeds PERFECTION. Practice, they say, makes man perfect-man should eschew laziness and work assiduously with self determination and dedication through constant practice. This will have a reflection in the way and manner we execute our routine responsibilities.

Thirdly, we ought to learn from each other or one another respecially ideas that seem so technical. Sometimes due to the technicality and nature of a concept, there is the need to approach those we think are expert to solicit their reach experiences. On campus for instance, I used to share ideas with others in the form of discussion to enrich my own.

Also, we should learn to tolerate the ideas and views of others without any imposition. The bible states categorically that no man is perfect hence man should not solely rely on his personal ideas since there is the tendency to make mistakes. This a great lesson as it exposes me to the benefits of group work and group sharing as it paves way for success in life.

Further, the author brought to light the importance of experimental learning to discover facts, ideas and concepts for oneself. As one climbs the ladder of life, he/she comes across new theories and ideas. Therefore, one should be prepared to acclimatize his/she to the situation through self discovery. This will avoid conflict of circumstances in life and pave way for success.

Moreover, there is the need to embark upon personal assessment to identify our strengths and weaknesses. This will equip us with what we can do and do it better and also what we cannot do so as not reprimand ourselves. Our knowledge about our strengths and weaknesses will aid us to position ourself well any given venture to be well fitted in his contemporally society of ours.

Lastly, we can’t force ourself to where we are not welcome, is also an equally important lesson I learnt. This vividly describes a situation where most people want to occupy or be at positions by either dubious or fault means. Man should endeavor to carefully scrutinize the environment to know where he is best fitted and accepted.

3) How these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas are so important to me in that they have exposed me to the secrets of success in life. Not only, these ideas have enriched me so greatly as far as social and inter-personal relationship and co-existence are concern.

Practically, these ideas will among other things help me to;

Manage time and resources efficiently and effectively achieving my goals, purposes and aspirations in life.

I have also learned the need to tolerate the views of others in the aim of unity.

Need to practice constantly to become perfect so as to function well in any field of endeavor.

Besides, I have learned to learn hard to discover facts, ideas and theories myself in creating a better world.

There is a reason to life and that man should as much as possible identify his abilities and do things well as expected. The lessons are worthy of emulation and contributes towards the creation a better world -a world of action, purpose and sense of direction, life will be meaningful and without obstacles. Perfect life is very essential as far as productivity is concern .The population is rapidly increasing and such man ought to be productive to efficiently and effectively address the demands of modern society to create a better world.

4) Quotes; Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The below quotations caught my attention;

‘Yes, I want fly.’ this quotation depicts the readiness and determination gathered by Jonathan indicating his burning desire to learn whatever be the situation.

‘It always works, when you know what you’re doing. now about your control…..’This quotation brings to light the sense of focus and direction towards the achievement of goals, purposes and objectives in life.

‘You have less fear of learning than any gull I’ve seen in ten thousand years. ’ Thus, fear, boredom and anger should be eschewed in that they are impediments to progress or learning.

‘I don’t care what they say ‘This illustration demonstrates the author’s sense of purpose which he is aiming at vehemently. He does look back as to what criticisms may be or are, instead, very focus and concentrative.

‘There is a reason to life. ’This demonstrates our purpose of existence on this universe. Biblically, God created man in His own image and entrusted man to be the steward over His creation. This means that all and sundry as a purpose in life and therefore we must think of satisfying these reasons of our existence to create a better world.

‘We can’t lift ourselves out of ignorance; we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence. ’Thus, man can discover new things and understand them through experimental learning.

‘Keep working on love. ’Love the bible says is the greatest commandment from God to man. To succeed in this wicked world man should Love his neighbor as himself.

5) Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

Reading this book was so splendid so far as I am concern. However, the language used was very unfamiliar to my liking. Besides, the technical ideas are not easily located. Not withstanding this, the book emphatically lay down and stressed key ideas and principles that can lead success in life. Life they say is so precious thanks to the author for equipping me with such great ideas to better life.

6) Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

YES, in the sense that ideas and lessons learnt in this book must be put into practice for the benefit of society as a whole. According to Alvin Toffler, ’Knowledge is not just a factor of production but a critical factor of production.’ Therefore, knowledge gained should be practiced daily be imparted unto others so as to create a better world. Lessons are the guidelines in life and he who refuses to learn is at great risk.

Generally, the book is a weapon that arms individual to successful life and excellence. To my interest, this book despite very precise, concise and brief, actually laid down salient principles keeping the reader in suspense arousing the appetite to read. Generally, the book is a weapon individuals with positive attitudes, suit of tools and management processes that will an. As a reader of Jonathan Livingston Seagull’s book I was impressed about it’s lay out, colorful and bold printing as a whole the wise messages contain therein. I think the book should be make accessible to all and sundry so as to be equipped with the requisite skills and ideas to a meaningful life and for the benefit of society as a whole. We are living in a world of rapid changes and modernization which means that man must be prepared to take the bull by horn to acquire intellectual capital through accumulated knowledge. I therefore recommend this book to any one who wants knowledge for a successful life. I think the book should be make accessible to all and sundry so as to be equipped with the requisite skills and ideas to a meaningful life and for the benefit of society as a whole.

A) How interesting was it to read? 9
B) How helpful were the content? 9
C) How easy was it to understand? 8
D) Would you recommend it to others? 9
E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Keys to Success
Assessment by Albert Darko

1. What is the main idea that the writer is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of Napoleon Hill’s key to success is whatever your mind can conceive and believe, your mind can achieve. This is a principle that leads personal achievement hence the need to strive is an essential ingredient to success. Success is not achieved on a silver platter instead it demands hard work and sense of purpose equipped with the spirit of self determination.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you .Use personal examples from your own life?

The seven most important ideas to me are not far fetched. They include the following;

To achieve your personal aspirations there is the need to develop definiteness of purpose. This is so because your progress toward success begins with a fundamental question; where are you going? By implication, definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement and its lack is the stumbling block for ninety-eight out of every hundred people simple because they never took the pain to define their goals and start toward them.

Besides, the power of the subconscious mind is also an idea worthy of notice. Any dominating idea, plan, or purpose held in your conscious mind through repeated effort and emotionalized by a burning desire for its realization is taken over by the subconscious mind and acted upon through whatever natural and logical means may be available. Personally, I use the principle of creative thinking in finding solutions to my problems.

Moreover, the idea of use applied faith cannot be overstated due the value it carries. Faith is your awareness of belief in and harmonizing with the universal powers. You should not simply have faith, you must use it as well. Faith is the state mind. For it to be useful to you in achieving lasting success, it must be an active not a passive faith.

Further, overcoming disbelief is also an idea that is most important to me. An individual should not allow self-imposed limitations and restrictions to block the flow of infinite intelligence because whatever the mind can conceive and belief, it can achieve. As an orphan I conceived believed that I can pursue accounting at the university despite I had no accounting at all. With hard work, endurance and perseverance I manage to get first class and I am thinking of getting scholarship in UK or US to pursue my masters and PH.D.

Not all, going the extra mile is also an idea that sounds so vital and educative. Going the extra mile means that you strengthen your ability to do your job and do it well. It is an undisputable fact that carrying out your tasks in a state of mind focused on providing the best service possible in the best possible attitude reinforces your skills.

Again, create personal initiative is equally a laudable and welcomable idea .One of the biggest benefit from going the extra mile is the emphasis it requires you to place on personal initiative. This personal initiative will show and expose you to how to multiply that quality in your self. In many years I spent formulating my personal life principles of success, I observed many extraordinary people. I then realized that what follows is a list of qualities that constantly appeared in my observations; I capitalized on that in the pursuance of success.

Last but not least, enforce self-discipline is an idea that is also so important to me. Self- discipline is the process that ties efforts such as positive mental attitude, personal initiative and controlled enthusiasm together-these forces are interdependence such that the absence of can create a vacuum on the other principles

3. How these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Practically, the ideas helped me in the following ways;

* Firstly, the ideas learnt helped me to choose one thing at a time and do it well through constant practice. We shouldn’t entangle our selves with a lot of things being it personal objectives, plans to success, assignments, to mention a few. Doing this will promote and accelerate whatever we have chosen to do at a particular time and end up creating perfection.

* Secondly, I also became practically equipped with the idea that building self-confidence is an essential weapon to a brither and a successful life. Enthusiasm, courage, self-confidence, gentleness, perseverance, hard work and personal initiate are vital tools to self-empowerment.

* Besides, the ideas learnt have equally helped me to develop a pleasing attitude. When you do more than you are immediately paid to do in a willing and cheerful manner, you develop a positive, pleasing attitude, the cornerstone of an attractive personality. This attractive personality will serve as an invisible guide and can get almost everyone to behave towards you exactly as you wish.

In conclusion, key to success is an inspirational message that goes to rekindle me to the principles of success in life.

4. Quotes; Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them

The below quotations were so splendid to me; ‘Fear, self-limitation and the acceptance of your defeat as final will cause you to be bound in shallows and in miseries.’ This message implies we ought to eschew all cobwebs and instead develop a positive mental attitude. ‘Never let a day pass without devoting some time to furthering your plan.’ In doing this, enthusiasm is developed to become a habit; however, a habit requires reinforcement.

‘Heavily Father, my work on earth was not yet finished. Why didn’t you save me?’ Man most of the time takes things for granted and tends to rely on flimsy excuses as causative agents that hampers their progress .Life is a process that must be systematically adhere if one want to be a success.

5. Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

I perfectly agree with the ideas contain therein in the book. They are ideas that add value to life and expose an individual to the brighter ways of success. The only precaution is to put the ideas into effective practice and you will be a winner. Also, man is subject to a lot of circumstances and therefore should think and be prepared to acclimatize himself to any changes to be a success.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Is yes because practicing what has been learnt alone is worth a simple assignment. Man should practice the ideas to develop his mindset for the benefit of society in general. Knowledge they say is power, we should put the ideas, skills and knowledge acquired from this book into efficient and effective use for our own good. Ideas, knowledge and skills are acquired not for sale-those who search do fine.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the precious question? If so, Comment.

Every thing about this book is nice; however, my contribution as a reader is that this book should be made available to all and sundry to be equipped with its wise ideas, principles, guidance and thoughts. Also, I would like to pass the comment to urge my brothers and sisters over there to at least read this book once a year and try as much as possible to put what is learnt into effective practice to breed success in ones life.

A) How interesting was it to read? 10
B) How helpful were the content? 9
C) How easy was it to understand? 10
D) Would you recommend it to others? 9
E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Psycho-Cybernetics 2000
Assessment by Albert Darko (Ghana)

1. What is the main idea that the writer is trying to convey in the book?

The main message carried by psycho-cybernetics 2000 is a message of self fulfillment and self-actualization through intrinsic motivation. Man should be ready to take the bull by the horn in realizing his dreams and to the develop the spirit of I can do and success will be assured.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life?

The ideas most important to me included;

Firstly, the CRAFT of reprograming.
C-cancel negative old data.
R-replace with new positive data.
A-affirm your new image to yourself.
F-focus on an image of a successful you.
T-train yourself for lasting change.

Secondly, the idea of choosing the same time each day for mental picturing also got my attention. This idea exposed me to the importance having a quite time each day to allow both the conscious and the subconscious mind to tune into creative thinking. The continuous practice of this behavior will not only increase the thinking horizon of the individual but will also expose one to the multiple solutions to a specified problem so as to choose from among the available alternatives.

Thirdly, turn your mistakes into steps on the road to success is one of the vital ideas that is worthy commenting on. When mistakes are made they shouldn’t be considered as stand blocks instead the important thing is to regard your mistakes not as indicators of failure but as steps on the road to success. Besides, the idea of make sure you will be undisturbed during your appointment time is equally an important message to my liking. Make sure all distractions are taken care of during busy hours to ensure absolute consideration, unplug the phone, turn off the TV and stereo can also hang up a ‘do not disturb’ sign. Doing this will instill some level of quality in our services and products produced.

Not all, try to do one thing at a time is an idea that cannot be overstated due to such a message this idea carries. In our busy world there often seem to be dozen or more projects demanding our attention at once. Choose one and do it well at a time.

Moreover, another most important idea is form the habit of consciously responding to the present moment. This is the principle behind alcoholic’s anonymous famous watchword.

Finally, we should cultivate and maintain the power of laughter is also a splided and welcomable idea. Laughter induces the body to release endorphins and allows you feel good, relaxed and ease .Laughter also promotes long life and perfection in thinking; therefore individual’s should develop it!

3. How did he these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in u to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas learnt from this noble book have not only added value to my life but have also contributed so immensely in my life. These contributions can be seen in the area of;

• Time management as an important factor to a successful life in this wicked world of ours. We should take cognizance of time and use it judiciously for own and the benefit of society in general.

• I also learnt that we can use relaxation to oil our success. Only when you relax that the forcing, demanding aspect of your thought can your insightful, intuitive self emerge. When the conscious mind is free from worrying and awful situations that the subconscious mind becomes susceptible to reprogramming.

• Practically I have come to the realization that, to achieve success one needs to make a list. Make two lists. Jot down aspects of your life that you see as positive and as aspects that you see as negative. Be aware of your negative programming that keeps you watching the curb instead of focusing on a destination.

• The idea of visualize yourself as the person you want to be. Select positive new data for your reprogramming. Access the part of your brain that will best help you in using your powers of imagination and visualization.

• In all the ideas helped me turned new memories into positive behavior through reflective relearning. The sticked to the CRAFT PRINCIPLE which is worth practicing if one wants to be a successful person and to create competitive advantage for yourself.

4. Quotes; Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The following quotes got my attention;

‘What would the world look like if I rode on a beam of light?’

This was the question that eventually led Albert Einstein to develop and formulate the theory of relativity-he did this through reflective relearning. ‘Creative imagination’ this is a quality everyone possesses not just artists or entrepreneurs, creative imagination is engaged only when we are relaxed. ‘of all the traps and pitfalls in life,’Malz wrote, ‘self-disesteem is the deadliest, and the hardest to overcome; for it is a pit designed and dug by our own hands, summed up in the phrase ,it’s no use-I can’t do it.’ It is always good to say I can do boiled with enthusiasm and self-determination. ‘My left brain is my editing function –it always thinks it knows how to write, so it is always saying you can’t do that’

5. Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

I perfectly agree with the ideas contain therein in the book. They are ideas that add value to life and expose an individual to the brighter ways of success. The only precaution is to put the ideas into effective practice and you will be a winner.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Is yes because practicing what has been learnt alone is worth a simple assignment. Man should practice the ideas to develop his mindset for the benefit of society in general. Knowledge they say is power, we should put the ideas, skills and knowledge acquired from this book into efficient and effective use for our own good.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the precious question? If so, Comment.

Every thing about this book is nice; however, my contribution as a reader is that this book should be made available to all and sundry to be equipped with its wise ideas, principles, guidance and thoughts. Also, I would like to pass the comment to urge my brothers and sisters over there to at least read this book once a year.

A) How interesting was it to read? 10
B) How helpful were the content? 9
C) How easy was it to understand? 10
D) Would you recommend it to others? 9
E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Albert EDarko (Ghana)

1. What is the main idea that the writer is trying to convey in the book?

The main or center idea being conveyed by the writer is to think and grow rich through a positive mental attitude. According to the writer northing good comes easy hence humankind must tune to the attitude of using the conscious and the subconscious mind for a total self-development and for the benefit of society in general. Through what is termed creative thinking Thomas Edison and co. made it and are now worthy of emulation in our contemporally society, they are legends!

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you Use personal examples from your own life?

Included in the seven ideas that sounds so important to me were;

Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit for those who have positive mental attitude. This is so because sometimes the things that seem to be adversities turn out to be opportunities in disguise. All one should do is to engage in what is termed creative thinking by taking time to determine how adversities can be turned into seeds of equivalent or greater benefits.

Secondly, bring into reality the possibility of improbable by acquiring positive mental attitude. An illustration of this vital embraced idea can be attributed to Henry Ford who keeps on saying to his engines ‘keep working’. In life, one should aim high by setting definite goals worthy of emulation and striving daily to keep these goals before you.

The third most important idea acquired is that the little difference between success and failure is often something more-a missing number for a correct, winning combination for success. This implies adding value to your self through the creation and sustenance of a core-rooted competitive advantage to outperform our competitors. Creating difference is an important ingredient to success in life and therefore must adapt to as such to be a success.

Moreover, the idea of turning negative feelings, emotions, passions, prejudices, beliefs, habits and attitudes generally termed as negative mental attitude cobwebs into positive mental attitude sounded so dear to me. We ought to live mind-freely and rather think positively instead of occupying our minds with negative worries and anxieties and be focus towards our sense purpose in life. It is generally believed that laughter is a great pill that promotes longevity because it keeps the body tuned makes the body healthy. Laughter ensures mind-free which is a special antidote for the eradication of the cobwebs that are subsets of the universal set negative mental attitude.

Notwithstanding, the ten basic motives of every individual is also an idea that sounded so vital to me and hence its inclusion as a basic lesson cannot be over emphasized. These ten basic ideas are; self-preservation, love, fear, sex, desire for life after death, freedom of body and mind, anger, hate, desire for recognition and self –expression and the desire for material wealth. Life is a process that must be followed and adhere to systematically-if a step is a abrogated, it can lead to serious damage in the near future. Life is precious! And therefore man should exercise an attitude of freeness in mind and cultivate the habit of frequent laughing to live long.

Further, while your emotions are not always subject to reason, nonetheless they are subject to action. If there is an instance you recall in which you might experience the emotion of fear, what action do you think you could take to neutralize it? This idea so splided and therefore need to answer the question for ourselves and also ponder over it again and again through creative thinking to make meaning to ensure a better and successful life. Think and grow rich is a powerful statement that must be embraced by all and sundry as a life principle which is worthy of emulation to breed success in life.

Last but not least, I learnt that one word can cause an argument, develop misunderstanding, generate unhappiness and end in misery. One word with positive mental attitude when compared to the same word with negative mental attitude brings opposite effects. One word can bring peace or war, yes or no, love or hate, integrity or dishonesty. When faced with any problem that involves a misunderstanding with other persons, you must first start with yourself. Sometimes we are the problem ourselves so there is the need to cultivate and develop the idea of solving problem from the individual point of view-for a word can be dangerous than a hamattan or dry season bushfire.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas are valuable to me. Their importance are not far fetched, they include the following;

Firstly, it obvious that one has to develop a positive mental attitude if he/she desires success. Unassay lies the head that wears the crown, hence, success is only attained through hard work and endurance therefore man should aim high.

Secondly, I learnt that we shouldn’t act from reason alone because action based on common sense is the result of more than just reason .It depends upon habits of thoughts and action, intuitions, experience and the environment in general.

The ideas were so educative that they exposed me to need to do away with all behaviors and attitudes that could be described as one of cobwebs of negative mental attitude but instead occupy our minds with thoughts that serve to self-motivating.

Besides, I was brought home and touched because it sounds so practical to me that the man with positive mental attitude may not know the facts or have the know-how. He may not understand. Yet he recognizes the basic premise that truth is truth and is not false regardless of his lack of knowledge or understanding.

I have also learnt that the books we read and thoughts we think affects our subconscious mind. Besides, there are other unforeseen forces that likewise have powerful effect even though they are subliminal.

Also, I learnt that when confronted with a problem one needs to secure divine intervention through effective prayers. This divine guidance will act as a catalyst in providing the help that is needed in finding the right solution to the problem.

Finally, we should try as much as possible to turn adversities into seeds of equivalent or greater benefit or how to effectively turn liability into greater assets. A successful yearning person keeps finding answers to this specific question. I am someone striving to climb the lather of success and hence keeps searching for answers to some situational issues.

4. Quotes; Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

Below were some quotes that actually got my attention;

‘Here it is! I’ve been looking for this for several months! Here‘s the answer to a problem that has kept me from completing a machine we are working on!’ This implies nothing good comes easy, hence keep on trying for success is assured. ‘Everyone has some creative ability, but most people haven’t learned to use it.’ This quote presupposes that we should not fold our arms nor stay aloof to allow ordinary calamity to shrike them. Man should be up and doing!

‘Let me say again; It is most important that when you read aloud the statement of your desire through which you are endeavoring to develop a money consciousness, you read with emotion and strong feeling’ The wise should jot down his/her aims and aspirations rehearse them regularly to be on truck. ‘Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend largely upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire becomes a burning desire’ we should know our purposes and strive hard to achieve them.

5. Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about,

The book is very educative and contributes immensely to societal development with its well structured lay out and colorful printing conveying messages of thoughts. Success through a positive mental contains lesson that when adhere to will surely breed success.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Is yes because practicing what has been learnt alone is worth a simple assignment. Man should practice the ideas to develop his mindset for the benefit of society in general. Every individual ought to put into practice the ideas conceived therein from this book to be a leader.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the precious question? If so, Comment.

Every thing about this book is nice; however, my contribution as a reader is that this book should be made available to all and sundry to be equipped with its wise ideas, principles, guidance and thoughts.

A) How interesting was it to read? 10
B) How helpful were the content? 9
C) How easy was it to understand? 10
D) Would you recommend it to others? 9
E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Giant Steps
Assessment by Albert Darko

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea behind Anthony Robbins book Giant Steps is that of self mastery. We can make the world a better place to live through creative thinking-adapting to a small change to make a bigger difference. This attests to the fact that Robbins was too metaphorical in conveying his message across and for that matter his central idea. Self mastery emboldens the idea of the master-mind which can only be put into effective and efficient use through constant practice and training. In the same way, your pursuit of worthwhile goals has probably resulted in unforeseen benefits for others. One should note that there is a huge difference between achieving to be happy and happily achieving, hence, the individual ought to strive to live each day to its fullest, squeezing all the joy you can out of each moment. Don’t measure your life’s value by your progress toward a single goal so says the philosophers.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it is important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Firstly, the idea of the real purpose of of a goal is what it makes of you as a human being while you pursue it got my attention. We should know that who you become as a person is the ultimate reward. You are what you are, therefore, one has to build and establish a healthy self image and self esteem. This can be done through what we do, read, interact with and what have you. Develop positive mental attitude and think of breaking the impossibility into possibility, absolutely northing is impossible in this world.

ii. Secondly, I learnt from Robbins book that the secret to achieving your goals and personal aspirations is mental conditioning. It is therefore appropriate to revive your goals, aims and aspirations at least twice a day. Post your goals where you are sure to see them every day; in your journal, on your desk, in your wallet or over your bathroom mirror so you can look at them while you are shaving or putting on make ups. Try as much as possible to remember whatever you consistently think about and focus upon to move forward and in creating better world for your self.

iii. Thirdly, a single change in the habitual questions you ask yourself can and will profoundly change the quality of your life. Remember however, that, it’s not only the questions you ask, but the questions fail to ask that shapes your destiny. Questions immediately change what we were focusing on and therefore how we feel. At the age of twenty-seven I been able to build my own flat out of the petty wages and mostly part-time teachings from house to house and not forgetting GOD’S strength and wisdom to build my fortune flat. Perhaps this may be due to the evaluation procedure I adopted from Maxwell Maltz. His principle served as an indispensable guide to me in attaining success –blessed be our great grand philosophers.

iv. Moreover, Robbins’s idea of what learning is sounds so appeal to my likening and hence has got my attention. To him, learning is the process of creating a relationship between something you already understand and something new. This definition of learning buttresses what Gean Piaget described as learning involving writing and rewriting on the tabular Rasta of an individual. That the human brain is empty not until it has been fed with information, concept, ideas, skills, knowledge, habits, to mention a few. Universally, learning could be seen as the process of socializing with ideas and skills so as to function meaningfully in any chosen endeavour.

v. Also, the idea of knowing what to do is not enough; you must do what you know did actually got my attention. This suffices to say that people and for that matter leaders should not only be passive instead be participative and upfront in task execution. It will serve as a model for your subordinates and also boost their performances since the amount of defects is going to be reduced drastically. Man must be active at work and stop assuming responsibilities to create a better world for himself and others-success is not on achieve just on a silver platter!

vi. Notwithstanding, when you use a metaphor, you are not describing your actual experience, but how it is like something else. This idea also got my attention due to the weight it carries in that metaphors are often more intense than the reality. It must be noted that changing your metaphor will change the way you deal with virtually anything. This is so because since you are the one who chose this metaphor in the first place, you can just as easily change it. Metaphors can provide hope, sometimes things don’t work out exactly as planned-but if you trust in the cycle of the seasons, you know that in the long run or term you will reap the harvest you have sown.

vii. Finally, consistency I learnt is a mark of a true champion. One should note that results are not created just once in a while-consistency is established based on one’s own habits. The same kind of thinking that has brought us to where we are will not get us where we want to go. Champions are consistent in whatever they do so as to maintain their dignity and pride. Change is our greatest ally, yet so many-whether individuals, corporations, or communities-resist it, justifying their current strategies by pointing to the success they now enjoy. Yet an entirely different approach may be required in order to produce a new level of personal and professional success.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

Practically, these ideas have already made me a success. In creating a better world for my self the aforementioned ideas will among other things help me to;

* Be consistent in what I do and do it well to attain perfection since consistency is a mark of a champion. In doing this I will be in the position to create a better world for my self.

* Secondly, these ideas have exposed and equipped me with principles are key to a successful life. LIFE is how you make it!

* Also, hard work pays. Robbins has really outlined some of the benefits of hard embedded with enthusiasm and determination.

* One should be focus and self-centered in creating a better world for himself or herself through what is termed as definite of purpose in your mind-set.

* Besides, the ideas have rekindled my hidden potentials that are requisite to success attainment and I letting no stone unturned to tap them.

* Finally, I learnt to think and grow rich as propounded by Napoleon Hill. Knowledge they say is power and it is-seek ye the kingdom of knowledge first and success shall you breed. We are living in a world of rapid changes and modernization where knowledge is now considered as a critical factor of production-according to Alvin Toffler. Leaders of this land scarp must be prepared to acquaint themselves with current ideas of business today.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

‘What emotions are most important for me to avoid having to feel?’ What feelings would I do almost anytime to avoid?’

As much as possible, this quotation exposes the need to make a list of your emotions and rank them in their order of importance, example, those who offer the most intense pain.

‘If there’s one thing I’ve learned in seeking out the core beliefs and strategies of today’s leaders, it’s that superior evaluations create a superior life’

This quotation is not far from the fact that leaders who succeed financially have better ways of evaluating opportunities ‘ risk and rewards, although, every one has access to pretty much the same information, it’s financial masters’ system for deciding what things mean and what they should do that gives them the edge.

‘People are not their behaviors’

This means that there the need to understand what drives people, and really, we will know them. You can’t judge a person’s character on one isolated incident.

‘When you use a metaphor, you’re not describing your actual experience, but how it’s like something else’

Often our metaphors are far more intense than the reality. Not only do words have a powerful impact on our emotions, but particular sets of words-those we use as metaphors-have an extraordinarily explosive effect.

‘A single change in the habitual questions you ask yourself can and will profoundly change the quality of your life’.

This quote is highlighting the need for one to ask the questions that will uplift your spirit and push you along the path of human excellence. The questions we ask consistently will create enervation or enjoyment, indignation or inspiration, misery or magic.

‘If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves’

It’s not far from truth that what makes you different from all the other people on this planet is your experience. This because everything you have ever done is recorded not only in your conscious memory, but also in your nervous system. Everything you have ever seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled is tucked away in the giant file cabinet known as your brain.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

After a thorough reading of this book,-GIANT STEPS, I found the ideas contained therein as perfect and educative. These ideas have nourished me with the elements of good leadership skills and success attainment. All in all, the book is so special! Anthony Robbins was so quick to expose me to the hidden but most important chronological and systematic giant steps of climbing the ladder of life to the most apex level. Giant Steps is based upon the finest tools, techniques, principles and strategies for winning life or attaining success. I virtually agree with all the ideas send across by this book.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete them?

The book did actually contain few problems that were answered by the reader. The reader on that note found these exercises as so helpful and contributory to societal development and most importantly equips an individual with the necessary gadgets to be a winner in life. Besides, the book contains practical ideas that must tune in into so as to compare the outcome with your expected result as a form of exercise. Not all, effectively and efficiently utilizing of the ideas contain therein is also a way of exercise to ascertain whether effective learning has actually taken place.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on
that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

The afore-listed questions have actually taken care of almost everything a person needs to tune in to creative thinking. However, I therefore suggest the book should be packaged large enough to enable those with eyes problems to at least cope with the situation. The book and the questions have actually taken care of everything. BRAVO!

(A) How interesting was the book? 9
(B) Would you recommend the book to a friend? 9
(C) Was the wording and printing of this book ambiguous? 9
(D) Did you learn any lesson from the book? 9
(E) Did the book contain ideas that are useful and would like to share? 9

The New Dynamics of Winning
Assessment by Albert Darko

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of Denis Waitley’s book, the new dynamics of winning, I think is recognizing your moment of truth. For most of us, this moment of truth, this magnificent turning point in our lives, is not so dramatic or satisfying or even recognizable. But recognize it or not, you will have a moment of truth that can alter the course of your life forever, if only you will catch it and make the most of it. A moment of truth can come in the form of an accident or it might be a chance encounter with another person or it could be something as mundane as reading an article in the news paper. A moment of truth can be any event, good or bad, positive or negative.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it is important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven most important ideas from my own point of perspective include the following;

* Firstly, keep training and gaining-without complaining sounds so dear to my likening hence, considered as one of the most important ideas. Losers like to engage in pleasurable activities with no participation result in mind-this is termed as instant gratification. Winners choose activities that will give them long-term positive results-this is equally termed as delayed gratification. It is however noted that delayed gratification is perhaps the most difficult rule to teach or preach to people of today, but it really is what separates champions from also-rans.

* Secondly, set your own internal standards for success, is also an equally important embracing idea to me. This suffices to say that, don’t compare yourself to others. Competition should be viewed as a way to maintain excellence, to keep yourself performing up to your own standard or potential. It an undeniable fact that the happiest and for that matter successful people in life don’t compete against others-their success comes from doing their best, based on their unique skills, abilities and goals. The fact is, other individuals are merely mirrors of what you see in yourself. Instead of achieving or performing to impress the world or your peers, seek to do something that you love, something that is excellent and beneficial.

* Thirdly, champions are born, losers are unmade, is one of the most important ideas as vividly brought to light by Dennis Waitly. One of the key traits shared by champions everywhere is the fundamental belief in one’s own internal value-through intrinsic motivation. Any success that depends on an external possession will be subject to constant anxiety. The inner winner that describes the kind of person who recognizes his or her potential value, and who is able to use that recognition as the foundation for achieving any goal. The secrete of wearing a gold medal around your neck in the external world is that, first, you must be an inner winner.

* Moreover, I learnt that in pursuit of success, one should control his or her thoughts, emotions and actions and direct them to improve the quality of his or her health, relationship and the entire life. Not all, be good, valuable and worthy person and be capable of fully achieving the goals that have been set for one’s self today. Also, in pursuit of success, one should trust his or her abilities and judgment in taking risks that will test the limits and to live with the consequences and rewards of one’s decision. Should learn from problems and setbacks and through them can find improvement for growth and development.

* Further, the idea of , the choice is yours-so choose to win, cannot be looked down upon and therefore considered as one of the most important ideas. This is so because what you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is your decision. The choice is yours and it’s never too late to get in the game. Anything that is too much, people just don’t want to do. However, there are no rewards in anything unless you try. Age should not be a barrier to full participation in life. What’s most important is to enjoy life to its fullest, to do things for and with others, and never, ever be afraid to stretch your limits. Try as much as possible to choose to win-think and grow rich.

* Besides, view mistakes as corrective feedback to get you back on track, is one of my most important ideas as far as the book-the new dynamics of winning is concern. There are no mistakes or failures, only lessons. Growth is a process of gaining knowledge of trial and error and of courageous experimentation. The failed attempt can be as much a part of the success process as the attempt that finally succeeds. One should however be noted that rejection and guilt are tied deeply to failure-according to Ray Kroc, ‘’mistakes are painful when they happen but years later a collection of mistakes is called experience.

* Finally, the idea of what makes a winner cannot be over-stated. Champions don’t shrink from risk. Champions know that the greatest risk is doping northing, and that real security derives from constantly testing your potential. According to the Gallup organization-recently investigated, winners have three most important traits, these are; one, common sense or the ability to simplify complex subjects by getting right to the core of what really matters. Two, knowing your field both through hands-on experience and the advice of other people. Three, self-reliance which means more than just feeling good about yourself. It also means taking definitive action to get things moving in your life. All in all, winners are poised with a sense of direction and determination towards the achievement of their goals and objectives as well as their personal aspirations in life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

Practically, these ideas have already made me a success. In creating a better world for my self the aforementioned ideas will among other things help me to; One, these ideas will aid and abet me to learn to be tolerant and courageous in the dispensation of my personal aspirations towards a successful life. Practically, I have learnt to acclimatize myself in any given situation and at all times and also with all categories of people towards a collective sense of purpose.

Two, I have also been exposed to the new dynamics of winning a successful life and learning to be a champion in this contemporally world of ours. The new dynamics of winning entails creating a better world through determination and relentless hard work. Champions assume it as responsibility to train in any chosen endeavor to create perfection which will intend begot success. Notwithstanding, I have practically learnt to do one particular thing at a particular time and moment in life so as to avoid unnecessary tension and rivalry breeding an atmosphere of living in fear and panic. Such situations if not avoided could lead to serious complications such as ambiguity of your sense of purpose and direction towards the achievement of your goals and objectives in life. Practically, the ideas contained herein in Anthony Robbins book are so enthusiastic that they vividly portray the ways and means to enunciate one’s presence in life through effective and efficient interaction of the mindset in an equilibrium manner and should be done chronologically.

Last but not least, I have learnt to be sound and alert in any thing I do and it’s done well, effectively and efficiently to create mastery and perfection in whatever I do. Total concentration is a tool needed in promoting success in whatever one does. Doing things extravagantly should be avoided in order not to breed any atmosphere fear, boredom and insecurity. In conclusion, the ideas brought to light by Dennis Waitley are practically thoughtful and educative and must be adhered to as such in choosing to be a champion in this world of ours-the ideas are superb and powerful.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

‘Is this true, is this right, is this honest thing to do?’ This quotes suffices to say that we should be circumspect in whatever one decides to do as whether it’s a right thing or the other way round. People should not do what they think fit but rather what is generally acceptable in the light of the universal society.

‘General, let me put it this way. In just a few minutes you will be introduced, and then you are either going to go out there and talk or I’m going in your place, and I will tell everybody you are chicken’. This is to stress the need to share your concerns with others-don’t be afraid sharing your concerns with others in order to come out with the best solutions to problems that may be encountered.’

‘If you try to sit on two chairs, you will fall between them. In life you must choose one chair’. This is to say that life is systematic processes that must be abided by as such. In life, do one particular thing at a particular time to ensure effectiveness-not to jump up things haphazardly.

‘Son,’ the teacher told him no hope, you sound like the wind in the shutters!’ Irrespective of the number of disappointments and discouraging words or advice from friends and colleagues, keep on trying till you finally see your star-success is a long term affair.

‘If I could get a heart surgeon in here, I had had him open my chest, take out my heart, and put in your chest. You had been in the hall of fame’.

Try as much as possible to let no stone unturned to assemble your immediate and available resources to breed success in all your chosen endeavors.

‘There is a lot that I don’t know, so I shamelessly ask for advice’.

This means in life we should not too know-we should learn and seek advice from others to create a better world for ourselves. Ideas are not in only one man’s head but a collection of heads and opinions.

‘Losers let it happened, winners make it happen’-‘It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you are not’. LIFE is poised with total commitment and determination to be at the apex and enjoy life to the best. Life is how you make it, make it bright and simple for your self.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

I’m very clear and understand every aspect of this noble book especially the lessons outlined and thought by the book. Dennis Waitley in trying to send his message and ideas across made used of euphemism and metaphors to portray vivid understanding of the concepts. In whole, the book is easier read and understood, besides, the ideas equips man with the requisite lessons needed to be a successful person in this computerized world of ours

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete them?

The book did actually contain few problems that were answered by the reader. The
reader on that note found these exercises as so helpful and contributory to societal development and most importantly equips an individual with the necessary gadgets to be a winner in life. Besides, the book contains practical ideas that must tune in into so as to compare the outcome with your expected result as a form of exercise. Not all, effectively and efficiently utilizing of the ideas contain therein is also a way of exercise to ascertain whether effective learning has actually taken place.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

The afore-listed questions have actually taken care of almost everything a person needs to tune in to creative thinking. However, I therefore suggest the book should be packaged large enough to enable those with eyes problems to at least cope with the situation. The book and the questions have actually taken care of everything. It must be noted that reading and applying these ideas in one’s life is very crucial and hence seen and considered as lesson evaluation.


(A) How interesting was the book? 9
(B) Would you recommend the book to a friend? 9
(C) Was the wording and printing of this book ambiguous? 9
(D) Did you learn any lesson from the book? 9
(E) Did the book contain ideas that are useful and would like to share? 9

Real Magic
Assessment by Albert Darko (Ghana)

1. What is the main idea of the book?

The main idea of Dr. Dyer’s book, real magic is achieving perfect equilibrium of the mind. This requires a commitment to your own inner transformation. It should be noted that your inner transformation cannot be completed from an intellectual or scientific perspective. Instrument of limitation will not reveal the limitless. This is a job for your mind and your soul, the invisible segment of you that is always there but often ignored in favor of that which you can grasp with your senses. Man is capable of achieving anything at all provided he puts in maximum effort towards his sense of purpose and direction in life. The central idea or message here is on rethinking the beliefs you have been taught to treat as sacred.

2. What were the seven most important ideas you learnt from the book? And why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Firstly, the idea of; first remind yourself that everything exist for some reason as a part of the perfect intelligence that is the universe. Each experience in ones life is absolutely necessary to have gotten to the next stage in life. A collection of life is termed experiences. It should be noted that northing good comes easy and therefore man should think of working so assiduously to let no stone unturned to climb the ladder of success in life. Experience is the best teacher-whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will come to pass he will have whatever he says. Whatever things you ask whenever you pay believe that you receive them and you will have them.

ii. Trust in the divineness that you are and that is the perfection of the universe is also one of the ideas that sounded so appeal to my likening. When you have worked on the above beliefs, monitor yourself for a day, keeping tract of how many scarcity thoughts versus prosperity thoughts you have. Then surrender and stop fretting about it. All one has to do is to trust in that invisible force that flows through you. Now surrender and relax about it, and you will know what to do-this is satori; instant awakening.

iii. Thirdly, when you find the way others will find you, passing by on the road they will be drawn to your door, the way that cannot be heard will be echoed in your voice. The way that cannot be seen will be reflected in your eyes. This implies that when one strives to have the inner way the outer way will follow. However, the below are the keys that can unlock the door to real- magic thinking in your life. Reserve your judgment and disbelief. Create a real –magic zone in your mind. Affirm yourself as a no-limit person. Also, develop a new mind-set toward the concept of intuition. Discover the secret that sits in the center and knows. Learn to learn through knowing and trusting rather than doubting and fearing. Affirm that your intention creates your reality. Experience surrender and satori. Finally, practice daily meditation. As you move on to the implementation of this miracle mind-set in all areas of your physical world.

iv. Moreover, the idea of rethinking the beliefs you have been thought to treat as sacred. For a moment put aside the beliefs you have acted upon throughout your life, and imagine in your invisible mind what it is you would like to see in your life. Life is a journey full of mystery-it is made up of both happiness and sadness. Thus, there is time to laugh and enjoy and there is time to weep and be in sorrow; time to plant and time to harvest. If an individual beliefs in his/her mindset with a definite purpose in mind woven with determination and a sense of purpose in mind geared towards the achievement of a particular purpose in life. It must however be noted that success is not achieve on a silver platter but hard work.

v. Furthermore, when you find a way, others will find you. Passing by on the road they will be drawn to your door. The way that cannot be heard will be echoed in your voice. The way that cannot be seen will be reflected in your eyes-is equally an important idea I got from Dr. Dyer’s book-real magic. This presupposes that once you have the inner way, the outer way will follow. The next very thing is move on into the implementation of this miracle mind-set in all areas of your physical world. When you have committed yourself to achieving your miracle mind-set try as much as possible to reserve your judgment and disbelief, create a real-magic zone in your mind, affirm yourself as a no-limit person, develop a new mind-set toward the concept of intuition, to mention a few. Observing these guidelines or techniques will go in a long way in aiding and abetting the individual to create a better world for his/herself.

vi. I also learnt that to befriend and cultivate your intuition, treat those inner prodding’s that crop up in your mind as welcome guest instead of labeling them northing but random hunches. Let no stone upturn to stop yourself during your next intuitive episode, whatever it is about and make a mental note of what is taking place. Develop a dialogue with that intuitive voice and simply note what you learn or what happens in the next few days as a result. By learning to have internal dialogue you will begin trusting your intuition and ultimately discover its loving presence and valuable contribution to your mind and subsequently to your success in life.

vii. Finally, affirm that your intervention to make yourself healthy creates your reality is also an idea that sounds so dear to my likening and hence its importance cannot be overstated. The no spiritual being is laden with grudges, hostility and the need for revenge. The spiritual being has no room in his heart for these impediments to miracle making and real magic. The spiritual being knows that all spiritual masters have talked about the importance of forgiveness. Here, it implies that living in harmony with one another is an essential ingredient to getting closer to God. For instance, when Peter approached Jesus Christ as to how often must we forgive our neighbor, He said not seven times but seventy times seven times I said, the Judaist also preaches about the essence of loving your neighbor as yourself. A point of note here is that love is as vital as life for love promotes unity and development. Love breeds oneness and a sense of belongings.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a p practical way, both in your
daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Practically, these ideas have already made me a success. In creating a better world for my self the aforementioned ideas will among other things help me to; One, these ideas will aid and abet me to learn to be tolerant and courageous in the dispensation of my personal aspirations towards a successful life. Practically, I have learnt to acclimatize myself in any given situation and at all times and also with all categories of people towards a collective sense of purpose in the pursuit for my personal goals, aspirations, aim, objectives and programmers’ geared towards a sense of direction.

Two, I have also been exposed to the new dynamics of winning a successful life and learning to be a champion in this contemporally world of ours. The new dynamics of winning entails creating a better world through determination and relentless hard work. Champions assume it as responsibility to train in any chosen endeavor to create perfection which will intend begot success. Life is how you make it-create a better world for yourself and the generations to come.

Notwithstanding, I have practically learnt to do one particular thing at a particular time and moment in life so as to avoid unnecessary tension and rivalry breeding an atmosphere of living in fear and panic. Such situations if not avoided could lead to serious complications such as ambiguity of your sense of purpose and direction towards the achievement of your goals and objectives in life. Practically, the ideas contained herein in Dr Dyer’s book are so enthusiastic that they vividly portray the ways and means to enunciate one’s presence in life through effective and efficient interaction of the mindset in an equilibrium manner and should be done chronologically. However, only hard work pays, therefore, we should put in maximum efforts in realizing our dreams and aspirations to be champions.

Last but not least, I have learnt to be sound and alert in any thing I do and it’s done well, effectively and efficiently to create mastery and perfection in whatever I do. Total concentration is a tool needed in promoting success in whatever one does.

Doing things extravagantly should be avoided in order not to breed any atmosphere fear, boredom and insecurity. In conclusion, the ideas brought to light by are practically thoughtful and educative and must be adhered to as such in choosing to be a champion in this world of ours-the ideas are superb and powerful.

4. Quotes; Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention?
If so, please list and comment on them.

‘When you find the way others will find you. Passing by on the road they will be drawn to your door. The way that cannot be heard will be echoed in your voice. They way that cannot be seen will be reflected in your eyes.’ This message brings to light the need to develop a definite sense of purpose geared towards a specific direction embedded hard work and determination. If one reaches the apex of life he/she is seen and known by everyone for such a person will be seen as a star and can only be seen in the skies above.

‘All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in room alone’. A man is a man if he observes some curtsies such as opening wide his eyes to see openly the things around him and try as much as possible to interpret it for himself to make meaning. Also man must open wide and alert his ears wide for data or information within and outside his immediate environment to make sense. However, man must close tight his mouth in order not to talk too much to expose some hidden personal initiatives that should not be known to any one.

‘One of the greatest joys of becoming a spiritual being is learning about this whole new phenomenal world.’ You will actually feel lighter, more blissful and ironically, more productive than you ever felt before. For the no spiritual being this is perceived as escape from reality but for the spiritual being it is an introduction to a whole new reality, a reality that includes an opening in life that lead to miracle making in one’s life. Man should Endeavour to think positively in all aspects of life and be ready for success.

‘Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him’. You probably will not immediately agree with this notion of our present life circumstances revealing who we are. It is easier to blame our life circumstances and it only seems proven by the poverty all around us. We feel we would be cruel to say that the circumstances of the poor reveal who they are. Surely those people did not choose surely those people did not choose such undesirable circumstances.

‘In your own private, invisible, no-limit mind, ask nothing of those with whom you are in a relationship’. This is one of the quickest ways to create miracles in all your relationships. Simply say to yourself, I expect northing, because I know they can only be who they are, not what I think they should be and proceed to act accordingly.

‘In him we live and move and have our being’. Rather than viewing God as a deity off in the sky somewhere, they see God as a presence pervading the universe. Hence the biblical notion of; in him we live and move and have our being. ‘Use the power of visualization to manifest real magic in your relationships.’ Keeping in mind that what you think about expands, try visualizing all of your significant relationships as already existing the way you want them to be in your life.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

I am highly rather impressed about the messages, ideas, thoughts and lessons conveyed by Dr Dyer in real magic. Real magic of course after reading the book I came to the realization of a real world and the strategic means to be in tune as far as success is concern. On this note the reader has therefore no any objections as to the ideas and lessons contained therein in the book. The book is an antidote to poverty and life that seems to fluctuating, it is the companion of the one in the wilderness searching for success to be not just a leader but a leader who is capable of planning, directing, coordinating and implanting the affairs of a group he/she is a leader of. The ideas are all welcomable lessons and bestow on me as the reader to bear fruit from its splendid ideas. I say then that I actually love those echoing messages and beautiful ideas outlined by the author and will therefore encourage others to emulate in creating a better world for themselves and siblings.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete them?

The book did actually contain few problems that were answered by the reader. The
reader on that note found these exercises as so helpful and contributory to societal development and most importantly equips an individual with the necessary gadgets to be a winner in life. Besides, the book contains practical ideas that must tune in into so as to compare the outcome with your expected result as a form of exercise. Not all, effectively and efficiently utilizing of the ideas contain therein is also a way of exercise to ascertain whether effective learning has actually taken place.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on
that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

The afore-listed questions have actually taken care of almost everything a person needs to tune in to creative thinking. However, I therefore suggest the book should be packaged large enough to enable those with eyes problems to at least cope with the situation. The book and the questions have actually taken care of everything. It must be noted that reading and applying these ideas in one’s life is very crucial and hence seen and considered as lesson evaluation. Life I now know is a journey hence it needs to be strategized in order to be a winner. Also, such a trip known as life does not calls for rushing-there is no hurry in life is the summary of my lessons learnt.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Assessment by Albert Darko (Ghana)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the books?

The main idea of Dale Carnegie’s book is influencing people and winning their heart and total commitment through motivation, reinforcement and appreciations. Motivation is the act of arousing, gingering and sustaining the interest of a person towards the performance of a given task within a specified period of time. People can only be influenced only when they are motivated and reinforced so as to function meaningfully through effective and efficient means in any field of endeavor. According to Dale, today’s leaders must think of being in front than behind. Leaders should think of putting their legs in their subordinates’ shoes to create a platform in meeting their requisite demands. From PIEGETS point of view, when employees are motivated, it arouses both their internal and external innate mechanisms to give out their best. Not all, leaders in order to get the most of their employees should develop a deep driving desire to master the principles of human relations and also develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking. All in all, I am of the opinion that Dale core point is leaders by example, in other words, serve to lead.

2. What were the seven most important ideas you learnt from the book? And why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

From my own perspective, below are some of the beautiful ideas that were so dear to me;

Firstly, give honest and sincere appreciation is among the ideas I loved so much with the reason being that live is how you make it; the simpler you make you make yourself the simpler for you and vice versa. In buttressing this point, the author brought to light that we should try to figure out the other person’s good points and forget flattery which is an enemy of progress. That in life one must give honest and sincere appreciation for a good work done. Be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise and people will cherish your words and treasure them in their lives. All this boils to the fact that we ought to be grateful to the least advantage given or opportunity offered to express our profound gratitude to whoever extended that kind gesture to us-for such will open more avenues in the foreseeable future.

Secondly, talk about your own mistake before criticizing the other person. Personally, I dislike people who cover their imperfections in an attempt to influence others, if a few sentences humbling one and praising the other party can turn a haughty, insulted Kaiser into a staunch friend, imagine what humility and can do for you and me in our daily contacts. Rightfully used, they will work veritable miracles in human relations. It must be noted that admitting one’s mistake even when one hasn’t corrected them can help convince somebody to change his behavior. The word of note here is that people most importantly leaders should not feel so big admitting their shortcomings before their followers to breed a congenial atmosphere for production.

Thirdly, use encouragement, make the fault seem easy to be corrected is equally an idea that sounded so dear to me. Leaders should devise mechanisms that will let even a more complex task seems so simpler to be executed and also adapt to the usage of appreciation as an effective weapon to combat fear and anxiety in our various offices and workshops. According to Dr Pieget, there northing like difficulty in any field of endeavor, however, when people are motivated and encourage they try as much as possible to give out their maximum best. This will in the long run serve as a pivot for improving efficiency and effectiveness with the least available resources within a given time frame located in a particular geographical boundary. Motivation, reinforcement and praise work hand in hand in creating a better a better world.

Moreover, I was also taken home by the idea that; get the other person saying yes yes immediately. This idea is so vital that leaders of today have to emulate as way or means of influencing others to get the best out them. Socrates, the gadly of Athens was one of the greatest philosophers the world has ever known. He did something that only a handful of men in the history of the world can ever attempt. He sharply changed the whole of human thought and now twenty -four centuries after his death, he is honored as one the greatest persuaders who ever influenced this wrangling world. His method, did he tell people they were wrong? Oh, no, not Socrates he was far too adroit for that. His whole technique now called the Socrates method was based upon getting a yes yes respond respond. He asked questions with which his opponent would hive to agree. He kept on winning one admission after another until he an armful of responses. He kept on asking questions until finally almost without realizing it, his opponents found themselves embracing a conclusion they would have bitterly denied a few minutes previously.

Furthermore, let the other person do a great deal of the talking is also an important embracing idea that got my attention. In life one that is in the position of advising the other needs to make room for the person to do the talking or air his or her opinion on the issue at stake so as to enable the adviser to hit at the right direction or point when delivering. According to Gean Pie get , the individual’s head is like a silver platter which keeps on printing and reprinting ideas, thoughts, concepts, theories, to mention a few, therefore consultants owns is as an invisible guide to allow their clients to do a lot of the talking on the situation at hand to aid and abet the listener to offer the requisite technical advice.

Notwithstanding, give honest and sincere appreciation is also one of the ideas that really got my attention. This presupposes that in life one should be lavish in appreciation and hearty in approbation for others to cherish our words and treasure them and repeat them over a lifetime-repeat them years after you have forgotten them. Let’s cease thinking of our accomplishment, our wants. Let’s try to figure out the person’s good points and then forget what is termed flattery in order to give good, sincere and honest appreciation.

Finally, the idea of praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement-be hearty in your approbation and lavish in you’re your praise. Use of praise instead of criticism is the basic concept of B.F Skinner’s teachings. This great contemporally psychologist has shown by experiment with animals and and with humans that when criticism is minimized and praise emphasized, the good things people do will be reinforced and the poorer things will atrophy for lack of attention. The results of praising the slightest improvement in children rather than condemning the wrong things they do is effective and efficient tool so far as child development is concerned.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a p practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Practically, these ideas have already made me a success. In creating a better world for my self the aforementioned ideas will among other things help me to;

One, these ideas will aid and abet me to learn to be tolerant and courageous in the dispensation of my personal aspirations towards a successful life. Practically, I have learnt to acclimatize myself in any given situation and at all times and also with all categories of people towards a collective sense of purpose in the pursuit for my personal goals, aspirations, aim, objectives and programmers’ geared towards a sense of direction. Develop a definite sense of purpose geared towards the achievement of a particular goal in life.

Two, I have also been exposed to the new dynamics of winning a successful life and learning to be a champion in this contemporally world of ours. The new dynamics of winning entails creating a better world through determination and relentless hard work. Champions assume it as responsibility to train in any chosen endeavor to create perfection which will intend begot success. Life is how you make it-create a better world for yourself and the generations to come. It is worthy to note that leaders should always be in front not behind.

Notwithstanding, I have practically learnt to do one particular thing at a particular time and moment in life so as to avoid unnecessary tension and rivalry breeding an atmosphere of living in fear and panic. Such situations if not avoided could lead to serious complications such as ambiguity of your sense of purpose and direction towards the achievement of your goals and objectives in life. Practically, the ideas contained herein in Dale’s book are so enthusiastic that they vividly portray the ways and means to enunciate one’s presence in life through effective and efficient interaction of the mindset in an equilibrium manner and should be done chronologically. However, only hard work pays, therefore, we should put in maximum efforts in realizing our dreams and aspirations to be champions.

Last but not least, I have learnt to be sound and alert in any thing I do and it’s done well, effectively and efficiently to create mastery and perfection in whatever I do.

Total concentration is a tool needed in promoting success in whatever one does.

Doing things extravagantly should be avoided in order not to breed any atmosphere fear, boredom and insecurity. In conclusion, the ideas brought to light by are practically thoughtful and educative and must be adhered to as such in choosing to be a champion in this world of ours-the ideas are superb and powerful. Serve to lead is a powerful invisible weapon that must be embraced all and sundry who are boiling to be successful leaders in life talk of Henry Ford and co.

4. Quotes; Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

The below quotations got my attention and I would like to comment on them.

‘Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language’. An illustration can be made of a politician , one of the first lessons a politician learns is to recall a voter’s name is statesmanship, to forget is oblivion. The ability to remember names is almost as important in business and social contacts as in politics, hence, as leaders of this twenty-first landscape we owe it as a duty to keep names most importantly that of our clients and develop and cultivate the ability of recalling such names when the need arises.

‘A man without a smiling face must not open a shop’. The ancient Chinese were wise lot-wise in the ways of the world; and they had a proverb that you and I ought to cut out and paste inside our hats-as quoted above. Your smile is a messenger of your goodwill-you smile brightens your business and people who see them.

‘Arouse in the other person an eager want’. Remember that arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way, this is to buttress the idea expressed by William Winter that self-expression is the dominant necessity of human nature -why can’t we adapt this same philosophy to business dealings? When we have a brilliant idea ,instead of making others think it is ours, why not let them cook and stir the idea themselves-then they will regard them as their own.

‘Smile’ this is the secret of a successful leader.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear bout, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

I am highly rather impressed about the messages, ideas, thoughts and lessons conveyed by Dr Dale in real magic. Real magic of course after reading the book I came to the realization of a real world and the strategic means to be in tune as far as success is con cern. On this note the reader has therefore no any objections as to the ideas and lessons contained therein in the book. The book is an antidote to poverty and life that seems to fluctuating, it is the companion of the one in the wilderness searching for success to be not just a leader but a leader who is capable of planning, directing, coordinating and implanting the affairs of a group he/she is a leader of. The ideas are all welcomable lessons and bestow on me as the reader to bear fruit from its spilled ideas. I say then that I actually love those echoing messages and beautiful ideas outlined by the author and will therefore encourage others to emulate in creating a better world for themselves and siblings.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did actually contain few problems that were answered by the reader. The reader on that note found these exercises as so helpful and contributory to societal development and most importantly equips an individual with the necessary gadgets to be a winner in life. Besides, the book contains practical ideas that must tune in into so as to compare the outcome with your expected result as a form of exercise. Not all, effectively and efficiently utilizing of the ideas contain therein is also a way of exercise to ascertain whether effective learning has actually taken place. Experience they say is the best teacher, hence, accumulation of ideas is termed experience and I have gained it from Dale Carnegie.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

The afore-listed questions have actually taken care of almost everything a person needs to tune in to creative thinking. However, I therefore suggest the book should be packaged large enough to enable those with eyes problems to at least cope with the situation. The book and the questions have actually taken care of everything. It must be noted that reading and applying these ideas in one’s life is very crucial and hence seen and considered as lesson evaluation. Life I now know is a journey hence it needs to be strategized in order to be a winner. Also, such a trip known as life does not calls for rushing-there is no hurry in life is the summary of my lessons learnt. Life is full of misery therefore man is advised not to take chances-be concentrative and very focus.


A. How interesting was the book? 10
B. Would you recommend the book to a friend? 9
C. Was the wording and printing of this book ambiguous? 9
D. Did you learn any lesson from the book? 10
E. Did the book contain ideas that are useful and would like to share? 9