Daniel Tsegaye – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh

Assessment by Daniel Tsegaye (Ethiopia)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Thought & Character

It is actual true that thought in the mind hath made us. What we are it is in fact by thought is shaped and built. As indicated in the book, a person can be growth by law, and not a creation by artifice, and cause and effect is as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of visible and material things.

It is in fact a noble and Godlike character is not a thing of favour or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking. It should be the effect of long-cherished association with Godlike thoughts. In the same way, an ignoble and bestial character is the result of the continued harbouring of grovelling thoughts.

Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself

The indicated idea issue is focused on persons. Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are. The ambition is dissatisfied at every step, but the most thoughts and desires are fed with their own food, be it foul or clean. As indicated in the book,  thought and action are the gaolers of Fate – they imprison, being base; they are also the angels of Freedom – they liberate, being noble. Honesty cannot be always in front. A man may be honest in certain directions, yet suffer privations; a man may be dishonest in certain directions, yet acquire wealth; but the conclusion usually formed that the one man fails because of his particular honesty, and that the other prospers because of his particular dishonesty, is the result of a superficial judgment, which assumes that the dishonest man is almost totally corrupt, and the honest man almost entirely virtuous.

Effect of Thought on Health & The Body

It is notable that the body is the servant of the mind. As indicated in the book, the body complies with the operations of the mind. It can be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty. The most problem of the world, Disease and health, are rooted in thought. Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet, and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly.

Thought & Purpose

A person can imagine of a legitimate purpose in his heart. It is actually set out to accomplish it. The purpose should be made the centralizing point of his thoughts. In this regard, spiritual ideal may be taken according to his nature at the time being. However, it should focused the thought-forces upon the object.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were personally most important to me          

The reason


It is a mental or intellectual activity involving an individual’s subjective consciousness. It is an act of thinking or the resulting ideas or arrangements of ideas. Similar concepts include cognition, sentience, consciousness, and imagination. Because thought underlies almost all human actions and interactions, understanding its physical and metaphysical origins, processes.Thinking allows beings to make sense of or model the world in different ways, and to represent or interpret it in ways that are significant to them, or which accord with their needs, attachments, objectives, plans, commitments, ends and desires.


In the book it teaches the ability to interpret information and surroundings from the effects of visible light reaching the eye.


As indicated in the book, calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control.


Many books seem to assume that we’re either genetically or divinely encoded with some sort of built-in purpose, and all we need to do is take the time to discover it through private introspection. It is better to write a mission statement and trust that what comes out of that will be the guiding force for the rest of a life.


It is distinguished that accomplishment is a mystery. Very often we are unable to see the relationship between the actions and consequences. Sometimes the efforts are quickly and generously rewarded by life. Occasionally the rewards come even before we complete the required action. At other times, the more and the harder we try, the farther we seem to be from our goal.


As ideal life, it can be easily to create an affordable system to remotely manage health and wellness, especially for the chronic conditions that account for most of today’s healthcare spending: diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, asthma, and obesity.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In the light of a deeper knowledge and wider experience the book judgment is found to be correct. The honest man may have some admirable virtues and health, which the other does possess; and the honest man obnoxious vices which are absent in the other. The honest man reaps the good results of his honest thoughts and acts; he also brings upon himself the sufferings, which his vices produce. The dishonest man likewise garners his own suffering and happiness. In my experience, much of this can be improved, if not entirely overcome. When the correct  advice and treatments are followed, something magical happens: my health and body  functioning improve, often dramatically.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and grace.”

In real world, all people go through the positives and negatives. In the case of  we fail in something and are disappointed we tend to think negative like we are a perfect failure in life or we are no good. But it is better to beware of extremes of thought like good or bad. In addition it is not good to harbor negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger, revenge or jealousy.  These emotions only sap off all our energy and make us feel tired, instead it would be best to turn these negative thoughts into something productive. One would feel good and energetic by thinking positive and diverting one’s attention to improve oneself and get success in life.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book indicated some unclear statements: “ A noble and Godlike character is not a thing of favor or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking, the effect of long-cherished association with Godlike thoughts.”

Sometimes a noble and Godlike character is a thing of favour or chance. It is true that our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves. It is noteworthy that hope is the most exciting thing in life. In addition, with honestly believe love can be out there, it will come. And even if it doesn’t come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.

It should be incorrect that all achievements, whether in the business, intellectual, or spiritual world, are the result of definitely directed thought, are governed by the same law and are of the same method; the only difference lies in the object of attainment. As one quote indicated, it is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends. Some achievements especially business is the result of chances.  It is truthful that there are efforts in all human affairs, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. But chance is therein life. Gifts, powers, material, intellectual and spiritual possessions are the fruits of effort as well as chances; they are thoughts completed, objects accomplished, visions realized with successful chances.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.

I believe that in second chances. It is not a funny stuff. Shock, disbelief, gut-wrenching fear, feeling of vulnerability all ran through all human being.  It may be felt violated as a person.  Take a second chance. These words can be exciting or scary at times, and very rarely do we think of taking chances without some feelings of apprehension. Second chance can seem to imply win or lose, succeed or fail, do or die.

Often, a chance offers an equivalent amount of potential reward as the perceived risk involved. If one takes risks or chances, it is likely that she/he will achieve huge actions. That is okay though, it is far better to take a chance- even a small one, than to avoid stepping out of your comfort zone at all.

My acceptance as true is taking chances can be seen in an active rather than passive way. I tell myself that to not sit back and wait for opportunities to drop into my lap. I believe to go out and find the best stuffs. I know one cannot find any ready-made, one-size-fits-all opportunities that feel right to her/him, and then make its own decision. But it is better to choose to take a chance, whenever one can, and she/he will find that the opportunities for happiness and fulfillment will far outweigh the risks. It is my belief to give oneself a chance to live her/his best life.


A. How interesting was it to read?                             3
B. How helpful were the contents?                            4
C. How easy was it to understand?                             5
D. Would you recommend it to others?                     5
E.  What is the overall rating you would give it?      5

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Assessment by  Daniel Tsegaye (Ethiopia)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

Practice and learning is the issue that matters on earth. Of course, eating and drinking and other things are important. But it is better to know what one can do and what one can eat. It is just a knowledge that makes s a different. The reason to practice and learn is to eat or to live. On this regard, time is an important stuff. One should be careful when she/he works at the very peak of her/his ability. “Try, try and try” the best message that the author tried to convey in the book.

The author adequately explained that practicing or trying takes a tremendous strength. It is sure that it will be happened. But victory is a short-lived. The concern is beyond the victory that lives for a longer time. According to the author, everyone is limited by nature. Instead of learning to much about one thing beyond the capacity, one should be contented and should do with the way she/he is.  One should do everything she/he learns.

The other significant point is the phrase of the author as ‘Stand to Center.” It is a phrase that most leaders were, are and will be marked. It is a breakthrough thought in the book. The central idea is to share what one has found, to show those possibilities for all. It is impossible to be on the center of the shame.

Violating the dignity and traditions are reckless irresponsibility. One should be responsible and cast for the society’s culture and tradition.  Everybody ought to be learning that irresponsibility does not pay. Helping others will be essential as one live with others.  In general, practicing, learning, controlling and testing are vital in life. Perfection is doesn’t have limits.

What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?  List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.  Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were personally most important to me           The reason


* a method of learning by repetition

* a method, procedure, process, or rule used in a particular field or profession; a set of these regarded as standard


* lift ourselves out of ignorance

* find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill

* Can learn to everything


* the period during which something is functional


* the extent to which an individual actually uses its potential


* offer an opinion or suggestion as worth following:

– to be cautious.

– to recommend as desirable, wise and prudent

– to give information or notice

Help others

* to give assistance or support

* to make more pleasant or bearable : improve, relieve

* to further the advancement of social life

Justices and freedom

* Equal opportunity for all

* Everyone will be free

“To demand freedom is to demand justice. When there is no justice in the land, a man’s freedom is threatened. Freedom and justice are interdependent. When a man has no protection under the law it is difficult for him to make others recognize him.”

Reference: http://www.itsaboutjustice.com/freedom.html

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?


In real life, most young person don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of anything – how to get food and other things. For most young persons, it is not working that matters, but spending too much money. For me, though, it is not money that mattered, but how to get the money is an essential life. I know how I try to know by practice. It is more than anything else. Sometime I think popularity is a matter of everything else. But this kind of thinking is too bad. It is not the way to make one’s self popular with other.


* It’s meaningless, I also think like Jon, deliberately dropping a hard-won anchovy to a hungry old gull chasing him. I would like spending some time learning to do the best. There’s so much to learn!

Time, Capacity, Advice, Help others and Justices and freedom

– They increase my social interaction

– They use to help me to live long

If a person does not lack mental capacity they eventually make a particular decision at the time it needs to be made, because the way his/her mind or brain work will be enhanced. The ability cannot be affected because of a stroke, brain injury, mental health problem, dementia or a learning disability. The book guides having capacity. It means the same as having mental competence.

4. Quotes:  Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?  If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!

It is an interesting idea. Because it teaches me about the shocking behavior of ignorance. I ought to be an excellent and skillful person. It is a must I have to be free and I have to peacefully fight about my freedom.

Life is the unknown and the unknowable, except that we are put into this world to eat, to stay alive as long as we possibly can.

It is a surprise argument. Because I did know how I can interpret about life. It is sure that life is unheard of. it teaches me about the shocking behavior of ignorance. I ought to be an excellent and skillful person. It is a must I have to be free and I have to peacefully fight about my freedom.

Any number is a limit.

Thus it can be concluded that the economical or social life progress of a society is limited by number. A number can be easily limiting the situation accordingly. Any person is also limited by my nature. As t5he book indicated: “If I were meant to learn so much about flying, I’d have charts for brains. If I were meant to fly at speed, I’d have a falcon’s short wings, and live on mice instead of fish. My father was right. I must forget this foolishness. I must fly home to the Flock and be content as I am, as a poor limited seagull.” since life is limited one should be contented and must do the right thing.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Some of the words and ideas are unclear and ambiguous. For example let us take the following paragraph:

In the days that followed, Jonathan saw that there was as much to learn about flight in this place as there had been in the life behind him. But with a difference. Here were gulls who thought as he thought, for each of them, the most important thing in living was to reach out and touch perfection in that which they most loved to do, and that was to fly. They were magnificent birds, all of them, and they spent hour after hour every day practicing flight, testing advanced aeronautics. For a long time Jonathan forgot about the world that he had come from, that place where the Flock lived with its eyes tightly shut to the joy of flight, using its wings as means to the end of finding and fighting for food. But now and then, just for a moment, he remembered.

It is difficult to forget the world for a long time as Jonathan forgot about the world that he had come from. It is better to remember and sand at its initial. In addition, it is not always to think that the most important thing in living is to reach out and touch perfection in that. Of course, it is better to do a thing which one most loves. But in reality, in most cases, loved things are rear and difficult to do.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete?  If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, I have got an exercise that will be completed by the reader.  In this ideal world, everybody gets along in peace and harmony. The evidence is in the quality of our complex and advanced civilization. It takes an unexpected amount of social cooperation to operate at this level. For that reason, the book emphasized social cooperation and partnership.

It is noted that as a fundamental issue, each person should cooperate with others and ought to learn from others. This is because we have an unquenchable instinct for wanting to improve our future circumstances over our present circumstances. If we tried it alone, we could do no better then survive at a primitive level. To get a partnership and team work enable us to benefit from the output of time and skills we don’t have. By working as a team produces more output then any of us could do alone. This idea can be considered as an ultimate exercise for each human being.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?  If so, please comment.

One thing is not clearly indicated on the book is about getting the right information on what one needs to do to achieve a better life. It can be the key to realizing the better life. It can be certain thing with the relevant information then one might be gained. It will superior to achieve the better life that s/he so much desires to have.


A.  How interesting was it to read?                          10
B.  How helpful were the contents?                          10
C.  How easy was it to understand?                           5
D.  Would you recommend it to others?                    10
E.  What is the overall rating you would give it?       10