Collins Nwaokocha – Profile

Collins Nwaokocha
Education: BSc.(Mechanical Engineering), M.Eng.(In view, 2011).
Occupation: Lecturer.

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision of a world that works is that in which everyone has a right to life. A right of choice, association, creed, etc. No man is judged based on the colour of his skin, family background, gender, age, race, politics, etc but by what his/her personality commands – everyman has something in him to offer his society, harnessed directly or indirectly. Everyman can succeed if given the chance.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Societal imbalance is the major problem facing today’s world. It’s of different facets – political difference/gap, gender imbalance, sexual abuse, child abuse, wealthy/poverty class, etc. For political difference/gap – today’s leader is not willing to sacrifice for the sake of others. I bemoan the greed and selfishness that characterise political and corporate leadership especially in Africa. In fact, the gap is far too wide. In the gender class, the women-folk are like materials meant for recycled usage until they are of no values and then eventual disposal. For the men-folk, extra-marital affair is a norm but a taboo for the female gender. This days, is more like the female gender is assigned ‘just’ to satisfy the craving of the men-folk in any form of choice with no recourse to the women’s feeling. Men go as far as sexually-abusing teenage girls in the name of fun. In the same vein, the political class see the poor as downtrodden and destined to remain so. No consciousness to assist or alleviate pains but accumulating more, if possible the meagre accrued to the poverty class.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
I advocate the injection of servant leadership into Africa’s systemic governance and globally. I suggest that in spite of the extensive damage that colonialism has done to Africa’s capacity for holistic development, the continent can re-invent itself by effective leadership shorn of graft. Servant leadership will aid honest harnessing of the continent’s vast resources to forge its sustainable wealth and welfare. The rule of law and respect for human rights should be given first place. Government should encourage rebuilding family values (reduces prostitution and drug-peddling) and equitable distribution of state resources. Child education should be made compulsory, illiterate womenfolk should also be encouraged to attend adult classes. Gender bias should highly be disabused, women should be encouraged to reach the peak of their careers, contest for elective positions and help in nation-building.

Am a young man with a objective of attaining excellence in life powered by ideas, hard work and absolute faith in God. Born on June 2nd, 1982 in Kwale, Delta State (then Bendel State), Nigeria. Am the first-born of a middle-class family where love and respect is a culture. Education is held in high esteem and compulsory for me and my siblings. This helped in coining an objective which influences all aspects of my life. Right from my childhood till now, this objective has been reflected one way or the other. Of great interest is adding values to others in my little way, because I believe in the power of influence and indispensability of man. Everyman has something to offer when given the chance. Am a silent achiever with a goal of becoming one of the youngest world renowned professor of mechanical engineering. I love travelling because it affords me the opportunity of learning and sharing knowledge. My most favourite book is the Bible – it has answers to all my questions. On the second list are leadership classics – I like tapping from scholarly works on leadership so as to broaden my horizon. Of note are the works of the following great minds – Stephen Covey, Robert Greene, John L. Mason, Dwight L. Johnson, etc. Movies is something else I cherish especially when it comes to relaxation despite my tight schedule. Great flicks I wont forget in a short while are Shakespeare’s works, 24 Hours, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, Leverage, Kyle XY, Weeds, just to mention a few. I love flicks which blends technology, leadership, love, suspense, politics and crime together – which is a reflections of today’s world.

Presently, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at Olabisi Onabanjo University and currently running a Master’s degree program in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Upon graduation, God helping me I’ll enrol for a PhD preferably outside Nigeria, either in USA or UK so as to enable me have better exposure and global relevance. During my undergraduate days, I served as the class governor for the last two session of my degree program. I also served as a member of the Constitution drafting committee for the departmental association – Association of Mechanical Engineering Student (AMES). Also served as the pioneer Honourable Speaker of the legislative arm of AMES. This position was most challenging in my short political career as a student. The drafted constitution which I was part of had series of challenges and test – but in all I weathered the storm leaving a sound blueprint behind. I also served as the President for my church’s student fellowship for two years during my undergraduate days. This was done with full passion because right from my teen I’ve been tutored to lead my colleagues in the children church.

For me, leadership is inborn and a passion. Lately, am sharpening my skills for writing. My first technical write-up for my Bachelor’s degree thesis was published in Romania in 2008. Current research works are awaiting publication with some international journal outfits in USA, Malaysia and Romania. I also want to widen my horizon and that’s why am interested in participating in the Institute’s study program so as to learn how to gain greater control over life by understanding the relationship between consciousness and experience, which prepares me for global leadership. Thanks.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull