Christopher Okey Anakweze – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Christopher Okey Anakweze (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to propagate in the book is that our thought train and pattern determine who and what we will become in life. Advancement in every area of our life can only be attained through positive and resourceful thought. The book stresses that whatever we sow in the mind will manifest into the physical. Optimistic thought breeds success in every area of our life. Pessimistic thought inevitably leads to sorrowful life.

The book therefore enjoins us to extirpate negative thoughts from our minds and cultivate positive thoughts. For it is only in progressive and creative thought that we can achieve a meaningful life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas and followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas espoused by the author in the book that are important to me are:
a. A man’s character is determined by his thought.
b. Circumstances evolve out of thought.
c. The state of our health and body is defined by our thought.
d. Alliance of thought with purpose leads to great accomplishment.
e. Whatever a man achieves or fails to achieve is a consequence of his thought.
f. Our vision and ideals determine our altitude.
g. Calmness of mind is a great asset for success.

This idea is of absolute importance to me as it has dawned on me that the totality of my thought manifests in my character. The book has taught me to reshape my thought train so that I will exhibit a character trait that is most acceptable. I have become extremely conscious of the kind of thought I allow to dwell in my mind. It is through my thought that I can be destroyed. It is through my thought that I can be made. With these times tested truths I now allow only the seed of good thought to germinate in my mind.

This idea is of immense benefit to me because I have been awakened to the realization that the outer world of circumstance moulds itself and responds to the inner world of thought. This idea enjoins me to take a principled stand in my thought because I am the lord and master of my thought. I am the moulder and creator of my environment. It is gladdening to know that if I am suffering today, it is as a result of my mental disharmony. I therefore cannot transfer blame or malice to anybody as the cause of my circumstance. I need to mentally harmonize my thought so that I can ascend to a state of blessedness.

I have been richly blessed by this idea. This is because health is one thing that can cut off dreams, aspirations, vision, expectations and potential. To have a sound thought is to be healthy. To have an unclean thought is to be sickly. I am a living testimony to the impressive miracle this idea can perform in ones health. Prior to my enrolment in the institute I experienced pain in my right hand. I consulted my doctor and he recommended Ibuprofen but the pain persisted. I stopped the medication. I started reshaping my thought based on this idea. The pain disappeared without a further medication!

This idea is an asset to me. I have learnt that union of thought with purpose undoubtedly leads to great accomplishment. A wavering thought can never materialize into a purposeful life. With this in mind, I direct my thought only to the purposeful pursuit of my goal.

WHATEVER A MAN ACHIEVES OR FAILS TO ACHIEVE IS A CONSEQUENCE OF HIS THOUGHT: This idea is very insightful. A reminiscence of the achievements I have had in my life lends credence to this great idea. Strong willed thought has always led me to accomplish whatever I set out to do. I have also observed that anytime I allow fear and doubt creep in to take possession of my though, the result is woeful failure. This idea has made me to be conscious of the truth and to align my mind toward positive thought. It is only in this way that whatever achievement I have made will be sustained.

This idea is of vital importance to me. It is indispensable. How far I can go in life depends on the vision and ideas my thought dwells on. This idea is very enriching to me because I now acknowledge the fact that if I think big and dream big, focusing on my vision, I can become what I want to become. As I write, Barack Obama’s political campaign slogan came handy, to buttress the import of this idea: “Yes we can”. In other words, we can achieve whatever we want to achieve with the right effort and right focus on our vision. I lean on this great idea as I walk through my journey to the realization of my vision and potential.

I have keyed into this great idea. It is one to be recommended to anybody who is desirous of moving from a life of disorder to a tranquil life. I found the example given in the book about our preference to patronize a trader or a business man who has a calm disposition, to be factual. I corroborate this by what I have observed concerning a supermarket owner in my neighbourhood. The said supermarket owner has a calm and gentle mien. He is endeared to everybody in the neighbourhood. This is evident from the patronage as large numbers of customers keep trooping in and out of his supermarket, ignoring others nearby. I have resolved to exhibit calmness in my relationship and dealing with people.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world. If so how?

Having realized that whatever character trait I display is determined by my thought; I make a sincere effort to ensure that only good thoughts are allowed to dwell in my mind. I do my best to weed out negative thoughts. Such negative thoughts have been known to be destructive. This will result in a pronounced transformation in my behaviour. The said transformation will rub off on other persons I relate or associate with. In that way I am creating a better and happy world.

The idea that circumstances grow out of thought will continue to help me a great deal in my daily life. I am mindful of the havoc distorted thought will cause in my life. I therefore mentally harmonise my thought so that only resourceful, creative, purposeful and progressive thought can dwell therein. With a sound and resourceful mind, I will no doubt impact positively to my community, society and the entire world.

The lesson that the state of our health and body is defined by our thought is of great benefit to me. Conscious of this truth, and being a recent beneficiary of this idea, I work extra hard to maintain a positive tempo so that I will not relapse into self inflicted health problems. An impaired health will always be an impediment to the realization of potential. With the current understanding, I think positively toward my health, knowing that a sound thought will materialise into a sound health. With a sound health my expectations will not be cut off. I can contribute meaningfully to the world as I am poised to do.

The idea that alliance of thought with purpose leads to great accomplishment is of inestimable value to me. My thought train is now renewed toward purposeful one. I attuned it to the right frame of mind. I focus my thought on any purpose that I set out to achieve. This will inevitably lead to great exploits on my part. I will become a role model. I will be in a vantage position to mentor others.

The lesson that whatever a man achieves or fails to achieve is a consequence of his thought is a truism. I have lately witnessed this fact in the lives of my friends and professional colleagues. I discovered that those who think big, talk big, act big are more successful than those who are into small and frivolous thoughts. This lesson is therefore a blessing to me. There is now a tremendous attitudinal change in me. No more wavering thoughts. No more half measures. No more frivolous thoughts. I see as already achieved that which ought to be achieved.

To say that our visions and ideals determine our altitude is to state the obvious. Those who have tall dreams and visions have always been known to excel in an unprecedented manner. Dr. Ben Carson of the United States of America readily comes to mind. He dreamt big. He wanted to be one of the best Neurosurgeons. He accomplished that. This idea is important to me because it has re-affirmed my belief in lofty dreams and visions. There is no doubt in my mind that if I continue to dream big I will be successful in a big way. Imparting this belief to others will definitely make them realize their potential. In this way I will contribute in making the world a better and happy one.

The idea that calmness of mind is a great asset for success has sank into the inner recess of my mind. It has become a daily guide in my thought and actions. Re-iterating the importance of this lesson in my life will be over-flogging the issue. I have seen it. I have witnessed it. I have experienced it. It is an incontrovertible fact. It is a sound model for any body desirous of reaching his potential. A tranquil mind is endeared to everybody. I am already immersed in it. I am already propagating it.

4. Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

(A) ‘’The human will, that force unseen, The offspring of a deathless soul, Can hew a way to any goal, Though walls of granite intervene.’’pg24

The above statement edifies the mind. This is a statement written in marble. It will give succour to and re-invigorate a despondent mind. It says it all. It tells me that with a strong will and conviction I can achieve whatever I set out to achieve, in spite of obstacles.

(B) ‘’He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.’’ Pg37.

The above statement is well encompassing. It has philosophical underpinning. It is hinged on practical truth. I meditate on it every second, every minute, every hour of the day! I talk back to myself all the time, bearing this statement in mind. That if I sacrifice little, the result to me is little accomplishment. With this in mind, I work extra hard and persevere in every endeavour so that I can attain great height.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I have had an enriching grasp of every idea embedded in the book. None to me is in contention.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there are exercises for me to complete. These are:
A) Total renewal of my thought so that it will show forth in my character.
B) I should not embark on thoughts that can impair my health.
C) I should marry my thought to my purpose.
D) My thoughts should be achievement driven.
E) I should think big and dream lofty dreams.
F) I should have a calm disposition at all material time.
G) I should mould and create my environment.
I found the exercises very rewarding.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Christopher Okey Anakweze (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey is that through hard work and dogged perseverance we can realize our potential. Failure is not a barrier! Rather, failure is a bolster that will trigger off the discovery of latent talent inherent in us.

The book stresses that perfection in any calling or vocation is attained by constant practice.

The lesson from the book is that perfection in a vocation goes with altruism. It is evident from the book that as we evolve from the level of ineptitude to superlative state in our calling, the onus is on us to assist others. We must show love by assisting people in our community or society to move from their low state to a level of proficiency.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas and followed by an explanation after each one as to why it is important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas are:
1. Failure is not a barrier to attainment of great height.
2. Having a vision and knowing your purpose.
3. Conquering fear is an antidote to failure.
4. Continuous practice leads to improvement in skill.
5. Sufficient knowledge gives one the enablement for early realization of potential.
6. Our thought train determines our altitude.
7. Showing and dispensing of love to others is a primary reason for our creation.

This idea is of vital importance to me. I observed from the life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull that in no circumstance should I allow failure to overwhelm or wear me down. Failure in any undertaking should be seen as an experience to learn from my mistakes.

It has become clear that in our journey to actualize our potential, we must experience failure on our way. Failure should not act as a deterrent. It should afford us renewed vigour and determination that will propel us into action toward actualizing our potential. The life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull is therefore a model for attainment of success.

I will use my personal experience as an entrant agent into the marketing of crude oil in Nigeria as a handy example to buttress my point. It has been my ambition to go into politics to be able to deliver the dividends of democracy to my people and to show practitioners that politics is for service and not for personal aggrandizement. As a lawyer in commercial practice, my limited resources cannot avail me in this regard. Money is indispensable in politics and considerably huge budget is needed to run a meaningful campaign for elective office in Nigeria.

I therefore decided to move into an area (marketing of crude oil) where I will have tremendous improvement in my finances. I joined the business by understudying the experts and then learning the intricacies and nuances. I entered the business in august 2009, abandoning my comfort zone. I was resolute that I will make it in the oil and gas industry. I made several attempts to get to the companies that have allocation of the products, but my efforts proved abortive at the initial stage. I was not deterred. Each failure spurred me on. I persevered!

The set time for the paying off of my efforts came when I was linked to the source for products. I now have genuine source for the sale of Bonny Light Crude Oil. With this development, each sale will enable me earn commission that will set me on the track of actualizing my dream.

My remaining task is getting genuine buyers who can by the products through me so that I can earn my commission. In this regard, my thought train is already set like that of Jonathan Livingston Seagull: a thought train geared toward accomplishment. The commission so earned from crude oil sales will give me the enablement in terms of resources that will aid me for elective political office. It is then that I will showcase my potential for selfless service to the society.

The book Jonathan Livingston Seagull has made a profound revelation of what having a vision can do in our lives. The book is of immense benefit to me as a motivating factor. It could be grasped from the book that Jonathan Livingston Seagull attained perfection because he had a vision, worked persistently toward the realization of his vision, in spite of all odds.

I observed from the book that he abandoned his comfort zone, which was scrambling for food with the flock. There was undoubtedly contentment amongst the flock for the life they led. But Jonathan Livingston Seagull chose to be different. He knew he was created not for eating and surviving but for a purpose. He found it through dogged pursuit and perseverance. He was poised and focused towards achieving his vision.

The book is a blessing to me. I was overwhelmed with ecstatic feeling after reading the book. I found a correlation in the life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull and my entry into the oil and gas industry – an avenue that will aid in the realization of my dream. I abandoned my comfort zone like Jonathan Livingston Seagull. It dawned on me that my comfort zone was not why I was created. I needed to be in a business that will act as a stimulus to the realization of my vision. I found the answer in the oil and gas business.

I am positive that the financial empowerment that will accrue there from will place me in a good stead to vie for elective office and render selfless service to the society. In that vein, I must have found my purpose and realized my vision.

Fear is an impediment to success. Conquering fear is an antidote to failure.

The book is significant for it has renewed my thought. I understood from the life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull that once fear is extirpated from our lives, we will succeed in any endeavour we set out to achieve.

Being human, I used to experience fear concerning my decision to abandon my comfort zone. Fear creeps in particularly when there are financial needs to be met. But I have found succour in the book having understood that Jonathan Livingston Seagull attained unimaginable height by being courageous. He never allowed fear to weigh him down.

The book has emboldened my spirit and given me the audacity to confront and conquer fear, then reach my potential with ease.

It is glaring from the book: Jonathan Livingston seagull that continuous practice awakens the giant in us.

The life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull is exemplary and worthy of emulation. Persistent practice led him to discover the loop, the slow roll, point roll, the inverted spin, the gull but, the pin wheel etc. These skills acquired brought fulfilment to the life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

This exposition is important to me because it is a reference point in ensuring that I engage in constant practice in my area of interest. This ultimately will also earn me perfection.

SUFFICIENT KNOWLEDGE GIVES ONE THE ENABLEMENT FOR EARLY REALIZATION OF POTENTIAL: The book has taught me that it is of prime importance to gain sufficient knowledge to be able to reach my potential. Jonathan Livingston seagull never got tired of learning. He kept learning, learning and learning! It is the continuous learning that brought Jonathan to that admirable level of perfection.

I have gleaned from the book that sufficient knowledge will lead to inner perfection. Spectacular outward transformation is a reward for inner perfection. This principle has become my guiding post.

OUR THOUGHT TRAIN DETERMINES OUR ALTITUDE: I have gathered from the book that how far we can go in life is determined by the way we think.

The life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a testimony to the above fact. Majority of the members of the flock chose to remain at a spot in their comfort zone. He thought differently. He knew he was greater than that. Positive thought brought Jonathan to that level of perfection which he desired. He was not overwhelmed by negative thought in spite of the avalanche of obstacles that confronted him.

The book is of immense benefit to me because it has redirected my thought train to always aim high so that I can locate the purpose for my creation.

SHOWING AND DISPENSING LOVE TO OTHER IS A PRIMARY REASON FOR OUR CREATION: I have learned from the book that attainment of success must be accompanied with a burning desire to help others get to the same height. A man can not be deemed successful until he has aided others to attain the same measure of success.

The book is of inestimable value to me because it reminded me of the biblical injunction that we must be our brothers’ keeper. We must show love to others. True love goes with the desire to share or give back to the society what we are endowed with. In this regard the world will be a happy place.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

First, by knowing the purpose for which God created me I will be able to easily locate my vision. My focus is geared toward actualizing of my vision. For only in it will I find divine fulfilment. Jonathan Livingston Seagull has taught me to remain focused no matter the obstacle on my way. Surely, hindrances will come, criticisms will come but I shall always be courageous in the face of adversity. Only with a courageous mindset will I reach my potential.

The idea I learned from the book has taught me never to see failure as anathema. I now perceive failure as an experience to be encountered on my way to success. Failure will assist me to correct my mistakes and then move forward. I propagate this view to anybody who cares to listen. It lends credence to a trite remark: No venture no success. If individuals all over the world will continue to fail and fail forward, the world will be undoubtedly filled with successful and happy people.

I discovered from the book that anybody who conquered fear is already on the threshold of his potential. I have set out to banish fear from every area of my life. It is the killer of destiny. It is the killer of vision. It is the killer of potential. He who conquers fear conquers all. I now exhibit great courage and determination in my daily personal life.

It is evident from the book that continuous practice leads to improvement in skill. With this in mind, I now realize that the only way I can be elevated to high echelon in my chosen field, carrier or calling is by constant practice. I faithfully practice this so that I can hone my skill. This will distinguish me from the crowd as was noticeable in the life of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Knowledge is power says Sir Francis Bacon. Sufficient knowledge in my chosen field will stand me in good stead. Jonathan Livingston Seagull taught me that learning is a continuous process. It is never ending. Adequate knowledge will equip me with inner peace and outward transformation. As I write I remember the amazing feeling of the flock as they watched Jonathan Livingston Seagull fly with dexterity. It is a proficiency born out of profound knowledge. I have keyed into this in my daily personal life. I am beginning to learn, to crave for knowledge. The importance of knowledge in everybody’s life cannot be overemphasized. Abraham Lincoln, who was in 1860 elected the 16th American president, had this to say in respect of knowledge, “Let me study and wait, perhaps the chance will come”. The chance came. He used the acquired knowledge for purposeful leadership. One impressive lesson from the book that will help me in practical way in my daily personal life is recreating my thought train. I now have a positive outlook. I perceive any task I intend to embark on as accomplishable. I can achieve whatever I want to achieve. With this feeling, I radiate peace and joy around me. Everyday of my life becomes more enjoyable. In my interaction with people I always impart positive thought. I am desirous of seeing this feeling go into every soul on the face of the earth so that the world will be a better place.

The desire by Jonathan Livingston Seagull to go back to the flock and help the flock realize their potential, made an indelible impression on me. It goes to show that we must not be selfish with success. We must allow others share from our success so that they can attain the same status. We must show and dispense love to others for it is the reason for our creation. This perspective about love has become part of me. I preach it. I live it. With that, bitterness and rancour will be eschewed. The world will ultimately be a better and happy place to live.

4. Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There are thoughtful statements that the author made that caught my attention. These are:

* “I don’t mind being bone and feathers mom. I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can’t, that’s all. I just want to know.” Pg 1

The above statement from Jonathan is useful to me because it has taught me to close my ears to criticisms when I am in pursuit of a goal. My mindset should be set and focused toward the achievement of my goal and not be distracted by side comments.

* “It wasn’t long before Jonathan Gull was off by himself again, far out at sea, hungry, happy, learning.” Pg 2

This statement is of immense benefit to me because it teaches me to show perseverance, determination and total commitment in any cause.

* “To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, he said, “You must begin by knowing that you have already arrived. Pg 7

This statement is essential in my every day life. It teaches me to have a positive outlook. It emboldens me to see as already done that which ought to be done.

* “But you can Jonathan. For you have learned. One school is finished, and the time has come for another to begin”. pg 5

This statement is of great relevance to me. It teaches me that learning is a continuous exercise. In order to continually improve in every area of my life, I must continue to learn.

* “We are free to go where we wish and to be what we are”. Pg 10

This short statement is quite encompassing. It says it all. Our destiny is in our hands. It has become a guiding light to me. It is what I make out of my life that I will become.

* Poor Fletch. Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you will see the way to fly. Pg 14

* This statement teaches me not to be shackled by constraint of obstacles. I should believe in my capability to triumph.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I must confess that certain aspects of the book sound so esoteric. If I am asked to hazard a guess as to what happened to Chiang when he was deemed to have ‘gone’, I would say he died. It is still a puzzle to me. Somebody who has a firm and better grip of the story needs to unravel the answer to me.

More so, a crucial question Jonathan asked Chiang and the reply he got was quite confusing.

Jonathan: “Well, what happens from here? Where are we going? Is there no such place as heaven?”

Chiang: “No, Jonathan, there is no such place. Heaven is not a place and it is not a time. Heaven is being perfect.”

On a face value, I felt the statement of Chiang was used in a figurative sense. Put succinctly, that heaven means the state of perfection.

Now where did Chiang disappear to if there is no heaven or hell other than earth? I need clarification in respect of this.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.

Yes, the book contained exercises that I needed to complete. These range from acknowledging that:

1.Failure is not a barrier to my attainment of great height.
2.That I need to know my vision and pursue my purpose.
3.That I should conquer fear in every area of my life.
4.That continuous practice will enhance my skill.
5.That sufficient knowledge will enable me realise my potential.
6.That positive thought should envelop my thought train.
7.That I need to show love by helping others.
I found these exercises very helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10