Charles Kabera – Graduate Profile

Charles Kabera

My name is Kabera Charles. In this profile I am going to concentrate mostly on the incentives that stimulate me to pursue further studies and reflect the motives for my choice of International Institute for Global Leadershipas well as stating my future career objectives.

I completed my Bachelor of Law Degree Program this year at Kigali Independent University (Rwanda). The topic of my Bachelor’s degree Dissertation is “A critical Analysis of Effectiveness of Tax Offences Control Mechanisms under Rwandan Law”.

The research experience I obtained during my Bachelor’s degree studies helped me develop the skills I consider very useful. I was able to clearly understand the theoretical and conceptual framework of taxation concepts of Taxation and I recommended measures to address Tax evasion after elaborating causes of tax evasion and its negative effect on national development.

My future plans are to become a good leadeer and formulate good policies that will lead to betterment of my community.

Fortunately I have ten (10) years of experience working in different fields such as Auditing, Customs, Taxation and I think I may employ that experience as an insight of what is happening outside Academia which I believe will facilitate me to cope up with your training.

I have chosen to pursue this Leadership course because it has such a demand for new ideas.

My education and experience suits me to attend your course . I have a Diploma in Business Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. I have also taken many courses and obtained certificates in:
• International Players in public Finance and Debt Management;
• Risk Management;
• Auditing;
• Public Finance;
• Elements of Banking;
• Data processing;
• Taxation
I also have a Diploma in French Language as a third language after my native language and English. All this probably makes me a good Operations Policy Leader and Manager, but my objective is to become a better one.

Currently, I am employed as Head of Customs Operations Policy by Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA). My duties and responsibilities are to research operational best practices and procedures, set operational policy standards, issue operational instructions and evaluate outcomes and monitor results. It is therefore my responsibility to:

• Come up with proposals for areas where a policy is needed;
• Scan the key areas to see where there are gaps;
• Observe trends and what is happening in other countries;
• Prepare policy proposals to the Senior Management Team(SMT)
• Write Policy Documents;
• Prepare instructions for the operational staff together with the
responsible departments within my organization;
• Be resource person in the permanent committees.

I devise Policy Programs to assist Departments in RRA to perform better. I also review and harmonizes Procedure Manuals, Decisions and Instructions on regular basis and create the new ones whenever need arises.

This is not an easy task and needs a lot of Leadership skills and I find your course particularly the most attractive and suitable for me to perform better.


Read My Student Profile Here

Read My Book Assessments Here