Brian Kanaahee Mwebaze – Assessments


Assessment by Brian Satha (Malawi)

Part One – Content Assessment

Chapter 1: Every disposition that man outwardly portrays comes from the consistence reflection of an idea. These ideas are what make a man. The fantasies that run with in his small intellectual world are what he wishes to realise later in life. This consistence reflection may be done consciously or while browsing through a newspaper. Yet, in all, man’s thoughts are his destiny, his purpose and sole mission on the face of this earth.

This realisation can only be met through consistent an in-depth soul searching that man may engage him. This results in influences on the character and behaviour and based on these are people able to establish what goes on in the man’s mind. This may result in the excellence of the man’s endeavours or in the failures of any project that he may want to undertake. Perfect and divine state of man only relies on the clear and positive conscious of the man. This will help him soar above his obstacles and behaviour disabilities.

The world is full of men who have not yet realised that their actions have very strong link to what they feed their minds every minute of their lifetime. Man is responsible for the actions that he does and his current disposition- for it is what he has put his mind to think of achieving.

Chapter 3: The mind is in full control of the operations of the body. The body has no power in itself to challenge the thoughts that go round within our minds. There is only restraint when the physical ability has been hindered.

The thoughts are the very endeavours and toil of man. Through his meditation, man engages himself in meaningful projects or exposes himself to the vilest levels of consciousness. When the state of mind comprises of a positive and saint’s like disposition his body travels through a conducive and enabling environment for it to blossom. It is in such an environment that the body responds positively to the thoughts and intentions of that particular person. This may be done voluntarily or not.

When the mind meditates constantly on careless and ill thought the body would execute only to a certain level of satisfaction. This may not turn out as the mind had conceived it to be. This outcome will leave the mind in dismay and constant thought of failure. This disposition if not rectified can bring a dark cloud and block man’s sense to forge ahead to the next level causing regret and thoughts of remorse. In such a condition, man doesn’t consider his health environment or those around him that are here to give him cheer. In other words, man just switches off. Once the minds switches off, or pays no attention to the way his body works certain elements start causing malfunction and hyperactive function causing the body operate above or below its normal rate.

Evil thoughts attract only hurt and pain to mind body and soul, results in no progress, grief and lack of contentment. Surely, a man who is not content is not whole and his mindset will be diverted to overcoming the deficiency causing him to overwork his mind to attain that level of satisfaction.

However, as highlighted earlier, the righteous and clean thoughts will initiate activities that will compliment to the overall an optimum performance of the body crowning it with grace and happiness as well as favour in all aspects of life.

Chapter 4: Every person has a purpose in life. It is just that either most of us missed it along the way or we are still anticipating a time when an opportunity shall come to confirm what we believe is our purpose. A person without a purpose is a set back to the development of any community because he uses up resources without turning them into remarkable achievements.

Based on this, man may be equipped with very good thoughts just idly roaming his mind but because he has no sense of direction, it is impossible for him to align those thoughts towards a certain goal. Without that direction, man may try to grasp anything that comes his way, which may not work, and leave him frustrated and back again at the drawing board. Waste of time!

Once one is clear of his vision he starts to sieve some of the thoughts that randomly jump into his mind, and allow more space and time for more constructive and meaningful thoughts to take root and develop into profitable projects.

Eventually because of his consistency to ‘challenge’ the next level, his thoughts are sharpened. His thirst for more knowledge and intelligence will help him overcome and explore new avenues and increase his ‘territory’ of conquest. During these challenges, man will achieve something, which will not be his sole purpose, but these will contribute one way or the other to his overall purpose.

Chapter 6: I would agree to say that dreamers are the saviours of our world. Even Almighty God is a Visionary!

Every aspect of man has a spiritual and mental concept to his whole orientation. Most, if not all that we are experiencing right now did come from that e that exercised their minds towards their various aspirations and worked towards achieving that vision. Unconsciously within everyman’s vision is the concept of goodwill. In addition, this drive is what will bring about the salvation in the world. When people sharpen their minds towards the attainment of such vision the world is formed to accommodate dreams we have and we eventually end up developing a world that has a decrease of the discrepancies we intended to address.

As the world is at the moment we are all complacent with it but surely no one will want to have the things of yesterday still continue to be used I every day life. This being the conception of most of us we search the opportunities that are there for advancement and perfection of the things that already are at our disposal.

Yet, still having in mind that there is room for advancement, the fruits of such advancement are marred by ideals that govern different societies that we ‘subscribe’ to; these may be political, religious, economical, cultural etc. These always have to be considered when making most of our decisions. They are the ones that either build us together into one complete man or tear us apart into sections of man, compromising the very vision of development we have laid down. By adhering to these ideals, we share a common goal with our fellow friends contributing towards the development or destruction of our selves. The ideals are what mould our character and based on how much we cherish them, they imprison some of the most redeeming thoughts that would benefit us and make us a blessing among those we spend time with.

Your vision provides the purpose of your life in the process changing the orientation of reason, helping you have a third eye towards each situation that you encounter. This affects your success, character, health and ideals, which with much practice and patience align themselves according to the mental picture that man tirelessly seeks to achieve.

PART TWO – Personal Impact

This is a book about the discovery of the mind and the power of thought in the success and down fall of a man. It elaborates the essence of the purity of the mind for man to excel in his day-to-day endeavours. It also warns against attitudes of failure and schemes of evil, implying that these are the bases of all perils a man may attract to his life.

This book has enlightened me on the importance of thought in most aspects of my life. One may agree with me that not every aspect of life will fall into place as a programmed computer but when you manage the power of thought one can endeavour to shape his destiny to come close to what he aspires within his heart.

This book has helped me realise that I can keep my self in good books with others by communicating the right thing at the right time. I have noticed that the shaping of my mentality towards those that are in the same social circles with me be it at school, work, family or just social groups has great effect on how those people also perceive me.

As the book says, what I meditate upon is exactly what I am. There is no way that a person who doesn’t meditate about helping or uplifting friends out of their misery can become such. For example, I have worked with young people in various developmental projects. I have been in a position that had made me become vulnerable to the problems that youth face. Nevertheless, I had positioned my self to liberate my ignorance of these problems and find solutions for them. In the process, I got liberated. After this realisation, I indulged my self in providing education to young people by developing interventions that won’t only provide fish for them but will teach them to how to get the fish in the long term. In my case, therefore I cannot engage I any profitable project if I don’t anticipate the impact of the idea I want to pursue on the beneficiaries, which in this case are the youth. If I want the project to be meaningful I must have a goal that will not be that selfish, only to achieve my personal objectives. This may be promotion, more money even recognition for my efforts among my peers, but be able to see that the primary targets get 85%-90% of the services or products the project is offering.

The book has also emphasised on putting more effort on deeper soul searching. I believe when one knows where he comes from he will have the confidence to direct his energy towards the right purpose. As much as we receive genealogical beliefs, one must not just accept these belief and ideals with out trying to reach the root of the ideals. Some are just based on propaganda, which is to promote a wrong ideology only a sect of people who has no direct benefit to the achievement of your purpose. To reach a level of understanding I have increased my thirst and hunger for more information pertaining to development issues that are both personal and those encompassing my neighbours and those that are both physically and spiritually attached to me.

I agree though, that once you have your ideals and visions you have to dedicate yourself to them. There may be circumstances where by those ideals may be appreciated by those that are around you immediately, while some ideas and achievements may just be a passing glance. Those that have been appreciated are no greater than those that were a passing glance are. In all I am content that in one way or the other I have achieved my goal and/or am still working towards it, gradually fulfilling my overall part in this thing called life.

Being the first born of my family, I have assumed more responsibility in making sure that I am a strong pillar not only for my siblings but also for my parents, who in return will delegate their responsibility according to my capabilities. This mindset has caused me to realise that there are things that I need to avoid in order for me to achieve and be successful in the position that I have taken. By following this orientation to be my basis for making decisions, this shapes the mentality of those that encouraged by my achievements.

PART THREE – Summary

This book is a valuable tool. It allows man to look into his world and reflect on the decisions that he takes, opportunities that he may have lost but most positive of all what he is able to do to change his destiny once he has been able to know that he is the moulder of his life.

It helps us know that the only tangible thing that we have is the power of thought and that throughout generations only those that mastered their power of thought made significant changes to their lives and the lives of those that are around them. It reflects the good that we all crave for; how we may attain it and sustain it – through pure meditation.

A stronger will of heart is required though, in order to grasp the enlightening part of the book, which is its sole purpose. We may just read this book like another novel so interesting but fail to pickup the moral within.

In conclusion and affirmation, what a man thinketh is what he becomes or is.



Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Assessment by Brian Satha (Malawi)

Part One – Content Review

The book highlights that we all have a unique talent and we have different purposes in life. We see in the book that Jonathan admitted that he too was a seagull but that he will not conform to the norm of a seagull’s life. He knew that he had different likes, hobbies and approach to life. In his understanding, he did not picture himself as having to wake up and linger around fishermen’s boats. He had a curiosity that he wanted to satisfy. His aspiration was to bring out another side of bird that he believed they all were able to achieve – flying. He knew that there was more to it than just flying to the fishing boats and back to shore. He wanted to soar into the heavens and see what it feels like to mount up high like his fellow bird, the eagle.

We see that he then makes a decision to commit himself towards the perfection of his flying ability. He spends most of his time learning different skills and methods of riding the wind. He offers a great sacrifice to this new discipline that he wants to pursue. He believes that he first must think above the normal seagull in order to achieve. He also weighs the cost of being the only disciple of such a discipline – being an outcast, spend days and nights on an empty stomach, and suffering bodily harm.

The story also highlights the essence of consistency and commitment towards your goals and aspirations. Obstacles are going to arise every way of the journey. For Jonathan the set backs came from his peers, the eldership, and even his parents who did not want to look as if they had failed to bring up a young seagull in the way in an acceptable way. The flock encouraged him to direct his energy towards other things pertaining to a seagull’s life, and in all these Jonathan saw the imprisonment of his desire and right to learn and advance. He knew this would only make him another ordinary seagull and this was what he mostly feared and endeavored to avoid.

It is therefore the responsibility of everyone to harness the talent or unique gift that they have with in them. In the first place identifying your uniqueness requires devotion and effort. It is like looking for that unique part in a jigsaw puzzle. We all are supposed to fit into making this picture, but we all we are put our unique position that in order to bring out this picture. With the same metaphor, people we meet are supposed to shape us or we shape ourselves with the experiences and the aspirations, in order to fit in perfectly fit in our position.

Discovering ones unique position and shape makes society more exciting. If all of us were meant to be doctors I do not think that we would as much anticipate for what comes tomorrow be cause by the age you are 15, for instance, you would have known everything you need to know. The following 70 or more years would be as frightening as darkness. Nevertheless, with the various careers, and disciplines, that we all pursue makes the world a more interesting place to live, discover and appreciate.

Advance is one of the key points in the story from the second part of the book. Jonathan had reached the stage where he had to move on to the next level. But he did not realize that it was so. If the other flight scholars had not visited him and showed him that there is another level of greatness and application of flight he would have remained at that level. This would have brought about frustration and contempt. On one way because he had scorned his own traditional way of life to apply this more or less far-fetched idea of mastering flight. While on the other because he would have nothing else to which he could target or direct his energy. It was time to move on. As the gulls said ‘…One school is finished. The time has come for another to begin.’

Another good point that I agree with and is very crucial to our advancement in any area of life is that of continuity. He knew that mastering a skill was better than just having mere knowledge of the idea. To this he committed himself every part of his learning process. He knew that if he was consistent in the application of the drills he would be able to do them off by heart until he was doing them involuntarily.

Having this understanding Jonathan knew there was room for any bird to develop. Jonathan understands that if he was able to achieve what he had achieved then there certainly are more that could achieve. He understood that going to another level of his discipline was very vital but he also new that he had to develop another generation of Flight scholars. He there fore decides to return (which actually took humility) to same place where he was rejected too trigger the lives of the young people who had a different spirit and passion.

Part Two – Personal Impact

I have been able to apply this book in a couple of ways. I have first reassessed my vision and goal in life. What is it that I want to achieve in my life? Why do I want to achieve that? How will it apply not only to the advancement of my personal goals but to those that would be able to follow in my footsteps? Being optimistic that there will be. Is it that right choice of path or am I just fooling my self? Such questions require answers for every day people are counting on me to be a figure of support in some way.

One major point that has been an encouragement to my life is that of focus and consistency. I started communication studies as the principal area of interest for my career but also for general knowledge. I did one level of studies and then things just sort of went towards a different direction. But despite this kind of situation I did not discourage my self to start a new discipline for I am hopeful that all will fall into place. While doing my present occupation I use my free time to acquire resources that will fuel and advance my media aspirations. Although progress is gradual and at a pace not initially anticipated I am satisfied of that little ground I am gaining.

Many of my close friends and relatives have wanted me to do something otherwise and pursue a goal that will make them proud and happy. But I tend to tell my self that I live life for some one else who will live mine?

One thing that I believe is that every person has got a goal in life and people who surround us are there to shape us towards that goal. For example, my partner has her own goals and aspirations in the relationship that we have which differ from my own but I would not try to influence her to change her goal. What I may be able to do is help her change approach to achieving her dreams and she would do like wise. This is how I feel the world should operate. We all should be able to encourage on another to wards meaningful disciplines which will benefit all of us.

Another major point that I have learned is that of understanding the times and seasons that my life is moving into and out of. As it is with the principle of sowing and reaping unless the farmer understands the time to till his land he will have difficulties in getting his seed in to the ground. Following that he has to watch over the crop tend to it and know when it need fertilizer applied what kind of fertilizer applied according to the level.

The main point here is to know when to go to the next level. Usually I would have difficulties in advancing to the next level because I am so excited of the current situation that I have mastered and am in charge of. But it as this moment that I must realize I need to go the next stage. Another thing is that some stages (courses in life) take a while before they are over while others are just short lived. This kind of diversity requires discipline and lots of practice because in the end I my find my self at one stage earlier than supposed or later than required.


Psycho-Cybernetics 2000

Assessment by Brian Satha

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This is a motivational book looking at setting a mind set of transformation of the mind to achieve any desired success. The authors breakdown systematically how the mind is the root of all predicaments people are in or opportunities they encounter. It aims to deliver a simple and straight forward program one can follow to change habits cope with situations and even overcome fears and anxieties.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. I have to motivate myself. I have a habit of coming up with very good resolutions for areas of development as well as plans to enhance and/or reform my life. The major setback in achieving these resolutions is the motivation factor. After reading this book I have learnt how simple auto suggestive thoughts and words are able to keep me on track and make me experience achievements in my goals and resolutions.

ii. The past should left where it is. This is for both failures and glories. One thing I believe a make a lot of people not experience ongoing achievement is living in their past. Most people live on past failures and achievements. Failing in life or achievements in life are dependent on our mind sets. For example, I would be able say that a couple of years ago, staying in the United Kingdom was my greatest achievement. Taking a look at my current situation, I would think I won’t make it again to that country. If that thought would be meditate on for a long time, it will be imprinted in my subconscious and cause me not to work hard because I believe it was just a onetime event. Instead, I should be encouraged and say ‘if it was possible then why should it not be possible now?

iii. Developing Habits for a good and successful character. Habits develop into character> character is more or less the blueprint of destiny. I know of a pastor who says he can determine a person’s destiny through his friends. Your friends are the attracted to your character. If I can develop good habits I can have a good character. I can also accumulate good friends. Coupled with knowledge and know how I can achieve what I want.

iv. Understanding the subconscious and its role in goal setting. My subconscious is who I am. The conscious me is just a practical manifestation of my aspirations and fears which are imprinted in my subconscious. My fears will always manifest when the right circumstances appear and my conscious mind identifies with it. Similarly for the achievements of my aspirations are based on the circumstances my subconscious has told the mind that they can be av

v. The benefits of goal setting. For a long time I have always read about goal setting and planning but it has always been about reading than about applying. This book has the right steps to move one from mere awareness of goal setting to that of realizing these goals which brings about the satisfaction of the setting in the first place.

vi. Balance between the body mind and soul. I usually have a problem in providing rest to both my body and mind. This imbalance does not usually work very well as there is a lack of proper coordination when one of the two is out of place. The mind may seem rested and want to do things but the body will be a barrier to making improvement or doing other projects. The opposite is similarly true. I have tried to work out a system to provide rest and ‘recharge’ moment to facilitate the balance between body and soul.

vii. Learn to cancel negative words and speak the positive. Similarly to the forgetting of the past negative words are also a threat to my development. Sometimes these are not necessarily spoken words but also thoughts. These may be thoughts of failure, sickness, bad habits and character

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I believe character stands out and it is what shapes the world today. Unless we have people that are motivated thinking of success and goal getting we would not have a developing world. The ability for me to know that what I conceive if I believe I can achieve not only by seeing things in the mind but also tangible results.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

Let feedback move you forward: the best way to move forward this to see the cues to move forward and the cues to might require you to do another action. Being able to interact with your world helps build your confidence as you create the world or image you want.

Be aware of the curbs but focus on the destination. There are many setbacks to achieving success. We must understand that the curbs will be there and we have to calculate them in our goal projection. Our aim is to accomplish the task or achieve the goal if we are inspired to achieve the focus will be on the destination.

What you believe conditions what you can do: Belief is either empowering or enslaving. Your beliefs can liberate you or they can bind you. You need to identify which ones are real beliefs that convey your image. Evaluate some of them that over those that cause you to confirm must be identified and encouraged. What you believe is a mental battle and if the mind is bound it cannot do much, unless it is open and liberated can it be a powerful tool.

Observe your take-a-break signals: Relaxation is a fundamental key to effective goal attainment. When you are tired or stressed your focus becomes low. You need to recharge and reload to push the vision. Fresher ideas or amounts of energy can only come when you have managed to reflect on current trends versus the benefits or income.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about? or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I feel the authors had a lot to write about the powers of the mind and auto-suggestion for personal success and they did there level best to put into a compact format for us to apply. the outline and delivery of the program provide critical analysis of one’s behavior and motivating towards certain aspects of life.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The exercises were certainly helpful. The brought the idea in to context and help me do a quick assesses of my thoughts and practices concerning each subject presented. Some of the exercise did not manage to covey the importance at the first attempt. The message or impact would be grasped after a second attempt.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book encourages writing and note taking. They say that, “ a short pencil is better than a good memory.” Writing down your idea helps you to motivate yourself to achieve and tick it off. It acts like a yard stick or force that is pulling you forward, while on the other you attain achievement and satisfaction. I have personally benefited from writing down action points and following them through. It has been my daily task to start it with target points that help me evaluate the efforts I gave.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comments: Feel free to share any additional comments about the book or about the ratings:

As stated earlier I think the book is compact with a lot of ideas. The essence of it being a self help book should at least be able to provide someone with a simplified standard approach to completing it. I would say that as I reflect over a the period I have read and applied this book it has impacted my life and I feel that the learning can be experienced in both short and long term phases.



Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Brian Satha

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This book talks about the benefits of self motivation. It introduces this topic by showing us how we are important to our own development. We are the most important person in our lives. If we want to fail or succeed it all depends on ourselves and not somebody else or until such circumstances arose for our success to be fuelled and evident.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Clarity of mind is the key to success. Without a clear thought process one is unable to plan out his or her goal let alone achieve them. Others may ultimately achieve them but not at a standard that above average. Clarity of mind is necessary in palnning. And planning is the essential ingredient of all goal achievement. With clarity of mind you also weigh the pros and cons of undertaking a certain endeavour. That way when you do decide to a certain path you do that whole heartedly.

ii. Time is of essence. We all need the precious commodity called time. It helps us in forecasting ion as well as accounting for certain achievements or lack thereof. Inability to manage time is the greatest waste of any resource you can imagine and time is not redeemable. In relation to the previous idea, clarity of mind is the evidence of time management ability. Time management is a necessary tool for accomplishing great things. Failure to have this ability is similar to one who is not prudent with finances. Such people’s time is spent on activities that will not add value to their lives or that is not planned or budgeted for.

iv. I am my greatest asset: Every business person has a stock of his assets or resources in order to know how much investment he has. Similarly my life is my business therefore I have to take care of the number one asset; that’s me. I have to make sure I am well taken care of emotionally, intellectually, physically, spiritually as well as financially. This will bring about the right blend for me to execute my purpose and will. It will fuel the passions and causes I believe in. It will guarantee me success.

v. I can start from anywhere. I realize that I have to do it NOW! The best time to start making a change in life is now. I must realize the potential I have and understand what changes I need to make in order to develop myself. Being able to evaluate situations and making decision out of such evaluations helps one adapt to change in this ever changing world. The world is so dynamic and everyday reality is changing and therefore we need to know the needs we must meet.

vi. Hope is the greatest motivator and I must have it. Whatever I achieve to get is a result of how much I have anticipated getting that thing. For example, I hoped there was a better job than the one i had. After two months I got a job that paid for times as much. I had hoped to continue studying writing and the media and right now am completing my first year in school this December (2011). Hope is like the catapult of dreams; it is the fuel to our tasks and activities. People with high hopes are those able to set expectations and know that they can meet them or part of them. Hope allows us to project into the future and create a world we perceive. Hope full people are able to live satisfying lives.

vii. Health and hygiene. You must take care of your body mind and soul. Being fresh and clean coupled with managing your surroundings to be free of sickness and disease. Exercising both mind bodyworks to bring in equilibrium. In one way the lack of physical hygiene shows how one looks at life. The inability to safeguard ones environment and body shows lack of concern for personal advancement. Cleanliness is closer to godliness and godliness is a divine character.

viii. Opportunities are everywhere. Most people will not agree but it is true. A man with PMA can get inspiration while talking to a child as he would get from speaking to a peer. When a person is able to plan his or her course for success, opportunities will avail themselves that will confirm with that plan. They are like cues that are leading you on the chosen path you have set before you. Through using your mind to direct your thoughts and energy your body responds accordingly. Your mind will be conscious of gathering new information and using it for the sole agenda of the subconscious mind. Look around there is something just for you.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I believe having the understanding that is clear and thoughts processes that are clean can aid me in living an honest and worthwhile lifestyle; being healthy and wealthy. As I look around me to see the various opportunities. I can further my obsession; while rendering my services, I can improve mankind (whether it is just an individual or a group or individuals). That will be the satisfaction I will get. Knowing the importance of my habits, attitudes and character is paramount to my successor or failure, I will press towards developing healthy habits and attitudes that allow openness to options and other information or knowledge that is not evidently available.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

Learn to see. Learning to see the end results empowers you to undertake the risk and challenges while heartedly. The end result is the magnetic force that will enable us to move towards. Learning to picture a desired end will give you the fuel to diligently undertake tasks to get to that desired end. You must be able to see the full picture or perspective of the goal. You will be able to know what needs to be done to get to that picture. Learning to see is very vital for planning and setting out goals.

Get rid of the guilt feeling.

Feeling guilty can way you down and hinder creativity and positive energy one must not hold on to guilty feelings for long they can hurt you. Take affirmative action immediately. Make amends with life and forgive or ask for forgiveness and be free of the bond.

A positive mental attitude and definite of purpose is the starting point toward all worthwhile achievement.

Without a goal in life you are just living of the wind and not commanding anything in life. When you know what you want from life, only then can PMA work. The bible say zeal without knowledge is not good. Therefore one needs to say what they want from life and then have the motivation and inspiration to attain it.

Day by day in every way through the grace of God I am getting better.

I know that every day as I go about my business, I am being improved in knowledge, skill and character. The impact can be seen in the feedback as well some of the achievements I have made. God’s grace catapults my faith. God is always good

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about? or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. I felt that the book opened its idea in an easy-to-follow manner. I personally like the one on clairvoyance simply because the name Brian also has characteristics of clairvoyance. In addition I experience too many déjà vu moments. Therefore exploring my mental capacities would be an area I would want read on more. I plan to get Dr. Rhine’s book “The Reach of the Mind”.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the exercise were very helpful the challenge knowledge attitude and practice. I still do them ever so often to see the change I am developing.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9.5


Feel free to share any additional comments about the book or about the ratings:

This is a helpful book for sure. Revisiting it helps one understand the concepts more and more helps one to improve on the ideas. It rekindles the passion when things seem not to be showing fruits. It rearranges the focus of the mind.