Bikundo Onyari
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: and
Birthday: 9th December 1977
Education: College
Occupation: Trainer and Life Coach
Gender: Male
First language: Swahili
Other languages spoken: English
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The Kenya Youth Coaching Forum (KYCF)
This is a personal development community that provides its members with quality resources to enable them to make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others. The group advocates for the creation of a “Seventh Power” — a group of people you trust implicitly; who believe in you and help you to continuously set higher standards for yourself… whilst supporting you exactly where you are currently.
We provide a monthly forum where we host youth, teachers, social workers, NGO & corporate leaders, social workers and people who want more out of their life.
The forum provides outstanding speakers, extraordinary speakers, experiential activities, amazing communication, knowledge & resource portal and member forum.
Life Coaching Skills (LCS) Training for Toyota East Africa Ltd Staff
My company aNDE Kenya has been offered a 3 months contract by Toyota East Africa Ltd to train its technicians. This will help them life set goals, coach each other and communicate effectively at the work place and at home.
Creating Communities of Transformation
Through a non profit initiative I co-ordinate called the Face of Kenya, we identify community leaders and train them change agents within their communities so as to own and lead change in the grassroots of the nation. So far we have trained over 300 community leaders in 5 out of 8 regions in Kenya using local resources.
Describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A place of connection and co-existence where everyone uses their gifts and talents to create a world that is full of abundance and smiles.
What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The greater challenge is the increasingly growing number of unemployed youth in many developing nations. These young men and women have lost hope by believing that they have nothing to give. Instead of using their talents and gifting they have ended up either being underemployed or pursuing jobs they are not passionate about.
How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
As human beings, we have to discover our life purpose and live it. That way we can start seeing how our actions impact the world. We start realizing that all of us have a role to play in making this world a better place by giving more than we receive. That way we start living joyously since we are able to notice the small things we do.
How has your life changed as a result of your IIGL studies?
I can say that my life has transformed in a big way and I am amazed when I look at the results. It has been over 8 years now and I vividly remember when I first joined IIGL! I was somehow skeptic; however through the studies I came to realize my life purpose. This is something that I used to struggle with for a long time until I landed on IIGL. The studies spoke to me loudly and I could see changes happening in my life, for instance increasing my self esteem, communicating better and become an effective leader in whatever responsibility I found myself in.
I can say as a student I have gone through a lot especially struggling with financial challenges. Once I decided to take up a course in a local university and ended up attempting half of it. It was so discouraging since I projected the money problems I used to go through instead of what I could do to turn my life around. Another challenge I faced was setting goals. As an IIGL student I was required to set my life goals. I did just that but after one year they looked impossible to achieve.
The final IIGL level changed everything, I had to re-evaluate my goals and I started setting small basic goals and I was astonished at what happened next. I started making using of my two mentors who were assigned to me, two amazing ladies. The next thing I did was to re-evaluate all my life and ask myself, what one thing I can do to impact my whole life. This is how I decided to start a training company called aNDE Kenya which provides training solutions to people who are keen to re-ignite their life.
So far it is one miracle after another happening in my life. I successfully with my team hosted the first Life Coaching Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. Because of the conference I got a training contract with Toyota East Africa Ltd, one of the leading motor companies and because of this contract other people have become interested in my work. There is more to come out of all this and one thing I have learnt over the years as an IIGL student is that never focus on money, instead focus on what you can do and surely money will come your way.
Personal Mission Statement
I will use my talents as a communicator to teach others, to synergize their strength and assist them reach their full potential so that they can live a more fulfilling and joyful life.
I have been involved in development work for the last eight years and have had first hand experience in training and raising awareness to both youth and adults. I have been more involved in developing learning materials and trainings young people. I have also designed entrepreneurship projects and coached upcoming youth entrepreneurs. I am a self taught social entrepreneur and apart from working on development issues I run a training firm known as aNDE Kenya.
I have a passion for working with young people since they possess untapped potential that can be used to grow a nation. I feel purposeful working with people to realise and nurture their abilities. My expertise has been more hands on and practical as opposed to theory and this has grounded my knowledge in the needs of clients.
I have been a life long student of life and got an opportunity in 2002 to study with the International Institute of Global Leadership (IIGL). I graduated in 2009 after intensive study and support from the faculty of IIGL where I established myself as an astute leader.
Specialties: Training & Coaching, Curriculum Development and Leadership Development
Attributes: Personable, On Time, High Integrity
Currently I am working on my first book that is intended to serve as a tool to further grow people. This is a project that I am keen to wrap up as a graduate of IIGL. I see my training company as a platform where men and women come to nurture their talents and give back to others.
I am also in development work during my part time as a way of giving back to communities through a national initiative known as the Face of Kenya. The imitative seeks to promote national resilience and peace amongst the Kenyan people through community trainings and ownership.
I have a son I adores so much and I look forward to marry in next coming years.
At the moment I am based in Nairobi, Kenya where I operates from.
Book Assessments: Click Here
Books Completed:
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* As A Man Thinketh
* Awaken the Giant Within
* Pulling Your Own Strings
* Unconditional Life: Discovering The Power To fulfill Your Dreams
* Change Your Mind – Change Your Life
* Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
* Real Magic Creating Miracles in Everyday Life
* You’ll See It When You Believe It
* Illusions: The Adventure of a Reluctant Messiah
* The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
* Notes from a Friend
* You’ll See It When You Believe It
* The Little Book of Letting Go
* Succeed and Grow Rich through Persuasion
* Creating Money; Keys to Abundance
* Money is My Friend;
* Money Magic: Unleashing Your True Potential for Prosperity and Fulfillment
* The Soul of Money
* The 40 Days Prosperity Plan
* The Nine Steps To Financial Freedom
* The Architecture of All Abundance
* Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision
* Goal Setting 101
* Goal Mapping: How to Turn Your Dreams into Realities
* Law of Attraction
* Psycho – Cybernetics 2000
* What to Say When You Talk to Your Self
* The Power of Intention
* Nonviolent Communication – A Language of Life
* The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work, and Ideas
* Educating for Human Greatness
* Creating Learning Communities
* True Prosperity – How To Have Everything
* The Grip of Death
* Matrix Energetics