Assauten A. Abason – Profile


Name: ASSAUTEN A. ABASONAssauten-pics.
Country: Nigeria
Birthday: April 4, 1990
Education: Undergraduate
Occupation: Artist

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

For me is a world that is free from crime, where there’s no diversity no sentiment inclined, a world that is peaceful full of opportunity for every one to enjoy.a world that believe in our abilities to create better thing frontier and articulate ways forward to all and a world where religion is not a tool for conflict but a tool for mutual understanding.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Bad governance and governmental policy, poor economic policy that affect the masses and mass illiteracy, terrorism and international security a major setback for most nations of the world: that is why we need to liberate young youth who find themselves in such situation of the use of violence in any issue instead of peaceful co-existence. The world has suffered so much and youth involvement must be put to a stop to achieve a peaceful earth. I believe that we are that change and the time is now to effect it throughout the world from Africa to Asia to the Arab world to the Americans and the specific; and together we can foster global change the change need to start from ones community and spread to the rest part of the world

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

Through public enlightenment and education, mentorship training for change and the betterment of the world, if we can educate the people they will become enlightened and will not be manipulated by any class in society, interaction and interactive platform can form the antecedent for championing such changes anticipated.

Youth empowerment is a key determinate to strengthen national and global wealth, safety and development. If the youth are empowered the world can stand against any violence attack and even the lack of popular support to crime, terrorism, social vases and underdevelopment in third world nations will reduce such problems confronting the nation state.

Integration through exchange program will help youth to mingle, dialogue on matters of common interest I strongly believe this will help such that Arabs youth interact with Asian, American and African youth will definitely promote peace and understanding Government must seek to pursue common goal of relevance to the world and stop creating more disparity that instigate violence


For me, am a young youth commented to human development and capacity building love to train and mentor others about the need to foster change and experience development in all areas of life, my core mandate is to rise lives that can aid in building younger generation through team vision. I believe in living, loving and showing concern to persons in need, I believe in reaching out the poor and needy in our world today, being able to impact my generation is my drive and am commented to see to it that I fulfill my dreams in such areas. I hold a personal interest in international politics and the need to involve youth on both national and international issues, for me reading is a goal to attend global knowledge and help the world today especially in third world democracy where the rule of the game are not uphelded to, that is why I gave myself to studying political science and this program on the IIGL platform.

Personally I love movies that talks about innovation, love music, photography and I sing sometimes and hope to do at least an album in my life time to contribute my quarter to music, I love to travel around the world, I have been to Togo, Ghana, Benin and South Africa and I would love to tour England, USA, Canada and other parts of the world. I will love to work in the United Nations security platform in setting aright global terrorism policies.

As a blogger and writer, Public speaker I would love to host events bidding over 5000 people in attendance and develop more people through my youth foundation Dream Plus foundation also know as CLUB 300. I really dream to build a global team like the pastors do but this time in human capacity building and development.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
How to Win Friends and Influence People