Asaju Bamidele Simeon – Profile


Name: Asaju Bamidele Simeon
Country: Nigeria
Date of Birth: December 4, 1983
Education: B.s.C Political Science
Occupation: Social Director

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
Its a world where everyone have equal access to education, where no child is left behind, or raise with the consciousness of competition, one of the ways through which this has been instituted overtime is standardized examinations, competitions, and all sort of monopoly encouraged by the bourgeoisie system in the world. Each person must know that they are a major part of their immediate community, and thus the responsibility of keeping their community in place lies in their hands, and not in the hands on the rulers in government, as the case is in my part of the world – Nigeria.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The major problem facing the world today is extreme capitalism and unnecessary competition in education system. I’m a Nigerian, and talking from my perspective, I notice their is too much emphasis on economic development, when we are suppose to invest more in educating the people on what that even means, those who come up with policies live exotic lives, stealing the money of the masses, encouraged by multinationals, and the foundation of our society has been destroyed, I mean education, there are more students in the public schools, Teachers in public schools are neither helping matters as most of them are just after earning income rather than impart, they don’t update their knowledge, and have an extremely cold attitude towards their profession.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
We need leadership education at all levels: as individuals, a family, groups, a nation and a race. Meaning we need to receive training to become leaders that can address our present circumstances. Institutions like IIGL should be in most parts of the world so as to equip people for the responsibility of leadership. This must be a school for everyone because before a man would lead others, he must first lead himself.


I am Asaju Bamidele Simeon, Asbam (an extract from my first and middle name). I am the first in the family and an only child from both parents (my parents were never married). The rest of the children from my parents are my half brothers or sisters. I am 6ft 1inches and dark in complexion, with an excellent social skill. I possess strong organizational, analytical and the ability to multi task. I have a first rate research aptitude. I love reading, writing and travelling a lot. I intentionally pick the type of friends I keep. At my leisure time, I ask myself questions and get try to get answers, watch cartoon a lot too. I cook excellently well. I like doing most of the home chores except ironing my clothes myself. I am a good communicator. I desire to become a famed author in the soon. I’m starting an organization that will help secondary school students put into use all knowledge they acquire from school, the Nation Builders Foundation. And it’s going to spread across Africa in a matter of time. This will further quicken the development of our society. I am the social director of my NYSC sub group. I have lived in Ilorin all my life. It’s my heart’s desire to work with international organization(s) that would afford me the opportunity to contribute to the development of education systems in multinationals drained nations (Africa and third World nation in general). The most critical requirement for leadership is trust. We must be trained to lead in such a manner that the followers who are leaders by right and training would trust the already existing team of leaders. I am convinced about one thing and its true that you cannot lead anyone without his or her consent. Thus before one gives his or her consent, he or she must trust you. The earth allover needs formal education just as she needs oxygen. All governments must educate all her citizens. It is always easy to leader informed people.

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