Anthony Ayodeji Ayoade – Profile

Anthony Ayodeji Ayoade
Birthday: 16th January, 1964
Education: Degree in Electrical Engineering
Occupation: Civil Servant

What is your vision of a world that works for everyone?
A world that works for everyone is that which empowers people’s dreams. A world that is full of people who are not ignorant of their responsibilities and what they need to do to live a fulfilled life. A world where people will understand the workings of natural principles and its consequences and where people will not seek their personal gain alone but those of others as well. My vision of a world that works for everyone is one in which the people in it will have the right attitude and behaviour towards one another.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The major problem facing the world today is ignorance. I believe that the knowledge of one’s ignorance is the pathway to the temple of wisdom. No one can perform better than what he or she knows. Once the chain of ignorance is broken, a person will become free from disease, hunger, poverty, and other unwanted situations. Millions of people are being oppressed today in the developing world because they are only free physically but are enslaved by their so-called leaders mentally and emotionally. They will be able to find a common voice when their darkened minds are exposed to knowledge of what should be done to become free. When a society lacks people who have values, it will not become valuable and inner values or good habits come as a result of knowledge.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
The problem can be solved when the few people who have the awareness strive to put up structures that will break the chain of ignorance. The educational curriculum as it stands now is faulty. It does not encourage creativity and innovation. The products of this lopsided educational system are merely earning a living; but lack ideas on what to do to make a difference. Children right from the primary school level should be exposed to self-development education that enhances the growth of the whole person, which are the body, mind, heart and spirit. In the areas where the government is not alive to this responsibility, knowledgeable men and women in the society must find ways and means to solve the problem. They can establish School of Leadership where pupils and students can be exposed to these life-changing information and knowledge. Publications along this line can also be made for people to read.

I am Ayoade, Anthony Ayodeji, a graduate of Electrical Engineering from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. At the moment, I am the Chief Engineer of Ewekoro Local Government in Ogun State, Nigeria. I am a member of Nigerian Society of Engineers and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA. Although I am a professional engineer with twenty years experiece, I discovered in 2005 that my mission is to empower people around me through information and other resources. To accomplish this mission, I have exposed my mind to many books that can get me updated, because no one can give what he doesn’t possess. My favourite author is Stephen Covey because I appreciate his fundamental approach to knowledge on self-development. Therefore, I acquire all his books that I can lay my hands on. My other favourite books include:

Poor Dad Rich Dad by R. Kiyosaki
The Richest Man in Babylon by G. Clason
Who Moved my Cheese by Spencer Johnson
Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow by R. Schuller
Developing the Leader Within You by J. Maxwell
Think and Grow Rich by N. Hill
The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren
Awaken the Giant within You by Anthony Robbins

My personal interest lies in changing the way people think through information. This made me to float a magazine called GEMSTONE – the acronym for a generation that is empowered, motivated, stirred to operate in natural excellence. It is being published to make people change their way of thinking. The publication is being made under the Basic Freedom Network, an umbrella organization that I founded to accomplish my mission. At the moment, a book titled “Habits of Exemplary People” has been written by me to expose 14 intrapersonal habits that can make people grow from the inside to have good character. It also contains seven interpersonal habits that we need to show good fruits which make us become influential.

I have written and delivered many papers at various workshops and seminars which include:
* Time to change
* Creating Winning Habits in the Youths
* The Challenges Facing Contemporary Nigerian Graduates
* Creating and Developing Positive Values
* Becoming a Visionary
* Who you are makes you what you are
* Discovering, Developing and Deploying Your Potential
* Moving on to Greater Height

I love reading, traveling and getting my mind engaged in meaningful discussion. I find it easy to relate with people who have ideas to share.

Basic Freedom Network had involved itself in the sponsorship of any projects in conjunctions with other sister organizations in Nigeria. Our organization has a library consisting of over 200 different books that is open to any interested member of the public to read. We believe in the power of words in educating the mind. Therefore, our vision is to establish a leadership school in the nearest future to take care of the missing link in the school curriculum of our educational system. The needs of youths in all areas of growth namely, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual will be addressed in the school.

I have a wide taste for music but my special interest lies in classical music and jazz. I also enjoy traveling and visiting historical sites. I also have passion for the gospel of Christ being a member of the Church of Christ and I’ve preached many messages as well. I belong to a group that publishes Daily Call, a guide to daily devotional Bible study.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Real Magic
Giant Steps
The New Dynamics Of Winning
How to Win Friends And Influence People
Leadership For Dummies
The Law Of Attraction
Power Of Intention
Unlimited Power
Non-Violent Communication
Goal Setting 101
Long Walk to Freedom
Projections of the Consciousness
Practical Intuition
Become a Magnet to Money Through the Sea of the Unlimited Consciousness
Educating for Human Greatness
Grant Writing Handbook
The Secret
The Hidden Messages in Water
Buffet: The Making of an American Capitalist
The Alchemist
Zero Limits
The Heartmath Solution
Quantum Healing
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.
The Essential Ghandi
Of Water and the Spirit
Ghandi – An Autobiography
The Temple of My Familiar
Journey of Souls
Meditation as Medicine
The Celestine Vision