Adelaide Rufaro Katsika – Profile

Adelaide Rufaro Katsika
Birthday: 11 December 1977
Education: Bachelor of Business Administration. (BBA), Certified Internal Auditor.
Occupation: Group Internal Auditor

What is your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My vision of a world that works for everyone is a world that everyone is selfless (where selfishness does not exist), compassionate and considerate of the next person. Where decisions are made justly and fairly and where people genuinely love one another.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Selfishness and Poverty.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
Educating people, teaching those who have to give and the poor to find ways and means to work for themselves.

My name is Adelaide, I am married to a lovely man called Raymond, together we have three wonderful daughters. I enjoy dancing and listening to good music, playing tennis and sport and reading books, especially journals on successful people. I believe that one day, I too will be a successful African woman, in the corporate world.

Generally I am a very happy, positive person and a great team player. I am not particularly intelligent but very hardworking and have a deep rooted faith in the God of Israel. This has seen me achieving a lot of things that a normal African wife and mother in my circumstances would not even dream of and I continue to dream big.

So far I have managed to achieve a BBA degree (accounting major), a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation from the Institute of Internal Auditors. From January 2007 I will be working towards becoming a Chartered Accountant. I have to write a few modules to acquire a BCompt degree before I can sit for my CTA examinations. Because of work and family commitments I have given myself five years to achieve this goal.

I dream of becoming a Chief Executive Officer of a large international company (hopefully my own) and running this company to great heights. I strongly feel and believe I was born for a great purpose.

Currently I am the Group Internal Auditor for Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, the leading telecommunications service provider in this country. However due to the political and economical situation in the country, which does not promote growth and professionalism, I am planning to leave the country, hopefully after my CA qualification.

I come from a family of seven, my father who is now late, my mother and four brothers. Being the only girl in the family was wonderful. I grew up with lots of love and attention, hence I acquired a positive outlook to life.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
The New Dynamics of Winning
Psycho- Cybernetics 2000
Keys to Success
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Real Magic