Adebayo Folorunsho – Profile

Adebayo Folorunsho Stephen
Birthday: April 9th, 1975
Education: BED Educational Management
Occupation: Education
Gender: MALE

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
My dream is to see everyone of of poverty. The United Nations once described an impoerished country as that living on less than one dollar per day. This is a bad trend for nigeria and i would like to contribute my quota to see people out of poverty. This has led me to establish an NGO- Life Seed Economic Empowerment & Poverty Reduction Initiative (LEEPRI). I also want to see people educated that is why I presently run a school and have given scores of people scholarship. If people are educated, they would be able to combat poverty, and thereby our society would be better for all to live in.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Leadership problem. The world today is in dire need of exemplary leaders. Our youths lack role models to look up to. In this part of the world, the problem of leadership is so challenging and complicating that our nascent democracy has been eroded, our economy battered, our our national life reduced to zero. Integrity is seriously lacking as the whole head is sick. It is not only a problem in Nigeria, but in other parts of the world. When we have good leaders, we would have good education, good infrastructure, good roads, good development and substantial plans and the future would be secured for the upcoming generation. America today is a role model for other countries because the leaders are good and an egalitarian society.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
The problem could be well-solved by organizing enlightenment programme on leadership for young people. Establishing leadership schools would also be a welcomed development. if there are good role model, it would not take a long time before the society is transformed. The society need people who will live by their creeds. The y need people who are passionate about people and can invest in their lives. The reverse would be the case if we have people who are self-centered and visionless. Again, people need to read to develop themselves. As it is often been said ‘readers are leader.’ Those who want to lead should take time to study the lives of great people and the ideals of leadership.

Folorunso Adebayo Stephen was born in Abababubu, Idanre, Ondo State of Nigeria some thirty five years ago. Folorunso is from a polygamous home and the fifth in a family of eight.

Like every child, I begin my educational career with St. Paul’s RCM School, a village in Idanre, Ondo state. Born to a farmer. Growing up in a polygamous family and a rural setting was very challenging for me as a young boy. Immediately after my secondary school, I went to Loyola College, Ibadan. I had to face one of the bitter taste of life when I lose my father. This shook me to the marrow that I don’t know how to cope with the challenges of educating myself. This was just before I completed my primary school.

As a young lad then with the challenges of the future ahead of me, I had to come to Ibadan in order to forge ahead.I then finished my secondary school education in Ibadan. After, this I did some menial jobs, save some money and then launched out to start a nursery and primary school in Ibadan.

Because of the passion I have for education, and in order to improve my self worth, I proceeded to the University of Ibadan in 1997 to study educational management. I still could not complete this programme when my other colleagues graduated because of financial challenge. I however completed my programme in year 2003. After, then, i have done a number of short courses to develop myself and to prepare for the task ahead.

At present, Excellers International is a group of schools with two nursery and primary schools and a college.We have a staff strength of fifty teaching and non teaching staff. Over twenty pupils have been given scholarship to complete their studies. The school has celebrated her fourteeth anniversary.

Last year, I started an NGO, LEEPRI with the sole aim of empowering the indigent with seed loans to better their lots. More than thirty people have benefited from this initiative and we are planning to expand our financial base and programme to reach the more less- privileged.

I am married with two kids. My hobbies includes: reading, traveling, meeting people and singing.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull