Issue #271 *July 2024

International Institute For Global Leadership

Issue #271 *July 2024
Asheville, NC USA

Guest Editorial

IIGL President’s Message

Lynda Eze (Nigeria/USA)

I am thrilled and deeply honored to announce that I have been elected as the President of the International Institute For Global Leadership (IIGL). This incredible journey began about 14 years ago when I first joined IIGL, and over the years, I have had the privilege of serving as a regular Board member, Recording Secretary, Vice President, and now as President.

I am profoundly grateful to Michael Lightweaver (USA), the visionary founder of IIGL, for creating this amazing platform and for his unwavering support and dedication in growing it to impact lives around the world. To Deborah Rosen (USA), our director, your support through my school years has been invaluable. Julie, whose memory I hold dear, mentored me with wisdom and kindness. Kathleen Oweegon (USA), your presence and inspiration in every IIGL activity have been a beacon of light for all of us.

A special thanks to Amb Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria) for always being there, from the first encouraging phone call to hosting me at the IIGL conference in Lagos. Your mentorship and role model leadership have profoundly influenced my journey. Noeline Kirabo (Uganda), your story and achievements have shown me that it doesn’t matter where you begin; you can achieve greatness. Ethelbert Obinna Umeh (Nigeria), your impact in as an IIGL graduate, past president and board member, is truly inspiring.

Working closely with Vivian Muciri (Kenya), our immediate past president, as vice president, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of IIGL in personal and career development. Vivian, you are a true national leader and a winner in every sense. Connecting with such positive, purpose-driven individuals from around the world has been one of the best decisions of my life. Thank you all for trusting me with this position. I am committed to making IIGL known to many more people and working together with the newly elected board members to take IIGL to greater heights.

What Others Are Saying

Officer Goals and Visions for 2024-2025 Term

President Lynda Eze (Nigeria/USA)

I am truly humbled and honored to be elected as the President of our great organization IIGL. I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for placing your trust in me. Over the past three years, I have had the privilege of serving as your Vice President, and I am excited to build on the progress we have made together. As President, my commitment is to continue to serve IIGL with dedication. I look forward to working with each of you to achieve our goals and take IIGL to even greater heights.

Vice President Udeme Idem (Nigeria)

To support the president’s visions and plans for IIGL. Propose any adjustments to curriculum and procedures to the President and the Board of Trustees. Verify that all training (LMC) programs articulate clear student-learning objectives and reflect IIGL values. Formulate and update educational programs that motivate and support students to graduate.

Corresponding Secretary Cheu Pswarayi (Zimbabwe)

I am really happy to have the opportunity to serve for another term. I have gained so much from IIGL. To put simply, so I am hoping that this term I can spread some positivity to everyone.

Recording Secretary Michael Kelechi (Nigeria/UK)

It is an honor and a privilege to stand before you today as the newly appointed Recording Secretary of the IIGL. I am deeply committed to our shared mission of nurturing high-integrity, heart-centered, and conscious leaders who are poised to make a positive impact in their communities and the world. As I embark on this term, I am inspired by the incredible potential we have to drive transformative change within our institution and in the lives of our students. My vision for this term is rooted in three key objectives: Fostering a vibrant and engaged student community, Enhancing the effectiveness of our educational programs, and Cultivating a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Treasurer Zach Rosen (USA/IL)

First and foremost, my vision is to uphold the financial responsibility and transparency of the organization.

Also, there’s much more virus or cyber security issues nowadays. So, if something looks off, getting on it right away and then from there making sure that everyone understands where we’re spending our money, and when we do get those strong donors and just trusting that what we’re doing with the money is for the best of the group and continuing to grow the IIGL mission.

What are Students are Reading

The Rules of Work (Ebook)

Some people are simply great at their job. They always seem to say the right thing; do the right thing. They are mentioned in every conversation. Everybody likes them. They get promoted. They get pay raises. They get along with the boss. And somehow, they do all these things without being unpleasant, breaking much of a sweat or seeming to put in excess effort. And when they are offered another step up the corporate ladder or a fabulous new job, no one is surprised. After all, they have ‘potential’ written all over them. How do they do it? Do they know some secret we don’t? Yes, they know The Rules of Work. These rules aren’t about how to do your job, day-to-day (assuming you are pretty good at that already). The Rules of Work are about how you are seen to be doing it. They are about how you appear to others. And they are about helping you to achieve the success you richly deserve. he Power of Self-Confidence explains how to increase your “mental fitness” by thinking like top performers!

Students/Graduates In Action

IIGL Graduate is the Founder of ALFA

IIGL Graduate Eric Omari (Kenya) recently shared an update about  ALFA stands for A better Life For All, it’s a registered community based organization located in Kibera Slum that he founded!  

“ALFA advocates, and empower the community with positive values, we have various activities in ALFA Network. We empower students who are less privileged, needy and brilliant/intelligent students with academic support or sponsorship which the Planetary Transformation Project has been in front line to support the students, in our academic calendar we have three terms, a term goes for three months, whereby tuition fees/school fees is paid on a term by term basis, or annually depending with the resources, a year goes for three terms. Those students who have joined High school, it takes four years to finish or to complete High school studies and they are awarded a certificate to ascertain successful completion of four years studies, then they can join University or colleges. We have another interesting program empowering small scale business through micro – finance and table banking, whereby we categorize them in a group of 10’s to have a soft loan to boost or start a small scale business and we also encourage them to do table banking and merry go round, it is one way of eradicating poverty and create self-reliance.” 

Valuable Resources for Personal and Planetary Transformation

Eco Challenge

For over 25 years, they’ve inspired, educated and activated individuals, schools, organizations and businesses to connect the dots and help create a better shared future. Their solutions-focused programs have engaged over 300,000 individuals and 4,500 organizations worldwide since their original founding as Northwest Earth Institute in 1993. Each connected dot provides a launch pad for sustainability leaders, emerging generations, and other agents of change.


IIGL Welcomes the 2024-2025 Board of Directors

IIGL held it’s Annual Meeting on June 1, 2024 via Zoom.  A special thank you to out going Board Members: Ahua Bem Gura (Nigeria); Aishatu Ibrahim (Nigeria); Antionette Carter (USA) and Thomas Shereni (Zimbabwe) who completed their terms.  The following members were unanimously elected!    


President: Lynda Eze (Nigeria/USA) 

Vice President: Udeme Idem (Nigeria)

Corresponding Secretary: Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe) 

Recording Secretary: Michael Kelechi (Nigeria/UK)

Treasurer: Zach Rosen (USA/IL)

Board Members 

Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

Emmanuel Iziomoh (Nigeria) 

Charles Kabera (Rwanda)

Juliette Engole (Uganda)

Kathleen Oweegon (USA/OR) 

Ratherford Mwaruta (Zimbabwe)

President Emeritus: Vivian Muciri (Kenya) 

Help IIGL Recruit New Students!

Feel free to share this newsletter or just this poster with your friends, family, co-workers and colleagues to help IIGL continue to grow and flourish globally!  Thank you to those who have referred others! 

IIGL Book Sales Continue…   

The IIGL Board of Directors shared that the IIGL book, “Creating Your Path Through Leadership” book sales continue to provide a Royalty payment to IIGL each month. It has also helped new potential donors understand more about IIGL!  The book is available both on Kindle and in Paperback on!  Check it out!   Here’s the link:… 

Meet Our New Students

There were x new students this month.

Daniel Machuki (Kenya)

He is from Kisii county, in am a father of 4 two girls and 2 boys.  I am a businessman selling motor vehicle spare parts, I am also an electrician, I gained this skills through my Uncle who was good to me and took time to empower me with those skills, this made me to have more passion or all electrical stuffs and I had to start an electrical shop.

Samuel Joshua Baba (Nigeria)

I am an experienced Electrical and Electronic Engineer with a robust background in designing, managing, and coordinating telecommunications and solar sites. My journey in engineering is driven by a passion for renewable energy and a commitment to sustainable development, particularly in underserved rural communities. My professional trajectory has equipped me with a diverse skill set, including project management, maintenance of diesel generators, and photovoltaic (PV) systems, all underpinned by strong leadership and communication skills.

David Mba (Nigeria)

I am a leadership research and development coach who trains young leaders and equips them with the required knowledge, tools, and environment that helps them foster positive impacts on the factors that govern their social, economic, religious, political, business, and organizational environment. We do so using a truth-based best-practice approach gathered from holistic and empirical research into leadership, relationships, communication, business, and wealth generation.

Nabyonga Carolyn (Uganda)
I am a practicing Faith Driven Entrepreneur, speaker, mentor and coach working as the Director and Founder at GGz Holdings Limited, a multi-discipline professional company with interests in Training, real estate, supply chain and hygiene/cleaning services for both domestic and commercial properties.  I am a qualified Human Resource professional and helps to design and implement strategies for other firms.

To view complete profiles, Click Here

Student Progress

We had 12 students from 6 countries complete a total of 22 books in June. These students were from Ghana/UK, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Patrick Nketiah (Ghana/UK)

* Nonviolent Communication

Kibet M. Keter (Kenya)

* How to Win Friends and Influence People

* Keys to Success

Daniel Machuki (Kenya)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull         

Joshua Samuel Baba (Nigeria)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull                 

Anastasia Elebiju (Nigeria)

* Full Steam Ahead

* The Leader who had No Title

David Mba (Nigeria)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull                 

Udeme Idem (Nigeria)

* Critical Thinking

* Good Leaders Ask Great Questions

* The 360 Degree Leader

* The Rules of Work

Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

* Millionaire Course

* You ain’t Got Time

Salad Halane (Somalia)

* The Power of Self Confidence

Mwesigwa Enock Joseph (Uganda)  

* Creating your Path through Leadership   

* Maximum Achievement    

Carolyn Kathryn Nabyonga (Uganda)

* As a Man Thinketh

* Jonathan Livingston Seagull                 

Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe)

* Love Without Conditions          

The following students have completed one or more levels of study this month

Udeme Idem (Nigeria) completed Level Four

Salad Halane (Somalia) completed Level Four

Mwesigwa Enock Joseph (Uganda) completed Level One


New Enrollments
6 enrolled in June
25 enrolled in 2024

Book Assessments
22 in June
110 in 2024

Books Shipped

0 in June
5 in 2024

Cost of Books
$0 in June
$70.55 in 2024

You Make It Possible

We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)

Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ) In Blessed Memory

John Hornecker (USA/NC)

Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)

Kathleen Oweegon (USA/OR)

Deb Rosen (USA/WI)

Make A Difference

Dream Team 22

Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 22 people contributing $22 per month.  We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2024!

Please join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL! You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money.  To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below.  To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI  53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to

To Contribute By Credit Card, go to

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