International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #123 * March 2012
Asheville, NC. USA
Guest Editorial
What Is Blocking Your Success?
Edwin Akpan (Nigeria)
Shakespeare called it a “traitor.” Law of Attraction teacher Michael Losier calls it “negative vibration.” I call it “the greatest barrier to success.” I’m talking about doubts.
Why is doubt the greatest barrier to success? Shakespeare said it best, “…they [doubts] make us lose what we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” That’s it. Doubts make you throw in the towel even before you begin. And if you don’t attempt something, how are you going to achieve it? For instance, if you don’t enlist for Olympic trials, how are you going to win an Olympic gold medal? If you don’t start that business, how are you going to attain financial freedom? If you don’t start writing that book, how are you going to become a bestselling author and make a difference in people lives?
See? Certainly, we all have doubts about achieving our goals at some point in time. Even the highly successful people you see today had doubts at one point or the other in their journey to the top, but they found a way to eliminate their doubts; that’s why they are successful.
The good news is that, right now, you CAN also eliminate any doubt you may have about achieving what you desire. Here is how. First, identify your doubts. Some people don’t even know they have doubts. They “just” know that they can’t achieve their goals but they don’t know why. The simple trick to easily and quickly identify any doubts you have about achieving your goals is to insert your desire between the words “I can’t” and “because,” and complete the statement.
Here is what I mean. Supposing your desire is to start a business but you can’t seem to do it. To identify your doubts, simply complete this statement: “I can’t start a business because….” This will help you come up with the doubts that are holding you back. For example, someone in the above situation might say, “I can’t start a business because I’m too young and nobody will take me serious.”
After identifying your doubts, the next thing to do is to ask yourself this powerful question: Is there anyone currently doing or have done what I want to do or have or be? If your answer is yes, congratulations! It will be good to identify the person(s) because our minds think in specifics. By identifying someone or people who are currently doing or have achieved what you want to achieve, you provide yourself with “hard evidence” that it is possible to achieve your dreams. That way, you eliminate doubts – your greatest barrier to success – in minutes! Providing “evidences” for the actualization of your goals is one of the most powerful tools there is to achievement.
For instance, I had doubts about building a 7-figure monthly income business. And my main doubt was that I have no money to advertise in the national dailies and in Google like my competitors. My doubts instantly vanished when I read the words of Mark Joyner, who happens to be one of the most outstanding Internet business gurus in the world. He wrote in his groundbreaking book: Mind Control Marketing, “For many years, my company’s advertising budget was ZERO. That’s right. We didn’t spend a dime on advertising. “Even today, I spend next to nothing on advertising and focus all of my efforts on maximizing what I can get for free. If I can send out an e-mail newsletter to hundreds of thousands of people for free, why not focus on maximizing that return instead of risking megabucks on expensive direct mail campaigns?”
That was all I needed at that point to press on and I’ve not looked back ever since. To make this process work effectively for you, I’d advise you write out your “evidence” and paste it where you’ll see it always. Do you have great dreams and you think you can’t achieve them? What’s holding you back is your doubts. Identify and eliminate them now by looking for evidences and references that prove you can. Then press on and I’ll see you at the top!
IIGL Annual Meeting In May
at Mountain Light Sanctuary, near Asheville, NC. The meeting is open to all active students and contributors. To register, contact board secretary, Judith Royer at
What Our Students Are Saying
Yieh Odette Gwain (Cameroon)
Act Now is a leading secrete in transformation. If I get information and do not act then I am wasting that information. That is why from the book I have learned from great people who have transformed their lives after hearing information and putting them into practice. This is a big lesson that in some few years to come there shall be transformation leaders from Africa who shall stand the taste of time, this will be thanks to IIGL. What ever thing I do now will seriously be match by action.
What Our Students Are Doing
IIGL Partners With AIESEC in Uganda
Due to the efforts of Noeline Kirabo Mulongo, our national coordinator for Uganda, the IIGL program there has partnered with the Ugandan chapter of AIESEC, the largest student run organization with over 60,000 member is 110 countries. On February 18th, together they launched the LEAD program, designed by IIGL and based on IIGL curriculum for the purpose of helping AIESEC students with leadership and managerial skills to equip them for the placements in the job market. The program, which was launched at Kyambogo University, is designed to run for one year. The tri-fold focus of the program is (A) Building leadership skills, (B) Effective Communication & Team Building and (C) Project Planning & Design. For more information you can contact Noeline at
What Our Students Are Reading
The Invisible Path To Success
Understanding & Managing The Unseen Forces Shaping Your Life
by Robert Scheinfeld ($10.47)
Every day things happen to you. How much is caused by you and how much by fate, destiny or the result of invisible forces you know nothing about? Finding the answers to these questions can be compared to putting together a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. This work offers pieces that have been missing from your puzzle. Once you add them to the pieces you’ve already collected, a new picture of who you are, why you’re here, what your purpose is, and how to better manage the unseen forces shaping your life will spring into view.
Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation
Points Of Light Foundation
The Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network engages and mobilizes millions of volunteers who are helping to solve serious social problems in thousands of communities. Through a variety of programs and services, the Foundation encourages people from all walks of life – businesses, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, low-income communities, families, youth, and older adults – to volunteer. Based in Washington, D.C., the Foundation advocates community service through a partnership with the Volunteer Center National Network. Together, they reach millions of people in thousands of communities to help mobilize people and resources, which deliver solutions that address community problems.
Meet Our New Students
We are please to welcome four new active students this month. They are from
Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria.
Yayo Mohammed Hummed (Ethiopia)
My name is Yayo Mohammed Hummed I was born in 1988 in Afar regional state, Ethiopia. In 2007 I enrolled in Addis Ababa University, faculty of Business and economics, Department of public administration and development management. I graduated in the year 2009 and joined Afar culture and tourism bureau, as tourism marketing and promotion officer.
I joined Ethiopian Civil Service University for masters program in the year 2011 , as student of leadership and good governance in institute of leadership and good governance. My personal interest is becoming good leader in Africa. I want to contribute a lot with my profession to the leadership problem of Africa. I wish to upgrade my level of knowledge in whatever experience and opportunity that I gain. As leadership and good governance student more is expected from me to take initiative to combat corruption and related problem in Ethiopia and around the world. Finally, I like to look movies.
Saidzhan (Sayid) Abdullaev (Kyrgyzstan)
I am a dynamic, determined, and passionate global citizen, young leader and a founder of the Youth for Peace Initiative that increases participation of young people from different social backgrounds in the development of civil society and sustainable youth movement via the empowerment programs such as: peace camps, leadership trainings, diversity development, and social entrepreneurship. As an executive director of the Youth for Peace Initiative based in Kyrgyzstan and the USA I have successfully coordinated more than 30 youth projects and have implemented more than 300 local/national/international programs on different topics: International Volunteer Exchange, Youth Advocacy, Social Partnership, Fundraising, Inclusive System of Education, Human Rights, UN Millennium Goals, Genocide, Peace Building, and Diversity, which were focusing on empowering young people and increasing their interest and awareness in the political lobby and advocacy, fostering a healthy dialogue among the young people from the conflict areas, and developing a capacity building programs for youth This has strengthened my interest in youth initiation, cultural exchange , peace, and leadership. Moreover during my management as an executive director the organization was able to receive major grants and recognitions for the outstanding youth initiative from the US Embassy, US Department, Global Clinton Initiative, Kyrgyz Republic’s Government, United Nations, OXFAM, and many more others. Academically, my course work in the Political Science and Communication departments at the College of Southern Idaho has allowed me to gain an understanding and appreciation for the global citizenship, government, diplomacy, interpersonal and intercultural communication, diversity, poverty reduction, and other essential topics of peace building. Currently I live in my native country of Kyrgyzstan, where I continues my work as youth ambassador of peace and an independent expert for the variety of local, national, and international nonprofit organizations and social projects. I hope to use my rich experience in youth development and peace building in becoming the UN Secretary General.
Ejidike Chinenye Ifeoma (Nigeria)
My name is Ejidike Chinenye Ifeoma. I am the fourth out six children in my family, a native of Umudim Nnewi of Anambra state Nigeria, a second year student of nursing sciences in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. I chose to study nursing sciences because of my ardent interest in human life; how to preserve it. As a young girl I had so many questions in my head concerning human health so I decided to delve into it and I hope to of help to my nation and to the world at large by helping who need medical within my capacity. My mother is a teacher in a private school and my father is late. I love learning a lot and that is the cause of my zealous quest for education. I hope to be a minister of health so as to be able to touch lives the way I long to. Such a position will enable me interact with researchers in other parts of the world, look into hospital administrations, distribution of drugs, check disease outbreak, promote health campaigns, and affect the world at large through my own ideas and visions. I like traveling but my travels have been within the countries so far. Reading and writing are my cherished hobby. I believe in passing out meaningful information to people through writing. One of my articles was recently published in PRIMROSE magazine. In my third year in secondary school, I was appointed the study prefect and in my sixth year I was made the chapel prefect. I have interest in leadership and work towards equipping myself with the necessary qualities. I am now a member of Human Rights Volunteer Corps (HRVC).
Nwakuma D. Paul (Nigeria)
I am 27 years of age, live and school in Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria. I am devoted to the search for personal up building since my background (my parents) are both illiterates and this has caused me to be searching for the way my self. I love using my hands for work (that is, work that involves skills) and my interest is in things that will one way or the other bring joy and happiness to my neighbor. I love poem and reading or listening to inspiring massages. It has been dreams that one day, I will be a hope to the hopelsss, being able to meet some ones need. My goal in life is to have a “Stress free Garden”, a garden where stress and anxiety will be reduce to bearest minimal in the life of the oppressed; also I am planning on how be totally financially independent at the age of 30th, having set my business of an “ICT centre” being registered with the name “PDN Computer Insitute”. Some of the books that I have red are “tough time never last but tough people do”, “How to manage pressure before pressure manage you”, “ helping those who hurt (how to help a friend in need)”, “think big”, “alone with the alone” and “ the five love languages.” I have attended some leadership course pubic speaking and self confidence building where I obtain a certificate. I have served in leadership position right from the time I was in secondary school as Class Captain, The president of the Young Catholic Student, my school chapter, and even now that I am in the University, I have served as the Organizing Committee Chairman of my Chaplaincy, as the General secretary of the Federation of Igbo students (FIS) of my school chapter, The Steward Ministry leader of my Prayer group here in school. I am the last born child of my parent out of seven children. My Dad is late and my mother is in the village.
The following student(s) completed one level of study this month:
Joseph Philip Abue
Level Six
Paa Kwesi Inkumsah
Level Five
Erick Omari
Level Four
Ziyad Rube Abdule
Level Two
Busani Sibindi
Level One
Student Progress
We had 25 students from 11 countries complete a total of 48 books in February. These students were from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda, USA & Zimbabwe.
Ntobo Valentine (Cameroon)
*Goals: How to Get Everything…
Ziyad Rube Abdule (Ethiopia)
* The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
* Unlimited Power
* Leadership for Dummies
Solomon Teshome (Ethiopia)
* Unlimited Power
Yayo Mohammed Hummed (Ethiopia)
* As a Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Dennis Korbla Amego Penu (Ghana)
* New Dynamics of Winning
* How To Win Friends & Influence People
Paa Inkumsah (Ghana)
* Leaders: How Top Innovators Can Help your Business Succeed on a Global Basis
* Investing for Dummies
Patrick Nketia (Ghana)
* Giant Steps
Erick Omari (Kenya)
* Gandhi – An Autobiography
Sayid Abdullaev (Kyrgyzstan)
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* As a Man Thinketh
Afere Alba Lawrence (Nigeria)
* The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
* National Capitalism
Chinenye Ejidike Ifeoma (Nigeria)
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* As A Man Thinketh
Edwin Joel Akpan (Nigeria)
Raving Fans
The Leadership Secrets of Jesus
Osayi Ujunway Lynda (Nigeria)
* The New Dynamics of Winning
* How To Win Friends & Influence People
Francis Onuchukwu Okaformbah
* Real Magic
* Giant Steps
* How to Win Friends and Influence People
Japheth Aizebe (Nigeria)
* Psycho-Cybernetics
Joseph Phillip (Nigeria)
* Confessions of Hit Man
* The Attractor Factor
* The Power of Failure
Ogunnaike Oladimeji (Nigeria)
* Real Magic
* How to Win Friends and Influence People
* Success Through a Positive Mental Attudude
* Giant Steps
Olifisola Oladipo (Nigeria)
Success Through PMA
Keys To Success
Olukunle Abolade (Nigeria)
* Keys to Success
Paul Young Nwakuma (Nigeria)
* Jonathan Livingston Seagul
* As a Man Thinketh
Francis Okeny Silvio (Sudan)
* The Ecology of Commerce
Charles Kabera (Rwanda)
* Ten Days To More Confident Public Speaking
Noeline Kirabo Mulongo (Uganda)
* How to Get Through to You
* Love Without Conditions
Nicole “Lindzee” Lindholm (USA)
* The Argument Culture
* Manage your Time to Reduce Stress
Busani Sibindi (Zimbabwe)
* How to Win Friends and Influence People
* The New Dynamics of Winning
* Giant Steps
New Enrollments
7 enrolled in February
12 enrolled in 2011
Book Assessments
48 in February
73 in 2012
Books Shipped
67 in February
91 in 2012
Cost of books
$1,325.76 in February
$1,710.51 in 2012
You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations from four countries who contributed to IIGL during February. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.
Deb Silver (Israel)
Edmee DiPauli (UK)
Felix Iziomoh (Nigeria)
Lawrence Afere (Nigeria)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Margie Tice (USA/NC)
Ron Walker (USA/VA)
Janis Thayer (USA.NC)
Peggy Moore (USA/NC)
Lou Stewart (USA/NC)
Heidi Stewart (USA/NC)
Lynn Murguia (USA/AZ)
Judith Royer (USA/ND)
Corine Wilson (USA.FL)
Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)
John Hornecker (USA/CA)
Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)
Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)
Make A Difference
You can make a major difference in the world with modest monthly contribution to IIGL. What kind of difference? Check it out here: You may set up an automatic monthly credit card contribution here: or send a check on a US bank payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814, USA. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.
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