International Institute For Global Leadership
February 2009
Where Is The Gift?
One of the first concepts that IIGL students learn in Level One studies is the idea that “In Every Seeming Adversity Is The Seed Of An Equal or Greater Benefit.” Many years ago I remember hearing a lecture by a speaker who was obviously over 60 years old. He opened his talk by saying “You know, since I turned 40 years old, nothing bad has ever happened to me!” Wow! Did that get everyone’s attention. He went on to say that yes, there had been many unpleasant experiences, but when they happened he had trained his mind to automatically respond with “That’s good” and then he went about finding the good in the situation and he went on to say that he was always successful.
There are several gems of truth hidden in these statements. The first one reveals the idea that all circumstances and situations in our life are essentially neutral. It is our judgment which classifies them as good or bad and our judgment is based on the meaning that we give to the situation rather than the actual situation itself. The second gem of truth has to do with timing. How often have each of us had very ‘bad experiences’ that – in the long run – turned out to be very positive? An example of this is losing a job or a relationship that seemed so devastating at the time but we find much later that it was the best thing that could have happened to help us move forward in life or to open the door to new opportunities. The third gem of truth is based on the idea that the primary purpose of our Earth journey is to grow and learn. If that’s the case, then every experience in life is simply “curriculum” for our personal growth. It may be pleasant or unpleasant but it is always instructive if we are open to learning from it.
So here is the challenge I am giving myself for 2009: My new years resolution. When I am faced with any situation that is unpleasant, instead of judging it as bad I will, instead, ask the question as to what can I learn from it or how can it help me grow. In other words, “Where is the gift.”
In The News
IIGL Student, Kolawole Osinowo, from Lagos, Nigeria was recently nominated for “Professional of the Year” award by Nigeria’s “Future Awards ’09.” According to FA’09 “Millions of young Nigerians have refused to let their dreams die. In banking, in business, in IT, the media, arts, fashion and entertainment… young people are beginning to take over and to take charge. You would notice that positions that were previously the preserve of the “experienced” are beginning to give way to the dynamism of youth. Corporate executives, industrialists, captains of industry etc are beginning to see the value in allowing their young employees to take charge of key and sensitive positions. On their own, in spite of the fact that everything else indicates a downward trend, a critical mass of young Nigerians are powering change; achieving great feats, crashing ceilings and breaking new ground. A New Nigeria, powered by productivity, responsibility and effectiveness has strongly emerged, and we have young people to thank for this. It is imperative for Nigeria’s young and their impact to be appreciated and celebrated – in the BIGGEST way possible.
What Our Students Are Saying
Cesar Salvater, Jr. (Brazil)
I realized something since I started these studies. In the past, when appeared a problem, I felt something strange that spoiled with my day, everything was bad, I didn’t have calm and patience to work, with my family and I felt my body heavy and painful. Now, when I have a problem, I feel my heart light and full of happiness. When I found a person saying to me, that the things is going to be difficult, I close my ears don’t authorizing pessimistic opinions contaminate my mind. My new goal is turn my wife an optimist person. She is a wonderful woman, but needs to learn that everything in her life will be easier if she start to trust in the power inside her. And the interesting is that I am absolute confident in my success. I can imagine our life which is good, becoming wonderful with the optimism being a permanent rule.
What Our Students Are Doing
Lawrence Afere (Nigeria)
Lawerence, a Level Four student, is a prime example of the kind of social entrepreneurs that IIGL is empowering with our studies. Lawrence enrolled with IIGL in January 2005 and has since completed 22 books and the extensive self-assessment curriculum for Level Three. Now that he has finished his BA degree and his required year of national service, he is venturing out into the world of service with an entreprenueral spirit. This autumn he initiated a computer training program with an intial group of ten students and one used desktop computer. His new ‘computer college” mation you can contact Lawrence at
What Our Students Are Reading
The Corporate Mystic: A Guidebook for Visionaries with Their Feet on the Ground
by Gay Hendricks & Kate Ludeman
The authors of this wise little book have been consultants to corporations for 25 years. From their experience working with some 800 executives, they deduce that the corporate leaders of the 21st century will be spiritual masters (“corporate mystics”), and that already boardrooms are replete with mystics who are in on the secret that organizations are collective embodiments of spirit. In business for their heart and soul as well as for their wallet, they have beaten back the fear that robs the less hardy of their authenticity. With their ability to focus easily and nondogmatically on the task at hand, these “visionaries with their feet on the ground” are also problem solvers who inspire commitment, speak plainly, listen well, manage projects and create wealth. Wealth begins in the human soul, the authors say as they expound on powers of positive thinking, and at this point the book becomes a how-to manual culminating in four 10-minute exercises for attaining wealth-producing qualities of mysticism.
Meet Our New Students
Mbara Plaisance Rivoli, (Central African Republic)
I am reverend Mbara Plaisance Rivoli, librarian and Pastor of the Jerusalem Church of Gobongo. My personal interest is to be strong enough in carrying my responsibilities in the Christian leadership by giving the best of myself in order to represent a model of Christian leadership and to inspire confidence to my surroundings. I dream of contuinng my studies and travel, especially to pursue a degree in Theology in the USA.
Jean Marie Kalonji, (Democratic Republic Of The Congo)
I am Kalonji Lufuluabo Jean Marie. I was born in Tshilenge, in May 20 1966. There is also where I attended my primary and secondary schools. Afterwards, I had my higher learning and academic education at Lubumbashi, in marketing sciences. After these studies, I pursued teaching in secondary education and humanities at the College Saint Joseph de Tshilenge. This job enabled me to obtain the means to develop out a small shop. With this I added pastoral work. Married to Bitota and father of a child, I always preferred to be a renowned tradesman carrying out international transactions. I like to read the books dealing with social psychology and human rights and I love watching sport games and spiritual films. With my personal experience, I was able to build a household based on mutual understanding and harmonious exchanges. My biggest dream is to become a great leader for the people without a voice and for the emergence of social justice. Responding to my desire of development, I belong to a non governmental organization recognized in the Democratic Republic of Congo, having the objective to develop small and medium-size enterprises.
Gbadji Atsu-Koffi (Togo)
My name is Gbadnji Atsu-Koffi. I was born on March 3, 1971 in a small village “Tovégan” in the prefecture of Avé in Togo. At age 7, I had begun my studies. I attended my primary school under difficult conditions because my father is polygamous. Very early in my life my father had given up my mother and I was left on my own. The suffering and the lack of support obliged me to choose the shortest way. Thus I decided to support my little brothers by becoming a teacher in a private school. By the grace of God I was able to earn a diploma in elementary teaching as well as my teaching certificate. The founder appointed me as director of his institute which I managed for five years. I taught from 1998 to 2006. Feeling the call of God in my life I became cofounder of a church called “Jesus Is The Way.” In 2006, I gave up teaching to devote myself entirely to this work. I am married and a father of a child. Having taken literature and philosophy classes, in general, I especially like the reading of the books of ethics. I dream of traveling to learn more about the diversity of the world. I am impassioned of instructive films and especially biblical movies that which can transform my life in a positive way.
What Our Donors Are Saying
Nathalie Bastien, (Canada)
My contribution reflects my profound belief in the mission of IIGL & the impact it can have on our world today – it really does start from within, and each one of us has the opportunity to become a leader, pay it forward and inspire others, and contribute to making a positive difference. This message was reinforced recently for me when I attended a public talk by the Dalai Lama here in Canada’s capital in October – a truly inspiring moment and message – one that IIGL embraces and applies in practice, every day, everywhere, one person at a time. I believe one of today’s greatest challenges lies in our level of collective awareness regarding what is now at stake on a global scale, how critically important it is that we find peace-centered solutions, and how we may practically work towards these solutions. While perhaps a lofty ideal, I believe we need to find ways to achieve a critical mass of people who can increase awareness of these issues, apply real solutions on how to address them, and inspire others to do the same. To me, IIGL provides a visionary model that contributes to this ideal in a real way – defining not only where we need to go, but how to get there – providing both the process and the tools to develop the leaders of tomorrow. Reflective of His Holiness’ message, it is my personal belief that promotion of heart-centered leadership is truly a cornerstone to peace – locally and globally. While no one organization can change the world by itself, organizations such as IIGL are truly critical to achieving this ideal. I can only state that in my limited involvement to date, I have personally witnessed a difference in my own perceptions and actions. For that I am truly thankful. Needless to say, I look forward to continued involvement.
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL during December. Their ongoing support makes this work possible.
Deb Silver (Israel)
Edmee DiPauli (UK)
Lale Eterm (Turkey)
Pierre Wittman (Thailand)
Katharina Bless (Thailand)
Lily Ann (USA/NC)
Ron Walker (USA/VA)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Judith Royer (USA/SD)
Margie Tice (USA/NC)
Janis Thayer (USA/NC)
Corine Wilson (USA/FL)
David Banneer (USA/WI)
Dina Kushnir (ISA/NY)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)
Jesse Syverson (USA/WA)
Randa El Sharif (USA/WI)
Anneliese Weiss (USA/FL)
Julie Loosbrock (USA/WI)
Anderson Hewitt (USA/GA)
Rommy Banaszczyk (USA/AZ)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Wanda Gail Campbell (USA/AL)
Janae & Barry Weinhold (USA/NC)
Student Progress
We had 19 students from 14 countries complete a total of 26 books in December. These students were from Burundi, Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Niger, Nepal, South Africa, Togo, Uganda & Zimbabwe.
English Division
Thato Koogotsitse (Botswana)
* Keys To Success
Rwamatwara Egide (Congo)
* Leadership For Dummies
Paa Kwesi Inkumsah (Ghana)
* How To Make Collaboration Work
* Full Steam Ahead
Bikundo Onyari (Kenya)
* True Prosperity
Kishor Bajracharya (Nepal)
* The Great Game Of Business
* The Corporate Mystic
* Love Without Conditions
Okewole Akinyemi (Nigeria)
* The New Dynamics Of Winning
Joel Ebute (Nigeria)
· Spontaneous Healing
Imoh Colins (Nigeria)
* Your Sacred Self
Afere Lawrence (Nigeria)
· Teenagers Guide To The Real World
Olita Talent Nyathi (South Africa)
* What God Wants
Noeline Kirabo Mulongo (Uganda)
· Psycho Cybernetics
Francis David Masimba Mwale (Zimbabwe)
· The New Dynamics Of Winning
French Division
Gloria Musambi K. (Cote d’Ivoire/DRC)
* Comment passer commande auprès de l’Univers
Diane Kagziwa (Burundi)
* L’Homme est le Reflet de ses Pensées
Olivier Stash Boby (France/Central African Republic)
* Attitude d’un Gagnant
Jean Marie Kalonji (DR Congo)
* L’Homme est le Reflet de Ses Pensées
* Jonathan Livingstone le Goéland
Gbadji Atsu-Koffi (Togo)
* L’Homme est le Reflet de Ses Pensées
* Jonathan Livingstone le Goéland
Moussa Mounkeila (Niger)
* Six Chapeaux de la Réflexion
* Organisez vos Idées avec le Mind Mapping
Rivoni Mbara (Central African Republic)
* L’Homme est le Reflet de Ses Pensées
* Jonathan Livingstone le Goéland
Photo 014 – Statistics
New Enrollments
17 enrolled in December
86 enrolled in 2008
Book Assessments
27 in December
366 in 2008
Books Shipped
29 in December
570 in 2008
Cost of books
$768.16 in December
$11,530.58 in 2008
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