Issue #221 *May 2020

International Institute For Global Leadership
Issue #221 *May 2020
Asheville, NC USA



Guest Editorial

Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Elie Bizimana (Rwanda)

This principle for success namely Success through a Positive Mental Attitude goes deeply about positive mental attitudes and contains more impressive message which directly make the readers to change more things in their life. The author gives clear understandable examples to show how a person can have positive mental attitudes.
Surely, after reading the previous book called “Keys to Success” I felt satisfied due to my recent limited understanding and analyzing level which changed after reading the next book. But after reading this book, I am ally surprised and excited because this book contains almost secret about maintenance of positive mental attitudes. By going deeply, I became a new one with creative vision and found to be mature than before in my mind. By then, I gained new skills of how I can think more and more over the available situations. And this made me to strengthen my future plans. As long as I inspired, I aimed to develop my philosophy and psychology capacity by making research to discover more than ever.

Testing your own success quotient and awaken the sleeping giant within you. Now it’s time to test your own success quotient. So what about your success quotient analysis? It’s like self check-up! Have you checked yourself? I asked myself this questions after reading this book contents. I found that this book is now with me in my journey to success. Success through a Positive Mental Attitude urges you to use the powers of your conscious and subconscious mind to: seek the truth, motivate you to take constructive actions, cause you to strive to achieve the highest ideals you can conceive, consistent with good physical and mental health, living intelligently in your society, help you abstain from that which will cause unnecessary injury, start you from where you are and get you to where you want to be regardless of what you are or what you have been.
Please, stop and think for yourself.

As long as I told it to many people including youngsters, youths and older ones even if some of them haven’t any valuable thing they do, their mindset is to attain development. Actually, this is not a miraculous understanding for some people to have big desire with no initiatives. And this causes some people to call them uselessness people, but this is not a good mental attitude. Through this book, I gained more about how I can change my world better with positive mental attitudes. And found that I will attain my goals as long as I develop my positive mental attitudes.

(Elie is the youngest IIGL student and is scheduled to graduate from high school very soon!)

What Others Are Saying

Adeosun Oluwatosin Isaac (Nigeria)
My journey with International Institute For Global Leadership (IIGL) has been so fantastic, it has offered me great opportunities and insight into self-appreciation and how it can transform one’s life from ordinary to Extraordinary. The book “As a Man Thinketh” set my heart on fire and lay a very good foundation for me to look inward to see my inner beauty, the great talents and gifts bestowed on me. Thanks to Emmanuel Korede for the recommendation. Through this platform I have mastered the art of self-love and self-appreciation and this has geared me up in my responsibility to share happiness with others through inspirational teaching and mentorship. Our mind is capable of handling much more than what we are currently feeding it with. We are capable of breaking new grounds if only we can apply our mind to stay focused on things that will add value our lives and the lives of people around us. With the help of the materials I have read on IIGL platform I have consciously designed ways of feeding my mind with only rich contents and one of them is through investment on books, audios and tapes. I subscribe to channels to listen to great leaders who can motivate me to take highly productive actions in becoming my best.

(Isaac is a Level Five student).

What our Students are Reading

Getting to Resolution $12.50
Adversarial models for dealing with conflict waste time, money, and energy. They satisfy no one, so the conflict ends up resurfacing in a different form. Stewart Levine’s “resolutionary” alternative goes beyond compromise and capitulation. He offers ten guiding principles that stop anger and resentment cold and enable both sides to return to productive, satisfying, functional relationships. Levine’s seven-step conversational process fosters dignity and integrity, optimizes resources, and allows all concerns to be voiced, honored, and woven into the resolution. This second edition has been thoroughly revised with new examples; new tools; new material about communication, trust building, and virtual collaboration; and a more global outlook.

Students/Graduates In Action

Congratulations to Board Member and Level Four Student Japheth!
Congratulations to Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria); for graduating from an Executive Master’s program with MOGi GLS! The central goal of MOGi (Raising Global Leaders and Leading Heroes) is to inspire transformational actions in all nations to the end that everyone discovers and release the hero within them; after tutelage at MOGi, leaders are inspired to run the message of hope and transformation by helping every young person build capacity for business mastery, leadership intelligence, and legacy-focused impact. Japheth shared, “my vision in the next 10 years is to establish a mega empowerment and training institute for human and community development.”

Valuable Resources for Personal & Planetary Transformation

The Chopra Foundation
The Chopra Foundation’s Mission is to participate with individuals and organizations in creating a critical mass for a peaceful, just, sustainable, and healthy world through scientifically and experientially exploring non-dual consciousness as the ground of existence and applying this understanding in the enhancement of health, business, leadership and conflict resolution. The Chopra Foundation is dedicated to improving health and well being, cultivating spiritual knowledge, expanding consciousness, and promoting world peace to all members of the human family.


2020 IIGL Annual Meeting Date Set for May 9
IIGL will be holding its Annual Meeting on Saturday May 9, 2020 via Teleconference. Please look for a reminder from the IIGL Google Message Board for directions sent by Kathleen Oweegon (IIGL Corresponding Secretary) about how to join the meeting either via telephone or online. This reminder email will be resent by May 7 and will include the timing for the meeting. Email Deb or simply reply to this newsletter if you have questions. All financial contributors and active students are invited!

IIGL/ICLNNG 2020 Conference Postponed
The Board of Directors and The International Centre for Leadership Development Nigeria (ICLDNG) recently decided to postpone the 2020 Conference because of the global pandemic. It was originally scheduled for November 29-30. More information will be shared once it is known! Let’s continue to send positive thoughts for wellness for all of IIGL and the Planet!

IIGL Book Sales Continue…
The IIGL Board of Directors shared that the IIGL book, “Creating Your Path Through Leadership” book sales continue to provide a Royalty payment to IIGL each month. It has also helped new potential donors understand more about IIGL! The book is available both on Kindle and in Paperback on! Check it out! Here’s the link:…

Meet Our New Students
Abdullahi Salad Hashi (Somalia)
In February 2007, I completed studying bachelor degree in accountancy at Somali Institute and Administration Development (SIMAD) in Mogadishu, Somalia. In 2015 I completed bachelor degree in public health at Salaam University in Mogadishu and also completed my Bachelor degree in education specializing in Math Physics. In 2007 I started working with my college called SIMAD as a librarian assistant and also worked with different NGOs, where I am still working with save the children international (SCI) as a finance officer. I am always tireless in seeking any learning opportunity like this. Though I’m glad to be back, I find I haven’t settled as well as I have in the past when I was younger. Since I was quiet when I was younger I attended meditation workshops. I don’t know what to say except I’d be delighted to be given this opportunity, I’ve always dreamed of an opportunity like this.

To view complete profiles, Click Here

Visionary Leadership
Student Progress
We had 10 students from 6 countries complete a total of 19 books in April. These students were from Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia and Zimbabwe.

Irene Dede Acquah (Ghana)
* Leadership for Dummies
James Trotman (Liberia)
* Great Questions Leaders Ask
Japheth E. Aizebeoje (Nigeria)
* Long Walk to Freedom
Adeosun Oluwatosin Isaac (Nigeria)
* The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari
Okorie Eusebius Tobechukwu (Nigeria)
* How Successful People Think
* Law of Success
* The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
* The Rules of Work
Elie Bizimana (Rwanda)
* Keys to Success
* PsychoCybernetics
* Success through PMA
Aloys Hakizimana (Rwanda)
* You just don’t Understand
Abdullahi Salad Hashi (Somalia)
* As a Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Bernard Ndhlovu (Zimbabwe)
* Awaken the Giant Within
* How to Win Friends and Influence People
* PsychoCybernetics
* Success through PMA
Cheurombo Pswarayi (Zimbabwe)
* Leadership for Dummies

The following Student completed one level of study this month
Irene Dede Acquah (Ghana) completed Level One

New Enrollments
5 enrolled in April
17 enrolled in 2020

Book Assessments
19 in April
58 in 2020

Books Shipped
0 in April
12 in 2020

Cost of Books
$0 in April
$254.17 in 2020

You Make It Possible
We extend a special thanks to the following individuals and/or organizations who contributed to IIGL last month. Your ongoing support makes this work possible.

Deb Silver (Israel)
Lynne Murguia (USA/AZ)
John Hornecker (USA/NC)
Michael Lightweaver (USA/NC)
Deb Rosen (USA/WI)
Patrice Zorn (USA/WI)

Make A Difference
Dream Team 22
Please join Dream Team 22 as our goal is to have 220 people contributing $22 per month. We understand that money is energy and that to sustain and build IIGL we need a lot of people pouring their energy into this endeavor on a regular basis. We also know that not everyone can afford to commit $22 a month – especially our students, who live in countries with economies in which this amount can be equal to a weeks’ salary. So we are offering two options for those who wish to become a part of the Dream Team. One can commit to a $22 a month contribution or to spending 22 seconds each day holding the vision of IIGL becoming financially sustainable by the end of 2018.

Will you join the Dream Team and help us create an energetic foundation to support the transformational work of IIGL? You can really make a difference in the world by making a modest contribution of time or money. To make the $22 a month commitment or a one time donation, click the link below. To become a member of the Dream Team 22 by committing 22 second a day to help us hold the vision, contact Deb for details:

Checks on US banks, payable to the International Institute For Global Leadership, can be mailed to IIGL, 11537 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI 53092 USA. Contributions may also be made by credit card by clicking the link below. Contributions are tax deductible under the 501 (c) 3 tax code of the United States Internal Revenue Service.

To Contribute By Paypal, go to and make donation to

To Contribute By Credit Card, go to



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