Sam David Adah Abutu – Profile


Name: Sam David Adah Abutu

Country: Nigeria

Birthday: October 27, 1984

Education: First School Learning Certificate, O’Level, Certificate programs, NCE

Occupation: Motivational Speaker

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

To inspire and motivate the youth to take their rightful place in the society by counseling, mentoring and coaching the youth through media, starting a foundation i.e. a nongovernmental organization, organizing workshop, summit on purposeful living, peace, identifying their identity and other aspects of development.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Lack of self awareness as individuals and group. Illiteracy is also another most pressing problem facing the world today and those that were opportune to be literate are swimming deeply in lack of unemployment. Public office holders misrepresenting the masses at the corridor of power. Poverty is also another most pressing problem facing the world today because if there is low level of poverty in various nations of the world (Africa) today many children would have been opportune to have access to quality education, by so doing the high level of illiteracy would have been reduced.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

There should be adequate counselor, consultant and motivational speakers to enlighten and give the right information on the need to build a healthy, developed and peaceful world. Through media, workshop, NGO and summit, these problem will be solved or reduce to minimum. Individuals and groups should be engaged in self awareness program to identify their identities and purpose in the world. Those representing the masses at the various public offices should do their work very effectively. Young people should also engage in mentorship program and associate with people who will empower and enhance their dreams.


I was born into a loyal family of Mr. & Mrs. Abutu Onoh of Ai-odoo Local Government Area of Benue State.

I am first of four male children. I started my educational career at LGEA School Ipichicha, Otukpa. As for my secondary school education; I attended Command Day Secondary School North Bank, Makurdi, Benue state. I proceeded to National Teacher Institute Kaduna, Otukpo Study Center where I am currently undergoing my Nigerian certificate in Education (NCE).

I am very serious about changing everything and anything that I see is wrong within my environment. That has pushed me to enjoy being in the company of great men and women of impact and visionary youth.

I hate procrastination because a waste of time can never be recovered. I so much believe in hard work. I am from a peace loving family and devoted Christian children of four. My mother loved God with passion. She died 4th April, 1994 when we were much younger. My immediate brother, Gabriel Abutu is currently studying Economics in Benue State University, Nigeria. By March, 2014 he will be through from the school. He is such a wonderful brother.

My philosophy: A problem for one is a problem for all.

Childhood: I was born on the 27th October, 1984. I was born liberal and these turn to make me an object of magnet because of my charismatic personality. I am a nature lover. I am an extrovert and open-minded. I like loyalty and often like friends to express their unique personality. I regard my brothers as friends. I am very affectionate, protective and am concerned with giving everyone a sense of self reliance and independence.

Ideologies on children and family: I plan to be a responsible father, husband and man. I will be a role model for my family members.

Dream and goals: Counseling, coaching, authoring, motivational speaking , inspiring youth, organizing workshop, summit speaking on media houses and even corporate body on true identity, peace and various types of development in our society are all my dreams and goals.

I like to travel and meet with other young leaders and speaking to youth in conferences and summits. Favorite books: motivational, educational and inspirational. Movies: peace building and fundamental human rights. Special studies: patriotism, and social participation. Work Experience: I have been a leader by virtue wherever I find myself. Some positions have led so far are: Band prefect in primary school; Health prefect in secondary school; Course representative in the study center; 3 years PRO in youth wing Christian Association Zone C of Benue South Senatorial District; Four years vice president of another youth arm of a local church; Assistant head teacher, in a nursery and primary school.

Finally, I am an active Christian. I embrace intellect, and also make friends. I am a mentee of the John C. Maxwell Company, the maximum impact also a mentee of John Manson nugget of the week, insight international.

I hate any form of competition, any of its kind around me.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull