Ziyad Rube Abdule – Profile

Ziyad Rube Abduleziyad.
E-mail:- zizu_rub@yahoo.com
Education: – MA, Leadership & Good Governance Occupation: – Regional Food Security Expert

Describe the Vision of the world that works for everyone

To see an economically developed, politically stabilized, mutually understanding, technologically advanced, corruption free and socially harmonized world

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Today’s problems vary and differ from continent to continent. They extend from extreme poverty and hunger to lack of good governance, from inadequate human capital to global warming, from economic crisis to political instability.

How could you feel these problems will best be solved?

Nowadays the world has become highly interdependent whereby a single action in one extreme affects the other tremendously. So we need to create a system through which we have to work together in harmony and mutual understanding. Government, Nongovernmental and Intergovernmental organizations have to be strengthened, leaders have to be fully committed and live their speech, walk their talk and precede the interest of the public than their own.


I am Ziyad Rube, born in 1987 at Oromia region, Arsi Zone Robe district, raised in the same way many Africans do. I have attended elementary and secondary education in Oromia followed by a three years study at Haramaya University where I took my BA Degree in Management, 2007.

After I graduate my first degree, I have been working for three years to ensure that chronically food insecure households in my area have participated in development activities and get appropriate, timely and predictable cash/food transfer in a way that can enable them to protect their household asset and create asset the community level. In addition, I was working to ensure that income sources of poor households are diversified and their resilience to resist shocks enhanced. Later, I have joined a University for a postgraduate studies where I took my MA in Leadership and Good governance, 2013.

I believe that the current problems of our continent in particular and the world at large manifests in our own paradigm of the world. Problems’ extending from individual stress to world instability arises from a missing element in our living approach, Personal Transformation. I am seeing a situation where we want a dramatic change, yet resist changing ourselves in a way we can realize our desire, we want peace, yet we want it to be done by others, we want to become independent, yet we need to gain independence to be given us by another.

As a young man with a vision to see a transformed community, I love to see working with individuals and organizations across the world working to realize freedom, peace, prosperity and development in Africa. I like reading books, writing memorial notes, working with organizations striving to alleviate poverty ensure Good governance and helping Orphan & vulnerable children. I like enjoying playing soccer and reading books.

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Books Completed:

Unlimited Power
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Leadership for Dummies
Maximum Achievement
Law of Attraction
Non Violent Communication
How to win friends and Influence People
Giant Steps
Real Magic
The New Dynamics of Winning
Psycho Cybernetics
Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
A Higher Standard of Leadership
How Successful Peoples Think
The Power of Failure
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of A Leader
Long Walk to Freedom
The Leadership Pill: The Missing Ingredient in Motivating People Today
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership: An Islamic Perspective
Oromo Nationalism and the Ethiopian Discourse
Recep Teyyip Erdoğan: The Brave Heart, the Father of New Turkey
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.
The Heart of Leadership
The Autobiography of Ghandi: The Story of My Experiments with Truth
Turn the Ship Around; a True Story of Turning Followers in to Leaders
A History of Modern Ethiopia (1855 to 1991)
My Life, My Vision for the Oromo and the People of Ethiopia
Write it Up: Practical Strategies for Writing and Publishing Journal Articles
The Oromo of Ethiopia (1570 – 1860)
Entrepreneurship; The Art of Succeeding In Business
The Community Leadership Handbook
Why Nations Fail; The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty