Yvette Ampaire – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Yvette Ampaire (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea is that people choose their own destiny. They do this with the help of their minds in which thoughts are created and groomed into actions. Circumstances do not just happen but people find themselves in events into which they were led by these same thoughts.

One needs to be careful how and what his/her thoughts are because they are end results of success or failure. This book tries to highlight the relationship between who we are and what we can achieve with our daily thoughts. It provides the challenge to carefully choose our thoughts and provide a suitable environment for the mind to comfortably develop thoughts that yield success. Proper coordination between the mind, soul and body do not give failure a chance but to self reliance, health and godliness. This book encourages prosperity through dreaming widely and developing our ‘mind muscles’. There is an effort and discipline for us humans to put in order to achieve the best results regarding utilizing our minds.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Thought and Character

Man behaves the way he does because of what his mind tells him to do and how to react in various times. The mind has to be tamed to help me react positively and also so that I can attract positive good things towards my direction at all times. When I think about something a lot, it is most likely that I will achieve. I am always thinking about conserving the environment hence all the work and opportunities that I get are all in line with environment conservation.

B. Effect of thought on Circumstance.

Our thoughts draw us to be drawn to particular circumstances especially if the thoughts are repetitive on a particular interest. I am always found in debating circumstances on politics and African development plus also around interactions/parties of family and friends because I also think about particular political figures who are increasing poverty, my mind is also on my friends and family.

C. Effects of thoughts on Health and Body,

When we have clean thoughts, it becomes to live healthily because we are aware that the body only reacts to our thoughts. A disciplines mind will help me keep my body disciplined and out of controllable illness that results from greedy and careless behaviors. I my life, I need to maintain a high water intake to maintain a glowing skin, bright eyes, moist lips and an alert mind. Heavily hydrating my body keeps me away from many diseases, bacterial. Viral infections and big appetite for junk unhealthy food!

D. Thought and Purpose

Individuals have to place a purpose on their life so that they are directed to live a fulfilled life. If one does not have purpose, he is blown to all directions by the wind. If he channels his thoughts to who and what he wants to become then his route in life becomes clearer. I have realized that I have a gift of courage, mobilization and speech hence I try to use them to use them to be a leader/representative/mobilizer in my areas of interest like planning community campaign activities in Environment issues.

E. The Thought-Fact or In Achievement.

Our minds should be open to accepting help that will develop us. With un open mind to correct thoughts, anything can be achieved.

F. Visions and Ideals.
Vision bearers are usually looked at as leaders of those who do not have visions. One should be encouraged to big dreams because out of this, higher levels of prosperity are achieved. I believe this is a new idea in my life which I would like to start doing.

G. Serenity.

Everybody needs a calm mind to rejuvenate the energy of the mind and also to give it room to organize their thoughts into successful actions. This also is a new idea in my life which I would like to start practicing.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both
in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The idea of carefully selecting my thoughts will help me to have more time to digest ideas and opportunities in a more planned way. All kind of thoughts have an opportunity to come into my mind, like the example of the seed in the garden that was quoted on page 5; it is liable to grow both crops and weeds but I need to keep out the weeds and keep the good crop (the good/clean thoughts). I will put effort to choose what I spend my time thinking about. I love development hence I will think about developmental projects, that is; politically, socially, economically, environmentally so that my actions lean towards developmental actions and circumstances.

These ideas will remind me to make “me-time”; a serene time for me to think, plan, evaluate myself and enjoy myself. I need to relax my mind despite the pressure, activities and movement in which I am involved daily in my schedule of school, work and part time work and give room to my thoughts to develop. I have already started on this. I will award all the activities with fair portions of time. I am carrying out research on Compliance of International Environment Treaties Africa so this project will have enough time and clearer deeper thoughts than the case before where I did not treasure serenity.

And then the idea that life offers me an opportunity to be a dreamer, this will help me not to restrain myself but give it a try to do actions out of the ordinary, I realize that ‘the world worships the original’, through this, I will dare to contribute to development in my community especially on projects in adapting to Climate Change issues both in agriculture and water harvesting for home use.

The idea of this book will help me to prioritize the most important issues in my life and ignore the deterring minors that usually hinder forward movement. When my thoughts are focused on a good and big future then I will be quick to forgive, I will be slow to anger especially on petty issues because I will have realized that the petty disturbances are very temporary and they have the potential to destroy my big and bright future if I let them be priority in my life. This book requires me to wisely calculate and utilize my time on earth.

There is a possibility for me to leave a legacy for the future generations if I live my life wisely. I will be an exemplary leader to young people in my community and school on how to wisely prioritize issues.

The ideas help me to be self reliant on my own thoughts. I realize that I do not have to heavily depend on other people to think for me, make decisions for me and follow foreign ideas on what I should do and what I should not do. I can manufacture my own ideas with my thoughts and made them come to pass. They can also be valuable and good additions to the already existing ones especially on the conservative ideas that encourage marginalization of young women in development work and community leadership.
The ideas encourage me to be aggressive enough to follow my thoughts that help me to achieve my dreams. The book provides me with possibilities for rejecting fear especially in my African society where girls are usually expected to inferiorly serve their husbands and the dreams of their husbands without having their own dreams. It helps me to start up my own projects without fearing marginalized as a youth African woman.
The book encourages one to think wisely hence it helps me to respect other people’s views and work too since I now realize that other people might have worked hard to come up with their thoughts and ideas. I now understand that all the actions done by people around me is a reaction of what they are thinking. I will interact with them and understand them better.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that
particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“As the plant springs from, and could not do without, the seed, so every act of man springs from the hidden thoughts of seed. So every act of man springs from his hidden seeds of thought could not have appeared without them.”
This statement helps me to be cautious and aware that I need to have a clean heart because what is in my inner-self will always result to actions. My clean heart will result into clean actions. I would like to have clean actions and hence a good exemplary character.

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become.”

This statement has opened my eyes to stop having small ordinary dreams like every other young person around me. I am encouraged to avoid the fear to dream bigger for a big achievement. If I dream and think about it continually, it will come to pass. When it comes to pass, it will not be mere lack but I will gain the art and effort of identifying and solving the challenges that the opportunities will often present but at the end I will achieve the dream.

“Clean thoughts make clean habits.”

I am encouraged to keep my thoughts as clean and as pure s possible because this will save me a great deal of diseases, over weight problems, panic, envy, anxiety, if I think positively and understand that I am in control of my body when am in control of my thoughts then I do not have to be a slave to satisfying every craving, pleasure, fear and other feelings and actions that my body asks for. I will feel a free person.

“A man is made and unmade by himself.”

It is worth taking time to find out who we really are and what we want in life and then gain the discipline to live in the line that will help us the achieve what we were made t be. This will help me live a fulfilled life, if I think and do actions contrary to my purpose in life, I will end up living dangerously and wasting a lot of precious time. I need to know what I am good at and what I want to do then try hard to continually think how to attain it. I need to be positivity in my mind to avoid discouragement because we are where we are now because of what we think.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The only thing I do not understand is how to clearly separate the good thoughts from the bad ones. A bad thought might seem to be a very good thought. Otherwise, everything else is well written and properly explained. I appreciate that you chose this book. I needed it.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I took down notes while I was reading and I asked my colleague to assist me in accomplishing what the book suggests. Otherwise, No, it did not have direct assignments for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

While people are trying to find who they are exactly, it is important to be true to oneself because one lives a fulfilled life if they prosper in areas in which they are interested. They should always write down the ideas that arise even in the middle of the night.
Writing down ideas and suggestions helps one not to forget very important things. The mind presents ideas regularly but unfortunately, they are often forgotten because they are not written down in an organized way in a good book which one can refer to.
I also I think that people should offer some of their free time to serving communities with their gifts and talents then the rewards will eventually come back to them. However, they should serve without expected direct payment. If a person is not necessarily doing development work, they should give some of their skills and property to their societies because society needs every ones input for this world to be a comfortable place for all people and species. And also everybody would like to be remembered for the good change they created.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Yvette Ampaire (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in this book trying to be shown is that; many times our actions are influenced by what we think. Many possibilities, opportunities, plans and ideas are hindered by fear of the unknown and fear to be different from the rest. At times life requires a step of boldness, determination, dedication, discipline and courage to attain our maximum potential, dreams and fulfillment but this usually comes with discomfort and criticism. It is after one’s success that many are geared to start believing and following in the footsteps of the successful person. There are few leaders and many followers. These leaders are shaped by their experiences and potential to overcome discomfort and criticism. Being different is alright after all, the world usually worships the original. Jonathan Livingston Sea gull went through criticism for being different and disrespectful of the tradition of the birds but out of determination, dedication and discipline he ended up being a leader and a role model to his flock.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. The idea is the need for self discovery.

This is best done with people of the same vision or in seclusion to avoid negativity and discouragement. Jonathan Sea Gull left his flock that did not believe in his idea of speed and rear techniques. He was chased away but he used this opportunity of un-interrupted time to better his skills of flying with speed and technique. He would not have achieved this if he had stayed with his flock.

B. The need to know that when I am different it comes with criticism.

This difference however should be a positive difference. I should not lose hope and faith in my dreams despite what the hindrances. Jonathan Sea Gull was severely criticized and chased from his flock but he did not give up in what he believed, he worked even harder to achieve his goals and targets.

C. The idea of forgiveness.

There is need to understand that people react the way they do because of impulse, peer pressure, ignorance, failure, lack of hope and envy. Despite the harsh treatment Jonathan Sea Gull received from both the old and the young birds, he forgave them and taught them how to fly with the techniques which he attained.

D. Determination and dedication.

I also learned that the despite challenges and our authoritative leadership in society, we should let other people try to find their ability and gifts because people Jonathan was determined to fly even in the dark with all the risks the darkness presented but he kept on flying(page 6). His leadership tried to stop him from achieving his dream but he tried to use his gift of flying to achieve his dream.

E. The idea of progress.

Jonathan Livingstone Seagull always registered progress in his hard work, for example, he always marked an increase in the miles per hour which he covered plus more new techniques which he adopted every time he went out to fly. This progress was measurable. He set world speed record for Sea Gulls. He climbed up to fly from one thousand feet, then to two thousand feet to fly with fuller power Persistence.

F. Progress was sometimes painful.

Jonathan went through a lot of pain while he tried to fly higher, he climbed up painfully higher and he pressed his wings, he learnt things like work saving, low altitude flying (page 6).

G. Overcoming thoughts of discouragement.

Even when thoughts of discouragement filled his mind, he managed to work so hard again and again until he became an expert at flying.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The idea that was important to me is the need to realize how important our society is important to us and despite our life’s difficulties that society presents to us when we are different or the achievements it is a good step to try come back and help society with what we have learned and attained despite the challenges it comes with. In my culture, family and society are inter-dependent and they offer priceless gifts like love. The Jonathan Sea Gull kept on thinking about his origin and after attaining in-measurable skill; he came back and tried to teach the other sea gulls on the Sea shore.

The ideas will encourage me to always be dedicated and persistent in the work which I am doing for me to achieve a lot of success. I also need to be bold and courageous to defend the dream I have in life, despite the challenges and negativity that society offers.
I am encouraged that when I am different from the rest I am not necessarily wrong; I could be the right one.

I would like to increase the number of times in which I appreciate and encourage the people who work with me, especially those under my supervision. I am encouraged to dream very big and then work towards achieving the dream despite how the challenges.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I don’t mind being bone and feathers mom. I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can’t, that’s all. I just want to know.”

This quote shows courage, an important character needed for one to succeed and achieve their dreams. Despite what Jonathan’s parents believed, Jonathan dared to share with his mother on what he would love to do. He was ready to listen to his mother’s response on her thoughts on his ambitious ideas.

“It was a breakthrough, the greatest single moment in the history of the Flock, and in that moment a new age opened for Jonathan Gull.”

This statement got my attention because it celebrate the success of Jonathan’s efforts to see the flock fly like never before!

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull, said the Elder, Stand to Center for Shame in the sight of your fellow gulls!”
It felt like being hit with a board. His knees went weak, his feathers sagged, there was roaring in his ears. Centered for shame? Impossible! The Breakthrough!
This quote made Jonathan feel like he did not belong to the ordinary, he had his eyes on the extra ordinary. These feelings from the rest of the flock pushed him to move away and work hard in what he believed in.

Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a gull’s life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.
Jonathan took time to discover what the problem in his society was. It is important to appreciate the problem because we are then driven to either make the situation better or bring new solutions.

“Let’s try it again.” Sullivan said over and over: Let’s try it again. Then, finally, “Good. And they began practicing outside loops.”

This quote evoked in me the importance of determination and dedication. The seagulls were encouraged by Sullivan to try over and over again if the art of flying was going to be properly mastered. Then one day Jonathan, standing on the shore, closing his eyes, concentrating, all in a flash knew what Chiang had been telling him.

“Why, that’s true! I am a perfect, unlimited gull! He felt a great shock of joy.
This statement makes me realize that it is important to appreciate each other, much as Jonathan appreciated his “students”, Chiang (one of his students) also appreciated him and this meant a lot to him. He felt a great shock of joy. As the days went past, Jonathan found himself thinking time and again of the Earth from which he had come.”

This quote makes me remember the importance of our ethnic homes. Much as he was succeeding in his dream, he needed to share his life with the people with whom he originated. The thought of home came into his mind despite the bad way in which they treated him.

“Well, we don’t have to obey the law if we’re not a part of the Flock, do we? Fletcher said, rather self-consciously. Besides, if there’s a fight we’ll be a lot more help there than here.”

I appreciate that the Fletcher and Jonathan did not settle for the law to stop them from achieving what they wanted to achieve. It was the elders that set the law that kept the conservative and dull way of life of the seagull community. For development to take place, someone just had to break the law. It was a necessary crime. The criminal seagulls also played the politics well by saying that since they were not part of the flock, the law did not govern them. They went on to say that, “The only true law is that which leads to freedom,” Jonathan said. “There is no other.”

“They are saying in the Flock that if you are not the So of the Great Gull Himself, Fletcher told Jonathan one morning after Advanced Speed Practice, “then you are a thousand years ahead of your time.”
“You’ve got to understand that a seagull is an unlimited idea of freedom, an image of the Great Gull, and your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip, is nothing more than your thought itself.”

This portrays that for success to be attained, one needs to be very positive and have very high levels of confidence. One has to fuel his or her thoughts to success and the freedom to prosper.

“And though he tried to look properly severe for his students, Fletcher Seagull suddenly saw them all as they really were, just for a moment, and he more than liked, he loved what he saw. No limits, Jonathan? He thought, and he smiled. His race to learn had begun.”

This statement reminds me that there is always need to share our success and knowledge with other people but as we do it, we need to be patient and appreciate when other people are learning and achieving their own experience. These “students” need to be appreciated for their efforts to be encouraged.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No, I found the book interesting especially for my imagination. I loved the technique of using gals to make me understand the important aspects of life. However I found that some of the words used were difficult to understand but I regularly referred to the dictionary.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No, I did not come across direct exercises for me to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No, I found the book properly illustrated and clearly written. However, there were a few spelling errors.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9