Uzor Jane Chinenyenwa – Profile


Name: Uzor Jane Chimenyenwa
Country: Nigeria
Birthday: July 28, 1992
Education: B.Sc Biochemistry and Microbiology (Combined Honors)

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

My vision of a world that works for everyone is one in which everyone works for the good of the other. I see a world where there is genuine love for one another and there is understanding and honesty with people living by example and doing the right things even when no one is watching. I see a world where each individual understands that everyone is unique and live their lives with a limitless mindset.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

The things I see as the most pressing problems facing the world today are selfishness and fear. Selfishness makes people become enclosed in their shells, not to live in love, to withhold helpful information as well as fight against the success of others. Fear has a similar approach; it makes people to live limited lives, prevents them from achieving greatness and kills their enthusiasm. Fear and selfishness are embedded in depression, low self-esteem and other negative attitudes which lead to greater issues that are ‘killing’ the world today. Fear and selfishness also prevent people from getting or requesting for help when they need it and make them push back when help is ‘forced’ on them.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

I feel these problems could be solved through various approaches especially directed at the younger ones:

1. Families should show love to their children and encourage them to be bold and understand that everyone is unique in their own way. Parents should also teach their children to love others as it would aid people to live out their potentials.

2. Teachers should act in a similar way as parents, correcting the children in love as the children spend more time with their teachers during their school years.

3. Organizations should take time to encourage parents, teachers and students especially teenagers to live positively and without fear.

With these combined efforts, there would be hope especially for the future while other efforts are being made to repair the present.


My name is Uzor Jane Chinenyenwa. I am the second child in a family of four. I am from Imo state, Nigeria. I graduated from the University of Nigeria Nsukka with a B.Sc in Biochemistry and Microbiology (Combined Honors). I am passionate about human development with special interest in teenagers and this led me to start an organization (Noble Teens Club) to build the capacity of teenagers in leadership, entrepreneurship and career guidance. Our aim is to bring out the best in teenagers. One of the greatest assets I have is my ability to initiate and implement great ideas. I have strong project management skills and I am both a leader and a team player.

I have experience in managing and facilitating in teen projects. I have a beautiful, welcoming and charming smile and I am also very diligent. I am the author of “Seeds of Teenage Greatness,” a simple book with inspiring write-ups that encourage teenagers to be the best of themselves. I love to read, meet new people and learn new things. I also love to travel and have fun. I am a simple person by nature and I hate lies. I love languages and I can speak and write English, Igbo and Yoruba fluently and interact in basic Efik and French languages. I also wish to learn better and learn Spanish and Chinese languages as well.

I believe that there is a best of everyone and nothing good comes easy. I also believe that happiness is a choice and a decision and so is love. I have volunteered with The Bridge Leadership Foundation where I facilitated in the Leadership and Community Development tour in schools within Cross river state. I have also volunteered with Englightener’s Concept Initiative where I was part of the team that organized the training of secondary school students in reproductive health, sex education and prevention of teenage pregnancy among others. I look forward to working with organizations like Leap Africa, FHI 360, Helen Keller International and various international NGOs. I am also working on making more impact through the Noble Teens Club.

My short term goals (before the end of year 2017) include assisting one of the Noble Teens Club members to publish her book, reviving the social media pages of the club to reach out to more teenagers and starting a degree in Clinical Psychology and travelling to at least three countries. In the next five years, I aspire to be part of the success story of teenagers and young people (up to the age of 25). Before I get to 30 years, my business should be worth at least two million naira and I should have written at least five books for teenagers and be among the top five teenage counselors in Nigeria. I am also working on getting married to the love of my life and having a balanced family (balancing both career and family). My family would also have regular academic, spiritual and fun moments with interesting vacations.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success