Unotida Nyoni – Profile

Unotida Nyoni
Email: or
Birthday: 19 February 1985
Education: Bcompt Accounting Degree finalist with University of South Africa
Occupation: Audit Senior, Entrepreneur

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
Justice, Peace, Joy, Freedom to achieve what one desires, United, Loving,

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
Right leadership –

My name is Unotida Nyoni. I am 24 years old, bornon 19 February 1985. I come from a Christian family. My mother and father are into full time ministry. Having grown up in that family, I also picked up Christianity but it became more real to me at the age of 13. The first 10 years of my life were spent in a rural area – a Lutheran mission place where my father was a pastor. That kind of gives me appreciation for the poor and those that are less privileged. We then moved to Harare when my father transferred and started working as a chaplain in the Prison service. I went to 2 more different primary schools. Mt secondary education was in 2 mission Schools in Zimbabwe.

My A level came out very well which made me a Straight A student. I immediately joined Pricewaterhouse Coopers as a trainee Chartered Accountant in October 2004. I have just finished my first Degree in Accounting with the University of South Africa and have 4 _ years of experience in auditing different companies in the Manufacturing, Banking, Insurance, Mining and Hospitality industries in Zimbabwe and in the Southern African region. I am now an Audit Senior in the Zimbabwe office.

In 2004, I also joined JCI (Junior Chamber International). I have held leadership posts in my local chapter and its been a fantastic experience. Just recently, I travelled to Cote D’Ivoire and represented JCI Zimbabwe in the public speaking competitions for Africa and the Middle East and came out first. It was also a wonderful networking experience. I now have friends and contacts from Cot Divoir, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali, Benin, Botswana, etc.

I love reading and listening to motivational material. It’s a very strong passion for me. I not only read it but I teach it and would want to turn it into a career. I have read the following books,
Think and Grow rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, Retire young, retire rich, Awakening the Giant within you, The Purpose Driven life, Richest man in Babylon. I have also gone through the Jim Rohn 1 year success plan. I have listened to the SMI program “The making of a Champion” and many other materials.

My passion is to coach people to know God and to be financially free. I strongly believe that most of Africa’s problems are poverty related and so it will be my joy to see us move into a time of prosperity for all counties that are living in poverty. For me to achieve this, I want to build my business empire and then use it as an example to coach people how then can get out of poverty for their own good and for their nations. I want to develop and write as much material as I can and produce it in many languages so that people can get to understand how to become financially free. If all people in Africa could become a little wiser and a little richer than they are now, if I can ignite the desire and the passion in them to grow and develop more, I would have accomplished my mission.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys To Success
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude