Tony Adeyemi – Profile


Name: Tony Adeyemi
Country: Nigeria
Birthday: June 28, 1986
Education: Certified
Occupation: Entrepreneur

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

What I see as the most pressing problems facing the world today is unemployment. As a matter of fact; it is the biggest challenge any government would ever face as the global youth unemployment is on the rise. For instance; the global number of unemployed youth is set to rise by half a million this year, reaching about 71million. The greater concern is the number of young people, often in emerging and developing countries, who live in extreme poverty despite having a job. The alarming rise in youth unemployment and the equally disturbing high levels of young people who work but still live in poverty show how difficult it will be to reach the global goal to end poverty by 2030 unless we redouble our efforts to achieve sustainable economic growth and decent work In Nigeria. Unemployment rate increased to 14.2% in the last quarter of 2016 from 10.4 percent a year earlier. It is the highest jobless rate since 2009 as the number of unemployed went up by 3.5million to 11.549 million. The sad news is that, this is getting worse. The government is not getting it right as well as the individual. Something has to be done.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

Speaking specifically on the global crises of unemployment as I rightly mentioned above; it takes both the public and private partnership to address unemployment in the world especially; in Africa. On the part of the government, infrastructure has to be in place in order to be able to help MSMEs. Infrastructure in this context, I mean good roads, uninterrupted power supply, and so on. Government should also make access to finance for MSMEs and SMEs easy and available. It’s so sad that the government deceives us and lie to us that they empower XYZ number of SMEs, meanwhile in the right sense it’s all a propaganda. It has to be done real and genuine. While on the part of the private institutions, including Non-governmental agencies; should play a key and a vital role in the development of sustainable economic growth and development. Private institutions should also be part of economic revolution in Africa and empower young people especially in the areas of entrepreneurship training, mentorship, and access to finance.


I, Tony Adeyemi have over 5 years of experience in the field Entrepreneurship. I am the founder of TAE Enterprises. At TAE Enterprises; we train and mentor young people in the area of business and entrepreneurship development. In the year 2017, we have trained over 500 students and are currently working with schools to create start-up incubators that will be the next global enterprises. I also volunteer to empower start-up and growth businesses through strategic and inclusive growth, access to finance and business model canvas in Ondo State of Nigeria. I am a UK Certified Entrepreneur and a Certified Emerging Entrepreneur from the US Consulate General Lagos; Nigeria. I am committed to Sustainable Development Goals in Africa in the area of Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation through training, mentorship and strategic growth. Having understood that Africa has the largest number of “Youth Bulge” in the world, and the number of youth is expected to grow by 42.5million by 2020. Unemployment rate will be on the high side and if little or nothing is done about it, there will be more social unrest, discord, cyber-crime and economically damaged society. Upon completion of the YALI program, I plan to increase the enormity, strength and capacity of the mentorship and leadership training in the area of entrepreneurship in Ondo state of Nigeria. I plan to build entrepreneurship Development Centre in Akure, the capital city of Ondo State, where every year over 5,000 start-up entrepreneurs can be trained, mentored and empowered.

My strongest competencies are teachable attitudes and deliberate habits to improve and upgrade myself and career, so that I can continue to be relevant to people and my environment. Because my own definition of redundancy, is when your environment has outgrown your relevance. My core competencies include: Entrepreneurship. Business Development; Product Development; Communication; Public Speaking and Media Relations; Strategic Planning; Sales and Marketing; Branding; Project Management; Client and Customer Relations; Team Building; Creativity and Development; Leadership; Research and Analysis; Competitive Intelligence and Operational Excellence.

Here is a brief background of Tae Enterprises. It started as a leadership institute on March 15 of 2012. The idea at the time was to inspire, motivate and teach young people to follow their dreams and passion and to live a life of meaning. Purpose, Self-awareness, Self-esteem, Self-discovery and a total self-concept are driven home among the youth. In addition to that; we’ve had several seminars and workshops. Through that we have been able to train over 5,000 young people within 3 years on leadership development and a right thinking pattern to reshape and reform Nigeria. In September 15 of 2015, we transitioned into a social enterprise company, now registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), specifically to address the issues of unemployment in the African continent, beginning from Nigeria. This innovation came to light as a result of the data and statistics we received from some of our participants and beneficiaries. 7 in every 10 youth has either been to 2-3 seminars and workshops or participated in one in their respective place of worship or fellowship. However; in the long run at the end of these trainings, they are still left helpless, and/ unable to pick up the race or sustain the pace. These therefore call for an urgent need of a constant and a consistent mentorship program for every young people in the African continent. From September 2015 to December 2016, we have collaborated and partnered with related organizations whose mission and intent is to address youth unemployment, food scarcity and insecurity and poverty in Nigeria. Springboard Nigeria through the US Embassy Lagos, on Youth In Agriculture and empowerment, Kids and Teens Resource Centre on Civic Engagement during the International Youth Day, Ignite Africa Initiative on Enterprise Drive for Young people living with Sickle Cell anemia, to mention a few.

In March 15 of 2017, TAE enterprises officially launched the schools Enterprise Drive (SED Project) here in Ondo State. The SED Project is Schools Enterprise Drive for the Senior Secondary classes (SSI-SS3). The concept of SED is to teach entrepreneurship in secondary classes. But not only to teach entrepreneurship but to drive the mindset, attitude and the culture of entrepreneurship among this set of students in order to prepare them for the future of work and to be job creators themselves.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Keys to Success