Solomon Teshome – Profile

Solomon Teshome
Birthday: Feb 19, 1981
Education: BA
Occupation: Business

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
Peace, prosperity and equality are the dream I have for our brothers and sisters who live in every corner of the world. I envision seeing a world that there is no war, conflict, instability, and hatred; not to mention the inner peace at individual level. In the same manner, I wish everyone in this planet to prosper and having a good standard of living. I say it is enough living with acute poverty and depriving of food, quality education, health and social care. This world also needs to be a place where equality is exercised between people regardless of color, gender, religion and economic background.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Today, no other problems are pressing than climate change and global warming. It is true that our planet is experiencing the devastating effects of climate change. All agree that it is the main important threat to human existence today. The recent havoc in different part of the world: earth quake in Haiti, the volcano eruption in Iceland, flooding in south East Asia, and the like are the clear manifestation of the problem. Similarly, various studies revealed that Atlantic ice sheets are disintegrating, sea levels are rising, summers are getting longer, and frequent drought are getting more prevalent nowadays. It is the fact that the fundamental cause of climate change or global warming is the high emission of greenhouse gas from the industrialized part of the world. It is the consequence of the Westerner’s industrial activities which lasts over two centuries and their high consumption life styles. However, the major victims are innocent countries in poorest countries like Ethiopia.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
I believe that the key is in the hands of world leaders. The time calls for genuine and strong leadership at all level and in all spectrum of life. Leaders, especially those in developed countries, have to take the responsibility to save this planet and prevent the catastrophic effect of climate change. Leaders of the industrialized nations should look beyond their horizon, see the world as a whole system and recognize that a problem in one part of the system eventually disrupt the entire system. After all “every thing is connected” in this universe. Longing for Economic growth and political supremacy, therefore, need not to be with out damaging the ecosystem of the planet as well as at the expenses of others.

Please write a one page profile of yourself. This should include the kind of information that will help us to get to know you better. It might include your personal interests, dreams & goals in life, travels, favorite books & movies, special studies or projects you have participated in, leadership experience, family, and anything else which would help us to know you better. This will also be posted on our website, along with your photo.

I am Solomon Teshome, 29, born and raised in Dire Dawa, east of the capital city Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In 2001, I earned my BA degree in Political Science & International Relation from Addis Ababa University. Since then I have been working in government, non-government and business sectors in different capacities, ranging from expert to managerial levels.

I am the founding partner of Jethro Leadership & Management Institute (Jethro-LMI), an institution established by professionals with the aim to offers a range of services in leadership & management skill development. In the institution, I am in charge of managing, coordinating, promoting and marketing its different programs that includes international professional qualification programs, short-term training programs and consultancy services. Previously, I was in NGO sector and had the privilege to work in different grassroots projects. For instance, with the local NGO called Family & Children Integrated Development Foundation as a Project Officer, and Remember the Poorest Community as a Program Coordinator. While working in these NGOs, I got the opportunity to work in various community based project like primary education, women and child development, HIV/AIDS prevention, Orphan care & support, water & sanitation, gender equality and the like.

However, in response to my inner voice, a year before, I have joined the business sector by co-founding Jethro Leadership & Management Institute. As I am extremely passionate about leadership, and the essence of it is in my heart, no other thing gives me pleasure than reading, writing and discussing about leadership. I strongly believe that having good leadership qualities is a key for everything. That is why I’m thriving to contribute for the enhancement and transformation of leadership concepts and practices in Ethiopia, especially in business and social sectors. Apart from establishing a leadership institution, I established a group: Ethiopian Leadership Society in LinkedIn with the aim to create a platform where leadership issues and practices are raised and discussed.

I would love to read books especially inspirational, spiritual and mystics books are my favorite. Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” is of special place in my life. It is the book has totally changed my perspective and outlook about life and the world. In addition the books of Steven Convey and Watchman Nee (The Spiritual Man) are those I admire most. However, when I come to movies, I am not into as such. Yet, I enjoy seeing drama and adventure movies.

No other place comes first into my mind when I think of my favorite destination except the historical places in Ethiopia where I connect with the early civilization of Ethiopia, and with the marvelous leverage of our forefathers. I can mention some of them: Axum Obelisk, Lalibela Rock Hewn Churches and Fasiledes Castle. These places are always reminding me of how men and women of the time were great in unleashing their God-given potential. However, I would rather also see places like Brazil and Caribbean Islands.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Keys to Success
PsychoCybernetics 2000
Giant Steps
The New Dynamics of Winning
Real Magic
How to Win Friends & Influence People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Non-Violent Communication
Law of Attraction
Unlimited Power
Leadership for Dummies
Goal Setting 101
Awakening the Energy Body
The Star Fish and the Spider
The Leadership Pill