Rev. Joseph Okoye – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Joseph Okoye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea James Allen is trying to pass across in the book is that the complete state of a man’s life is a function of the state of his thoughts. What a man has been what he is and what he will be, all depend on the way he thinks. What he does and what happens to him are directly connected to what occupies his mind. The author attempts to comprehensively analyze the aphorism, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”, which is drawn from the book of Proverbs in the Holy Bible. He describes thoughts as seedlings which must germinate and bring fruits after their kind. Thus, according to him, every negative and unpleasant condition in any aspect of a man’s life is a product of derailed, impure or weak thoughts. Similarly, every pleasant and honourable condition he enjoys is the result of pure and controlled thoughts. The author therefore urges us to see ourselves as the masters of our own lives, holding ourselves responsible for what we become or fail to become. He strongly expresses disagreement with the notion that chance has a role to play in the making of a man’s life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

I have found a lot of ideas in this book very helpful, the seven most important of which are: –

i. A man’s character is the sum of all his thoughts: the author explains that a man’s acts and habits are given birth to by his thoughts. I have observed in my own life that the difference between the way I conducted myself before I got born again and now is due to the fact that my thoughts are now different because they are now guided by the word of God.

ii. Circumstance does not make a man, it reveals him to himself: The book makes it clear that opportunity only reveals the power of what has gathered in the mind. This has urged me to endeavour to always avoid impure thoughts, otherwise when I find myself in a situation that triggers the outward manifestation of such thoughts; I may end up humiliated and disappointed in myself.

iii. Disease and health are rooted in thoughts: The writer rightly attributes. Some illnesses, as well as people looking older than their ages, to a mind filled with worries and anxiety. He also stresses that some diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus begin and can hardly be managed as a result of gluttony, which results from wrong thoughts.

iv. Thoughts should be centered around purpose: According to the author, thought allied fearlessly to purpose becomes creative force. If one must accomplish a great purpose, one’s thoughts must be continually channeled towards that purpose. As one whose purpose is to attract men to God’s kingdom, I revolve my thoughts and plans around a lifestyle and activities that will bring about this.

v. Oppressor and slave are co-operators in ignorance: while the slave or oppressed suffers as a result of his weakness in thoughts, the oppressor misapplies power and both of them need a change of mindset. The oppressor should help the weak-minded man get stronger in thoughts and the oppressed should be ready to imbibe such thoughts.

vi. Every great achievement starts with a dream: The book makes it clear that dreams are the seedlings of realities. It buttresses the point that great heights are not attained by accident; they are rather the products of nursing and cherishing great visions. This has reinvigorated in me the aspiration to become a person of global impact, my present location or place of residence not withstanding.

vii. Weak minds can be made strong by exercising in right thinking: the author uses the analogy of strengthening the muscles through continuous physical exercise, to explain that exercising in right thinking is necessary to overcome weakness of thoughts. In a bid to grow to a state of purity of thoughts, I resolved to engage my mind with thoughts of things contained in the word of God.

3. Will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Knowing that my whole life revolves around the nature of my thoughts will strengthen my resolve to be selective in the things I watch, read or listen to because these play a major role in the composition of thoughts. It has also motivated me to strongly advocate that people should watch, read or listen to only things that positively sharpen their thoughts. I have learnt and will preach to others that the reason for the wrong elements of character we exhibit is the impure state of our mind and that we will develop better habits and lifestyles if we can work on our thoughts. I can also tell others that the reason unmarried persons engage in premarital sexual acts is not just because they are not married, but because they inhabit lascivious thoughts and unless they learn to get rid of such, they will end up indulging in extra-marital affairs when they are married.

I have also been instigated to encourage people to maintain a mind void of worries, anxieties, hatred, self-pity and gluttonous desires because these can lead to health instabilities (such as hypertension) which will not only cost a lot to marriage but will also cause a lot of unease.

Just life Martin Luther King had a vision concerning the black race which is gradually unfolding, I will encourage others that if we can believe in a much greater tomorrow for our people then it will only take some time for us to leave the position of third world countries which we presently occupy.

If only the leaders and entrepreneurs of our society will realize that oppression is an act of ignorance and allow compassion to be our motivating factor, we will be better leaders and our subjects will become willingly submissive to us.

Finally, I will say reading the book has inspired me to ensure that I allow nothing come between me and constructive thoughts that lead towards the accomplishment of my purpose, and to take actions in time with such thoughts.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

The first statement of the author that really caught my attention is “Mind is the master power that moulds and makes, and man is mind, and evermore he takes the tool of thought, and shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys and a thousand ills: – He think in secret, and it comes to pass: environment is but his looking – glass”. This statement tells us that the mind (thoughts) brings about whatever the man becomes and whatever situation he passes through. It also administers us not to handle our thoughts lackadaisically thinking that it is, after all, secret (known to only ourselves) because it will some day precipitate into conditions and situations which will become visible to everyone.

The second is “Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they care”. This statement shows us that we do not achieve things by merely wishing and praying for them, but that our wishes and prayers are only granted when they are in accordance with our thoughts and actions. Therefore, before we intensify our prayers, we should conform our minds and actions to them.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The author says, “in the arrangement of a man’, life, there is no element of chance. I believe that a man should do what he ought to do in thoughts and actions, and actions, and not leave his success to chance. I, however, also believe that it is chance that sometimes gives a person an edge over another. In such cases, we find that the only reason one achieves what the other does not is that he gets an opportunity which the other does not get. The Bible also states that “…The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. Those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance … (Ecclesiastes 9:11, NLT)

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

After citing three examples, the author suggested that the reader should trace the action of the laws of thought in his own mind and life. On doing this, I came to a conclusion that man is usually the causer of his circumstances. That he usually finds himself in undesirable circumstances because his thoughts do not harmonize with his desired conditions of life.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment or that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

In addition to the ideas expressed in the book, it also helped me to learn the meaning and usage of some words, thereby improving my vocabulary.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10 is good and 1 is poor.

a. How interesting was it to read?
b. How helpful were the contents?
c. How easy was it to understand?
d. Would you recommend it to others?
e. What is the overall rating you would give it?



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Joseph Okoye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?
The central message of this Richard Bach’s classic is that our success in life is only limited by our minds. We are limited by the limits of what we think we can do. The author attempts to convince us to develop the ‘I can’ attitude and apply it in every ramification of life. Our environment – social (the people around us, especially our family, friends and other close associates), physical (the non-living things around us, such as mountains and oceans) and economic (the condition of trade, industry and wealth development around us)_ can confine us only to the extent to which it can affect our beliefs in our abilities and our perception of possibilities. So many people remain mediocre because they do not see themselves as being capable of getting to the zenith. There are various instances in the novel where the author expresses this concept. One of such is the exclamation by the protagonist, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, “why, that’s! true! I am a perfect unlimited gull!” on believing what Elder Chiang had been telling him and his disappearance.

We also find Kirk Maynard Gull who had never flown before, screaming from a height of five hundred feet, “I can fly! … The moment Jonathan made him realize that he (Maynard) was free and could fly. We can therefore imply that the author’s idea is that we can live in a realm of no impossibility if the word ‘impossibility’ ceases to exist in the dictionary of our minds, and that efforts to get to the top must begin with a work on our minds.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

Among the numerous relevant ideas expressed by the author, the following were the seven most important to me:-

i. Hard work and discipline are pre-requisites for success; while others relax or sleep, you must work your way to stardom, although this may be painful and inconvenient. This is illustrated by Jonathan’s consistent practice all alone. In my academic pursuit, for instance, I have found that studying painstakingly while others slept or engaged themselves in partying and other less-profitable activities, enabled me obtain good examination results.

ii. To be great, dare to take an unpopular stand when necessary: while for other gulls eating was paramount, for Jonathan it was flying that mattered. This explains why he was always practicing alone. This often attracts criticisms and persecutions. In such situation, one must not give room for self-pity or regrets. Deciding to live a godly life at a time and in an environment where other youths indulged immorality and other vices made me look odd at the time but after some time, I became and envy among them. I am so happy did not give in to their pressures them.

iii. Never be content, always aim higher: despite attaining the highest speed by any seagull alive and becoming the first seagull on earth to fly aerobatics, Jonathan kept striving. The book reveals that no matter the level one attains, there is always so much to yet learn. This has reinstated in me a resolve to put behind me the few qualifications and accolades I have obtained, and to press forward with an understanding that there is a lot more to be achieved…

iv. Love and kindness are two very important things: these two closely-related virtues help us conquer boredom; fear and anger which the author rightly suggests are some of the major reasons why people’s life-span are shortened. These virtues also teach us that whatever we acquire – knowledge, wealth, authority etc. – are not meant for our selfish interest, but for the benefit of others.

v. It is important to surround oneself with like-minded people: The book reveals that to get to the top, we need a company of people who share in our optimism and aspirations. Such are the people who will encourage and inspire us. Being around people who do not believe in what we believe in, could constitute a weed or thorn to our great aspirations and may lead to eventual death of same.

vi. Our purpose for living should be to find and show forth perfection. We may not have been born as perfect beings but we have to realize that we are meant to grow into perfection and display it in every sphere of life. This is one reason I have not only strongly desired but have also striven to attain perfection in godliness and purity of heart. Even the Holy Bible says, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect”. (Mathew 5: 48, KJV).

vii. The essence of our labour should be to find fulfillment: one outstanding thing about Jonathan in this book was that he did not believe that all we should labour for is to earn a living, but rather, to find fulfillment in life. The major reason I have persisted in my occupation is that I did not get into it because I saw it as a means of livelihood, but because I had to do it to enjoy fulfillment in life.

3. Will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas expressed in this book will definitely be practically useful to me and will help me contribute a great quota towards making the world a better place, in the following way: I have been inspired to reiterate to those around me, especially the youth that we have to embrace hardwork and discipline in order to enjoy lasting success. This concept becomes one whose importance to today’s society cannot be over-emphasized considering that students at almost all levels engage in examination malpractice because they do not embrace hard work and this has greatly contributed to the deteriorating standards of education in my country. It will also help me to discourage the prevalent practice of fraudulent activities to get rich quickly because people do not believe in the dignity of labour nor that they can morally attain to the peak if they believe so. Also, if an increasing number of people, particularly the youths, can stand for what is right at the expense of joining the band wagon, it will only be a matter of time before others become convinced and also begin to tread on the right paths. An understanding of the fact that we should aim at attaining perfection and finding fulfillment in everything we do will help my society to be wholeheartedly committed to any noble course that brings us joy and peace, irrespective of whether or not it makes us wealthy within a short time.

Finally, if myself and other leaders at all levels can be propelled by love and kindness, and if governments can form cabinets comprising like-minded people, we will utilize everything at our disposal for the growth and development of our people rather than divert public funds to private accounts as many leaders in my part of the world do.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

Three quotes really capture my attention in the novel and they are:-
i. “Who is more responsible than a gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for life?. . .” This statement by Jonathan reveals that for one to be really responsible and leave a mark on the sand of time, one must discover and unreservedly pursue a great purpose for one’s life on earth.

ii. “. . . Learn nothing, and the next world is the same as this one. . .” This Sullivan’s statement reaffirms the fact that the reason many people do not get to the next level in life is that they do not acquire now.

iii. “ it always works, when you know what you’re doing . . .” This statement by Chaing makes it clear that it is expedient for us to know the rudiments and nitty-gritty of whatever we do, if we must excel.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are nuclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, and if so, why?

The writer seems to be suggesting that there is no such place as heaven, that heaven is only a state of perfection. I disagree with this notion. I think heaven is not abstract but is a place, as shown by the passage, “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven. . .” (Revelation 21: 2, KJV)

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No, I did not notice any such exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment or that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

It was really interesting to see how Richard Bach used the world of seagulls to effectively convey to his readers ideas and principles that apply and are very important to the human race, telling us that the real Jonathan Seagull lives within us.

Success Through Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Joseph Okoye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in book?

The author actually wants to make known the power of positive thinking alongside prayer, and how it has helped millions of people achieve their goals.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which were personally most important to me are listed below.

-Develop a positive mental attitude.

-Read inspirational books.

-If a man is right, the world will be right.

-To be happy, make others happy.

-Self motivator.

-Do it now.

-If you don’t have money, use other people’s money (OPM)

A. Positive Mental Attitude is a catalyst which makes any combination of success priciples work, to attain a worth-while end.This is very important to me because it has helped me achieve one out of my several goals.I was discouraged when nothing seemed to be working out for me at all, so I decided to involve myself in a small business though risky due to the amount I had on me, but something told me to forge ahead with my plan and I went into purchase and sale of shoes . Well, suprisingly, thanks to P A M, I was able to sell all with interest and went back to get more supplies and my business kept on growing day by day .

B. Another idea is ‘to be happy, make others happy’.This is very true because I always discover a pleasing feeling after making anyone happy. For example, while in school, during our free periods, I was going to have lunch when I saw a fellow course-mate laying on a seat in the school park. I reached out to her asking her what the problem was. She said she was very hungry and had nothing on her, so I gave her some amount of money to try and get something to eat .Just then a smile lit up glowingly on her face that she even hugged me. I also felt happy and suprisingly things began working in my favour throughout that day.

C. Also the idea of ‘if a man is right the world would be right’. We can testify that when a man does something right he invariably influences several others and by so doing those who are influenced go ahead to influence more and before you know it the world will be filled with people trying to do the right things .For example, a lecturer who used to take us in a particular course was tempted with bribe by some students who were never serious with their studies, so that they could be awarded pass mark in that particular course. He refused and told us in class while lecturing. We were touched by his strong principle and wished to be like him. I believe with such inspiration, where ever we find ourselves in similar situations we would be bold and wise to turn down such an offer.

D. Reading of inspirational books is also an important idea to me because I feel they encourage and give hope to people with various kinds of challenges. Personally, I have been inspired by the Bible and “Success Through a Positive Mental attitude”. Through the experiences of people in these books, I have learnt that with determination and hardwork, one can actually achieve what one wants. The Bible has shown that through prayers,there’s nothing that is impossible and I have come to realize that if someone else tries and fails,it does not mean I will fail too if I try. On a rainy day,we were seated in a small room waiting to be called into an inner room, one after the other, for a job interview. As soon as the interview began, everyone of us became nervous but after several people went in and out with their different opinions about the interviewers’ reactions over their responses to their questions, I decided not to be afraid. I went in trying to tackle all questions and answering questions randomly. It was not easy but I dared it and behold I was given an appointment letter some weeks later. Despite the number of people involved, I stood out tall.

E. ‘Do it now’ is another important idea. It is a self-starter which is the secret of getting things done. This too is very important to me to achieve my wildest dreams. With it I have realized that proscrastination is bad because it can make one lose a great opportunity. For instance, I was on my way to a friend’s wedding ceremony when I suddenly bumped into a mobile phone which was obviously new. I was tempted to keep it for my personal use but on a second thought I decided to call some numbers on the phone to enable me find the owner. After several attempts to no avail, I said to myself “After the wedding I will call again” but the self-starter in me urged me to call again and this time I was able to speak with the owner. I discovered he was about leaving the country but he decided to postpone his trip after the call since the phone was important to him. We arranged a meeting and he thanked me saying “I never knew people like you still exist”. He gave me a surprisingly huge amount of money which I invested. If I had delayed the call, he would have left the country and I might not have been able to see him again.

F. The concept of self- moltivator is also important to me. I was often harrased and insulted by my peers over my inability to do any thing good for myself, not to talk of others. I became bittered and refused to be intimidated or feel inferior in their sight. So I decided to change my way of life. I removed fear from my mind and was determined to do anything positively to achieve my goal. I went to an elderly person for advice on what to do and she offered me one or two ideas and from there I made my choice. I decided to go into selling some products for a company and as God would have it, I began to change gradually, became bold, uplifted my self esteem and changed my mode of dressing, and everything about my life turned around for good.

G. Lastly is “ if you dont’t have money, use other peoples money (OPM)”. This statement has really opened my eyes because I never knew borrowing or collection of credit from someone was a wise way of really succeeding in life. Now I have come to realise through ( PMA) that credit collection is good as long as one doesn’t fail to pay back. With this I could borrow money, start something tangible or invest through buying and selling of shares and hopefully, I might be able to pay back even before the agreed time. This idea is so important to me because it serves as an eye-opener and that means I should not have any reason to lament in life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way , both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

These ideas will help me to be a better person in the society. They have made me realise why certain things happen and how to tackle them. With this knowledge I can be sure to solve problems and help those with negative thoughts become positive. To achieve this, I will create an awareness programme bringing people together so that we can exchange ideas and find out how best to help them. By so doing, the world will be definitely affected and will become a better place for every one of us.

4. Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

Actually, there are two quotes the author made that caught my attention. The first is, “He wants to start at the top rather than move up step by step and he does not realise that the only job where you can start at the top is the job of digging a hole.” (115)

This quotation is important because I realise that in life one does not start from the highest part but rather begins life step by step, one after another. When a person wants to start life from the top which is the highest level, then his or her life becomes questionable and most times doesn’t end well. So it’s only a hole that one can start digging from the top.

The other quote goes like this “…the more you give that which is good and desirable to you, the more you get.” (180)

This agrees with the popular saying in the Bible, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This is true because we discover that when you give out something to someone in need even if that thing is so precious to you, before you know it God blesses you with a thousand folds when you least expect.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

A portion in the book which states “HOW TO RAISE YOUR ENERGY LEVEL” is not very clear to me. Does it mean that if I believe in anything I wish to have I will get it? And if I can, how about when it has to do with my physical state,that physical state that renders you almost useless to do certain things you wish to do?

6. Did the book contain excercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercies and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contained excercises for the reader to complete and I did complete them. They were very helpful because they enabled me to rate myself and know where and when I need to adjust.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

In chapter seventeen, YOU CAN ENJOY GOOD HEALTH AND LIVE LONGER, we can discover that from life experiences, good health is wealth but wealth is not good health. This means that one can actually acquire wealth by being healthy, while wealth most

of the time cannot buy health.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents ? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



Keys To Success

Assessment by Joseph Okoye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in the book is nothing short of the fact that success does not fall from the sky, it is in you; your belief, attitude and mentality towards success will determine whether you will succeed or not. He makes it categorically clear that success is for everyone, not for some particular persons. Our reaction to things, our life style, character,health, relationship and many more mentioned in the book, put together, are ways by which we can work towards achieving success in life. It is not just about having money; defining your purpose, as well as having a positive mindset and judiciously utilizing your time and money, is a fast way of making success.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you, and why? List

these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important

to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Overcome the fear of criticism: This is extremely important because the fear of criticism has made alot of people make serious mistakes that have affected them in life. For instance, in the past, even when I knew I couldn’t afford it, I laid my hands on things that were beyond my reach because I was afraid of what others would say.

B. The extra-mile formula: I have noticed that people have a tendency of giving a level of commitment commensurate to what they earn or will get in return. I use to measure my service in terms of the quantity but now I know that the quality of the service is even more important.

C. Use applied faith: This is an indispensable notion. A lot of people never believe they can still make it ln life. There came a time when I never believed that my situation could change for the better.

D. Definiteness of purpose: This is important because a lot of people start a thing without a purpose a specific purpose in mind and tit becomes difficult to maintain commitment to such a course. For instance, I am schooling to acquire knowledge that will make me of greater relevance to my family, the church and the society at large.

E. Building a positive mental attitude (PMA): The way you think will either make you or mar you. For instance, I have made up my mind to always think positively.

F. Control your attention: Most times, when people have too many things in mind, they can’t focus on one and they end up not achieving any. For instance, as a student, I decided to focus my attention on my studies and disallow some things that would only constitute distractions.

G. Budget time and money: I have realized that time, just like money could be a great investment and as such should be wisely planned for and utilized. For instance, I map out the amount of time to be spent on each daily activity. I also never let a day pass by without gaining something from it.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

These ideas will help me practically by motivating me to take actions and go beyond just theory. If one is given advice or encouragement without puting same into action, they become ineffective. These ideas made me understand that all that matters is puting into action or practice all you have learnt to gain a positive outcome. The formula Q1+Q2+MA=C will make me perform my duties both for my personal gains and to create a better world. It will make me render selfless service and not only work for pay. It will make me render my sevice with the mindset of bettering the world by giving my best in the interest of others without necessarily expecting monetary or material returns. I will also educate my friends and others close to me on the need for such vital principles as caring less about what people think when you know you are on the right track, giving your all in any endeavour you are pursuing,having a mindset of optimism, having a definite purpose for the steps or actions you take, making careful and adequate budget of time and money, and focusing on one thing at a time.

4. Quotes :Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

On page 13 of the book, the author said that “our real wealth is the infallible power of

Thought” and it got my attention because most people think that you only have wealth when

you have billions of naira, a car, a house,etc. but I learnt that the real wealth is the way you reason.

Again, on page 23, he says “a united family is a great team.” This calls for teamwork. When a family is not together, they cannot achieve any thing, rather evil will easily penetrate into such family. My family used to live a divided life until God brought us together and

we are now making progress, unlike before.

A line on page 92 says “the best way to receive love is to give it” .This applies to our

everyday life and is in line with the saying that “whatever you sow, you shall reap”.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with, and if so, why?.

The fifth paragraph on page 9 says “No one gets something for nothing.”

I don’t really believe this saying; I believe that favour is unmerited. At times people get something from others just like that and not for what they have given or will give in return. I believe that the greatest service a man can render are those which he renders at freewill, without being cajouled or expecting a payback. Also, on page 136, the author said we should forget the old saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. Actually, the author wants us to concentrate on a particalar goal but I think it is not enough reason for us not to pursue other desires or invest in various opportunities at the same time. I believe that if you try two or more ideas, you will be able to get one best out of them all.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, the book contained excerises for the reader to complete and they were all completed by me. Of course they were really helpful to me. My comment on them is an indication of how the principles have affected my life. For one to complete those exercises, if means that the person went through the principles and achieved something From it. They will help one remain focused on those things one has learnt. By the time you continue to glance through them, you will remain stable and focused on your ideas and create opportunities for changes

in the areas that are necessary.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes, there are things I will like to comment on. The writer, in the course of writing, touches all aspects of life including our spiritual, physical, mental and social aspects of life. Although it looked to me like just a success book, after reading it I learnt a lot from it that will affect my life-style generally. There is a place the author says that if you can see opportunities the way you see other people’s fault, you will succeed. I came to understand that we are quick in finding faults in other people and if we can devote such time to finding opportunities, success will be our staring point. The writer also talked strongly about faith which I believe is lacking in our everyday life. He made me understand that I might not be seeing proof now but there is still hope. It also teaches us how to maintain sound health because it is he who is alive and strong that still has hope.


A) How interesting was it to read? 9
B) How helpful were the contents? 9
C) How easy was it to understand? 9
D) Would you recommend it to others? 10
E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 9




Assessment by Joseph Okoye (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author, Bobbe Sommer, is trying to update Maxwell Maltz’s book titled ‘Psycho-cybernetcs’ which was aimed at showing that self-image is the key to our psychology,

and that it creates personality.She stated that Maxwell Maltz maintained that the human brain and nervous system operate as a kind of goal-seeking device which provides a

guide. According to her, Maltz believed and taught that self-image is the key element

that determines whether our internal guidance system functions for success or for failure, and defines the scope of our targets. She explains that self-image is our own conception of the ‘sort of person I am’ and that everyone acts and feels in a way that is consistent with our self –image, regardless of the reality of that image.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was

important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

Below are the seven ideas I consider personally most important:

A) Each of us can control our self –image and programme it for success, by setting target

of success for our brain and making it respond to feedback by correting its course: This

is important to me because I have discovered that in spite of how some close relations of mine initially saw me and my focus in life, I have enjoyed progress and a considerable level of fulfilment because I had a good image of myself and my pursuits in life.

B) Individual self –esteem helps to address the problem of poverty, racism, drug abuse, and domestic violence : In my part of the world, these menace are prevalent and the damages done are more as a result of the low self-esteem possessed by so many people than they are as a result of the actual conditions. I now realize that no one has the rights to make me feel inferior or intimidated because of my skin colour, backgrounds or financial status.

C) Any path to success is defined by mistakes and corrections: This idea implies that we

should not dwell on our mistakes and we should not be afraid of them either. I have noticed that no matter how careful I try to be, mistakes have been inevitable at some points; my being careful only minimized them but did not prevent them from occuring at all.

Each time I have dwelt on any mistake, it has only succeeded in making me more depressed.

D) Your attutudees, feelings and behaviour change in the direction of what you believe

to be true: The way I saw myself and acted in my early childhood days was as a result

of the impressions the people and situations around me created about who I am and

what life was like.

E) Relaxation influences health, learning ability, creativity, performance and self–esteem:

The book showed me that stress may inhibit our body immunity and recovery from

cancer, accelerate development of AIDS and heart disease, and impair learning. I once thought that if one is a serious –minded person, one should not have any time for relaxation, as that would mean wasting time would have used for some active work or thinking. Now I know this thought is wrong.

F) One technique in reducing stress is to delay the response to a negative or provoking

incident, for example, counting to ten when you get angry: I find this idea very helpful

because in my dealings with people, especially as a leader, offences and disappointments

are bound to come and the better I am able to appropriately respond to them, the better a Chistian and a leader I will be.

G) Setting goals is not enough, writing them down is necessary: According to the writer, this

forces the conscious mind to look at and cosider one’s goals. To me, this is very relevant because a lot of my goals and the steps to achieving them could be lost on the way due to so many things cropping up and serving as distractions, unless I put them in writing .

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

Knowing that each of us can control our self-image, I will only accept constructive criticisms and make the best out of them but will not dwell on negative perceptions people have about my personality and ability and allow that make me feel bad about myself. I will also teach people around me to look at their positive sides and see themselves from those perspectives.

I will also help those who indulge in violence as a means of earning respect forcefully or establishing their place in the family (may be as the father and head of the home) to know that the right way to achieve their aims is to have a good image of themslves and act in line with that self–esteem. Whenever I make a mistake, I will just accept it as a mistake which could have been made by any other person and pick up the lessons to learn from it. Rather than continuing to brood over it, I will let it go and guide others who may be in similar situations so that they will not make the same mistake. I will also let people realize that since one’s attitudes, feelings and behaviour change in the direction of what one believes to be true, they should mind the kind of impressions and self-perceptions they they create in their children and followers. This involves being careful about what you say and do to these people, especially when they are very young. I have realized and will also teach people that to be more creative and make something better out of our labours, we need to make out time each day to relax; we should cut down on our daily activities if need be. I also will take steps that will help me delay my reaction to an annoying incident such as keeping quiet, putting my arms in my pocket or quietly walking away for a short while.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There were a couple of quotes that really caught my attention and captivated me. They include:

“The creative mechanism within you is impersonal. It will work antomatically and impersonally to achieve gaols of success and happiness, or unhappiness and failiure,

depending on the goals which you yourself set for it” by Maxwell Maltz.

This makes me realize that I should not blame anyone or any circumstance for

failure, but should believe that my success is dependent on myself. Hence, I

have to hold myself responsible for my success or otherwise.

“Our disturbed feelings-our anger, hostility, fear, anxiety, insecurity, are caused by

our own response –not by externals…” by Maxwell Maltz.

This buttresses the fact that stress and frustration do not come from events but from my

response to them, and that response is only a habit I can replace. Hence, while I

may not be able prevent some seemingly negative occurences, I can develop the habit of responding positively to them.

“People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are wortwhile” by Maxwell Maltz.

This goes to point out that for life to be meainingful to me, I need to carefully take decisions and set goals that are meaningful and whose attainment will make me fulfilled.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, and if so, why?

I understand and agree to every concept the author shares in the book.

6. Did the book contain execises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the execises and did you find them helpful?

The book is made very practical with the inclusion of beneficial exercises, which I did except for a few. The one that required me to make a list of aspects of myself I saw as positive and negative.For each negative impression about myself that came to me, I wrote down an item of positive data to replace it and this re-strengthened my self-esteem.

The Zen breathing exercise in chapter 5 which helped me to feel copletely relaxed and refreshed in body and mind. The exercise on what i most want to do with my life, redirected or reset my focus in life and my commitment to it.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

A lot of the steps given to help alleviate such ‘torments’ as low self –esteem and

stress are real and can be easily practised and mastered by just anybody who determines

to do so. The author also takes cognisance of the features and peculiarities of the twenty-

first century, giving modifications of essential values given decades ago, to fit our

contemporary world.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to10.Ten is good and one is poor.

A) How interesting was it to read? 8
B) How helpful were the contents? 9
C) How easy was it to understand? 7
D) Would you recommend it to others? 9
E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 9