Olufisola Oladipo – Profile

Olufisola Oladipo
Lagos, Nigeria
Email: agisanalyst@yahoo.com
Website: www.chareesetechnologies.com
Birthday: 28/10/1976
Education: MSc GIS, BSc Geography (both from University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria)
Occupation: GIS Consultant

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A world that works is a world where there is sustainable development, peace, progress and general well-being of her inhabitants. A world where human life is respected, everyone is the other’s keeper and where God Almighty is worshiped.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problem I see the world is facing today is Inequality Problem. The political, economic and social terrain worldwide is not the same. Therefore, some people are called 1st world, 2nd world and 3rd world. While the 1st world countries seem to have everything going well for them, the others are wallowing in poverty, disease, environmental degradation and so on. As long these problems are profound in the other worlds, the whole world will continue face problems.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
These problems can be solved by the coming together of all world governments for dialogue. The 1st world can help the 2nd and 3rd world to reach the 1st world status. Governments of the world have to realize that the whole world is made up human beings who are creatures of God and deserve to have equal opportunities.

I am a GIS Consultant/Researcher with over five years experience applying GIS to different developmental projects. I have applied GIS to Tourism, Utility Mapping (Pipe-borne Water & Electricity), Water Resources, Banking, Point of Interest Mapping, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, and several other applications. I am also experienced in implementing Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). I am well versed in ESRI ArcGIS family of softwares: ArcGIS Desktop Suite, ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Mobile. I am a certified Google Earth & Maps Trainer. I am also certified in E- Government – what a government leader should know – Part I, II, & III from UNPAN (United Nations Online Network on Public Administration & Finance). I am a member of several professional bodies which include Association of American Geographers (AAG), Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), The Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA), and Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association. I did a stint with AAC Consulting as the Snr EDMS Manager and Support Systems Limited as the Snr GIS Analyst and have attended several local and international conferences in Ghana, the UK, Uganda, Nigeria and Ethiopia. I hold a BSc Geography and MSc GIS from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. I also had a stint with AAC Consulting as the Snr EDMS Manager and Support Systems Limited as the Snr GIS Analyst and has attended several local and international conferences including:

* Second ArcGIS West Africa User Conference (AWAUC), Accra, Ghana 2006,
* ESRI Europe, Middle East, & Africa User Conference, London, UK 2008
* AfricaGIS 2009 – International Conference, Kampala, Uganda 2009
* UN-SPIDER Regional Workshop in Disaster Management and Emergency Response – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2010

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Psycho Cybernetics
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Keys to Success
How To Win Friends and Influence People