Okpe Emmanuel – Graduate Profile

Okpe Emmanuel

How has your life changed as a result of your IIGL studies?
I stumbled on a quote that I never understood the implication until I had gone far in the IIGL program. “You are the same person today that you are going to be in five years from now except for two things; the people you associate with and the book you read”. The people I met here and the books I was exposed to changed my orientation about life and the world. IIGL is a program that if I had not under taken would have been my greatest regret in life. The program taught me how to handle personal and group conflicts, how to educate others and above all how to be a good leader. Through IIGL my reading habit has improved significantly and my writing skill was thoroughly sharpened. IIGL has made me a focus person, changed my dreams and also serves as a guide to achieving these dreams in life. It is truly a worthwhile experience.

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