Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh

Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book? 

The author divides the book in different topics but when I combine these points it give me the following one big main idea.

When I combine these single main points in one general main idea of the book, man can made himself and his own circumstances to a better world if his thoughts are reputedly taking about Love, Unity, Gratitude, Feel Happy, Having Positive Thought this changes not only himself but, if a man have such thoughts he can even change the world. But to have this man must first change his inner feeling and his inner circumstances before he start to change his outer circumstances.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life. 

i. Thought and character

Its main point is to tell that how a man shapes his character by speaking a positive thought for himself and how a man is seen in a smart way inside a people by his thought. So I can deserve a good personality between people if I owe a positive thought.

ii. Effects of thought on circumstances

This topic tells me based on a man’s thought how his all circumstances goes in a better way for example if I am thinking and thought about my bad bosses how bad he is in the morning, my boss will continue bad even if I gets in the office early.

iii. Effects of thought on health and body

This tells me if I am thinking that I am feeling bad in my body I will get ill because our white blood cells stop duplicating to protect the ill cells because I already feel bad and they lost their strength to immune these bad gusts to my body. So felling the feeling of healthy gives me more strong blood cells and I can stay healthy.

iv. Thought and purpose

Unless a man feels that he have a purpose for this better world he feels for himself that he is purposeless and he doesn’t achieve anything in his life. So feeling like having a purpose makes a man a winner.

v. The thought factor in achievement

Unless a man thoughts is focus on achievement he may made no achievement so man must tell for himself that about different achievements not about falling down.

vi. Vision and ideal

Having a vision helps a man to save the world not only himself.

vii. Serenity

Finally calmness makes a man to think more about his eternity which means he can be capable in focusing in first thing first principle.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?  

In the first place none of the idea inside the book is left as useless each point is written with great care. Let me start from the point that mentioned in the first page that is, “Thought in the mind made us. What we are by thought was wrought and built. If a man’s mind hath evil thought, pain comes on him as comes the wheel the ox behind. If one endures in purity of thought, joy follows him as his own shadow.”

This is the driving power to think in positive way throughout my reading of the book, because unless I am thinking that the book I read is worthy I can’t get the point or the message that that the book delivers me. This gives me a lesson that before I say anything about anybody I must think in the positive thought that fells me comfortable at this point I can gather the thing that my soul need from others as long as everybody has its own good part. I said this in my working environment I always think that people are affecting me and even I can’t swallow the idea that others raise for me because my driving thought is in the negative way, before I listen them my thought tells me others are wrong. So as mentioned in the first page of the book evil thought has a pain and pure thought has joy I practice in my life that before starting anything my thought must be in the way of purity in my thought.

To create the better world if my though is in a positive way It gives me a chance to help others, to hear what others feel and to comment on their idea in a positive win-win way at this point others will take a lesson from me in a practical way and they will practice it and they distribute such a positive thought finally our globe will encircle in a win-win positive effect and selfish will get minimized.

The second point that inspires me inside the book is the idea of “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.” Let me say something about my life, when I start to live independently I was starting life with one of my friend as a home partner. Through time I start to make him to close too much with him I make him busy even am getting angry when he meet his girlfriend but instead I meet my girlfriend and stay long time and I make him lonely inside home, but when he stay with his girlfriend and stay long I say why he stay long by making me lonely. And I start to keep silent when he knock the door time from time our friendship becomes darken I start to talk in hard way then after I separate from him and start to live in depth lonely and for my loneliness I always blame him because I hate to be lonely. The point from the book that I get is the way I was act with him is like the way to change the environment but I didn’t do nothing to change my way like. If I spend little time with my girlfriend, he may spend little time with his girlfriend because he may start to think that I get home early and the hole environment will be turn to good. And I may not be lonely for longer. The best thing from the book is, when I read this book me and my cousin thinking to live together as a home partner and at this time I am sure that I may change my own circumstances in the best way before I wary about the external circumstance. This will continue in each and every circumstances of my own life.

Such idea is playing a powerful role. For example I like to involve in a human right activist advocacy but now what I feel is, people who advocate for human right must first feel their own freedom ,they must be free in mind and positive in mind for their own feeling, but most advocates are feeling as against with the government who oppress human right. Because they feel against the governments they do always hard talks and always no agreements between them because the activators did not change their own circumstance to a positive and dealing way. When I say this if their instinct tells them that something good they must do, if their mind starts to think something beyond them they must give permission for their own thinking before they enforce a government to give human right they must practice the rights it runs in their own mind. It’s such kind of mentality that can advocate human right in purity of human right. And I let give a permission to think in such away for my own life in this human right advocacy movement. Let me add one good example I have a best friend for the last ten years currently he is a musician, one upon a time when he and his band are in live show, but the string of one guitar player is cut off not only one string but three strings are cut of even if the show continues with some disturbance at the end of his show what my friend thinking about is having enough string to the next show, and the next  day he goes to a music shop and buy five strings, the way he thought for his mind is if I owe reserve string my show will not be disturbed and then after none of his shows are getting disturbance even if the strings gets cut. So he changes his own circumstance before he says his guitar player, why you do this? Why don’t use in a soft way? It’s now that I recognize what he has done because at that time I give him an advice that annoy the guitar player? In much way I will start to attract such a thought towards my life.

To build a better world everybody must worry about our own circumstance to move in a better way with others, because our external circumstances depend on our own circumstances if I do good people do reward me in a good way if I do bad people never see me again and our cooperation may get some distortion. So the one who respect first himself before he say people don’t respect me, the one who dress in clean way before he say people look me as a dirty, the one who do his own job in time first before he prepare a cause for a flop, the one who gratitude by what he have before he say what did I have? Will get absolute pleasure, absolute happiness and our world become one and we all will continue as a brother and sister. So to create such a power and to build such a beautiful better world change is starting from myself and I will see this happiness Cause if am happy the world adds one happy citizen this is how our better world created.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, pleas quote them and comment as to why they were important to you. 

“Be not impatient in delay, but wait one who understands; when sprit rises and commands, the Gods are ready to obey.”

The word tells me that I mustn’t be angry because of the things that I want is delay rather just I must give patience and do more to have that thing as long as my sprit tells me the thing that delayed is mine but if I get angry because of its delayed I stacked angry and I can’t focus/concentrate on that so even if it comes to me I may lose it. So focus and stay doing and keeping the thing is the better one. It’s just like with is my office if I won’t the senior management position but if it delay I must not get angry by the delay and show low performance rather it’s better to keep the position by doing hard and systematically and listing my instinct, as long as my instinct understands that I afford that position on its time. 

You will be what you will be, let failure find its false content.”

It’s my thinking and attraction who makes me and what I will be is what I am thinking now and what I am is what I was thinking so what I am now and what I will be for tomorrow is what must I be not what I must not be. So no more failure that I think about it rather everything is what I must be and what I will be even if I got failure it might have a positive impact like the life of the Eagle. When the eagle gets old its mouth get long and he can eat anything and he have two choice weather he must cut his mouth throwing himself from the peach or waiting his death date both options have a pain if he throw himself from the high peach it may have a great pain but add another 30-40 years of living opportunity, if he chose waiting his death date he may starving so both pain and starving is what will be in each eagles life. Its not failure it’s his content that gives him long life or death depending on the choice.

“One man is oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves.”

What did I understand from this is everything is depending as our interpretation, if we hate the oppressor may be the slaves will not get what they want to eat at list the oppressor will cover this cost, and if many are slave and they are willing to be slave we can hate the slaves because they create additional cost to the oppressor. So the thing is not about hating it’s all about thinking ourselves as a slave gives our hand in self permission because we are oppressor it’s the reason we get the slaves who gives their hand by their own willing as long as we are in the orbit of direct or indirect cooperation in the living orbit. For that matter all are about knowing the rule of cooperation and living in that bounded commonly understood rules otherwise none of them made a mistake. So knowledge is power.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why? 

Everything inside the book is clear enough and I understand all sentences and paragraphs. But I got some points that I disagree.

In part three the second paragraph says that “They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to petty worries, fears, troubles, and self-pityings, all of which are indications of weakness, which lead, just as surely as deliberately planned sins (though by a different route), to failure, unhappiness, and loss, for weakens can’t persist in a power-evolving universe.

What my mind understands is that our universe has lead by one energy a very high powerful energy. How a man can say easy or pity worries and or troubles exist as long as we are not inside that man which is the impossible. So in the first place for me there is no pity worries or troubles it is depending on the man who feel his feeling so each feeling give a man happiness or madness so he must use prey if he can’t avoid such feelings, by the rule of creatures no man is born without a purpose but this fears or troubles may stacked the man’s mind to not to know his central purpose so there is no easy prey as long as the man who feel such feelings are disturbing him. His prey is not easy for his own life. So preying to know his central purpose to that powerful energy can’t be a Cause for failure. In addition the idea is very difficult to define in a practicable way because it negates If I do not know my central purpose I may feel worries, fears and if I face worry and fear I must prey to avoid this, then after my worry and fears get healed I start to think my central purpose and ask in prayer and as a questioning format for myself and for that powerful energy who leads the universe about what is my purpose?. No easy prey for me.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful? 

No the book didn’t contain any exercises that fulfilled by the reader.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, pleas comment. 

I think it covers the book well as long as the questions are open.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                             10
How helpful were the contents?                            8
C. How easy was it to understand?                            7
D. Would you recommend it to others?                     10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?        8.75

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book? 

For a long time leadership theoretician are in debate of two ideas that is, weather leadership is born or in learn. And I believe in these two ideas in the following way. If leaders are get their leadership skill in born their ability will be focused in some social circumstances, for example their skill reflect in some social activities such as coordinating parties, involving in some volunteer activities such as Red Cross or in some clubs like feeding homeless and the like. They are very nice in coordinating leading such activities.  Secondly if leaders who get a leadership skill through learning their matter focuses on how to lead the teams in their working environment, how to lead people in the organization, how to coordinate jobs with in the group.

The following is how I make a difference between these types of leaders from my working and some social life experience as I face both of them. Leaders who get their skill in born exercise their skill in “just accept and listen only me” manner which leads them “am always right” principle even if they have the ability to coordinate and involve first on the job. In addition they did not updating in the existing social structure because nature give them a gift people listen them and accept what they did say in such away they pressing some peoples unfortunately or unintentionally. The second one is people who learn leadership in a learning system such type of leaders face some problems for example through a learning process they focus how to higher up them self’s, they use the half since of leadership, I mean the half because they wont to lead other before they change their inner old thinking.

For that matter I concluded the following, if in born leaders are going through the ongoing updating of their skill in a scientific and if they don’t mitigate themselves based on the current and the coming social structure they cannot be a leader. And if leaders who develop leadership by learning before the try to apply the since within the others they must practice on their day to day activity and they must compare the change from their past thinking to the present they can’t put in a positive skill.

Finally a good leader is a leader who learn in a daily base, who update him/herself in new thinking, who share his/her own change with others so weather or not a leader is in born or in learn he must go through all time learning.

The author tries to asses a lot of thing that how peoples going to be change and shines. His main objective in my view his main idea is to show through a searching of new thing at first people may not accept and ma hesitate  us but if there is a dream with in us we must go and get it and never stopping dreaming another dream after a dream.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Thinking out of the box.

As I read Jonathan Seagull isstarting thinking how to fly above and above, which means he start thinking impossible to possible and start practice that his group never did it before. This gives me to think out of the box that my old circumstances.

ii. May get demotion from my new way.

Because my social group never think in such away, it might be hard to get acceptance easily as long as the thing is new and never done before. And there might be a feeling of hopeless and back to the norm.

iii. Never give up

Even if the group accept me as wrong action if I believe on that change I must not give up, even if the group excluded me I must show that I can, that there is something which the norm never seen before. And I must go back to practice flying high.

iv. Get learning from the one above me in the same practice.

When I start my new journey I may get someone who is above me, someone who can give me a lecture how to fly above and above. And I must accept the way I lectured and I must be within the learning that I captured it.

v. Never pausing in a single achievement.

I may achieve my first dream but achieving that dream doesn’t mean pausing rather it needs to dream another big one another that I haven’t think before because I already seen what I dream so I must dream the next one.

vi. Lecturing to others what I have already seen.

I may achieve most of the things that I want in life but unless and otherwise it transferred to another new person it may be hide success is measured when others are benefited from me, so I must start thin about others and must lecture what I have achieved and enabling them to move more than me not limiting with in my circumstance I must show them how they going to be better than me.

vii. Giving or forwarding my leadership to the new one.

After all I achieve my all dream am thinking the new thing from the old group and I get a lot who get my lecture and do things in smart way than me, there might be the one who fly more than I fly so I must give my place and he must start to lead the new ones. Then I must search someone who still fly the lowest and enable to practice the new fly zone.

3. How will this ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?  

Personally I am trying to think something new and different from my organization and social thinking. There are some points explained inside the book. For example “The speed was power, and the speed was, joy and the speed was pure beauty” quoted from the book, this gives me one point that I must remind unless and otherwise I start in practice what I have think what I have say new will be old so it needs speed to practice things that run in my mind. Congratulating me must stay for a few periods unless I may start to boost myself and I may forward my new thing to old. I always fascinating myself to be like somebody but this will be a challenge to not to be my own self so I must give freedom for myself like thinking extremely but attaching with the existing one and by reflecting my true self and my true dream.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, pleas quote them and comment as to why they were important to you. 

“What you did manage to do was to change your level of consciousness rather abruptly. It is your choice now. You can stay and learn on this level, poor Fletch. Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you will see the way to fly and to fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is. You must begin by knowing that you have already arrived.”

The above are quotes that I admire of for myself the first one is how manage my level of consciousness to think as far I can and next to this my eyes will tell me look somebody is trying that and he/she fall from that, but rather to think about how that person falls it better thing and ask am I on my understanding or am going through the practice track of others? So my understanding is better than my eye that look the fall outs. Next to this the last quote tell me after I understand my way I must think like I already arrived which helps me to plan to reach on my target. 

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why? 

I understand what the book wants to say and it is clear.

The first one that I disagree is that, why the lecturer hate the idea when Jonathan Livingston wants to back to its groups. I think if he going to back to his group he may give how he was changing his life and may inspire the new born daughters of that group even if it’s hard to make them in his way to the old ones he may attract the newly born and I refuse his lecturer Chiang.

The second one that I disagree is, again Chiang say to Jonathan the following, “Forget about faith, you didn’t need faith to fly, you need to understand flying. This is just the same.” In my belief even if a person understands the thing unless he do not have a faith to do his understanding, it may makes things to fall because his understanding is not in faith. Because it is his faith that leads him towards understanding. And again even if Jonathan understand flying his eyes tell him that other bird falls, so before understanding the circumstances first he put a strong faith on what he will be understanding.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful? 

No the book didn’t contain any exercises that fulfilled by the reader.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, pleas comment. 

I think it covers the book well as long as the questions are open.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                             10
B. How helpful were the contents?                            8
C. How easy was it to understand?                            10
D. Would you recommend it to others?                     8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?        9

Keys to Success
Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author’s main idea is how a person can made his own life in the better way if he secure stability both in personal life and in financial way. And he tries to mention basic applicable principles which lead us in that point with. And he rather focuses on action oriented principles than theories.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.


i. Use Applied Faith

What is mentioned in the book describes one of my failures in my life in the best way. The first thing I have failed many times to recognize the external world with the internal one so when a failed to do something I conclude that the external world is not good for me so understanding infinite intelligence helps me to do jobs by making a magnetic power that create bond with the internal and external world and next overcoming disbelief and creating the “I Can” mentality then avoiding all types of fears which makes me to not to do that thing and havening hop inside my vision with the demonstration of my faith. It gives me a great sense how to attract faith to my life.

ii. Go the extra mile

Wow how it is beautiful to do something in such away, how beautiful it is to do the job we paid by thinking the maximum service that I contribute for. It gives me a great lesson for example it is not the highly salary scale that help me to gate attention from others rather it is my job who makes things in that way. Even when a man starts to go to the extra mile he can create opportunity, favorable contrast and much more and it is reality that I saw in some organizations in practice so it is a life time principle. 

iii. Learn from adversity and defeat

When a person works he may face some adverse and some defeat but it must give us strength to do in the better way if we do not focus on the filers so it is better to change in a better favorable action by learning from that experience and that is what we call it experience both in life and in employment. The more we failed the more we produce a solvency mechanism for all problems.

iv. Enforce self-discipline

For me discipline is the one and necessary thing to approach everything when I say discipline both self and professional because it is our multi disciplines which are looking by the external persons before our job so havening discipline does me owning the time of others towards us.

v. Control your attention

 In life unless we give attention for the thing we have working it leads us in the wrong way for example driving after drinking alcohol leads us for traffic accident because it takes our controlling ability so having control of our attention does mean like that.

vi. Build a positive mental attitude

 A person havening positive attitude can do everything for me everything is like a magnetic signal is we thing something negative it attract something bad if we thing things in a positive way it attract something good even it has a power to bend bad moods to the better one.

vii. Cultivate creative vision

In all circumstances we must build a creative circumstances once a person has a creative vision he knows in what way he must move because his/her vision leads in our we vision unless every road has its own destination a person who move without a vision move in the road he didn’t recognize may not know the destination because each line has its own destination point so build such thing gives a great sense for life.

3. How will this ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have one experience when I read such books that is practicing at least one sub topic before I finish the book and recognizing the changing power of the book. From this the book has a lot that we must practice as I explain in the introductory part of this assessment in my daily life I got one thing in practice but I left a lot to do so. It has a great impact to create a better world if I put a at least half of the principles. Because the book talks about on the general principles of “Yes I can” and “Think things in a positive way” to own to obtain sustainable personal and financial life so if one can sustain on these point I believe that if I do such things a better world can create in easy way if any one understands in such away.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, pleas quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

One thing touches me my heart; it is this joke from the book:

“One preacher was standing on the roof of his church in a flood. As the water rose higher around him, he prayed fervently for God to rescue him. The Lord will provide, he told himself. Soon a boat floated by. The occupants called to the preacher to swim to them. Don’t wary about me”, the preacher called back. The lord will provide. Reluctantly the people on the boat went on. After he turns some to back just as the water reached the preacher’s chin, a third boat appeared. It come so close that the preacher could have jumped right in. But the terrified man clutched his steeple and cried, Save someone else. The Lord will provide for me. And the boat went on. After all the preacher said Heavenly father, my work on earth was not yet finished. Why didn’t you save me? Good grief came the reply. I thought you wanted to come here. I sent you three boats, didn’t I?

It has a lesson which give me unless we are looking the opportunity in our hand and use it is impossible to expect the unseen.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?


 6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes it contained exercises and they are helpful and now I am practicing them.

 7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

It was in a great time when I read and finish this book I make one decision all seventeen principles are rely they are very fruitful and they can apply any time in anywhere. But when I read this topic “go the extra mile;” it gave me some signal to do something. Not all the paragraphs but the three lines of the first paragraph give me one big idea which far from me for a long time the sentence said that: “Render more and better service that you are paid for, and sooner or later you will receive compound interest from your investment.” What a great word that it is for me. I was working in the National Audit Office of Ethiopia I was very egger to do something nice for my country in the first two and half years but after some years I start to ask myself, my salary is very small why I do this much? And I changed my office to the commodity exchange it is a nice environment and I got a better salary than the previous one but after time when I start to recognize that my salary has not that much different than the previous one and I fall in dilemma to change or stay, changing my job is not good that much because I even do not stay one year.

When I read this Napoleon Hill’s book immediately I propose one job in my office. There is one place that need some controlling work but because of its desertification (up to 45 degree cent grad), the branch is in the border of three country’s (Ethiopia, Sudan and Eritrea) and there is some instability no one is traveling to that place and in my mind one thing comes first, why don’t I do this job for the exchange? I told this idea for the department and my boss accept in a very good approach after five days I move to that branch I start to do the job.

Now in my mind one thing is coming what I am doing is contributing a great thing to my office and I can save my company and my country from some extra cost and I am doing this even when I write this assessment. I was surprised from the result of the job and all my mind is thinking that, I am taking a high risk for my life to save the company and forgetting all negative approaches and I focus on my job fully and I am sure I make a great controlling report to my department and my working efficiency/performance backs to better place. Rely what I have got is a lot with in this very short time from these books. But my advice for me and for others is a onetime reading may lead me in positive emotional actions so to continue this actions by a detail understanding and with deepest attitude it is necessary to read a book many times and use as a reference when we move down in a different bad situations.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                             10
How helpful were the contents?                            10
How easy was it to understand?                            10
Would you recommend it to others?                     10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?        10


Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main and concrete idea that I gather from the book is the first one, the difference between clinical psychology and experimental psychology rely I was confusing in many clinical psychology methodology I was trying to experience it but what I feel is its hardship to use in practice to the reverse experimental psychology is the easiest way told and all the topics of the book presents in practical way so the author was trying to define how to experience in practice such core points rather than defining its meaning and explains how did we build our self-image in a very smart way and he try to reflect in detail through each topic.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Self-image

To tell you frankly I have an experience that I use in dressing, for example before Monday which means in Sunday I think about what I will wear for Monday and I prepare my dress and I saw them in front of my bead and I feel how I appear in the office and feel good. When Monday comes I wear those close and I told to my mind that I am in well self-image when I move to taxi stations I feel that people are looking me and proud me, in my office I saw when everybody greeting me in gentle way and I contact with a lot of girls with a funny mood. In the other Monday I wear the same dress before I thing on Sunday just in the morning I dressed them in simple self-looking and the signal of my mind didn’t receive any good self-image thought from me after all when I move to taxi station I ashamed of when people looking me I feel what bad things that saw on me, in the office I don’t give any greatening even I do not want to share a building lift I never contact any girl but I use the same deodorant and the same dressing style. And the reason behind this is if make our self-image in a positive though we appear in a very smarter way even in short trouser.

ii. You can acquire the habit of Happiness

The first thing in life is happiness unless I am feeling happy I don’t remind weather I use Dior perfume or Italian suite it is not the thing we use which make me happy rather it is my mind circumstance which make me happy if I feel happy why for I use a very ordinary deodorant, If am happy I feel it like Dior.

iii. How to unlock the real personality

My principle in this book is if I show my real thing to the people delivers me the real if I show my artificially created personality the never get me again when they know me.

 iv. The failure mechanism

It is better to use our failure in the favor of success rather than focusing on the past failure.

v. How to get a wining feeling

Unless a man feels like he wins he never succeed because wining feeling show us the risk and there is a risk appetite level the looser feeling tell us nothing and we never practice anything so always when we think of something we must feel a wining feeling unless that feeling feels us a feeling of wining never start it this is my view because what we think is what our mind did not believe so first let your conscious mind believe that thing and then we win.

vi. How to utilize the power of rational thinking

Using rational thinking in every situation gives me a to use my conscious mind in depth the more I am thinning in rational way I do things in the nearest way for perfection so it has a great value.

vii. Don’t be too careful

I believe that the most I am in a careful way the more I made mistakes because what will happen is the way I think when I make too much cares I remind my mistakes in the other side of my mind indirectly I am thinking mistakes so when I am thinking mistakes there opportunity to happen increases so rather to think too care it is belter to use in our success mechanism and we must believe that our mistakes are a learning school to the next one.

3. How will this ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I think I mention what did happen with in this very short period of time in the introductory part of this assessment the story how I succeed to be the agent of a farm medicine this happen with a single call after I read the topic “You Built-in Guidance System” and The “Success Instinct” so I use each topic in every day like I use with great emotion that day I always practice things like that. You see a better world happens when people gets better so I try to forward the ideas of the book with my friends and within the conference how to use the ideas of the book. And if I am getting in the business I may contribute some good results for the farmer in a win-win way. Even if the business does not succeed I use the principles in a practical way.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, pleas quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Imagination rules the world.”

I understand this thing from scientific fiction movies what they imagined is built in reality so what we imagine is made us in reality.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes it contain exercises and they are helpful by now I was in practicing them

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I was reading, The Secret many times even when I am getting depressed I go through the book and to the video and I would feel inspired again. A book is not something we read once and set on the shelf rather it is something we read it again and again when we do in such away we start to make relations one with another. I was always amazed when I read such books I realized something better in life because we made in that way, on what the book say. Let me tell you one amazing story of mine with in such short period of time based one crucial topic of Psycho-Cybernetics. The sub topic was the following ”Your Built-in Guidance System” and The Success “Instinct” and I was amazed by the story of the bird and the human being I understand that all species has its own guidance system the only difference between them is for human being the goal to live means a lot not only survival. For long time I was living just for survival because I am ordinary government employee and I always think that because my salary is not enough the way I live must be just for survival but some times when I come to my mind up to when I live in such away and I lost answer for this question but after I finish this book I was amazed because I got answer for my question which stay long time with in mind immediately I recognize that I was living like a bird and for me “to live means” just to survive and my goal does mean nothing as long as I build my guidance system in the survival way, because I build my life in simple depressed was. Immediately I called to somebody who make a farm medicine and get a patent from Korea and I ask him can I be your agent to distribute the medicine in my region with some commission? He answered me in a very positive way and I contacted some pharmacy owners and some unions the welcomed the farm medicine now I am already in a business starting line and I understand that if I make my guidance system in a winning mental state, to live means a lot in life and I clearly set and start in a well-defined way my guidance system and my I arrange my success instinct in a positive and winner state. The other topic that made me amused is how stress can block the way we must think I was blocked because of the stress I build. Finally I believe that success is not a single time activity it continue until the end of our life even there is a success between in the time of life and death because if we ask apology in a critical death time for the one who disappointed in us our soul move to heaven so always there is a success and I believe this thing will continue in my life.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                             8
How helpful were the contents?                            10
How easy was it to understand?                            10
Would you recommend it to others?                     8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?       10

The New Dynamics of Winning

Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book? 

The main idea is to tell how to be passionate for the thing we believe in. It tells through example first to know the dream with in us and how to die for that dream. If a person is passionate how it can win with this, it tells us how we made ourself in the greatest achievement. And what I gather mainly is how to know my dream that flourish me in the way I want to be.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.

i. Nobody else is going to take you fishing.

In most of the time my mind is looking somebody who took me fishing and I think the reverse that I may take any one for fishing. But I found it is wrong because unless I initiate myself and take myself for fishing I may found myself in the place that I sand yesterday because at list I must ask somebody for fishing. Because the one who is responsible for my self is myself.

ii. It begins with a dream.

Unless a man owns his own dream he can’t move a single walk so before anything having a dream is nice and I understand the first step for any achievement is having a dream.

iii. Family business

I already try to mention this point how important it is in my comments section — it is the most wonderful idea.

iv. Letting your mind relax your body

Unless I feel relax in body I may get tired for everything even for thinking well so the point of relaxation is in mind I learn what things makes me relax and what my mind wants to relax my body.


v. The three types of self-talk.

It helps me how to get time for myself and how to talk with myself about situations and I understand that giving time for myself can enable me how I pass my time and how I think forward to the next, so indirectly spending time with myself does mean standing alone in privet court and judging my things.

vi.Expect the unexpected.

It gives me an idea when I plan to achieve my dream it is better to focused on the unexpected result because it enables me to straggle hard. It shows me like this, the price I pay for diamond owns a diamond so standing for gold and doing for diamond helps me at list to get the gold which can be a footing step for diamond it is based on the price I pay.

vii. The three components of leadership.

The idea within this point reflects how to be a good leader and they help me in my current work experience through developing them.


3. How will this ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?  

They are practicable they have powerful reflections they help me in such away, the book contains the history of legends so their life skill motivates me a lot. In addition to this the book tells me to be the action man because all the legends mentioned in the book have not only dreams but they also possess action. In creating the better world it tells me one thing dreaming the best and doing in action will lead me in a legend so when I achieve my dream the world gets one person in addition and my achievement will be an example for others so through time people around me start paying the price for what they dream and a losers thinking may minimize and the collection of this can build a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, pleas quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“When it starts to heart, you start to win.”

What a wonderful quote because unless anything is starting it can’t achieved through dreaming only it tells me my faller in doing that it energizes me that I must start the things that run in my mind.

“Bend with the wind, and you will still be around when the hurricane passes and the good weather returns.”

Another beautiful quote in English there is also a local quote in my country which is the same with this. I understand that I must bend when bad time comes rather than stop dreaming when it’s a great word for me which much with my current situations.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why? 

Nothing everything is very clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful? 

Yes it contain exercises and they are helpful, by now I am in practicing them and they are too wonderful and easy going in practicing for self-change.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment. 

The thing which run in my mind in the past

I was graduating before six years since I become an employee of different company I was looking different leadership systems and applications and one thing is run in my mind and informally I ask myself “Why a business owners, CEO’s and senior managements look forward like a business family with the employee?” And I become upset did I wrong or not, the reason behind this is in all the companies that I enjoy involve in the same practice and it leads me to say oh if it is the same practice and the I say my point is wrong because different people in different organization leads people by the same practice so I say it is just because I am Junior that I feel like a family with in the business.

But by Denis Waitley, The New Dynamics of Winning I found that I am right and I feel like I move one step than the senior leaders/managements that I joined. I assure that I am in the right thinking and it makes me to feel more about this idea in leadership. I was working in five different organizations in the past six year even if for four year I stay in one of them, I made a very good friends and always I say for them let’s think our organizations like our home that connects you my friends and me I say for them our company is our home because we enjoyed lunch together, we enjoy our tea break together, we discuss the same vision about our organization so let’s feel like family. But my friends answer me, “wow man why don’t you leave talking about our organizations because our organization does not care about us.” They say, “the higher merits are for the senior managers, they saw us like ordinary, our organization don’t care about our existence it cares about the job only so how can we feel like our home?” I have no answer for their question. But one upon a time when I leave my organization they prepared one fair wail during that time one of the senior gust was invited he is a VFM monitoring director, during his speech he said that, “I lose one of my wise sons, when I stay for twenty years I never saw any one who work like a family, he is the only one who say me good morning in each day and he is the only one who say good evening when he leave the office to assure you I was working like a family with Tiny Nure (my naked name)” and I was inspired by that movement.” Today at least I have a lot of good friends from that office who called at least once a week which makes me to feel like I leave my home. And Denis strengthens me to continue this behavior he showed me the other side of the benefit of doing family business.

The main lesson and my faller side in doing that

I think it is my faller when I interpret one point from Steven Covey’s best seller book “The Seven Habits of Highly effective people”. From this book I read about the four views how to get one thing these are, Win-lose, Lose-Win, Win-Win and Lose-Lose. From this point I give a great focus on Win-Win it is better if I include the full sentence that leads me to not to right wrongly by myself but I far from my home and the book is not with me but its general point say, chose only win-win and never been in a lose there is nothing we lose. But I used the idea that on how to get my gold without paying a price and I say paying means a loser way, the I start to dream to get the gold with no pay because I consider pay means lose. But I forget that before the gold there is a price that must be paid the price which do not reflect losing rather it is the price that replace by the gold. So the lesson that I got from Denis is how to pay the price by the very simple example of our childhood time practice of how to ride a bicycle. Wow I was fallen around twenty five times even I was injured a little around my knee but I never give up rather when am going capable of riding and taking my bicycle to the road I feel pride and that pride is still with in me when I remember after Denis’s sentence. So I am very sure that now I understand what does paying mean not losing because my knee is still with me. Institute of International Global Leadership (IIGL) gives much more and in the near feature I can be a man thinking in a very dynamic, motivated, inspired, wise leader in each of my life circumstance and I will be one cause in creating a better world because after I finish one book I am making different friends in physical and through social medias discussing about the book and told them to be part of IIGL, so if they are ready in a self- changing mental state the goal of IIGL will get achievement in a very short period of time. Because at least IIGL gets one person that is me. “If a man thinks in a better way a world becomes in a better way because a world does mean the people who live within not the dry and wet land.” It is my principle.    

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                             10
B. How helpful were the contents?                            10
C. How easy was it to understand?                            10
D. Would you recommend it to others?                     10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?       10

Giant Steps
Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main ideas that are involved in the book is to inspire and motivate the reader and lead them in to a practicable way to create successful life with some real or touchable principles.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Questions are the Answer

The world we living currently is made like today is the from the questions raised from those question makers like Aristotle or Socrates or questions like from Albert Einstein or Newton or from Abreham Lincoln or Nelson Mandela from Mother Theresa or Mhatabe Gandi. This all make the current world in questioning them self’s and they all find a better answer so being ready to question a better question does mean it is like finding a better answer.  

ii. Dreams of Destiny

I feel like any one can owe a dream of her/his destiny. Dreaming our destiny for me does mean acting like that dream happen to my life. Because there are a lot of dreams that happened in my life but forgetting and focusing on the dream that did not happen. For example when I was a high school student I was dreaming like the following “I graduate from high school and I believe I become a college student then I read some college level academic books before I go to college then after I go through college.” Nothing else that enforces us to live without dreaming our destiny if we know our destiny. And I believe it must continue like this.

iii. The vocabulary of success

The more my communication vocabulary gets negative the more I attract a negative circumstance. In addition to this for me using a positive vocabulary does mean like giving indirect gratitude for what I believe, so when I give gratitude things can happen in a good way. Even using a positive vocabulary can generate a generous and attractive relation with others even it may motives for those who are in negative circumstances which leads me to the creation of positive cause in to others.

iv. How to get what you rely want

From this part I found one essential point even if they all are I give priority for this one it says “Under the bright light of conscious scrutiny negative associations often lose their hold on you; awareness is the first step”. Yes if we look the black dots from a wide whit bored we lose our focus on what we must look. To know what I rely wont it is better to better to aware on what thing I must focused.

v. The keys to an expanded life

It is very attractive and there are more powerful word inside the book. It helps me in such away. Most of the time when I think of my goal in the expanded way I afraid of that and ask myself can I achieve it? And my conscious mind immediately says no without referring my sub conscious mind. But inside the book I found one big sentence and it says “your imagination is ten times more potent than your willpower.” So I start to practice in such away.
vi. Our personal compass

It is wonderful what I understand is the circumstances never limit us if we stand for what we value and decide to do that passionately. I remember Nelson Mandela from this point. All what I read Nelson Mandela’s “Long walk for Freedom.” Yes having a compass can have a power to touch what we decide to get.
vii. The ultimate gift

I found a sentence that have a power to look over my experiences this is “Whatever results we’re experiencing in our lives are the accumulation of a host of small decisions we’ve made as individuals, a family, a community, a society, and a species.” And I conclude that the decisions made from me may affect by these outer bodies but as long as I made any decision it may happen even if it takes time. So all daily routine experiences may hag me to the biggest one.
3. How will this ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The book includes a practical exercises these help me to practice the ideas in a daily life. It inspires me and motives me to be in a best circumstances. It tells me how to use my vocabulary during my speech, not afraid big questions as long as they have a big answer, how to focus on what I really want and much more. In the creation of a better world it has a power to be our self and to stack in search of each individuals destiny, so if one rely know what he/she wont with in the dream any one can be successful in life so if any one achieves a dream a world becomes fair for any one if the world becomes fair for any one we can say that a better world is created.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tide and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

I understand in such away, if we attached in the energy of love and involved in a very depth interaction of believing we can discover another hidden fire that explores as the ultimate achievement in life. So anybody can make another big fire that flourished in the next time and stay for the generation.

“If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”

It is a nice phrase everything what we have done is based up on our capability and everything we get is from the effort we exert.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in own when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.”

Yes from every day questions we can answer a little mystery; a collection of this little question and answer will forward us to the biggest one.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?

Nothing everything is very clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes it contained exercises and the all are very helpful and simple to do.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

This thing is very amazing. I think my life is going in the right path starting from I join IIGL how wonderful it is being with these books in everyday life all are rounding in a secret of happiness and positive looking with in this concrete idea they encircle in different issues. They are a real friend of mine at this time and I ask if miracles are happen with this small number of books at this level I imagine that what will happen in the next levels.

It is our focusing on what happened in our life what makes us in good truck or not. When I finish each book I owe one miracle. Let me tell you what did happen after I finished Giant Steps, it may motivate to some extent for my friend of IIGL. The following two miracles happen in the unexpected way. Here is the what happened.

For the past some years I was separated my deepest relations with my beloved family. Always when I want to plan to do something there is a chain that lags me from doing that. For example when I wont to go to a luxury club end enjoy the music one question comes in my mind, that is, why you don’t love your family and why don’t you help your father who live in a small pension fund. And then my happiness destroys from me and feels guilty and sometimes I prefer to spend time in my home alone and do nothing.

But when I read Giant Steps I found two topics the first one is “Dreams of Destiny” and the second “How you get what you really want.” I realize what makes me happy and what gives me pleasure in doing that. I plan if I do this my future in life will going with love and taking care of family. So the first thing I did is calling for family like for my father, elder sisters and to my small sister and brother. Start to make myself too much intimate with them and start to feel my family time when I was kid. And the next time I start to transfer some cash for my father based on the topic mentioned on page 15 “Guidelines for goal setting” and then I start to practice more. Now I am in a good relation with my family with in this very short period of time.

The second one which appear as a miracle towards my life is, the thing which takes me to the next level of life. For a long time I was single. But I love children’s and I spend time with them. But I can’t get my soul mate and I feel it always and ask why? I am a good player, I have enough income to live in a marriage I have good relations with girls but why it doesn’t happen for me? This is what I always ask myself. When I go through the Giant Steps I found one topic “Your Personal Compass” with in this topic on page 251 it says “once you have identified your values, you can delve further to uncover a hierarchy in to which they fit” and there are a list of emotional states and say rank them. The movement I finish ranking and I found love is in the highest rank then I am go back to page 24 and try to remind “the ultimate success formula.”

By the next day I was planning to talk the girl that I was looking before 3 months in one of from our office training since that training she was in my mind but I never talk to her. It is through her confident participation that I was first impressed by her. In my mind there is one plan that I was planned in the beginning of the new year 2014, so I ask one question, if I have such a plan I must be in a relation if I am not in a relation I must create it, if I get a girl that impress me to some extent and run in my mind above a month why would I ask her? Then after when I finish the book I start chatting with her after a three months from the training. In a miraculous way after a four day chatting conversation on social media I forward her a first day invitation to spend simple dinner together she accepts. And in my mind I draw one positive thought I say for myself “how she attracted by me,” By the next day we spend time for dinner talking about our personality and about some of our past time. And after a day we spend time together and continue like this two weeks are passed and we are in a good love mood as a couple and we each other feel happy.

And I conclude that, if we are in a positive taught and if we owe one dream we must start a single walk to that dream and the dream comes near to as, there is no dream which far from us if we starting. Cheers!

What I want to say about the IIGL program and about the book is the following. When we read their might be points which impressed us too much more so let’s practice that idea.  Let’s be through that thinking positively like it happened. Reading by itself doesn’t bring change it is the conversation to real life which brings change. When we read do not hesitate like saying it is a simple idea rather feel proud that you at list know that simple thing. I hope all who involved through IIGL will achieve a great success if we done and practice the principles in accordance with our real life.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read?                       10
B. How helpful were the contents?                       10
C. How easy was it to understand?                       10
D. Would you recommend it to others?               10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Real Magic

Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?


The main idea of this book in my belief is to show the best in our self-dream and to awake for those who sleep simply in dreaming. For this matter it tells us what does believing in our inner dream, but when believing exist we must know it that can exist in reality so it shows me how to believe in knowing of happening.


2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.


The seven ideas I found most important are:


i. Spiritual versus non-spiritual thing


Yes a none spiritual thing is focus only on our five senses but not the none. This idea strengthens my spiritual beliefs. For the past some years I was attesting myself in being a spiritual and in none spiritual thing. Always my life gets miserable when I am going without a sprit. This idea in the book strengths my debate with myself. Finally when I am in a spiritual thing I have a power to believe in the happening of miracles feels like surrounding in people and feels confident for that matter it strengthen my idea.


ii. Real magic and your personal identity.


So many times in life I was thinking that my personal identity is a result of my family gin, character and tradition, that my personal identity is a result of the social activity and I told for myself repeatedly that it is impossible to build my own identity. Even if this points have the possibility to create my personality from the book I understand that I can design my own identity that can influence even others and when I shape my identity it has the opportunity to create my own miracles. And I understand most of my past miracles are not traced from my identity rather it is the result of the outer identity that is why my miracle happening can much with mine. But Wayne indirectly tells me to own my own miracles I must be incorporated in my own identity.


iii. The magic and your relation:


I found one strong sentence with in this topic that is “all of the people in your life are simply thoughts in your mind.” This tells me more about relations with people which means if my thought is negative towards that person the expected result is un attracted and bad mood relation and the revers it true. So it gives me a lesson how can I made a trustful and worthy relation in my social life.


vi. Love is the central ingredient of a relationship at purpose


I found what a wonderful sentiments about love on page 141 this is “when you love someone because that person loves you in return, surely that is not love. To love is to have that extraordinary feeling of affection without asking anything in return.” During my past time before reading the real magic when somebody asking me why you love that person? My answer going like this, I love because he/she doing this and that, she/he respects me and blab la but when I recognizing why I separate from the one I love because their respect reduce we separate because my love has a dependent human being factor. So the book gives me a clue about loving without expecting anything from any one such love never goes die because it depends only the loving of human being with no precondition.


v. How to implement mind set


This gives me a lesson how I can set my mind in a concrete success focused mind. I can’t compare one another with in this steps but they have a power to give a lesson how I can practice in the creation of my miracle mind setting.


vi. Develop a trust in your intuitive inner voices.


What will happen in life is the voices we spoke with in our heart so if I cannot trust this voice it had no opportunity to happen because even me my self-did not belief the voice. So I got a lesson how I can create trusty voices in my heart.


vii. Ask nothing of anyone in terms of helping you to get better.


Expecting nothing from anyone but giving all love for every one can have the power to get indirect assistance that I never expect. This is what I learn from this idea.


3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how? 


In the first some pages the book tells us how we can be effective being in spiritual and none spiritual and it explains how wonderful it is in being spiritual. So if one had a positive effect in life it is better to practicing in our daily life. So when one is in a spiritual way we can start to gather the best positive results in life so I wonder for myself understanding this and practicing it. So for the creation of a better world it delivers the best when a human being become a spiritual way she/he starts to think for others and start to find the best of others so when a human being become in such away our world surround in Mach more positive results and our world becomes better for everyone.


4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.


The quotes I liked the best are:


“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that is your own self.”


I understand this quote in such away even if there are a plenty of corners of life in the universe that corner is owned by others so being in my own corner means being in my own belief.


“If thou can’t believe, all things are possible to him that believe.”


One of my greatest word from a bible for me believing in something does mean believing like my great full father of Jesus can do it in my behalf so it forwards one message that is believing in God believing in him does mean like having ultimate happiness.


“As our case is new, we must think and act anew.”


It tells me when ever there is a new thing in life I must act up on it. If the new thing is positive act up on it and receive the reward and if the new thing is bad act in avoiding of that bad thing and change in to a positive focus.


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?




6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


Yes it contained exercises and they are helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Each book delivers for us some different way of looking life because when the author writes the book he have a different way of life style, a different way of learning methodology, a different way of life experience with the objective of how to face our life in a positive and successive way.


What did I like from this book is it tells us every dimension towards in having something that what we are thinking in relation to having a spiritual belief and it signifies for me being in a spiritual habit does mean like having a positive result and it relates with  my culture and thoughts of having in a spiritual way.


And in addition to this spiritual thing it shows me how I can extract the miracles within myself and tell me that like I am a miracle for myself and within this miracle I can force to tend this miracles in happening of or turning of in reality. Miracles do not happen without creating a miracles self-identity. And I start to create a new way of self-identity that can reflect my miracle.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.


A. How interesting was it to read?                             7
B. How helpful were the contents?                            10
C. How easy was it to understand?                            10
D. Would you recommend it to others?                     9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?        8

Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Nurelegn Zelalem Mihrete (Ethiopia)


1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?


The main idea behind this book in my belief is that to give a lesson how one person can change his/her own world and how can it be a cause for the change of the world. And if also give me how one can focus on change and avoid thinking like there is a cause that keeps us being successful in different ways and how we get succeed in thinking through a motivated and in a wining mind by treating our problems in a try and try and try principle and to show change is come from a repeated falls and wining.


2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.


i. Clear the cobwebs from your thinking


“ When I am faced problems that involves misunderstanding with other persons, I must first start with myself.” This is what I got and understand in the deepest way. Everything is under the control of our mind and we can shape it all based on our thinking so nothing is bad only our thinking, we think good then good things happen we think bad things happen so clearing my thinking can lead me in a clear destination.


ii. If you do not have money use OPM


This is how I currently doing acquiring money by another money. I have one idea that ruing in my mind weather I am correct or not but I start to think ask why I am going to be wealthy by others money in fair way? So from this book I gather a lot of strategic way that how I get money the how I convert it to in my own wealth. I used in everyday life after this.


iii. You have got a problem? That is good.


It gives me a lesson how I treat manage then change my existing problems and how I get a lesson from my past and existing problems. What I understand is from the problem I find in life I get a lesson for the next time to not to repeat it if I solve it in a good way.


iv. Learn to see


It is a big lesson what did I understand from Georg is that even if we are blind we can see it the main thing is giving attention and a deep focus on what we see. And I get a lesson how I must see things to learn from that, all of us is looking something but most of the time we do not learn from what we see. Now I understand that when I look something I must not look just to look rather I must look to understand is from the sense of seeing the thing. There are a lot of things I learned from this history from the book and I found that a heart touches history with deep and simple understanding.


v. Hop is the magic ingredient in motivating yourself and others


Yes most of my life is encircled with hop because my existing life is my previous hop and I believe that my existing hop is my features real life. Hop gives me a great passion and motivation and I even used to advise people to have hop because hop makes me more happy if a single day is passed without hop I felt regret because I lost that day not only that day but I also imaging like I missed the following day. These books strengthen my internal ideas that run in my mind.


vi. Attract don’t repel wealth


Many times I was trying to do a business and I failed down  I raise idea then try and again failed even after I starting online class from IIGL I try to do two different business but felt, in moment my ideas towards business grows from one failed to another the main thing is to never give up on thinking more target full and strategic business ideas. I always attract wealth I try to use each opportunity the universe have for me one day I am going in that way because I start to walk one step and the next step will follow after a while. The idea in the book makes me more stronger and happy in what I have done now.


vii. Defeat may be a stepping stone or a stumbling block depending on whether your attitude is positive or negative.


It tells me to never give up, I try to attach the idea with one book I read from IIGL that is “Who lives within us all” by Jonathan Seagull and the history of that amazing bird. More over I took a lesson how to fly after I crashed from the peaks’ of the mountain and I am passionate to repeat that in more successive way.


3. How will this ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how? 




It gives me a lot of lessons that I practice it in everyday life and even it gives me lesson how I change my financial problems, my positive focused thinking and how I must treat the universe in my mind. It tells me how I can be a cause for positive effects, how I can owe happiness and how I can learn from failures and from success. It gives me a lesson how I can motivate myself and others in a positive way. The book tells me how I see things and get a continuous learning and much more in changing my life skill developments. So in the process of creating a better world mainly I used the ideas mentioned under the topic how to motivate others in a practical way because the happiness of changing others in the better way is more pleasurable than myself, but this does not mean that forgetting self-achievements or neglecting my targets.


4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, pleas quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.


“If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it. When you read a book, for example, you will recognize opportunities to help you get what you want.”


“If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it. When you read a book, for example, you will recognize opportunities to help you get what you want.”


Yes it gives me a lesson how I identify what I want in a clear and more visionary way and how I recognize the opportunities that surrounds me.


“A positive mental attitude and definiteness of purpose is the starting point towards all worthwhile achievement.”


I understand that how I must build a positive and purposeful mentality in the path of achieving my goals.


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?




6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


Yes it contains exercises and they are helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Currently what almost all we have lost is a positive attitude towards something. Having a positive attitude to anything has a power to create and define a destination. When one becomes in a positive attitude all life matters become very easy. We human beings are encircled in different bad environments but in a positive attitude we can change them in to a good intuition.


It is before some years that I was reading the book “Rich dad and poor dad” by Robert Kyosaki. After reading this book what did I have done is just going back through that book and try to remind some principles that I must remind. What a great mix is found from mixing this book and “Rich dad and poor dad” when I start to recognize I find out some strong finding what I must change. The following is the result that I found for my life change in financial matters.


We human beings wont a lot of thing we shaped our mind in different way, we wont to learn more and more, we wont to have a beautiful house, we want beautiful car, we wont to chill in a beautiful paradise like Bahamas, we wont to be influential person, we wont to build a lovely family and much more but the first thing is putting first things first unless we going in life illusions.


So after I read this book what did I do is what thing matters me more to do the next one? I ask myself and I find out how I change my financial matters. Even after I start IIGL I try different things but the fall. So I start to think another way to change my financial status. Then I start to strengthen my saving account in the better way without affecting my existing needs and wants. Then I go to my office saving and credit associations and start to save ¼ of my salary for my next big plan, then I say for myself the following “If a person can make a clear vision there is no way that protect to achieve it” because if we start we can accomplish.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.


A. How interesting was it to read?                               10
B. How helpful were the contents?                              10
C. How easy was it to understand?                              10
D. Would you recommend it to others?                      10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?        10