Mutiu Damilola Samuel (Dammy) – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Mutiu Damilola Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to covey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey to the readers in this book, is to let readers know how powerful mind his, and for people start developing good thought, and dream big.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation.

These are the seven ideas that are most important to me in this book. They are mostly important to me because they are essential in life of someone that want to succeed in life.

i. A man is literally to what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts:- According to what the writer quote in this book; “As a man thinketh so he is.” Man action is the reflection of his thought; so it is very easy to study human behaviour. To study human behaviour is one of what I’ve learnt in this book, the thought of a man will be his complete character. To know the thought of any man, just study his character, dressing, and what he usually talk about; this are his thought.

ii.The vision you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your hear-this you will build your life by; this you will become:- In this book I learnt that, the vision, dream, and goal smeone appreciate in his heart; it he will be build his life with and this he will be.

iii. He who would accomplish little need sacrifice little; he who would acheve much must sacrifice much. He who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly:- Here I discover that nothing go for nothing, one have to pay a price before he can achieve anything. The passage made it clear to me that sacrifice is very much important for some one to achieve is vision. Sacrifice may be in different way. To achieve your vision you must sacrifice; your vision will determine what you are going to sacrifice. For an example; a student will need to sacrifice his time, instead of him to be playing football and games; he may decided to be reading. Reading in the night is one of the sacrifice student should pay for him to pass and achieve accademic success. For Pastor who want more anointing from God, he need to keep vigil. Samething applicable to every one who want to do great thing; he or she must first know what to sacrifice, and sacrifice it.

iv. He who would conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure:- In sence that for doubt and fear are the tools used by failure. For someone to conquer failure he must first conquer doubt. Doubtful mind is the first tool used in some circumstances, and it use to come in form of question; will it prosper? Will it be successful? Will people accept it? Etc. When different questions comes to the mind; fear will follow. For such person to start with his vision will be difficult. Doubt brings fear, and both collaborate to creat fear. Learn how to conquer doubt and fear.

v. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be:- I learnt it in this book that vision should always be in someones mind, and someone should be meditating on it day and night. This vision should be a man thought; for it written that “as a man thiketh so he is.” Vision is very much important in the life of every individual. You must have vision before you can do great thing. I also learnt that I should always keep my vision in mind; because there are lot of opportunity flowing around, by knowing my vision I will be able to tap the opportunity, just as current.

vi. All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts:- Anything a man achieved in life is what he has plan to achieved; without determination one can’t achieve any good thing. Before one can determine he must have first pan it, and finalise it in his thought. I discovered some things in this book; I discover that where a man is today is the thought of few years ago. This made me to know that what we are are seeing now, is the thought of some hero; the electricity, car, television, phone, etc. All these are the thought of some people, which has made them to be great. This passage has made developed me; to think in such a way that the whole world can benefit from from me, and the forthcoming generation.

vii. The higher a man lift his thoughts, the greater will be his success, the more blessed and enduring will be his achievements:- The more a man lift his thought, greater he be. This passage made realise that no matter how successful a man may be; if he can still lift his thought he will be more successful. A man thought will determine may be he will be successful or not. What makes a man is his thought; the more he lift his the more he become successful.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and helping you to create a better world? If so how?

The idea derived in this book will help me to develop my thought, plan, vision, dream, and goal. Thses ideas will really help, and guid me in every area of my life. In areas which I’ve been limiting my self thought. This book has brought a solution to it all. my business also will benefit from these ideas; in every area which I have limited my business and my self there is solution now. Another area which these ideas has help is this; it has help me to think of what I can do that will not bring only money but popularity and other. I also developed not to limit my thought to local or national. I learnt how to develop ideas of what can be useful globally.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Thought in the mind hath made us”

Thought in the mind hath made us:- Where everybody is today is the thought of his few years ago. It is unfortunate that; the kind of life people are living, they are not satisfy with it. But because they has limit their thought that’s why their life remain stagnant.

“If a man’s mind hath evil thought, pain comes on him as the wheel ox behind”

If a man’s mind hath evil thought, pain comes on him as the wheel ox behind:- Pain is the reward for evil; if any man hath evil thought, evil will always be his portion.

“Body is the servant of the mind. It obey the operations of the mind”

Body is the servant of the mind. It obey the operations of the mind:- What mind process is what body carry – out. Is what I myself have experienced. There was a time when I was in secondary school, I need some certain amount of money but my daddy did not give me; I think of what to do. I decided to pretent as if I’m sick, for some minutes I was on bed waiting till he will come; before I know what is going on I discovered that I’m sick, and I fell sick. Truly body is the servant of the mind.

“Doubt and fear are the great enemy of knowledge”

Doubt and fear are the great enemy of knowledge:- Bible say says “my people perish because they lack knowledge.” With doubt and fear; there is nothing like knowledge. These are the two tools that failure make use of to make knowledge useless. These two tools of failure are the only thing that can easily track knowledge down. When you overcome doubt and fear you’ve overcome failure.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand, or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful.


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 – 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A How interesting was it to read? 8
B How helping were the content? 9
C How easy was it to understand 8
D Would you remmend it to others 9
E What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Mutiu Damilola Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book to my own view and understanding is to let the readers unlimited themmselves in thought, feelings, and action.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

These are the seven ideas that are most important to me in this book. They are most important to me because I discover if I’ve know this this things before, I won’t be where I am now.

i. Unlimited yourself:- This idea has made me discover that I has no limit, and nothing should by any means limit me because the spirit of limitation always come and stand as obstable on the way success, and progress. That’s why I should not limit yourself in doing grea things. Limitation might come in different ways, it might be by tribe, by resources, and by nature. I learn’t that I should see myself as one who is wonderfully, and completely made. I also learn’t that I should not let anything limit me, I should just belief that I can do it better than any man has done. The fact is just that this life has no end; since we are still alive there is chance for every one to do great thing. In my business there are so many ways that I’ve limited myself, and the business which is really affecting the business to remain stanant. In this book I’ve got solution to the problem which I and my business is facing. For an example; when I went out for marketing, I use ti limit myself in going to some area, and some people, simply beause of rejection. But I discover that I don’t use to embrace myself of those that accept me, I only think of those that reject me. In this book I discover that no one can limit me unless I limited myself.

ii. Don’t be ashame of your failure or rejection:- This is another lesson I learnt in this book, I learnt that I should not because of failur or rejection relax or limit myself. I learnt that my failure are my learning experience, and it should not be my end. There is a ardage which says “Ten times a righeous fall, ten times he rise again.” If someone experience any form of failure in any areea of his/her life, the person should not let it be the last down-fall. Student fail in school, not because he scor zero but he fail because he didn’t score enough that could make him pass. So failure comes not because you didn’t try, but you more work to do (put more effort).

iii. Do what you like to do and apply enthusiasm:- In this book, Jonathan love flying that’s he develop his flying speed. Samething applicable to you, that very thing you love doing in your heart is what you should start doing. Stat dreaming about it, plan for it, see yourself doing it. It will help you to achieve your dream. And I realise that if you are already into what you love doing, do it with enthusiasm because there are lot of benefit in it than your thought.

iv. You don’t need faith to fly, or succeed:- I discovered this in this book, and I realised that it is true that one have to study, and understant how to fly or succeed. To fly here may be refers to as so many thing, it might to pass, to succeed, to get married or to achieve your goal. To fly is a step-by-step process, is not a thing one can just start in a day. Firstly as a student, you need to attend class, you need to write your note, you need to read your note, and finally you need to write your tests and exam before you can pass. Can you see the processes a student have to pass through before he could achieve his dream. So also you too don’t need faith to fly, you need to learn and understand how to fly, and become a proffessional in your field.

v. Your purpose of living is to find perfection and show it forth:- Here I understand that there is a purpose for every one existence is to generate perfection. To me perfection here simply mean generate new and better idea to problems. In anything you are doing, just know that there is better in than to eat or to get money to liv. This is Jonathan discovered in this book. He discovered that there is another thing in flying than to eat, that’s why he desire pleasure in flying, and he achieve his dream. You too need this idea, you need to know that there is another thing in what you are doing better that than to get money or food.

vi. Convince youself and others that they are free to do great thing:- This is another thing every one should realise that they are free to do great thing. I learnt in this book that “the hardest thing in the world is to convince someone that he is free.” So for you to do one of the hardest thing in the world, try to convince other that they are free, they are not limited, they have the power, and they have the rosources. By doing this it will really help you to discover some thing and new idea, and this people will be doing great thing that you will even benefit from. And before you can convince others, your life must be a sample for them to follow. Let othet know that they has no limit, and they can be whatever they wish.

vii. You have freedom to be yourself, your trueself:- The freedom everyone is having is for you to be truself. One should not take his opportunity for granted because every one is free to succeed and to do great things. So the freedom you are is natural, just for you to do what you wish and to succeed.

3. How will these ideas or lesions help you in a practical way, both in your dialy personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, How?

The lessons I learnt in this book is going to help me in so many ways. Firstly it has built my mind, it has open eye to see hiden things. It has made to know that we I’m not created only to eat, and I’m not working only to eat or to get money. But it has made to know that there is another thing ahead, there is another benefit the work I’m doing if I can do it better, and if I can dream big.

In short it has develop my mind set, and mind is everything, there is a ardage which says “as I man thinketh so is he.” And thinking comes from mind, it has help me not to limit my thought to eating or to get money, but it has help me to think of things ahead.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Stop seeing yourself as trapped, inside a limited body, instead know that your true nature lived, as perfect as an unwritten number.”

This made me know that what anyone may be passing through should not make him limit himself from taking step. One may be facing difficulties but don’t because of what you are experiencing keep your back on the ground. Just know that some one has pass-through that very type of what you are experience, and there are two options to it; is either you endure and have testimonies or you fail and fail yourself. Don’t see yourself as a limited citizen that has no right in his town. you may be handicap, poor or weak in nature, just stop seeing yourself as trapped or limited body.

“Any number is a limit, and perfection has no limit.”

This statement really got my attention when I saw it, I diescover that no matter how many zero or long it may be, when it is written it is limited. So we should always work towards perfection because it has no limit. In this book I discovered that I should make perfection my goal.

“To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, you must begin by knowing that yo have already arrived.”

This made me to know that I need to see myself achieving by dreams

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 – 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helping were the content? 9
C. How easy was it to understand ? 8
D. Would you remmend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Mutiu Damilola Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in the book, is to let the readers know how powerful Positive Mental Attitude is. And for people not to underestimated the power of Positive Mental Attitude. In summary the author is trying to let the readers know that Positive Mental Attitude is compulsory in the life of any-body that want to succeed in life, because positive mind is powerful.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

* Do it now: This idea is important to me because is the self-starter. This idea motivates people to have a start. Project is easy to start with mouth, but this idea ‘Do it now’ gives physical start. In chapter eight, this idea is often refers to as: Self-Starter and Self Motivator. What I discover is that; before anyone can do any great thing in life; he must to start somewhere or some-how. Which simply mean someone must have a start.

The idea “Do it now” motivated people into action, to start doing what seems difficult to do to them in life. This idea motivates people to have a start in challenges, project, and assignment of their life. It also forces people to have a start of what they never now they can do in life, and it as made many people to find themselves where they never expect.
This idea has helped me a lot, to have a start of new things and to condemn the spirit of postponement. This idea worked with my conscience, it forced me into action. It always forced me to do the right thing at the right time, like: Pray now, wake-up now, and do it now.

* Have a Thinking Time: “Thinking time” is compulsory for those who which to be successful in their field, and in life. Everybody must have a thinking time at least once in a week, just to view things, and to clear the cobwebs from his thinking.

“Thinking Time” helps people to develop new idea, and it also help to find solution to problems. In this book “Success through a positive mental attitude” I discover that this idea should not be underestimated for any reason. No matter how busy or tired someone is; someone must have a thinking time.

To me, thinking time has done me a lot of favour. It has helped me to discover ideas, and it has helped me to set goals. To have a thinking time, you must first find a convenient time for your-self. Secondly you need to find a quiet place or environment for your thinking time. Thirdly you should go with jotter and pen, to right ideas down. These are the things i have discovered before having a thinking time. Have a thinking time or seat for ideas today.

* Ask yourself questions: In this book I discover that questions from someone himself with “Positive Mental Attitude” will help him to achieve his or her aim. In this book I understand how positive mental attitude (PMA) is. Asking yourself questions with positive mental attitude will helps you to set standard. It will also help to have dead-line. This very idea has done me a lot of favour since I read this book, and this passage. It has motivated me to work harder, and I’m seeing the reward.

Asking my-self questions with Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) has motivated into action. It encourages me to set standard. If there is any question I don’t understand, what I did is just that; I seek expert advice as it is writing in this book “Success through a positive mental attitude”.

* Thinking is not creative unless it followed with action: Wow! I love this sentence so much. Here I understand how powerful action is. It is possible to have good ideas; but if there is no action, I mean if the person did not act on it the ideas will just die useless. In passage I understand that it is possible to be positive mentally, without positive action.

Action is the most important thing after getting new idea. Action make dream, thought creative, is just like do it now. Thinking is necessary, but action is essential in after thought. Thinking without action is just wasting of time and energy. If you don’t the materials or resources to carry-out your action, you can use other people money (OPM) as it is used in this book. Here I learn how to act and use other people(s) money or resources if I don’t have.

* Learn how to add something more: In this passage I learn the power of something more, and what it made someone to become in this book. Students fail not because they score zero; but they didn’t score enough that could yield them success. In this book I learn not to relent in hard-working, and not to let my failure be my end or put my back on the ground.

In your field learn how to add something more; or in that area you have failed learn how to add something more. If anyone fails; he fails because there was something more that was needed to bring him success.

* Learn how to see with an open mind: I discover that to see with an open mind is a gradual process which you need tom learn. This book made it clear that; before anyone can see with an open mind, he must be Mentally Positive. To see with an open mind such person must first clear cobwebs from his thinking. Then having thinking time, I believe all these will help someone to see clearly with an open mind.

* Our attitude shapes our future & learns how to sow a good character: In thin book “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude” I discover so many things about life and character. This book makes me know the effect of character on life we live.

In this book there are many cases or example that was made mentioned. This book has
Help me to change my attitude and sow good characters for my future sake.

3. How will these ideas or lessons helps you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas I learn in this book will surely helps me in every areas of my life, and also in encouraging others through positive mental attitude. The ideas in this book have totally changed my thought and attitude. It has made me to learn how to encourage my-self in any situation, and to encourage others. It has made me to know how to user other people idea, money, and resources with positive mental attitude.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements in which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Sow an action and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny”

This makes me to know that destiny is been generated from someone’s action. This makes it clear that someone action is the most important thing one should caution, and protect most. now that when a good idea is derived, someone should act fast on it. Because action makes thought creative.

“Some things that seem to be adversities turn out to be opportunities in disguise”

This makes it clear that in every difficulty there is always an opportunity, only if the person can see with an open mind.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything in the book that you would like to comment on, which was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 – 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
(A) How interesting was it to read? 8
(B) How helpful were the contents? 10
(C) How easy was it to understand? 8
(D) Would you recommend it to others? 9
(E) What is the overall rating you would give it? 9.5



Keys to Success
Assessment by Mutui Damilola Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is to let the readers know the keys to success and how to use it for better lifestyle.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

i. Learning from defeat:
This idea is one of the most important ideas to me, simply because for a man to succeed or become great in life he must experience challenges which usually lead to defeat. This book explain it further, and makes it clear to me that defeat is not the end of our journey and is not an abomination; defeat should be a stepping stone to our success. This defeat may be in different form, it might be financially, marital, academically, physically challenged etc.

This idea really got my attention and makes it clear to me that in defeat I must learn at least a lesson from it, and these lessons learn from defeat will be part of my experience. It is also written in this book that our past failure makes success sweet; to me I see defeat as what makes someone to learn lesson for big/great challenges. Lastly I learn in this book that defeat strengthen one’s willpower by providing it with a challenge to greater effort.

ii. Your attitude toward defeat: In this book I learn how powerful our action or attitude toward defeat is. This is idea which people don’t reference; people behave any-how whenever defeat comes their way which shouldn’t be. The fact is that people never prepare for defeat, that’s why the misbehaved whenever defeat comes their way. In this book I learn that our attitude toward defeat should be positive and not negative. And that is why Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is
made compulsory to everybody. Positive attitude toward defeat makes it easier to learn from it, and know how to tackle it if it comes later in the future, this is the experience. This book “Napoleon Hill’s keys to success” makes it clear to me that to achieve any good thing in live; there is always a challenge which may lead to defeat but keep trying with Positive Mental Attitude you will be successful.

iii. Emotional control:
This is idea that makes know the power of emotion. This emotional control is what every-body should take serious, but many people don’t know how to control their emotion; that’s why they limit themselves. I also learn in this book that our feelings can lift us to greater achievement, at the same time if we do not control our emotion positively it can also hurl us down. That’s why we should learn how to control our emotion, and not to make what we are passing through or experiencing shows in our phase or use it to react.In this book I also learn that I should identify the feelings which motivate me, and I can easily use such feelings to motivate myself in order to control my emotion. This book explain it further and it tells me that I should have control over my feelings and not my feelings should have control over me; it explain how I can use positive mental attitude to control my emotion; and with this positive mental attitude I will be able to think before taking any action.

iv. Making use of time as a doer:
This idea really tells much about time and it power. Doer simply means someone that make proper use of time. It is written in this book that “your attitude toward life determines your attitude toward time”. This idea makes it clear to me that my time is my life; so how I spend my time will determine how my life will be. From experience I know that time is every-thing, and it
is also written in this book that what you do today will surely become story of in the future; that’s why we should learn how to plant today for our tomorrow, and for that coming generation. According to the law of harvest it says “what ever you plant, you will reap”. Whatever you use your time to do today you shall see the reward later in future. Making use of time as a doer simply mean; I must possess the qualities of doers in this book such as; going the extra mile to achieve my aim, by applying faith in my own success, by learning from mistakes and change my attitude positively toward defeat, by applying positive mental attitude, by
having definite major purpose etc.

v. Opportunity is every-where, but it is fleet of foot. Even if you have the vision to recognize it, without a fast decision on your part, it will be gone:
This idea is encouraging people not to give-up, there is opportunity every where and all what we need is ability to recognize it, and ability to take quick action. This ability to take good decision is one of the qualities of a doer; and for anyone to succeed in life he/she must be able to good decisions quickly. Another lesson I learn is that we should not see our environment or business as a barren one, why? Simply because there is opportunity every-where, only what you need is for you to have the vision to recognize opportunity in it and act fast.

vi. Stop thinking about your past losses; make up your mind that you are going
to benefit by your experience:
This is another idea that affects people most; many people concentrate on their past losses which will always bring them sorrow of mind. This idea explains it further and lets me realize that the past has past, so I should focus on now and future. What we need to do is just to make up our mind that we are going to benefit by our losses or defeat experiences.

vii. You will not succeed if you cannot convince other people to cooperate with you and if you do not live in accordance with strict standards: This idea is one of the most important lessons I learn in this book because I never think of it. This idea is very important for anyone that wants to be successful in life. No matter what you wish to become you will surely need the assistance of others; and for others to assist you they must first be convinced by you. In this I learn how to convince other to corporate with me to carry out my mission and to achieve my goals.

3. How these ideas or lessons will helps you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas will surely help me, it has even started helping me since the day I read it I’ve started putting it into action and I’m seeing the changes in my life. The reason why I’m sure that these ideas will help me the more in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better world is because it contain everything I need know in this my age. These ideas keeps striking my mind every-day and night, and it contain everything I need to know to achieve success in everything I laid my hand upon or any good thought I have in mind.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements in which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

To achieve success you must know what you want:
This statement really got my attention because; before I don’t really know what I want, I just know that I want success but don’t know the rout that will drive me to my success. The same thing happen to many people all they want is success; so the believe in lucky, and they don’t know what they want. But this book has helped me to develop a definite major purpose.

No one gets something from nothing:
Yes this idea to know that I must sacrifice something before I can get what I want. Example: For me to get material things from people I must get them what they want/need. This idea has helped me to know how to sacrifice something just to get what I want.

The only thing which you have complete right of control at all time is you positive mental attitude:
This idea tells me that that I have the right to take decisions of my own. This idea helped me to that that the only thing I have power to do is just to take my own decision.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything in the book that you would like to comment on, which was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 – 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



How to Win Friends and Influence People
Assessment by Mutiu Damilola Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is “how someone can easily attract people, becoming a leader and lead successfully without having misunderstanding with anyone”. Is about how someone can live in peace with people around him, and lead effectively as a good leader.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

A. Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain

This idea is very important to me because I discovered and learnt that these three terms: Criticism, condemns, and complains judge faster than judges and they kill someone’s potential, self esteem easily. As it is written in this book; “Criticism is dangerous because it wounds a person’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment”.
By this I’ve learnt that criticism, condemn, and complain are very bad habit; and as a leader, I must not do any of these three things to anyone for any reason.
This book explains it further to me that “only wrong doers do blame everybody except themselves.” This idea also made it clear to me that I don’t need to complain, criticize, nor condemn people for what they did; instead I should explain things to them better and let them realize how it should be done; even encourage that they have tried.

B. Remember People’s Names

This idea is very important to me because, I myself like those people who called me by name or names, and not people who always ask me my name; because it shows that am important to them that’s why they are able to remember my name/names.
This issue of calling people by name is one of the most valuable ideas I learnt in this book, because it makes those that are called by their name feel among and important. At the same time; it makes people respect the person who calls people by their name.

This idea will surely work for me as upcoming leader of today and tomorrow. This ideal will also work for director, manager of an organization to move their work forward; this will make the worker to feel important to their boss by calling them by their names which will make the workers to be effective in their field and promote the organization as a whole.

C. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to

This idea is very good and important to me because, there some people that seems hard to relate with and understand. This idea makes it clear to me that it’s easy to bring out the best out of someone who seems tough among our people, by giving them fine reputation to live up to. Like the example of the boy given in this book. I can use this idea to change the late comer in my class; by giving him/her the best student of the month or giving him/her responsibilities. Am sure this will surely work in any organization as well. This idea will also help me as a leader to relate with people around me, and to let them know that they are all good and wonderful people; by this i belief they will all behave well and wonderfully.

D. Use encouragement by making the fault seem easy to correct.

This idea is very important, simply because everyone needs encouragement. Encouragement helps to boost personal motivator. When someone does something wrong instead of condemning such person, I need to encourage such person with my words and actions; just to let him/her know that I have faith in him/her that he can do it better next time. The term “Encouragement” are really needed to be actively use by: Teachers, Parent, Boss, and individuals as well to people in high post.

E. Talk about your mistakes before criticizing the other person.

I so much love this idea because it is strange to me. This very idea made me realized two things. One: When someone with lower age, experience, or staff does something wrong; instead of criticizing him or her, I will just let him/her realized his/her mistakes and also tell the person that I made much more than that when I was like him/her. That’s Josephine example. While the second is, admitting one’s mistakes even when he haven’t corrected them. This can also help to convince somebody to change his/her behavior.

F. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.

This idea is very important to me personally as a leader. This idea lets me realized that instead of giving direct order I should ask questions that will made the person know what he/she should do. Giving direct order does not work every time because not everybody likes taking direct order.

G. How to spur people on to success (Use Praise).

This is one of the best ideas in this book. Everyone wants praises. Even our creator commanded us to praise Him, and also for Him to bless u more. From personal experience, when I was in junior secondary school one (JSS1) my daddy praised because of my first term result. He bought me new dresses due to my performance. The praise he praised me trigger me to read more in order to bring him better result the next term. Praise does a lot of good work in relationship with friends, family and business. Praise brings the best out of someone, while condemnation or complain kill others spirit.
It is good to praise every slightest improvement of people even at their failure still praise them, and let them realize that u trust in them for they will do better next time.

3. How will these ideas or lessons helps you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and lessons I’ve learnt in this book will help me personally, and it will help me to create a better tomorrow by applying them in my attitude, actions, and by teaching others. These ideas will definitely help me as a person and a leader to see people’s mistake as their individual differences, and to see things from others perspective.

The ideas I learned in this book will help me to become a good leader; leading without quarrel and it will help me to live in peace with everyone. The lessons I learnt in this book will sure help me in my day-to-day activities, such as it will help me improve in how I relate with people around me, also these ideas will help me never to criticize or condemn peoples idea even if they are not good enough; I will know how to reject such idea without misunderstanding. I am very sure that by making use of all these ideas it will help me create a better lifestyle and a better tomorrow.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements in which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

Yes, they are:

“If you want enemies, excel your friends, but if you want friends, let your friends excel you.”

“Instead of condemning people, let’s try to understand them. Let’s to figure out why they do what they do.”

“The ability to speak is a shortcut to distinction.”

“Give a dog a bad name and you may as well hand him. But give him a good name and see what happens.”

“He who treads softly goes far.”

“Thank your opponents sincerely for their interest. Anyone who takes the time to disagree with you is interested in the same you are. Think of them as people who really want to help you, and you may turn your opponents to friends.

“The royal road to a person’s heart is to talk about the things he or she treasures most.”

All these ideas are important to me because I’ve got to know to motivate and encourage others through them; and I’ve got to know how to make other live happily and relate with people around me easily.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything in the book that you would like to comment on, which was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Giant Steps

Assessment by Mutiu Damilola Samuel (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

What the author is trying to pass across in this book Giant Steps is all about making strong decisions, acting fast upon them and stick by them. It’s about taking new actions toward changes.

According to the question asked in this book which says: what good is inspiration if it’s not backed up by action? Which means it is easy to get inspired, but without taking steps or acting upon it, it is useless. Though the book touches every aspect of human life, such as “how I can have a happy home, successful relationship, how to relate with people, secret to success, health conscious etc.” But what the author is emphasizing on is about taking steps and acting toward positive changes.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

These are the seven ideas that are most important to me in this book because they are all strange to me.

i. You are the source of all your emotions. At any moment you can create or change them

This idea is very important to me because, it has a lot to do with human life. The reason why I said it has a lot to do with human life is because many people are controlled by their emotions and someone emotion will determine his/her actions in most cases; while our actions shape our destiny.

Since I read this idea in this book, I’ve been creating and changing my emotions and I’ve being the one in charge of my emotions. After I read this idea in this book, I remembered my past and how my emotions has broken me and made me to do things I later regretted. But now I have the secret on how to control my emotions and make them serve me.

As it is quoted in this book: we have every reason to make our self feel good; because we have power over my mind. This idea also explained it further, telling me how I can make my emotions serve me by turning what I use to call negative emotion to a call to an action; seeing negative emotions as action signal.

ii. New answers come from new questions:

I found this idea useful to me and very important because it’s an idea of hope and new beginning. As it is said in this book that “quality question create a quality life” the habit of asking quality question will definitely help the person to get quality facts. This idea make it clear to me that another means of getting new answer is by asking new and quality questions.

Since I read on this idea, I have started asking myself challenging questions related to those ones given as examples in this book. I found this idea so much important because of the impact I have seen in my life since I started asking myself questions and finding solutions to them. This idea has helped me a lot and it has helped to know that I have a lot of things to do. The habit of asking quality questions will help me to get new and quality answer/information.

iii. To get what you really want, you must discover what’s preventing you from taking action.

This is one of the ideas I valued most in this book because it has helped me to understand some fact on how to get what I really want. This idea is useful to me because it has helped to know that I must discover those things preventing me from taking action on my area of weakness and others areas. I also learnt that taking necessary actions will really help me get what I really want.

Since I read this passage in this book; I remember my old days, and I realized that those actions I refused to take then are affecting me today; and those little actions I took then, am benefitting it today. So I got it clear it this book that, I must first discover those thing preventing me from taking action or taking right actions. After I discover them I must take the necessary actions on them.

iv. If you keep focusing on what you fear, that’s exactly where you’ll end up

This idea is very important to me because, it is what I’ve experienced several times myself but still don’t realized it until I read it in this book. In this book it was well explained never to focus on what I don’t what or what I fear; because they are instrument of distraction. Another thing I learnt in this book is how to resist fear, have faith and to be focus. These three things will naturally take me in the direction I want. It’s always good to focus on positive things and not the negative ones.

v. Any limitations you have in your life are probably just the result of limited reference experiences

This idea is very important to me because it made me realized that I need more experience which will serve as references to find solution to my limitations. In this passage, I got to know that I need to learn others skills, see from others eyes/perspective, and put myself in others shoe. These will help me to have more experience and references.

I also learned that every limitation in doing some certain things or in one’s life is directly as limited references or experience.

Another secret I realized in this book is: “Limited experience create a limited life” There are many thing I related this to immediately I read it and I wish I’ve read this year ago; because there are some facts I realized in this book. Before I use to limited myself to my field, and whenever I have an opportunity to learn anything from another field; I used to feel reluctant that it’s not my field. But now I know that I can know everything in this lifetime even not to a professional level. As it is quoted “Limited experiences create a limited life”. For me to live unlimited life; I must have unlimited experiences.

vi. The secret unleashing your true power is setting goals that are exciting enough that they truly inspire your creativity and ignite your passion

This idea is very important to me apart from the fact that am reading nor seeing this idea for the first time. It taught me how to set goals that are exciting, and goals that I will actively pursue. Goals that I can do anything possible to achieve. I cherish this idea so much, because setting goals and achieving them is a very interesting aspect that propels happiness and bring joy within into man’s life. This is the idea that has to do with doing things I love doing, doing thing I have passion for, studying the course of my interest, doing the kind of job I love and have passion for etc.

vii. Any pattern of thinking, feeling or behavior that is consistently reinforced will become a habit

I found this idea helpful to me because it has helped me to take control of my thinking and feelings in order to behave properly regardless of what’s really happening. This idea made it clear to me that: old patterns must be replaced, not just eliminated. Bad patterns must be eliminated and replaced immediately. Consistently practicing the new habit or rehearsing a new behavior will help me to get use to my new habit. There is lot of ways this book taught me on how to change my old/ bad patterns to good ones. e.g by rewarding myself on the progress am making changing replacing my old habit.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas will surely help me, it has even started helping me since the day 1 (one) I started reading this book. I’ve started putting it into action and I’m seeing the changes in my life. The reason why I’m sure that these ideas will help me the more in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better world is because it contain almost everything I needed to know. These ideas have been my daily guide and I also I have arranged a youth gathering in my church sensitizing them, inspiring them with ideas and quoted ideas shared in this book in order to help my community and world at large.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements in which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“You are the source of all your emotion.”

“Change your evaluation and you’ll immediately change your life.”

“There is value in every human experience. You are not limited to your actual experience. Your imagination has unlimited references to support you.”

“Whatever you consistently think about and focus upon, you move toward.”

“What you get will not make you feel good, but learning how to change your state of mind in an instant will.”

“Remember, it’s not the only questions you ask, but the questions you fail to ask, that shape your destiny.”

“Thinking is nothing but process asking and answering questions etc.”

All these quotes got my attention and many more quoted in the book. These quotes are very important to me because I’ve got to know new ways of doing things, new ways of taking action, new ways of taking full control of my life regardless of any external forces.

All these quotes are important to me because they have helped me to reshape my life and how to take to take the right steps in order to be a good example and to lay a foundation which others can build on.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything in the book that you would like to comment on, which was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9.5
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9.5