Mathew Igwe – Profile


Name: Igwe O.MatthewIgwe.
Country: Nigeria
Birthday: May 16,1990
Education: Bsc
Occupation: Student

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

I believe and work in the principle of the rules of Nature. Just as Williams Churchill said: “There is nothing wrong with change if it is in the right direction.” I have these strong burning desire plus a definite plan to change my world through recognizing the greatness in me , Creating and carving out my own dreams, Utilizing my creativity , confronting and overcoming challenges in any field of my endeavor and serving my world in a great way as I discussed in my recent book titled “The Pursuit of Greatness.”

Whether we like it or not, our world would keep on changing, we will keep on witnessing Innovations and breakthroughs in all human endeavor. As a result of these natural phenomenon that is taking place across the globe, I have built my believe system and vision on Creativity, Intelligence, and Services to Humanity. People are really benefiting from me here in Nigeria. Like Napoleon Hill will say from the secret formula that his predecessors Dale Carnegie gave Him “Think and Grow Rich.” “What ever the mind can conceive, you can achieve.” I focused all my energy on what really matters to the world. In summary, I don’t give up on my dreams and vision in life because I have learn lessons from Thomas Edison When he said, “Many did not realize how close the were to success when the gave up life failure;”and it had really helped me.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

In today’s world, Corruption, injustice, poverty, social – religious crisis, Political instability, lack of trust in governance, security challenges, Miss management of Economic resources, Unemployment; redundancies in organizations and several other challenges confronting the existence of man across the globe is now a social reality which is witness by the social construct/ actors of the society. These problems / challenges have become social problems in the society. Every man in his own little way either because the problems or create the solutions to these problems. Since man is Nature and nurtured by what he give and take from the society, the problems and challenges confronting the existence of man are all created by him or his fellow within the ecosystem which he lives and dwells in.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

If the root cause of a problem is know the problem/ challenge is already half way solved. I believed that as a leader in any organization, There are two things which can never be revised: one is your spoken words and the time. The best thing to do is to admit that you are wrong and learn from the mistakes. The problems outline from the above can be solve if the followers seat to select there leaders carefully. Before selecting a leader to lead any organization, there is need to know the Leader’s long term, medium term and short term vision for the people. There is need to asked sensitive questions if the vision of the leader is in alignment with the vision of the people. Transparency and accountability matters a lot whether you are a leader or a follower, you either contribute to the causes of the problem or the solution to the problems. I can solve the problems outline from the above through my Creativity, intelligence and services to humanity.


My name is Igwe O Mathew I’m from Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area in Enugu state Nigeria. Presently, I ‘m in Lagos Nigeria. I’m from a Polygamous family. My father married three wives and had 19 Children. My mom is the first wife of my father she had seven children for my father of which I happened to be twin. The most tragic thing that happened to me as a child was that my father died in1992 when I ‘m very tender. I did not even know him let alone my mom’s last born.

He died as a poor man living the family with the hope of uncertainty and a state of dilemma. The problems that were created by my father by marring three wives and 19 children without money or any other inheritance made me to have a paradigm shift in terms of the way I see and feel things around me. These dimensional shifts lead me to go for a quest for knowledge because of the pains I’m passing through as a child.

My Educational background is very rough that I never wish any of my family members to go through the root because they may give up before reaching there goals if they are not well prepared for it. I drop out in primary school, secondary school and collages of Education many times. Glory be to God that I was not destroyed by the pains that I overcome and confront during those days.

I’ve always surrounded my self with positive minded people and do a lot of research and reading that was the secret that have kept me this far here on earth. I’m almost 24 years old and I’m grateful to God that I’m making impact to my world.

Presently, I’m a student of university of Lagos Nigeria I’m studying Economics and I’m also a motivational speaker with distinct Ideas, and a writer who like motivating the old and the young to know their status in life.

I’m a member of Global Readers and leaders Club (GLRC). An NGO aimed at promoting reading culture and good leadership skills among young people and adults. I’m a youth activist who has participated in several youth based projects across Nigeria. Like Global readers and leaders club, House of Quest, Mind movies, success power media, etc.

I’m a man that believed in the notion that man is indeed the architect of his own destiny and it is left for him to design his own destiny the way he want. I have the burning desire to change my world in a great way. I’ve the vision to impact my world through my voice print and foot print.

Through the power of my imaginative and creative faculty,, I have been able to create and carve out a niche for the world to be impacted through my book and other articles. I have a vision to cause a positive revolution to my world through the help of the books and other relevant materials that I will come across in my Life time. I’m a man that is proactive in the way I see, feel and reason things that is around me through my Inductive and deductive methods of reasoning.

I love to nurture my mind and brain with great thoughts that can wake up the creative genius in me. The people around me always discover, visualize, feel and experience the creative power in me.

I’m a man that had said in my public speeches that life failures will never over take me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.

My recent book is titled “The Pursuit of Greatness.” In this book, you will:
Recognize the greatness in you.
Create your own dream.
Utilize your creativity.
Confront and overcome your challenges.
And serve your world in a great way.

In this book, I also discuss and share the secret of great people. Every day, we talk about great people. We admire but fail to realize that we too can be great. For several years, I have studied great men and women from across the globe. These are the secret which I bring to light to the world in this book. Whether you are an athlete, entertainer, business owner or a corporate executive, there are simple steps on how to become great in your field of endeavor and I reveal them all.

Click Here to Read My Book Assessments

Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Giant Steps
The New Dynamics of Winning
Keys to Success
Real Magic
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
The Law of Attraction
Maximum Achievement
Leadership for Dummies
Nonviolent Communication