Marilyn Apio – Profile


Name: Marilyn Apio
Country: Uganda
Birthday: October 2, 1983
Education: Master’s Degree
Occupation: Accountant

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world, Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world, an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. What you have, what you are – your looks, your personality, your way of thinking – is unique. No one in the world is like you. So capitalize on it.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Problem: the unemployment crisis in Uganda, and ultimately sub-Saharan Africa and solution.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

According to World Bank research, 11 million young people will be entering the job market each year across sub-Saharan Africa, but a large percentage will face unemployment. In Uganda alone, a study by the British Council revealed that around 50% of fresh graduates will not find jobs, mainly due to these graduates lacking both the skills and experience required by companies and organizations. I realized this while trying to recruit young idle youth whom I find always handing around church to carry out research and capture the found data to work at Zoe Enterprises, a company I thought of so as to help researchers who are normally to busy to do the dirty and tiring side of research, but I noticed many of these youth lacked the practical experience required to solve real-life problems, so much as I wanted to help, I couldn’t recruit them to work, even temporarily, on projects because they didn’t really have the necessary skills. I and other two friends then thought: why not create a platform that leverages on users building knowledge and experience so they can get a job at the end of the day, so Zoe Enterprises was born, registered and launched at the beginning of 2014, It offers courses that combines skills development with practical experience, and then matches this to industry-related jobs. For example, if a user takes a web development course, at the end of it they have to build a web application as their project. Once completed, their projects are listed on the projects board and relevant employers are notified. Course instructors can be individuals or organizations looking to provide skills training courses on various topics. However, instructors are encouraged to offer at least one free course so the Zoe Enterprises team can evaluate them. Thereafter, they can charge users for their online courses, with Zoe Enterprises taking a 25% commission. The company also earns revenue by offering promoted listings for individuals who have completed a course and then want better visibility amongst companies looking to recruit their skills.


I am a warm, caring, loving & trustworthy person. I share a very special bond with all my friends & family. I love to keep secrets & all the people around me confide their problems to me. I like to help people to find solutions to their problems & also do a lot of social service at NGO’s as I have completed my masters in Social studies. My aim in life is to serve people without any expectation. I would also describe myself as someone who is honest, caring, intelligent, hardworking, and ambitious. I have a great sense of humor. I am an easy going person & don’t get easily disturbed by down’s in my life. I a spiritual person & have a good library of best spiritual books. I also enjoy travelling, watching movies, going out for dinner, and having great intellectual conversations!

My dream is to make it to heaven! I have had the privilege to travel to my neighboring countries and twice to Europe for short courses. “My favorite sci-fi film is the 1951 The Day the Earth Stood Still, a Christ allegory in which an alien named Klaatu (who takes the name Mr. Carpenter while visiting Earth) admonishes humans for threatening nuclear annihilation and insists that they will not be allowed to join the planetary community as long as they retain nuclear weapons.”

“Three books of my childhood probably had the greatest impact on my life. The Story of Doctor Dolittle’ (by Hugh Lofting) and ‘Tarzan of the Apes’ (by Edgar Rice Burroughs) inspired me to understand what animals were trying to tell us and instilled within me an equally strong determination to travel to Africa, live with animals, and write books about them. ‘The Miracle of Life’ was a large book my grandmother got for free by saving up coupons from cereal packets. It was by no means a book intended for children.”

I was able to get Leadership training from a south African institute called Sundoulos African Leaders’ and locally attended a short course at our National Leadership Institute Kyankwanzi. I successfully trained the community on Tax education Commended in a letter for a job well done in documentation of the account of one the top female leaders in my country.I am a volunteer in our training department where I Groom and nurture the trainees who join the organization by Reinforcing the organization values amongst the trainees, Attending to health, moral and social needs of the trainees and always at the training ground. I represent the management on site and report all urgent matters that may need attention.

I was honored on two occasions to lead my entire department to the Koba Forest Reserve where we performed a commendable job of planting 14,375 seedlings in over 20 hectares of forest land project which started in November 2010. In another project still on-going at my local community, I am helping in building connections, collaborate and leading change, as a facilitators, counselors, advocates, experts, analysts, mediators and influencers and I ensure that I work closely with the community to change attitudes, behaviors and ultimately make the change happen. With all the people I deal, I ensure that integrity is one of our core values, and it being a collective responsibility and I am proud of my contribution to lift high the integrity in my workplace and community.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success