Longe Opeyemi Dotun – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment Longe Opeyemi Dotun (Nigeria)

1. What ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

I now understand the fact that ideas rule the world and the owner of ideas is the ruler of the world. The idea of joining I.I.G.L. came as a thought. Everything I do on earth is a product of my thinking. This book has made me understand that I am the master of my thought, molder of character, the maker and shaper of condition, environment and destiny. I am who chooses what to think, I own my thoughts, others cannot see my thoughts, and they can only be seen by me.

Man is essentially and continuously searching for ways in increasing his standard of living. From my own perspective, the increase in the standard of living of man can only be derived by the concentration of thoughts on a skill. I possess the power to make myself whatever I want to be in life, since I now know I have the power, then I believe that one day I will create jobs for the unemployed. The harboring of God like thoughts produces awesome results. This is known to be true, because I have noticed this in my environment, whatever a man does consistently, be it good or bad will definitely yield results. Nigeria is a very corrupt nation, because the common person harbors thoughts that are negative. Since I have decided to obtain knowledge and alter my thoughts through the books I am being sent, I believe I will discover the hidden strengths in my mind.

Another idea that is important is that a man only begins to be a man when he ceases to whine and revile and commences to search for the hidden justice which regulates his life. This idea is important to me because I usually complain and accuse others such as my parents as the cause of my condition. I now understand that when I am determined and build up myself in strong and noble thoughts thereby turning problems into opportunities.

Little did I know that when I complain about my condition, solutions cease to come forth. I now become a victim of circumstance. Another thing I have noticed about bad thoughts is that when they come, the mind keeps it secretly and the body seeks to find another individual with that same mentality to relate that thought with.

I really desire to improve myself and improve my circumstances and by doing this, I am unconsciously making a name for myself. I have just concluded my academics in the university and I am about getting into the real world, and I have been exposed to the information which says those who have no central purpose in their life shall fall an easy prey to pretty worries, fears, troubles and self pitying. Whenever I think of what I want to be in future, I think of business and rendering quality services to people.

The man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking. I can exercise myself in right thinking by concentrating on good thoughts. Thank God, I can differentiate between good and evil. A man should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement looking neither left nor right. I interpret this pathway to be a business plan, identifying and concentrating my thoughts on my strengths knowing the weaknesses and evaluating them.

Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control. This is an attribute I need to obtain in the discovery of myself. I believe calmness breeds heavenly thoughts and it is an act of spirituality.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values?

Not what he wished and prays for does a man get, but what he justly earns. His wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with his thoughts and actions.

When I read this idea or concept I was surprised and at the same time I knew it was true. There are so many times I pray to God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding but I do not get results. I was astonished to see that prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonize with thoughts and actions.

Thoughts of fear, doubt and indecision crystallize into weak, unmanly and irresolute habits, which solidify into circumstances of failure, indigence and slavish dependence. I never thought I could sit down on a chair, pick a book and write about my thoughts and reflections. In fact, the ideas are beginning to sink into my brain because I am interpreting them and aligning them with my personal experiences.

All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts, relating this to my life, I can say that where I am today is a direct implication of what I thought about yesterday {past} academically, mentally, physically, spiritually. From the above idea I have began to take certain things in my life with a serious approach and consciously thinking and focusing on positive thoughts believing that whatever I aim at must be attained and accomplished.

He who would accomplish little sacrifices little, he who would accomplish achieve much must sacrifice much. He who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly. The little I have achieved in my life presently is a result of the little sacrifices I have made in the past. If I must see a change in my family, my environment, then I must make a sacrifice to be that change agent. I don’t think I have achieved much in life compared to what I read and hear about other business inclined individuals – Aliko Dangote, Mike Adenuga, Femi Otedola -business tycoons in my country.

Since I have began to read this books, I have always liked being alone, so as to be able to connect and get the message at a rapid pace, I have began to think critically and think of ideas I have been exposed to. I think I am still under construction.

The calm man having known how to govern himself, knows how to adapt to others, this I believe is positive and true. I could be outspoken but I have started training myself to be calm. I have noticed in a very short time that when you are calm nobody takes you for granted and you are highly respected by your peers. When u talk others will listen.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

The important ideas I have learnt from this book are numerous, in fact, I have read it repeatedly and whenever I do, I pick out something important that was not important when I read it before.

I have within me the transforming and regenerative agency by which I make myself what I want to be. I know I can be what I want to be only if I work hard at it, this idea has made me to know that I can develop myself and grow strong again. I can completely change my form or character in such a manner that it improves my mind and my well-being. This idea I believe so much in it and I remind myself about it repeatedly. In my life as a man, there is no element of chance because of the law of my being. I interpret this idea to mean that nothing happens to me by chance, whatever happens in my life is as a result of what I planned for, if I don’t plan at all then a result also occurs. The law of my being which is the law that states that for every cause there is a corresponding effect and vice versa.

Whatever your present environment may be, you either fall, remain or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. Only my thoughts can change my condition, thinking critically which will enable you know what to do, when to do, how to do. This reminds me of the other idea that says that circumstances don’t make the man, it only reveals himself to the man.

4. Has this challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how

I am very sure that before James Allen wrote this book he must have gone through the process of brainstorming, also observing, and critically analyzing the human mind. Even though thoughts are invisible, they are powerful and they make the human being. I am the maker of myself by virtue of the thoughts that I choose and encourage. So therefore, the right choice and true application of thought, a man ascends to the divine perfection. God created human beings but human beings are self-molded. I now know that I am responsible for my destiny. I am the maker of my destiny. I possess a creative power; with this power, I can accomplish anything as far as my thoughts are at work.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so why?

In chapter 2 James Allen defined suffering as the effect of wrong thought in some direction and he went further to say that suffering is to purify, to burn out all that is useless and impure. In my country {Nigeria}, people are suffering, this suffering is beyond their control, and they did not think of it, it just happened to them. There was an explosion in the city of Lagos during the last Christmas due to the exposure of petrol. Many families were pronounced dead. A man lost his children just because of that incident, that man definitely is experiencing suffering and I do not think this is an effect of wrong thought in some direction. No doubt, this man’s heart must be bitter, depressed and confused. Those that fall victims to natural disasters and survive are experiencing suffering because they are in pain. This is the only thing I disagreed with during the course of reading this book.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

Every sentence I read in this book has made sense apart from the above mentioned. This book has spurred me to develop myself and have the experience of self-control and personal transformation. One of the ideas or concept that I have found most helpful is that men are anxious to improve circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.

I have always wanted to improve my circumstances but I was always resisting change, I have begun to improve myself. The more I improve myself I will continuously encourage thoughts actions, desires that will harmonize with the end I want to see. I do not think I have found that idea that has been least helpful apart from the suffering aspect written above.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey?

Everything is a product of thought, thoughts form a man’s character. A man’s character forms his habit; everything that happens to man is deeply is deeply routed in thought. The idea this book is trying to convey in other words is self expanatory from the title of the book “As a man thinketh”. We human beings are a product of our thoughts, so what we think about will yield results, we should engage in good thoughts, loving and unselfish thoughts, and pure thoughts because we virtually become what we think. For as a man thinketh so is he, as he continues to think, so he will become.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B How helpful were the contents? 9
C How easy was it to understand? 9
D Would you recommend it to others? 9
E What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Longe Opeyemi Dotun (Nigeria)

1. What ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

The ideas that were most important to me in this book written by Richard Bach are
Not quantifiable but I will discuss it and explain the impact they have had in my life.

I want to mention the fact that I read this book with my whole mind thereby concentrating and picturing myself as if I was Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The idea that struck me most was the fact that Jonathan learnt how to fly, despite the fact that seagulls fly to eat only but he wanted flying to be a profession, during the period of learning how to fly. One thing that struck me was that Jonathan was a bird who wanted to learn. His attitude and character showed what he was made up of in the inside. He tried so many times but he failed and he still did not give up, I can remember when I was learning how to ride a bicycle, I started riding the bicycle with four tyres for kids which I found very easy to learn because you don’t control the balance, and it makes it convenient to ride. When I was bought the new regular bicycle that has two tyres, I found it very tasking and difficult to learn, I tried so many times but I could not maintain my balance on it, I suffered injuries during the process. After several failures I got to know how to control the balance, I got to know how to apply the breaks. The point I am trying to extract from here is that there was a drive and curiosity to learn how to fly, even when he failed the drive was not quenched instead the drive kept on increasing making him to believe he could achieve his stated goal.

The words we speak to ourselves are very powerful; they can either make us or break us. This is one of the most important things I have learnt. There was a time Jonathan was practicing and he failed, he said to his mind, “I am limited by my nature. My father was right. I must fly home to the flock and be content as I am, as a poor limited seagull”. According to me, these are words of negativity that should be eradicated from ones thinking, and ones mind. From my own perspective, this words extended the time in which Jonathan learnt how to fly. “You’re wasting your time with me, Jonathan! I am too dumb! I am too stupid~ I try and try, but I will never get”. These were the words if Fletcher, also an outcast who found himself in the heavenly places. He spoke these words because he felt he could not fly the way Jonathan wanted to make him fly. When he tried he fell backward, tumbled, slammed savagely, because of his failure he spoke those words. Most times when I experience failure in academics, I do not feel good, my mood changes and I am full of regrets and anger with myself because I am the one who is responsible for it. During this period of regrets, many negative words come into my mind for example I am dead, Am I this dull? I do not send anybody at least I tried my best etc. What I have noticed is that these words do not help the situation and in fact, they make ones thought very crooked and blurred. Once I accepted those words, I experienced peace of mind and it affected virtually everything I came across at that moment.

Another idea or concept in this book that is personally important is the fact that Jonathan was never afraid of failure, he did not want to fail and he did not fear it. When he climbed two thousand feet above the black sea and without a moment of failure and death, he fell into a vertical dive. This is a good approach to imbibe from Jonathan, he never gave up he was extra determined by having a dogged spirit keeping in mind that he will achieve his ultimate goal. Jonathan believed he could fly and he continued practicing that he went five thousand feet above sea level. The act of continuous practicing showed that he wanted absolute perfection in the art of flying. This makes me understand that it takes just one decision to change your mind, it takes one decision to change your life, just like it took a decision to join I.I.G.L, and one decision to pick up this powerful books and read. Jonathan made a decision to know what he could do in the air, because of this decision he made coupled with his in built determination, he flew eight thousand feet, which made him discover several styles of flying which he had not known before.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation.

My Father said to me when I tendered my senior school certificate examination result, “This is the worst result I have ever gotten in this house”. He was actually saying the truth because I had just six credits and an “F”, although the result qualified me into university but he compared to what my elder ones had tendered earlier on, because of this words my dad spoke, it made me very nonchalant about academic work. This is definitely a wrong move made by me because I accepted those words, I should have made them elevate me and strive harder in the attainment of academic success. In the case of the study, Jonathan accepted it at first, but his drive (self-motivation) was too much that he went back to practice at night. I did not have a drive, at that particular time I had an “I do not care attitude”, and I was unwilling to speak to myself. Even when I spoke to myself, it was not a positive conversation with the inner mind.

The ideas gained in this book have altered my thoughts in the sense that it has made me know that anything can be achieved if you are passionate about that thing. what I got to understand is that Jonathan was very passionate, from this I believe that being passionate concerning your goals makes one determined and focused in the pursuit of goals and objectives.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

Fear is the opposite of Faith, it is the reverse of faith, while I was growing up, I had quite a number of experiences through fear, I noticed that fear sets in when I am inadequately prepared for a task or when I do things that are not right, then the conscience keeps picking on me.

Just the way Jonathan discovered that boredom, fear and anger are the reasons that a gulls life is so short, and with these gone from his life, he lived a long fine life indeed. I have not completely recovered from this three, but my mind is set to work on its eradication. I believe that once {fear, anger, boredom} are gone, I will have a productive life and I will have peace of mind.

Another idea I have gotten from this is that you cannot always please people and displease yourself. Jonathan created an environment for himself that was conducive for him, even though he was rebuked from his clan; it gave him an opportunity to venture into a world of his own. This world of his own that he chose to be, made him different from his peers and it even distinguished him in the heavens. The most important thing I have learnt is to never give up in the pursuit of my goals. Just the way Chiang advised Jonathan, I have began to stop seeing myself as if I am trapped inside a limited body. I have begun to see myself as a perfect human being. When Jonathan succeeded, Chiang told him that it always works when you are under control. I want to be very responsible for the affairs in my life.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so explain how?

When Jonathan was teaching the other birds how to fly, he spoke these words “Your whole body from wingtip to wingtip is nothing more than your thought itself in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body too”. These words are motivational words, I have observed everywhere in my environment, my school etc I concluded by saying that we are essentially what we think, from the movement of our body, to the food we eat, to the establishments and achievements we make in life. This goes a long way to show that the mind is a powerhouse a think tank.

One major thing came across my mind, I need to be very careful with the thoughts I have about myself, and the words we speak reflects what we think about in the inside of us.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with. If so why?

I have read this book more than 5 times, I have not seen anything that I personally disagree with, and in terms of the content, It sounds like a story.

6. What did you find most helpful in this book?

Practice makes perfect, Human beings are essentially a gift from God to rule our world but not all of us key into this concept. Jonathan told the other birds that flying has always been here to be learned by anybody who wanted to discover it, it had nothing to do with him. He made them understand that what they are doing is an act of self-discovery, which made them ahead of most gulls. This words brought to my understanding that when we have a positive thought towards something we all embrace it but not everyone brings that thought to a reality{because they have not learnt the art of self –discovery.

We can be whatever we want to be only if we put our mind to it and do our homework constantly. Jonathan told Fletcher when it was his turn to teach the flock, you need to keep finding yourself. a little more each day, that real unlimited ……..}

Do not believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding.

This is the most helpful combinations of words or ideas that have helped me during the course of reading this book.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a very powerful book about a seagull who had a passion for flying even though he grew up from a home where living to feed was their nature, the book goes a long way in explaining and describing the eagerness, determination, passion of Jonathan. The idea this book is conveying is how Jonathan used his thoughts in achieving what he wanted which is to know how to fly.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.

A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Longe Opeyemi Dotun (Nigeria)

1. What ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

Success through positive mental Attitude is a revolutionary book that has touched so many lives including mine. I’m very positive that I have not grasped everything in it.

So many ideas have been learnt during the first reading, I can imagine what is still left to be grasped. It is so interesting to find out that some things learnt from “As a man thinketh” are found in this great book.

Napoleon Hill’s principle is the number one most important thing to me which states that “whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve”. This is one statement that keeps the fire burning. Motivation is like a fire, unless you continue to add fuel it will go out.

I have learnt basically that having a firm belief is a major priority in achieving anything, just like learning how to ride a bicycle or learning how to drive. Whoever, is at the driver’s seat cultivates the belief that he can do it, this also applies to anything that is to be accomplished.

“keeping in mind the things I want attracts my desired result”.
This is a very powerful idea, since I am the maker and captain of my thoughts, keeping in mind or thinking and meditating on that which I want not only keeps me on track on what I want to achieve but also leads to the pathway of my desired result.

This is a very important statement to note because constantly having a positive mental attitude involves continuously uprooting the negative i.e. that which you do not want.

I have realized that keeping in mind the things you want not only guides you to your desired result but also makes you orderly. I personally wish I had joined IIGL earlier, everyone around me, especially family members have noticed changes, this changes occurred as a result of applying Benjamin Franklin’s virtues. I began with ‘order’ in the first week; I could feel the inner urge within me to ensure that everything that concerns me was in orderliness before proceeding to cleanliness.

“Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit”. Wile I was growing up it was usual to hear that “Every disappointment is a blessing”. I believe every adversity anyone experiences depends on the way the individual sees it. No matter what I go through now, I do not allow any external part including family members magnify it for me, instead I look for an equivalent or greater benefit in that situation I find myself. Why? Because, I am the only one that is seeing ahead.

“If you are unhappy with yourself with your world and you want to change it, the place to start it is with yourself”. I have learnt not to blame others for the cause of my circumstances over time, instead I hold myself responsible for everything except that which I cannot control.

It is very important to point out the success the success principle that I have learnt.
1. Positive mental attitude.
2. Definiteness of purpose.
3. Going the extra mile.
4. Accurate thinking.
5. Self discipline.
6. The master mind.
7. Applied faith.
8. A pleasing personality.
9. Personal initiative.
10. Enthusiasm.
11. Controlled Attention.
12. Team work.
13. Learning from defeat.
14. Creative vision.
15. Budgeting time.
16. Maintaining sound, physical and mental health.
17. Using cosmic habit force.

Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievements the more I think about my goals, the more the enthusiastic I become. Irrespective of the problems I encounter in life, once my mind is made up achieving its goal it will.

Milo C. Jones’ story elevated my spirit man, he had a body that was paralyzed due to sickness, he did not allow the paralysis get hold of his mind, he encouraged a positive mental attitude and he got an idea that got him beyond his dreams. He must have died a very happy man. He converted creative thinking into a reality.

When you read aloud twice daily the written statement of your desire for money with emotion and concentrated attention and you see and feel yourself already in possession of the money, you communicate the object of your desire directly to your subconscious mind”. I am a mind with a body. The mind is made up of two parts namely the conscious and the subconscious. The mind is a think tank, it gives to you what you feed it that is why it is good to feed the with good Auto-suggestions such as Day by day in everyway I am getting better and better, richer and richer, wiser and wiser…..

I personally wrote a letter to myself, informing my subconscious mind about what I want to become, before I wrote the letter I eradicated every form of doubt or disbelief and I applied a positive mental attitude. This made me open the eyes of my mind and visualize into the future. If I keep at this pace, I believe I will be a great man on this earth that knows how to apply principles.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships your beliefs; your goals and your values e.t.c. please use personal examples in your explanation.

From the introduction, specifically on the last page of the introduction, W. Clement Stone said that the purpose of this book is t motivate you to a desirable action. No doubt, success through positive mental attitude is not only motivational but transformational, I had finished reading the book in two weeks but I felt there was something more to be absorbed, however, I felt I needed to take a little more time for digestion and adequate absorption.

“When a man with positive mental attitude is faced with serious personal problems, self motivators flash from the subconscious to the conscious to aid him”. From my own point of view, this is very correct, positive mental attitude can also be called possibility mental attitude or possibility thinking. There’s always a solution to every problem. With positive mental attitude, problems are seen as stepping stones that create a pathway to a desired solution. I was on the verge of getting a job, but the employer kept telling me to come back, I was bothered, positive mental attitude made me realize that if I face my IIGL studies a flash of inspiration can change my life.

Also, my assessments for this book should have been submitted in the first week of December , but I had a positive mental attitude that sent autosuggestions to my subconscious that I will get well soon, before I knew I regained my health back without the use of drugs.

“If you invest only one percent of your time in a study, thinking and planning session it will make an amazing difference in the speed with which you reach your goals”. Success through PMA says if you invest only 1%, this indicates that that the more the percentage you invest in your thinking, the faster the rate at which your goals will be achieved.

Reading inspirational books alongside with the Bible brings forth ideas. Sincerely speaking I did not used to read the bible regularly , I have now made it a point of duty to do that at a time of my convenience in the early hours of the morning, there’s no doubt I am becoming a better person in every phase of my life especially in my private life. I weigh my priorities and go for what is worth it. I have become a better listener. I have learnt how to encourage noble and lofty thoughts which speaks to my subconscious mind thereby directing my thoughts.

Inspirational books are good to read and digest, success through PMA has tutored me on how to read a book and pick useful information that relate to problems I am facing. Success through PMA is no doubt a life changing coaching manual. I will always go back to it because it has its place in the sands of time.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned form this book? Please explain.

There are so many important new ideas or concepts learned from this book, but I will mention quite a few.

“The quickest way to make money is to sell something”.
Looking around my environment most of the Nigerian youths are in form of one type of fraud or the other, especially internet fraud but it is a short cut and it does not guarantee lasting wealth. What I have noticed is that when you are involved in selling it gives you an identity, which is a good identity especially when what is being sold is a necessity to mankind. In the case of S.B Fuller he chose to sell soap and he made a lot from it and his breakthrough came after in the 12th year.

“Everyone has some creative ability but most people have not learnt to use it”.
I never knew I could read a book consistently for a month and finish it, this time last year I never thought I will be a student of IIGL getting accustomed to principles that rule the world. The ideas that run through my mind are numerous these are as a result of the books that I have begun to read.

Another important concept I have learnt in this book is the process of getting problems solved, this process includes.

1) Ask for divine guidance and help in finding the right solution.
2) Engaging in thinking time for the purpose of solving problems, putting into consideration that every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit for those who have PMA.
3) State the problem. Analyze and define it.
4) State to yourself enthusiastically: That’s good.
5) Ask yourself some specific questions such as, what’s good about it? How can I turn this adversity into a seed of equivalent or greater benefit? Or how can I turn this liability into an asset?
-Keep searching for answers to these questions until you find at least one answer that can work.

A confirmation of what I have learnt from As a man thinketh is also written in another form in this book which says,” Your own mental attitude is the one thing you possess over which you alone have complete control. I have the power within me to control my mental attitude i.e. how I choose to think, act and behave. I have the power within me to project into the future which I desire whole heartedly.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in anyway? If so explain why?

It has enhanced my thinking enabling me engage more time in studying, thinking and planning more on what I can offer to life. Success through PMA has given me a better alternative on knowing how to read a book and also in knowing the particular phrase or sentence that suits me.

Success through positive mental attitude has enabled me to train my mind in what I see, because what I see determines the action I will take, success through PMA is making me know what else my mind can do.

5. Are there ideas in this book you totally disagree with? If so why?

I agree with all the ideas in this book, I do not disagree with anyone; they are all helpful to my personal development.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

Everything in this book has been helpful, I cannot say one idea has been helpful than the others, all I can say is that the book is life changing, I will always go back to it just the way Dennis waitley said he reads it once a year, some ideas might not make a lot of meaning now, but when I red it over and over again, it will be more helpful than now.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey?

Having a positive mental attitude eradicates all pessimistic thoughts and attitudes; success through PMA goes a long way in shedding light on personal examples of great men and how they forged ahead even with obstacles right under their nose. The book is centered on a statement.” Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B How helpful were the contents? 9
C How easy was it to understand? 9
D Would you recommend it to others? 9
E What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Psycho-Cybernetics 2000
Assessment by Longe Opeyemi Dotun

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Psycho-cybernetics has a series of ideas found in the pages of the book. Its is rich, simply put and easy to understand. The author’s main idea which he has succeeded to pass across is that the self-image can enhance our self esteem. The author goes the extra mile in explaining how the mind can explore its power through self –image enhancement.

The author explains the practice of putting the mind at its best irrespective of the circumstances I find myself. “Psycho-cybernetics is not about assigning blame for the past, its about building a plan for the future”. These are the words of Bobbe Sommer in the introduction.

The author directly explores the power of the mind on a step by step basis and shows how success can be achieved through mental pictures. Although the book is well over 30 years but it sheds a lot of light on different aspect of the power of the human mind.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The idea of Relaxation and its processes.
Relaxation is most effective when practiced on a regular basis…….pg 177. The process of relaxation is a very simple idea but yet I found it very new, I don’t think I have consciously undergone the process of relaxation before now, I found it personally important when I put into work. Relaxation is the key to freeing the mind for creative, holistic right brain problem solving. pg 105. When you are relaxed, your mind is capable of accelerated facts of learning and memory. While I was reading the relaxation process my attention was attracted to the Zen breathing. pg 107. At first it sounded like something known for a particular religion, I got to realize after I practiced it that it was effective on making me focus on what I wanted to achieve at the moment, it also made me feel like there was someone in my inside I was communicating with. This relaxation process has made me channel my thoughts and at the same time made me have peace of mind.

The CRAFT of Reprogramming: 5 steps to a new self-image.
Change comes about through awareness of a negative self-image by challenging the bad habits that support this image and creating a new positive self-image that allows you to set and achieve worthwhile goals. pg 25

C- Cancel,
R- replace,
A- affirm,
F- focus,
T- train.

Cancel- This step is involved in the elimination of old data, the ability to delete negative information from the mind, this step allows the subconscious take control by repeating cancel as soon as the thought comes into existence. Hearing my voice speak makes my focus clearer.

Replace- This involves the replacing the cancelled thought with the one I desire. In my own case, I wanted to engage in exercises which I was not too used to, I was ready because I felt I needed to keep fit and shed some weight. Sometimes I get attached to a film at night. A thought can come saying you might not go jogging or working out tomorrow because you will be to tired or even wake up late. When I replace the thought it becomes the first agenda on my mind to accomplish.

Affirm- This involves the process of affirming myself either with words put in writing where I can see it or in a mental picture where my subconscious can easily recollect.

Focus- I had to focus on what I wanted to be. I had to focus on being fit, I had to see myself going on physical fitness programme. I did this very often because it kept me on track.

Train- I had to train my mind and my body to adjust to the new circumstance. It was not so easy but it required training. I had to train myself to respond to the task. Eventually, the craft process was very helpful and it lasted till I wanted it to.

Our self-image is bound up intimately with our imagination.
It is based 100% on what we imagine to be true. “You act and feel not according to what things are really like but according to the image your mind holds of what they are like”..pg 42

The above interprets the fact that my self image is what I imagine to be true about myself. It is based on my own imagination. I imagine being at my best at all times.

The subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined. To the subconscious .believing is seeing..(pg 44)

From this context, believing has to do with the mind of the mind, seeing only takes you to what you believe. I realized that I need to imagine like I am having a real experience of what I want, because imagination sets the “goal” pictures our automatic mechanism works on. Pg 51.

“But in each case the self image had nothing to with reality. It was something that had been learned. Anything that has been learned can be reevaluated and challenged; anything that has been challenged can be “relearned”, with new data to replace the old. The above paragraph is important to me because I have found out that I never stop learning. There’s a saying that when you stop learning you start dying. It is a re-affirmation every time I set my eyes on it, it gives the belief that I can learn anything I want to as far as I develop an interest and a mental picture (seeing myself doing it).

Monitoring system.
Another important idea I have leant from this book is the ability to monitor myself and keep myself organized. Keeping a diary is something I have always been lazy about but now I enjoy it especially when I write down experiences that make me happy. Self-monitoring keeps me anticipating for the future, it makes me compulsorily responsible for every thought action I make during the course of the day. It makes me know how long it takes to fully replace a negative thought when using the CRAFT technique.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas explained will definitely help me in virtually everything I want to do. In my personal and daily life, since I have come across the relaxation process I practice it everyday, I know it keeps me safe, it enhances my listening and sometimes it keeps me to myself. One other thing I have noticed about this process is that I use in another form to discard anger and embrace self-control. There are sometimes arguments lead to aggressive arguments, now I don’t even wait till is an argument.

The craft of reprogramming has enhanced my personal life; it has alowed me have more confidence and belief in my abilities. It has given me the power to overcome a negative self image and embrace that image in which I imagine myself in.

Self –monitoring system is very valid because I am the one accessing my progress, self-monitoring is a do it yourself project, in this case you are on your own. It gives me more opportunity to encourage myself and say to myself. “I can make it”.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

When a person has adequate self esteem, little slights offer no threat at all, they are simply “passed over” and ignored. Even deeper emotional wounds are likely to heal faster and cleaner, with no festering sores to poison life and spoil happiness. Maxwell Maltz 1960

This sounds to be true; the self esteem has to do with the way I feel about myself in the inside. So no matter the obstacle, a strong self esteem will be at its best.

No one is immune to negative feelings and attitudes. The important thing is to recognize them for what they are, and take positive action to correct course. (Maxwell Maltz)

This quote indicates that the mind of the human brain is not perfect, but I can continue to improve by taking positive and using the stair step method identified by Denis Waitley in “The New Dynamics of Winning “. The conscious mind sets the vision. The subconscious mind’s role is pro-vision. It provides the support system to enact the conscious mind’s decision.

Functionally, a man is somewhat like a bicycle….. A bicycle maintains its poise and equilibrium only so long as it is going forward towards something. ( Maxwell Maltz).

Having a goal is the most important thing in this quote , that is, moving towards something and adjusting to the task just the way kids learn how to ride a bicycle.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

One of the techniques for keeping your personality glitch free, the author mentioned appreciating yourself as a spiritual being (pg 305) In what context of spirituality does he mean.. Does spirituality have an affiliation or a connection with a religion? Can religion enhance spirituality?

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contained quite a number of exercises but I worked on those that I felt were helpful to my own personal development. I worked on the frustration index (pg 264), it helped in the corrective action to take when I find myself in the situation.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not at all, I prefer this format compared to the previous one.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



The New Dynamics of Winning
Assessment by Longe Opeyemi Dotun (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey?

The main idea the Denis Waitley is trying to convey to the reader is to enable him or her know practical and practiceable techniques of winning, for you to be a winner, you have to think and act like one. The author describes the ability of being able to transform ability into tangible accomplishments. He goes further in showing the observable traits of a champion,

* The five most prevalent self-destructive beliefs.
* How to focus your mind on peak performance,anywhere and anytime.
* The important relationship between intergrity and success
* The secrets of mental toughness and how to overcome setbacks.
* The components of effective leadership and the importance of coachability.
* How ‘paying the price’ prepares you for success
* How to use stress advantage.

These are the main ideas the the Denis Waitley is trying to convey in this outstanding masterpeice.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and Why? List this 7 ideas followed by an expanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples in your own life.

The characterstics of a Winner.
* Common sense – The ability to simplify complex subjects by getting right the core of what really matters. Like it is said, Common sense is not common, it takes conscious effort and effective planning in simplifying complex objects into attainable results. It also entails knowing what to do, when to do and how to do.{ this is very important to my own understanding}.

* Knowing your field – This can be known both through hands on experience and advice of other people. As a graduate of Business Administration, my field is definitely in Management. From my own perspective there’s management in every aspect of human life. As at the moment, i am rendering services to my country for a year. This compulsory for all graduates in Nigeria. It is known as the NYSC (National Youth Service Corps} scheme. During this year, a lot will be learnt in the corporate environment and it will aslo create a pathway in knowing my professional calling.

* Self Reliance – This means more than just feeling good about one’s self. It means taking definitive action to get things moving in your life. Self realiance is the ability to rely on one’s self, for this to be evident, there must be belief. I belief in my own abilities and i belief i can improve on them in order to bring out the best in me.

The stair step method.
This entails taking a big goal and breaking it down into smaller components. This smaller components are the things that are required in achieving the major goal. The stair step method is used with a four part terminology 1. Define, 2. Outline, 3. Time frame, 4. Claim

* Define- Defining the major goal in writing, it becomes a clear mission statement and it has the authority of a legal contract.

* Outline – It becomes focused less intimidating and more easily scheduled into daily and weekly routines.

* Time frame – I call this the time(t) at which you want the goal to be achieved depending on what the goal is.

* Claim – When everything has been outlined and feasible to achieve then it can be claimed.

This method no doubt makes sense to me and i will put it to work to a major goal and a long term plan.

The 7 Rules for Winners.

Rule 1- Be proactive and preventive about your physical health Health is wealth. Taking care of what houses my soul and spirit is of great importance to me. Feeding moderately and yet consistently both the body and soul.

Rule 2- View life as a continuous learning experience. This, i understand to be a life long commitment to be educated with the affairs that govern life and putting into consideration my proffessional calling.

Rule 3 – You get what you pay for. Putting in all my time, energy,resources and my efforts in mastering a skill is not a day’s job. It will take years. I have to pay the price to win a prize or pay the cost to be the boss. Paying the price might entail going through struggles, trials and tribulations but this makes me a better person after all.

Rule 4 – View mistakes as corrective feedback to get you back on track. This is very good to know, i hope to and will imbibe this culture because when i make mistakes I find it very painful and there is a feeling of regret depending on the kind of mistake.

Rule 5- Set your own internal standards for success. like the explanations Denis Waitley used here. They are real motivations for me. ‘Don’t compare yourself to others. Competition should be viewed as a way to maintain excellence to keep yourself performing up to your own potential’. He went further ‘Instead of achieving or performing to impress the world or your peers, seek to do something that you love, something that is excellent and beneficial. You need no one else to measure you or your skill’. These words, i must say makes me feel good about the uniqueness of my being. Against all odds, setting an internal standard for success for myself is a priority.

Rule 6 – The choice is yours, so choose to win. Ofcourse, i choose to win. I know the decision is up to me, I am up to the task and i am not afraid in anyway to stretch my limits.

Rule 7 – Keep training and gaining without complaining. There’s no doubt that i want to be trained and i am willing and able to gain. Gaining might not be immediate, but i know what i am reading for my self development is definitely going to yeild postive results.

Your own sense of value determines the quality of your performance
Performance is only a reflection of internal worth, not the measure of it. I interprete this to be, what i personally value determines how i will perform. Put in another form, what i see hs being right, reflects and determines what i think. So therefore whatever makes me perform or whatever enhances my performance is a mirror of how I FEEL IN THE INSIDE.

What you show to the world on the outside is a reflection of how you feel in In the inside.
Whatever i reflect on outside is a reflection of how i feel inside. So therfore it is important to note that equipping the inside with universal Principles is very important.

You need to feel Love inside yourself before you can offer it to anyone.
Loving is giving, Love makes the world go round, it is not a respecter of colour, religion or personality. It should come straight from the heart….. I must feel Love inside of me before it can be passed on…. The reward is not quantifiable.

Self Affirming Beliefs
Beliefs like, I can control my thoughts,emotions and i direct them to improve the quality of my health, my relationships, my work, my life. I am a good valuable and worthy person….. Beliefs that make you a better person after its being said.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your Daily and personal life and in helping you to create a better world. If so how?

The 7 ideas and lessons will definitely help me in my pursuit for self development and improvement in all ramifications. They are lessons to fall back on when the chips are down. They are lessons to be learnt and applied just the way food is taken into the body.I do not only see them as lessons, they are instructions which can gaurd my life when they are obeyed accordingly.

4. Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention?

There are but i will mention a few.

‘ It’s mind over muscle, mind over competition, mind over everything’……
This shows that The power of the mind is beyond what one would one would ordinarily think. Hence, the human mind has God like Powers.

‘ Winners choose activities that will give them long term positive results. Thats delayed gratification’.

‘ Its not who you are that hold you back, its what you think you are not’

‘ Losers let it happen, winners make it happen’.

5. Is there anything in this book that you do not understand or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so why?

So far, I do not disagree with any idea or lesson. I accept all of them

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contained a twenty one day plan to prepare me for achieving a personal goal and a profesional goal. My personal goal was achieved, I am a better person now, I plan time in a more efficient manner, I have become meticulous to activities in my life, putting on paper virtually everything i do. As for the professional goal it is yet to be achieved.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?

All ideas and lessons learnt have been notified and commented in the previous questions….. I would just add one more thing, The Dynamics of Winning included a lot of stories just like that of Success through PMA , Psycho-cybernetics was more of an instrucuctional manual that can enhance human life…..

8. Please rate the foolowing questions on a scale from 1 to 10.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B.How helpful were the contents? 9
C.How easy was it to understand? 9
D.Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you will give it? 9



Keys To Success
Assessment by Longe Opeyemi Dotun (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Napoleon Hill, no doubt is a great thinker and he has the ability to captivate the mind of the reader, in his powerful book, he explains every detail about the 17 principles of personal achievement which are the keys to success.

He has his own views and opinions on these principles and they have been wholly accepted by my subconscious. He attempts to spur the readers effort and also to make the reader know that the essence of the action and attitudes of everyone who has ever had accomplishment is as a result of the 17 principles of personal achievement.

He supports his facts by giving life examples to make the reader assimilate quicker and better. The 17 principles are

* Develop a definiteness of Purpose
* Establish a mastermind alliance
* Assemble an attractive personality
* Use applied faith
* Go the extra mile
* Create personal initiative
* Build a positive mental attitude
* Control your enthusiasm
* Enforce self discipline
* Think accurately
* Learn from Adversity and defeat
* Cultivate creative vision.
* Maintain sound health
* Budget your time and money
* Use cosmic force.

2. What were the 7 ideas which are personally most important to you and why? List these 7 ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The 7 ideas which were personally most important to me are being extracted from the 17 principles of personal achievement. Below are the chapters or principles I drew inspiration from.

This acts as a magnet to attract to you the specialized knowledge necessary for success.
Specialization is a great deal on your ability to know much about a specific area and to perform exceptionally within it. I support this because it is very good for individuals to search for their strengths (that which you are good at) rather than relying on the weaknesses.

This is a very important lesson to me, sometimes it always looks like there’s no time and enough financial resources, I have learnt to live within my means and not outside it. I have cultivated the habit of saving a part of my income and I am committed to it, spending money and acquiring things can be very interesting, I have learnt how to save more and spend less. I work in an insurance company, so it has inculcated the habit of saving in me, because when you save with an insurance company you can’t withdraw money during the duration of your savings.

Time like you know is very essential and it is money. I like the way the aspect of time is explained in this book.
8 hours of sleep
8 hours of work
8 hours of spare time

The first is the most important and if it is shortened on a regular basis, it can affect one’s health. The second is being spent at what generates income for you. The last is the time I spend doing things such as relaxation, hanging out with friends, watching films, surfing the internet, reading books e.t.c.

Another point in this chapter that attracted my attention is this, if you can see opportunities as you see the faults of others, you’ll soon succeed. When I came across the above sentence, It was like the author was talking directly to me, I used to find it very easy in identifying faults in others, now I love to see the opportunities and explore them even when I see the faults of others, I do not concentrate on them.

Another point which was personally important to me is “If millions of people are struggling to get by on the salaries they earn, it is because their highest aim is only to hold the jobs that they currently have. They are what they are and they are making what they make solely because of the limitations they have set up in their minds”.

From my own understanding and point of view, Napoleon Hill is trying to let employees know that they should not only depend on their salary or aim for job security; he is challenging me to think outside the box, the limitations is as a result of how they have chosen to think.

You will not succeed if you cannot convince other people to cooperate with you and if you do not live in accordance with strict standards. Living in accordance with strict standards means living according to discipline, the ability to caution one’s self and place a limit to things.

The beauty of a master mind alliance is that it puts you in touch with the creative power of others, connecting mind to mind, opening the subconscious of each member to the power of infinite intelligence. I see IIGL has a master mind alliance that is affecting the lives of the individuals as far as they can key into the materials which they have access to. IIGL is therefore my own master mind alliance keeping me in touch with the creative power (via the books) connecting mind to mind (with other students). This, to my own understanding is a typical example of IIGL.

When you do more than you are immediately paid to do in a willing and cheerful manner, you develop a pleasing attitude with the cornerstone of an attractive personality. This applies to me, because sometimes I think I do more and I am being paid less, during meditation, I realized that at this stage of my life money should not be a motivator instead interest should be the motivator, and once there’s interest there’s peace of mind and money will definitely follow accordingly. I came up with this conclusion and I started doing my work happily and I always letting my subconscious know that I am giving myself experience.

I must be humble so that I can acquire wisdom and understanding. I need not accept failure but only as a temporary event that may prove to be a blessing in disguise. When it comes to the acquisition of learning something, pride should be discarded, when I read IIGL books I ensure I am in the right state of mind and pick up things that are lacking in my life. I get to learn different things everyday and there’s no way I can learn anything without being humble and eager to learn.

The above are the important lessons I learnt from chapter 13, I have experienced a couple of adversities in academics and I know what it means to pass through the experience, there’s no doubt that failure is a blessing in disguise because I know I am a better person and a more serious minded individual in the way I control the affairs of my life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in your daily and personal life and in helping you create a better world?

Everyday and in everyway, I am getting better and better, smarter and smarter and more enterprising in my thinking. The ideas that have been most important to me are the ones that relate to my circumstance at this stage of my life, as at the time these assessments were written. These ideas have challenged my thinking enabling me to know that I will not be an employee throughout my life and seek for job security, instead I have keyed into Peter Drucker’s school of thought which says “All employees have to see themselves as executives”. Also I have adopted the 3 levels of achieving goals. “Be” “Do” Have”. I know what I want to be, I have set out what to do or be in the short term and long term especially about my personal life. I already possess peace of mind and I am satisfied with what I have even as I still strive to acquire more.

4. Are there brief quotes which got your attention? If so, List and comment.

The subconscious mind receives any image that is transferred to it by the conscious strong emotion.

You will not succeed if you cannot convince other people to cooperate with you and if you do not live in accordance to strict standards

Your mind attracts anything it dwells upon

You are what you are and where you are because of the dominating thoughts in your mind.

Your past failures are what make failure sweet.

Anything that affects the soundness of the mind will affect the body, and anything that affects your body will touch the mind.

Satisfactions are important for a healthy mind.

Practicing controlled meditation will do wonders for your mental powers.

Be sincere first with yourself, and you will steadily grow in self reliance.

The value of the wealth that comes with success is that it carries with it the lessons you have learnt in acquiring it.

You can never achieve anything great without thinking accurately.

When you are paid to do more than you are immediately paid to do, in a willing and cheerful manner, you develop a positive attitude, the cornerstone of an attractive personality.

Nothing will happen in your life that you do not inspire by your own initiative. Creative vision is the power which inspires the development of that personal initiative.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and why?

I understand virtually everything I have read, and I agree with the authors school of thought. The ideas contained in the book have been very impactful; I can approve and recommend it for anyone seeking personal development.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contained exercises especially in the last chapter, I found it helpful, I jotted down some certain things I wanted in my life. I got into action; I read my goals to myself everyday, in the morning and at night. This process allows my subconscious to be at work, unconsciously reminding me of what I desire to achieve.

7. Was there anything in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?

All I can add is that I like Napoleon Hill’s pattern of writing, his books are usually very interesting, easy to understand, he carries the reader along and his principles can be inculcated by all irrespective of your background, religion and condition.

a. How interesting was it to read? 9
b. How helpful were the contents? 9
c. How easy was it to understand? 9
d. Would you recommend it to others? 9
e. What is the overall rating you will give it? 9



Real Magic
Assessment by Longe Opeyemi Dotun

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey?

The main idea this book is trying to convey can be summarized into one word, “Spirituality”. The author directs the thoughts of the reader to understand how Real Magic shapes self improvement, relationships and spirituality. Dr Wayne Dyer’s helps in creating miracles in everyday life. He teaches how to achieve a higher level of consciousness. He offers concrete suggestion about how to get to purpose trough service to others and unconditional love, how to become spiritual beings and how to create a miracle mindset.

2. What were the 7 ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these 7 ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. The shift in your mind allows you to look at the outcome of an event or experience and what you can learn from it. Instead of a poor me approach. You shift to a learning approach. You ask what can I learn about myself and how much strength can I muster to deal effectively with this problem?

This idea is similar to the idea learnt in Success through PMA which says there’s an equivalent opportunity from any adversity. This idea is Real Magic is so powerful due to the fact that I have experienced defeat and it has rely weighed me down and I started and it affected my approach. I can clearly remember my final year in the university, I failed a course in my second semester and it paralyzed me because it meant I was not going to graduate with my mates. I learnt from this experience the hard way, Self Pity is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone, when one is at this state it closes all opportunities for encouragement. Whenever I find myself in an undesirable situation, I question it and seek to know what I can benefit from it.

ii. Foster an inner belief that anyone who has achieved prosperity is entitled to it, and that their success is not a reason for you to feel inadequate or wanting. Even if a person achieves success from what you consider dubious means, it is still not a reason for you to feel anguished and upset. This is an illustration which I stand for anytime and any day. Anyone who has achieved prosperity through a legal and transparent means is entitled to it because they have paid their dues; they have done a lot behind the scenes and their efforts have been crowned, distinguished by their works. Prosperity is sweet, it takes a process and in my own point of view it is the mother of purpose. In Nigeria, so many youths get their way wealth through dubious means, the average youth in Nigeria is looking for quick and fast money, and their time is running out, very soon, in a very short while, a new generation of Leaders will take over and change the values and the image of the country, they will live their life on principles and values, full of integrity and hope.

iv. It is the true empowerment to know that one can live in the world with others who have different points of view and have no need to control or vanquish them as victims. A spiritual being knows the enormous power that comes with the ability to manipulate the physical world with one’s mind.

We live in a very vast world; the world is so big that it can accommodate any idea. There are so many different types of human beings with different school of thoughts. Some have beliefs that I might not approve e.g religion, sexual status. There are some things that we might not engage ourselves in and because of this we don’t approve or recommend it. In fact we might not even stand the sight. Everyone is responsible for his actions or he internal power that brings about that those actions.

v. Real Magic and Your Prosperity
Another idea that struck my heart is that “If you want to experience prosperity at a miraculous level, you must leave behind your old ways of thinking and develop a new way of imagining what is possible for you to experience in your life. Immediately I read this idea in this book, it spurred me to work; it got me into the realm of action, because I knew I was procrastinating my IIGL Assessment and this had affected me for years, the way I understood this portion, was not just for prosperity purposes, but for new ways and strategies of doing things.

Possession of material riches, without inner peace, is like dying of thirst while bathing in a lake. If material poverty is to be avoided, spiritual poverty is to be abhorred! For it is spiritual poverty, not material lack, that lies at the core of all human suffering.

In a country like Nigeria where the poverty is imminent. It has become of utmost priority to get rid of scarcity consciousness by changing the inner pictures that reflect an evidence of lack in my life. I like it the way the author put it on page 177, he said, Prosperity is first and foremost a mind game. It has a set of inner invisible beliefs you carry around with you. Your beliefs are yours, they originate with you, they are what you use (and all that you have to use) to carve out the circumstances of your physical reality. What I need for a prosperous life, I already possess. “Foster an inner belief that anyone who has achieved prosperity is entitled to it, and that their success is not a reason for you to feel adequate or wanting”. I try to shift my focus from what others have or don’t have to what you are going to do for yourself, “Purpose is about giving without concern for results. (When you are able to shift your inner awareness to how you can serve others and when you make this the central focus of your life, you will then be in a position to know true miracles in your progress toward prosperity). “The moment you realize that giving is the key to you own abundance, you will also see that prosperity is readily available.

Another vital, crucial and important point I have realized from this book by Dr Wayne W. Dyer is that “It’s the repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, and the same affirmations that leads to belief and once this belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. This is a very true, in Christianity you have Bible verses that when repeated and meditated on, it leads to belief. This is the same thing with other religions, this chant, affirmations; incantations can be in form of prayer, verses in a holy book, or even a particular phrase from a random book that struck ones heart. Some words in this book, I have written them out and pasted on my wall and my table in the office, just to help me and plant them in my subconscious so as to be become a belief.

vi. Real Magic and your Personal Identity- I must develop within me a new knowing that I have the capacity through my invisible spiritual self, to create any change that I can conceive of myself. If I can authentically believe in it, I can create it. I have already established though a lifetime of choices precisely what kind of a human being I want to become.

Dr Wayne W. Dyer has accomplished a lot by the production of this spiritual book, I have read this book over and over again and I have always seen something new that I never saw before.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas will help in a practical way because, I am conscious of the fact that it is a spiritual book and it is embedded with a lot of lessons that can be tapped by someone that is open minded that is willing to accept a constructive opinion that is backed up with facts. These ideas have helped me tremendously in my day to day activities, not only the ones I have mentioned above but other ones that are contained in the book. It has shaped my ideology about spirituality and how to become a spiritual being, the Ideas have helped in accepting other peoples religion and also accept people the way they are. I study an idea for a week, and ponder on it, and try to compare the idea with my present situation and even what is around me, although I try mu best not to talk about my own stand on religion and spirituality because people hold different views as regards that.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

– “When the student is ready the teacher will appear”. This quote is short but I think it summarizes the importance of this book in brief.

– “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that’s your own self” – Aldous Huxley. This quote has made me realize that even I myself, I am part of the universe and I am at the corner of this universe. There’s always room for improvement for one’s self.

“You must develop within you a new knowing that you have the capacity, through your invisible spiritual self, to create any change that you can conceive for yourself”. During the periods I was reading this book, I was able to develop the confidence in myself to create any change I focus my ability on.

“We are born into the world of nature; our second birth is into the world of spirit”. Bhagavad Gita.

“Do your work with the welfare of others in mind”

“When that sense of serving is neglected at any level of the business, the entire organization suffers”.

“As our case is new, we must think and act anew”. Abraha Lincoln

“Everywhere you look in science, the harder it becomes to understand the universe without God”.

“You must believe in your spiritual self, which has absolutely nothing to do with your religious affiliation”.

We do not grasp that we are invisible…. We do not understand that life, before all definitions of it, is a drama of the visible and invisible”.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

I have read this book with an open mind, and not with a bias mindset, I believe in miracles and I know that miracles are real. As a Christian one sees miracles, but this book just says there are miracles outside religion, and I am for the fist time putting myself in the shoes of the author. I accept his opinion.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I practiced the daily affirmations on a daily basis and I recited this quotes as part of my exercises and I found it extremely helpful in dislodging disbelief.

* I am in the process of creating the miracle that I deserve.
* I am willing to release that which has inhibited me up until now.
* I trust that I am not alone and that I will receive guidance when I am ready.
* I know that I have the capacity to accomplish anything that I conceive of in my mind.
* I am willing to do what it takes to make my dream a reality.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not at all.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

How interesting was it read? 8
How helpful were the contents? 9
How helpful was t to understand? 8
Would you recommend it others? 10
What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Giant Steps

Assessment by Longe Opeyemi

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey?

The main idea Anthony Robbins is trying to convey is based upon principles, strategies and techniques that inspire the reader to consistently take simple actions in form of daily inspirations and small actions leading to a better quality in life. The book will spur the reader in making specific decisions concerning challenges of life, be it in the area of relationships, finances, health and emotions.

2. What were the seven main ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important.

There several ideas and principles which I learnt after reading this book over and over again; I will mention a few of them.

a. The more decisions you make, the better you’ll become at making them.pg 21. I had read this particular idea several times but it never clicked to my subconscious what it meant until I related it to my life. I joined the Insurance industry in Nigeria in 2008, in order for you to be a professional in this field you need to write an exam, I started sitting for the exams in April 2009 but I never came out in flying colors. In July 2011 I read this idea, and Anthony Robbins went on by saying “Today make two decisions you’ve been putting off, one that’s a bit more far-reaching, I took my pen and I made up my mind that by December 2011, I will pass my professional exams, I took a step by step approach, and I read for just 2hrs daily till I sat for the exams in the first week of October 2011. I passed the exams successfully. The idea worked for me and it has produced results.

b. “Revolutionize your life by creating a new meaning for a past experience”.

Negative experiences have an impact on our thinking faculty and this even make us look down on ourselves. I graduated from the University in 2007 with a Third class degree in Business Admin. In the Nigerian economy, a fresh graduate with this kind of degree finds it very difficult to get a job, apart from the low employment , most top companies look for the “bright heads”, by that I mean graduating with a First class degree or Second class degree. I believed deep down in myself that my story would be different. I told myself that I am a work in progress; I am not a finished product yet. This has helped me change my thinking.

c. One of the main ingredients of success is the openness to receive answers; you don’t have to be at the helm of a leading organization to benefit from this tool. Pg 131.

I was worked in a firm where the opinions of junior staffs did not matter. Executive management never threw issues opened to the junior staffs, and this in turn affected management. This form of leadership is the autocratic Leadership style, where just a few people at the helms of affairs make decisions. I have learnt a lot in the corporate world and one the things this idea impacted on me is the fact that as individuals never look down on others no matter their position, even if the person is a security guard or a driver or whoever.

d. To create change quickly, the first belief you must adopt is that you can change virtually anything NOW. Pg 152

This idea has had a great impact on my belief system, when one is addicted to a habit it becomes extremely difficult except this idea his adopted. I have read this book more than 4 times, but over time I have realized that putting the assessment together takes a while for me, Procrastination takes its toll and sometimes this takes up to several months. This idea has helped me in making quick decisions rather than postponing. I got a new job in August 2011 and this job offer required that I change my location, I was residing in the city of Lagos with my family, and the job required me to move to Port Harcourt. I had to make this decision during the interview despite the fact that I did not know anywhere in Port Harcourt. It was after that decision things started to fall into place. A quick and smart decision at the right time made the difference, my intuition guided my decision making and I don’t regret it.

e. Never spend more than 10% of your time on the problem, and always spend at least 90% of your time on the solution.

In this journey called life, there will be problems but it is up to the individual to choose how the problems are handled. This idea says it all, it takes a strong commitment and conviction to hold on to a positive mental attitude when there’s a problem. In this part of the world problems can be in form of sicknesses, family issues, academic failures, lack of employment, Leadership crisis, terrorism, religious crisis. In any adversity I find myself I try as much as possible to ensure that I look for the solution, even though it seems a little difficult but I try my best to entertain only solution minded suggestions.

f. I really learnt a lot from the daily nuggets that had to do with Relationships, I have had quite a number of issues in my love life, in pg 356, and Anthony Robbins said “The only way a relationship will last is if you see it as a place you go to give”. I like the way he carefully chose his words, all I felt was that relationships is all about agreement and understanding, not knowing that it is much more, I have maintained a healthy relationship since 2009 and I have taken this principle as a guidance in dealing with my partner. The way I have interpreted this idea is to be the ideal man a woman wants to have, in this way love will flow naturally since the rules are already in place. I am still learning as I am not a married man at the moment but I know I have the necessary ingredients to have a wife and I am working towards it.

g. “Words can produce illness, words can kill. Therefore wise physicians are very careful about the way they communicate” pg 189

This is vital information I have come across in this book, as an individual one needs to be very careful with the words that come out of one’s mouth, in the office environment the words you speak mean a lot, sometimes this may be as a result of stress or fatigue, I have learnt to speak to inner self to control my words concerning anything. The power of the tongue is very strong and it can make or mar the destiny of man.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily and personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

Having mentioned the most important ideas I have learnt in this book at this particular point in my life, I might pick up this book sometime in 2012 and discover a whole set of new ideas. The reason is that, I am looking for that Idea that is affecting my circumstance at the moment that is why it is good to pick up books and read them over and over again to get the best out of them. These ideas will definitely help me in all facets of life, the good thing is the book has been broken down in such a way that it can be read for 365 days. The actions I have taken is to stick this ideas on my table in the office to constantly remind me of my commitment. It has been an awesome experience for me so far.

4. Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, list and comment on them.

Remember to expect miracles ….because you are one.

This quote constantly reminds me that I am a miracle, by my existence alone, I am a miracle, by my nature as a human being, I am destined to make miracles happen in my life. What is a miracle? A miracle is simply the unbelievable, it is not magic, and it is a reality that is backed up with proofs. It is only with proofs that miracles exist, and this proof brings about news. I am miracle worker. This quote is very crucial for my personal

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity”. Albert Einstein.

No one is as curious as a child, but being curious for holy things in my opinion and from the way I understand this, is to be in right standing with the almighty. The natural endowments that surround us alone are enough for me to in awe; it keeps me wondering and goes on to show that a supreme being exists. When one is curious for holy things, he makes conscious effort to seek and find a way to please God; it could be in form of a religion, personal meditation etc. This quote is from a philosophical angle, that is why he says the important thing is not to stop questioning. Its only questions that bring answers or better still when you don’t understand something, I constantly ask myself how I can be a better person and increase the quality of my life.

“It is the mind that maketh good of ill, that maketh wretch or happy , rich or poor”

Edmund Spenser.

Like I learned in the introductory book, As a man thinketh by James Allen. As a man thinkenth in his heart so is he. The mind gives back to you what you constantly think about; it gives to you that which you allow to take over your thought patterns. The quote also reminds me of this quote “Guide your heart, out of it are the issues of life”. The quote is important to me because it makes me realize the fact that my mind is the main determinant of my life.

“Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions”.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

It is only a mind that is willing to embrace change that will accept this quote, when a new idea is embraced and that idea works, the bearer of the idea will definitely not return to his original dimensions, because he has seen a better angle/dimension to it. This quote makes me know that my mind can be stretched only when I allow it to be.

I have used this quote to encourage my team members in the office and they have found it very helpful.

I can go on and on with the quotes, these are some of them that I have found helpful.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about? Are there ideas which you disagree with and why?

I understand what I have read, and I salute the author for a job well done

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contained quite a number of exercises and I found it very helpful, especially for the emotions. I

7. Was there anything that you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?

Not at all, I have disclosed all that is important to me at the moment. I want to use this medium to thank IIGL for the opportunity to have this book; they are a real treasure to me.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10.

a. How interesting was it to read? 8.5
b. How helpful were the contents? 9
c. How easy was it to understand? 8.5
d. Would you recommend it to others? 8.5
e. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8.5