Kafui Klutse – Profile


Name: Kafui Klutse
Country: Ghana
Email: klukaff@yahoo.co.uk
Birthday: June 30, 1980
Education: M.A in Peace and Development Studies
Occupation: Educational PlanningOfficer

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

A revolving world full of conscious, conscientious and innovative leaders and individuals that see things through the same lens, believe in and share collective; values, principles, ideas, idles, vision and aspirations that will promote efficient and effective leadership, global peace, social cohesion and sustainable growth and development of the present and future generations.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

The most pressing problem facing the world today has to do with ineffective leadership or governance. It is a fact that citizens have entrusted power into the hands of elected and appointed few individuals in order to create and use the available resources to the betterment of the present and future generations. But sadly, due to greed, lack of probity, accountability, transparency, sheer mismanagement and direction, many of our leaders particularly in African have plunged their respective communities and countries into state of economic hardship, hopelessness and conflict. Who is supposed is to Lead the way in ensuring that the African have access to; proper health care, quality education, basic social amenities, and effective and efficient institutions?

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

The first and foremost approach to solving this problem is for the leader(s) to be conscious of the problem and accept that it is their responsibility to provide or pave the way that certain cardinal resources are provided for their subjects in order to be able to put body and soul together as they strive to achieve their individual and collective goals.

There is also the need to enlighten citizens on their rights and responsibilities. This can be achieved through education. If this is done, citizens particularly the youths will be in better position to effectively engage their leaders in ensuring that they are committed to their work, transparent and accountable in all their operations.


I am a dynamic but resolute, diligent and selfless young leader who has been deeply involved in community work, teaching, educational management and social advocacy for over seven years. I believe all human beings are unique and endowed with potentials and capabilities. However, we all need a seasoned leader or a coach at one point in our lives or the other in order to challenge us to work individually or collectively towards the full realization of our collective or individual goals of growth and development.

The challenges that continue to confront his society which include but not limited to gender violence and discrimination, low level of education, high rate of juvenile delinquency, conflict, poor sanitation and lack of trust in public institutions are the motivating factors that urge him on to strive to empower the youths and children with knowledge, skills and strategies that will position them as great assets for generational change.

I graduated from Peki College of Education as a professional teacher in 2002 and taught at the basic level of education. My teaching experiences in the rural area exposed me to the challenges that affect the growth and development of children.

With the burning desire to understand the African worldview, I entered University of Cape Coast, Ghana and successfully graduated with Bachelor of Arts in African Studies. Whiles at the University, I was fully involved in student leadership. It is worth stating that during his tenure as the President of the Old Students Association of Peki College of Education (2008/2009 academic year), that the executive was able to solicit for funds, purchased over three hundred pieces of library books and donated same to GOVCO Demonstration School.

I have passion for bringing hope and joy to children to help them develop their potentials. This passion came to light whiles he was teaching in Ziavi Lume Junior High School (a school located in the rural area). At Ziavi Lume, Kafui was able so to solicit for funds, procured and donated six bicycles to four girls and two boys in the school who used to walk four kilometres to school and back each day.

I graduated from University of Cape Coast in 2012 with Masters of Arts in Peace and Development Studies. I continue to partner organizations, groups and individuals in Volta Region in coaching and sensitizing school children on their civic rights and responsibilities. I participated in a two weeks training course in Election Management at Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre. I was appointed as a Presiding Officer by the Electoral Commission of Ghana and successfully superintended over the 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections at the polling centre.

As the Assistant Volta Regional Education Planning Officer I monitor and evaluate projects, teaching and learning at the pre-tertiary level. I Organize and coordinate stakeholders for the annual regional education sector review. I collate and analyze data on issues affecting the education of children in the region. I coach school children on civic responsibilities, career choices and human development. I also coordinate teaching and learning activities in the 25 district directorates in the region. I meet opinion leaders in communities and brainstorm on issues which include but not limited to rape, outmoded cultural practices, teenage pregnancy that affect the vulnerable in society.

I was among the 48 participants drawn from West Africa by UNESCO for a workshop on “Strengthening the Institutional Capacities of the Ministries of Culture, Health and Education for Effective Collaboration in the Delivering of Joint Comprehensive Sexuality Education Interventions for Young People in the ECOWAS Sub-Region through the use of Gender and Diversity Classroom Activities.”

My favorite books are “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz and the Holy

Bible. “The Gods Must Be Crazy” is a challenging movie that I continue to enjoy.

Click Here to Read My Book Assessments

Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull