Juliette Engole – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea being conveyed in the book is that we create our world by our thoughts. Our thoughts positive or negative have an effect in our lives and our circumstances.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i.Though thoughts are invisible, yet we see their effects.

It has been said that actions speak louder than words. A man’s actions are the results of his thoughts. There is no such thing as it just happened. In my own life I have been a victim of my thoughts especially angry ones. I one time conceived a thought toward my sister that caused so much anger within me that by the time she came to talk to me, I just hit her. This happened because in my thoughts I had seen myself slap her the moment she said a word to me. No one saw the thought but they did see the action or the fruit it bore.

ii. We are a product of our thoughts.

Thoughts shape our circumstances. We may not be able to choose our circumstances but we definitely choose our thoughts. We need to take time and think about what we are thinking about. I have found myself in many instances being left out of or let in because of a preconceived thought I held about the instance. I recently was invited to a conference because many years ago I had envisioned myself being a participant in the same. It was a paid conference however I did not pay because even in my thought, I was offered a free ticket.

iii. We can alter our lives by altering our thoughts.

If we dwell on the negative all the time, we are sowing bad seeds and these will in turn produce bad fruit in our lives. However, the same is also true for good seed. Our minds are like a garden which takes in whatever is put in. for there to be a positive outcome in our lives, we must think and meditate on good building thoughts. My life has been altered for the better as a result of this principle. For a long time I thought that I would not achieve my life purpose because I did not have a university degree. This thought lingered in my mind and became part of me. However, my life turned around when I began to think differently and began to see in my mind the reality of my purpose and now I live in that reality.

iv. Our success in life is dependent on our thought process.

How high we rise and stay or how low we may ascend is all in our minds. Countless stories have been told of men and women who made it up the ladder of success and quickly descended as a result of what they continuously fed their minds on. My own father was a victim several years ago of malice. He lost his prestigious job because another senior member within the organization was jealous. My father being an honorable man refused to think negative thoughts about the whole situation and soon rose to another prestigious position in life because he kept his thoughts pure and pursued a higher standard of life.

v. A positive thought process is a skill and can be learned, practiced and perfected.

Like all other skills, it takes a while to develop good thinking especially if one’s thoughts gravitated toward the negative. At one point in my life I did not think anything good would come out of my life. I was so negative because of the circumstances I had experienced in the past. Nothing good seemed to come my way. However, all that changed when I started paying attention to my thoughts. I learned how to dwell on the good and not the bad. I have come a long way and good things are really happening to me. A case in point is IIGL.

vi. Good thoughts with the virtue of patience will bring fulfillment in due time.

Just like a garden is tilled, cultivated, tended to and eventually brings a harvest, so is the mind. We need to work on it patiently and do all that is necessary for it to begin to think good thoughts. When we are impatient, we disrupt the process and yield immature fruit which is no good for anyone. It takes time. Being choleric, I was very impatient with slow people. As a result of this I avoided working with such people on any team. Whenever I was placed on the same team as someone I deemed slow, I immediately was uncomfortable. It did take a lot of talking to myself and convincing that I developed a positive attitude toward those that did not have my strength. I am still working on it with patience.

vii. There is no limit to what one can achieve if they stay focused on what they are thinking.

In the words of Napoleon Hill, “whatever the mind of man conceives, it can achieve.” The mind is a powerful tool that if well utilized, will bring good. History is full of people who through their thoughts and dreams have innovated unimaginable inventions. Because their minds stayed on them, we today are beneficiaries of their creativity. In the same manner, destructive weapons are a result of one’s thoughts. We have seen how killings have taken place using the guns that were created as a result of thought. I was able to come up with a definite purpose for my life as a result of thought. Every time I think about my life purpose I am excited as I begin to see the fulfillment and joy it brings to my life and all this as a result of thought.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

In reading As a Man Thinketh, I have realized that I am the creator and master of my world through the thoughts that I allow to dwell on. As a result of this realization, I purpose to consciously think on those things which are good, lovely and praise worthy so that my world around me may be better.

I also intend to teach the value of positive good thinking to those that I can influence so that they too can have productive meaningful lives thus creating a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.”

This is important to me because I understand that I make who I am by what I think. My outside actions are congruent with my inner thoughts. So because people see my character, they can tell what my thoughts are and this to me is a check on how people view me.

“Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”

The law of attraction is set in motion by what we think about continuously. I cannot say I want to be loved while the whole time I harbor thoughts of hatred and wonder why I am not loved.

“Circumstance does not make the man, it reveals him to himself.”

This is important to me because many times we blame the circumstances we are in to justify our actions. I too have been a victim of this. I now understand that if I find myself in an unpleasant circumstance, what I do determines who I really am.

“Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.”

Our outside world is an indication of our inner thoughts. However, many of us do not know the power of thought. We do not know that we create our world by our thoughts. We desire to see and have better material things but are not willing to pay the price for acquiring these things. We want to be healthy but think unhealthy thoughts. We want to be rich but think poverty. If we are to change our world, we must change our thoughts.

“A man can only rise, conquer and achieve by lifting up his thoughts. He can only remain weak, abject and miserably by refusing to lift up his thoughts.”

In order for me to achieve a productive effective life, my thoughts need to be of high quality. My life is a reflection of my thoughts.

“He who lives constantly in the conception of noble and lofty thoughts, who dwells upon all that is pure and selfless will as surely as the sun reaches its zenith and the moon its full, become wise and noble in character and rise into a position of influence and blessedness.

This is important to me because it encourages me to think good thoughts and trust that at the fullness of time, I shall partake of its benefits. Thoughts are private but its rewards are public.

“Cherish your visions, cherish your ideals, cherish the music that stirs in your heart the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your pures thoughts. For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment of these if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.”

I am encouraged by this quote to remain true, focused and dedicated to my life purpose for one day I shall see and live in its fulfillment if I do not give up.

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be. Your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.”

This tells me that I am the one to determine the outcome of my future. I am the architect of my fulfillment. My world will turn out the way I see it.

“The greatest achievement was at first for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird awaits in the egg and in the highest vision of a soul a waking angel stirs.

Dreams are the seedlings of realities.”

My future is just a dream and thought away. I shall dream and keep on dreaming.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book to me was clear and I did not disagree with anything said.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No it did not contain any exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book ended with this phrase “self control is strength, right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, Peace Be Still.”

We live in a very noisy and chaotic world. It is almost next to impossible to find place and time to be quiet. However, it is important and also a key ingredient in thought process to develop the habit of calmness regardless of ones surrounding. This will help create a better world if our inner man is calm, it will affect our outer world thus harmony both in and out.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that is being conveyed in the book is that we are made for more than we currently see or do. And if we are dissatisfied with our current state of being, we can reach out for more with or without the approval or encouragement of others. We can break out of any limitation placed upon us once we realize that there is more to life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. There is no limitation except that which we place on ourselves.

The drive to do or not to do stems from within and not without. Many times we focus on the external hindrances as the source that hinders and we forget that if we have the passion and drive burning on the inside, we can conquer the external and move to our purpose. I always thought that because I do not have a degree from a university, I did not have much to offer and that no one would be willing to listen to me. And so for a long time I was limited by this thought and held back every time I had an opportunity to impact a life. However, my turning point came when I talked to a group of primary pupils and their teachers in 2010. The talk was so helpful that lives where transformed as a result.

ii. Do not look for approval in order to be all you can and need to be.

Motivation to become better should never be sought from other people. It must come from within. If you wait for that to happen, it may never come. When I felt and realized that I have leadership abilities, I sought to develop them by volunteering in these positions. Others did not approve of the fact that I always stood out but over time I have learned that other people’s opinion of me does not have to be my reality.

iii. Do not be afraid to be different.

I have heard it said that when two things are the same, one is irrelevant. We are living in a world where there is a lot of sameness or duplication. People are not maximizing their potential and creativity. Knowing your life purpose and living it will cause you to stand out as different.

iv. Learning never stops.

We learn at every level.We are creatures of intelligence and excellence. We were meant to learn and always be learning. There is a new level of what we can do. We are not meant to be satisfied with the status quo. Personally enrolling in IIGL is proof to myself and others that there is always something new to learn and we should be willing to pay the price. I am willing to spend hours reading so as to better myself.

v. When you discover your purpose for living, you spend your life perfecting it and this brings meaning and fulfillment.

Life was never meant to be routine and boring. It was meant to bring joy and this is only found in the knowledge that there is an individual purpose for everyone of us. Many people today live their lives doing the easy thing for the sake of survival. They go through their day wishing it was night and vice versa. Once you discover that purpose, that one thing you were meant to do, you will spend the rest of your life perfecting it, stretching yourself to the farthest. Once I discovered that my life purpose is “ to transform lives and communities through the impartation of knowledge and skills”, I started adding valuable knowledge to myself which I will pass on in turn.

vi. In self discovery, you’ll need the help of those that have gone ahead of you to mentor you.

It is often said “no man is an island entire by itself” this saying is true in that we will always need the help of other people to show us the way. Mentors challenge us to come up higher even when we think that we have reached our limit. They encourage us to move from our comfort zone to our challenge zone. Their desire is for us to be all we can because they see the potential and ability we possess. I currently have a mentor who has seen the leadership ability in me and encouraged me to join IIGL. She checks on me often making sure that I am putting into practice what I learn.

vii. In order to create a better world, take what you have learned and teach it to someone else.

It is easier for us to hold on to information not willing to share it especially if the people you want to share with were not helpful in your journey. However, if you desire to see change, you need to see people and the potential they have not the evil that they did. Personally I have had to forgive many people who hurt me along the way as they did not believe or offer any help as I pursued my life purpose. This has helped me bridge the gap and be able to impact their lives with my knowledge and skills.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have come to the realization that life is what you make it to be. As it has been said, you become what you think about. If you think that where you are is all you can ever be, then that is all you will ever achieve. However, personally I know that there is much more that I can achieve to fulfill a higher purpose in life and once that purpose is achieved, I will create a better world by passing on that knowledge to others who are willing to learn.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“How much more there is now to living! Instead of our drab slogging forth and back, to the fishing boats, there is a reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!”

The above quote is important to me because it shows that once you discover and attain your real life purpose, there is no stopping you.

“ His vows of a moment before were forgotten. Swept away in that great swift wind yet he felt guiltless, breaking the promises he had made himself. Such promises are only for the gulls that accept the ordinary. “one who has touched excellence in his learning has no need of that kind of promise.”

This is important to me because I realize that in our low moments we may make defeating statements and give up on attaining a goal. However, in that same instance, an idea may pop up which will create a way out of defeat to success and the thrill it brings makes you completely forget what you had just declared.

“Irresponsibility? My brothers!” he cried. Who is more responsible than a gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for life? For a thousand years we have scrabbled after fish heads, but now we have a reason to live – to learn, to discover, to be free! Give me one chance, let me show you what I’ve found”

When you discover that there is more to life than what you are used to and begin to follow your dreams others will deem you irresponsible and however much you try to make them see the benefit of self discovery, when they themselves have not come to that realization, you will always be misunderstood.

“What he had once hoped for the Flock, he now gained for himself alone; he learned to fly, and was not sorry for the price that he had paid. Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a gull’s life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.”

Often times when we find something good, we want to share with others. And yet it is sad that they will not receive it with the same enthusiasm with which we share. This should not stop us from going ahead. The path may be lonely but the rewards are worth the pain. And when you have achieved, your life becomes effective, fruitful and productive and it’s like you get a new lease on life.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

“You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that you touch perfect speed. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there.”

“To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is,” he said, “you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived.”

I did not understand the above statements and the whole idea of how Chiang was able to vanish and reappear and how it applies to thought.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain any exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

True joy and happiness of purpose lies in helping others discover their purpose. However much you have been branded and outlawed, there is always someone who is willing to learn what you have discovered. A true leader does not raise only followers but mentors a successor who is entrusted with the responsibility to teach others and also raise a successor. This is the law of love and kindness that Chiang taught Jonathan who in turn taught Fletcher. Which law we all must emulate if we are to create a better world?

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it 10



Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that each one of us can learn to use our PMA side of our brain just like a skill. When we put it to use we will greatly benefit.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Success is not a secret but a formula.

This formula when applied with PMA and other life principles, leads to success. Many times in life we come across people who are successful in business and other ventures and we think that they have a secret recipe which was passed on to them by their forefathers. Through the book “Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude,” I have learnt that success is a formula. It is like a mathematical equation where by you all get to the same answer by following the right formula. The formula for success is a Positive Mental Attitude along with other principles. I have adopted this formula in my thinking and I have seen a remarkable change in my daily work. I no longer drag through the day dreading what it will bring. I get up in the morning and determine that the day will be bright and beautiful despite what the circumstances dictate. I have seen a positive change in my attitude by applying this kind of thinking.

ii. Anyone can be successful in life with the application of PMA.

Success or being successful is not meant for a select few or those that are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. It is available for anyone who will dare and put to use the invisible talisman with the words Positive Mental Attitude inscribed on it. I know of people who have worked hard and earn good money but are not successful and I used to wonder why. I have come to understand that having a Positive Mental Attitude towards life and all its challenges will set you apart. You can have lots of money but with a Negative Mental Attitude, you fail to enjoy the fruit of your labor and live a misery life. I also know of people who earn not so much money but because they have a Positive Mental Attitude towards life, they are happy and fulfilled. To me this is success.

iii. With PMA one can spring back from failure to success.

It is not a guarantee in life that things will not go wrong at one time. Businesses go bankrupt, losses happen and people get frustrated. However, it is not the end of life for those who have a Positive Mental Attitude. You can spring back from a total devastation to success in no time. My father is an outstanding example for me. Growing up my father had a good well paying job that gave him and us privileges of travel and other things. When there was a change in government, he lost his job due to malice. My father knew that he was innocent and he kept positive through the years to this day he was able to spring back and has done so many things with his life that most of his contemporaries at the time were not able to. Some of them sank so low that they died premature deaths because they never saw anything positive in the future. My father refused to be bitter and instead grew strong out of that challenge.

iv. In order to be successful, make time to think and plan.

Creative vision and accurate thinking are key ingredients when applied with a Positive Mental Attitude. Reading from the success stories quoted, thinking time played a big role in the making of successful inventions and businesses. It is important for one to make time to sit for ideas and write them down and be able to implement them ideas come in many ways. They come as thoughts or inspirations. I have beside my bed a pen and note book. I never used to take these thoughts seriously as I do now. Since reading “Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude”, I have made it a point to write down “flashes” of ideas in my book and I have seen many of them as answers to questions I have held for a long time. I have personally written two business ideas since and I am now researching on how I can make them work.

v. Persistence is a key in success.

Failure is not final or fatal as the saying goes. Every time I read the story of Thomas Edison I see the definition of persistence. Having failed many times, he still had the courage to try again until he succeeded. Behind every successful story, there is failure and persistence.

vi. I can choose my thoughts.

I think on what I want and take my mind off the things I do not want. The mind is a powerful tool that was given us by God. It is a thought processing center. It has the ability to think both positive and negative thoughts. We however can choose what we desire to dwell on. As has been quoted through out the book, “whatever the mind conceives, it achieves”. I have personally seen this in my life. I have consciously decided to think positive thoughts about my life, health and relations and in so doing I have registered tremendous results. My life is productive and fruitful. I do not dwell on negative thoughts which bring fear and dread. I see myself as successful and having the ability to do whatever I have thought of. I do not see limitations. I see opportunities and this has helped me overcome what would in the past have been a hindrance.

vii. Divine guidance is not a matter to be neglected.

At all times in all areas of our lives we need the intervention of God. We are faced constantly with situations that need wisdom and this may not readily be available within us. God through the bible is our source of wisdom, knowledge, understanding and inspiration. As is quoted in the gospel of John, “apart from God we can do nothing.” In order to be successful, do not leave God out of the equation. I personally have many examples of times when I have had to call on God through prayer and got the answer through a scripture in the bible or a preacher who does not even have a clue what I am going through. I start my day with what I call devotion to God. I set a side time to read the bible, pray and meditate on the word. This gives me strength to face the unknown challenges of the day. I have lived this and it works.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Having a Positive Mental Attitude mixed with all the other success ingredients will help me achieve and maintain success. I have realized through reading this book that our thoughts attract our success or our failure. I intend to be intentional about my thoughts. To maximize the opportunities I have and put into practice the principles and self motivators I have learnt. To relate and assimilate them into my thought process daily. When these become a part of me, I am able to teach them to others and also be an example for others to learn from. This in turn will help me create a better world. My life purpose is “To Transform Lives and Communities Through The Impartation Of Knowledge And Skills.” I cannot impart what I have not personally benefitted from. Since I have benefitted from the reading of this book and it’s principles, I am in a better place to create a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“We are poor not because of God. We are poor because father has never developed the desire to become rich. No one in our family has ever developed a desire to be anything else.”

This quote got my attention because of the phrase “developed a desire” in order for you to achieve something in life, you must develop a desire for it. Desire is the fuel for achievement. It must burn so hot that it motivates you to reach out. We cannot blame God or our parents or other people for our lack of achievement. We must get what the authors termed as inspirational dissatisfaction.

“We translate into reality thoughts of poverty just as quickly as we do thoughts of riches. But when our attitude toward ourselves is big, and our attitude toward others is generous and merciful, we attract big and generous portions of success.”

This quote stood out for me because it has made me aware of what I am thinking about. It has made me realize that my thoughts can become reality regardless of what they are. It is also an encouragement for me to always think well of myself and others because it will bring me good not evil. My thoughts about others can be seen in the way I act towards them.

“Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”

Especially so if it is mixed with PMA. This is important to me because through it I have learnt to look for a positive outcome in every negative situation. As the saying goes “there is a silver lining in every dark cloud”

“When you receive a flash of inspiration, write it down.” I have heard it said “a short pencil is better than a long memory.” It is always advisable to write down an idea than commit it to memory. This has been particularly helpful to me because I am an auditory learner. It is easier for me to listen than to write. However, I have forgotten many important ideas because I did not write down. Now everywhere I go, I always carry a note book and pencil.

“Anything in life worth having is worth working for.”

I love this quote because it gives me the permission to work and not sit and wish. It encourages me to go the extra mile to achieve my goals through personal initiative. Too often people covet what others have yet they do not put in effort to try and achieve it the right way. It takes away the hand me mentality and gives you the I can do it.

“Identify yourself with a successful image.”

I never knew till now the importance of such a simple statement and how powerful the results can be. Keeping a picture of something you desire to have or attain in constant view will help the mind to register it and cause you to begin to move towards it. This has greatly inspired me and as a result, I have began to pay closer attention to who and what I would like to become and if possible have a cut out picture or image so I can constantly identify with.

“Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.”

This statement has helped sort out my life and give me clarity. As a result, I am able to set meaningful goals because I have a definite purpose and I can focus on one thing at a time.

“The victory within us does not assert itself until we are ready” this was important to me because many times we do not have what we have until we are faced with a situation wherein we have to act accordingly. To power to think creatively lies on the inside of us yet most people do not put it to use until they are under pressure to come up with a solution.

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

We gravitate towards our strongest thoughts. My mind is a powerful tool and how I handle it will determine my end. I choose to conceive and believe that I am made for more and as a result I know I shall achieve more than the person who does not hold this thought. As it is said, “whatever you hold in your mind on a continuing basis, you can have.”

“If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it.”

This is important to me because I am more alert to opportunities which I would have missed if I did not set goals.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I did not understand the explanation on Brain Wave synchronizer and hypnosis.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Some chapters of the book did contain exercises which I have done and found them very helpful especially committing to memory the motivators and practicing them when occasion calls for it.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

We do not choose what life will throw at us. We can choose what we will do after that. It is said when life throws lemons at you, make lemonade out of it and if possible, sell it and make a living out of it. Having a Positive Mental Attitude will help you go through life looking at every challenge as an opportunity. When I recently went through a very hard family challenge, I choose to be positive and not bitter. Part of my lesson was from my father’s own challenges. He encouraged me to pull myself up and know that I am not the first nor the last to go through such a challenge and with his support and a Positive Mental Attitude, I am still strong despite the challenge I faced. In fact I have discovered my abilities and strengths as a result.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Keys to Success

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is conveying is that success is governed by principles which must be adhered to in order for it to have meaning in your life. There is no short cut to success.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Defeat is not final or fatal.

I have learned from this book that defeat is actually a good thing when one has a positive mental attitude. It is a tool one can use to rise to success. The idea is to learn from defeat. Take an inventory of the situation at hand and see where the problem lies and decide to do it differently avoiding the mistakes which led to the defeat.

ii. Success must be visualized.

It is important to see yourself successful so as to be able to achieve it. Our minds work with images. What we see is what we get. Every time we create a mental image of where we want to go and what we want to be, our subconscious records it and helps us to move towards that direction in life. Being, precedes doing.

iii. The success principles work synergistically.

You must be able to apply them all in order for them to work for you. It may not be possible to apply them at a go in the same venture, however, it is critical that they are learned and applied when the need arises.

iv. Success is holistic.

Success must be applied to all areas of our lives. It does not make sense to be a successful business entrepreneur and yet fail in your health and marriage. As far as it depends on you, make every effort to apply the principles of success to govern all areas of your life. Marriage, health, work, business, etc. a truly successful person pays attention to all facets of their lives.

v. No man is an island.

There is no one person who is sufficient by themselves. We need each other to succeed. Therefore the importance of a master mind alliance can not be underestimated. We learn from each other’s experiences and knowledge. We need people who will challenge, encourage and celebrate with you on your venture whatever that may be. It is also important to note that not every one is beneficial as an alliance. You have to enlist in your alliance people that are like minded and can see where you are going and help positively.

vi. The purpose of words is to create images.

Speaking to yourself about your definite major goal/purpose will create an image that will develop a burning desire on the inside of you to push you to succeed. It is a good way to build your enthusiasm level by speaking to yourself on a daily basis about your definite purpose.

vii. Success should be used for the betterment of self and others.

It is very fulfilling to be able to help someone else live a better life by sharing with them your experience, knowledge and also finances. When this is done the joy that comes with the fact that your life and success touched another human being can never be measured or rewarded in this life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas above have already started having their effect in my life. I have taken the time to learn, relate and assimilate them in my life and relationships. I intentionally apply the principles on a daily basis as and when the need arises. I have started teaching them to friends and family sometimes unconsciously. I have also taken the challenge of writing down the principles every time I apply it so as to see how consistent I have become.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“You are where you are and what you are because of your established habits.”

Habits are things we do repeatedly and over time become a part of our behavior. This for me is important because I now take the responsibility for my personal actions. I cannot continually blame external factors for my failures. I should be able to take an inventory of my life and see what habits I need to break and which ones are good that I need to keep and improve on and which ones I need to acquire to be successful.

“Repetition is the mother of habit.”

I have realized that in order to get good at something I have to develop the discipline of repeating it again and again in order for it to become a habit. It has been said that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. I was the kind that easily got bored with routine. This statement is key for me if I am to be successful. I have to be intentional about what I want to adopt as a habit and do it repeatedly in order for it to become part of my life.

“Creative vision belongs only to people who have the habit of going the extra mile for it recognizes no 9 – 5 working hours and it is not concerned with monetary rewards. Its aim is doing the impossible.”

It is a great fulfillment to be able to put to use a gift or talent without any monetary expectation. Money alone should never be the only motivation that you have to offer a service. The habit of going the extra mile to do what seems impossible yields more satisfactory rewards. Going the extra mile knows no limitations. I have recently started applying this principle of going the extra mile using creative vision in that I see the opportunities that come with it. In my little book where I daily record what principles I have put to use, extra mile is the one I have used the most so far.

“Fear, self limitation and the acceptance of your defeat as final will cause you to be bound in shallows and miseries.”

As a result of this statement, I have resolved to not accept fear and put a limitation on what I can do. I have realized that I am responsible for putting myself in the shallows or being miserable. Looking back , if I had learnt from my defeat, I would have been far above where I am right now. However, I also realize that it is not too late for me to put this principle into practice.

“If you accept defeat as an inspiration to try again with renewed confidence and determination, attaining success will be only a matter of time.”

I have been encouraged to look at defeat as a motivator to do better next time. I should treat defeat as a temporary interruption on my way to success. If need be, I use it as a time to rest, refresh and return.

“Defeat can be your resistance training. Every time you return to where you started, do it deliberately, concentrating on the process so that you train yourself to make even stronger and more powerful progress the next time.”

Just because I have failed at something does not make me a failure. I have heard it said that failure is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently. I am willing to make failure the fire that drives me on to success.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book was easy for me to understand having read “success through a positive mental attitude” by the same author so it was clear for me.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book did contain some exercises and I have completed them. I have written down the principles and pinned them on my wall. I have written down my definite major purpose and I read it every morning and night so I can be one with it.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Everyone has what it takes to be successful. All we need to do is be willing to put the principles into action. No one is born already successful.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10




Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is about self image. According to the author, self image is everything. It will either make or destroy a person. Its about discovering who you really are(self realization) and being that person(self actualization). Significance springs out of true self discovery.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Surgery can never correct a thwarted self image.

Many people want to feel good by looking good. They will spend money the latest designer clothes and shoes so as to fit in. they will fix their nose or lips or any other part of their bodies which to them does not make them look it. However, self image and confidence does not come from the outside. The self image should not come from extrinsic forces like dresses and other material gains. It stems from who you really are.

Personally, I had an inferiority complex which stemmed from the fact that I was not light skinned. I compared my self with light skinned girls and felt very uncomfortable in their presence. It took me a while to appreciate me for who I am. Reading the bible helped me realize that God created me fearfully and wonderfully. So desiring to look like someone else was an insult to Him. To day I am a very confident woman with a realistic and adequate self image.

ii. Man is not a machine.

Though his brain works like one. Man unlike a machine was created by God with the ability to think and execute for himself. The brain of man is “wired” so to speak like a machine. The difference however is in the fact that mans thinks for himself. He has within in the ability to make decisions and stand by them. We are not robots that are pre-programmed to act a certain way. We have a will and a responsibility to act or not to.

iii. The mind cannot tell the difference between a real experience or synthetic one.

The mind is like a camera. It captures and stores images that are presented to it. These images can be played in the mind as a real experience. I have often wondered why certain places or events look so familiar. This has been answered by reading “Psycho-cybernetics.” I have learned this and am consciously putting it into practice. Success can be imagined and practiced before it is actually realized.

iv. The mind of man is goal oriented.

In order for us to get the best of our mind, we need to give it a goal or target. The mind works best when given a direction. The beauty about this concept is that it keeps you on track. when you use your mind creatively and set a goal, your life will always head towards that direction. If at any one time you go off track, your mind will send a signal that you are headed in the wrong direction and you stop and retrace your steps. Goal setting has brought meaning to my life. A few months ago I gave myself a health goal. This included my weight, my diet, my fitness and sleep patterns. I wrote them down where I constantly would see and read it. My mind immediately went to work and as I write this assignment, I am happy to say that my health goals have been met and maintained. This has now become a habit in my life.

v. The body has an internal clock which when not interfered with works for our good including healing itself.

The body is very intricate. Our creator took time to fashion and design us in a wonderful way. He placed within the body the ability to heal itself. When given time and the right conditions, the body will recover and rejuvenate itself. Many of us interfere with this action by introducing foreign objects which cause more damage and confuses the body system. It is not entirely wrong to seek medical help in case of sickness. However, it is also advisable to let the body try and heal itself . symptoms like headaches, stress, depression, etc may be indicators that the body is not well taken care of and you need to slow down or just relax to let the process take its course. I have in the past done this unknowingly. Now I will even do it more seeing that it has been proven. I rarely rush for medication. Incase of a headache, my first response is to take water and a nap. Many times I feel a whole lot better.

vi. In goal setting or forming a new behavior, one needs to be very patient.

I have personally had to learn and practice the virtue of patience. I used to be a very impatient person. Everything had to be done immediately with immediate results. It was very frustrating for me. However, I have come a long way as I have developed the habit of goal setting. It takes patience to see a goal materialize. I have also learned from this book that for a bad habit to be broken, one needs to set new better ones, work towards it patiently keeping the end in mind.

vii. Learning alone does not guarantee success.

Head knowledge when not applied will not cause any significant change. I have read many books which have become part of my library and vocabulary. In this book I have been challenged to practice its principles and give myself time to see it become a reality. I have enjoyed the practice of “relaxation” even amidst the most chaotic circumstances and I know that this will help me go a long way in being calm.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The above ideas have helped improve my thinking and out look towards life. I have done and still doing the practical exercises and I have seen positive change in my life. I am practically teaching these lessons now to my family and friends.

As a public speaker in the making, I have had a number of opportunities to visit young adults in schools and I am teaching them these truths. I have benefitted a lot from the self image psychology that its given me a new lease on life. I have recommended this book to a number of my friends.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The self image is changed for better or worse not by intellect alone, nor by intellectual knowledge alone but by experiencing.”

Head knowledge alone does not bring a change in ones life. Many people read books to add to their vocabulary and not to their lives. It is in putting this knowledge to use that change is effected. Even in acquiring a realistic self image, one has to experience it in his mind before he becomes it.

“Discovering your real self means the difference between freedom and the compulsions of conformity.”

This quote has literally set me free from doing things to please others or to be like others. Understanding who I am frees me to actually be and not have to apologize for it.

“To really live, i.e to find life reasonably satisfying you must have an adequate and realistic self image that you can live with.”

Living a lie is very expensive and sad. True happiness comes from knowing who you are and not being ashamed of it.

“Your self image must be a reasonable approximation of you. Being neither more than you nor less than you are.”

There is a scripture in the bible that says “do not think of your self more highly than you ought”. It is always good to have a sober judgment of your real self. When you think too highly of yourself, you may end up pompous and puffed up in pride. When you think too lowly, you limit your opportunities. So self realizations needs to be in direct approximation of your true self. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses.

“There is within each of us a life instinct which is forever working toward health, happiness and all that makes for more life for the individual.”

I am comforted by knowing that when God created me, He intended for me to be happy, healthy and exuding with life. Not miserable and sickly. And also to know that He placed within me the ability to be happy. I do not need therefore to look outward for happiness but only tap into the gifting that He placed on the inside of me to fulfill this purpose.

“Our self image prescribes the limits for the accomplishment of any particular goals. It prescribes the area of the possible.”

When you truly take stock of your life and know your weaknesses and strengths, it frees you to be all that you can without having to pretend. Your strengths get you pursuing the potentials you have and your weaknesses let you know your limits.

“Imagination of all man’s faculties is the most God like.”

The bible says we were created in the image of God after His likeness. God gave me creative powers through the avenue of imagination. I can create the outcome of my life through my imagination.

“The best way to break a habit is to form a clear mental image of the desired end and to practice without effort toward reaching that goal.”

I know of countless people, myself included who have tried to break bad habits by trying not to repeat them yet fail miserably. This is a new approach for me and I have started applying it in my life and also sharing with others.

“If you can remember, worry or tie your shoe, you can succeed.”

To succeed does not need a special formula. The same principle applied in worrying, is the same needed for success. Just allow it to occupy your thoughts most if not all the time.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did contain lots of exercises which were very helpful indeed. And yes

I did do them and still continuing to practice them

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

For one to be significant and live a purposeful life, you have to discover your true self. Realizing that the self comes from within and not without will motivate you to better your self and in the end cause you to stand out from the crowd.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



How to Win Friends and Influence People

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is conveying is the need to make people feel important through praise and appreciation and allowing them to freely express themselves without feeling stifled. When we learn to do this we make genuine friends.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Everyone desires to be important.

Human beings were created with gifts and talents that make each one of us special and unique. It is this that makes each of us want to be recognized as important and thus treated as such. Personally, I have struggled with the need for recognition. I am a good organizer and administrator. Whenever I was asked to do a task, I would do it to my best and always expected to be given credit. Many times I was disappointed when the credit did not come from my superiors. It always made me feel like I had failed and as a result, I shunned such duties when called upon. I now make it a point to try and make others feel important as much as I can.

ii. Love covers over a multitude of sin.

When people make mistakes and they will always do, we need to separate the action from the person, we are more prone to treat the person based on the action or mistake made and in so doing, we crush their spirits. I have been guilty several times of doing this. As a mother, I realize that children do things that upset us and in trying to correct them, we use the wrong method. I have learned that it is possible to correct a wrong in a loving manner.

iii. What goes around comes around.

Treat others as you would want to be treated. If we all practiced this principle in our daily lives, the world would be a better place. No one desires to be treated wrongly. So if we sow love, we will most assuredly reap love. Back in 2007, I worked in an administrative position with an organization that was going to host a big event in my city. Part of my job description was to write invitation letters and also make phone calls. One of the calls I was to make was to one of the top church leaders. This particular leader was not in the country at the time so I spoke with his aide. I needed for him to give me directions to where I should deliver the invitation letter. This gentlemen instead drove all the way to our offices and asked to see me in particular. He said he had to come see me in person because my voice on phone sounded so kind and courteous. Something he had not experienced before and so he had to come meet me in person. As a result, we have remained good friends to this day. So yes, I totally agree with Dale Carnegie when he says our smile can be heard on the telephone.

iv. Always strive for a win-win outcome

The need to be right and to prove another wrong is always greater than letting another win. However, I have discovered from reading this book that it is better to look at things from both perspectives. Your opponent’s, and yours. In so doing, you can see what you had not considered and therefore compromise to a position where both come up on top. I have a very strong personality and it is usually very difficult for me to change my mind when I decide on something. This is a principle that I desire to learn and put into practice. I notice that in the past I have walked away from an argument feeling like a winner only to realize that the other party was hurt because I did not even give them a fair hearing. Hard as it can be on someone’s ego, I think a win-win is better than a win-lose.

v. Keep both your name and reputation

It is said that a good name is better than perfume. I agree and would also like to add that a good reputation is an added advantage. There are people who are known by their character be it positive or negative. I believe that a positive reputation about one is as good or even better than their name. there are people whose names I do not know but I talk about them by what they have done. I once had a neighbor who was so anti-social. The other neighbors around did not even bother to greet her. I however was determined to show her some courtesy. I went out of my way and would greet her. We had casual talk and would smile when we meet. The one thing we never did find out was her name. to this day I refer to her as the anti-social lady.

vi. Be genuinely interested in people

I have learned that to be interesting, you must be interested. When you show genuine interest in people and ask real questions, they open up. Reading these principles has made me realize that I actually was not genuinely interested in people. I would meet and treat people casually and exchange pleasantries without much thought and when I walk away I have forgotten what they said. Now its different, I am putting more effort in paying attention to what people say and I am finding it very rewarding. I get to hear and listen to them.

vii. “Self expression is the dominant necessity of human nature.”

Human nature is so artistic. We all express ourselves in different ways and forms. When we limit or suppress this expression, it may lead to rebellion. I have seen this in my own life. I used to go to a church where ladies where not allowed to dress in a certain way that was considered ‘worldly’. I often got in trouble with the leaders because of this. I was so unhappy. I left, joined another church where I was free to express my self and be me.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

We all desire to live in a world that is full of joy, where we are treated with the importance we crave. In order to achieve this, we begin with ourselves. We reach out to people. We treat people with respect. We praise and love. We correct in a way that is not demeaning and by so doing, what we give, we shall in turn receive.

I have intentionally gone out of my way this past week to call people by their names. This I have done at fuel stations and supermarkets where the attendants wear their name tags. The response has been wonderful. It has left me feeling so much joy just by giving the other person a feeling of importance. This is a principle that I intend to live by and teach to others too.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a person’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance and arouses resentment.”

When we want to achieve better results, it is wise to praise someone for their effort other than for what they have failed to do. I have learned that in order to correct a wrong, one should employ the positive negative positive approach. This is done by praising someone, correct the wrong, and then offer more praise. It makes the person more receptive to the correction and will always think about the praise everytime there is a tendency to repeat the mistake.

“As much as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation.”

This statement has made me realize that sometimes we act like we don’t care. We are so fast to condemn and slow to give praise. If only we realized that approval is actually a need in people’s lives and leads a positive self esteem, we would offer it more.

“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing that kills the ambitions of a person as criticisms from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise.”

I first read this quote in the book “new dynamics of winning.” I immediately took it to heart. Reading it again in this book has emphasized its importance in dealing with our fellow human beings. It is a principle that if embraced has the potential to create a better world for all of us. It teaches us to be selfless not selfish.

“It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.”

It is rightly said that “no man is an island entire by itself.”

We all need someone in one way or another.

“The expression one wears on one’s face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one’s back.”

I found this quote funny and yet so true. Most people spend lots of money on their appearance and forget that the face is a reflection of the heart. It is not always easy to hide your feelings by the way you are dressed. We need to pay attention to what is on the inside more than what we put on the outside.

“It is not what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”

There is a saying that “where the mind goes, the man follows.”

Our mind is very powerful. It creates or destroys. When we imagine negative things, what follows is sadness in our lives. We first live in our minds before we live out our physical lives. The state of our minds can be seen by the way we live our lives.

“The royal road to a person’s heart is to talk about the things he or she treasures most.”

After reading this statement, I immediately put it into practice. I went to office and asked one of my work mates how her aunt she lives with was doing. I think I had not fully prepared for her answer. She went on and on and on. I sat silently and listened. She poured out her heart in a way I had not heard or seen her do before. This brought me so much joy to just see her talk. I learned a valuable lesson.

“Any fool can try to defend his or her mistakes and most fools do-but it raises one above the heard and gives one a feeling of nobility and exultation to admit one’s mistakes.”

It is not always easy to say you are wrong. However, it does pay a lot in the end.

Humility is a virtue. The bible says when you humble yourself, in due time you will be exalted.

“A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall.”

What a revelation of truth. The little nice things we do for people will win them over more than the tones of harsh word we throw at them.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. everything was clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There were no exercises to complete but there were some suggestions to try out some techniques like smiling to strangers. I have been doing them and yes the results are amazing.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

At first reading I thought this book was about caring for the other person at your own expense. As I read more and took time to think about it, I realized that it is really about me. I am in charge of what happens in me not to me. If I treat others well, it is me who gets the benefits. The other person may not even be interested or notice my kind gesture. I do it because it has become a part of me not because I want to be noticed. And yes, eventually I will get noticed.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The New Dynamics of Winning

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in “The New Dynamics of Winning” is how to train our minds and program it for success in all arena’s of life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Winning is about determination and guts.

There is a misconception about people who win in life being born with a silver spoon in their mouths. However, this is not always the case. Anyone can win in whatever area of their lives as long as they are determined to. Your condition should not always dictate the outcome of your life. Working hard and smart are the key to winning. Determination coupled with the ability to go against the current will give you the winning edge. For a while I was one of those people that thought if your parents had it good, its obvious you will have it good too. Along lifes journey I have come across people who have turned out big in business not because of their back ground but because they were determined to make it.

ii. Goals are a map to your intended destination.

It is said if you do not have a destination in mind, any road will take you there. Having clear goals give meaning and direction to life. It is like having a destination in mind and being able to get up and move in that direction. Along the way there may be some hurdles which may cause temporary delays. This however does not mean you change direction. It may mean you change the ways of getting there. What counts is that you keep the map for you will still get there. Recently I was surprised as I read through one of my old journals. I had written down as a goal to enroll in a leadership institute. This is way back in 2010. I did not have any clue as which leadership institute. I had never heard of IIGL. To me this is a clear testimony of the power of having goals and writing them down. Today I am a student pursuing leadership thanks to my goals.

iii. Use the power of visualization.

The mind is a powerful tool yet many of us do not maximize its ability. It is said sight is a function of the eyes and vision is a function of the mind. Most people go about their lives only using sight. We do not employ vision. Through this book I have learned the importance of seeing with the mind. Creating the future I want to live in and seeing every detail of it. According to what I have read, the mind can not tell the difference between an imagined experience and a real one and so visualizing an event beforehand will give an added advantage to it actually becoming a reality. This however does not mean all you do is see the end. It means seeing the whole process step by step till you get to the end.

iv. Age is a state of mind.

Anyone can achieve their dream regardless of their age. The key to achieving this is through goal setting and having an intense burning desire to see it come during your life time. We place limits for ourselves due to age. One is never too old to pursue a dream.

v. Seek mentors

In life it is not good to live in isolation. We need people to interact with. In pursuit of success, it is good to seek the advice and mentorship of people who have gone ahead and have succeeded in a particular field of interest.

vi. Success depends on the choices you make not the conditions you were born under.

It is said that if you were born poor, it is not your fault but it is your fault if you die poor. Every day we are faced with choices we have to make. These can be good or bad. The choice to be successful in life is what gives one the ability to push through hardships.

vii. Fear is an enemy of progress.

Fear of the unknown has kept many people locked and afraid to try out new things or to go to higher heights. There was a time in my own life when I was gripped by fear. I could not address a group people who I knew had attained a higher level of education than me. This gave me an inferiority complex. I always shunned such people. I however faced my fears and liberated myself. In so doing, many speaking opportunities have come my way. I no longer look at myself as inferior. I overcame my fear.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

My life purpose is to transform lives and communities through knowledge and skills. Every time I learn something new, I apply it in my life and look for ways to pass it on to others. I work with an organization that empowers youths with skills and I have the opportunity to talk to them on a weekly basis. This is where I pass on such knowledge thus creating a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Other individuals are merely mirrors of what you see in yourself. You can’t love or hate

something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.”

This quote has answered a big question in my life. I often wondered you people treat others differently. I recently talked to someone who was having a hard time with a friend. She was very critical and judgmental of her and she just did not know why. After reading this quote, I spoke to her about it and she did admit that the friend reminded her of a life she had always dreamed she would live and had long given up on. It also highlighted the many times I have struggled with people because of the same.

“Instead of achieving or performing to impress the world or your peers, seek to do something that you love, something that is excellent, and beneficial. You need no one else to measure you or your skill. Your main audience should be your own self respect.”

This is important to me in that it allows me to check my motives for doing something. I have to ask myself the tough question of why am I doing what I am doing. Whatever the answer is, I must be able to live with myself thereafter.

“Age should never be a barrier to full participation in life. What is most important is to enjoy life to it’s fullest, to do things for and with others and never ever be afraid to stretch your limits. Choose to win.”

Age should never be a disqualifying factor. Having read the stories in this book, I am now more determined than ever to achieve whatever my mind has conceived regardless of my age. I have chosen to believe that I am still young at heart.

“Don’t just hope for the best, learn to expect the best, even if you have to force yourself to do so.”

Many people live their lives expecting the worst. Having a negative mental attitude is more common than a positive one. Learning to expect the best gives you so much energy and a positive outlook to life. When favors are given, you do not act surprised because you were expecting it. I am practicing this every day.

“No matter the challenge, you must be able to will your way to victory.”

Challenges I have come to believe are temporary bumps in the road. The will to triumph must be birthed by the desire to achieve. I visualize the end and the glory that comes with it and this gives me the ability to rise up and keep moving.

“Success in developing a new skill requires a basic trust in your ability that should never be allowed to waver. True confidence does not precede this trust, but is built upon it.”

Knowing yourself is an important aspect to success. Most people are afraid of trying out new things because of what people say about them and not because of what they know about themselves. For a long time I was afraid to step out and try things I wanted and loved because I was told you do not look like you can do that and as a result, I lost the opportunities. However, I have since learned that confidence in who I am will give me the competence to do what I desire.

“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm to be the greatest asset I possess and I believe the way to develop the best in any one is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that kills ambition like criticism from superiors. So I never criticize anyone. I am anxious to praise but slow to find fault. If I like something, I am hearty in my appreciation and lavish in my praise.”

This is a principle I will do all I can to live by. I feel like if every parent, teacher or leader out there lived by this quote, people would turn out better.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. the book was quite easy to understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did have a 21 day exercise which I did do and still doing. And yes it has been very helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Self talk is very important. Learn to speak to yourself in a positive way. I have written and printed out the Ten-Self-Affirming Beliefs. Every morning I read these points and expect the best out of my day.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Giant Steps

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in this book is about owning your life and be responsible for creating the future you desire. This is by the decisions you make or fail to make and the ability to stick to the commitments you have made. Its about taking action.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Success requires commitment.

In order for you to see lasting change in any endeavor you pursue, it takes commitment. Success is not any different. I have personally benefitted from the fruit of commitment. A year ago, I decided to start exercising. This would include jogging, sit ups, skipping and walking. I t was not easy to get up early in the morning to jog. I delayed this venture for a few days until I finally got to doing it. A few days later, I gave myself every reason I should not continue. However, I continued and today I can say my health and physical fitness is something people look up to and seek my advice on. I have been committed and seen success.

ii. Consistency yields results.

As has been put by Anthony Robbins, it is not what we do once in a while that counts, but our consistent results. Many people start projects with good intentions but fail to yield the expected results because they fail to be consistent. Once something becomes a habit, it is very hard to break. As a result of some of the books I have read through IIGL, I have developed the habit of self, positive talk. I affirm myself every morning and set the mood for the day. My friends too with whom I have shared this principle can testify of its power. Habit is indeed stronger than desire.

iii. Develop strong conviction.

Without conviction, any decision will be easily swayed. When the opportunity for me to be a student of IIGL was presented to me, I was very excited. A few months down the road, I faced quite a number of challenges. I had to stop for a little while. However, because I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was the best thing for me, I overcame the challenge and continued with the program. It has been the best thing that has happened to me. I am so convinced that my future depends on completing all levels of this program.

Passion is a fuel that keeps you moving or doing what you need to do. Without it, life can be a drag. Passion is what will give meaning and purpose. I work with an organization that was started by an alumni of IIGL. Our organization is passionate about youth empowerment. This passion has been transferred to us by our executive director who is so passionate and one of our tag lines is “turn passion into a profession.” I have personally seen this in her work and the fire is quickly spreading in and through us to the youth we empower.

v. Be goal oriented.

Goals give so much meaning to life. Without a goal, life can be aimless. Goals are the compass for our lives. Every day presents us an opportunity to do something worthwhile for the good of society. One of the goals I set for myself a few years back was to enroll in a leadership institute. I did not know how and when this would happen. However, my path crossed with someone who identified this leadership call upon my life and introduced me to IIGL. As the saying goes, the rest is history. Today I am well on my way to achieving this goal. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Goals will bring the teacher.

vi. Success has a code of conduct.

Successful people talk, walk, dress, eat and live differently. There is an air of confidence about them. If success is a journey that you are embarking on, it is advisable to take time and study it. The words you use in describing yourself and your future will say a lot about you. Even as you change status, adopt the vocabulary and life style of success. I recently told some of my friends that I would not be around them long because my status requires me to be around those I want to be like so as to pick up on their culture. I am still on this journey. My talk and style are slowly changing as I take on the success code of conduct.

vii. Acquire knowledge and skills

Learning is a process that should never be stopped. There is something you do not know yet need that will make you a better person. We are living in an information age where there is so much to learn. If we are to be good at what we do we need to ever be learning. Recently at church my pastor said something that struck me even as I was reading this book. She said it is not wise to keep learning and not applying that knowledge. This book and others before it has taught me many things. Some I have applied others I have not yet. After that message, I made a commitment to put to use knowledge and skill I have learned before learning anything new. As it is said, when you are green, you grow. When you are ripe you rot. I choose to remain green and grow through knowledge. Knowledge rightly applied translates to wisdom.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I will put to practice daily the principles written in this book. This book is meant to be a daily guide. Each day of the year has been catered for. Every time I learn something new, apply it in my life, and see the results, I always take it upon myself to teach someone else. Even before completing this book, I have taken some principles and shared with my work mates. It is exciting to see the look on their faces when they hear me share. One of my work mates has pledged to join IIGL next year.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, determine our destiny.”

It has been said that it is not your fault if you are born poor. However, to die poor would be your own doing. The power to decide the outcome of your life depends on the decisions you make or fail to make. Decision making is not easy but with time, the more you do, the easier it becomes.

“The secret of unleashing your true power is setting goals that are exciting enough that they truly inspire your creativity and ignite our passion.”

As a facilitator and trainer, one of the topics I absolutely love is on goal setting. One of the modules we teach to our participants is goal setting and we use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. I recently read somewhere that goals do not only have to be S.M.A.R.T but S.M.A.R.T.E.R.S. for exciting, rewarding and stretching. The more exciting the goal, the more effort we shall put in. its rewards should get us out of bed every morning with renewed energy.

“The real purpose of a goal is what it makes of you as a human being while you pursue it.”

Our character should match our achievement. Goals are the end product which many of us look to. We forget to pay attention to the process. The process to the result ought to make us better at the end of it all.

“One of the miracles of being human is that we can decide what causes us pain and pleasure.”

Being proactive is a choice we can make. We do not have to be acted upon. We choose our actions. I have the right to choose my emotions be it negative or positive.

“Age is more a matter of focus and physiology than chronology.”

Age should never be a limiting factor. It is never too late to dream and start afresh in life. Age is a state of mind. With the right attitude, anything can be achieved irrespective of age.

“Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.”

It has been said that our brains cannot tell the difference between an imagination and a real event. I have been practicing visualizing the goals and living in them so as to pave the way for their fulfillment.

“To create a new pattern of thinking, feeling, or behaving, you must first interrupt the old pattern.”

The bible says you cannot put new wine in old wine skins. For change to be achieved, old patterns and ways which have not yielded results or are now obsolete need to be replaced with new ones. As a leader with a passion for community transformation, this stands out for me so critically. It has been said we cannot solve problems at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

None. I did agree with pretty much all the principles.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes. I did most of the exercises. This book is designed to be used all year round and I intend to continuously read a principle a day as I apply it to my life.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The principles in this book work for everyone who is willing to work them. It is irrespective of age, gender or religious affiliation.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Real Magic

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is that of living a fulfilled purposeful life intentionally. This can be achieved by understanding that we are spirit beings and we have the power to create the life we desire and envision.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Be open minded.

Life has lessons every direction you turn. In order for you to benefit from it you need to be open minded. Many times we have preconceived ideas about something and this hinders any new knowledge we may have received. I have learned through the writing of Dr. Dyer that it helps to come into situations as a learner. Pick what is useful and discard what is not. Being open minded allows you to see things from a different angle if you are willing to.

ii. Begin with the end in mind.

It has been said, “everything is created twice. First in the mind then in the physical world”. We have within us the ability to see and create a world in our minds and be able to translate that into our physical world. I have personally seen this in my own life. I have envisioned places and events when I travel and when I get there, it feels familiar. This

iii. You can decide your own destiny.

The power to create a future we desire lies within us. As spirit beings, we are limitless. We do not operate within borders. Borders do not allow us to exercise our creativity. We live within ‘safe’ zones and as a result we find that our inside is crying out to be expressed. This usually is the cause of frustration. As a Christian, I believe that faith is the currency of getting that which is in the spirit realm and make it manifest in the seen. I have experienced this in my life. Faith is the evidence of things not seen.

iv. Perspective is what matters.

People see things differently. Usually this is based on our background or what everyone else says. The way you view your life is the way it will be to you. It has been said what you see is what you get. If your view of life is that it is difficult, that is how the outcome will be.

v. Everything has a purpose

We were created with a purpose. A life of purpose is a life of meaning. It brings fulfillment. Everything we see was meant to solve a problem or answer a need. When you discover yourself, you will become significant. My life has meaning now because I identified what I was created for.

vi. Live your own life. Everyone else’s taken.

Everyone has a life. Many people are miserable because they are trying to be like someone else . We were made with different personalities and abilities. We have a path that was already mapped out for us. When you find what you were made for, your life will be exciting and worth living.

vii. Process is more important than outcome.

Few people enjoy the journey to where they are heading because they are focused on getting there. Everything we go through in life is a learning experience. Process in itself builds more than the outcome. I personally have a lot to learn from this. I never used to consider the journey. It was more about the destination.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Reading Real Magic has awakened me to the realization of my true self as a spirit being. Though I live in a physical world I can influence it by the way I see it in my unseen world. Through this realization, I will be able to impart the knowledge through organizing talks in the community. This is in line with the vision for my life to “transform lives and communities through imparting knowledge and skill”.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

This statement to me is very powerful and eye opening. It is also very liberating especially when trying to teach someone something you think they need to know. It has made me realize that the burden of learning is on the student not the teacher. The fact that it applies to all spheres of life is also worth noting. Personally, when I was ready to change my living by adopting new ways of thinking, I was introduced to IIGL which has taught me a better way of living through the books I have been reading including ‘Real magic’.

“We are spirit beings having a human experience not human beings having a spiritual experience.”

I always knew that the real me is spirit though I never separated it from the physical me in this aspect. Understanding that the real me is spirit and limitless has opened me up to begin imagining my life without any hindrance. The only limit I have and experience is the one that I place on myself. What freedom this thought brings!

“The spiritual being knows that everything he hates and fights weakens him, and all that he is for, all that he supports, empowers him.”

Focusing on the wrong things drain a person of their energy. It produces in one emotions like anger and hatred which are contrary to the spirit. Therefore for one to live a purposeful live full of vibrancy and enthusiasm, you should think about promoting what you support.

“For the spiritual being, success is achieved by aligning oneself with one’s purpose, which is not measured by performance or acquisitions.”

If we all understood purpose and strived to live accordingly, we would not covet or desire or be jealous and envious of others. Everyone would be content living and serving In their lane in life. It would take away the need for competition and instead promote celebration of peoples worth.

“The measure of a life is not in what is accumulated, but rather in what is given to others.”

Sharing is caring as the saying goes. In the world we live in today, the more you have, the more you want. If only we understood that when we share of our worldly possessions then we are truly rich. The bible says do not lay for yourselves treasures on earth which will rust and be stolen. Lay your treasures in heaven. It also goes on to say that a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses. I desire to be remembered as one who touched lives by giving of myself other than by the wealth I amassed.

“All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.”

It is good for one to “withdraw” and be alone to have quiet time. Solitude is good for the soul. Jesus often withdrew from his followers to go and talk to His father. As a result, He often returned in power and did supernatural things like healing the sick and teaching powerful sermons. It is a kind of detoxing. We all are bombarded with too much information so our thinking can be clouded. In order for you to have clear thoughts, it is advisable to sit still and listen to your inner voice.

“The purpose of pain and suffering is that you may transcend it and learn from it in order to move to a higher dimension.”

Every experience we go through in life is not a waste. Life offers lessons at every turn. We should stop asking why me and instead see the opportunity to get better after it is all said and done.

“Nothing is more likely to help a person overcome or endure troubles than the consciousness of having a task in life.”

When you have something to live for, it gives you the ability to look at hardships as temporary set backs.

“When you are green, you grow. When you are ripe, you rot.”

To me this simply says I will be a learner forever. Learning should never stop.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I did not understand the whole issue of how the writer said he had a conversation with his daughter who he was having a difficult time with. He explains that he was able to bring her to his circle and they had a talk. I found this hard to comprehend.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book contained a few suggestions which I have been putting in action.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

God is the source of all life. We find our being in Him. Outside Him there is no fulfillment. In order to find real meaning, we need to reconnect to God our creator.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Unlimited Power

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in this book is about owning your life and be responsible for creating the future you desire. This is by the decisions you make or fail to make and the ability to stick to the commitments you have made. Its about taking action.

Every action has feedback. It’s either success or failure. Both

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Success requires commitment.

In order for you to see lasting change in any endeavor you pursue, it takes commitment. Success is not any different. I have personally benefitted from the fruit of commitment. A year ago, I decided to start exercising. This would include jogging, sit ups, skipping and walking. I t was not easy to get up early in the morning to jog. I delayed this venture for a few days until I finally got to doing it. A few days later, I gave myself every reason I should not continue. However, I continued and today I can say my health and physical fitness is something people look up to and seek my advice on. I have been committed and seen success.

ii. Consistency yields results.

As has been put by Anthony Robbins, it is not what we do once in a while that counts, but our consistent results. Many people start projects with good intentions but fail to yield the expected results because they fail to be consistent. Once something becomes a habit, it is very hard to break. As a result of some of the books I have read through IIGL, I have developed the habit of self, positive talk. I affirm myself every morning and set the mood for the day. My friends too with whom I have shared this principle can testify of its power. Habit is indeed stronger than desire.

iii. Develop strong conviction.

Without conviction, any decision will be easily swayed. When the opportunity for me to be a student of IIGL was presented to me, I was very excited. A few months down the road, I faced quite a number of challenges. I had to stop for a little while. However, because I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was the best thing for me, I overcame the challenge and continued with the program. It has been the best thing that has happened to me. I am so convinced that my future depends on completing all levels of this program.

iv. Develop passion

Passion is a fuel that keeps you moving or doing what you need to do. Without it, life can be a drag. Passion is what will give meaning and purpose. I work with an organization that was started by an alumni of IIGL. Our organization is passionate about youth empowerment. This passion has been transferred to us by our executive director who is so passionate and one of our tag lines is “turn passion into a profession”. I have personally seen this in her work and the fire is quickly spreading in and through us to the youth we empower.

v. Be goal oriented.

Goals give so much meaning to life. Without a goal, life can be aimless. Goals are the compass for our lives. Every day presents us an opportunity to do something worthwhile for the good of society. One of the goals I set for myself a few years back was to enroll in a leadership institute. I did not know how and when this would happen. However, my path crossed with someone who identified this leadership call upon my life and introduced me to IIGL. As the saying goes, the rest is history. Today I am well on my way to achieving this goal. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Goals will bring the teacher.

vi. Success has a code of conduct.

Successful people talk, walk, dress, eat and live differently. There is an air of confidence about them. If success is a journey that you are embarking on, it is advisable to take time and study it. The words you use in describing yourself and your future will say a lot about you. Even as you change status, adopt the vocabulary and life style of success. I recently told some of my friends that I would not be around them long because my status requires me to be around those I want to be like so as to pick up on their culture. I am still on this journey. My talk and style are slowly changing as I take on the success code of conduct.

vii. Acquire knowledge and skills

Learning is a process that should never be stopped. There is something you do not know yet need that will make you a better person. We are living in an information sage where there is so much to learn. If we are to be good at what we do we need to ever be learning. Recently at church my pastor said something that struck me even as I was reading this book. She said it is not wise to keep learning and not applying that knowledge. This book and others before it has taught me many things. Some I have applied others I have not yet. After that message, I made a commitment to put to use knowledge and skill I have learned before learning anything new. As it is said, when you are green, you grow. When you are ripe you rot. I choose to remain green and grow through knowledge. Knowledge rightly applied translates to wisdom.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I will put to practice daily the principles written in this book. This book is meant to be a daily guide. Each day of the year has been catered for. Every time I learn something new, apply it in my life, and see the results, I always take it upon myself to teach someone else. Even before completing this book, I have taken some principles and shared with my work mates. It is exciting to see the look on their faces when they hear me share. One of my work mates has pledged to join IIGL next year.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, determine our destiny.”

It has been said that it is not your fault if you are born poor. However, to die poor would be your own doing. The power to decide the outcome of your life depends on the decisions you make or fail to make. Decision making is not easy but with time, the more you do, the easier it becomes.

“The secret of unleashing your true power is setting goals that are exciting enough that they truly inspire your creativity and ignite our passion.”

As a facilitator and trainer, one of the topics I absolutely love is on goal setting. One of the modules we teach to our participants is goal setting and we use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. Goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. I recently read somewhere that goals do not only have to be S.M.A.R.T but S.M.A.R.T.E.R.S. for exciting, rewarding and stretching. The more exciting the goal, the more effort we shall put in. its rewards should get us out of bed every morning with renewed energy.

“The real purpose of a goal is what it makes of you as a human being while you pursue it.”

Our character should match our achievement. Goals are the end product which many of us look to. We forget to pay attention to the process. The process to the result ought to make us better at the end of it all.

“One of the miracles of being human is that we can decide what causes us pain and pleasure.”

Being proactive is a choice we can make. We do not have to be acted upon. We choose our actions. I have the right to choose my emotions be it negative or positive.

“Age is more a matter of focus and physiology than chronology”

Age should never be a limiting factor. It is never too late to dream and start afresh in life. Age is a state of mind. With the right attitude, anything can be achieved irrespective of age.

“Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”

It has been said that our brains cannot tell the difference between an imagination and a real event. I have been practicing visualizing the goals and living in them so as to pave the way for their fulfillment.

“To create a new pattern of thinking, feeling, or behaving, you must first interrupt the old pattern.”

The bible says you cannot put new wine in old wine skins. For change to be achieved, old patterns and ways which have not yielded results or are now obsolete need to be replaced with new ones. As a leader with a passion for community transformation, this stands out for me so critically. It has been said we cannot solve problems at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

None. I did agree with pretty much all the principles.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes. I did most of the exercises. This book is designed to be used all year round and I intend to continuously read a principle a day as I apply it to my life.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The principles in this book work for everyone who is willing to work them. It is irrespective of age, gender or religious affiliation.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Power of Intention

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The idea being conveyed in this book is that of staying in touch with our source which in my understanding is God and as a result, we will live as spirits having a physical experience not physical beings having a spiritual experience. Our life is not just for here and now. We are eternal beings. We exist first as spirit then physical beings. When we die or leave this physical world, we live as spirit beings in the unseen world.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Everything in life is connected to its source.

Plants are connected to the ground for their survival. Fish need to stay in water to stay alive. As humans, we need to stay connected to our creator for our sustenance.

Ideas do not flourish in a vacuum. They need to be incubated. In order for them to become tangible, they need to stay connected to the source which is our power of imagination. Every time we get an idea or imagine something, and we do not keep it in focus, we lose it. I have been a victim of this on several occasions. In my quiet moments, I have birthed ideas which are solutions in many ways. However, because of lack of discipline, I have not materialized these. I have since learned to write them down and muse over them till they become tangible.

ii. Everything exists twice.

Whatever we see with our natural eyes was first an idea in someone’s mind. The mental picture of a thing is like the blue print. Before an idea is actualized, it first occurs as a thought. This is important to me because I have come to appreciate my thoughts and imaginations. I do not discard them as a passing thought.

iii. There is creative power in imagination.

It has been said that the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Most people do not realize the power of the mind and so do not eat of its fruit. Our live is often a reflection of our imaginations. There are people who have strong imaginations yet fear to translate it into the physical tangible world. What we see started in someone’s mind. While reading this book, I fell sick. I was literally shivering in bed. In that instant, I started visualizing myself as well and calm. In less than thirty minutes I was as calm as I had seen myself. I totally agree with this concept.

iv. Be intentional

A life lived with intention is a fulfilled life. Many people go through life second guessing about everything. What should I do? When should I do what I want? And so on, and so forth. As a result, time passes by and they realize that almost half their lives is gone.

For many years I did not fully understand purpose. It sounded like a very complex issue. And so I never found fulfillment in what I did. I thought it was in a good paying job but all in vain. I later discovered that fulfillment and joy is found in doing that which gives you the utmost satisfaction. I did not find it in a job or a person. I found it in my heart. When I came to this point, I made it a point to always connect with what is in my heart and follow it wholeheartedly.

v. You are uniquely created for your purpose

Every one of us was uniquely created. The bible says we were fearfully and wonderfully made. I like to say that when God created me, He broke the mold. Therefore that would mean that there is this one thing that I was specially made to do. It may be a business, or an idea that will help to solve an issue. And when I discover that niche, I do it with all my heart. Understanding this has helped me to be content and not feel jealous or envious towards other people. This has brought so much peace within me.

vi. Whatever you feed, grows

Our words feed our thoughts. We need to be aware of what we are saying and the impact it creates. Just as we eat food to grow, our minds need to feed on the right things to grow.

From the time I joined the IIGL program, I have seen tremendous growth in my mind. By reading these books, my mind has expanded and I am amazed at the ideas that flow out of it and also my reasoning ability. My friends too have noticed this growth in me and have verbalized it.

vii. “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.”

Our perspective of things does affect our attitude towards the same. If we look at things from a negative point of view, even the way we respond will be negative. I have found out that things are usually as a result of my inner perception.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Incorporating the above ideas into my own life will help me be more productive and fruitful. In living out my purpose I will be able to transform lives and communities through sharing the practical lessons I have learned. What usually sets people back is their own thinking. When minds are transformed, lives are changed. I intend to live the lessons I have personally benefitted from and pass them on to those I come in contact with.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“We all tend to use our thoughts to create the world we choose.”

We create what we think about. When we think about the negative things all the time, we begin to attract them and as a result, we start to manifest the results in our lives. The same is true for positive thoughts. Whatever world we live in today is a result of our thought process.

“Even when nothing seems to indicate that you’re accomplishing what you desire in your life, refuse to entertain doubt.”

It has been said, delay is not denial. Many times we give up when things do not seem to be going the way we planned or imagined and this is a point of discouragement to many. This statement keeps me on track and gives me the energy to go on despite my circumstances.

“Imagine myself to be and I shall be.”

The outcome of my life is the result of how I see myself in my mind. My life is a reflection of my imaginations.

“In imagination, dwell on the end, fully confident that it’s there in the material world and that you can use the ingredients of all creative source to make it tangible.”

I believe that our imagination is the evidence that its reality is possible. I believe that if you can imagine it, then you are able to attract the material needed to make it happen. This works for both the positive and negative imaginations.

“Your reputation is not located in you. It resides in the minds of others.”

We like to do things so that people may have a certain opinion of us. We go the extra mile to please them and build a good name. whatever we do, people are entitled to their opinion.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There was nothing I did not understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There were no exercises to be done. However, putting the principles into practice is what I considered as exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Thoughts, ideas and imagination are not formless. They do exist in the unseen realm. When we engage in imagination, we tap into the unseen and give them physical, tangible shape when we actualize them.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10

E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Englole (Uganda)

1 .What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea Stephen Covey is conveying in this book is that of living a principled based life. Principles are the foundation upon which character is based. They are the structure which all else hinges on.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Self-awareness is prerequisite to success.

Knowing and understanding who you are in terms of your strengths and weaknesses is a key aspect in being successful. You are able to know your abilities and limitations. This is very freeing in many ways. I had an inferiority complex for many years because I thought that others were better than me in different ways. If I met a girl who had a strength that I did not, I felt like she was better and this put a lot of pressure on me to try and be like her. I was very miserable because I had to always act and not be genuine. This went on for a while until I was helped to understand that we are all fearfully and wonderfully created by God. And that God has a special plan for every individual that is why we are different yet our difference complements us. I am now very secure in who I am. I celebrate difference instead of being intimidated by it.

ii. You can write your own script.

Most of us live our lives the way our parents lived theirs. We are told to follow family traditions. Statements like “this is how it has always been done” have been drummed in our ears so loud that we hear it every time you feel you want to try something else.

Reading and understanding that I can write my own script according to my uniqueness yet not violating the universal principles is very liberating.

I am reminded of an incident that happened in my life when I was quite little.

My father really loved us his children. However, many seemed to allude to the fact that he loved me more. Growing up we were told that girls from my tribe were forbidden from eating a certain part of chicken. My brothers made it a point to always remind us of the same when we were to have chicken at home. This went on for a while. One day out of curiosity I asked my father why that was so and where it had originated from. He plainly told me that there was nothing to it and that was just men domineering women. That day, I ate that piece and told my brothers what my father had said. To this day, all my sisters and I are no more following that script. We wrote our own.

ii. Character is more important than personality

Until I read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, I did not pay attention to the difference between personality and character. I have been highly intrigued to note that people can operate from either a personality or character trait.

Character is the foundation upon which all else is built. If there is a flaw in your character, no amount of makeup can cover it up. If the foundation is not strong, the building will one day crumble. I can relate this to people I know of especially preachers. I have a friend who is a preacher. He has so much charisma and his personality wins crowds when he preaches. His downfall has been brought about by his lust for women. On several occasions he has fallen victim to lack of his character by having extra marital affairs with single girls in his congregation. As it is said in the Christian circles, your anointing is sustained by your character not your charisma.

iv. Judge people by their values not yours.

Habit number five states that we should seek to understand before we are understood. It takes a lot of discipline for this to become part of one’s life and yet when applied, the benefits are worth the effort. Humans by default are very judgmental. We are quick to conclude without knowing half the story. We run with the headlines not the details. We like to say the devil is in the details. However, if we are patient enough to have the full story, we are likely to be shocked at our own misjudgment of the situation.

I have been a victim of this so many times. Reading it has brought me to face myself. I often hear one side of the story and immediately pass judgment which many times is wrong. It is a habit that I desire strongly in my life. I am learning to understand the why behind the what before I even consider having an opinion. As a Christian, I have been guilty of judging non-Christians based on my values not theirs and this has earned me a few enemies.

v. Live by principles

Principles are likened to a compass pointer which always points north. Principles give direction and meaning to life. There is a saying that if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything. Principles are pillars which hold you. If they are strong, you are likely to stand strong and tall through trials and temptations. Principles are unchanging. You do not break them, instead they break you. Some of the principles I endeavor to abide by are honesty and integrity. A few years ago I worked as a loans officer with a micro finance organization. One of my responsibilities was to assess client credit worthiness. In one of the groups I oversaw, there was a client who had applied for an amount that he did not qualify for. I advised him to apply for what he was eligible for but he insisted and then later he brought me an envelope with some money in it to bribe me. The following day, I went to his work place and handed him back the envelope intact. He obviously did not get the loan he had wanted. But a few weeks later, my supervisor was told by members of that very group how I had acted in integrity. When I think about it now, I was only able to do that because of embracing a life of principles.

vi. Purpose fulfills

It is said when purpose is not known, abuse is eminent. Understanding and knowing why you exist brings fulfillment. Success alone does not guarantee fulfillment. My personal story in this area is an example.

Before I discovered my life purpose, I lived a lie. I had the personality to make me look good and fit in but I was empty. I worked in a good organization for five years. During this time, I changed departments three times. All this was because after a while, I would get bored of what I was doing and try something else in search of satisfaction. After a while, I left the place so I could figure myself out. My supervisor asked me to take leave and think about my decision because she was not willing to let me go. I was a good employee and worked well. This self-discovery was not as easy as I thought it would be. It took me four years to finally know exactly what I was wired to do and another three years to begin walking that path. Today I am living a very fruitful and productive life in line with my purpose which is to transform lives and communities through knowledge and skills. I work with an organization which empowers youths with entrepreneurial and life skills. An area of passion for me.

vii. Be focused

Focusing on what you desire to achieve will yield great results. Habit two talks about seeing the end result before you begin. I have been applying this principle in my life. During my time of self discovery, I often pictured myself talking to many groups of people and inspiring them. I stayed focused on this path and today, I see its fruit. I know that this principle is true and it works. My life is a testimony.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas above and many more in the book are essential for a productive and fruitful life. I have benefited a lot from reading and doing some of the exercises. So in line with my life purpose which is to ‘transform lives and communities through knowledge and skills’, I intend to live and teach these lessons in order to bring about transformation.

In my line of work as a trainer, I get the opportunity to train on a weekly basis. I am able to incorporate these ideas in the training material.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“How can we remember our ignorance, which our growth desires, when we are using our knowledge all the time?”

There is always something we do not know or something new coming up that we need to learn. Staying open to learning is key to knowledge. As the saying goes, if you stay green you grow. I have decided to learn something new every month.

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”.- Albert Einstein

This tells me that our thinking should evolve. As we grow and mature, we cannot continue to make the same mistakes we did in the past. In order to correct an error, a different approach needs to be applied.

“Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power.”

This is true in my life as a Christian. God is at the center of my life and everything I do revolves around Him. It’s also true of people who have money at the center of their lives.

“You can’t talk your way out of problems you behave yourself into”

This stood out for me because many times I have fallen victim. And I think I can just use positive self talk to get out.

“The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are.”

Authenticity is the real deal. I am easily put off by people who I meet and sense are phony. I was once like this because I was not confident in who I was.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. everything was clear and easy to understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book did have exercises at the end of every chapter which I found very helpful. I am still practicing them.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Principles are universal and are embraced by most major religions in the world. This to me is an indicator that our source is one. We were created by God though we have different ways of expressing.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Law of Attraction

Assessment by Juliette A Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is conveying in the book is about how we attract positive or negative things in our lives. This may happen knowingly or unknowingly through the thoughts we have. Vibes respond to our thoughts and not the words we speak. The author also brings to our attention that these vibes cannot tell the difference between reality and make belief.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Pay attention to your thoughts.

The law of attraction responds to thoughts and not words. When we think on things that are negative, we attract them in our lives knowingly or unknowingly. The same applies to positive thoughts. When I reflect on my own life, there are times when good and bad things happened and now I know that it was as a result of my thought pattern.

ii. Things do not just happen.

There are many people who think that things, good or bad, just happens. From the book Law of Attraction, the author puts across the fact that nothing just happens. In other words, there are no coincidences. We set in motion these occurrences by the kind of vibes we are emitting. These vibes he says are either negative or positive. I have seen this in my personal life. I did not know that it was the Law of Attraction operating in my life. I had been thinking about my primary school friends who I had not seen in so many years and did not have their contacts. Just the other day, I received a message on my phone that I had been added to a social media group of my primary school friends. I was super elated. I would have called it a coincidence but I now know better.

iii. Be deliberate about your desire.

Knowing what you want is the first step in getting it through the law of attraction. When you know what you want or desire, you will always think about it. The more you think about something, the more the possibility of it manifesting in your life. It is like a goal. It has to be specific. When it is clear and specific, you begin to notice it everywhere. You begin to attract even means of how to achieve it. I am passionate about healthy eating and living. I intend to open up a unique food parlor that serves only fruits and vegetables. I have recently started paying attention as a result of reading this book. Incidences where people are approaching me with ways of how I can fulfill my desire. Most of them unknowingly.

iv. Have a desire statement.

Having a desire alone is not enough. Writing it down makes it even more concrete. The desire statement helps you to quicken the law of attraction which states that whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to you will get more of. As a Christian, the bible encourages me to write down my vision and make it clear. Writing down is a form of commitment and the mind will always work in line bringing it to pass. When I write down my desires, I personally experience feelings of excitement and the possibility of these desires to materialize.

v. Clarify through contrast.

I found this very interesting. The thought of contrasting your desires, with that which you do not like. I have never done it. I know what I do not like and many times, I dwell on them more than what I desire. This according to Michael J Losier, sends a negative vibration which attracts the undesirable more into my life. I have taken this exercise seriously and the feeling is exciting. I will do it as often as I can so I can clarify my desires better.

vi. Allow good things to come.

It seems like such an easy thing to do. Just allowing? Well apparently most of us do not know that we are being short changed in our desires by not giving ourselves permission to allow. It sounds so childish yet so powerful. I would liken this process to believing. As a Christian, the scriptures tell me to believe in my heart and not allow doubt and anxiety to set in. doubt according to this book is a negative vibe. We cancel out our ability to receive when we doubt and speak negatively.

vii. Live like you have it.

The Law of Attraction does not seem to tell the difference between reality and make believe. It responds to your vibration. In order to attract the good things that you desire, you have to live like you have already got it. This causes an excitement which emits a positive vibration and sets this law into motion. Create a vibration bubble in which you only allow in the things which you desire to attract.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas that I got from the book Law of Attraction are very powerful and life transforming if put to use. I realize that not many people are knowledgeable or exposed to such practices. I have often wondered how some people seem to always have what they want or need. This has been answered through this book. I therefore intend to personally live out these principles through applying them daily in my life and also to use them in trainings. As a facilitator and trainer, I have the opportunity to talk to many people on a weekly basis. I will endeavor to change someone’s life through teaching them.

Furthermore I shall use this law during my counseling sessions as I talk to the people who come to me. It is a tool that can be used to counsel and mentor people towards behavioral change which leads to community transformation.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative.”

This is basically the summary of the Law of Attraction. I like this statement because it allows me to stop and take a critical look at the outcome of my life and be able to tell how I got there and how I can better it. The quality of my life is determined by the thoughts I think on.

“The speed at which law of attraction manifests your desire is in direct proportion to how much you allow.”

I set the pace for progress in my life. though I desire to see certain things in my life, I may hinder their progress by not consciously allowing them in. so I must deliberately give myself permission to receive what I hope for.

“Your job is not to try to figure things out intellectually but to let the law of attraction figure it out.”

When dealing with the Law of Attraction, you have to surrender your mind. It cannot be explained logically. All you have to do is have faith that it works and it will indeed work.

“Abundance is a feeling.”

Feeling precedes having. When you feel empty, it is usually because you have depleted yourself in that area. So in order to begin to receive the abundance that you desire, adopt the feeling that you are already living in abundance and this will set the law in motion.

“Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind.”

We cannot be thinking both good and bad at the same time. The bible says salty water and fresh water cannot come out of the same source. One will always cancel the other.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No the book was easy to understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book contained a number of exercises. I did do them and still continuing to do them so that this may become a life style for me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 7
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8




Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in the book is the importance of goals. According to the author, success is about goals. Success does not just happen. It comes as a result of knowing what you want and working towards it unerringly.

It is about living a fulfilled purposeful life which is rewarding in all ways. Goals are important and should be part of every one’s life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Be intentional.

Things do not just happen by coincidence. They are set in motion by our thoughts or intentions. Goals are meant to give direction and purpose to our lives. To be intentional is to know what you want for sure and commit to it. I have witnessed a tremendous change in my own life regarding intentions. I used to brush certain happenings as coincidence until I read books in the IIGL program about how to be intentional and attract things in your life. I recently moved to another house. In the course of house hunting, my friends asked me what kind of house I wanted to rent. I told them my desired house. Many discouraged me that for the price I was willing to pay, I would not get the house. I insisted that there is such a house for me. Long story short, just as I was about to compromise my stand, my realtor called to tell me he had found just the house I was looking for at exactly the price I wanted. I realize in retrospect that this was only possible because I had set it as a goal and became intentional about it thus producing for me the desired intended result.

ii. Be consistent.

One of the key reasons why people who set goals do not achieve them is because of a lack of consistency. Being consistent means to do or say things the same way without changing. Regarding goals and goal setting, you must not keep shifting posts. The habit of writing down one’s goals everyday consistently will bring clarity and also quicken the process of its manifestation.

A little more than a year ago I set a goal for my health. I weight 70kgs at the time and was not eating very healthy foods or intentionally doing any exercises.

I set a goal to weigh 60kgs, eat healthy foods and to intentionally exercise on a weekly basis. I wrote down my desired weight and the menu I wanted to live by. Every morning I wrote down my health plans. I started attracting without much effort on my part information that would be helpful in achieving my goals. I was intentional and consistent with what I had set out to do. Today, I weigh 61kgs, I eat lots of fruits and vegetables on a daily, exercise and look and feel so healthy. I am 42 years old yet people find it very difficult to believe it because I look much younger than my age. Inconsistency concerning what one wants will lead to an unfulfilled goal. The mind will not know which direction to steer your life as a result of shifting goal posts.

iii. Be accurate.

A goal is an aim, a target or a desired end. When you do not have an aim, you will shoot randomly. Accuracy concerning goals is very important. It helps in sorting out what is important and what is not. I compare goals to archery. The shooter aims at the bulls’ eye. If he hits it, he wins and if he misses, he loses. It is not enough to have a goal. The goal needs to be specific. What exactly do you want? This helps in that you are able to identify it when you see it.

Using my example of the house, my mind was clear concerning what I wanted. I was taken to a number of houses during that period. There were those that looked like what I wanted but when I looked critically, there was something not right. Because I was accurate about the details, I was able to identify the exact house when I saw it.

iv. Be systematic.

In goal setting I have learned that it is important to write down and review your goals periodically. It seems at first very ridiculous to have to write the same thing day in and day out. But the few times I have tried it, I have felt elated as the feeling of possibility begins to set in.

I must confess that I had stopped reviewing my goals daily. However, reading the book on goals by Brian Tracy has helped to bring me back and since I started reading the book, I have been writing and reviewing my 5 top goals every morning and night.

v. Be focused.

The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines Focus as:- to direct attention, feelings, comments, efforts, etc to a particular problem or situation; to concentrate on something.

Setting goals needs focus. The ability to concentrate on a particular issue till it is accomplished. A person who is in the habit of setting goals lives a very focused life.

vi. Be in-charge. Do not live it to chance.

Responsibility is you taking charge of your life. it is you telling yourself and the rest of the world that you have matured and able to make wise decisions. Many people have the “poor me” syndrome. They like to blame everybody else save themselves for the outcome of their lives. They like to think that the world owes them and as a result they are very miserable.

Goal setting is an indicator that you have moved from dependence to independence. You know what you want out of your life. it is rewriting your own script and not living from someone else’s. When I learned the importance of goal setting, my life never remained the same. For the first time in my life I felt a sense of liberty. It was like I was freed to dream and plan the outcome of my life. Since then, my passion has been to teach as many people as I can on the importance of being responsible. I work with an organization that empowers youth to live passion driven lives. One of the modules we teach is “envisioning your future through goal setting”. Every time I get the opportunity to teach, I feel so empowered as I reinforce it in my own life. I have noticed growth and maturity personally as a result.

vii. Be true to yourself.

Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. I have read with keen interest the “five levels of personality” on page 30 of the book goals. These are your values which determine your beliefs. Your beliefs in turn determine your expectations which influence your attitude. Your attitude will finally be seen in your actions.

I have often wondered why some times in my life frustration and discouragement sets in. it is not until now that I have understood that compromise on my values will totally trigger a negative chain of events in my life leading to frustration, discouragement, discontent and a host of other things. Being true to self means having clear values by which you live your life. if you do anything in violation of these values, all you are left with is misery and trying to keep up the appearance for the sake of pleasing other people.

As a bible believing Christian, one of my values is to walk in love and forgiveness. This was greatly tasted recently when someone I deeply cared for said very mean and hurtful things to me. I did not feel that she deserved my friendship anymore. As a matter of fact, I intentionally shunned. Her for a while. However, I noticed that I was not happy though I tried to be. It caused a lot of frustration in my daily activities. I have since opened up to her and the past is now behind us.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons and ideas I have learned from this book have already yielded results for me and I know that if I diligently practice them, there is no limit to what I will achieve. Most importantly for me, I intend to teach these practical truths to as many as I can in order to transform lives and communities. As it has been rightly said by the author, success is goals. And happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy goal – Earl Nightingale. People are looking to find success in the world. I have learned that success is within and if well harnessed through goal setting, it will manifest outward. So for me, I will first of all live my life as an example to others and in turn teach others so I can create a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“You become what you think about most of the time.”

“Your outer world ultimately becomes a reflection of your inner world.”

“Your outer world of experience mirrors back to you what you think about most of the time. Whatever you think about continuously emerges in your reality.”

The above quotes stood out for me very strongly because I have realized that I have the power to change my life and my world through my thoughts. It is a reality check for me. I am responsible for where I am and who I become. The onus is on me to rewrite my script and pass on the same message to the younger generation.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

None. Everything was clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did give recommendations and suggestions on how to go about the goal setting process. And yes I am applying them.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

How I wish that goals and its importance can be incorporated in our primary, secondary and tertiary institutions.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Goal Setting 101

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Goal setting 101 is about having a plan before you set off. Many people desire to get somewhere along the path of success yet fail to go far because of lack of planning through goals. With clear defined goals, anything can be achieved.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Have a personal definition of success.

Many of us do not have a personal definition of success. We look at what other people have such as money, cars, houses, businesses and we call them successful and as a result, we want to have the same thing which at times may be a source of misery.

Having a personal definition of success has never occurred to me. Yes I have goals I have set for things I want and need to achieve but I have never taken time to describe in my own words what success is. For me this is a challenge I have personally taken up. I am searching my life to understand what success to me would look like.

ii. Develop a blue print for your success.

Success in any establishment requires a vision. A picture depicting the end. For many years I lived without a clear understanding of what my life was all about. I could not articulate what my purpose was. There were things I loved doing that brought me a lot of satisfaction but I did not know at the time that these were indicators of what my purpose for living is. My life never had true meaning. One moment I would be very excited about doing something and the very next I would be deflated. This went on for quite some time.

My life took a turn for the better when I understood that vision and mission does not only apply in organizations. My life is an organization and must be run thus. I developed a vision for my life in light with what I understood to be my life purpose. The Bible states in Proverbs 29:18 that “without a vision, people perish.” A vision is what keeps you on track. It is the blue print for your life and success.

iii. Make significant life choices.

When we are young, our parents and guardians made choices for us. These included what we were to wear, eat, which schools we attended and so on. However, as we grow older, we are expected to make our own choices. These choices determine the outcome of our lives. Choice is a very powerful tool. It either makes or breaks. It is not something that can be taken lightly. It has been said that we are what we are today because of the decisions we made or failed to make yesterday.

The ability to make clear informed choices is what sets one apart. And in order for you to make these significant life transforming choices, you have to know what you want.

Having clear goals about what I want for my life has enabled me to make good choices that are in line with my purpose. I have had to decide which kind of people I need to be around. Some of the decision s I have had to make have been tough especially as they included dropping some friends for new ones. The quality of my friends is determined by the future I foresee.

iv. Acquire information and knowledge

Learning never stops. Life offers daily opportunities to learn new things which are helpful. One of the goals I have is to set up an eatery for fruits and vegetables. This has been a desire for a long time. When I set it as a goal to be achieved within a specific period, I did not have much information or knowledge in that field. What I knew was really basic. As this desire grows and the time frame draws nigh, I have come across literature that is very helpful. I am very cognizant of anything that will add to my understanding of this area. Not only have I acquired new information, I have also obtained confidence in being able to run the restaurant.

v. Examine yourself often.

Most people I know including myself do not deliberately take off time to stop and reflect along life’s journey. We just keep going like an energizer bunny until we are totally burned out. By this time our health is failing, we are depressed and hard to live with.

It has been said an unexamined life is not worth living. It is important to take time and take stock of one’s life in light of goals, achievements and other important things. As a result of reading this information, I have decided to take off 5 days at work so that I may examine where I stand. It is something I have not done in the past which I now intend to do more regularly.

vi. Do not procrastinate.

Time is of essence. Goals do have an expiry date. It is important to have all the facts before you launch into something. However, sometimes waiting too long has its disadvantages. A friend and I sometime back decided to set up a business. We would meet and discuss how we intended to run the business. As time went by, we got too busy and kept extending the deadline. It is unfortunate that as I write this, the business has never started and we both lost the interest. I have since learned that I do not have to have everything in place before I venture out. The longer you take, the more uncertain you will become. Fear has often held me back and caused me to delay implementing my goals. I have however decided to procrastinate no more and face my fears by doing it afraid.

vii. Maintain a positive attitude.

In all the plans we have, it is key that we keep a positive attitude. You need to always affirm yourself. See yourself as having already achieved. Use language that encourages you and builds confidence. Have a clear mental picture of where you want to go and always focus on that. Every morning and night I speak to myself as having achieved my goals and that am now living my life the way I desire it. I see my future now.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have already started applying these lessons in my life and I have seen the remarkable positive change. My life is now more meaningful as a result of these lessons. I am currently using every opportunity I have to teach and talk about the importance of goals especially to the youth. I also work with an organization that was started by an IIGL Alumni and that is one of the modules we train the youths in.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Success is the intentional, pre-meditated use of choice and decision.”

Things do not just happen. There is no such thing as coincidence. You must be deliberate about achieving goals. When you define success, you will do all you can to achieve it.

“If a goal is truly your own, proceed happily without being sidetracked by the accomplishments of others. All too often, people pursue things that they see other people achieve.”

Do not compare yourself to others. Everyone in life has a race marked out for them. It is very sad to run another man’s race and not be rewarded for it.

“Only by stretching do we grow. If you push the limits, you define new limits. And then you should push those. You are capable of producing and achieving much more than you believe possible.”

The only comparison we should be making is against ourselves. Always aim at being better than you were the day before. This will help you stretch and discover your full potential. Most of us live below our potential and abilities because we do not know how far we can go.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No everything was clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes there were exercises which I found helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Nnonviolent Communication

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The idea the author is communicating is that we can learn to speak and listen to each other in a way that allows them to clearly state their feelings and to avoid being hurt. It is about being empathic. Communication is not passive, it is active.A better way to communicate from the heart.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Communication is a skill

Like any other skill, proper communication can be learned. Many people, myself inclusive understand the basics of communication as simply sending and receiving of information. In Nonviolent Communication I have learned that it takes more than just words. Communication involves the whole person; spirit, soul and body. Until now, I thought I was a good communicator. Reading this book has brought to my attention the areas I need to work on. I am now paying more close attention to the way I communicate with others.

ii. Be observant

Usually in communication, we give our opinion without much thought. We already have the answer or reply even before the person is done talking. In NVC, we are encouraged to observe without evaluating. This means that we separate what we are hearing from what we think the person is. True as this may be, I will honestly say it is very hard to separate observation and evaluation. For me most of the time I talk to someone, I already have an opinion of who they are and their situation. This is a lesson I will be practicing for a long time.

iii. Empathize

It is important to be able to connect with a person and be one with them. This is important in that when the connection is made, all judgment is removed. You are able to identify with the communicator and give feedback without hurting or misunderstanding. To listen with empathy is to be wholly there. Where your mind is not wandering elsewhere. In my personal life, the only time I have empathized with someone is during loss. I did not know that I could apply it in everyday communication. This is an eye opener for me and I have been practicing since I read it in the book.

iv. Feelings ought to be expressed and understood.

It is important for people to be able to express their feelings without being misunderstood or misjudged. Suppressed feelings can be very dangerous. It is advisable for both the listener and speaker to be mindful of each other’s feelings and then try as best as they can to reflect it back without evaluating the person. Feelings are usually behind peoples actions. We often wonder why people get very angry during an argument and they even end up fighting. This is because there is a need that has not been met. There is a need that goes beyond what the words are saying. I once sat next to a woman in a commuter taxi who was speaking in an angry tone. She lashed out at all speeding cars and their drivers. It turned out that she was once involved in a car accident and as a result, she was fearful that it would happen again. Her unspoken need for safety was shown in the feeling of anger.

v. Take time to appreciate

We live in a time where people are so busy we do not take time to appreciate things or people. Employers give orders and expect to find results, teachers give assignments and deadlines, parents hand out chores. When all is said and done, very few will actually appreciate the effort put in. People need to feel appreciated for the work they do or just for who they are. I recently learned a principle of positive, negative, positive. When a person is first recognized and appreciated for the slightest effort, they are able to take in any criticism that comes after that. And then sum it up with a positive thing to say.

As a mother, I often wanted to do things correctly. Bring up my children as responsible boys and girls. When I left chores to be done, I expected them to be done like I would. This frustrated my daughter so much that one day when I came home and found the sink full of dirty dishes, I quickly brought it up. she then told me how I always see the negative things first before the positives. She was right. I have since learned to take time and appreciate the smallest effort before pointing out what needs to be corrected.

vi. Make requests

Communication is meant to be polite. When we speak as though we are making demands, we immediately create a wall or barrier. The other person assumes that we are taking advantage of them. Often times we ask in such a way that gives no room for refusal. Our communication sounds like a command instead of a request. I have on many occasions been told by my friends that I make it hard for them to say no by the way I ask. To them I say things like “do you want to do.” Instead of “kindly help me do.” And yes it is true. However, I did not think that I was putting them in a tight spot. This book has helped me see some of the points they were referring to and I am working hard to improve the way I communicate.

vii. Do not assume

One common mistake we make in communication is to assume that we have been understood or we have understood what the other person is communicating. As a result, we do what is contrary to what was required and this miscommunication may breed some form of violence. In communication, it is always important to voice back what you think was said back to the speaker for clarity. It is not rude to restate what you think you heard so as to be able to give the right kind of feed back. Personally, this is one of the ways I have been practicing for a while now. As a mother, I learned to always ask my children to tell me what they heard before they run off.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The above ideas and the teachings in the book NVC are very helpful to me personally.

As a parent, I will use it to better understand my children and also help other parents to apply its principles. As a facilitator and trainer, I clearly see how much I will benefit. I have already started applying some of these teachings in my sessions. I recently talked with a young girl in one of my classes who was having difficulty in handing in her assignments on me. It was a bit uncomfortable at first but as we went along I realized that I was able to understand her better as I listened with not just my ears but with my whole self, observing and not evaluating. As a counselor, I personally think this is a hands on tool. It is a book I know I will keep referring to as I talk and listen. I realize that I have in the past not applied the right way of listening and as a result, I found the practice rather tedious and boring. Now more than before, I am looking forward to having counseling sessions.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Analyses of others are actually expressions of our own needs and values.”

I once read somewhere that “we judge things from where we are seated.”

I have discovered that it is true. Many times we look at situations from our own perspective not the other persons. And then we give our opinions based on how we would like to be judged if we were in the same situation. The saying “walk in my moccasins for a mile” comes to mind. If you have not been where I am, you may never know how I feel and why I feel that way.

“Don’t just so something, stand there.”

When I first read the above quote, I thought it was a mistake. This is because I am used to the one that reads “don’t just stand there, do something.”

It is very hard for me especially to just look at someone going through a seemingly low moment and I do not offer some kind of counsel or advice. It has brought to my attention that all people want need some times is just a listening ear. They need to air out their views without being spoken back to. I once heard a lady who had lost a child tell someone who had come to console her that they did not know what she was going through and so should not use such words. I now understand why.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.”

Our deepest fear is that we are too powerful beyond measure.

‘It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

The above quote by Marianne Williamson reminds me of a statement I heard

Stephen Covey say: “when you find your voice, you allow others to find theirs too.”

And this is also where I coined the term I live by: “find self and be significant.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book did contain some exercises and I found them very interesting. It was hard in the earlier chapters but I did manage to finally be in agreement with the author on the answers.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The author has given many examples of how he has used NVC in hostile situations and seen the remarkable results it has produced. Until now I did not know there was such a thing as NVC. I have gained a lot from reading this book.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Becoming a Person of Influence

Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of the book is on leadership and influence. The authors draw our attention to the truth that leaders rise other leaders and that a good leader should have a positive influence in an individual’s life

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. A leaders’ character should be congruent with his behavior

When one assumes the position of a leader, his character must not be questionable. Leadership is influence as has been highly emphasized in the book. So if a leader says one thing and acts contrary, he is being watched. The most important character of a leader is integrity. A person of integrity is one who does not have double standards. It is crucial for a leader to exhibit this character trait because he is being watched by many others. The statement ‘everything rises and falls on leadership’ is very true. If as a leader you falter in one area and do not work on it, this can cause irreparable damage to your career and reputation.

I am reminded of a situation over 10 years ago. I was working with a micro finance organization as a loans officer. One of my responsibilities was to assess and disburse loans to eligible clients. These clients were organized in groups. One of the group leaders applied for a loan that was way above what he qualified for. I told him this and he insisted on I should favor him. I reminded him of the rules and left it at that. The next day, he sent me an envelope with some money in it. He called it a gift. I knew his intention. I sent back the envelope with the money in it. At the end of that year, we held a Christmas party for our clients and this man stood up and shared that story with everyone in attendance. My superiors were very surprised because I had never mentioned it to them. They however applauded me for being a person of integrity. This act has been shared with staff members of this organization even though I left many years ago.

ii. Influence starts with caring

Many people desire to be leaders. They desire to be known as important and to have a following. They assume that leadership and having influence is about power and money.

If you desire to be a leader, you should have a caring heart. It is about nurturing. It is about knowing and caring about the feelings and needs of others. As the saying goes, ‘people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. People of influence are those that have a heart for the welfare of others. It is not about rules and regulations. It is about the person.

Leaders are called to grow people. They are genuinely concerned about people. They are not being the ones in authority and dishing out the orders. The greatest example of leadership for me is Jesus Christ. He walked on this earth with all the authority yet humbled Himself to serve. He stooped down to the lowly and reached the high and mighty. He fed the hungry and touched the lepers. He influenced the people by having a caring heart. My pastor is a very down to earth man. He is such an incredible leader. He has influenced many people far and wide. His greatest attribute is a nurturing heart. He has raised leaders from among the congregation simply by the way he relates to us. He and his wife have modeled before us that even with power and authority, one can still be able to connect with other people.

iii. Leaders believe in the people they are leading

One of the greatest calls of a leader is to believe and have faith in the people he is influencing. A leader must be positive and encouraging. He must not put down people. He should not magnify their faults. He must always have faith that they can do better each time. Many people have grown up in environments where there was so much negativity and put downs. They almost never had any one affirm them. so for such people hearing a leader say they have faith in their ability is not usual and may not belief it. However, it is incumbent upon the leader to always point out these things and say them in the hearing of others. This builds confidence and self-esteem.

I was recently asked by a friend who runs a home school with about 20 pupils to help supervise and instruct. These pupils range between the ages of 5 – 16 they are in different grades. I also take the age 12 – 16 through personal development classes. Recently one of the older girls was having difficulty comprehending a concept in mathematics and literature. She had tried several times and was on the verge of giving up. I approached her and had a little chat. I encouraged her that she had what it took to excel. I told her I believed in her ability because I have seen her do it before. She then gave it one more try and this time, it was all smiles. She came to me and thanked me for encouraging her. I told her that anytime she is faced with a challenge, she should remember that she has done it before and can do it again. This brought so much joy to both of us.

iv. Leaders mine the gold in people.

In each one of us there is lots of potential. The problem is many times we do not know how to manifest this potential. We feel we can do something yet we do not know how to. When we try and are faced with difficulties, we quickly give up. A leader is gifted with the ability to bring out the best in people. He can point out these abilities and help you harness them. a leader does this by giving tasks that are geared to help you develop that ability. He brings you under his wings and walks besides you until you are able to stand on your own.

My good friend Noeline who introduced me to IIGL and also president emeritus is one such a person. When she started her organization Kyusa which empowers youth and asked me to come on board, I was not sure I had what it took. She believed in me and also gave me tasks to do. As I write now, I have grown in my potential as a facilitator because she mined the gold that I had on the inside. I will always be grateful to her for this opportunity.

v. A leader must be approachable.

A leader must be a person who is relatable. He or she must connect with the people that look up to him. He must be willing to listen to his people. I heard about a man who had an open door policy by literally removing the door to his office. He did this to show people that they could approach him at any time. When a leader is not friendly, he will not be able to have good impact and influence on people. As a result of fear, he will be shunned and therefore not be able to know what people think of him. Listening is very key to leadership. It allows for people confide and open up once they are confident that they will receive an open ear.

Having read the book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, I started listening more and talking less. I have noticed a tremendous improvement in the way I relate with people and how much I can learn simply by letting other people talk and I listen actively. Listening is a skill that I am learning to apply in all areas of my life. the book ‘Nonviolent communication’ taught me a lot on this journey.

vi. Leaders mentor leaders not followers

Leaders make the mistake of thinking that they are raising followers. They do not know that they are mandated to raise other leaders and influencers. Mentors are people who are not just looked up to be people who pour their lives into other people. They develop others to become like them and even better. A leader’s responsibility is to develop another leader so that they too can bring about positive influence and transformation in communities. Mentorship is about taking time and literally growing with someone. Many people fear this process because it requires investment in time, money and other resources. It is not to be taken lightly. It is a molding of character and personality.

Some people have shunned away from this responsibility because they have been disappointed by their mentees. However, it should not be the case. As I grow into leadership, my greatest desire is that I will take time to mentor and raise other leaders who will be able to transform lives and communities. I desire to use the lessons from this book to start mentoring classes for those that I am able to. It is a big responsibility and it can either make or break people.

vii. Leaders are not insecure.

A good leader is afraid that when he raises other leaders he will become irrelevant and obsolete. In fact, a good leader should look forward to raising his successor. As a Christian, I have seen this fear in some churches. Pastors are so insecure and not willing to raise the younger generation because they think that they will take over their churches and become popular with the congregation. So instead of these people working together, they start competing against each other. The result usually is that the young people leave these churches and start their own. They do this prematurely simply because the leaders were afraid and did not mentor these people.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and the many more that are mentioned in the book will personally help me to be a better leader. Through this book I have been able to identify areas in my life that need to improve and others that I need to totally do away with if I am to make a positive impact in my world. I will endeavor to identify some people that I can grow with in this area. This I will do by both teaching and being taught. I have realized that there is a lot to leadership than being the one in the front all the time. In this book I have learned that leadership is a calling. It is about other people and not me. Leadership is about giving and serving. My influence can only grow if and when me as a leader am fully developed and aware of the responsibilities that a leader should have.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Character is not created in a crisis; it only comes to light.”

This is important to be because it emphasizes the value and importance of having a consistent character. Some people are one thing in public and another in private. A person of integrity is all things to all people at all times. In the Christian circles it is said that your anointing can take you up but you can only be sustained there by your character.

“If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.”

Many people are so mindful of what people think about them that they do things to please others even if it means compromising their standard.

It has been said that reputation is in the minds of other people. You can not do much about it. However, character is yours to build.

“You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.”

Many people including myself think that we can use our authority to push people around and point out mistakes while also trying to win their respect. Surely I had it wrong.

“Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.”

I first heard this quote from Les Brown when he shared his story. He was called dumb by most of his peers and he started to believe it until one time his teacher encouraged him. He believed what his teacher said and his life took on a positive turn. I have since adopted it and apply it in my everyday life.

“No one can give faith unless he has faith. It is the persuaded who persuade.”

Again, a very powerful truth. It illustrates the saying you cannot give what you do not have. if you do not believe in yourself, you may not believe in someone else. I practice positive self talk. As a result, I am able to point out to others the same in them.

“There are no hopeless situations; there are only men and women who have grown hopeless about them.”

There is no situation that cannot be overcome. When we believe in people and in ourselves, we are able to rise above and soar.

“Growing to reach your potential is one of the three components to being successful along with knowing your purpose and sowing seeds that benefit others.”

It has been said that when you are ripe you rot. When you are green, you grow. Every leader should make it a point to never stop learning. The day you stop learning, is the day you start dying.

“To add value to the people you enlarge, travel ahead of them in your mind’s eye and see their future before they do.”

Leaders must be visionary. You cannot lead people to where you have never been before.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

None. Everything was very clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book had some exercises to be done and also to be referred to. I have done some and still doing them. The exercises are quite helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Everybody is a leader and influencer in some ways. The power of leadership either negative or positive cannot be overestimated or underestimated. The question to ask is what kind of leader are you? I have personally taken time to reflect and I have realized that the call of leadership is not to be taken lightly. Since leadership is about influence, I am taking time to think about how and who I am influencing.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Seeds of Greatness

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The book “Seeds of Greatness” is about principles or secrets that the author has learned that if and when followed can bring a successful fulfilled life. It is about you being able to achieve the goals you have and knowing that you can make your life count.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Self- perception is very important.

How you view yourself is very important. There are two ways of viewing yourself. One is by thinking very highly of yourself and the other is a very low opinion of yourself. People who have a high opinion of themselves are considered to have a high esteem. Esteem is to appreciate the value of. When you know what your worth is you are confident and are usually a high achiever. Most successful people are those who believe in themselves. If you view yourself as being able to attain your goals, then you will. As Napoleon Hill said, whatever the mind of man can conceive, it will achieve.

A few years back, I suffered from inferiority complex. I did not think that I was valuable. This was brought about by the fact that I had gone through some mishaps in my youth. I did not receive any counseling on how to get on with my life after what had happened. So for so many years I lived far below my potential and abilities. I felt so unworthy and as a result I attracted a lot of negative attention. I thank God that I was able to overcome this feeling. My self-esteem was restored when I understood that I was created for a purpose. When I discovered what that purpose is, I embraced it and my life now has so much meaning. I do not think am less than anyone or better than anyone, I simply know that I am unique and fearfully and wonderfully made.

ii. Develop a high sense of imagination.

It has been said that the mind is a very powerful tool yet many people have not harnessed its power. The person who has a high sense of imagination is not limited to what they see and hear with their physical senses. The mind is limitless. Worlds have been created by the power of imagination. Successful people have a high sense of imagination. They see the end result even before they begin. In the book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, he states that the 2nd habit of highly effective people is to begin with the end in mind. Being able to see yourself as a successful person will enable you to achieve that goal. Things are created twice. First in the mind then in the physical. You create the future you desire by first imagining it.

I went through this process as a Level Three student. I appreciated the exercises that I had to do of visualizing my self and what I will be doing. At first it was very difficult I must say. However, the exercise did bring me so much joy as I put my imagination to good use. I literally feel like there is nothing that can stop me now from achieving my goals. In fact I have started experiencing some of the things I imagined.

iii. Use failure as a learning experience

Many people fear to fail and so as a result they do not even start. They believe that failure is final. From this book I have learned that you can use failure as feedback. I once read that failure is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently. It should be used as a stepping stone not a stumbling block.

I have read about great men and women who tried out new inventions. They were laughed at and even failed many times before they succeeded. The more they failed, the more they tried and each time being careful not to do it as they had before. Personally, I feared failure. This kept me from adventuring. My fear of failure stemmed from my inferiority complex. I have not yet fully conquered this fear. I however have adopted the mindset that failure can be used as a learning experience. It should not be avoided. Rather when it happens, learn from it.

iv. You are responsible for your actions.

Responsibility is a seed that should be planted in us when we are still young. When we grow up into adults, we are able to behave wisely. Today many young people do not have a sense of responsibility. They blame everyone and everything for the way they have turned out. We ought to take responsibility for our lives. We want to achieve success today without working for it. We want it to be given to us on a silver platter. To be responsible is a sign of maturity. It is you taking charge of your life and knowing that each choice has a consequence attached to it. Negative choices produce negative consequences and vice-versa.

For many years I blamed my inferiority complex on what had happened to me and who had done it to me. I thought that if I had not had that incident happen to me, my life would be different. In as much as I cannot change the past, I am able to change my future. I took back the responsibility for my life and now my life is so much better and brighter. I do not blame anyone or hold them responsible for my happiness. I am responsible.

v. Success is a process

Many people including myself, desire to be successful. We want to have it all now. We see and admire successful people. We desire to be like them and forget that there is a process that they went through to get to where they are. Success comes with a price. You must be willing to go through the process to achieve the product.

A year ago, I set a weight goal. I wanted to weigh 60kgs. At the time I was weighing 72kgs. I had to go through a process to achieve my desired goal. Today I can say that the price was high, the process was tedious, but the benefits have been rewarding. I have attained my goal and still continue the process so that I can maintain it.

vi. Persevere and persist

It is so easy to start on a journey and along the way give up. it has been said that success is not a destination but a journey. There are many challenges along the journey called life ups and downs. One must endure by perseverance and persistence. When you fall, get up. when you are tired, take a break but do not give up.

Too many times people give up when they are just about to achieve. The journey seems to be hardest at that point and when you do not develop your ability to persevere, you will not be able to go through. I was so determined to join IIGL, study and complete the Seven levels. During my Level One studies, I had a big setback. I lost all my work when my laptop crushed. I could not continue for some time. However, I persevered and persisted. I have not yet got a new laptop but I am able to do my assignments by borrowing a friends. I am so glad that I persisted because today I am now a Level Four student.

vii. Believe in your dreams

Whatever you can dream, if you stay focused you can achieve. Our dreams are like the compass for our lives. They give us a sense of meaning. Believe in yourself and your dreams shall materialize. Do not entertain doubt. Doubt and worry are like weeds that attack a garden. Once identified, they should immediately be pulled out lest they choke the crop. As a Christian, my favorite scripture is in the book of Philippians. It says that whatever things are true, and of good report, think on these things. My mind is always occupied with the good things that I hope for and I know that hope does not disappoint.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The quality of my life cannot remain the same having read this book. I have already experienced positive change from applying the truths that are embedded in this book. I have already started sharing the lessons I have learned especially about self-esteem with a group of teens that I mentor on a weekly basis. I have also started working on a curriculum for my personal development classes and I have incorporated so much of the content of this book.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“People who live with fear grow up standing at the end of every line. People who live with praise learn to stand alone and lead their parade even if it is raining. People who are spoiled with indulgence and permissiveness grow up full of compromise and greed. People who are given responsibilities grow up with values and goals. People who live with depression will need a drink, a puff, a pill, to get them high. People who live with optimism will grow up thinking they were born to fly. People who live with hate grow up blind to beauty and true love. People who live with love live to give their love away and are blind to hate. If our people are reminded of all the bad we see in them, they will become exactly what we hoped they would never be.”

The book had many more quotes but to me this statement above was the most outstanding because it says a lot about the way people are brought up and how they are influenced. I am particularly touched by this statement because as a counselor, I talk to many people and often wonder why they behave the way they do. This has shed so much light in peoples’ behaviors and I will take more keen interest.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes it did and I did some of them. I am still doing others. I have benefitted from answering them. I have had to look inward and deal with many issues.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I personally believe in positive self talk. In fact I took the challenge and did record my voice saying positive things about myself. I have since listened to it every night before I sleep and I can literally see the difference. I wake up in the morning with so much enthusiasm.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

The Alchemist

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Alchemist is about finding ones purpose and the desire for being significant. It is about knowing what you want and staying focused in your pursuit even amidst the trying times and challenges. It is about holding on and not giving up. it is about learning lessons along the way.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Life is more than just food and drink.

There is more to life than the basic essentials. Life is to be explored. There is so much to be learned that we do not know yet. Food and drink are everywhere. They should not be the motivation for life. We should not work for or pursue things that perish. We should pursue the eternal things that last. Purpose is eternal. The finding of purpose is a major accomplishment in life. Without purpose life is meaningless.

My life had no meaning until three years back. I was going through life doing the basics like eating, drinking, sleeping, having children and nothing much. I felt very empty on the inside. None of these things ever fulfilled me. When I started asking questions, I realized that I did not have something worthwhile I was living for. The quest for purpose then begun. I can now say with much pride that my life has meaning because I discovered my purpose. As a result of this, I discovered that you can only be significant when you find yourself.

ii. Focus on your dream.

Many people do not have the ability to remain focused. They have dreams they want to pursue but in the process, they get caught up with other trivial matters that they lose track of their dream. When you focus on something, you attract it to your life. I have seen the power of focusing in my life. I had a dream of one day joining a Leadership Institute. I did not have any in mind. It became an obsession. The more I thought about it, the more intense it became. It so happened that a friend of mine had enrolled in the IIGL program earlier. She mentioned it to me and when the time was right, I enrolled and now I am living my dream.

iii. Let go of the familiar

In life we meet people and grow fond of them. We gather things and become attached to them. We are afraid of letting them go in pursuit of a higher call. We are so used to the familiar and are afraid to try the unchartered waters of purpose. Familiarity can become a stumbling block to purpose if not dealt with. One can become so comfortable with the same job and environment that the thought of change scares them. Purpose and dreams can lead you to places you have never thought of going. It is important to learn to let go of anything that can easily hinder you.

I suffered inferiority complex for many years. This was brought about by the fact that I did not have a university degree due to something that happened in my past. I feared that I was not good enough and did not deserve. When I got a job, I was afraid of promotion because I thought I was not good enough. This feeling kept me from trying out new things and places. With much prayer and self believe, I finally learned to let go of the familiar and reached out to the unfamiliar and my life has been getting better and better.

iv. Have a positive mental attitude.

Life will throw at you challenges. Learn to turn your trials into triumphs by looking for the positive out of every negative situation. There is always a silver lining behind every dark cloud. Not so long ago, I had to leave my place of work due to a misunderstanding with my employer. I felt in my heart that it was unfair the way the situation was handled. I however, decided that I was not going to be bitter and negative about the whole thing. I saw it as an opportunity to pursue what I had always wanted to do but had not because of the time I spent at work. I kept a positive attitude and knew that something good and better would come out of it. Long story short, an opportunity opened up for me to do the very thing I had always hoped for and I thank God for the training I had at my previous job. I learned that a positive mental attitude can open doors to better things.

v. Never stop learning.

There is something new to be learned every day. It may be a skill, a trade, a song or anything. Life offers us lessons daily. In pursuit of our dreams and purpose, we may find some turns and twists along the way. These temporary obstacles should be viewed as life lessons. Take time to look around and learn from that situation. Endeavor to become better than you were before that situation.

A friend of mine runs a home school and has been doing so for over ten years. I always wondered how these children are taught and how they can compete with the ordinary school goers. A few months ago, she asked me to take the teenagers in her school through some personal development classes. I did this for a month and it was very exciting for both the teens and me. I did not have so much time to interact with the teachers so I did not find out how the system works. Recently, she again approached me and asked me to stand in for her as she was going to be away for a period of about one month. I was again elated. This time round, I was asked to supervise the children along side the two other supervisors. I did not know that there was so much to learn through this system. I was given an opportunity I had always wanted and indeed, on my way to becoming a highly sought after public speaker, I have learned that I can actually become a ‘personal development consultant’.

vi. Be open minded

I once read something that said, “opportunities always presents themselves in overalls.”

Many people have missed God given opportunities because they did not recognize them. One thing I have learned is to be open-minded. Opportunities or answers will not always come the way you have desired them. You must be able to recognize by being open minded. When you stay open, one door will always lead to another which will bring you to the very thing you have always desired.

I always desired to be a public speaker. I did not know how I could achieve this dream. My opportunity came when I was working with an organization that trained youth. In these trainings, I was perfecting my speaking and confidence. Through this, many other opportunities to speak have opened up. I have been able to talk to many groups and the feel is awesome.

vii. Be deliberate

Things do not just happen. Coincidences do not happen. Life must be lived deliberately. You should have a plan and an intention. Know what you want and you will attract it. Be deliberate about what you do. I have learned to be deliberate about what I do. I am deliberate about making calls to people. It does not just chance upon me. I deliberately check on my parents and find out how they are doing. I am deliberate about my goals and fulfilling my purpose. I will not wait for things to happen to me unplanned.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas I got from The Alchemist will help me to pursue my dream and live a purpose driven life. I will use these ideas to be an example to many people. I desire to teach these ideas and many more to the young and old alike. Life without purpose is meaningless.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“To realize one’s personal legend is a person’s only real obligation.”

A personal legend to me is like a purpose. The real meaning of life. Why you were created. Once you discover this, then you have fulfillment.

“And when you want something, all of the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

When you start to follow your dream, you begin to attract it towards you also. I have seen the things I have set as a goal, begin to come towards me. I have met a number of people who are willing to help me in this dream of becoming a public speaker since I set it as a goal.

“We make a lot of detours, but we’re always heading for the same destination.”

I am reminded of what I heard Stephen Covey said that our purpose is our true north. There are times when things will not be as smooth as we plan but we should never lose sight of what we want.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”

We can never know how much we are able to accomplish if we do not try out. Many times we are held back because of fear. And for me personally that fear kept me back for so long. I look back and realize that if I had dared, I would be far off now.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No everything was clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea about The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership is the foundation or the principles upon which leadership is or should stand. Every lasting thing must be built on a strong foundation. Leadership is not any different. In order for one to pass the test of leadership, he or she must adhere to these laws which the author believes are the most important.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Leadership is about having foresight and hindsight.

According to John Maxwell, everything rises or falls on leadership. Therefore for one to qualify as a good leader, he must have the ability to see ahead or have a clear vision to lead his organization or any establishment forward. He must have gone ahead of his followers or those that look up to him to that place so that he can ably take them there.

Secondly, a good leader must have the gift of hindsight. He must not dwell in the past but be able to learn from where they have been in order to avoid any mistakes that were made but also to improve on the last performance.

John Maxwell called this the Law of Navigation. A good leader must be able to ‘steer the ship and chart the course’ as well.

I can personally equate this principle to my personal life. I have gone through so many ups and downs in my life that could have been avoided if I had applied foresight and hindsight. I am now in a better position having understood my life purpose. I have a vision for my life and I am sure I will not make the same mistakes I did in the past. I am now the captain of my ship.

ii. Leadership is continual growth.

Leadership is developed daily not in a day. Some people think that when they are in a position of leadership, they have arrived and as a result, they stop learning or making themselves better. What Stephen Covey called “sharpening the saw.” I once heard someone say that successful people do daily what average people do occasionally.

For a leader to remain relevant and to continue influencing people, he must develop his skills and ability daily. He must keep learning and able to cope with the new demands of his position. A leader must have a plan for his personal growth. As an emerging leader, I am grateful to God for the opportunity that I have through IIGL to grow. I have read good books through this program that have improved on my skills and I can truly say I am not where I used to be and daily I am getting better and better as a leader.

iii. Leadership requires high intuition.

When a person is in position of leadership, he must be able to read situations even before they unfold. A high sense of intuition is a must for leadership. A leader does not necessarily have to have the resources for a particular thing that is needed but is able to identify it in a person and then puts that resource to use.

Before understanding this law, I would get very frustrated with myself. I could notice things that need to be done and not do them because I thought that I should have the necessary resource to have the work done. Many times I could sit back and let opportunities to get people doing things pass as a result of not knowing that I can actually rally people and lead them with their resources to accomplish a task.

I feel a sense of liberation from learning that I do not necessarily have to own certain resources but I can identify them in others.

iv. Leadership has magnetic abilities.

As a magnet attracts, so does leadership. A leader will always attract the kind of qualities and strength that he has. I personally see this a lot in churches as the author pointed out. Most of the churches I have attended are full of people with almost the same gifts and strengths as the pastor. My current church is led by a pastor who is very gifted as a businessman, musician and community leader. Most of the congregation members are also very involved in business enterprises and also community leadership. All the pastors in the 7 locations we have so far are very gifted worship leaders. I can see the law of magnetism at work in my church.

v. Leadership is about legacy.

A good leader is one who will leave a legacy or a set of foot marks for others to follow. It is therefore very important how a leader handles his position. I once heard someone give a speech to a pastor who was retiring and he said ‘we are able to see further and do more because we are standing on the shoulders of giants.

I heard Stephen Covey say that the purpose of life is to live, learn, love and leave a legacy. As a leader, you must ask yourself what kind of tomorrow am I leaving behind?

My purpose in life is to transform lives and communities through knowledge and skills. I realize that if I can make someone’s life better, then I would have made my world better and this is the set of foot prints that I will leave for others to follow.

vi. Leadership is about productivity.

Leaders must be able to do what they do well and produce good results. A good leader does not get involved in everything. He must have priorities. When you get involved in doing everything, you will soon get worn out and then break down. As one grows in leadership, he learns to delegate and pass on tasks to other people as he develops them and concentrates on what he needs to.

I was the kind of person who never delegated work. And this was due to the fact that I never thought that whoever I delegated work to would do it as well as I could. As a result of this, I would get tired and grumpy and hard to get along with. I am learning as a leader to allow other people do the work as best as they can and not necessarily the way I can. As a result, I have learned how to prioritize my work.

vii. Leadership is influence.

John Maxwell believes that leadership is about influence. We all have influence in some way or another. Whether we are aware of it or not, we have people who look up to us. So as a leader, what is your influence? How are you living your life in private and in public? People do not only hear what you say but they are watching what you do.

The best example I can give is of my mother. She is a very simple woman now in her 70’s. when I was younger, my mother was home most of the time. I do not remember her ever telling us to sit down and she teaches us how to be responsible. She instead modeled these things before our eyes by the way she carried herself. Now in my own life, I see myself doing the very things my mother did. I almost run my home the way she run ours. She influenced me and my other siblings without any effort.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The most important thing I have learned about leadership is that it is about influence. It is about how you live your life. and so as a leader, I must pay attention to what kind of influence am I having on those around me. Is it negative or positive? Am I an example to be emulated or a warning not to be followed? The bible says that leaders are to be above reproach. Their character must be worth following. And in order for me to make my world a better place, I must be a leader who models good character and leaves a legacy that will live beyond me.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“It is not the position that makes the leader; it is the leader that makes the position.”

Some people think that because they are in authority, they earn the right to behave any way they want. They think they have become indispensable. I have learned that even without a position, a leader will still have influence.

“The proof of leadership is found in the followers.”

If you claim to be a leader, you must have a following. Also the kind of crowd that follows you says a lot about the kind of leader you are. You will attract the kind of person you are.

“Leadership is developed daily, not in a day.”

Many people do not want to go through process. We live in a world where everything is instant and we think it should also happen in leadership. It takes one committing to a disciplined way of life to achieve a desired outcome.

“The bottom line in leadership is not how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others.”

Leadership is not about personal gain. It is about making someone else’ life better as a result of your influence.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No everything was clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book did contain some exercises at the end of every chapter. I found them very helpful and it has been a good check. I am still doing some of the exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Principle Centered Leadership
Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in the book is about living our lives based on principles. These principles give us direction for our lives and bring meaning to all we do. They are the foundation which holds what we build. If our foundations are weak, our lives will also be faulty but if our foundation is strong, then our works shall be lasting.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Principles are not values.

Principles are natural laws which apply to everyone. They are the foundation upon which we need to build our values. These are steadfast they do not change. Principles are equated to a compass which gives direction. They are the true north of our lives. They point us to where we should go. Values are personal and they can change depending on the condition. They differ from person to person. As the author has stated, values are like maps. They are not the territory. They give a representation of the territory.

It is therefore important that one acquaints themselves with these timeless principles which have been given to us from f the very beginning of time. Most times we emphasize having values and goals and forget that without understanding principles, these values may not hold. Values alone will not produce the desired quality of life. They must be founded on correct principles in order to be effective.

Personally I understand principles to be purpose. it has been said that when purpose is not known, abuse is imminent. Before I understood my purpose, the real reason for my existence, my personal values did not make any sense. I would say one thing today and do another tomorrow. But having understood my purpose, I have been able to anchor my values and life on these true north principles and I live a fulfilling life.

ii. True and lasting change begins with the inside out approach.

Many people would like to change so many things in the world if given the opportunity. We see many things as wrong but ourselves. We would like things to be done our way.

However, a principle centered person realizes that in order for change to be effected, it must start within them. the words of this song now makes so much meaning ‘am starting with the man in the mirror. Am asking him to change his ways.

The inside out approach allows me to examine myself, my motive, my thoughts before I can ask someone else to do the same. When I am aligned with the correct principles, I can then effect the change I desire to see. This approach says if I want something, I must first be it. If I want to receive love, I must be the kind of person who gives love. When I am true to myself, I will be true to other people. I recently was faced with a challenge. I wanted to take my children to my parents for Christmas but their father had other plans for them. I reminded him that I had custody of them during the holidays. My pleas fell on deaf ears. It was going to be a very ugly scene. I decided to hang up the phone before I said things I would regret. After that time, I was able to examine the motive behind my decision. At some point I realized that I was acting out of selfishness. When I sorted this out, I sent him a message saying I was sorry and that I had decided he would have the children. I did not realize the impact of this until a few weeks later when he told the children that he thought it would be better for them to be with me during the holidays. I now look back and see that I was able to achieve this only because I looked inward and sorted myself before I could reach out to someone else. Private victories precede public victories.

iii. You must break with old patterns of thinking in order to cause a significant break-through.

There are people who are stuck in their ways and will not try a new way of doing something. They always say things like this is how it has always been done and we will keep doing it. Significant break-throughs come with “break-withs.” If a method has worked before, it does not mean that it cannot be improved or completely done away with and a new one adopted.

Principle centered leaders realize that in order to move forward in the right direction, there must be changes and these come at a cost. Not everyone will embrace the new. It is not that the old ways do not work, it may be that a new way will bring about the results faster. We learn from history about the stone age and the primitive way in which early man lived. Today we have modern and faster ways of doing the same things that were done in those days. We no longer need to rub two stones together in order to produce a fire. All we need to do is light a match. So it is with leadership and personal development. It calls for the ability to easily adapt and adopt new and better ways of working.

I have been a Christian for many years and I know what the bible teaches about many issues. In all these years, I did not fully understand why I felt like instead of freedom and liberty, I was in a prison of sorts. I did all the things I thought the bible teaches but there was little fruit. I was not experiencing joy and abundance of life that Jesus said I would have. My breakthrough came in 2013 when something tragic happened to me. This incident led me to change church and shift from where I was staying. When I went to my current church, I was in shock. The people were much happier and full of joy. I was told and taught the meaning of true Christianity and living in the grace of God. I was quite skeptical at first but I badly needed what these people had. It was hard for me to break away with my old pattern of thinking and embrace this grace teaching. I struggled but later I adopted it and I can truly say that I found the freedom and liberty that I so desired and this only happened when I did away with the old pattern of thinking and adopted the new.

iv. Principle centered leadership is about the process not the product.

Many of us would love to live a great life, achieve all our dreams and goals, have perfect health and everything we need to be on this earth. These are not necessarily bad aspirations to have; however, they are a product of a process that we must go through.

It is important for us to go through the process so as to achieve and appreciate the product. Product is not developed over night or in a vacuum. It must take time and resources. If we want to develop a good organization, we must invest in developing the people. It is the people that will do the work that will produce the desired results.

I have always desired to be a highly sought after public speaker. One who will transform lives and communities. I thought that it would just happen one day. I have come to the understanding that I must go through the process of being mentored, taught and tested. These moments come through work and different opportunities. I recently got an opportunity to have personal development classes to a group of boys and girls aged 12 -16. I realized that such opportunities are the process that I must go through. When people finally celebrate my achievements, they will be receiving the product. However, for this to happen, I must go through the process.

v. Principle centered people are about character not personality

Many organizations today take their employees through the personality test. A lot of emphasis is placed on a persons’ personality and charisma. These according to Covey are not foundational. A person of character is able to stand any kind of trial. Personality will give you audience with people but character will keep you in their presence.

Most people can fake a personality trait so as to achieve their way. However, this will not last long. Character is deep rooted. It is who a person really is. And this cannot be faked.

Character is based on principles. These principles become engraved in a person and are hard to violate. They become the compass that gives them direction for their lives.

My closest friend is very passionate about character development. He recently told me how he feels like most parents today do not spend time in instilling these principles in their children. I admire him because he has been able to raise his two sons in this day and era which is flooded with so much wrong information especially from social media with the correct principles. His boys are still young but very responsible and respectful. I personally feel that we have moved away from some of the fundamentals that our grand parents embraced. Things like respect for elders, service above self and many other truths. It is easier to lie than tell the truth these days. I have purposed to teach these principles to my children and it is yielding positive results.

vi. Principle centered people have an abundance mentality

When you operate based on principles, you know that the universe will not run out of resources. You do not live a fearful life but a life of abundance knowing that everything you need has already been provided.

I personally was very fearful. I had a scarcity mentality and as a result, I used to hoard and use things sparingly. I developed this fear as a result of the inferiority complex I suffered for many years. It was hard to live in abundance because I never understood my source. I was very miserable. I lived below my ability and potential. It is when I understood that all things I need for life and godliness have already been given to me. If I do not make use of what I have, even that will be taken away from me. It is so freeing to have an abundant mentality. I do not have to worry about tomorrow.

In organizations and the work place, the leaders who do not have the abundance mentality are not effective and efficient. They are fearful that they may lose the best staff to other organizations and so as a result, they entice them with gifts and are not able to point out their faults for this fear. In as much as you would like to keep the staff, it would be very detrimental to your organization if you do not deal with bad behavior. These leaders should know that there are many people who are so resourceful. They must adopt an abundant mentality to be productive.

vii. Effective leaders live a principle centered life.

In order for you to live a fruitful life or have a successful organization, it is important for you to adopt these principles and apply them in your daily life. these principles bring meaning to life. Effective leaders are continually learning. They learn from their experiences and other people’s. they are hungry for knowledge because they realize that they do not know it all. Effective leaders are service oriented. They believe in service above self. They reach out to people not for their personal gain but to genuinely impact others. They also believe in other people. They give chance and opportunity for others to develop themselves and are not scared that they shall become irrelevant.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better been world? If so, how?

Embracing a principle centered life style will help me to be more effective, fruitful and productive. My values and goals will be more meaningful. I desire to transform lives and communities and I know that by teaching others these principles, I will be able to achieve my dream. As the author rightly put it, ‘give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a life time’. By teaching people these principles, I will be putting the right tools for change and transformation in their hands.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a life time.”

To me this is a true saying. It speaks about empowerment. When you empower people, they do not have to always depend upon others for their livelihood. They tap into their ability and produce the desired results.

“Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, and he will become as he can and should be.”

We must always believe in people and point out their potential and allow them to be who they can be.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No everything was very clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No it did not contain exercises but there are things mentioned in the book that I have taken up as exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

If we teach and live out these principles, there will be little or no corruption in our governments and other public organizations. People will live happily with each other.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Long Walk to Freedom

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea of the book is about fighting and standing to the end for a cause that one believes in even amidst the hardest of trials.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. History is important to a leader

History is important to all of us. It is helpful to know the genesis of anything in order for one to know where they are going. We have many people who want to associate themselves with movements and organizations that are already established and are successful without ever fully going back to understand how and why they were established. When one understands this genealogy, they are better equipped to stand even in the hardest of times. I was part of a team some years back that established a church. Over the course of the years, we grew in number and had many people be involved in the leadership. One of the key things that we emphasized to the new comers was the history of the church. One had to fully acquaint themselves with our past so as to be able to move forward in the same spirit.

ii. A leader should observe, imitate and emulate

Every good leader needs to know that they do not know it all and they are not self made. A good degree of mentorship is required from those who we are in the same setting with us. A leader should use every faculty for their benefits. Use the eyes to observe and imitate the right things. Use the mouth to talk and ask questions. Study body language and also emulate what is applicable. I personally have benefited from this kind of mentorship. My friend and president emeritus of IIGL Noeline has had this effect upon my life. she has been such an outstanding example to emulate. As a result of IIGL, she was able to start an organization that empowers youth. I have worked with this organization since its inception and my leadership abilities have been horned significantly by just observing, imitating and emulating her.

iii. A leader must always learn

It has been said that the basic requirement for any leader is continuous learning. There are new ways and styles of doing things are coming up daily and it behooves a leader to learn these ways in keeping with the vision and mission for their organization. Learning can be achieved in various forms. From the book “Long Walk to Freedom,” Nelson Mandela learned from people and mostly from books. He was an avid reader. Leaders need to read and expand their knowledge base from books that have been written by experienced authors. I have become a better leader since enrolling for IIGL. The books that I have read so far have made a tremendous difference in my life. not only has my vocabulary changed but my perception and understanding of key issues has been transformed. My peers can attest to this change in my life. I have learned through reading.

iv. A leader must always grow

Growth is an indicator of life and progress. A leaders’ personal growth is paramount to the cause for which he represents. Growth must be holistic. Because many people look up to you, you cannot remain stunted. It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. Where there is no growth, there is no life. A leaders influence and impact is a statement of their growth. Growth of an organization is not only seen in numbers though as the saying goes, numbers do not lie. People want to belong to an organization that is growing. I am beginning to register growth as a personal development consultant. This growth has come about as a result of the many opportunities I have had to train youths at the organization where I was working. I have had referrals made by some of these youths to their peers and also friends who have recommended me.

v. A leader must remain optimistic

In reading the long walk to freedom, one of the things that have stood out for me is the optimism of Nelson Mandela especially during his long incarceration. Even in the most difficult of situations he never gave in the thought and fear that he may not achieve his dream. It is very pertinent for leaders to remain optimistic no matter what. I read the story of Victor Frankl and how he survived the holocaust. It was purely a technique of remaining positive. Leaders I believe need to always be optimistic especially if they are standing for the right cause. I have had many instances in my life where it looked like I was going to be consumed. As a Christian, the bible urges us to think on things that are noble, and of good report. These thoughts when dwelt upon, always give hope and hope does not disappoint the bible says.

vi. A leader must be candid

One of the qualities of a good leader is being open and frank. A leader should not hide any information from his people especially those that are closest to him and to whom he is accountable. Sometimes people do not share their thoughts because they are afraid they will be opposed. However, even in the face of opposition, one must brace themselves and share with his trusted friends and comrades. It is also important to note that some information cannot be shared to everyone. This calls for a leader’s discretion.

Personally, I have had challenges in this area. It took me a while to be able to open up to a few trusted friends. My reasoning was always that they would not understand and as a result they would frustrate my efforts. However, I have come to appreciate the times I have shared and received criticism and correction. Again, the bible states that there is wisdom in counsel.

vii. Leaders should know how to negotiate.

A good leader must be armed with the ability to negotiate with his opponent. One of the habits of highly effective people is to employ a win-win solution. Having to sit down with your opponent or enemy is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. A good leader must be willing work out situations that will benefit both sides. The ability to negotiate and leave everyone satisfied is one that leaders should harness. As a counselor, I have often encouraged two people who are in row to sit and forge a way to see that they come to a compromise so as both parties are happy. It has not always been easy but I have seen the fruit of it in some instances.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The book in general has opened my eyes to the fact that one must be fully convinced about what they want in life. Nelson Mandela understood what his purpose was and was even ready to die for it. Reading the book has allowed me to think and rethink some of the things I stand for. When I am fully convinced about them and live them, then I am able to make the transformation and change that I desire to see.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Nurture rather than nature is the primary molder of personality.”

To me this challenges the notion that all leaders are born. It shows that some leaders are not born but made. It also proves to me that one can rewrite their own script and live differently from natural families.

“A leader is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind.”

A good leader is not one who is always on the fore front to be seen. He develops others by giving them responsibilities while never taking his eyes off them. He does not only have the strong like him but the weak who he trains in order to bring out the best in them.

“We may borrow from foreign ideologies, but we reject the wholesale importation of foreign ideologies.”

There is a saying in my country that says chew the meat and throw the bone. There is good and bad in everything. The onus is for us to examine, take out the good, and then let go of what is not beneficial.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

No everything was quite plain and understandable.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

None. There were no exercises but a lot of food for thought.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Freedom is never granted freely by the oppressor. The oppressed must demand for that freedom. Prison is not only physical. It can also be mental, emotional or spiritual. There are many people who are not behind physical bars but are imprisoned in their thinking. The greatest form of prison is when it is self imposed.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. is about the life of a man who became a passionate leader at a very young age fighting injustice in a non-violent way. It is about endurance and standing for what you believe though it means dying.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Study the life of other leaders before you.

As a leader, it is very important as you begin a movement, to study the lives and methods which have been applied before. Many people have a cause they would like to stand for and do not take the time to study. Countless books have been written about leaders and their styles. Martin Luther King, Jr. felt the need to do something positive for his community who had been oppressed by the system at the time. Instead of just fighting the system, he took time to study other movements and sought the best way possible. From his autobiography, one can come to the conclusion that he greatly admired the life of Ghandi and the strategy that he applied.

As an upcoming leader in my community, I am grateful for the opportunity I have as an IIGL student. I have been exposed to many good books written on leadership and I have seen myself grow in this area and my leadership ability has greatly improved.

ii. Support of family is important.

As a leader of a large movement, one is often the target of many critics and the walk can be lonely up there. So if one has the support of their spouse and family, the burden is made a lot easier. Family members need to be enlightened on the responsibilities of a leader and what the organization or movement is about. this is important because the leader can then do what he has been called to do without conflict. With the support of his family, the ability to perform is even increased.

As a Christian, I have seen many church leaders neglect their families. They start out on ventures which take most of their time away from their spouses and children. This puts a lot of strain on the relationship and I have witnessed these families either falling apart or the leader having to totally abandon the cause to satisfy his family. Personally, I come from a very supportive family. My parents and siblings have always been there for me in whatever venture I have taken on.

iii. Non-violent means of fighting to achieve freedom

Many people have the view that fighting must always involve violence, bloodshed and loss of life. the method of non-violence to achieve freedom seems to have more positive results than violent means. Non-violent means of fighting is not for the faint hearted. It is for those that are determined to stay the course. It is for the strong who are peaceful at heart. Reading this autobiography brought to remembrance the book I read on non-violent communication. It seems very impractical yet in this case it yielded results.

I come from a country that has had many years of political unrest. We have many opposition parties all vying for the leadership of this country. Recently we had an election and the main party won. The other parties disagreed with the results and staged a number of demonstrations. The police were armed with all sorts of weaponry to deal with the protestors. There were many arrests and people were beaten. I have heard several times these leaders talk about peaceful protests but it ends up violent. My desire for my country and its political leaders would be to employ non-violent means of attaining their purpose. I have read it and seen that in the cases where it was employed it yielded positive results.

iv. Coalition with other movement

As a leader, you cannot wage war alone. As the saying goes, ‘no man is an island’. We need each other especially if we are all fighting for the same cause. Martin Luther King Jr. was a humble leader. He understood the power in working together with other leaders as opposed to working alone. Too many people today want to do things alone so they can receive all the credit. This I compare to an organization where there is team work. Each one has a department they lead or work in but together they come as a team to achieve a common goal.

I would like to cite an example of my country again. A few months back when we were preparing for elections, some of the political parties came together to form a coalition and field one presidential candidate to stand against the incumbent. We all thought this was the best decision that the opposition had ever come up with. However, it was not long before their personal agendas came up. They all wanted to be the president and could not agree amongst themselves. Unfortunately, the coalition never yielded any positive fruit. Instead, it even divided them further with each group accusing the other of conspiracy.

In my opinion, if these party leaders had humbled themselves and swallowed their greed and pride, they would have been a force so powerful and would have been able to oust the incumbent. The leading party rode on the back of their disagreement and therefore won the election. As leaders, we must realize that once we have a common enemy, we can put aside our personal gains for the sake of the greater good.

v. Religion should never be an excuse to do nothing.

In reading the autobiography of King Jr., I understood for the first time that he was a trained and ordained minister of the gospel. Many people are of the opinion that politics and religion do not mix. However, history also has it that the people who brought radical change to society were religious people. Jesus started Christianity. He was not docile. He addressed the political and religious leaders of his day. He did it non-violently.

We also see Islam and Jihad. When they have a cause, they rise up and fight because their religion allows for it. As leaders, religion should never be an excuse for not being involved in politics. We should embrace the teachings of spiritual leaders who stood against injustice. We should not be afraid to be out there. True religion the bible says is for one to take care of orphans and to fight injustice.

I am privileged to belong to a church where our leaders encourage us to be involved in the community at all levels. Our slogan is “church begins on Monday, Sunday is garage”. This simply means Monday to Saturday we are to use our gifts wherever we work. We are to be salt and light to the world. Too many Christians are just comfortable and not involved and hope that one day change will come.

vi. Face opposition and remain focused.

Many times in a leaders life he will face opposition. Many will rise up and fight you and all that you stand for. Even your closest allies will become your strongest opponents.

It is in moments like these that a leader must remain focused and not lose hope. Even in the face of opposition, one must not resort to other means other than what they stand for.

In my life I have gone through many difficult situations. I have faced strong opposition and I am ashamed to say that many times I have given up on my own convictions. I have realized that maybe I myself was not fully convinced about them. Having read this book and that of Nelson Mandela, I have come to appreciate the strength of their conviction. They stood for what they believed and did not waver even when it meant losing their lives.

vii. Ultimate Sacrifice

Ultimate sacrifice of a leader is to lay down his life. A leader must be prepared to give his life for what he believes in. His conviction must be so strong that he is not afraid to die when the moment comes. I have not yet had to stand for something that will cost my life. However, having understood the importance of conviction, I will be ready when that time comes.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas above have helped me to examine myself as a leader and the sacrifices that a leader needs to make. Leadership is not just a fancy title that one calls themselves. It is a call. As a leader, I desire to bring about change in the community and this change begins from within me. I am now a student of non-violence. It is a tool that I would like to adopt in my communication and leadership. I believe that it is what will bring lasting change in people.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge, moments of great crisis and controversy.”

The above quote says it all for me. One must be fully persuaded about what they are standing for that even in the midst of trials, they are still able to face it with the same conviction and not give in.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. everything was clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Martin Luther King Jr, was a man of faith. He believed in what he was doing and believed that one day freedom would come to all the oppressed. Though he never lived to see this day, he inspired many people who continued the struggle and today the freedom he saw from afar, is now a reality for many.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



This Child will be Great

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in this book is of a woman who had a passion and was not willing to let go of it no matter what the price. She endured until she got to the top.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Purpose preserves

It has been said that purpose is what gives meaning to life. Without purpose one is life a ship tossed to and fro by the wind. Purpose gives direction to life. Reading the story of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, one cannot fail to see that it was purpose that kept her moving.

Purpose will keep you through the most difficult of situations. When you face difficult times, you must always remember the direction you are taking. There may be a temporary lull along the way that may last up to years. This does not mean you change directions. It simply is an opportunity for you to re-focus and re-coup and start strong.

One of my greatest accomplishments so far has been the discovery of my purpose. to be able to know why I exist. This to me has given me a great sense of existence. To know why I am here on earth and be able to do it. For so many years I was simply occupying space with no clear sense of purpose. I was very miserable. Nothing brought lasting joy to me. This led me to start asking many questions. These questions set me on a quest to know my purpose. I can honestly say today that I am so fulfilled just knowing why I exist. My life has meaning and direction. Every day I do something in line with my purpose and I go to bed smiling. I look forward to each new day unlike in the past.

ii. Growth is key

It has been said that when you are ripe, you rot but when you remain green, you grow.

For anyone aspiring to be a great leader, they must embrace learning and growth. There is no time that one can fully say they know enough. I have been greatly inspired by the determination of Ellen Johnson. She did not allow the fact that she married young and had children deter her from pursuing her education. She refused to settle for less and pursued her dream of getting a good education. This education later did open many opportunities for her to live her passion and purpose and mold her into what she finally became; a great leader.

Many years ago I went through something that disrupted my studies. This affected me negatively and I experienced an inferiority complex which had become like a second nature. I carried on like this for so long until another tragic thing happened. This time round, the tragic event happened to be my ticket out of a miserable life. this is when the questions began and long story short, today my story is different because I went back to school. I have not stopped learning. I have grown in many areas of my life that I no longer look down upon myself. I am able to lead in my sphere of influence because I have grown through learning. IIGL is one of the tools that has sped this experience for me.

iii. Make meaningful contacts

I once read a quote that said ‘no man is an island entire by itself’. People need each other and the contacts we make along life’s journey will one day prove to be very helpful.

Ellen Johnson has a wonderful gift of making meaningful contacts and keeping them too from her book, there have been many times when she had to call upon those contacts to help her. A good leader needs to learn how to make and keep friends. So many people have lost the art of friendship. The book ‘how to make friends and influence people’ by Dale Carnegie is highly recommended.

I have been privileged in this area of making good friends. And these friends have come to my rescue during hard times. In 2012, I was between a rock and a hard place as the saying goes. I was starting all over and I did not have much to start with. At the time, I was in bible college and a lady from New Zealand lectured a session. We became friends. When she left the country she took my contact. I did not tell her what I was going through at the time. She later tells me that she sensed I was going through a very hard time though at the time she did not know what to do. A few months later, she called me and we were able to talk at length. This lady offered to help me start all over again by sending me a monthly financial support until I got on my feet. This example is so real for me because if it had not been for her support, my life would have been very different today. I value good friendship and I think that everyone should endeavor to do the same. You may never know when the time comes and you need a shoulder to lean on.

iv. Make sacrifices

In life, there will be instances where we shall be called upon to make sacrifices. These do not come cheap. For Ellen Johnson it was her family; her children, mother and siblings.

As a leader one has to brace themselves for such moment. The cause for which one is called upon may demand even the most precious thing. Great leaders like Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther all had to sacrifice. They sacrificed their families, time, money and ultimately their lives for what they believed in.

In my pursuit for purpose and self worth, I had to sacrifice a few things. Notable of these was the separation from my children. I had to leave them and start all over again. It was painful at the time but looking back how far I have progressed, I can honestly say it was worth the sacrifice. Today I am at a better place and better able to be the mother that they truly deserve.

v. Do not succumb to pressure

Many times as a leader we want to be popular. We want to go with the flow not against it. However, a leader must have a strong conviction and will to stand up for what he believes even amidst the greatest of opposition. I have witnessed in my country leaders who sing one thing until they come under so much pressure. It is said that opposition here in my country can stand against anything except money. Many have traded their allegiance for a few shillings or a government top job. Ellen Johnson on two occasions was offered to work in government but she bluntly refused because she was totally convinced that it went against what she stood for. She faced many trials including jail and exile. These did not deter her in any way.

vi. Be open and honest.

A good leader must be open and honest. Everything must be done in the spirit of transparency. Do not indulge in falsehood. Promising people bridges where there is no water. In my country I have witnessed many leaders who tell lies during campaign periods. They tell the masses things that they will do once they are elected. Many of these do not come to fruition. A good leader must call a spade a spade not a big spoon.

vii. Celebrate yourself and others.

I believe that it is a good thing for one to celebrate their achievements and also the achievements of others. Recently in my church, we were encouraged to ‘bank’ our wins daily. The pastor told us to have a victory every day. It may not be so huge but it is something that can add up to something bigger. Many of us wait until the world is celebrating us and singing our victories for us to know that we have arrived. The bible tells of the story of David as a shepherd boy. He killed the bear and the lion. These victories preceded his killing of Goliath. When Israel sang his praise after killing Goliath, David had long sung his own. We have many people we meet in life that help move us closer to our dreams. We need to celebrate these people too. Ellen Johnson did not stop singing the praises of the women who supported her during her campaigns and she also offered a good number of them positions in her administration. This is the spirit of celebration.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas I have got from this book will help me better leader in my sphere of influence. I have seen a lot of humility in Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. I will be able to pass them to the people around me and to help transform lives and communities in accordance with my life purpose.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Progress may be slowed by opposition but it will not be stopped.”

For me this is a great reminder that the road is not always smooth. There will always be humps and bumps. This is all part of the journey. Take a break, rest and then move again.

Keep the dream alive don’t let it die. In the past I used to get all worked up and frustrated because of the hindrances I faced while pursuing my dreams and passion. However, I have learned from the word of God that all things work together for good. And also that in waiting, my strength is renewed.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No. everything was very clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There was none. Only lots of food for thought.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No one should be discriminated against on account of their gender. As a woman Ellen Johnson proved that she is capable of being not just a leader but a president. She reached for the highest and achieved it.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Thinking for a Change

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea in this book is about the importance and benefits of good thinking. The author indicates that a person’s way of life is a product of their thought life. for a life to change for the better, one must embrace good thinking.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Types of thinking

I have never given thinking much thought until reading the book ‘Thinking for a change’. Thinking never stood out as significantly as has now been brought to light by this book.

I knew that there was good thinking and bad thinking. That was as far as it went for me. However, this book has brought enlightened my understanding by breaking down what the author calls ‘good thinking’ into eleven areas. It is just having good thoughts but what kind of thinking are you engaged in?

ii. Think for change.

The bible clearly states that “As a man thinks, so is he.” This is also the message in the book “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen. For change to happen, there must be a change in the thought process. Our thoughts create. If we dwell on negative thoughts all the time and never see anything good, that will be the outcome of our lives. Thoughts are like seeds. We reap what we sow. If we sow hatred, we reap hatred. When we think pleasant thoughts, our lives will reflect it.

For a very long time I was unhappy. This was because of the circumstances I was living under. I blamed a lot of my unhappiness on other people. This went on for a while. I thought that if they treated me well, then I would be happy. I did not realize that my own happiness depended on me. My life turned around when I read the scripture in the bible that said ‘whatever things are good, and of good report, think on these things’.

iii. Good thinking is a skill.

Just like any skill, you can learn good thinking. Good thinking can be acquired through interaction with people who have put it to use and it shows in their lives. It can also be learned through reading books that encourage good thinking. However, I believe that the best way to become skillful at good thinking is through practice.

A skill is not honed in one day. It takes time to develop. You must keep at it until it becomes part of your daily life.

I am still a student of good thinking. I desire to master this skill that I may partake of its vast benefits and avoid a repeat of the numerous mistakes I have made in the past as a lack of this skill.

iv. Create time and space for thinking.

Again this is another one of those things that I never understood the importance of until now. I have not deliberately set aside time for thought. Taking time off and finding a suitable place to engage in thought is very key if one is to develop in this area. Thoughts need time to crystallize. If you do not make the time, the thoughts you have or could have had may never see the light of day.

Since learning this idea from the book, I have been practicing ‘thought time’. I have been taking off the last hour before going to sleep and just think through my thoughts. It indeed is a learning process for me which I am enjoying.

v. Thoughts are sacred

It appears to me that thoughts are sacred and the process should never be rushed. I am the kind of person who will come up with an idea and want to see it carried out immediately. This has caused me many heartbreaks and frustrations. I never gave time for the thoughts or ideas to “incubate.” I now know that a thought is really a seed that is divinely implanted in my mind and that when I take time to meditate upon it, it is refined and defined and when its time has come, it cannot be held back.

vi. Thoughts are powerful

I once read that ‘there is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come’.

Everything that is visible came from a thought that was invisible. However, when the time had come, the thought materialized and became visible. All thoughts; good and bad, have the potential to be powerful. Many people have committed atrocities because of an idea that they had. History is awash with such kinds of people. It is also true that a lot of good has been done as a result of good thoughts. Inventions such as medicines were products of good thoughts.

vii. Good thinkers are considered successful

What sets successful people apart from the unsuccessful ones is their thought life. successful people are always optimistic. They employ the techniques of good thinking. They take their time and process. They ask why before they ask how. It has been said that success is not measured in inches or pounds or college degrees or family background; it is measured by the size of thinking.

In my personal opinion, success is not about material things. If the quality of ones thoughts is good, it produces a life of peace and joy and that is what counts at the end of the day. I desire to be successful and I have officially enrolled as a student of good thinking for life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas and the whole book for me has caused a total turn around in my thought life. I know that I have read other books which talk about thinking. However, this book is like the water which caused the seed to germinate.

I have started practicing some of the principles that John Maxwell has highlighted in this book. In the last month, I have seen positive indicators of taking time off to reflect and think about the day. This process has helped me plan my day and be able to schedule events in their proper order. I also intend to take these ideas and begin to teach them to the youth that I interact with. I believe that if these principles are nurtured in young people, we will raise a generation of highly productive people.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be determined by what you think today.”

I believe that we have the key to our future and it lies in what we think. Thoughts create. If we think negative thoughts, we shall have a life of negativity but if we desire to be positive and optimistic, our thoughts must be the same.

“As long as you are hanging around amateurs, you will think like an amateur, and you will not improve your skill.”

Your friends have a lot of influence upon you. Surround yourself with the kind of people that you want to be. Their way of life will begin to rub on you and soon you will be like them.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

Change should start with me. I need to be the change I desire to see.

“The first and most important step toward success is the expectation that we can succeed.”

“You must reject common thinking if you want to accomplish uncommon results.”

Do not go with the flow, stand out, be different and make the difference

This talks about the power of visualization. When we are able to see it, then we can create it.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

None. Everything was very clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes. The book contained lots of helpful exercises which I am still doing.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Emotional Intelligence

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author is bringing to our attention the importance of Emotional Intelligence(EI). He suggests that EI is a key ingredient in living a successful and meaningful life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas that were personally important to me were in two areas: Intra-personal, and inter-personal intelligence. Intra-personal intelligence is the key to self-knowledge. it is the access to one’s own feelings and the ability to discriminate among them and draw upon them to guide behavior. Knowing and understanding one’s self are broken down into the following:

i. Self-awareness.

In order for one to be truly successful, he must be able to know who he is. This would include areas such as strengths, weaknesses, and competences. During my work with an organization that empowers youth, I had the opportunity to take a test on Emotional intelligence. I did not think that it was important prior to that. Part of the test included a SWOT(strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) analysis. This test opened my eyes to who I really am and what I am able to do. As a leader, I believe that it is important to know who you are and what you are able to do because it gives you confidence and the people you lead are able to follow with confidence.

ii. Managing Emotions.

We all have emotions and understanding them is key. Most people lack the ability to manage their emotions and instead are at the mercy of their emotions managing them.

You cannot manage what you do not understand. I used to be very impatient. In fact it was so bad that many people avoided working with me because of that. One of my greatest strength is in time keeping. I just could not understand why people were late comers. If you came late for an appointment, I was usually not very understanding.

When I took the emotional intelligence test, I was able to face my weakness and had to find a way of being able to manage my emotions in such circumstances. It took a while however, I can now say that I have overcome my weakness and I feel more confident working with people.

iii. Self-motivation.

Another aspect of intra-personal intelligence is the ability to motivate yourself. Life can sometimes throw at you challenges and situations that have the ability to suck out joy and energy. However, a person who has intrapersonal intelligence is able to motivate themselves and move on with more optimism than ever before. A few years ago, I was in a dark place in my life. I went through a divorce and felt hopeless. I had been a stay home mother for a number of years. I did not know where to start from. I am grateful for the teaching that I heard by Stephen Covey. He encouraged me to find my purpose and that would bring meaning to my life. I was able to motivate myself day after day until I completely came out of that dark place. My life is so much brighter now.

iv. Being aware of other people’s emotions

It takes skill for one to be able to take notice of another person’s emotions. As humans we are naturally self- centered. We think about ourselves more than other’s. The ability to notice and feel what someone else is feeling is what is described as empathy. A good leader is one who has developed the ability to feel other people’s emotions and be able to reach out to them appropriately. As a Christian, I have been in positions where I have been able to stand with people in their times of deepest need. The bible urges us to weep with those that weep and rejoice with them that rejoice. I have found that every time I have showed empathy, and reached out, my life has not stayed the same. There is a feeling of joy and peace that is brought into your life.

v. Interpersonal intelligence.

This is the ability to know how to relate with other people and to build meaningful relations. Leaders need this skill in order to lead well. If one does not know how to interact with people, no one will follow him and he shall have no impact. A leader is required to know how to spur on people, and this can only be done if he has emotional intelligence. It is one thing to have knowledge but another to be able to apply it correctly.

As an aspiring leader, one of my goals is to be able to understand people and their emotions so I can relevant.

vi. Emotions are important

Emotions are part of who we are. A person with no emotions or who does not express their emotions does not live a fulfilled life. Growing up we were told that boys were not supposed to cry because it showed weakness. As a result of this, many boys have grown up and are not able to show emotions because they cannot be seen as weak. How one expresses their emotion is also very important. Some people completely let it all out. This is what the author called “exaggerating.” Other people will “minimize” the display of their emotions. Both of the above displays appear to be extreme. I believe that when an emotion is called for, it should be done appropriately.

As a child, I remember we were taken to the village to attend a burial of my father’s brother. I can still feel the chill that run through me when I heard a scream coming from outside the house. A lady came in screaming and yelling, falling down and running around while calling out my uncle’s name. Later, I was told that she was not even a relative. Her exaggerated emotional outburst was what caught my attention.

vii. A tool for success

For one to be highly successful, it is important that they acquire emotional intelligence. For so long, people have dwelt on only IQ. People with high IQ were said to be the brightest and would be great achievers. However, studies have shown that IQ alone does not guarantee success. I have personally met people who have not gone to school yet they are very intelligent. I now understand that these people have a high degree of Emotional Intelligence.

I have had countless encounters with babies who have displayed emotional intelligence.

My youngest daughter has a very high degree of emotional intelligence. When she was 1 year old, she was able to give away her toys to another baby who was crying at church. I still remember her taking her shaker, and walking towards this other child who was tugging at her mother. When she gave the baby the shaker, the baby immediately stopped crying and started smiling. It was such a beautiful sight. To this day, my daughter is very in touch with other people’s feelings.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Having understood the importance of Emotional Intelligence, and as a leader with a passion for transformation, it is one of the key things that I will herald in my community.

I have a passion to train and mentor young people and I have been working on a curriculum. This is one of the key topics that will feature in my sessions.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life. The brightest among us can founder on the shoals of unbridled passions and unruly impulses; people with high IQs can be stunningly poor pilots of their private lives.”

Having a high IQ or being intelligent in class does not mean that you know yourself. There are people who have scored highly and graduated with first class

degrees yet are unable to manage their emotions.

“The time has come to broaden our notion of the spectrum of talents. The single most important contribution education can make to a child’s development is to help him toward a field where his talents best suit him, where he will be satisfied and competent.”

For me this is very important because our education system has only focused on academics and not nurtured our other abilities. So we are taught that the people with the high IQs are the ones who are destined to succeed in life. If emotional intelligence is also incorporated in our schools, the quality of our students will be higher.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The beginning part of the book is too scientific for me to fully grasp. I found it hard to understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I would like to comment on what the author said about babies being born with a high degree of emotional intelligence. I believe this is true and it is a call to parents, teachers and all those in authority to be able to help nurture this ability and gift.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Failing Forward

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

John C. Maxwell in this book ‘Failing Forward’ brings out the positive aspect of failure. He assures the reader that failure is not a bad thing if looked at with a positive attitude. Failure is actually a necessary ingredient for success. Maxwell encourages us not to fear failure but instead we should embrace it and make it work for our good.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Just because you have failed, you are not a failure.

There is a big difference between failing and being a failure. One can fail at doing

something due to reasons such as: not having enough information, or wrong timing and a lot of other reasons. This does not qualify you to be a failure. Failure on the other hand is when you personalize the failings and allow them to define you. Failing can be looked at as an event in a person’s life whereas failure would be termed as a process. One does not become a failure until they totally surrender and refuse to try one more time.

One of my greatest fears was the fear of failure. I did not want to fail at anything I did. And when I failed, I took it personally. I would let that moment define me and then cripple me. Looking back, I can see the many opportunities that I missed as a result of this fear. I never knew that I could actually bounce back and use that event as a learning tool. While doing my Level Three assignments, I had to describe some of my fears and come up with ways to overcome them. I am glad that the fear of failure is not the monster it used to be and now with this book, I have been released from the fear of failure.

ii. Embrace the possibility of failure.

Like me, most people would rather avoid failure. The thought that failure is a possibility spells doom for many and the best thing to do in that situation is to totally abandon the project all together. However, Maxwell says that failure is to be expected and embraced as a friend. There are many positive benefits to failure. These can only be applied if one maintains a positive attitude. We should however not do things in order to fail, but be prepared always for any outcome. just as we celebrate success, we should also celebrate failure. This can only be done when we separate the moment of failing from who we are.

I have failed many times in my life. These have been moments of great disappointments for me. When my marriage failed and ended in divorce, I blamed myself. On one hand, I was glad it ended, on the other hand I was scared. Looking back now, I can say the benefits of that one event in my life have yielded so much good. I am at a better place in my life than I have ever been before. Had I known the benefits before, I would have gladly failed forward and indeed that is what it has turned out to be.

iii. There are lessons in failure.

Failure is the best teacher. Taking the stories of the people that have been cited in this book, I can clearly see that failure is the best teacher one can have. Thomas Edison is said to have failed so many times and every time he did, he encouraged himself by saying he had learned another way of not doing it again. Now this for me is the epitome of one who is willing to achieve no matter what. He learned from his failures and now we are the beneficiaries of his resilience. On the flip side of this, is the little known professor Dr. Samuel P. Langley who did not learn from his failure. He went through some moments of failing and then totally gave up. We can use failure as a learning tool and better our lives and those of others if we do not own the failure. We should use it as a spring board or stepping stone.

Two years ago, a friend and I decided to open up a beauty spa. We both trained as beauticians. I was excited because it is something I have always wanted to do. We got a place, paid rent for 3 months and set up. To cut the long story short, our venture did not go past the 3 months. I was very disappointed. I even gave up the idea of running the business again. Today, I can confidently say I am looking forward to setting up again. I realized the mistakes we had made and I have learned from them. I am at a better place now because of that event. I failed forward.

iv. Failure is neither final nor fatal.

According to Maxwell, failure should never be the final say in our lives. We should not let failure bury us. We will all fail at one time or another. The experiment done by the two professors Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahalad with the monkeys shows how we allow an event in our lives to become the final say. The moneys were faced with this one challenge and it became a legacy for the rest of them. When we refuse to arise from failure, we pass it on to the next generation. When I read about businesses, organizations and companies that have stood the test of time, I clearly see that one thing they had going for them was the ability to keep keeping on. Most of these founders are long gone yet their names are still alive.

I desire to leave a legacy for my children. The bible tells me that a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children. This can only happen if I do not allow failure to become final in my life. Failure can become fatal when we allow it to keep us from our God given dreams. The late Myles Munroe used to say the grave is the richest place on earth because therein lay people who never fulfilled their dreams and many of these were held back by the fear of failure.

v. Take responsibility.

There are two factors to failure: external and internal. We may not be able to do much with the external factors. These may include things like government policies, weather, wars, and so on. However, we are able to do something about the internal factors. These are the things that are going on inside of us. Maxwell says failure is an inside job.

It is really easy for us to put the blame for our failures and mishaps on someone else. When we learn to take responsibility for our actions, we are better prepared to fail forward. How we do this is by simply taking an inventory of ourselves. We need to understand who we really are: strengths and weaknesses.

A few years ago, I took a personality test which opened my eyes to who I really am. For the first time I understood why I did things the way I did. It answered so many questions. Even with this knowledge, I have still made so many mistakes and blamed others.

When I understand my strengths, I will be able to build it up and minimize my weakness. I know what I can and cannot do. I take responsibility for my life.

vi. Failing forward requires a focus

It has been said without focus, you will shoot aimlessly. If you are to fail forward, you need to know what it is you are want. It is like having a purpose. Purpose is like a compass, always pointing to your ‘true north’. Along the way, you will encounter many hindrances but what will keep you getting up is your focus. Many people do not recover from failure because they have no sense of focus or purpose. They are aimless shooters. This kind of life does not yield much. It is a matter of trial and error. They say things like what will be will be.

One of my greatest achievements in life so far, has been, understanding my purpose. I lived a meaningless life for so long and clearly defined myself as a failure. I had no aim and I was achieving nothing. I am now in a better place because of this knowledge. I am motivated to keep moving towards my purpose even when the going gets tough. I know that I can turn that failure into a stepping stone.

vii. Success is a product of failure

If I had been taught this when I was growing up, I would have been better prepared for life. All my life I have pursued success and avoided failure. I did not know that failure is a necessary ingredient for success. My definition of success had nothing to do with failing along the way. In fact if I sensed failure, I dropped the pursuit. Our education systems have failed us in this aspect. We have been given a marred image of success. Newspapers and magazines are awash with stories of people who have achieved their dreams but what they do not tell us is the journey that is laced with failings, tears, disappointments and other ‘unpleasant’ things. My heart is saddened by the fact that many missed opportunities have gone by. I am however encouraged and grateful for this opportunity through IIGL. I have been exposed to such material as this and I know that all things work out for good. I shall not cry over spilt milk. I shall pick myself up and out of the ashes, shall grow roses.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons from this book have been very liberating. They have brought a new and clear definition of failing. I will use these lessons in my own life to achieve the success I have always desired. Secondly, in line with my purpose: ‘transforming lives and communities through knowledge and skills,” I have acquired the right tool to achieve. I intend to teach these principles especially to young people. They have to be taught that fear of failure is detrimental to their future. I will endeavor to apply these principles to as many as I can.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The terrible truth is that all roads to achievement lead through the land of failure.”

To me this statement is an encouragement that though things may be hard, with persistence and perseverance, you will achieve your dream.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

It has been said that behind every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. Do not give up. Maintain a positive attitude all the time.

“No matter what kind of failure you experience, there is always a potential jewel of success contained in it.”

Look for the good in every situation. Then use it as a stepping stone to success.

“What distinguishes winners from losers is that winners concentrate at all times on what they can do, not on what they can’t do.”

Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Build the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Everything has been very clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes there were some exercises which have been very helpful to me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

This is a very helpful book and I wish its content could be included in our education system. This could help train young people be more resilient towards achieving their dreams.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Deep Change

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Deep Change is a book about taking charge and responsibility for personal and organizational growth. It challenges one to think deeply about where they want to go and the changes they would be required to make. Some of them pleasant, while others, uncomfortable.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Incremental change and Deep change are usually mistaken to mean the same thing.

Incremental change usually involves analysis and planning. It is very outward and has set objectives which when not attained, the whole drive can be terminated. Incremental change does not require new patterns of thinking. Since it is about programs and set ways of doing things, people can always find their way around achieving the goal. The desired result is usually what they are about. Deep change on the other hand is about adopting a new way of thinking. It requires a complete change in behavior and the decisions and outcome are permanent. It is very vital for a leader to embrace the process of deep change if he is to improve on himself and the organization he heads.

Deep change is not for the faint hearted.

Personally, I have been challenged to take a closer look at my growth. Is it incremental or does it require for me to abandon my old ways of thinking and acquire new ones.

Through IIGL, I have learned and adopted new ways of thinking that have improved my quality of life.

ii. Deep change requires walking naked into the land of uncertainty.

Deep change is about the need for transformation. It occurs both at a personal or organizational level. At a personal level, a leader must first of all acknowledge their need for transformation. Realize that things are not working the way they ought. This will definitely call for time alone for reflection. It will mean letting go of everything you have known in the past, and taking a completely new road.

I have had many instances in my life where I have been forced to unlearn things and learn new ways of achieving. An example of this for me is in the area of education. I went to ordinary schools where there was a teacher and chalkboard. The teacher always stood before the class to explain things and we were expected to take notes. This to me has always been the way schools should operate. A few years ago, I heard about home schooling. This was a completely new thing to me. Because I did not understand it, I opposed it. I never even gave it a try. It is interesting to note that now, I actually work with a home school. I had to go through the process of unlearning the old ways of thinking concerning school and learn that it can also be done another way. Today I am such an advocate for the very thing I once abhorred and all this is because I let go of the old and embraced a new which has caused a transformation in my perspective.

iii. For deep change to occur, one must change their perspective.

The way you look at things will determine the way you behave. If you have a negative attitude, your behavior will tend to be negative as well and vice versa. It has been said that where you sit, will determine what you see.For any significant change to occur, a leader must have a wholesome perspective of things. Deep change is not about excitement. It is about commitment. One must be ready to take the steps toward it knowing that it is irreversible. It requires for one to look at all angles.

I never used to put much effort in thought process. I made quick decisions many times based on very limited information. I made many mistakes along the way that cost me dearly. I jumped to conclusions very fast without looking exploring all options. One of these decisions was entering into a partnership with a friend to start a business. The whole idea excited me and without much thought, I had invested money. Sad to say, the business did not yield any profit and after four months, we shut down. It was a bitter lesson for me. This however was also a wake- up call. I learned that before I take any major decisions in my life, I must have a clear perspective.

iv. Deep change is internally driven.

Many people are driven by external pressure to make decisions and changes. They are the product of their environment. However, these changes do not last because the environment will always change and these changes would not be applicable. Deep change on the other hand should be intrinsic. One must realize the need for change and own up to it. Real change happens when you sense the need for it without any compulsion or external pressure.

I suffered from inferiority complex for many years. I never had self-confidence or esteem. I always thought I had to be like someone else to be accepted. This added more misery to my life. I lived a very mediocre life. My turning point came when I asked myself some questions which allowed me to make the changes I needed. Today I look back and shudder at the person I was. I now live such a vibrant life because I had to make the difficult but very rewarding decision to motivate myself and make the change.

v. Conformity may hinder deep change.

Conforming to old ways of thought may hinder deep change. As a leader, it is good to not be so rigid. Many people are so comfortable in their ways that change does not go well with them. They will make statements like this is how we have always done things and so we do not need to change.

The bible urges us not to conform to patterns that are destructive but instead, to transform our thinking by renewing our minds. My life was a life of conformity. I was afraid of stepping out and trying new things. I still struggle in some areas of my life. I want to stick to the way I did it in the past. This is an area of my life that I am really working on. One of the things I have to fully embrace is in the area of technology. I am very comfortable with the old system. When I have to learn a new program, I usually do it grudgingly.

vi. Deep change requires risk taking.

It is not always certain that the change one is going to make will come out well, especially if it involves other people. As a leader, the aspect of risk must be embraced. It is even riskier if the change is on an organizational level. Such risks may involve people losing their jobs or a cut in pay or even the closure of the venture. However, the positive side of risk is that when it is taken and it yields good results, everyone is happy and the leader earns more respect from his followers. Risk taking is a skill that every leader should learn. Many people are afraid of taking risks because they are thinking about themselves. They are afraid of losing popularity with people. However, as a leader, doing the right thing is better than being popular. When I read about leaders like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and others, I see that they were not afraid of taking risks and as a result, they became popular and not the other way round.

vii. Leaders are called to be transformational.

A transformational leader is one who has gone through the process of deep change on a personal level and is able to effect the change in an organization. Deep change cannot just be talked about. it must be experienced. As a leader, I desire to transform lives and communities through knowledge and skills. I am grateful that through the IIGL program, I have read books that have made me look inward and realize the changes I have to make. I have been able to make many positive changes and my life and leadership are not the same as before.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

As a leader, I have learned the importance of making personal change if I am to effectively lead and transform my community. The change begins with me.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“One key to successful leadership is continuous personal change.”

Personal growth is an indication of inner growth. When people see that the change we made is working for us, then they will desire the same change.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes every chapter of the book contains an exercise. I have found them very helpful. For me the exercises are on-going.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it 10



Servant Leadership

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Servant leadership is about people and Institutions (Government and Private) having a heart to serve without any selfish motive or personal gain. It is about putting service above self as the Rotarians say.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Purpose.

It has been said that when purpose is not known, abuse is imminent. Purpose answers the question; why one exists or why does a thing exist. For a leader to achieve their call, they must first of all know what their purpose is in serving. Is it to gain personal status or is it really to benefit others. Goals and values are all tied in to purpose. Even Institutions need to clarify why they exist. Most institutions do not have a human face. It is about delivery of a service to people. A people they do not even interact with. Servant leadership thus is embraced when one fully understands the reason as to why they are serving. If is for making lives better, they will willingly do it at any cost. It is about sacrifice.

I was recently made the head of hospitality at my church. We call the department ‘Guest Experience’. It is a department that deals with creating a great experience for first time visitors and the members who come to worship at our church. At first it seemed like an uphill task. We are the ‘customer care’ people so to speak. However, the very first thing I did was to understand what the vision, goal and over all purpose of our church is. In doing this, I was able to see that it is about creating an irresistible environment for others to celebrate and connect without any hindrance. With this in view, I am able to serve well without thinking about what is in it for me.

ii. Humility.

Servant leadership is about humility. Having to put yourself in a position where you assume that others are better than you. Humility does not come easily. It is about dying to self. The greatest example of humility for me is Jesus. The scripture says in the book of Philippians 2 that Jesus though He was equal with God humbled Himself and became a servant. This He did so that He may serve humanity and also set for us an example.

As leaders, we are called to lay aside our reputation, qualification and accolades and serve those that we would not be inclined to naturally. It is a call to see others as love worthy. As humans, it does not come naturally for us to esteem others better than us. Our egos usually get a better hold of us. It is therefore the strong who can embrace humility.

iii. Empathy

The ability to feel what another may be feeling is not easy, nor common.

As leaders especially servant leaders, it is a requirement to have empathy. To put your self in another’s place. To trade places if for just a moment and see things from their perspective. Leaders are called to a place not just of sympathy but of empathy. It is not enough for you to feel sorry for someone. It should go deeper than that.

Institutions like the ‘Red Cross’ have been commended for having the aspect to empathize. Their ability to respond to humanity’s hurt is what we should all emulate as leaders. Our organizations should be able to reach out a hand and heal in times of greatest need. Not just to send cash donations, medicines, food and other relief products but also to be on ground.

I have never liked or enjoyed going to hospitals. This was mainly due to the fact that I did not like to look at sick people when I cannot do anything to help them. So for most of my life I avoided hospitals. A few years ago, friends of mine decided to go visit the children’s cancer ward in one of the hospitals here in Uganda. We were to take for them some relief items and also games and toys. After a long talk, they managed to convince me to go along. I can never forget what I saw in that place. Little children had all sorts of tumors and growths on their bodies. It was so bad that I broke down in tears. For the first time in my life I came face to face with suffering. This visit did not leave me the same. I felt a pain and compassion that I had never before. It was no longer about giving relief to sick people. It was now about me going through their pain. This changed my life completely. When I give, I do not do it out of sympathy. I give because I empathize.

iv. Listening

Listening is a skill. Not everyone can listen. We all can hear but to listen is an art.

Leaders are called to listen. To be able to solve problems well will require active listening. Servant leadership is about listening for not just what is being said, but what is not being verbalized. Listening involves insight. It is leaning in closely to the situation and be able to come up with a solution that is befitting. When people know that they will be listened to, it gives them confidence and builds strength in them. It has been said that a problem shared is half solved. Several institutions are set up with the intention of solving the people’s grievances. In my country on such an institution is the judiciary commission. So many poor people were being unfairly treated. Their land and property were being grabbed by rich people. These poor people had no defense for themselves. It took the government initiative to set up a judicial commission to investigate these claims. The institution became a voice for the voiceless by being able to listen and act. Such institutions are what the author calls servant leaders.

v. Trust and Dependability

Servant leadership calls for trust and being trust worthy. As a leader, you are entrusted with people’s lives. How you deal with them will reveal a lot about you and your motives. Many people desire to be in leadership positions for ill motives. They admire and envy without knowing the magnitude of responsibility it requires. To be able to serve, one must be trust worthy and dependable. In this book, the author talks about his friend who was the president of Carleton College for about 30 years. This man proved himself to be trust worthy and dependable. He was offered many opportunities by more prestigious Colleges but he did not take them because he desired to take Carleton College to a better place. He was dependable till he retired.

Many of our leaders today are about the money and the name they can make for themselves. Some Members of parliament and cabinet ministers in my country have been caught red handed acting in ways that are contrary to their office. During campaign times, they promise heaven and earth. When they are elected, they turn their backs on the electorate. These leaders are not trust worthy or dependable. It is little wonder most of them do not get re-elected. The scriptures commend us to be faithful and trust worthy. In another place it says if you are not faithful with what is another man’s, no one will entrust you with true riches. So, servant leadership calls for being trust worthy and dependable.

vi. Approachable

I heard of a very highly placed man who when he took over the presidency of an organization, took off the door of his office to indicate to people that he had an open door policy. This may be looked at as radical and not very practical in our times yet the message is very clear. Leaders need to be approachable. They should have an open door policy. They should not be out of reach and touch with the people they are leading. Institutions on the other hand need to invite people to their spaces. There are several institutions that say they are ‘here to help’ but when you are in need of that help, there is so much bureaucracy involved that people just turn away.

A few years ago, it was very difficult for one to open an account with banks in my country. The reason for this was because there was too much bureaucracy. People found it easier to keep money in their homes. When mobile telephone companies introduced banking services with no paper work, people flocked in. this caused the banks to rethink their strategy. When a survey was carried out, it was found that banks asked for so many items which many people did not have. While the telephone companies only needed you to be on their network. This made the banks to drop some of their sophistication which made them more approachable. Institutions such as banks, hospitals, courts are supposed to be here to serve the masses and not the other way round.

vii. Responsibility

I heard it said responsibility is response able. The ability to respond when needed. To be responsible is not child play it is the mark of maturity. A servant leader is one who knows what is required of them and is able to execute that without fear or favor. Many people today are tasked with responsibilities that they are not able to carry out simply because they went to a certain school or are children of some well to do person. These are the ones who will burden other’s with their tasks. All they do is sit and sign for the money.

Leadership is more than just the title it is about delivery of service. It is getting dirty while doing the job and taking the responsibility for its failure and share the credit for its success.

I have been tasked many times with responsibilities that I thought were way too high for me. One of these is the role of leading the hospitality team in my church as I shared earlier. The reason I was given this task is because while I served as an usher in the same team, I seemed to be doing a lot more than the then leader. So when she had to leave, I was appointed to take over. At the time it did not occur to me that I was actually doing a lot. To me, it was about giving my best as I served. This service was recognized and I was rewarded for it. As leaders, if we are to be impactful, we will have to embrace the role of a servant. Jesus said if we humble ourselves, in due time, we shall be exalted. We have a proverb in one of the local languages in my country which loosely translates ‘the way up is down’.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

As a student of leadership, I have been greatly challenged by this book and its content.

I have realized that it is not just about leadership but about servant leadership. The higher call of leadership is to serve not to be served. My approach to leadership now is different. I have to be an example. I will be the change that I desire to see in the world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The best test, and difficult to administer, is this: Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?”

The above quote is a test for true leadership. It allows one to test their motive and see if it is selfish or not.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why.

None. Everything was clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I had never before looked at institutions as servant leaders until now. This has given me a new perspective going forward. As a leader, with a vision to transform lives and communities, I have been challenged to ask myself the motive behind my intentions.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it 10




Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Outliers! What a book. It got me from the first page. Malcolm Gladwell brings to our attention the ingredients of success that are not commonly talked about. He demystifies what many if not most of us think about the people who the world acknowledges and celebrate as successful. This is a book about being alert if you desire to attain success in every area of your life. It is about the ordinary doing the extraordinary things using the ordinary resources available. It is a book that checks your perception of success and those that succeed.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Preparation

Such sayings as “preparation precedes performance” and “preparation is the mother of performance” ring so true from reading the book “Outliers.” Success at anything does not just happen. Success requires putting in hours of work before the big break comes through. In the book, Gladwell, goes to lengths to explain the importance of preparation in terms of hours. In fact, it has now been proven that the breakthrough number of hours for success is 10,000 hours. This seems almost impossible to achieve. From the examples of the Beatles, Bill Joy and Bill Gates that have been cited in the book, clearly it is evident that these people did not just stumble on success or win a lottery that changed their lives. Some of these people did not have any innate qualities to enable them soar high in their fields but they put in hours of hard work that caused them to gain ground and become experts.

Talent alone does not guarantee success. The equation for success is talent plus preparation. History is laden with stories of people who were talented but never made it to the top of their game because they lacked the discipline of preparation through hard work.

When I take a look at my own life and aspirations, I fall short of the time I need to make it big. This has been a challenge and eye opener for me not to imagine that things will somehow happen and then my name will be among the stars. I have taken stock and know that if I am to be a highly sought after public speaker, I need to put in lots of hours of practice.

ii. Opportunity

Most of us look back and realize that we missed many opportunities because they came dressed in overalls. Again citing the example the author uses of Bill Joy, Bill Gates and the Beatles, we see that these people were able to recognize and maximize every opportunity that was presented to them. They did not see it as a daunting task or a distraction. The Beatles for example took the opportunity given them to travel far from their home to play 8 hours straight every night 7 days a week. To some, they may have seemed insane. However, that was an opportunity for them to get better at what they did and soon became the household name we hear of today several years later.

Bill Joy and Gates were both brilliant young boys who got fascinated by the computer. They took this fascination to another level. What started as curiosity changed the course of their lives and the computer era. Both these individuals were presented with a number of opportunities from the schools they went to, to being given the chance to rewrite the computer program UNIX, to having the computer room next their homes and many others. All these opportunities could have passed them by if they were not prepared and alert.

My own opportunity for developing my leadership skills came through IIGL. My friend Noeline a former student and President Emeritus told me about the program. I was at a place in my life where I was searching for true meaning and significance.

I did not enroll immediately because I had a few pressing issues to deal with. When she started her nonprofit organization, she asked me to work with her. It is at this place that I enrolled with IIGL and the journey has been fruitful and productive. I have seen my leadership ability take shape. My story will not be complete without mentioning Noeline, Kyusa, and IIGL.

iii. It’s not about genius

Yes there are people who have been given the title genius. These are the ones who are said to have a very high I.Q. Higher than the normal intelligence level. These are the same people that most of us have thought are the world shakers and achievers.

It is interesting to read that not every genius is on the successful people’s list. Using Chris Langan as an example, we see that it is not a guarantee that though he is purported as the world’s cleverest person, he is not anywhere near successful people according to Outliers. Chris indeed is a very brilliant man. His I.Q is said to be higher than Einstein.

According to the standard measure of the world, he should have been a very wealthy and successful man. However, we see that this is not the case. His story is sad to read compared to his intelligence. This is a classic example of misuse of resources.

The world we live in has classified people according to their intelligence. It has put the spot light on those that seem to have been born with a ‘silver spoon’ in their mouths. Malcolm Gladwell brings to light the fact that this is not always the case. According to him, we all have equal opportunity to be successful. All we have to do is reach out and take advantage. Success is not racist. It does not belong to only a particular group of people. When we compare and contrast the list of the successful people that live among us today, it is evident that it is not only the genius’ that made it. In fact, according to research that was done by Terman, on a group of people who later came to be known as termites, it is most likely that the so called genius’ end up no where near success.

In school I had classmates that were exceptionally bright. Even our teachers always made mention of them to us. It always felt like these are the ones that would excel throughout their lives. I was among what they would call middle place. I was good enough. However, one thing that I remember clearly is when we sat our primary leaving examinations, the nerds did not excel as we had thought. I on the other hand, emerged among the top grades in my school. Even I was astounded.

The scripture says ‘the race is not to the swiftest, nor the battle to the strong, but time and chance happens to all’. It is an encouragement to me that success is not meant for the few, but for all.

iv. Charm and charisma

One wonders what charm and charisma have to do with being successful. A lot! If you ask me. In Outliers, we see the example of two gentlemen who faced nearly the same circumstances while studying and also when given an opportunity to work. Chris Langan, and Robert Oppenheimer. The latter had a degree of charisma and charm that got him favor before his professors and also clients later on. The term practical intelligence has been used to mean things like “knowing what to say to whom, knowing when to say it, and knowing how to say it for maximum effect.” It is the how to versus the why to.

Successful people add to their list of ingredients charm and charisma. It is necessary to acquire the skill of people handling. This will either open doors in your favor or close them. Sometimes along life’s path we shall come face to face with people who rub us the wrong way and we would rather avoid them all together. However, these may be the very people who have what you need to give you the extra push to get to your desired destination. Knowing how to get your feelings and emotions out of the way will help you succeed.

I am reminded of the book “How to win Friends and Influence People;” which talks in detail about art of making friends. It is a much needed ingredient if we are to be successful. In 2007 I was given the opportunity to run the office of an International preacher that was coming to Uganda. I was tasked with a number of duties. One of the things I had to do was make personal calls to some high ranking officials to invite them for the event. On this particular day, I placed a call to the chaplain of the Archbishop. After the usual phone pleasantries, I asked him to send his aide to come pick their invitation card. During the course of the day, I was told that someone had come to pick the card but had insisted on seeing me. When I met the gentleman, he introduced himself as the chaplain. I was surprised because I was not expecting him to come in person. He later explained to me that he insisted on coming because he needed to see the person who had spoken to him. It turns out that I had really impressed him with the way I spoke. Since that day, we have become very good friends. This friendship has opened for me many doors to high places within his circles.

I can never underestimate the power of charm and charisma.

v. Cultural legacies

“Success arises out of the steady accumulation of advantages: when and where you are born, what your parents did for a living, and what the circumstances of your upbringing were all make a significant difference in how well you do in the world.” It has been said that history will predict the present and the future. When you look carefully at some of the beliefs we have, and question them, you realize that they did not originate from you. When you ask your parents, they too will point to the past for reference.

Culture does shape and inform many of the things we do. Our beliefs, values, expectations and attitude towards money for example can be interesting. You can easily tell what drives someone’s behavior by understanding the environment they were brought up in. This however, can work both negatively or positively. Some people believe that money is evil. They have been told stories of how money has ruined lives of countless people and this has shaped their perspective. They will not grow their money. They barely survive but will not dare to become rich because in their mind, money is evil and they will be ruined.

On the flip side, there are people who believe that money answers all their problems. They will do everything good or bad to earn money and become rich. Both extremes can be out of hand. Successful people look at what is in their past and pick the good and throw out the bad. They learn from the mistakes of others and avoid their paths. They curve their own destinies.

I grew up in a fairly well to do home. My parents provided for us everything that they thought we needed. We never really lacked. My father’s job offered us opportunities to travel to other countries and cities. We were exposed to different cultures. For me this became like a bench mark. Most of my adult life I have done things the way we did them back at home. We had a culture in our home that I have carried all through and sometimes I do it even without much thought because it is just part of my heritage.

I recently heard a story of a family where the father was an alcoholic. Twins were born to this family. As they grew up, one became an alcoholic like the father while the other did not even touch alcohol. When asked why they had turned out that way, their answers were the same: our father was an alcoholic. One was affected negatively, the other positively. The choice to succeed lies entirely in our hands. We can choose to rewrite our own script or follow a skewed one.

vi. Rise above rejection.

Successful people do not take rejection personally. When one door closes, they turn to the next. The story of Joe Flom is one to teach us this fact. He had everything going against him from an early age. His parents were poor and they moved from place to place.

This however did not stop him from becoming successful in his career as a lawyer. He was rejected by a firm he applied to. That did not deter him either. He rose above their rejection to becoming a house hold name in his field.

Many times fear to try out things because we fear rejection. We totally give up when people say no to us. However, outliers are those that have taken this rejection and turned it around for their benefit. One of my greatest fears was the fear of rejection. If I even imagined that I would not be accepted, I would never try. Looking back, I can see the many opportunities I missed out because I took the rejection personally. If we are to be successful, we must develop touch skin. Do not take the rejection to heart. See it as feedback and better yourself. Rise above every circumstance that comes to hinder progress. Use it to your advantage.

vii. Develop a desire to succeed. When you have the want to, the how to will follow.

Most of us admire people we call successful. We want what they have without doing what they did. When you develop the desire for something, you will find ways of getting it. Develop the desire to succeed and the opportunities will present themselves in countless ways. I desired to develop my leadership and public speaking ability. The desire was so intense that it is all I dreamed and talked about. When the opportunity came for me to enroll in IIGL, I took it amidst all the challenges I was facing at the time. Today I am so glad because I am on my way to seeing my dream become reality.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas I have gleaned from Outliers are so powerful. They are life changing. They cause one to think deeply and ask questions. I intend to apply these ideas first and foremost in my own life. Take a look at my life and see what changes need to be implemented. Secondly, these ideas cannot be kept in a book. They need to be shared. It is my intention to share with and teach as many people as I come into contact with.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.”

This quote says to me that no matter how good you think you are, you must always work hard at what you do.

“No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich.”

Success comes with hard work. It comes with sacrifice and discipline. However, when it is all said and done, the rewards are well worth the effort.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why.

Everything in the book is clear.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

At the end of the book there are some questions for discussion. I did find them quite helpful and engaging.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Outliers is a book that needs to be read and reread by everyone that aspires to be successful in any field of their choice.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

John Maxwell brings to our attention the things that make a leader attract a following. The book helps the leader to recognize, develop and refine that quality in him that will cause people to follow him. It is about a leader learning how to lead himself before he can lead others.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

Leadership is about giving direction and guidance. However, for this to happen, a leader must first be able to lead himself before he can attempt to lead others. This calls for character. The leaders’ character must be consistent with his values. From this book, I have gathered these seven ideas which I think can make a leader worth following.

i. Self-awareness

For a leader to be the kind who will attract followers, he needs to be aware of who he is. Self-awareness includes things like:

Strength. A leader must know his strengths. What he can do and what he cannot do. People want to follow leaders who are strong in character and also who will not faint in the day of adversity. They are looking for leaders who will go through tough situations with courage and not fear. Therefore, a leader needs to work on his strengths in private before he can put himself out there in public.

Weaknesses. A good leader must be aware of what his personal limitations are and how he can work on them. If it is an area that can be improved on or just something he is not built for. Once he is aware of this, then he knows how to go about it.

A few years ago, I took a personality test. Knowing my personality type helped me understand my areas of strength and weakness better. I know what I can do well and what I cannot. This has also helped me when it comes to jobs and positions. I will not simply do a job because the pay is good. However good the pay is, if it is not an area of strength, I will let it pass.

ii. A leader must have a vision and be visionary.

It has been said that a person without a vision is like a ship without sails. It will go anywhere the wind blows it.A leader must know where his life is heading to. If he does not know where he is going, then it is likely that he will not have followers.

Vision gives one direction and meaning. It is the fire that fuels his passion and causes others to want to follow him. Before a leader can cast a vision for others, he must have his own. Vision is tied to ones calling. It is like the blue print for your personal life.

Life was very ordinary and boring for me until I discovered my purpose and vision. I was moving in circles without much progress. I desired to make an impact but I was not achieving much because I lacked the passion. It was not until I heard Stephen Covey say that when you find your voice, you help others to find theirs. This stirred in me a yearning to delve deeper into understanding what that statement meant. In the process, I understood that in order for me to be significant and make a positive contribution to humanity, I had to understand why I exist. This to me has been a great achievement in that it brought me to a place of understanding my purpose and through that, I was able to find the vision for my life which will cause me to achieve my calling thus transforming lives and communities.

iii. Positive Mental Attitude

The world is so full of many negative people and things. The news will report stories of failing economies and give you every reason not to hope. A leader is called to give people hope. To alleviate peoples despair. This can only be done when the leader has a positive mental attitude. Attitude, it has been said, determines ones altitude. A leader must always rise above any negativity. He must believe that the best will always come out of every situation. However bad a storm may rage, he must offer calm and assurance. This can only happen if he has developed this attitude within himself. You cannot offer what you do not have. The best example for me in this situation is Jesus. A story is told in the bible when Jesus and His disciples were in a boat. Jesus fell asleep and then there was a storm that threatened to destroy the boat and the people in it. The disciples were scared and woke Jesus up. Jesus on the other hand was able to calm the storm because within Him, there was peace. He did not see the situation as the end. Instead, He offered a solution and restored calm. When a leader does not offer hope, no one will follow him. It has been said that people buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. No one wants to follow a negative person.

iv. Knowledge and skill

A leader must be ever growing in knowledge and skill. It is very key for a leader to invest in his personal development. We are living in a time where knowledge is on the rise and new information is coming up daily. For one to remain relevant in this day and age, they must be up to date with the current happenings. It is a disadvantage for followers to be more knowledgeable than their leaders. People want to know that they can always get the help they need from their leaders. If a follower approaches a leader with a problem, he should not go away with the same problem. He must be able to receive the help he needs.

As a leader, one of the ways that I have taken on to develop myself has been in the area of reading. IIGL has greatly helped me in this area. I have grown in knowledge and wisdom. My level of understanding has increased due to the books that I have been exposed to. I have also benefitted a lot from attending conferences and seminars organized by leaders I look up to. This has helped sharpen my skill and I am at a better place to lead because I am ever growing.

v. Plan and strategy

It is not enough for one to have a vision. Vision must be followed by a plan and strategy for fulfillment. A leader must therefore devise means on how he will achieve that which he desires to do. When a leader has a plan, his life is organized. Things do not just happen. They are systematic. There is order of events. As leaders, our lives must reflect progress. There must be clarity of events. People are looking for someone who has a plan and a means of achieving that plan.

Personally, one of the tools I use for planning is setting goals. I have categorized my goals into three: short term, intermediate and long term. I have also set dates to help me push these goals. One of the goals is set for myself was in the area of my studies. I desired to complete my studies by June 2018. Setting the date has helped me focus.

vi. Discipline

For a leader to attract followers, he needs to be disciplined. He should not do things when he wants or when it is convenient and comfortable. When a leader follows his own rules, then others will be able to follow him. To become good at something, you have to continually work on it. I desire to be a great public speaker. This will not come because I desire. It will come with hard work and discipline. I have to read good books, get a mentor who is in my field and exercise the skill daily. It has been said that champions are not made in the ring. They are simply celebrated there.

vii. Humility

Humility is a trait that we must all embrace. If a leader is not humble, however good he is at what he does, he will be shunned. No one wants to follow someone who makes them feel like they are nobodies. Pride comes before a fall. If you must lead, you must be willing to serve. I have had to learn this the hard way. I am really good at organizing events. Many times, I would get hurt when I am not appreciated even when I know that I did a really good job. This happened many times until I finally learned that my strength is for service to others and not for my personal glory and praise. Today, I am happy doing things behind the scenes without any recognition.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

To lead others effectively, we must be able to first lead ourselves. These ideas have opened my understanding as to why some leaders fail and others succeed. I must be able to apply these teachings first to myself, and yield results which will be seen by others before I can take on the responsibility of leading others. I will also be able to help other leaders who are struggling to gain followers. I will be able to bring to their attention the importance of self-discipline if they are making it as leaders.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”

A leader must be able to bring out the best in people by believing in them.

“To be successful, focus on your strengths and develop them.”

Leaders must know what they are good at and become even better. You should always grow in your area of competence.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why.


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book does have some things the author recommends to be done in order to grow in that area. Yes I have done them and still doing.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The writer does make mention of the law of process which states that leadership does not develop in a day. Leadership develops daily. It is a process and one must be willing to go through it if he wants to be the kind of leader that others follow.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

John Maxwell brings to our attention the things that make a leader attract a following. The book helps the leader to recognize, develop and refine that quality in him that will cause people to follow him. It is about a leader learning how to lead himself before he can lead others.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

Leadership is about giving direction and guidance. However, for this to happen, a leader must first be able to lead himself before he can attempt to lead others. This calls for character. The leaders’ character must be consistent with his values. From this book, I have gathered these seven ideas which I think can make a leader worth following.

i. Self-awareness

For a leader to be the kind who will attract followers, he needs to be aware of who he is. Self-awareness includes things like:

Strength. A leader must know his strengths. What he can do and what he cannot do. People want to follow leaders who are strong in character and also who will not faint in the day of adversity. They are looking for leaders who will go through tough situations with courage and not fear. Therefore, a leader needs to work on his strengths in private before he can put himself out there in public.

Weaknesses. A good leader must be aware of what his personal limitations are and how he can work on them. If it is an area that can be improved on or just something he is not built for. Once he is aware of this, then he knows how to go about it.

A few years ago, I took a personality test. Knowing my personality type helped me understand my areas of strength and weakness better. I know what I can do well and what I cannot. This has also helped me when it comes to jobs and positions. I will not simply do a job because the pay is good. However good the pay is, if it is not an area of strength, I will let it pass.

ii. A leader must have a vision and be visionary.

It has been said that a person without a vision is like a ship without sails. It will go anywhere the wind blows it.A leader must know where his life is heading to. If he does not know where he is going, then it is likely that he will not have followers.

Vision gives one direction and meaning. It is the fire that fuels his passion and causes others to want to follow him. Before a leader can cast a vision for others, he must have his own. Vision is tied to ones calling. It is like the blue print for your personal life.

Life was very ordinary and boring for me until I discovered my purpose and vision. I was moving in circles without much progress. I desired to make an impact but I was not achieving much because I lacked the passion. It was not until I heard Stephen Covey say that when you find your voice, you help others to find theirs. This stirred in me a yearning to delve deeper into understanding what that statement meant. In the process, I understood that in order for me to be significant and make a positive contribution to humanity, I had to understand why I exist. This to me has been a great achievement in that it brought me to a place of understanding my purpose and through that, I was able to find the vision for my life which will cause me to achieve my calling thus transforming lives and communities.

iii. Positive Mental Attitude

The world is so full of many negative people and things. The news will report stories of failing economies and give you every reason not to hope. A leader is called to give people hope. To alleviate peoples despair. This can only be done when the leader has a positive mental attitude. Attitude, it has been said, determines ones altitude. A leader must always rise above any negativity. He must believe that the best will always come out of every situation. However bad a storm may rage, he must offer calm and assurance. This can only happen if he has developed this attitude within himself. You cannot offer what you do not have. The best example for me in this situation is Jesus. A story is told in the bible when Jesus and His disciples were in a boat. Jesus fell asleep and then there was a storm that threatened to destroy the boat and the people in it. The disciples were scared and woke Jesus up. Jesus on the other hand was able to calm the storm because within Him, there was peace. He did not see the situation as the end. Instead, He offered a solution and restored calm. When a leader does not offer hope, no one will follow him. It has been said that people buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. No one wants to follow a negative person.

iv. Knowledge and skill

A leader must be ever growing in knowledge and skill. It is very key for a leader to invest in his personal development. We are living in a time where knowledge is on the rise and new information is coming up daily. For one to remain relevant in this day and age, they must be up to date with the current happenings. It is a disadvantage for followers to be more knowledgeable than their leaders. People want to know that they can always get the help they need from their leaders. If a follower approaches a leader with a problem, he should not go away with the same problem. He must be able to receive the help he needs.

As a leader, one of the ways that I have taken on to develop myself has been in the area of reading. IIGL has greatly helped me in this area. I have grown in knowledge and wisdom. My level of understanding has increased due to the books that I have been exposed to. I have also benefitted a lot from attending conferences and seminars organized by leaders I look up to. This has helped sharpen my skill and I am at a better place to lead because I am ever growing.

v. Plan and strategy

It is not enough for one to have a vision. Vision must be followed by a plan and strategy for fulfillment. A leader must therefore devise means on how he will achieve that which he desires to do. When a leader has a plan, his life is organized. Things do not just happen. They are systematic. There is order of events. As leaders, our lives must reflect progress. There must be clarity of events. People are looking for someone who has a plan and a means of achieving that plan.

Personally, one of the tools I use for planning is setting goals. I have categorized my goals into three: short term, intermediate and long term. I have also set dates to help me push these goals. One of the goals is set for myself was in the area of my studies. I desired to complete my studies by June 2018. Setting the date has helped me focus.

vi. Discipline

For a leader to attract followers, he needs to be disciplined. He should not do things when he wants or when it is convenient and comfortable. When a leader follows his own rules, then others will be able to follow him. To become good at something, you have to continually work on it. I desire to be a great public speaker. This will not come because I desire. It will come with hard work and discipline. I have to read good books, get a mentor who is in my field and exercise the skill daily. It has been said that champions are not made in the ring. They are simply celebrated there.

vii. Humility

Humility is a trait that we must all embrace. If a leader is not humble, however good he is at what he does, he will be shunned. No one wants to follow someone who makes them feel like they are nobodies. Pride comes before a fall. If you must lead, you must be willing to serve. I have had to learn this the hard way. I am really good at organizing events. Many times, I would get hurt when I am not appreciated even when I know that I did a really good job. This happened many times until I finally learned that my strength is for service to others and not for my personal glory and praise. Today, I am happy doing things behind the scenes without any recognition.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

To lead others effectively, we must be able to first lead ourselves. These ideas have opened my understanding as to why some leaders fail and others succeed. I must be able to apply these teachings first to myself, and yield results which will be seen by others before I can take on the responsibility of leading others. I will also be able to help other leaders who are struggling to gain followers. I will be able to bring to their attention the importance of self-discipline if they are making it as leaders.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”

A leader must be able to bring out the best in people by believing in them.

“To be successful, focus on your strengths and develop them.”

Leaders must know what they are good at and become even better. You should always grow in your area of competence.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why.


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book does have some things the author recommends to be done in order to grow in that area. Yes I have done them and still doing.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The writer does make mention of the law of process which states that leadership does not develop in a day. Leadership develops daily. It is a process and one must be willing to go through it if he wants to be the kind of leader that others follow.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Developing the Leaders around You

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

In ‘Developing the leaders around you’, Maxwell urges leaders to raise other leaders and not just followers. He goes on to say that the greatest asset in any organization is not the building or the equipment. It is the people. When you develop the people, the organization automatically will also grow.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Who is hanging around you.

As an upcoming leader, I have had to stop and ask myself; who am I hanging with? Who are the people surrounding me? Am I gathering followers or am I leading leaders? As stated in the book, “those closest to the leader will determine the success level of that leader.” As leaders, we should be careful of not just gathering a crowd of followers who sing our praises and bow down to us but we should be intentional on helping other leaders to achieve their potential.

The reason leaders are usually afraid of other leaders is because they are not secure in who they are. They think that leadership is a position and title. So their sense of importance arises from that position. They fear that if they surround themselves with other leaders, then their privileges may be taken away. However, I have learned that a successful leader is one who is able to raise another leader who will eventually succeed him. The politicians in my country need to learn this and implement it in their life time.

I used to be afraid of being around people I thought were better than me. As a result, I shunned many meetings. It was not until I read somewhere that you should always be around people that challenge you and cause you to think deeper and want to be better that I got out of my comfort zone. Today my life is better as a result. Every time I feel like I am better than the people around me, I know it is time to look for new associations.

ii. Identify potential leaders

As a leader, one of your tasks is to identify potential. This can only be done when you surround yourself with not just followers but people who have the gift and call of leadership. In this book, Maxwell refers to a conversation that Andrew Carnegie had with a reporter when he was asked how he had managed to raise forty three millionaires. In his response, Carnegie said “men are developed the same way gold is mined. Several tons of dirt must be moved to get one ounce of gold. But you don’t go into the mine looking for dirt, you go in looking for the gold.”

In identifying potential, a leader must be patient and very intentional. The right candidate does not always come ready made. It is hard work. Most do not even know that they have the potential and the ability to be leaders. They must be cultivated in order to produce.

Some of the things that a leader can look out for in a potential leader include:

Character – are there any flaws? If so these should be checked immediately.

Influence – who influences them and who are they influencing?

Attitude – is it positive or negative?

Skill – what skills does he possess and which should he develop?

I lead a department at my church. This book has answered many questions for me. I am now intentional about identifying leaders. I have weekly meetings with some of them and these are the ones that I am raising up as leaders so that I do not have to do the work alone.

iii. Create a nurturing environment

When a potential leader has been identified, the leader needs to give them an environment in which they will be nurtured. Maxwell shares the strategy he uses. It is found in the acronym B.E.S.T. which stands for:

Believe in the leaders. People will do their best when they know that someone believes in their potential and ability.

Encourage them. Encouragement is the greatest motivator. With encouragement, someone will go the extra mile however tired they may feel.

Share with them. A good leader shares his experiences with others. Many people are looking for people who can openly share their life journeys with them.

Trust them. There comes a time in every individual where they need to be trusted that they can actually deliver. Many people hold on because they do not trust even their own mentees.

Part of nurturing includes modeling. A leader should model his life so that the potential leader can learn from him. Some of the things that should be modeled include character, work ethics, people and communication skills. Many young people are looking for opportunities to be what they feel on the inside but have been hindered because the people who should nurture them are afraid and are protecting their positions. And so as a result, we see an uprising of rebellion and hostile takeovers such as in government. I personally benefitted from such an environment that was created by my friend and president emeritus of IIGL Noeline Kirabo. During the time I worked with her at her organization Kyusa, she brought out the best in me by believing in me and openly sharing her life and struggles. Today I am who I am partly because she gave me the space I needed to exercise and grow my ability.

iv. Provide on- going equipping sessions

Once a leader has been identified and given an environment to grow, he should be continually equipped for the tasks ahead. In many organizations, the new employee goes through orientation and departmental training. This may take up to a week. Then when he settles, in, he may never have another opportunity for training. In leadership however, the process of equipping should never stop. The potential leader must be helped to understand the vision and mission of the organization. This may not happen in a few days. It takes time. He needs to spend time learning and preparing for that time when he will be called upon to take over. I will again refer to Kyusa. When I worked there, we were constantly equipped by our leader. She always came up with new ways of how we could achieve the vision and reach out to the young people. At staff meetings we were always asked to memorize the vision and see if we our work was in alignment. Many workers today in organizations do not even know what the organization exists for. It is no wonder very few people actually rise to the top and become the leaders.

v. Delegate duties

When a leader has been equipped, he should be assigned duties. Many leaders are afraid of delegating their duties to others because they think that it will not be done their way.

I personally had a great weakness in this area. I am the kind of person who wants tasks done a particular way. This was very frustrating because I never did quite find anyone who could do things just my way. And so as a result, I would never delegate. I have had to learn that people have different styles of delivery. A good leader should learn to trust that his mentee is capable of fulfilling and assignment. And if it is not done well, he then comes back to correct. It is all part of the growing process.

A good example of this is the story of Moses in the bible. After the Israelites left Egypt, they camped in the desert a while. They were a big number and Moses was their only leader. He used to sit and listen to their complaints all day long. One day his father in law visited and saw this routine. He then told him to raise other leaders to whom he would delegate some of his duties or else he would wear out and die before his time.

vi. Release leaders

When a leader has fully developed another leader, it is time for the developed leader to be released. It is like a child. When she is old enough, she is released by her parents to go and start her life. The leader must be confident enough that he has imparted the right ingredients into his protégé.

I am reminded of a biblical account of Moses and Joshua. Moses was the leader of the Israelites. God did great exploits through him. The story also tells of Joshua who was Moses’ aide. When Moses died, it was Joshua who took over. Today we have many Moses’ in leadership who are old yet they have refused to let the Joshua’s take over. This is especially in Africa. The old leadership has refused to give way to the younger ones. And so as a result, we have raised a generation of frustrated young people who are using force to get their way. The appeal to leaders today is to identify the Joshua generation, equip then and let them continue with the vision.

vii. Leave a legacy

A leader who produces other leaders multiplies his influence and his organization grows even in his absence. The true test of a leader is seen in his successor. It is every leaders desire to be remembered. A great leaders work should never stop with him. It must continue so as to leave a legacy. Each generation must train the next generation so that there is continuity.

I am privileged to go to a church that is very passionate about peoples’ development. my pastor always challenges us to think beyond ourselves to the next generation. He always says “if your vision does not scare you, then it is too small.” As leaders, our challenge is to raise the next generation of leaders who will in turn do the same. We must impart values that will stand the test of time and thus we shall leave an indelible mark on this earth.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

As a leader my first responsibility is to develop other potential leaders around me. My task is not just to lead but to make sure that I leave a legacy. Secondly, I intend to share the lessons I have learned with other leaders in different fields.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The asset that truly appreciates within any organization is people. Systems become dated. Buildings deteriorate. Machinery wears. But people can grow, develop, and become more effective if they have a leader who understands their potential.”

Many times we focus on acquiring the latest gadgets to make our work more efficient and we forget that people also need to be invested in. we are living in a time where machines are replacing people. If only we could spend the same amount of resources we do to buy things and bring out the gold in people, the world would be a better place.

“Leaders create and inspire new leaders by instilling faith in their leadership abilities and helping them develop and hone leadership skills they don’t know they possess.”

As leaders, we need to help potential leaders come up. Many are afraid because in the past leaders have shut them down. It is up to us now to help these emerging leaders to take their place and bring the desired change.

“Anyone can see people as they are. It takes a leader to see what they can become, encourage them to grow in that direction, and believe that they will do it.”

As Andrew Carnegie said, there is gold in everyone. It takes a little mining to dig it out. Let us not focus on the dirt. Let us look at the gold.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why.


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes there were some exercises and I found them helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Road to Character

Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea in this book is that of the struggle between our inner self that the author termed Adam 11 and our outer–self, Adam 1.The difference between our resume virtues, and our eulogy virtues.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Identity

Who am I and where did I come from? These are two fundamental questions that everyone asks themselves. Identity gives us a sense of belonging and security. We all came from somewhere and long to be attached to that place. Our source of origin sustains us as Myles Munroe used to say. Plants are sustained by the ground, fish are sustained by water and man is sustained by God. In the book “The Road to Character,” David Brooks talks about Adam II as being our “inner” man. That is who we really are. And though he is the unseen part of us, he is more real. That is where we get our identity from. As a Christian I believe that man is a three part being. We are spirit, soul and body. God is spirit and that is where we get our identity from. Many people today are longing for fulfillment in many things such as drugs, sex, fame, etc. however, real fulfillment comes from knowing who you are.

ii. Purpose

According to the author, Adam II seeks to know his purpose by asking the question “Why am I here?” “Where as Adam I seeks to find out ‘how things work.” It has been said when purpose is not understood, abuse is the end result. The purpose of a thing or a person gives it meaning. As humans, I believe that our purpose for existence is to make this planet a better place. We were put here to have dominion not over each other but over the works of Gods hand. When we read the biblical account of creation in Genesis, we find that Adam (man) was created and given the responsibility of looking after the garden(Eden) that he had been put in. When man sinned, he was removed from that place and his new assignment was to take care of himself in a harsh environment. This signified the beginning of toiling. Today we live in a world where people seem to have lost purpose or completely do not understand why they exist. Everyone seems to be chasing after temporary things. Trying to make meaning of this thing called life. Adam I wants to do the things that please him while Adam II desires to do the things that please others and God. Adam I is seeking self-gratification while Adam II is seeking to better someone else and their community. Purpose therefore is not about us but about other people. It is about seeking ways to make this world a better place while we are living in it.

When I understood what my purpose in this life really is, it brought a sense of joy and meaning to life. Every time I have fulfilled my purpose by transforming a life, I have been renewed and energized.

iii. Character

Character according to David Brooks is a set of dispositions, desires, and habits that are slowly engraved during the struggle against your own weakness. We live in a quick fix world today. People no longer take time to think about the consequences of their actions. Virtues like honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion, and self-control are being eroded by corruption, lies, dishonesty and lust. It is now almost shameful for people to remain virgins until their wedding day. It is easier to lie than tell the truth.

Character is developed over time. Small acts of kindness done over time become engrained in ones being. These then begin to define you and with time, you cannot separate yourself from them. Character defines you. Possessing good character will bring about the fulfillment of Adam II. People who build their lives on flawed character will soon crumble. I have seen many people destroyed resulting from a lack of good character. Many government officers in my country have been put to shame because they were found taking a bribe. It does not matter how high up you rise, once that still small voice of conscience is not heeded to, the results are usually disastrous.

iv. Success

We live in a world where success is measured by the amount of material things one possesses. Things such as cars, houses, money in the bank, label on clothes, designer shoes and the list goes on. Having all these things is not necessarily wrong. It is the glorification of them that is wrong. Adam I seeks to find success in material things. Working hard for worldly fame and recognition. He is bent on satisfying his carnal appetite at any cost. He is about getting his own way to achieve his desired end.

Adam I lives in a merit based society. You are rewarded according to the skill you have and this has caused an unhealthy competition among people. Everyone wants to win at their game. The winner takes it all as the loser looks on. So it is a rat race all the time.

On the other hand, Adam II finds success in conquering his worldly appetite. He is not driven by material acquisition but by self-control. Adam II recognizes that worldly goods are not to be hoarded but to be used for the benefit of others. He is therefore very generous and shares without partiality. Success should therefore be measured by our eulogy virtues not our resume virtues. The material things of this world will soon perish but the eternal things that make up Adam II such as kindness will go with us forever.

Success to me is when at the end of my life on the day of my funeral, people can say ‘I am a better person today as a result of the way she lived her life.’

v. Pride

It has been said that pride comes before a fall. The nature of Adam I delights in pride and self-aggrandizement. It is all about me, myself and I attitude. Pride makes us think that we are better than other people and that we do not need people. However, man was never meant to live in isolation or to be sufficient all by himself. We were created to relate and help each other. Pride blinds us to our need for correction and restoration. We all fall short of the required standards and we need forgiveness but pride makes it so hard for us to acknowledge that. We feel much more superior than we really are. We look down on our fellow man with disdain. When we focus on our strengths and personal goodness, we begin to exalt ourselves higher than we really ought. Pride is the end result of self-exaltation.

vi. Humility

Humility is the antidote for pride. It is having an accurate assessment of your own nature and place in this world. It is knowing that you are nothing on your own. The bible tells us to humble ourselves and God will exalt us. The nature of Adam II is humility. To consider others better than you consider yourself. It is not easy to be humble especially when you know that you have done something that is worth the recognition you are getting.

When I was growing up, my parents told us never to despise anyone. We were told to associate with everyone the same way. My father had a good job which made it easy for him to provide for us a comfortable life. He also had a very large heart that made him able to take in so many people. We always had people living with us who were not even relatives. Even though we had all these material things, we remained a very humble family. I am grateful to my parents who planted the seed of humility in me and my siblings.

vii. Legacy

I once heard Stephen Covey say that “the purpose of life is to live, love, learn and leave a legacy.” It is very important how you are remembered in this life. Other people live their lives carelessly and never give thought to what will be said after their demise. I had never paid attention to this thought myself. It was during my Level Three assignment that I encountered the question of how I would like to be remembered. I was asked to write my eulogy. This to me was a wakeup call. This exercise made me intentional about living a life of significance. A life lived with purpose. David Brooks reminds us in this book to search for the deeper meaning of life. Not to go through this life as a fleeting breath but to leave an indelible mark: To leave a good legacy. This is a testimony to the Adam II nature.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The contents of this book have caused a great awakening for me. I have had to stop and reflect on my personal life. Which Adam have I patterned my life after?

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“God offers us grace, which is His unmerited love. God’s protection and care comes precisely because you do not deserve it and cannot earn it. Grace doesn’t come to you because you’ve performed well on your job or even made great sacrifices as a parent or as a friend. Grace comes to you as part of the gift of being created.”

This quote is a reminder that man cannot achieve anything on their own. My life is not my own. God is the author and finisher of everything that concerns me.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why.


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

In the bible, Jesus is referred to as the second Adam. He is the spiritual being that we have to model our lives after. The first Adam was the physical being who sinned and was later redeemed by the second Adam. It is therefore interesting that the author can use both Adams to bring to our attention and understanding of both the physical and the spiritual world.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it 10



The Art of Being Unreasonable

Assessment by Juliette Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea in this book is not to be limited by conventional ways of thinking. This book shows us that you can go against the status quo and actually succeed in life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Experience

Experience can be both good and bad. Experience is good when you can draw from the past things that will help you in the present or the future. Experience can be bad when it becomes a point of limitation. When you are not willing to try out something new or different based on your experience. In the Art of Being Unreasonable, it is clear that experience can be a hindrance if one is not careful. It can cause you to miss opportunities because you are stuck in your ways and not willing to try out new ways. Leaders need to learn to be dynamic. They should have the ability to change course as and when the need arises.

ii. Research

If one is to be successful in any field, they need to do a lot of research. We live in a world where information is easily accessible on the internet. Before venturing into any business or project, it is very important that one asks a lot of questions and study. This can be very helpful in decision making. Some people have had their fair share of mistakes because they were too quick. They jumped at what looked like a golden opportunity without making research and lost all they had. A few years ago some friends of mine were introduced to a scheme called “Forex Trading.” They were told if they invested a certain amount of money, they would be able to grow it within just a few days. The scheme was too good to be true. The profits were so juicy to let go. My friends and a couple of other people made a rush decision without asking questions and research. This turned out to be a terrible scheme as they all lost their money in millions. The perpetrators took off and none of them ever received the promised jackpot.

iii. Risk

Risk is a fact of life. We all face it at one time or the other. Risk can be both good and bad. When taking risks, a few things need to be considered. And these may be things like; how much is involved, what is at stake, and what lessons are to be learned. Some people never take the time to count the cost involved in risks. Not all risks should be taken or avoided. However, one must be prepared for the outcome. I have not always been a risk taker because I was afraid of losing. I am now learning that even in losing, there are lessons to be learned. A life without risks is a dull life.

iv. Keep Learning

We will never know it all. There will always be someone from whom we have to learn.

A key ingredient in leadership, business or career is learning. We should never stop learning. As we grow, and the world progresses, new things crop up and we can never be too old to learn. It has been said that the day you stop learning, is the day you start dying.

My father who I admire a lot is now 81 years old. He values education so much that he always encouraged us to study. I remember as a child he used to bring newspapers home every evening and made sure we read them so we could be informed of what is happening around us. He instilled in me the discipline of reading and learning from every situation. As leaders, our greatest challenge is to pass on relevant information to those that look up to us. In order for this to happen, we must be willing to use every opportunity to grow in knowledge through learning from every available means.

v. Challenge growth

The best way to motivate people is by challenging them to grow. Many organizations do not invest in their workers beyond the pay check at the end of the month. This is a very small percentage of motivation. People in leadership positions should always provide opportunities for growth to those that look up to them. This can be done through delegation of duties that a subordinate may not necessarily be qualified for. This in turn will cause a stretch in the subordinate and in the process, create a desire to grow in that area. Last year a very good friend of mine asked me to hold personal development classes for some teenagers at her home school. A few weeks into the program, she had to travel out of the country for a month. She asked me to stand in with other staff members while she was away. This was a great challenge for me as I had never before supervised home schoolers. It was a totally different setting from the normal school I had been used to. I took the challenge and it was quite rewarding. Today I work as a supervisor in a home school thanks to her throwing me the challenge.

vi. Pursue your passion

Many people never have the opportunity to pursue their passion. I have heard people say that passion does not make a living. We live in a society where people work at jobs not because they love them but because they of the pay check. It is never too late to find something you are passionate about and doing it with all your heart. I have always been passionate about books. I was always reading anything I could get my hands on. My passion for books has turned into a desire to build a learning centre fully stocked with material for people to come read and learn from. As a student of IIGL, I am now pursuing with passion. I have had access to great books and I in turn have made them available to others as I share what I have learned.

vii. Philanthropy

I never knew that philanthropy could be a career. I always thought that philanthropists are people who have amassed so much wealth during their younger years and wait till they are old to give to a particular cause. In The Art of Being Unreasonable, the author shows how he took on philanthropy as a career. He put his money to more than one cause and as a result many lives are being transformed. I intend to leave a legacy when I am long gone. I want to keep giving even after I am dead. I have come to realize that money is not the only way to give. A life transformed through another life will keep transforming.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

As a leader, I intend to start with myself. There are many areas in my life that I need to be unreasonable so as to rise above the status quo. This book has given me permission to question some things that have been passed down to us as a society and as a woman.

When I finally break free from these limitations, I will do it not just for me but for many others.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“What gives me the most satisfaction is that all my careers have demanded that I meet people’s essential needs helping them realize their dreams of homeownership and a secure retirement, educating their children, experiencing great art, and living a healthier life.’

To me this is the real meaning and purpose of life. To touch other people in a positive way.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D.Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



The Courage to Lead

Assessment by Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

“The Courage to Lead,” by R. Brian Stanfield brings out the point that for one to lead and bring about transformation in society and the world at large, they must be able first to lead themselves. He brings to our attention that there is more to leadership than management of an organization or being elected into an office. We can all lead in our given situations.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Care

Leadership starts with care. Care comes in many forms: care for self, our work, structural care for the community, symbolic care and care for others. It has been said, “you cannot give what you do not have.” One of the qualities of a leader is to give care to those that they desire to lead. So for one to effectively do this, they must be able to care for themselves first. Taking care of self includes your personal health, nutrition, appearance and conduct with others.

Care can also be structural. This means that we need to care for structures such as hospitals, homes for the poor, and infrastructure such a roads, and other public utilities.

As leaders, we are called upon to put to task the authorities that are concerned with making public life better. It is not enough for us to say we care for people we lead yet we do not care about where they sleep, the roads they travel on and their health. Care is also seen in how we treat other people. The author called this kind of care “human encounters.” As leaders how we relate to other people will tell a lot about our leadership. If I only mind about the people I know, how will I influence others? It has been said, “people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Brian Stanfield gives an incredible example concerning human encounters as he relates the story shared by a friend of his. In this story students were given a quiz which would be graded in their final exams. They were asked the name of the lady that cleaned their school. Sometimes it is instances like these that remind us how far off we are from care.

As I read this particular chapter on care, I have been challenged to take a closer and deeper look at care. We take so many things for granted. We take our environment for granted and that is why we can litter anywhere. My eyes popped wide as I read the encounter of the organisation that built medical equipment. They never had a single picture of a human being anywhere in their vicinity. All they cared about was the equipment that they were producing. Yet with time they felt their energy going down. When they introduced art pieces and pictures of the people who had benefitted from their work, a new energy in their work was experienced.

ii. Perspecitve

A leader needs to be able to see life clearly as a whole. Seeing this way helps one to remain relevant in all situations. When we encounter life questions such as “who am I?” we need to be able to realize that we have been put here for a purpose and a period of time. Life on earth is not endless. When we begin to look at life in this way, we are able to fulfill our purpose.

Another question that life throws at us is “what should I do?” As leaders, we should be able to answer these questions with the knowledge that life is more than just career or job that I do. Life in all its form has a purpose. Life offers us opportunities to make ourselves and others better. We need to be aware of every opportunity that comes and take advantage of it. We need to have a birds eye view of life. Every day we need to ask why we are still alive. When we have this perspective of life, then we shall make the difference that we have been called to make.

The way you see a thing, a person or a situation will determine the way you respond to it. Whoopi Goldberg said, “if you come to a thing with no preconceived notions of what that thing is, the whole world can be your canvas.” Perception is everything. When we perceive that a thing can be done, it will get done. A few years ago, I used to perceive life as very hard. I dreaded growing up and taking responsibility. This was because every adult I came across had a skewed version of life. They made it seem like life was impossible. As I became an adult, I began to realize that life was what you made it. If your perception was that of difficulty, then that is what you would have. As a Christian I know the power of perception. My thoughts shape my world. I know that I can change a situation by the way I see it. It has been said that every dark cloud has a silver lining. I have learned that every dark cloud is actually the silver lining. If you look hard and close enough, you will be able to see it.

iii. Acceptance

Leadership begins with the self. If I do not accept myself, then I will not accept others.

Acceptance starts with me saying ‘yes’ to what I have been given in life and then working with that to make my life better and also to make the lives of other people, the society and the world at large better. It is a life style and attitude towards life knowing that all things work together for good.

Acceptance, is not seeing life through rose-colored glasses but as a reality. it is not ignoring tragedy when it strikes. it is looking at that tragedy and instead of it making you bitter and cynical towards others, it makes you stronger. Nothing that is in us or that happens to us should be an excuse for not living life to the fullest. A few years ago I went through a divorce. This event transformed my life in every aspect. I was shattered by it and for a while did not know how life would turn out. As a Christian, I know that all things work out for good for those that love the Lord and have been called according to His purposes. I did not know how this good would come but I knew it would. I accepted the situation. I was not in denial. Today I am much better than I was when I was in that relationship. I have found purpose and my life has so much joy and meaning. I am able to help other women who have gone through the same predicament. When life offers you lemons, you have a choice to either offer lemons back or to make lemonade and add some sugar to it. I chose the latter and indeed, that lemonade is now on demand.

iv. Responsibility

We cannot be responsible for others if we are not responsible for ourselves.

Responsibility includes decision making. It also deals with freedom and obligation.

As a leader, what informs my decision making? Where do I draw the line between what I want to do (freedom) and what I am required to do (obligation)? According to the Brian Stanfield, obligation is about what others expect from us. Family, friends, work, community and our country are always asking something from us. We usually have a lot on our plate than we can carry. Many times we find ourselves doing these tasks out of duty other than out of our will. Freedom on the other hand is about what I as an individual want. What I want to do and who I want to be. I want to be free to express my opinion, my creativity and all that I am without having to think about others.

How do I reconcile freedom to do what I want and the obligation to do what others expect from me? This is where responsibility comes in. the author describes responsibility as “holding the tension between obligation, what others are asking of me, and freedom, what I choose for my life.” Responsibility is therefore doing what is necessary to be done. It is taking a look at all aspects of a situation and weighing the options. I have been in situations where I have felt obliged to do things for people and I do so grudgingly. I did not understand that in some situations I actually have the freedom to say no without feeling bad. During the course of reading this book, I was faced with a situation where I had to choose between two options. Colleagues from work had organized to meet for tea after working hours. At the same time, I had planned to use that time to finalize on some work at home. It took all the energy I had for me to say no to my colleagues and go home. It was not without a struggle but at the end I did ask the question: is this necessary? My decision was based on the necessity of the two options. I have found this approach very liberating since reading it.

v. Change

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. “We are the change that we seek;” stated Barack Obama.

Many people are seeking for change. They want a change in their life style, their governments, their homes, and their children. As leaders, we are called to be change agents. Change must begin with me before I can change others.

How can I be the change that I desire to see? It starts with making little strides towards that situation. If for example you live in a community where garbage is the problem, instead of waiting for the local council to do something or organizing a riot, we can start by handling our own garbage and being an example to others. In so doing, we are able to bring the whole community together and each one handles their personal garbage.

As leaders, our role is to pioneer change in the society. It is to show people how it is done by taking the lead to doing it. And as we do the work, we will likely find others with a similar vision with whom we can band together as colleagues.

vi. Reflection

“The unexamined life is not worth living;” said Socrates.

When we do not stop to reflect, we are our own worst enemies. Reflection helps us to see where we are coming from, where we are and where we are going. Many mistakes will be avoided when we stop and reflect. It is like taking stock of life. Reflection helps us to learn. We are able to take responsibility of our actions and know where and how we stand. In reflection, we are awake and attentive to everything that is going on. We are fully in charge of what we do.

I have recently come to enjoy my times of reflection. This I do every night. As I lay in my bed, I go through the events of the day. In so doing, I have been able to organize my life. In my reflections, I am able to see what I did that was not necessary. If I had a misunderstanding with anyone, I am able to see my wrong and this has helped me many times to be able to approach the person the next day and right that wrong.

vii. Live

Many people are alive but not living their lives. They postpone living for when things get better, they get more money and when the children are older. Life is so beautiful and it is to be lived every moment. There is so much that makes life worth living. A walk in the morning, the cry of a baby, rain falling, flowers blooming, all these are opportunities for us to take and make life more meaningful.

I had always desired to go to the islands in my country. An opportunity presented itself at a time when I did not even have the money to pay for the trip. I however purposed to go and it was worth every second of my time. The three days I spent on that island brought so much refreshment. I got a new perspective on life and came back so energized.

As a leader, we forget to enjoy life because we are always taking care of other people. We need to embrace life in all its fullness and live in the moment. I hope that twenty years from now, I will look back at life and smile because I know I lived, loved, learned and left a legacy.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The courage to lead has opened my mind to so many aspects of life.

As a leader, the onus is upon me to learn and apply these truths in my own life before I can teach it to others.

During the course of reading this book, I was able to challenge a few friends with its contents. As a leader, I am now more intentional on care. Not just for people but also for structures.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I cannot be less than the most I can be, otherwise I would be spitting at God. If I have been given this much talent and this much intelligence, then I’m obliged to use it.” This was stated by Maya Angelou

This quote stands out for me because it tells me that God has given each of us ‘tools’ to make our lives and the lives of others better. We should not shy away from using our gifts and talents or compare ourselves with others. Each of us is unique and fitted for our purpose.

“Many of those who have succeeded in life had to break through impossible blocks, but they trusted in the potential of the situation.”

In life we do not have to give up. Every situation can be turned around for our good.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, ‘who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?’ actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, its in everyone.”

“When I do not use my God given resources, I am not living my purpose.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why.


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book does have many exercises which are very helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Gandhi – An Autobiography
Assessment by Juliette A. Engole (Uganda)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

This book is Gandhi’s autobiography in which he tells the story of his many experiments with what he considers truth. It is a personal story of his encounters with people, places, culture, religion, food and other things. In this book Gandhi openly shares about his achievements and failures. He also acknowledges that whatever he did well was not to his praise but to God who he sought to please in everything he did.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. History

Gandhi was a historian. He studied past events well and as a result was able to know what may happen in the future. He starts the book by narrating his history right from his grandfather, his father, his uncles and himself. He writes in detail of his childhood and the pleasures and pains of going through school and marrying at a tender age of only thirteen. These are the things that shaped his life. As leaders, we need to be students of history if we are to impact our world. We need to be fully aware of the events that happen to cause a significant change in the world today. It has been said history repeats itself. This applies to both the good and the bad. So for us to avoid the bad and implement the good, we need to understand the times and seasons based on history.

ii. Culture

Many times, our decisions are made based on where we come from or the kind of culture we were brought up in. From his autobiography, we can see that culture had a lot to play in Gandhi’s decision making. Most of his experiments with things such as food, clothing and religion were always questioned by his culture. He had a strong belief about his culture. As an African and a Ugandan, I have had many encounters with culture. Some of these encounters were positive while others were negative.
As a leader, one must be aware of what is informing their decisions. For example in my country there is a tribe that has held on to their culture for so long that it has been impossible to develop that part of the country. These people had myths about a pit latrine. They believed that if a woman used a pit latrine, she would be barren. Many efforts by politicians to construct pit latrines went to waste as these people refused to change their ways.

iii. Vows

It has been said a man or woman is only as good as their word. One of the lessons I have learned from Gandhi is that he took his word seriously. He kept his promise even through the most difficult of situations. It is one thing to give your word and another thing to actually keep it. I have seen many leaders making promises to people and breaking them as soon as they are elected into office. They promise to build bridges where there is no river just because they want to be popular and when the need arises, they are nowhere to be seen. A leader must be able to honor their word whatever the circumstance and if by any chance they break it, they must be courageous enough to deal with the consequences and not shy away.

iv. Conviction

A leader must act out of conviction not convenience. Gandhi did not do things because they were convenient but because he had a strong conviction about them. Conviction comes from a strong belief that what you are doing is right and not merely popular. Many leaders today lack conviction because it does not give them popularity. Leaders such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Mandela faced hardships such as beatings and imprisonment because of their conviction in fighting for their rights. Conviction can be both positive and negative. History is awash with people who believed that what they stood for was right when in actual fact what they did was destroy fellow humans. Hitler had a strong conviction that the Jews should all be annihilated. He was able to convince some people of this and they went on to achieve their mission though not fully.

v. Compassion

Gandhi was a leader with compassion. He was able to feel the sufferings of others and do something to alleviate it. A true leader is one who not only feels sorry for people but who actually takes on their suffering and finds a way to make the situation better. A great example of such a leader is Jesus. The bible shares several encounters of how Jesus had compassion on the sick and healed them, he saw the hungry and fed them. His ultimate compassion is seen in how he gave up his life to save humanity. As leaders, we are to have a heart for the poor, needy and suffering. We are to be a voice for the voiceless. We ourselves may not be able to meet that particular need but by bringing that need to light, we will draw the attention of those that can bring about the required change.
Mother Theresa is an example of this kind of leader. She brought the plight of the suffering to light and attracted many sympathizers who brought about change. She was a leader with compassion.

vi. Neglect

In as much as Gandhi was a great leader, he acknowledges that he did neglect his duties as a husband and a father. He caused his family much pain by some of the things he did. His long separation from them and his strictness caused a rift in his family. As leaders, we are to guard against such pitfalls. It is not always easy to balance between public leadership and family. Many a families have been separated because of this lack of balance. Children often are the ones that suffer the most. In Gandhi’s case, his oldest son broke ties with him because he felt that his father was not in touch with their needs. It is very heart breaking for one to achieve all the accolades in the world and yet not be able to raise a united family. I have seen many families especially of church leaders break because the fathers are too busy serving other people and neglecting their own flesh and blood. These children grow up detesting church as a result. It is therefore a great warning for leaders to beware such tendencies.

vii. Accounts

From the autobiography of Gandhi, one can see that he did keep accurate accounts of his personal life, struggles, failures and achievements. He does not hide from his mistakes but boldly talks about them. He also does not dwell on his achievements but gives credit to God. As leaders, it is a challenge for us to check the way we live our lives. The call is to live as wise not unwise. Our lives should be so open that the people we lead and who look up to us can cite us as an example not a warning. This answers the question of legacy. What would you as a leader want to be remembered for? What will history record about us? My desire and intention is to leave a legacy worth talking about positively.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons from Gandhi’s life are so simple yet powerful. Gandhi desired the simple way of life. He never let material things and riches of this world get in his way to cloud his mission in life. Personally, I hope to live a simple life and to understand what my purpose is so that I do not get entangled with chasing things that perish. Like Gandhi, I hope to be selfless and care about the needs of others above my own needs. In this way, I will be able to create a better world and leave a legacy worth mentioning.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There were no exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Gandhi’s experiments with truth especially religion stand out for me. He did not just rubbish other religions but gave them a try. He read the literature that he could about a particular religion and decided upon what he believed not because he was forced but because he had a strong conviction. I admire this about him because many of us do not take time to study or question what we believe. We go with the majority. Many people belong to the religion of their parents without ever finding out why. As a Christian, I am challenged to study more about my faith so that I can stand firm in my belief even in the day of adversity.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10