Jamila Musa – Profile


Name: Jamila Musa
Email: musajamila604@gmail.com
Country: Kenya
Date of Birth: January 15, 1980
Education: College
Occupation: Teacher


Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

The world that works better in the world is a world that all people are given equal opportunities be it you are a woman, we have been sidelined for so long that we need also to be given a chance to contribute to this nation, if you look at leadership, in the world we can count the number of women leadership, it is just a handful but for men it is all over, in the whole world we can count how many women are presidents of a republic nation but for men it is normal, we have even been categorized to be weak human beings our contribution to the nation is not taken serious, they do say it is a men’s world and honestly without women there are no men.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Equal rights and equality is a major challenge in the world, people have been denied opportunities because of their gender, race and ethnicity we have people with good ideas and even professionals but because of discrimination they cannot be given a chance to give out their views and skills, we have poor leadership because we choose leaders not because they can perform duties but because of who they know and that is why we will get people employed but they do not perform, in our country when auditing was being done, someone was employed to be a driver and yet he didn’t know how to drive but he was earning money on a monthly basis and yet he was not a driver, such misplaced opportunities are all over in our nation.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

This problem could be solved when we start acting without favoritism and give credit where it is deserved, if someone is qualified to do something let them do it without considering where he or she comes from we need people who can perform, people who are productive and can indeed give out best results.

We need to understand that we are all equal and deserve chances to do our work to perfection, when you go to the office it is high time people to start asking where you come from your tribe and so on, if you qualify let them look at your qualification and give you the job if indeed you are the best candidate.

My name is Jamila Musa, born in a family of 6 siblings, and I am the elder daughter of Musa, my mother is a Luyha married to a Muslim so I have been lucky to mix with Christian and Muslims in my life. I am a teacher; an ECDE Teacher and I am employed in one of our local private school.

I had passion of being a teacher from my childhood I was fond of my mother who also was a teacher though currently retired so I took over from her, impacting knowledge to young children is the best thing ever. Dealing with a class of 30 plus learners makes me happy and gains a lot of experience, dealing with these young angels you experience the meaning of truthfulness to them, this kids are honest and truthful, if we could emulate them in our lives we could have a better nation.

Through participating in this program it will increase my leadership skills, and will make me be able to share with my fellow women who have been for along time not been recognized in leadership in our community, especially in our believes and region active leadership is left for men and i was to create that gap that leadership is for everybody in the world, and that is why i am very much ready to take this course.

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