James Wambua – Profile


Name: James Wambua
Email: jameswambua676@gmail.com
Country: Kenya
Birthday: January15, 1980
Education: College
Occupation: Automotive Mechanic

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A world that works for everyone is a world that is free from corruption and people respect one another, mostly in Africa and other parts of developed country what kills the world is corruption, people have died in hospital due to corruption, people steal medications and establish their own chemist and pharmaceutical out lets, getting a job even if you are highly qualified you bribe your way to get a job, rather than getting it through merits.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The pressuring facing the world is ecosystem, we have destroyed our world by cutting trees to build sky rocketing houses, and this causes global warming, we have completely destroyed our forests, the natural forest are no longer available, that is why in other places it doesn’t rain causing food insecurity and if it rains there is no proper drainage system causing water to sweep the houses that are build in water way, people have lost their lives due to such incidents, we need to re pant trees, and avoid cutting them anyhowly, if we want our world to be safe for us, world animals have faced difficult moments since they can no longer have a place to stay and that is why they are roaming, in our home stead.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
This program will solve this issues since it is all over the world, if we share and enlighten the community we will be able to be in a safe world, corruption starts from home we need to start with the upcoming generation to know that corruption is not good and it kills the world, once we do that we will have a better world, it will be easy to respect our nature nobody will cut trees any way they want, we need to be each others keeper.

My name is James Wambua from Easter part of Kenya, Makueni county. I am a father of two one girl and a boy, I am self employed and my work is dealing with vehicles, by panel beating and painting, giving the vehicle new look, I have done this for more than 14 years, it helps me cater for my needs, by paying school fees, and my other bills.
In this industry I have trained more than 20 youths who are using the skills to feed themselves. I had passion for cars since child hood and this made me like to assemble what seems to be useless to be useful. I bring out the originality of something, and cars was the choice of my dream. this today has made me who I am and I have a small garage where I do the work of panel beating and painting. I have employed 10 workers who depends on the same job to feed their families.

The program will help me to have more knowledge and give me skills of dealing with my clients during my working area, also it will assist me educate others in the society, this is a program that is needed world wide to change the community and the way people live in a positive manner.

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