Jackson Ogari – Profile


Name: Jackson Ogari
Email: ogarijackson2@gmail.com
Country: Kenya
Date of Birth: April 15, 1980
Education: College
Occupation: Electrician

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
A world that works for everyone is a world that humanity is respected, people do not respect humanity and life itself, here in Kenya politician can kill people as long as it makes them ascend to power, however who is contrary to their way of leadership or stand on their way, they will not hesitate to eliminate them to achieve what they want, also we have people who does not care about life, we have seen cases children are abandoned in the streets with their parents without caring or being that loving because they see them as a burden.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Insecurity is the major problem facing the world today, when we see cases like Haiti, it is in secure and not only Haiti, cases in Somali, this is just but a few to mention, we also have insecurity in all over the world only that they are not announced, it might seem to be small but it is spreading all over the world, people have been killed in large numbers, and still nothing is done, as much as the police are sent all over to maintain peace, it does not last for a long time, it works for a short while and again the circle continues, we have to be more of finding a permanent solution than fixing a short term results.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
First and fore most analyse the situation and understand the cause root, if we start from the very basis of the problem it will be easy to solve it, what are the issues addressed and how can we come up with the problems that we are facing without killing people, if we can talk to each other and not at each other then we will understand the thinking of others, even in security wise, some do it for revenge or they are tired with a particular system of operation and the only language they understand is violence.

My name is Jackson Ogari born and raised in the hills of Kisii county, married to one wife and four children, two girls and two boys. I am an electrician and I am based in Nairobi Kenya.

I have worked in various companies and organizations rendering my electrical services. Also, I have trained and mentored many youths who assist me in daily basis at my work.
I have experience of 18 years in my career and I am proud of it, this is what makes me be able to provide for my family.

I would like to participate in IIGL to empower myself with leadership skills and make me know how to impact people positively with good leadership and governance, also being that leadership starts from home, it will make me a good father and be equipped to train my family in ethical leadership

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