Felix Emmanuel – Profile


Name: Felix Emmanuel
Country: Nigeria
Email: felixemmanuel4440@gmail.com
Date of Birth: 12/14/1991
Education: LL.B
Occupation: Lawyer

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

A world that works for everybody is one in which everybody works for the world. The possibility of conquering our odds and making the world the place we desire lies in the great potentials and possibilities of our collective humanity. We are capable of living peacefully together, uniting our resources to fight diseases and hunger around the globe and building more technologies to solve our present challenges.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

The most pressing problem facing the world today is that of unappreciated diversities. The world is a diverse place, a place of different people and culture, creeds and beliefs, tribes and tongues, race and nationality. These many diversities have been exploited to satisfy little interests as against the promotion of our common good. Diversity has resulted in conflicts and wars, it has created stereotypes, it has resulted in oppression of minorities. The ills of the exploitation of diversities leave us in a world with a disheartening percentage still hunger striven, disease ridden and poor. People die in every part of the world everyday due to the ills of exploitation of diversity, productivity is low in the conflict zones as a result of political and social unrest.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

The best way to solve the problem of exploited diversities is a conscious integration of the world. Technologies in the 21st Century has done much to bring the world together on a single platform (globalization), these should be encouraged and promoted for better results. Platforms such as this where people around the world come together to demonstrate their shared priorities and commonness should be sustain but made more easily accessible. The concept of global citizenship should be deliberately convey to every part of the world and taught in our schools. Free trade should be promoted to develop other economies around the world, cultural integration should be consciously promoted by international bodies such as the UN. The world falls and rises as a globe, the success of a part of the world will mean nothing if the world ultimately fails as a whole.


I am Emmanuel Felix and I am single. I attended the following schools: Nigerian Law School (Kano campus) 2016-2017 with a B.L. Second Class Lower Division. The Relevant Coursework I took was: Corporate Law Practice, Property Law Practice, Civil Litigation, Criminal Litigation and Professional Ethics and Skills. I also attended the University of Nigeria, Enugu campus 2011-2016 with a LL.B (Honors) Second Class Upper Division. My relevant Coursework is: Nigerian Legal System, Law of Contract, Law of Consumer Protection, Administrative Law, Commercial Law, Law of Arbitration, Law of Taxation, Company Law, Banking Law Government Day Secondary School Lissam 2003-2009; WASSC and NECO Certificates. My Participation in Legal Activites includes: Court Attachment at the Adamawa State High Court of Justice in 2017. The Chambers Attachment at Ngaro, Bati & Co, Jimeta-Yola in 2017. Ad-hoc Judge of the University of Nigeria Student Bar Association in 2016. I was an advocate at SimmonsCoopers Advocacy Debate (SCAD) in 2016. I participated in the University of Nigeria Student Bar Association Moot Competitions and Mock Trial from 2012-2016. I also participated in the J.M.C.C Obguka Law of Taxation Mock Trial at University of Nigeria. Bamidele Aturu Annual Moot and Mock Competition at University of Ibadan on Property Law and Banking Law in 2015. I was GRET-Magna Chambers Essay Competition on Energy Law in 2015. I was a Senior Advocate of the University of Nigeria (SAUN) and Member Supreme Council of the University of Nigeria Student Bar Association in 2015. Some other Academic Participations were: Prof. Pat Utomi Policy Debate in Abuja in 2015. Pensmith Annual Essay Competition. I also studied Photoshop. Some Awards Obtained include: Best Ad-hoc Judge of the University of Nigeria Student Bar in 2016. Best Male Counsel of the University of Nigeria Student Bar Association in 2015. Best Counsel at J.M.C.C Obguka Law of Taxation Mock Trial at University of Nigeria. Best counsel for Bamidele Aturu Annual Moot and Mock Competition (First-stage) at University of Ibadan on property and banking law in 2015. First prize winner of the GRET-Magna Chambers Energy Law Essay Competition also in 2015. First prize winner of the Pensmith Annual Essay Competition in 2015. 4th Runner-up at Simmons Cooper Advocacy Debate (SCAD). My Relevant Skills Acquired were: Courtroom advocacy; Legal drafting and brief writing; Client interviewing; Ability to conduct extensive legal research; Ability to work in a team and under pressure; Leadership skills; and Organizational skills. I am adept with MS Office Suite.

My Positions of Leadership include: Principal Partner GRET Chambers of the University of Nigeria from 2015-2016. I was the President Deeper Life Campus Fellowship University of Nigeria from 2014-2016. I was Chairman Audit Committee of the University of Nigeria Student Bar also in 2016. Finally I am a member of these Associations: The Young Africa Leadership Initiative and the Nigerian Red Cross Society.

My hobbies include playing musical instruments and riding bikes. Some good books I’ve read are: Dream from my Father and Audacity of Hope both by Barak Obama; Long
Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor

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