Enock Joseph Mwesigwa – Profile


Name: Enock Joseph Mwesigwa
Email: mwesigwaejoseph@gmail.com
Country: Uganda
Birthday: September 25, 1997
Education: BSC Food Science and Technology
Occupation: Food Scientist

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

A world that works for everyone is a world where human dignity is upheld, where conflicts are solved peacefully, where everyone has equitable access to learning and development opportunities, where no one starves because of lack of food, and where no one dies from treatable diseases because of access barriers. Such a world would uphold the vision of Jesus Christ as a peace maker.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

Climate change: Global warming and pollution has changed climates and degraded soils. Now farmers find it difficult to accurately predict the seasons, and the poor soils give inadequate yields. This has led to increase in poverty, food insecurity, and loss of hope in farming. Climate change is one of the major problems facing the world.

Another problem is violent conflict in numerous parts of the world. This has contributed to a sense of collective insecurity, along with the inevitable loss of lives, destruction of livelihoods, displacements, and economic disruption. During peace, there is economic and social development. These are reversed by violent conflict.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

Climate change and global warming could be addressed through reducing plastic and fossil fuel pollution, planting more trees, and driving the economy towards a green sustainable circular model. Food insecurity could be addressed through improving farming technologies to ensure yields in poor soils, value addition, waste reduction, and using organic fertilizers. Farmers need access to training and knowledge in better farming practices. They need to be empowered to add value to their produce by extending shelf life and handling food safely.
Violent conflicts could be addressed through negotiations towards win-win solutions. Actors should also forswear violence in the pursuit of their interests. This is because violence is a lose-lose situation where no one wins.

I would like to benefit from such a program that promotes free online personal development and leadership training. I am a recent graduate who is at the start of my career. I would love to devote my life to bringing positive change to my communities including friends, family, work colleagues and Christian community. This program will enable me to orient my life and career plans towards the realization of that mission. Additionally, I love reading, and such inspiring books as the program offers are hard to get. It will be a privilege and a blessing to me to get the opportunity to read and meditate on these books.
I am a Food Scientist working towards food value addition and food safety. I am Ugandan. I am working in Bushenyi District of Western Uganda.
I am a Christian and I use every opportunity to practice Jesus’ servant leadership.


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Books Completed

As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success through Positive Mental Attitude
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Awaken the Giant Within
Keys to Success
Creating Your Path through Leadership
Maximum Achievement
Goal Mapping
Nonviolent Communication
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Leadership for Dummies
The Law of Attraction
Unlimited Power