Elizabeth Hauck – Profile


Name: Elizabeth Anne Hauck
Email: childofgonzo@gmail.com or wanderingaidworker@hotmail.com
Birthday: 12/22/1984
Education: Student of Political Science/ Conflict Resolution
Occupation: Student

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

In my vision, every person experiences an inner peace, and that translates to peace for all. There will always be opposing sides to every conflict, but by bringing together our shared humanity instead of focusing on our differences, the world can achieve a sustainable peace. Access to basic human rights, land and water is very important, as is respect for every individual as a person. In my vision, no child goes without, and no man hates another.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

To me it is the lack of basic access to education, food, water and land. It is also the constant state of war and civil strife that developing countries get caught up in. With education of the youth of the world, we can reshape ourselves from beings of war and conflict, to ones of inner peace and love. In some countries, children grow up knowing only war or live in a refugee camp. If we are to change the world, we must focus on the young generations, to show that there are other ways to solve problems besides picking up a weapon or declaring war. As long as the worlds’ youth languishes in poverty, there will be conflict.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

These problems can be solved through education, mediation, respect for our fellow man, and by people working together to make things better. I believe that through dedicated hard work, and cultural understanding, we can come to find ways to mend old wars and prevent new wars from happening. Conflict resolution and peace building are important parts of this, but I feel that we must not only have an understanding on who were are collectively, but also who were are as individuals and what each one of us can contribute to a peaceful world. I believe that peace begins at home, and from there spreads to neighborhoods, communities, cities, states and nations. If we can develop and foster a culture of peace, starting with each of us as individuals spreading peace to those around us, and if we can educate the youth in the art, actions and words of peace, then we can remake the world.


My name is Elizabeth Hauck and I am a student of Political Science at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Fl. My goals for my education and future career are to work in the fields of Conflict Resolution and Peace building. I have always had an interest in Africa, as I find the people and the cultures to be amazing. My main area of interest is in the Great Lakes area of Africa (The DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania). I am currently working towards my BA in Political Science, and hope to continue on to a MA in Conflict Resolution. I also focus on languages and learning new ones, as communication is so important. I also am a student of the Peace Operations Training Institute, using the web based courses to further my knowledge on peace building and conflict resolution. In addition to that, I am working with the Peace In Peace Out program, to gain an inner peace for myself, that I can translate in to peace in my community and my world. I want to work with refugees and help to end conflicts that drive people from their homes, and to prevent future conflicts so that no person on this planet will ever have to leave their home out of fear or due to lack of basic human needs.

In my personal life, I am married to a wonderful man and we have two great sons. I enjoying spending time with them, and I am excited about volunteering with my oldest son’s Head Start class. I read any and every book that comes in to my hands (usually non fiction, but I do love a nice fiction novel from time to time), I love to cook and I am quite good at making vegan meals. I have just started training with the Red Cross as an office volunteer, and also to be a disaster responder. I have traveled back and forth across the United States, visiting national parks, as I love the outdoors and hiking. My favorite place is among the Redwood trees of the Pacific Coast. I love my family, and I love the world, and it is my hope that I can help to make this beautiful planet a better place through my interactions with others and through volunteering my time and means to help those that have less than I do.

Click Here to read My Book Assessments

Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success