Elebiju Sunday Tope – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that man are makers of themselves by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to as why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Everyman is where he is by the law of his being, the thoughts which he has built into his character have brought him there and in the arrangement of his life there is no element of chance.

ii. When a man makes his thought pine, he no longer desire impure food.

iii. Until thought is linked with purpose there is no intelligent accomplishment.

iv. A man should mentally mark out a straight pathway to achieving his purpose.

v. The calm man having learned how to govern himself, knows how to adapt himself to others.

vi. In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results. The strength of the effort is the measure of the result.

vii. The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do

i) Every man is where he is by the law of his being, the thoughts which he has built into his character have brought him there and in the arrangement of his life there is no element of chance; During decision making in life, making the wrong decision always land you in the wrong place and bad situation. This wrong decision can make you feel very uncomfortable, it can make people around you hostile to you and also depreciate your health. Whenever I make wrong decision, through wrong thinking and finding myself in a wrong situation, I always feel bad and sometime fall ill if it is a crucial one. That is why nowadays if I want to make decision I pray for divine guidance and for God to help me in my decision making, so as not to hurt other and myself in my decision making. Wrong decision in choosing a career will deprive a lot of people of what your purpose meant have serve toward benefiting the people around you or over the world.

ii) When a man makes his thought pure, he no longer desires impure food. It is very important to know that no matter hygienically you eat balanced diet food, you still fall ill if your thought is impure. Before, every year I used to fall ill, but 2007 I didn’t sick and toward the end of 2008, I didn’t fall ill. I was trying to figure out why I didn’t fall ill when I wanted to give testimony concerning my health, a thought now occur in my mind, that the reason why I didn’t fall sick is that I have not been taking tap water but sachet water. Immediately this thought came to my mind. I rebuke it, but due to my shy nature then, I refused to give the testimony and a week later I felt sick and almost died. Thank God I survived the illness.

iii) Until thought is linked with purpose there is no intelligent accomplishment; you can never be best with what you are doing if it is not in line with your purpose, you can never have crazy ideas and channel it to a purposeful use. When I have the plan of starting marine club activities, I thought through of what purpose will it be, how will I use for God and how will it benefit people. When I couldn’t see how am going to use it for god, I wanted to quit the idea until I realized that God has plan for every purpose, so this make me think further and I begin to see different way I can apply my marine career to different aspect of life, helping humanity and doing God works. A purposeful life always bring a creative and intelligent thought that lead to great accomplishment only if the thought is in line with your purpose.

iv) A man should mentally work out a straight pathway to achieving his purpose; Dreaming of dreams and aspiring for great things require mentally marking out plan toward making that dreams come to pass. My dreams of becoming the most successful marine explorers require me making out a plan of how am going to achieve it by going to marine school, offering marine course and working hard towards my goal. Mentally planning how am going to achieve this dream after leaving school that is, developing ways of achieving my purpose by making an achievable mental planning.

v) The calm man, having learned how to govern himself, knows how to adapt himself to others. I have seen calmness as a great tool for defeating anger and aggressiveness. I was an angry person before, whenever am angry and got in fight with somebody, if the person didn’t say or do anything, I will became a shame of myself and giving the person the next day, I start greeting him. Thus I found that calmness is power of great controlling force. Through calmness I have win a lot of people to myself in school, because they see me as gentle and friendly person.

vi) In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are result; I believe that truly the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. Sacrificing little give less and sacrificing greatly means achieving greatly. I believe you cant receive what you cant give. I hear some people give 90% of heir income to god and in turn they are greatly blessed. They own a lot of business and they are very rich and wealthy. I have been trying to live by this great people example, applying the same principle that made them what they are, but am still struggling giving 10% of what I have to God. I know applying this same principle will also make me rich and wealthy, but it take a lot of discipline and sacrifice.

(vi) The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do: sometime when you see people doing what you have trying to do you wonder why you can’t do it and if you ask those people how they do it. They will say it is what they Wanted to ,it is in them “.whenever I go to the beach ,I saw a man that swim 200m offshore and am always afraid to swim that far. One day I said to myself, if that man know how to swim and I also know how to swim, why cant I swim that far. So one day at the beach I decided to swim 200m offshore. After getting back onshore, some people were asking me “if am mad” can’t I see that the wave is too high. I know very well now that as long as you can do, so I can.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? if so, how?

This ideas or lessons will help me in practical ways in life by making me think differently, seeing myself as a better and extraordinary being, to be careful in the way I think, to dreaming big, upholding self-control and practicing calmness in my daily activities.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention?if so,please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you:

Bestial thoughts crystallize into habits of drunkenness and sensuality, which solidify into circumstances of destitution and disease. Impure thoughts of every kind crystallize into enervating and confusing habits, which solidify into distracting and adverse circumstances. Thoughts of fear, doubt, and indecision crystallize into weak, unmanly, and irresolute habits, which solidify into circumstances of failure, indigence, and slavish dependence. Lazy thoughts crystallize into weak, habits of uncleanliness and dishonesty, which solidify into circumstances of foulness and beggary. Hateful and condemnatory thoughts crystallize into habits of accusation and violence, which solidify into circumstances of injury and persecution. Selfish thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of self-seeking, which solidify into distressful circumstances.

On the other hand, beautiful thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of grace and kindliness, which solidify into genial and sunny circumstances. Pure thoughts crystallize into habits of temperance and self-control, which solidify into circumstances of repose and peace. Thoughts of courage, self-reliance, and decision crystallize into manly habits, which solidify into circumstances of success, plenty, and freedom. Energetic thoughts crystallize into habits of cleanliness and industry, which solidify into circumstances of pleasantness. Gentle and forgiving thoughts crystallize into habits of gentleness, which solidify into protective and preservative circumstances. Loving and unselfish thoughts which solidify into circumstances of sure and abiding prosperity and true riches. These statements is very important to me because the result of these thoughts are true, it has make me seen the result of any kind of thought and consequences of negative thoughts, thereby making me to be conscious of the kind of things I should allow to come out of me.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about,or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I didn’t seem to understand what the author view was when he said ”not what he wished and prays for does a man get, but what he justly earns”. In the story of Jacob and esau in the bible, I didn’t think Jacob really justly earn the blessing of Isaac their father. I believe God bless anybody He chooses to bless and favor anybody He decided to favor regardless whether he deserve it or not.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? if so,did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book contain exercises for me to complete in the learning of calmness and self-control, I know it is very useful for me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question?


A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is the discovery of who you are through learning, practicing and living a purposeful life.

2. What were the given ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

The seven ideas which are personally important to me are:

i. Practicing is the best way to learn
ii. Our purpose for living is to find perfection and show it forth
iii. Keep working on love
iv. Everything that limit us, we have to put aside
v. Break the chains of your thought , and you break the chains of your body too.
vi. Your whole body from wingtip to wingtip is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see.
vii. You need to keep finding yourself , a little more each day you need to understand him and to practice him

(i) Practicing is the best way of learn: you discover through practice the reason why something is done or not. You discover new skill through learning. During my primary school days, I never know how to read until I got into secondary school that I discovered that for you to know how to read there must be a personal effort on one side to learn and practice. Through practice and my eagerness to learn, I know how to read and I was able to teach myself difficult subjects in school. Through practice and learning, I believe we can list ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill, we are free and we can learn the extraordinary. In my career and school work, I realize that practice bring less effort in doing something during chart work class in school, having make a lot of mistakes in my work, never copying anybody and always wanted to know if I merited the result of what I did. With continual chart work practice, I just got to know it without reading the chart work any more, I can solve any question on it, it has become part of me. In drama practice in church, I got to act any character without anybody imposing any role on me through weekly drama rehearsal. I have learn to act without scaring of the congregation.

(ii) Our purpose for living is to find perfection and show it forth. It is good to know that the glory of living a purposeful life is beyond going to school, getting a job, buy a car, build a house, marry, give birth, get old and die. I believe there is more to life, God don’t just create us for that, but has a purpose to fulfilling his plan for humanity. Sometimes parent just want their children to be like other kid, doing what other kids, dong what other kids are doing, taking the same career, doing family business and other. My father always wanted me to become a soldier, because he wanted to be respected, family want me to become a doctor because and brilliant but none of this I wanted. Still confused about choosing a career, I prayed about it until I discovered that I want to be a marine explorer, which an very happy with pursuing and always getting a creative idea about.

(iii) keep working on love: I always thought that visible things are only meant to be learn, but never knew that you need to learn and practice love. I always think loving somebody, people is a grace never knew it can be acquire by learning and practice. Love is the true nature of a purpose driven life; the more you work to know the nature of love, the more you are driven to help people in need.

(iv) Everything that limit us, we have to put aside: whenever I wanted to do something, I always felt that there is something that is preventing me from doing that I want to sometime, I see still being in school and staying with my parent as a limitation that is preventing me from carrying out the crazy ideas that I have. I see a need to graduate from school quick to help my family financially. I now understand that my family have to wait.

(v) Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body too: In Nigeria, most of the youth have become limited to the way they think, they never see future in Nigeria of today. They think of Nigeria as no place to succeed, they have become chained in their thought that they need to go to school after that get a job or go abroad before they can make it, they never think beyond material thing. For example in the hostel, the only things my roommate ever think of is going abroad and making money fast, which sometime make me think of material things as achievement. Break the chains of your thought in conversation in the hostel among my roommate, I always make myself standout by thinking differently from them and am always ready to take the sacrifice of being push away from their conversation. Especially when they are discussing about the rich and the poor in the society, they always don’t want to hear my view, because they say I always speak out reality that I never view something in a practical way that I always think that live is easy and as if I am already rich. This I do and did not want to follow them critizing the rich people, because I know very much that am a rich man.

(vi) Your whole body from wingtip to wingtip is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see: before, whenever I found myself in rich place, I always felt timid and uncomfortable until I realize who I am. You should think big and you will feel big and people will see you the way you present yourself. I use to see myself as a thin and ugly boy, so I decided putting on extra large cloth to make me look big, but this make me more ugly. When I begin to see myself as slim and handsome person; I begin to put on fitted wears which make me look good and attractive.

(vii) You need to keep finding yourself, a little more each day, you need to understand him and to practice him. Nowadays, I discovered people like coming to me for advice sometime people tell me what I don’t know about myself that I possessed, sometime people come to me telling me that they want to be like me. This means to me that I need to keep finding myself everyday and learning everyday each thing about me that are yet to be discovered.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

These ideas will help me in my personal life and in creating a better world by learning and working on love, channeling my energy to living a purposeful life and in seeing the best in others and bringing out the best in them.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you .

(i) Keeping working on love: This is very important to me because an struggling in this area, I really want to love people unconditionally and all this while I never knew that you can learn and practice love as you practice other things like singing, acting, swimming. E.t.c.

ii) You didn’t need faith to fly, you needed to understand flying: It is important to me, I now know that one need to understand what you are believing God for and understand that you need to play your part by working.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree and if so, why.

We choose our next world through what we learn in this one. I don’t understand this because, I don’t really know which world the author is talking about. I believe for man, after death is either heaven or hell and no matter what you learn in this world without Jesus it is vanity and no reward for it after death. It is appointed to a man to live once and after death judgement.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book contain exercise for me, which is the working on love and perseverance which am still working on.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

ii. It is not right to abide by any law, but it is right to accustomed oneself with the law of the supernatural that say you are free to be yourself, putting aside everything that limit us from reaching and touching perfection to living purposeful life.

iii. When people see leadership ability in you and appointment you be their leader. There is a need for you to sacrifice your time, leaving you comfort zone to help those in need of your help. The leadership act displayed by Jonathan Livingston gull by being at the side of each of his student each day demonstrating and suggesting, pressuring, guiding and exhorting them never to stop their learning, practicing and their striving to understand more of the perfect invisible principle of all life. Pressing them beyond the limit of their ability and teaching them to love. This is a very good attribute of a leader I will like to commend and also work on.

A. How interesting was it to read? 5
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Keys To Success
Assessment by Elegiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea the author was trying to convey in this book is the application of success principle for living a purposeful life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why ?list these seven ideas followed by an explaination after each one as to why it was important to you.Use personal example from your own life.

The seven ideas that are personally important to me are as follows:

(i) General education is important because by pursuing it you discover you aptitude and desires. Definiteness of purpose will act as a magnet to attract to you the specialised knowledge necessary for success : Education has become a thing we go to school for just for the certificate. While I was at home before I gained admission to the college, I really don’t know the career I wanted to pursue in school, I was a drifter to any suitable career then. When I got into school, I was still not sure of the course I put in for because in the first year of the course I wasn’t seeing anything interesting or unique to me in the course of study let alone wanting to take it as a career. Not until my second year when I heard of a lecturer in the department taking his project student for marine science work. Immediatel I exclaimed-that is it ,that is the definition of the career I want to pursue. And I asked myself a question then about my presence course of study-fisheries technology of it relevance to my career and of it nature as a marine science course. Since then I realised the career for me.

(ii) Opportunity is every where ,but it is fleet of foot, even if you have the vision to recognised it, without a fast decision it will be gone: A friend of my who was a photographer did a beautiful picture enlargement for a family, he kept it in the hostel for two weeks in the hostel before he delivered it to the family. All the while the enlargement were in the hostel it didn’t occur to me as opportunity. When he took it away and delivered it to the family, it then occur to me that I could have take it to some people who will be very interested to also make theirs as sample of the service I can rendered to them. I believe strongly that if I had taken it to them ,they wouldn’t be able to resist it, because the portrait was made for an influential family. When he took it away ,that’s when it occur to me of what opportunities I have let go. I realised that I didn’t take the decision fast enough even though I have a plan to make opportunity out of it, I didn’t quickly recognised it as opportunity until it was gone.

(iii) live in a style that suit your physical and spiritual requirements, and don’t waste time keeping up with the jones: living a lifestyle that suits your physical and spiritual requirements is a thing of utmost important to me ,because some people may seem to have problem with one lifestyle and in this society of ours where people seem to determine the way you behave and live, because you always want to satisfy peopll and despised to be different. For example, it is easy to allow one spiritual and physical lifestyle to be toss to and fro from every religion doctrine and differenr teaching from different pastors. When I got know about God and how He wanted His relation with human to be like , I got to know Him from relationship point of view and not by religion point of view

(iv) The more you learn to be aware of and in control of and in control of your facial expressions , the better you will be able to interprete the expressions of others : this idea is personally important to me, because I always react and feel bad when i discovered that people around me react badly or feel abused by the way I looked at them or feel or felt depressed or uncomfortable with the way I express my face toward their attitude and the feeling that make me look like Mr perfect. I am also very sensitive to people facial expression to me especially the one of belittling me by the way they look down on me with their face. For m example, you want to help someone and the way the person looked at you and the expression is like-what do you have or if you can, you would have help your self or make use of the opportunity to help yourself . if the way somebody look at me is unpleasant ,it will give me the kind of view of who the person is and it will make it difficult to communicate better with the person . I think facial expression is the expression of one state of mind and of your unspoken word.

(v) It is imperative that you develop the habit of being sensitive to your own reactions to individuals , circumstances ,and events and to reaction of individuals and groups to what you say, think or do: I believe if you are y not sensitive to your way of life, you will be too self conscious . one day in school while speaking with my room mate and when he open his mouth and reply to me , what he say baffles me ,because he said that I stammer when I speak and the reason he gave for it was that I never relax when I speak ,that I always speak as if somebody is after me . immediately he said it ,I taught about it to confirm it and realized that I never was a stammerer, but I have being confusing myself when I speak . I found out the reason for me speaking like that, I realised I was too self conscious and I never realised it as a fault I had to deal with . I am glad he put it that way, because what he said about me being stammering has help me to be sensitive to myself and to what people are feeling about me.

(vi) The worst thing that happen to you may be the best thing that can happen to you if you don’t let it got the best of you: this remind of different situation in my life which has shape me to who I am. When I don’t know how to write and how people ridicule ,this make to strife to know how to read and to be the brilliant boy in class. It also remind me when my father died in 2000, it was like everything is gone , but I didn’t let it to get the best of me, the situation taught me a lesson of what kind of life I really wanted for myself, it give me a new turn to see the kind of life I wanted ,a choice and an opportunity to look at the picture of the kind of life my father lived and the kind of life I wanted for myself, to choose between the kind of life the lived and the one I wanted to. Am greatful to God in every situation and that He didn’t let my father death to get the best of me but to make me live purposeful lifestyle.

(vii) You don’t always get what you expect unless you inspect with positive mental attitude: from this idea I strongly believe that there is something to gain or to learn in every situation ,and that you might gain in a situation may be that you are looking for only if you see every situation as opportunity and you inspect it with an attitude of getting what you want from it . for example ,before at home I find it very difficult to sleep at night ,because of the heat, bugs, mosquito and the inconveniency of sleeping on the floor. But after reading psycho cybernetics on relaxation as an aid to health and problem solving ,that night when I wanted to sleep and couldn’t sleep ,I decided to relax and inspect the situation with expectation that there is going to be a solution to this inconveniency . I discovered that I have a mosquito net but nowhere to hang it ,but also there where three plastic chairs at home ,so I decided to support the mosquito net with the three chairs and I make use of a thick cloth and towel to lay them on the floor and make use of the mosquito e.t.c. That is how I got my sleep and heat free,mosquito free and sleep, because I was able to sleep with only knicker by inspecting the situation with PMA for my expected need

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

These ideas will help me in a practical ways in my personal life and in helping me to create a better world by the application of God given principle for life, success and living a life suit my physical and spiritual lifestyle. And also to open up , share ,taking to corrections and leading a life of humility

4. Quotes : are there any statements which the author of this book made that particularly got your attention ? if so ,please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you .

[i] if you can see an opportunity as quickly as you can see the faults of others you will soon succeed : this is important to me , because it is very easy to see the fault of people and complain about it possibly all day ,but seeing opportunity is something will taught as luck or search for all day, week, month or through out lifestyle waiting for opportunity and believing the saying that opportunity come but once.

[ii] the more generous you are ,the more help you will get : I didn’t really know what to say in this ,but it make me realise that when you give ,you receive in different way not necessary in material ,but in other thing beyond which can translate into peace ,help ,kindness ,joy, peace, happiness e.t.c.

[iii] Reinforce the habit of tolerance ,and keep an open mind on all subjects and toward all people no matter their race or creed : I discovered that I don’t really like listening to some people when they are talking , because of the way they speak ,how they speak and what they speak ,but because I am growing and I realised that when I started listening to them I discovered that most of these people started from speaking gibberish word and they ended up with a reasonable point . Tolerance here taught me a lesson which is to listening to people, regardless of who they are .

[iv] you can have many non conflicting goals which help you to reach your major definite goal : non conflicting goals to me is just like parts which is being put together to make a meaningful use or function. For example, your goal may be to build a car ,for the car to be built you need several spare parts to make the car. These parts that is put together to make the car may or is the non conflicting goals .

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree and if so, why?

No , there is no ideas which I disagree and unclear about.

6. Did the book contains exercises for the reader to complete ?if so , did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

the exercises this book contained for me to complete is the application of principles to my lifestyle.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so , please comment.

No, there are no anything I read that I wanted to comment on ,the book is very brief and very clear to read and understandable

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand ? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others ? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it ? 9


By Elebiju Sunday Tope

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea that the author was trying to convey in this book is the understanding of the power of imagination and its principle for creating a great personality and achieving real success for living a purposeful and healthy lifestyle.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?list these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why It was important to you.use personal example from your own life.

The seven ideas that are personally important to me are;

(i) Any path to success is defined by mistakes and corrections, dont dwell on your mistakes –but don’t be afraid of them either, after a time your subconscious mind will forget the errors of the past and learned to follow the new part you have created for it. Your buit-in guidance system moves you toward the things you think about if you watch limits instead of destinations, you bump up against those limits everytime.

I have not come across this idea about mistakes and corrections but for the first time I understood the word ”mistakes” and what it had to do with “success” . Whenever I finished a paper after writing an examination ,I realized mistakes usually had be committed in one of the answer, because of this I will dwell on the mistakes for week till the result of the examination is out. I discovered that whenever I want to write an examination, I was always afraid of making mistakes until now. The path to success is defined by mistakes and correction is an idea and statement of encouragement toward taking a step that leads to success.

(ii) Our self-image is bound up intimately with our imagination. It Is base 100% on what we imagine to be true. you act and feel not according to what things are really like but according to the imagines of your mind holds of what they are like. you have certain images of yourself, your world, and people around you, and you behave as though the images were the truth, the reality rather than the things they represents.

Our self-image is bound up intimately with our imagination: In youth fellowship in my church, while discussing about characteristics of Daniel, one of us raised a question – who among us is a perfectionist?. Non of us could give the right answer. Instead of answering the question, we begin to attack who a perfectionist is. Non of us really like a perfectionist .They see perfectionist as somebody difficult to please, as if they have being having a fight with their boss or co-worker who is a perfectionist. I didn’t have a problem with a perfectionist, because I have worked with one and the challenge is that they stretch you. But my reply to the question was also bias. When the aunty in charge respond to our reply, she said “ our imagination of who a perfectionist is conditioned by the kind of life will live in the country that we act not according to what things are really like but according to the images of what our mind holds of what they are like. She said a simple question was asked and the answer we gave is a certain mental images of who we see a perfectionist to be, because we have become so conditioned to see a perfectionist as a wicked being in our society . And we behave as though the image of a perfectionist were “truth” what we image it to be rather than what it represent. Concerning my self-image, I discovered that I feel high spirited any time I image a success image of myself and feel good when I realise this. Anytime I am walking, sitting or doing anything, I like imaging who I am and where I want to be .This has help to adjust in my lifestyle and self esteem.

(iii) Your attitudes, feelings and behaviour change in the direction of what you believe to be true. your imagination can change your belief.

While I was selling drinks in a shop before I gained admission into school, I sometime got electric shock from the freezer even when the freezer is repaired from electric shock fault. I have developed an imagination that the freezer can shock at anytime, because of the rat that go in and out of the shop. I believe that the rat can at anytime cut open the wire and cause electric shock. Because of this, anytime I want to open the freezer I have developed the habit of tapping the freezer with my hand or wrapping my hand with cloth before I open it. Because of this imagination, I have got to believe that the string of a hot-plate, fridge, iron can cut and shock at any time. Before starting a generator was a problem for me, because I was afraid that it may blow up anytime or suddenly. Thank God I have being using rational thinking to challenge this false taught.

(iv) Relaxation is an aid to health and problem solving as well as a necessary condition for the work of reprogramming your internal guidance system-stress result from the way you respond to outside events,not from the events themselves

I have get to accept relaxation and surrendering to God when am very stressed in any circumstances. The best I realised doing for myself is to relaxed and let what will happen to be. During my seminar in school, because of the kind of person my supervisor is “a perfectionist” I had a lot of challenges in getting a topic for the seminar and in coping with her, because she rejected several topic I brought to her. A month to the seminar presentation she accepted the last topic I took to her. A week to the seminar presentation she approve the work and she started making every little correction even till the day of presentation. She got me almost frustrated, but I just decided to surrendered it to God and to relax and not to worry about it.

(v) Just as your mind conditions your feelings about your body, so your body condition your mind. It is usually difficult for me then, anytime I go to the market to buy cloth and I ended up buying the wrong size of cloth. This happen because I always see myself as being very thin and instead of buying the appropriate size that the cloth seller recommend for me, I refused and ended up buying undersize cloth. I was so conscious of the size of cloth that I became so unconscious of the fact that am growing and increasing in size, not until my junior brother who is big and fatter than me, wore a shirt that belong to me and the shirt fitted him. The difference in the shape of the shirt compare to when I wear it was insignificance. I also know very well that when I put on a cloth that look cute on me, I usually feel confident, cool and feel very belong in the company I find myself.

(vi) The art of self-confidence begins with clear images of success. In fellowship for example, anytime I see my friends and the youth in fellowship whose parent are rich and whose life have being bettered by their parent, instead of feeling inferior as I had always being before, I always imagine the success image of myself. This usually keep me calm and relaxed and not feel intimidated. Because of the success image of myself, I was able to relate with youth in fellowship regardless of where they come from.

(vii) You an free your personality from inhibition by learning to respond correctively to criticism. I believe when you free personality from inhibition you unleashed your creativity, you can be creative in any task that you set your mind at. I remember that I never wanted to join the drama group in the fellowship, because I felt am not good in that aspect. Uncle Ted called me one day in fellowship and said “how can you know that you cant when you haven’t try. I know very well that am afraid of being criticize, that am not good in acting. One day in fellowship aunty Bola said “she miss me in fellowship” because it have being long she last saw me in fellowship. For the first time, I felt belong in the fellowship. The second week when we were to present a drama, I acted so well that most of friend couldn’t image that it was me acting because they were surprise at my display. During my conversation with my friend after reading pscho-cybernetics success through positive mental attitude and key to success, after the conversation he was surprised that I was the one talking to him.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in my daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world ?

This ideas would help in a practical ways both in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world by thinking differently of my environment, always seeing the advantages in any situation ,taking advantages of every circumstances, creating, imagining and working toward bettering people and creating better environment. By planning and imagining what I want my days to be like. Taking advantages of my dreams by channelling it to purposeful use.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author make that partcularly got your attention?if so,please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“An imagined experience is perceived and acted on by your subconscious mind exactly the same as a real experience.”

“Your behaviour follows what you believe to be true.”

“Your behaviour changes in the direction of your beliefs.”

These statements struck me because I realised it to be true and that it has being affecting people including me unconsciously, this thinking can lead people to succeed or to failure .

“Program your day dreams by focusing on your new beliefs as you go to sleep. This dreaming design directly addresses your subconscious mind and helps install the new images in your right brain.”

“Internal scanning, by making use of the period of internal scanning before going to bed to better use.”

“Program your day dreams toward positive images that support your new beliefs.”

These statements is important to me because I now know that I can take advantage of dream to better use and not to waste that time of relaxation.

“Separate fact from opinion:” This is important to me because it will help me in taking better decision by separating between fact and opinion for combating my emotion for success and in taking a bold step.

“We do not develop a success type personality by standing still:” it is important because it will or has encourage me to go out to explore, mixed and participate in social activities.

“If you are actively engaged in expressing your spiritual nature, anything anyone says or does that’s potentially injurious to you appears so clearly a product of their own ego that is hardly affects you:” This is important to me because it will help me to access my spiritual state from my reaction to criticism.

“Remember-the subconscious mind cant tell the difference between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined:” This is important to me because it will help to regulate what I allowed to enter and go in of my mind.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about,or are there ideas which you disagree and if so ,why?

Answer :page 203, I quote-instead of setting your thermostat at a hundred percent , aim for one percent in hundred different ways.

This idea will go a long way changing my life, because I found the statement as a productive idea, but what I don’t understand is how can a person working for someone or for a perfectionist apply this without having fault with his or her boss that want hundred percent performance.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete ? if so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, I did complete the exercises and some that I continually access and refer to and some that am practicing the technique and tests.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions ? if so, please comment.

Networking : its a key to your action plan whether your goal is a new job ,someone to love or a new hobby .I appreciated the word “networking”. The explaination in this book has made me see a lot of reason to network especially among my fellowship mate, to love to meet people and make friend.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand ? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others ? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it ? 10



Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Elegiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea the author was trying to convey in this book is the changing your world with success lifestyle and accurate goal setting through a positive mental attitude.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally important to you and why ?list these seven ideas followed by an explaination after each one as to why it was important to you.Use personal example from your own life.

The seven as which were personally important to me are as follows:

(i) Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement: Before I read this idea I have a lot of ideas and different plan for achieving but was confused on which one to start or the one to put first on my scale of preference and to identify the relevant of each one to achieving my purpose. I had all this ideas and plan confused together and didn’t have a sense of direction as to which one to start from. After reading about definiteness of purpose I started highlighting every ideas and plans and I gave deep taught as to why some of the ideas were on my scale. That is when I discovered that all the ideas and plan are toward achieving a particular plan on my scale, i.e each idea accomplishment lead to another goal plan. It was a list of how to get to my main goal-how I imagine it to be like. It was a step to another and it was a great relief and focusing of attention.

(ii) Learn to use proper suggestion in influencing others, to employ the right conscious autosuggestion. When you do you can have-physical mental and moral health, happiness, and success, For example when I want to convince people or to talk them to something, I usually say what I think they like or probably love in other to convince them. For example when I want to invite somebody to fellowship, I usually tell them only about the fun aspect, about how we interact, meet people, enjoy ourselves, visit some uncles or aunty house, how we go to places e.t.c, but I never tell them about the spiritual aspect of the fellowship.

(iii) Extract principles from specific illustrations so that you can relate, assimilate and use them: once a principle has been acquired it becomes a part of one and is never lost. It can be applied to novel problems and does not become obsolete as to all facts in a changing society. For example, we wonder in school of fisheries technology department the only fish they taught student how to culture is catfish. I got to understand that it is not about catfish but it is about the principle of hoe all culturable fish can be cultivated following a particular procedure, although we were not told , but I find out myself that all culturable fish follow a particular requirement in a particular procedure.

(iv) To be enthusiastic, the act be it physical or mental, precedes the emotion. To speak enthusiastically and overcome timidity and fear talk loudly ,rapidly, emphasis important words, hesistate where there is period, keep a smile in your voice so that it isn’t gruff and use modulation. For the first time that I acted enthusiastic was at a drama I took part in the church. Looking at my performance from the step of acting enthusiastic I can say that I was not self-conscious, that I was motivated to act enthusiastic, I affected the part I took with enthusiastism , I spoke loudly, rapidly, e.t.c according to the above. I discovered that I usually choose myself in a particular mood to be enthusiastic or not.

(v) The higher you set your goal, the more concentrated will be the effort you make to achieve it- setting your standard: I believe crazy goals deserves crazy attention. When you set a higher goal and you want it to be different from someone else own and more standard, you give peculiar attention and concentrated effort. For example, my setting of higher and attainable goal inspire me everyday toward pursing my goal and be alerted to every information and opportunities that is helpful for me. Because of the high standard goal I set for myself, I have learned to see, be alert and focused to attaining this goal.

(vi) The more civilized, cultured and refined you are, the easier you can control your emotions and feelings- if you choose to do so: before I changed my environment for school, in my formal environment beating a girl when she abused or do something wrong was a normal thing. When I change my environment and interact with people in school and outside the school, in church and outside the church, I saw that beating a female child seem as much as a taboo, a nuisance act to the civilized people. A lot of my attitude have change toward certain things the way I dress and the way I react to certain things. I remembered a day we invited a professor of psychology from abroad to our fellowship, she made a statement which really changed my angry attitude, she said “we are angry only because we choose to be angry and we are not only because we choose not to ”that we don’t just get angry . what she said long ago till date still have help me to react to things. The more you mix with civilized people the more you learn about things that count and things that don’t worth it.

(vii) It doesn’t take courage to take a step: this idea is very important to me because anytime I wanted to take a step at doing something, I always pray for boldness and courage due to fear of taking that particular step. I once have the mentality that to take a step you have to be extra courageous. I say it doesn’t take courage to take a step, it take God. for example, after class in school I went to the beach to relax , to swim, me and some student in the school, after swimming and as I was about to leave the beach I heard a shout that one of our student is being carried away and was drowning. I didn’t even reason my action to help him, I just jump into the water and went after him. After getting him on shore I was very afraid because I would have got drown with him because when I reached out for his hand, he just grab me immediately and I almost died that day. Before I recovered from the shock ,another student was carry away by the water and I was told to help rescue, but I was very afraid from the first rescue and was very calm and I waited for the guy to be very weak before I went after him. The water was very turbulence and most swimmer around didn’t make any attempt to go after him, I never taught of courage or boldness before I went after him, it take me knowing that God is with me and I was not afraid of want the student said about the sea gods taking the student away. It does it take courage to take a step but it take God to take it.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

These ideas or lessons would help me in a practical way in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better world by creating a definite plan, alerting to opportunities ,motivating people to explore and do the right thing, to take pleasure in work, application of principles for creating wealth, to always creating an enthusiastic atmosphere around me and always take a step to doing somethings.

4. Quotes : are there any statements which the author of this book made that particularly got your attention ? if so ,please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you .

[i] If a man is right ,his world will be right : the bible has made emphasis on the blessing that will follow when you leave a righteous lifestyle. The bible says that the expectations of the righteous shall not be cut short and that He will bless the righteous. This means to me that living right is having a right life and compromising is having a compromised life.

[ii] When you make decisions because you refuse to keep an open mind and learn the truth -that Is ignorance . Endavours to keep an open mind and learn. He must base his conclusion on what he does not, yet be prepared to change them when he becomes more enlightened: The ignorance aspect is what got my attention, the way a person who refused to keep an open mind is being described as ignorance. I have made several decisions by not keeping an open mind because I felt people will ridicule me . keeping open mind has made me to experience a lot of help and more ideas concerning a particular problem or challenges . you will just be amaze of peoples contribution to your work when you choose to keep an open mind.

[iii] Seeing is learned through association : This really got my attention and the saying is true. For example ,I got to know the kind of attitude some of my friend have that I didn’t know about until we lived under a roof together.you wonder whether all the people you called your friend are really who you think they are,because you just get to see them for who they really are.Comparing this association to spending more time with God, it is amazing how I can get to see God the way He really is ,a friend and a father.

[iv] Anything in live worth working for is worth praying for: it is the saying of work and pray. Any part to success must be accompany by prayer.

[v] But if you know where you are and where you want to be and you start from where you are to get to where you want to be, you will, if you keep properly motivated , move forward step by step until you get there : this statement is important to me because it reminds me of the word of God which says “looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith ”He is the beginning and the end. This implies that when I know where am coming from, knowing the situation of where am coming from and I set for myself where I wanted to be ,I will get there because it will be my focus regardless of how I am going to get there.

[vi] Show me a millionaire and I will show you almost invariably a heavy borrower: immediately I came across this statement I began a lot of reasoninig to confirm this fact, after reasoning i was greatly motivated to take great step and in aiming higher.

it Make me to have this great believe about making a good business plan and not thinking of money as a barrier. Before, instead of thinking how to get money, it has posed a new challenge which is how to make or prepare a business plan.

[vii] Learn about cycles in order to know when to expand and when to make and pay off loans: this ideas caught my attention and it is important to me, because it is new to me and it also seem to review the secret behind borrowing for wealth creation and management.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree and if so, why?

No , there are no ideas that I disagreed and unclear about.

6. Did the book contains exercises for the reader to complete ?if so , did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book contained exercises for me, some which I did in the book and some which I believe I need to make reference on for daily life assistance, also some that I need to include on my daily routine.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so , please comment.

[i] you will develop your mental powers when you learn and develop the habit of asking yourself question :I believe when you ask your self question is like communicating with your inner self. You can get a lot of answers to a lot of questions when you develop the habit of asking yourself questions. you can discovered a lot of things by making it an habit .

[ii] anything in life worth working for is worth praying for : I believe that when one is faced with problem or embarking on a project he should ask for divine guidance . After that start thinking. I believe that the period of thinking is the listening period that you will hear from God for solution. Your subconscious mind will be fed and open for ideas ,answers, solutions and guidance .

{iii} what is surprising to a person without experience is how easy it is to get what you want by understanding and applying the success principles to be found in an autobiography: I say it is rather pleasant to learn from somebody else experience because it is very costly or sometime injurious to learn by your own experience. Keeping open mind to learn from people experience is more of a guidance, rule, safety and precautions.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand ? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Real Magic
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book

The main idea the author was trying to convey in this book is creating miracles in everyday life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

* Imagination is more important than knowledge. This idea is important to me, because it gives me an answer to one of the major reason why some illiterate are wealthier than literate people due to the power of imagination. I can see big pictures and create a future for myself by imagining what I want to be in future, while the present knowledge you have of yourself to become that object in future can limit you. Knowledge often thinks of impossibility while imagination thinks beyond it.

* The spiritual being knows that he is connected to all others and lives his life as if each person he meets shares being human with him. The important of this idea is that it makes me understand the saying “Love your neighbour as yourself”. When I know am a spiritual being, which is true, and I know that am connected to all others, my attitude towards people will change. For example, am now very conscious of any decision-making that involves people. Before making any decision, I say to myself to consider being in other people shoes and the effect of any decision made. Any decisions made that affect others people life negatively would also have the same negative effect on the decision maker spiritual being.

* All that you are for empowers you. In my life, when faced with a challenge, I spent more time focusing on the negative side of the challenges. The more I spent time analysing the negative side, the more I see the negatives about the situation/challenge. This depresses me a lot and the more reason I get not to venture into doing that particular thing that may be very creative and fun doing. Now I asked myself, if I had been thinking of the positive aspect, I definitely would have had more insight on the ideas, challenges, situations and solutions to counter the negative aspects.

* For a few moments, in your encounters with strangers today, shift to knowing and trusting as your way of interacting. I was reading an epistle of Apostle Paul, which says, “believe every thing, endure everything, bear everything and hope everything” I Corinthians 13. Getting to knowing and trusting people you encounter is a serious issue and a good advice to me. If in my interaction with people and am interested in knowing and keeping an open mind, I would never be afraid of what to say or hide anything that will benefit other people, if I know that my secret is safe and that I will not be make jest of.

* Ask nothing of anyone and practice unconditional acceptance. People gave me their used cloths, because they thought that I needed it. This make me feel very uncomfortable, annoyed and felt displeased knowing that they felt I needed the cloths. One day, somebody gave me a shirt and I asked his friend of the reason why I was given the shirt, and he said, “Maybe, it was because both of us wear the same size of cloths due to the same stature”. This statement changes my perception about receiving and my attitude, and I felt ashamed of myself when he said that. I thought of the two people giving me their cloths and I realised that will almost have the same stature and probably wearing the same size of shirt. I realised they did it for love. Anytime people give something, even if I know am not going to use it, I would collect it with appreciation and give it to people who needed it. I have stopped getting annoyed over nothing, especially when I greeted or somebody did not return my complement. I have stopped expecting things from people, be it the way I wanted them to behave.

* Your mind is all you have for relating – visualize yourself sending out love and paying no attention to how the person responds. Despite all the books I have being reading on relationship, the challenge I have being facing is the paying of attention to responses. For example, when I visualized how I am going to tell somebody how lovely they are in order to cheer them up, I am discouraged before getting to them due to the way they are reacting. There was a girl in church, which I know was struggling with inferiority complex before and after chatting with her. After chatting and encouraging her online, I visualized how to encouraged her when we meet in church, but meeting her on Sunday in church, her response was not what I expected. I felt bad, because that was not what I expected to get from her. This idea is important, because it has just solved a problem, that when am communicating with people, I should not pay attention to their response.

* Living as If one is already prosperous is to be a generous person- yes, I said fake it. I have always visualize myself of doing a lot of humanitarian work and a lot of giving in the future, but never taught of it much in the present. I have never taught of it because I felt that I do not have a job yet. This idea was like me saying, “When I get old I will give my life to God”. Although I have been given in my own little way, but it was not the way I have just understand it after reading this idea.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in my daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

This idea would help me in a practical ways both in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world knowing that the purpose of my existence is to give and to love my neighbour as myself.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements, which the author makes that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

* Yes, I said fake it”.

Reading psycho cybernetics, where the author said, “fake it till you make it”. I never believe it and I never taught it walk even to practice it as a Christian. I always taught, it only makes you a fake person and not a real one. “Yes, I said fake it” I will say it make a lot of sense as it create real magic. I never taught that as a student I would own a laptop until after school. One day after reading all the level one books, I woke up one day and said that I wanted a laptop and during the week, I got it. It was a miracle. I discovered that I have been saying and faking having a laptop by carrying a laptop bag and loading it with long books and a folder to make it look as if it is was a laptop that am carrying. I also know that I have been telling people that I want to buy a laptop, when I know that I do not have the money let alone of saving for it. I realised that I have been faking it all the way and I have gotten it.

* “Complete possession is proved only by giving. All you are unable to give possesses you”.

I think, this is where greediness developed. We became greedy unknowing when we have good intention to be a giver, but because we struggle to give and thinking that when we have enough, we would be able to give something better.

* “When a person feels separate from all others he becomes more self-centred and much less concerned about the problem of other”.

The feeling of inferiority, isolation and always expecting to receive from people to meet ones need, made a self-centred person. This kind of person works toward disappointment and he or she faces disappointment, and result of self-centeredness.

*“Keep little corner of your mind open to miracle making. Investigating the life of others who have experience miracle”.

It is very easy to believe in miracle and to open ones mind to it when the people you know have experience it. In fellowship, when Lily was sharing her testimony of trusting God not only in big thing, but also in little thing. She gave a testimony; she said that someone came to their house and does away with their foodstuff and some money. She said she prayed about it and the next day the person returned what he took. The same thing happens to me, Lily’s testimony encouraged me to pray to God concerning it, and the money was returned the next day.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree and if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, I did complete the exercises, some that I continually access and refer to, and some that I practiced.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Winning Attitude
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea the author was trying to convey in this book is that attitude is the key to success and living a life full of purpose.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

Attitude application.
My environment as a child was generally unstable and intimidating. I remember a situation when someone said something negative to me that affected my attitude. I remember when my elder brothers, cousins and neighbours said to us whenever will listen to them that “it is ok and more fun to have sex with ones relative” this affected me and other youth in the neighbourhood. We did not see anything wrong in it, but after realising how wrong it is, it became a struggle that we had to overcome.

The closeness of criticism.
I remember the time I wanted to have sex with my cousin living with us in the same house. The mentality that there was nothing wrong with it was ringing in my head. When I wanted, I remembered the covenant I made years ago and I stopped. She was surprised that after undressing, I did not do anything with her. I called her the next day and explained the reason why I could not do anything with her. Since that day, whenever am praying or reading the bible and seeing her around I feel very guilty. Thank God, I am free from it now.

Treat everyone you meet as the most important person on earth.
Treating everybody as the most important people on earth to me is a very good idea of getting along with anybody regardless of his/ her status. I was at a cyber café and a girl was having a problem opening a document from the computer she was using. She needed help and I decided to allow her to make use of mine to do what she wanted, but during the time she was making use of my computer, I did not offer her a seat. I did not offer her a seat because I thought I was doing her a favour and not treating her as a very important person. When it occur to me that am rude and not a gentleman, not treating her as an important person, I stood up and offer her a seat and then i apologised for being rude.

Be careful what you set your heart on, for it will surely come true.
I have set my heart on many little things and it came true. While I had those things, I felt it was not what I wanted. So with this, that is why whenever I needed something, I always pray to God about it and saying to Him to help and decide for me.

Enlisting someone’s help will not only assist you, but it will also give a friend a blessing in return.
This idea is important to me, because I am a kind of person that found it very difficult to ask people for help. After considering the benefit that will be obtain by the person whose help I solicited, I think it is worth asking for their help.

Start exposing yourself today to successful people and experiences.
This idea is a shift in my association to associating more with successful people and experiences. I can say, I believe so much in associating more with people that I can influence positively, people that want to learn from me than wanting to associate with successful people. I think this was one of the reasons of being in this institute. I can say that my association with successful and wonderful experiences had made me a better person than associating with people I wanted to influence. When am secure in Christ, I can afford to take a risk in my life. To me, this is the beginning of all boldness and courage to becoming who you want to be. I will say, I can afford to take any actions disregarding the risk involve, when I know Christ is in it with me. I have learn a lot of lessons from taking any action that I did not pray about, this is why I can not afford to take any risk when Christ is not in it with me.

I don’t have to survive. This is a powerful attitude statement by the author. While reading it, it had me shouting. I must survive is a deceitful attitude that kills destiny, it is a false mentality that has being incorporated into our language of prosperity. I cannot believe that I have been saying to myself until now that I will survive, while the purpose of my being is to live a sacrificial life. A life that is base on surviving is not a secure life, hence will not give. Living a surviving life is living a distracted life doing anything that brings money to staying alive.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in my daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

This idea would help me in a practical ways both in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world by being concerned more on my attitude in any situation and with people.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements, which the author makes that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“My child, you have always been with me, All that is mine is yours”. I believe that a successful attitude is the characteristics to be aware that everything is available, and that we have the right to access it- the privilege to the possessions. While I was reading this statement quoted by the author in the story of the prodigal son, I learned that attitude is what makes you to be aware of your right. The father of the prodigal son was not pleased with elder brother, because of the attitude he had concerning himself for not behaving as a son that have the right to all possessions.

When there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present. The author is very right about this statement. The ability to say no to sex, depend on what you see yourself of accomplishing in future and this empowers you to say no to it. When you know what you want to become, you will have the power to say no to stealing, no to drugs abuse, no to war, no to terrorism, no to destructing act e.t.c. This is possible, because you have seen the future and you have seen what you what to be, you have taken the power to say no from it, to anything that will prevent you from achieving your goals and dreams.

Anything less than God will let you down. No matter how brilliant, popular, influential, power e.t.c you are, anything less than my God will let you down. This is a fact and it is an encouragement to hold unto God, the author and the finisher of our faith.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree and if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Giant Steps
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is the positive lifetime impact of taking bold steps.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

The seven ideas that were personally important to me are:

(i) Having a powerful enough why will provide you with the necessary how

(ii) Finding a way to help others-those we care about deeply-can inspire us for a lifetime.

(iii) Asking the questions that will uplift your spirit and push you along the path of human excellence.

(iv) Trying to achieve the pleasure of success without risking the pain of rejection would never work.

(v) The only way a relationship will last is if you see it as a place you go to give, not a lace you go to take.

(vi) You’ve got to be willing to feel stupid, and you’ve got to be willing to try things that might not work.

(vii) Remember, any limitations you have in your life are probably just the result of limited reference experiences.

Having a powerful enough why will provide you with the necessary how. Anytime I get an answer to a problem or being curios on how things is being done, I get a lot of answer to the questions and a lot of how. Sometime I ask myself if it is true that there is noting impossible to those who believe and the answer is completely yes. Looking at the inventories, television, radio, telephone, airplane e.t.c, nothing is impossible. Asking myself of questions why can’t I do something that people may see as impossible, and how am going to go about it. I designed a water bicycle using my imagination and then draw it on sheet of paper. I tried different design of the water bicycle to make sure I got it right, by asking why and how to go about it. I also asked myself why is it that there is no water bicycle yet after finishing the design. Although, I have the design with me and I know that one day the water bicycle will be in existence.

Finding a way to help others-those we care about deeply-can inspire us for a lifetime. I am a kind of person that like searching for information on how to better peoples life and mine. whenever I get information that I know would be of important to people around me, I always tell people about, because I do not want the information to waste. It is in my hobby to know what people want and help them get information that will help them. My passion to help people with information is what make me discovered how to search for information using the right search word. This also helps me in seeking for information that would be of benefit to me.

Asking the questions that will uplift your spirit and push you along the path of human excellence. This idea is of great importance to me, because reading it make me realised that asking questions is not only about getting answers to what one want or curios about, but also about being aware of question that pertain to one spirituality and that, that will uplift the spirit. Reading this idea would be of great important to me in questioning my spiritual life to growth.

Trying to achieve the pleasure of success without risking the pain of rejection would never work. I discovered that I would not take a particular step or approach toward communicating with people simply because of the fear of rejection. This idea is important to me, because it relates pleasure of success to the pain of rejection. Avoiding experiencing the pain of rejection will not make one take the step of experiencing success.

The only way a relationship will last is if you see it as a place you go to give, not a place you go to take. I am in this kind of situation whereby I do not like going into or creating relationship that I will not find myself giving to. I find it very difficult to go some friend house knowing that all they would like to do is to give to me, making me the receiver. I feel comfortable to be the giver instead of being the receiver. While discussing about giving and friendship in fellowship, no one like to be in a relationship or friendship where no one gives anything, likewise they do not like people who always come to them to receive. For me, I rather not go into relationship if I do not have anything in mind to give.

You’ve got to be willing to feel stupid, and you’ve got to be willing to try things that might not work. To be willing to feel stupid in any situation and event to me is a giant step and attitude, to achieving anything impossible. Nobody would like to look stupid in any situation, including me as person, but I see sense in it. Sometime, there would be something on my mind to share or do in a particular situation, but in order not to look or act stupid I would keep quiet. In that particular situation, when somebody else contribute or take action that I would have taken, I exclaimed in my mind that “I thought so and that I would have done it”. Acting in any situation on what you think without being afraid of looking stupid is taking giant steps. This idea is important to me as it will be a good reminder to me when it comes to decision and action taking.

Remember, any limitations you have in your life are probably just the result of limited reference experiences. I totally buy this idea; God has changed a lot of thing in my life through books He had brought across my way after reading them. The understanding of the saying that “leaders are readers” is because they have read through the experiences and challenges of successful people and how they have overcome different life limitations. I would have remained limited or still having the mentality that I have in 2000, if not because of experiences and references. I say this because there were a lot of people I left secondary school with, and seeing them today on the street, you can tell what influences them and their references.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in my daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

This idea would help me in a practical ways both in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world by taking steps and knowing that my actions count.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements, which the author makes that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

(i) To get what you want, you must discover what is preventing you from taking action.

(ii) For whatever area of your life you want to improve, there are questions you can ask that will provide you with answers.

(iii) Do something today to demonstrate that your actions make a difference.

(iv) The next time you see someone in trouble, instead of just passing by or feeling guilty about being unable to help, get excited about what you can do.

To get what you want, you must discover what is preventing you from taking action. When faced with the challenge to get something, I often think about that thing and able to know the reasons for wanting it. If I discovered that the reasons was that someone has it or because people are using it or without a tangible reasons, I put the thinking of wanting that particular thing in the trash. Therefore, whenever I want to get what I want, I ask myself of the reasons I needed it and what is preventing me from having it.

For whatever area of your life you want to improve, there are questions you can ask that will provide you with answers. I believed so much that the questions you are able to ask yourself, the answer you will get for the questions. I have heard a lot of story about how some people life changed simply because they ask themselves questions about the kind of life they were living. How people stop smoking, simply because they ask themselves “why cant I stop smoking- is it a curse, I must break it, it is not a curse, I did involved myself in smoking, I can bring myself out of it”. The moment you start asking yourself question on every areas of your life, the moment change comes in.

Do something today to demonstrate that your actions make a difference. Knowing that ones actions count and can make a difference, believing that whatever actions one take could make a difference and believes in oneself and what you can do as individual to bring change. Taking actions in every situation is the gathering of giant steps, because you do not know which step would count. I am saying this to myself “my actions make a difference, therefore take action in every situation”.

The next time you see someone in trouble, instead of just passing by or feeling guilty about being unable to help, get excited about what you can do. I quote this statement because I feel pity for people especially homeless, suffering disabled people e.t.c. anytime I see them on the street, I crave for how to help them. I am not excited about them now, because I didn’t see the way I can help them now, but am excited about helping them in the future by putting them in my vision.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree and if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


8. Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. A .How interesting was it to read?

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would it recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating? 10



How To Win Friends And Influence People
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book

The main idea the author was trying to convey in this book is the power of influencing and winning people through sincere appreciations and taking responsibility.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

The seven ideas that were personally important to me are:

i. Giving honest and sincere appreciation: Giving honest and sincere appreciation was one of the ideas that is very important to me. I will be happy and more comfortable with what am doing when somebody give honest appreciation to it. It will not only motivate me, but also make me do better. If the appreciation is not genuine, from the mouth of other people, you will confer it and it will make you uncomfortable with that particular thing and towards the person who give such false appreciation. For example, I bought a shirt and one of my friends told me that he like it, but I felt quite uncomfortable with the shirt. At first, I did not think he was saying the truth about him liking the shirt, because I did not see anything lovely about it. All the way from home to church, nobody told me how nice the shirt was as usually. Therefore, I felt my friend was only flattering me. One day I decided to wear the shirt in school and one of my course mates approach me and told me he liked the shirt. He told me if I can help him to get one or if I do not mind selling, the one am putting on to him, since I told him that I do not like it. I discovered that he was saying the truth concerning the shirt and I felt free and comfortable with the shirt and my friend in their judgment. Honest and sincere appreciation will make you trust the judgment of somebody giving it.

ii.The only way on earth to influence other people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get. Talking about what other people want and showing them how to get it is a very good idea that anybody would submit to easily. For example, a friend of mine came to me to discuss transportation business. He told me he wanted a loan to buy a bus for the transportation business, he said doing the business would fetch him money while in school to pay his school fees and to pay off the loan. He could not get a loan from the bank, although he is working in a bank .The reason that no bank is willing to loan such amount for transportation considering the state of transportation business. I listened to him and I understand his intention of wanting to have a profitable business he wanted to run while in school. I gave him an idea of how to go about it and how I going to be involved without discouraging him about his idea. He bought the idea and he was able to start a business with what he had.

iii. Arouse in the other person an eager want. I would say the idea of arousing an eager want in people is the idea behind the organisation that we have started. The realisation that everyone around me wanted to be self-employed, but most were not sure of the business to do, because of the starting capital. I told them about doing an agro- business, and how they can start with what they have and how they can do it as a group business. I discuss with them the plans and ideas to show them how creative and enjoyable doing agro-business can be. I arouse in them an eager want to venture into agro-business, which they accepted after letting them know that it will enable them to save money for the business they have in mind in the future.

iv. Increase the tendency to think always in terms of other people’s point of view, and see things from their angle. It is very easy to judge, condemn or blame people when you think in term of your own point of view. When I was at home for some month doing nothing-a state of idleness, I was having a lot of fornicating taught. It got to a stage that some of the saying I heard from my elder brother and cousins were coming to me that “you can learn to have sex easily by having it with relatives or ones cousin. When that taught came to me , it gave me an excuse to have sex with my cousin who didn’t even resist. I must confess to you that during that moment I was not in my senses. As I was about to have sex with her, God brought to me the covenant I made with him that I will not have sex until I get marry. Immediately the thought came to, I was in my right senses. While I was reading this book, I said to myself that if this can happen to me, then I should accept that things happen to people and I do not have the right to judge, blame or condemn them. Things that some people would not do in their right sense can happen to them if they allow evil thought to take hold of them, without God grace it will manifest in them. Thinking through that situation I realise that it was God grace in my life, I would have lost it. This was why I have decided to be calm in any situation toward people not to be judgemental and to think as if am in their shoes.

v. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely. Late last year we had a camping program and the camping coordinator said that every one of us should say something nice to two people each. I was not expecting what someone said about me. It was real, genuine and nice. It makes me feel very important and it changes my attitude and relation toward that person the very day. I also remember that I said something nice about somebody that day, and I noticed a change of attitude of that person toward me during the camping and till date. Making people feel very important has a lasting effect on people attitude and the way they see themselves and it relationship making. It is ok to look at a person and spot an interesting part of him or her to make him/her feel very important, it works magic.

6. If you aspired to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener. It is very tempting to talk when you are with somebody than to be quiet in order to be listening. Not everybody would like to do the talking while you listened. When I read this statement of becoming a good conversationist , by being an attentive listener, I stopped and meditate on it, if it is a good idea because I struggle much with it. I discovered that it has been working for me than against me. Although, I am a very quiet person and a good listener, but when carried away with listening, I find it difficult to say anything when suddenly ask to contribute. I also discovered that my listening attitude as earn me various opportunity to be spoken to, either for advice or complains.

7. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. We have always being involve in quarrelling, fighting and complaining even to the point of losing friends, just because we refuse to admit our faults and mistakes. After reading this, I realised that I didn’t gave up lying, because I don’t want to hurt peoples feelings. I had made several vows and attempt to stop lying, but to no avail. Reading this idea make it seems very easy by proving a very good alternative to lying. I have stopped lying after meditating on this idea and it was very easy to give up lying. This idea provides an easy way of not hurting people’s feelings.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in my daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

This idea would help me in a practical ways both in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world by seeing other people as myself. Putting other people first and helping people to get want they want.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements, which the author makes that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”

I agree with this statement, although it is very difficult to admit that it is very easy to look at people view on something when you are trying to prove a point. Looking at people’s points of view settles a lot of things by making both of you feel better at the end of the discussion.

“All of us like people who admire us”. I like people who approaches and always ask after me when am not around. It is very easy to approach and communicate freely with people who admire us. In fellowship, when we were discussing how difficult it is for some people to communicate and why some people like talking and meeting a particular group of people. Michael said “ I like it when Anna is around me and I always feel very happy to talk to her, not because I cant speak to other people, but because Anna make me feel very special”. He said that whenever Anna saw him coming, she greeted him by jumping at him, and this make him feel good.

“Your smile is a messenger of your good will; it brightens the life of all who see it”. I must confess that putting on smile in every situation changes ones mood and the way you relate to people. The way you relate with people with smile on your face normally tells how people will attends to you and how you will relate to them. I have being using this approach to remove intimidation and in improving my self-esteem. I sometime smile when I find some people unapproachable, to get want I want and it also make me speak better.

“Show respect for the other person’s opinions. “Never say you’re wrong”. I discovered that anytime I tried to prove a point whenever am with friend, it always make me feel bad. Trying to prove one’s point normally end up in malice, strife and unfriendly argument. Showing respect to other people’s opinion by keeping quiet will earn you respect, and will make people come to you for advice and to speak to you on issues, opinions and challenges.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree and if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, I did complete the exercises, some that I continually access and refer to, and some that I practiced.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Leadership for Dummies
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is that leaders are formed by their ability to embrace responsibility

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use examples from your own life.

i. In order to elicit cooperation, listen well and place the needs of others above your own.

This idea will be very important to me, because it will help me in making decision in matters or things that involve other people. When I was given the responsibility to be the head of the fishery unit of the state national youth entrepreneur farm and I made my first decision on how I wanted the farm to be run. I forgot to ask the people involved on how they wanted the farm to be run and I made the decision because I am knowledgeable in the field, which at the end of the day was criticized based on how they saw it. They saw the management of the farm from their needs perspective. They gave me reasons why they cannot go about the farm the way I suggested. That day, I learnt not to impose idea as a leader on anybody, but to hear people view on things even if they are not professional in the field.

ii. Leadership mostly involves getting other people to move toward a goal, but sometimes, it means getting people to wait if there is an unresolved conflict.

It reminds me when I was made the fisheries head unit of the entrepreneur community development service, C.D.S. A decision was made by the supervisor that every member of the C.D.S must come over to C.D.S farm to feed the fishes. A timetable was prepared and everyone in the group were complaining about such arrangement or responsibility on their part to come over to the secretariat to feed the fishes. All the complained that they can’t come over to feed the fish and that the expenses of coming over is too expensive. It was an unresolved conflict that lasted for weeks. When they were forced to come over to feed the fish, almost half of the fishes died during the first week. In the next meeting, I suggested the practical way out by putting their interest first and we came to an agreement. The supervisor and I wanted them to find interest and learn how to rear fish during the service year, but I waited for the supervisor decision to be in action in order to see the attitude of the group toward the fish project. When I saw the group attitude toward it, I made a decision to be responsible for the task of taking care of the fish. I made that decision, because I realized that we are new in service and none of us really understood the need of having an additional skill. The conflict was resolved and within few weeks their interest in fish farming grew.

iii. You’ve got to have enough confidence in yourself that you’re not worried about being fired for saying or doing the wrong thing, you cannot let anything scare you

This idea is important to me because, it explained why I refused to make most decision that would have lead to productivity in my place of primary assignment. We have overcome many challenges in term of losses that would have earned use huge success in my place of service. These losses made decision making kind of difficult for us for few weeks. Reading through this idea is helpful to me, because it has restored my professional confidence and decision making in my place of primary assignment.

iv. The drive to succeed is composed of aggressiveness, self-confidence, and the ability to communication.

This explains to me why most of the drops out people with social skill are making it. I made daily motivation my aggressiveness and self-confidence my drive to reminding and propelling me to success, but I have not thought of it in communication. This idea will go along way in helping me taking and seeing communication as an essential tool toward succeeding.

v. The only way you can make decision well is if you have information – and lot of it

This idea is important to me because decision making in life goes a long way in affecting ones life. This is the reason why the bible says that my people perished because of lack of knowledge, and knowledge I believe is information. Before I was sure of the career I wanted to pursue in life, I made a lot of enquiring and guidance from the internet and from people that are already in the field, knowing that my decision of a career today would go along way affecting me in the future. Gathering information and knowing more about my choosing career gives me joy and more creative vision in the field. I now know more about my chosen career and the area I wanted to specialize in.

vi. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear In the face.

This idea is important to me because, I have learnt to take risk and not to fear in taking any step when it comes to doing business or making decision. Working with a boss that has overcome different challenges in business, who believe that anything worth moving forward needs to be moved, and in moving it forward there is risk. I was sent to my state to buy fingerlings, about 15,000 fingerlings to be transported through a 15hours journey. The next day after introducing the fingerlings into the pond, 10,000 pieces of the fingerlings died. And my boss reaction to the loss was different from mine. I lent that day, that in life there are loss and there are gain, you loss by gaining strength and in strength you loss fear-that what makes you a man.

vii. Use silence as a weapon. Do not immediately respond to what people say, if you think that they are giving you nonsense, don’t argue back at them.

This idea is important to me because, I always felt better and non judgmental anytime I kept quiet in any situation I found myself, especially when sitting in the midst of people who are saying nonsense. Reading through this content, this idea will help me in communicating better. I argued a lot most of the time when I am trying to proof a point or convey a message and this usually made me feel bad at the end of the day.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Embracing responsibility as emotional intelligence by working with people and their emotion would help me in my daily life to be a non judgmental person, to respect people and to be considerate in my dealing with people

4. Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The real potential leader is the person who volunteers for the tasks that no one else wants to do and then does them In such a way that everybody wants to help out”. When I was made the head of the fishery unit of the N.Y.S.C entrepreneur fish farm of the state, and there was a conflict in managing the fish farm. When the entire entrepreneur member said that they cannot be coming over to feed the fish and I took over the responsibility. Since I took over the management, every member are now interested in the fish farm when they saw the growth of the fishes.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful.?

Yes, the book contains some exercises for me, some of which I completed and was very useful, and some which I look forward to put in practice

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?



A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to other? 9
E. What is the overall rating? 6

The Law of Attraction
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is the conscious awareness of things that happens in our lives as a result of our thought and the deliberate use of thought to attract the right things into our life

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use examples from your own life.

i. When you constantly expect that which you persistently desire, your ability to attract becomes irresistible.

This idea is important to me, because of the outcome I got from my persistence desire for a particular need. When I was robbed of my laptop, I said to myself that “I will get another one that is better than the one they stole”. I didn’t say anything more than that immediately the armed robber left. Whenever I see people with laptop, I will say to myself that I will buy my own very soon, “this month” I said to myself. I consistently telling everybody around me that I want to buy a laptop whenever they say anything concerning computer and browsing the internet. When I got the laptop in the month of august 2010 and how I got and saved the money was God. It is not that the monthly salary of 3000 naira they pay me in my place of primary assignment or federal allowance was enough for it, but how I got it was God. Because I said I will buy it on august, even when I only have 19,000 naira. Suddenly I got a call that my state is paying our bursary of 25,000 naira which will had apply for while in school. I went and collect the money, and I also got some money I had hoped will come my way that month. That is how I got my laptop, with my strong desire and my persistent thought of how to get a new laptop.

My boss son was complaining about a laptop bag they gave him to be using for school, that he did not like it. He said that “when his friends and other course mate sees the bag, they will called him big boy” thinking that he had bought a laptop when they sees him with the bag. I asked him if he did not have the desire or feeling of getting his own laptop. I said to him that he should start developing the thought and the feeling of having his own laptop, which he should start faking, since he said he would love to.

ii. When you expect something you do not want, you attract the undesirable.

This idea is important to me, because I have learnt that what you don’t want but desire is covetousness and can kill you. The day I went to an aunty house in the church and I saw her laptop, immediately I wish for it. One day when I was on my way to the cyber café with my laptop and the thought of having that aunt’s kind of laptop came to me, I said “how can I get this kind of her laptop when I already have a good one am using. I didn’t give myself any reason why I wanted that kind of laptop and what is going to happen to the one I already have. Is it going to be stolen or what for me to buy that kind of laptop? I didn’t know what to say, but I rebuke the thought of it been stolen, so I ignore the entire thought about the laptop. Two minute immediately I got to the café, armed robber came in pointing a gun at me, and only my laptop out of the laptops in that café was stolen. What I said immediately to myself after the armed robber had gone was that I am going to get another one better than this and it going to be that aunt’ kind, though I did not desire to be robbed. But I know that day that I attracted something I did not want, I could have been shot dead or injured due to the covetous desired I didn’t give a better thought to.

iii. Allowing it and identifying contrast

Allowing it and identifying contrast. This idea is important to me, because I believed that you are responsible for what happen to you. I discovered that in my life nothing happen that am not expecting or have not thought of or in some case where you are not sure of what you want and what you don’t want. Things happen that will have thought will happen to us, either by saying it aloud due to anger or displeasure or in happiness or in an excited state or thought of it. For example, when I was going for my national youth service corp. N.Y.S.C. program and I board a particular company’s bus to the state I was posted to. A lot of things happened on the way that made me say to myself that “I will never board that company’s bus again in my life” and if I do, something undesirable should happen. Fortunately for me, I was sent to my state by my boss to help him with some goods and life fish. I booked and pay for a whole bus, and the next day that the bus ought to pick our goods in the place where will had made arrangement, where the life fish are already waiting to be picked. The company disappointed us that day and I don’t have any option but to go around looking for another bus that would carry the goods, but didn’t see any. I was desperate for a bus, because of the life fish that I was to transport with me to such a long distance. Fortunately for me, the bus I have proposed in my life not to board was the savior. I paid for the bus immediately despite additional cost. When we left for the journey and a lot of things were happening to us on the way. I asked myself why was this happening to me and Immediately I got an answer to it. I remembered what I said about using that company’s bus. I prayed by rebuking what I said concerning using that company’s bus, for journey mercy and immediately I felt better.

iv. I am in the process of

I am in the process of. When I wanted to get my laptop, I would say that I am going to buy my laptop this month or next month. Although, I know that I don’t have the money, but my belief that am going to get a new laptop was so strong that I see beyond my lack

v. Abundance is a feeling, be more deliberate to include the feeling of abundance in your current vibration.

Abundance is a feeling, be more deliberate to include the feeling of abundance in your current vibration. I discovered that it is easy to include the feeling of abundance in my life when I don’t feel depressed or worrying about anything. When am worrying or feeling depress, it take an additional motivation for me to set myself in the mood to think abundance into my situation. The feeling of abundance can easily be made deliberate into ones current vibration if one is at peace with him/herself. This idea caught my attention and is important to me, because I see the explanation on how to deliberate include the feeling of abundance into ones current vibration working.

vi. When you meet somebody and before you even learn their name, you catch yourself saying wow, I don’t like their energy.

This idea is important to me, because it make me understand that whatever you give out or received from others will have a long lasting impact on my or and their personality – the way I see the person and the way the person sees me. When I met some guys in the state where I was posted to serve, and one of the guys opened up, telling me of different places in the city where I could go and drink and womanized. He said a lot of gibberish thing that I exclaimed “wow”, and saying to myself that, this guy didn’t even allowed me to speak in other for them to know the kind of person I was before they give such counsel. The thought of unseriousness always come to my mine anytime I set my eyes on that particular guy.

vii. Always say yes to money.

This idea is important to me, because I have developed this attitude of saying no to money whenever people give it to me and I don’t really sees it as a bad attitude. I always say no to people when they extend their hand to give me money even when my intention was to collect the money, or even when I needed it desperately. One day a very young boy and his brother saw me refused to collect the money their father gave me, and one of them had noticed that attitude of mine. He asked me “why did you like refusing to collect money whenever somebody is giving you”, and i don’t really have a good reason for doing it. Finally, I said to him that it was tradition. Truly, the reason for refusing to collect or say yes to money when people are giving it out is a traditional thing in Yoruba land, though their intention is to collect the money, because you know that person is going to persist that you collect it and finally you will collect or say yes to it.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Deliberate use of the law of attraction would help me to become a better person in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world by selective use of thought. To always thinking about the things I wanted and to close the door to my mind of the things I don’t want, knowing that my thought will bring what I want into my life that will affect people around me

4. Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

i. “Be selfish”: sometime we see the meaning of some words in the dictionary the other way round with its meaning , but the author statement of being “selfish” caught my attention having another meaning to me, which I called “ knowing the different”. Sometime I don’t really know the difference between making the right decision and what people are thinking about that particular decision, although you know you are doing the right thing. You stand in the position of either pleasing the people around you or not at peace with yourself. Reading this statement by the author, I say to myself “ be selfish about doing the right thing and be at peace with yourself” as long as you are doing the right thing and making difference.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so, why?

No, I think the examples given by the author explain most of the points

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful?

Yes I did and I found them very useful, like deliberate altering my thought in any situation.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?



A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating: 699



The Power of Intention
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is the understanding of intention as a powerful tool of purpose that nothing occur by accident

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use examples from your own life

The seven ideas which are personally most important to me are;

i. Power of intention has to be creative or nothing would come into existence

ii. Your presence allows others to feel better about themselves

iii. The way to establish a relationship with spirit and access the power of this creating principle is to continuously contemplate yourself as being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce

iv. To realize your desire, match them with your inner speech. Keep all inner talk focused on good reports and good results. So, if you match desires with inner speech, those desires will ultimately be realized

v. Think from the end

vi. Show kindness to all of life

vii. You don’t need a reasons to be happy, your desire to be so is sufficient

Power of intention has to be creative or nothing would come into existence. This idea is important to me, because I see creativity as what purpose or power of intention is all about. I have always asked myself, that what is the difference between me and somebody else in my field of study? The answer I got from within me was that, the difference is the realization of the creativity of what the purpose is all about. Since then, I began to think of what people in the field had done, what is yet to be done and what I wanted to do. These gives me a lot of creative ideas about what I want to do and realization of creative thought behind my chosen career.

Your presence allows others to feel better about themselves. This idea is important to me, because I had enjoyed the feeling of expressing myself and sometime felt very lively when with a particular sets of people. For example, I noticed that I always felt very lively and l talk much in fellowship by way of contribution. I noticed this whenever I sit near Michael, damilola, peter and aunty bola in the fellowship. But the case is different when am sitting beside some sets of people in the fellowship. Whenever I was in the fellowship and I have something in mind to say, I intentionally sit beside these people. I studied their lifestyle and I learnt what make them comfortable to be with and I imitate the characters.

The way to establish a relationship with spirit and access the power of this creating principle is to continuously contemplate yourself as being surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce. This idea is important to me, because I always ask myself questions about anything that happen to me whether good or bad. For example, when I first came to my place of primary assignment and it was very quiet without much to do in the place. I found the place very quiet and lonely, because I was the only youth corper serving there. I started asking myself questions about how I had portrayed the place to be before coming. I began to create what I wanted the place to be and what I wanted to be doing as I had imagined it. Things started to happen in my place of primary assignment as I had imagined it. I was able to do this, because I knew that nothing happen by accident and the realization that the condition one found his or herself is as a result of his/her thought. I knew that thought is invisible and it is a spirit that brings about or to past anything communicated in it.

To realize your desire, match them with your inner speech. Keep all inner talk focused on good reports and good results. So, if you match desires with inner speech, those desires will ultimately be realized. This idea is important to me, because I have made it a habit of asking myself questions whenever my expectation toward a particular desire is not coming forth. There are times that I wanted something, and when the thing is not showing forth I ask why. For example, I had the desire of going into university of Lagos to study marine biology, and I was denied the admission. I asked myself why I was denied the admission knowing that am a brilliant type. And the answer was that I didn’t focused my attention on the possibility of gaining the admission and I was not really ready to go into the university that year, seeing that my focus was on the possibility that our school may be called up for youth service that year. After I got answers to my questions, I was sure that my school will be called up for youth service, which they did. So, I am very sure that when my heart desire matches with what I think and am focused on good reports, that the desire is right and will be realize.

Think from the end. That is, assume within yourself the feeling of the wish being fulfilled, and keep this vision regardless of the obstacles that emerge. This idea is important to me, because it keeps me going when I see myself from what I portrayed it to be in future. Anytime the thought of not living up to my expectation or whenever the doubt about what the future holds, I became afraid. But when I think of what I want to be from the angle of a fulfilled dream, I draw hope and strength from it and review my plans of getting there.

Show kindness to all of life. This idea is important to me, because I felt guilty, touched and challenged while reading through this page. The story told in this page by the author’s daughter of how her life got changed by a stranger heart of kindness, and how she passes the same kindness on. I decided to extend my own heart of kindness that particular day, by paying somebody else transport fare .Although it was difficult for me to practice at that moment, because it was the last money with me, but I decided to practice it in a difficult situation. After I gave out the money that day, I began seeing kindness as a thing that can be practice regardless of your status. I learnt from this idea that anything you give out from within you at a moment in your life, whether small or big, its value is defined by the feeling in which is being given out and the feeling it gives or needs it met to the person that received it.

You don’t need a reason to be happy, your desire to be so is sufficient. This idea is important to me, because I believed that it is a good idea to be happy and not until you have a reason to be. Life can be very unlovely and boring when one is waiting for a reason to do anything. When you wait for a reason to be this or that, you get stranded, frustrated and never have the reason to do what you wanted to do that will bring you joy. When you are happy over nothing, you find happiness in all things. For example, when I was at home around my family and I jump up excitedly and stand dancing, because of the thought of a bright future. I have use the thought of a brighter future as a reason to be very excited and happy, but my mentality on what keeps me happy and excited changed last two years when I fell ill and almost died. I realized during the period of the illness that one should always be happy and thankful for being in good health.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Knowing that everything created has its’ intention. This would help me in practical ways, both in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world by tapping into every opportunities nature has to offer.

4. Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention?if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Stop taking yourself so damn seriously”. This quote is important to me, because reading it make being offended a joke to me. The content of this idea make it too simple to let go what would usually offend me. I have put this idea in practice, and anytime I am worried, offended or not happy, I would say to myself “stop taking yourself so goddamn serious”. Anytime I said that to myself I felt better and unserious about that situation.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful?

Yes, I completed them and I find them useful and helpful, it makes you a better person and you worriless.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?



A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
E. Would you recommend it to other? 10
F. What is the overall rating 700



Unlimited Power
Assessment Elebiju Sunday Tope (Nigeira)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is the act of knowing what you want and modeling who you want to be is a source of unlimited power toward achieving anything in life.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use examples from your own life.

These ideas are;

I. Whenever we feel we can’t do something- we can’t approach that woman or man, we can’t talk to the boss, and so on. We can change our states and empower ourselves to take action either by changing the pictures and dialogues in our minds or by changing how we are standing, how we are breathing, and the tone of voice we are using.

II. If you can find enough reasons to do something, you can get yourself to do anything

III. The man who never alters his communication patterns finds himself in the same dangerous ooze

IV. The key to life is opening up as many avenues as possible, trying as many doors, using as many different approaches as it takes to solve a problem

V. The more flexible you are, the more options you create, the more doors you can open, and the more successful you will be.

VI. To model excellence, you should become a detective, an invigilator, someone who asks lots of questions and tracks down all the clues to what produces excellence

VII. They had the ability to read others, to know what response they were getting and they kept adapting, kept adjusting, kept changing their behavior until they found what worked

Whenever we feel we can’t do something- we can’t approach that woman or man, we can’t talk to the boss, and so on. We can change our states and empower ourselves to take action either by changing the pictures and dialogues in our minds or by changing how we are standing, how we are breathing, and the tone of voice we are using. This idea is important to me, because I discovered that whenever I did something perfectly well or expressed myself better; it was as a result of changing my mood to a particular mood of somebody I had pictured to imitate knowing clearing want I want to do or express in another body. For example, the first day I went to some of the classes in the university to create awareness on education and empowerment and the fear of facing the university student gripped me while sitting at home. In order for me to overcome the fear I change the pictures of what I see the university student to be, I changed my facial expression by putting on smile on my face and doing a small rehearsal at home. I changed my entire thought and I acted by going to the school without giving another thought of fear, because I had enough reasons to go. But this can be very difficult for me at times, because I find it hard to see clearly the pictures of the person I want to change my system to be at a particular situation. For example, when you want to talk like a stout in Lagos, you find it very easy to do, because you know who they are and how they talk in a particular situation. I remember perfectly well the day I put up a very wonderful drama display in church that I had a vivid picture of the character I wanted to play and I was motivated by the thought of the character to change my entire system to imitate and play the role.

If you can find enough reasons to do something, you can get yourself to do anything. This idea is important to me, because I know that the only way you can be motivated to do anything in life is when you have reasons or motive for doing it. I remember when I told Lightweave that I wanted to write a proposal to build a library as my personal community development project, and he advised me on what to do. The reasons behind the proposal was to allow people to freely participate in the program by taking away the constraint that will be secure by lack of access to computer and for me to get a national award for such initiative. I had a lot of reasons for the library, and I thought I will be able to raise fund. But when I got a better idea on how to go about it, the reasons for accepting the idea change and my purpose of saying I want to facilitate the IIGL program change. I ask myself of the reason why I decided to facilitate the IIGL awareness, and I found out that doing it for national award will not motivate me to go about it, because I have realized that doing anything because of the national award has prevented me in bringing out my best in service. When I discovered the real reasons to start facilitating the program, it turn out that I wanted to facilitate the program because I wanted to train myself to be able to speak to the public by using IIGL as platform. This reason was strong enough to get me started, which after some class made me to realized that I can speak to the public and also realized some of my weakness.

The man who never alters his communication patterns finds himself in the same dangerous ooze. This idea is important to me, because I find it very unreal and challenging trying to alter your communication patterns, but am now encourage to alter it knowing that it is not what I perceived it to be but what other has seen it to be. For example, when I was in secondary school, I trained myself with a better communication skill. I started keying into my peers way of communication, because I don’t want to been embarrassed when seen as forming white men way of life. I met a Nigerian who is a citizen in America during the time I wanted to go to the N.Y.S.C. camp, and he told me he wanted to be my mentor which I accepted. I started imitating the way he communicate with me whenever am talking to him on phone and while I was in camp. This communication pattern helps me for a while in camp, but not for long. I said not for long because I didn’t communicate with him for some time.

The more flexible you are, the more options you create, the more doors you can open, and the more successful you will be. This idea is important to me, because I have being trying to be flexible in opening up to opportunities outside my field of study. I believe in being flexible and I know that the more flexible you are the more successful you will be, but I have a little problem of being flexible in other career not related to my filed of study, and I have being trying to change that despite the ability I have to be very creative in other field in terms of ideas.

The key to life is opening up as many avenues as possible, trying as many doors, using as many different approaches as it takes to solve a problem. This idea is important to me, because I have tried it and realized that every situation has their own way of approaching them, and you can only get to an end to different situation only when you tried them. While meeting different people during the IIGL education and empowerment awareness, I faced challenges that force me to think of different ways of passing across my messages. This different ways of passing my message was as a result of what I faced with different class of people. So opening up as many avenues as possible, trying as many doors and using as many different approaches has helped me discovered a lot of ways of carrying out my plan in going about the facilitation if I want to continue, leaving out the fear of facing crowd.

Model excellence, you should become a detective, an invigilator, someone who asks lots of questions and tracks down all the clues to what produces excellence. This idea is important to me, because I believed in modeling and I know that you do better in what you know and what and who you model. For example, I know that to become somebody in a particular field of life, you need to think and act in the person’s own personality and doing that I believe gives you a sense of who you really want to be today. The reason I said this is because I believed that when you what to excel in life and you know somebody who has been to the place you want to be, it is easy to get there when you know that person and model him/her. That is why testimonies is a powerful tool of getting what you want. For example, when you see people giving testimonies on TV, the way you believe the testimonies is different to when somebody you know and close to you give such testimonies. You believe strongly that, if this can happen to her, I can also pray for my own situation and receive the necessary answer. This I said because I have experience it. This is one of the reasons I find it hard to imitate or model someone who I have not seen doing a particular things I wanted to do.

They had the ability to read others, to know what response they were getting and they kept adapting, kept adjusting, kept changing their behavior until they found what worked. This idea is important to me, because I believed that for somebody to get things done, he or she must know that he or she will be dealing with people and character. And when you are dealing with human and character one should be able to change is action to fit with his/ her expected outcome. For example, I was able to cope with the work I have being given in my community development service using this idea knowing that we always discuss money in the CDS and this always bring quarrel.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

This lesson will help me in practical ways, both in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better world by making sure I know what I want, know the people who has achieved what I wanted and modeling their life style to achieve my result.

4. Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

” to effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others”. This quote is important to me, because with the realization that we are all different in the way we perceive the world; this will make one drop his ego when it comes to proving a point in an argument or in discussion that would have lead to conflict; making you at peace with yourself and saving you a lot of inconvenient thought after a conversation.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful?

Yes, the book contains some exercises for me, some of which I completed and was very useful, and some which I look forward to put in practice

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?


A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating? 10



Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is that written goals is the reality of vision

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use examples from your own life.

I. Goal setting is so powerful that the very act of thinking about your goals makes you happy, even before you have taken the first step toward achieving them

II. It is you personally who is usually the major roadblock that is setting the speed at which you achieve any goal that you set for yourself

III. Your super conscious mind is stimulated by clear, written, specific goals, intensely desired, visualized regularly, and constantly worked toward.

IV. Refuse to be surprised or upset when events do not work out the way you thought they would or should

V. Make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they may be. Don’t merely dream but create!

VI. Sometimes, if your emotion is intense enough and your visual image is clear enough, your goal will immediately come true

VII. The way that you develop courage and confidence is with knowledge and skill, most fear and doubt arises out of ignorance and feelings of inadequacy of some kind

Goal setting is so powerful that the very act of thinking about your goals makes you happy, even before you have taken the first step toward achieving them: This idea is important to me, because thinking about my goals most of the time give me a clearer pictures of the goal and more possibility of it coming to pass, and knowing this makes you want to jump and scream, relax and feel very happy even before you take any step toward achieving it. For example, sometime when am in my room and thinking that service will soon come to an end, asking myself of what next after service make me scare. But when I look at my goals and think about them and how I was going to go about it make me happy, relax and with more idea on how to go about it.

It is you personally who is usually the major roadblock that is setting the speed at which you achieve any goal that you set for yourself: This idea is important to me, because taking actions in some situations has proved to me that whatever I think about and acted upon is possible, and I am the roadblock to whatever I think and don’t act upon because nobody is/was preventing me from acting. For example, when I was in school and I told my friend that we should go house to house to speak with house owners on setting up a homestead fish farm for them in their houses. We were scare and we saw it as a waste of time. We acted on it and most house owner bought the idea, but we lack financial support from the house owners, because they wanted us to use our money to start it first, thereafter they can invest in it following the success. With this we left the idea, but we realized that we can do whatever we think and acted upon. Another example is when I told the president of IIGL that I wanted to facilitate the IIGL program here in Nigeria. I was so motivated that I forgot the thought of standing in the front of university student and corps member. When I was about to start and I started thinking of what to say and how to go about it, the thought of how to face the university student came into my mind bringing fear to me. I tried to ignore the fear and I motivated myself that I can do it and that I won’t quit until I try that I can do it, and moreover that Micheal is aware of it already. I prepare what I wanted to say and this give me additional confident, and I put smile on my face and I jump up and went straight to the university. When I got to the school and I spoke with the classes representatives and meet some of the student, I discovered that I was afraid or scared of nothing, that I can even talk to them without being intimidated. And that if I didn’t go I won’t know what I am capable of doing and I would have being the roadblock to my self of learning the challenges and skills of addressing people in public.

Your super conscious mind is stimulated by clear, written, specific goals, intensely desired, visualized regularly, and constantly worked toward: This idea is important to me, because I have been using it as a reminder toward launching myself to think and put my ideas down and align them with my goals. For example, I was alone in my room one day and I was feeling so inconvenient with fear showing all over my face. I felt so inconvenient and uncomfortable, and I ask myself “why am I like this”. And I realized that I have being trying to write want I wanted to be doing after service the previous day, with the confusion and fear of seeing the possibility of it coming to pass immediately after service. I forced myself to think, write the goals and I wrote the step by step of how to go about it with daily imagination of seeing the possibility of the way I will be going about it. Thinking about it gives me new ideas and what I wanted to do become clearer and specific, and I knew that the way to realize it is to start acting on it which am yet to.

Refuse to be surprised or upset when events do not work out the way you thought they would or should: This idea is important to me, because I made the mistake of allowing myself to be discouraged twice when I found out that the reaction I was expecting from my audience was not what I got. When I went to the entrepreneur community development service unit to tell them about IIGL, and I was expecting that they would jump on the opportunity of getting the information and register for the IIGL program. Most of them rejected the information, because it required them reading and writing assessment which they are not ready for as a graduate preparing for job market. I was shocked and surprise by their response, and a little bit discourage. I went to HIV community development service unit and their response was very encouraging, and I gave out the institute web site to them, the same response was gotten from the Eco-vanguard community development service unit. The response I got from this two community development service unit encouraged me to go further, and this time I have developed a lot of courage to go to the university. When I went to the university, I spoke with one class and their response was not what I expected. Some of the student accepted me and the information, why majority of them seems unconcerned. I was a little bit discouraged, but I realized that the people that were interested in the program are the people sitting in the front seats and the people that seem unconcerned are people sitting in the back and middle seats, and this means that my voice was not audible enough. I spoke to a lot of class representative in the school and most of them invited me to their class, but I was unable to go because of the large size of their class and the need to be audible after my first experience in one of the class. I also learnt from this that I cannot do the facilitation alone.

Make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they may be. Don’t merely dream but create! : This idea is important to me, because I am also tired of dreaming without acting on them to make it reality. Dreaming everyday about something without acting on it can be very frustrating, so I have decided that I will be observant to look for the opportunity in order for me to make it happen.

Sometimes, if your emotion is intense enough and your visual image is clear enough; your goal will immediately come true: This idea is important to me, because I know that clarity of goal is important toward it achievement and the emotion attached to it determine your drive toward accomplishing it. I usually view different goals in my life differently, and discovered after reading this idea that the importance attached toward some of the goals is due to the emotion attached toward the need of accomplishing such goals. That is why you work more on a particular goal, may be because one sees it as the beginning of the accomplishment of other goals.

The way that you develop courage and confidence is with knowledge and skill, most fear and doubt arises out of ignorance and feelings of inadequacy of some kind: This idea is important to me, because I always felt inadequate when I feared that I am not competent enough to do something which I haven’t done before. For example, when I wanted to go to the university to tell them about IIGL program and I was afraid and felt reluctant. I asked myself “why am I afraid, despite I have stood in front of some corps member and spoken to them about IIGL program”. I now realized that I had problem passing the message to the student in detail to avoid unnecessary repetition with the fear that the university student can be very impatient.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

This idea will help me in a practical ways both in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better by writing and setting my goals in other of importance to allow me take effective action toward bring my goals to life. I believe that when I take action today toward achieving my goals, the realization of other people’s goal we also be achieved

4. Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you”

I. “See yourself as a bundle of resources capable of doing different things”. This statement is important to me, because thinking of myself as a bundle of resources capable of doing different things we help me in a lot of ways in term of being entrepreneur who can be in any business.

II. “Failure is merely an opportunity to more intelligently begin again”. This statement is important to me; because I have realized that failure is a creative process and it tells you how things can be done in different ways- in a better and more profitable ways. Failure compares your action with your idea. It opens a better way of going about a particular action. It give you experience about people, business and things during your course of action.

III. “To achieve something that you have never achieved before, you must become someone that you have never been before. This statement is very important to me, because it is the best I have ever read in a book. It give me more idea on how to go about becoming who I want to be and getting what I want to get by becoming the person the thing require of me to be in other to achieve it.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so, why?

No, the book explains itself better

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful?

Yes I did and I found them very useful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?



A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to other? 9
E. What is the overall rating? 9



Goal Setting 101
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is the step by step of leading your goal toward it achievement.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use examples from your own life.

I. Never stop thinking about your goal

Never stop thinking about your goal: This idea is important to me, because I know that as a man thinketh so is he. I realized that the only way to have more idea and the answer to what and how to go about your goal or something, is to continually thinking about it. Knowing your goal is a task on its own and defining it is another. And the only way you can know more about the goal in other to know how to go about it, is to continually thinking about. For example, I have developed the habit of asking myself everyday of how I really what to go about my life goal. The answer I always get leads me to another one, which is, what am I really doing about it now? To get better answers and how to go about doing something today; requires me to start thinking about the step I’m going to take in each goal. Thinking about the step I’m going to take everyday to know the reality of it, give me more Ideas about the step and more practical ways of going about it. Getting more idea about something make you have a focus toward achieving it, although taking action about it is another challenges on it own, but I have realized that thinking about it every time make it more simple to achieve. I said it will make the way you go about your goal simpler to achieve, because it will break it down for you to find opportunities in any activities.

II. Remain flexible

Remain flexible: This idea of being flexible in goal setting is important to me, because it is true that there are some factors you can’t change, especially when it come to setting goal for your educational career in part of this world. The idea of being flexible in goal setting is the only thing that can keep most people like me going in achieving their goals, because when somebody read some books on goal setting with the saying that you must keep with the deadline. Keeping with the deadline can be very frustrating at times when you set a date for achieving a particular goal, and you did not achieve the goal in that particular date. This makes you want to quit, because you are not aware that you need to be flexible in making it happen. For example, it is very difficult to set a goal regarding your educational career here in the part of the world, because you don’t really know a specific date when the schools in the country start their admission. When you gain admission into school for a four year course; you don’t know the particular date or year you are going to graduate, because of the monthly or yearly strike. For example, I have made goals for my schooling specifying the dates, and I will go over it again and again to amend the dates. I spent five years in school reading a four years course due to strike, sometime you go for three to eight month strike which you might have not imagined. Most time being flexible can be the best way to achieving the difficult parts of one’s goal.

III. Be unreasonable

Be unreasonable: This idea is important to me, because most of the things that prevent us from making or taking a particular step in life are because we reason with the stagnant crowd. Most time we reason with people that think most about the disadvantages of things, thereby making us reasoning in their direction. I think most reasoning is done by people who like knowing the defects of a solution or actions. For example, I have find it had to think big in the past about who I want to be, because you don’t have anybody in your environment that will tell you to think big or that you can be anything. All you hear around you is to start reasoning of how to get to school and get a job. I also remember the time when I said I want to do something and the response I here is- where did you want to get the money from or are you dreaming or are you ok. Sometime they will talk you out of it by telling you that you watch too much of Whiteman movies. Anything great you think about is very unreasonable to them and seen as a joke that you watch too much of movie or dream, most time you get are you ok for an answer. Today, I said to God that He have being answering my prayers, but why is it that I have not been asking Him for bigger things, and the answer I got was that I have been reasonable about achieving big things.

iv. Examine your speech

Examine your speech! You can and will inspire confidence with your words and vocal tone: This idea is important to me, because I saw boldness, courage and a doubt free word in the short sentence the author gave in watching your language. For example, the sentence- I can! , I will! , I’m on top of it e.t.c. These sentences have a lot of boldness, courage and doubt free in it, it gives you confidence that you can do something, and it will propel you to do something. For example, I was able to do some of the things I did in my place of service, just because I mistakenly open up my mouth to say I will, I can and am going to. I find myself doing well in things I cannot do before, just because I said I can do it. This made me to stretch myself in finding a way to go about doing it, even when I don’t have any experience in it and my word binding me to it.

v. Find a mentor

Find a mentor: This idea is important to me, because I believe in the power of mentorship and I know that it is the easy way to act on your goal, knowing that you have their present and guidance on a platter of gold. Having a mentor in your field, who has achieve what you want to is like undergoing a practical step in a laboratory to me. It takes extra mile effort without a mentor. For example, I have tried several searches on the internet just to find somebody who have carried out great work in marine biology in my country, but couldn’t get any; may be because internet is a hard place to find them. To get people outside the country who you can relate with in term of audio-visual to mentor you has also being a challenge. This is why acting on something is not all about theory, but practical and you find what you want to do clearly and easy with mentorship.

vi. Inspect what you expect

Inspect what you expect: This idea is important to me, because it is a tool for knowing your progress in what you set out to do. For example, when I inspect my action to compare it with what I expected it allow me to decide the course of action that is the best, and to know my progress.

vii. Learn to manage fear

Learn to manage fear: This idea is important to me, because I always thought that fear is the way of the weak and uncourageous people as most time portrayed. I sometime worry about my fear when it come to doing something I have never done before, and I know that I have to deal with it. I have learned to take a lot of steps, just because I feared about taking it. When I ask myself the reason why am afraid of doing a thing, and if couldn’t get any answer to it – I just close the fear in my mind and I just act. For example, I have learnt to manage my fear by just taking action having telling myself that am dealing with people, that the people don’t know if am shy or afraid because they don’t know me before, and that my fear is myself and the lack of knowing what am capable of.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

This idea will help me in a practical ways both in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better world by not acquiring what I don’t need through knowing what I want in setting my goals, thereby not depriving other people of thier needs.

4. Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you”

“Values lay the groundwork for your goals. Goals lead to the fulfillment of your mission. Your mission leads to the realization of your life’s work- your legacy.” This is important to me, because am convinced that our goals sprang up from our values. This will enable me to set goals that are not in conflict with what I value, because what I value is what I stand for.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so, why?

No, very simple explanation and easy to understand

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful?

Yes I did complete some.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?



A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating: 700



Non Violent Communication
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday Tope (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author conveys in this book is the creation of a better relationship with all men through the communication of empathic listening.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use examples from your own life.

The seven ideas which are personally most important to me are;

I. Let’s shine the light of consciousness on places that have the potential to yield what we are seeking

II. Taking responsibility for the feeling of others can be very detrimental to intimate relationships

III. If we don’t value our needs, others may not either

IV. Making requests in clear, positive, concrete actions language reveals what we really want

V. Reflect back messages that are emotionally charge

VI. In a group, much time is wasted when speakers aren’t certain what response they’re wanting

VII. Break patterns of thinking that lead to arguments or depression

Let’s shine the light of consciousness on places that have the potential to yield what we are seeking: This idea is important to me, because I always believed that I can go and stay in any part of the country that has the potential to yield what I wanted within a particular period of time. For example, I was sharing an idea with my friend who is a photographer that he can go to one of the state in the country, and open a studio there and make the money he needed to start big. Since there are universities in the state, and that it will be very easy for him with the kind of idea that he has and less competition. His reply was “I don’t want to go there and become a local champion, that he prefers staying in Lagos”. Now he is thinking of quitting the photography work due to the increased number of professionals and youth going into the business in Lagos state. I also spoke to one of my friends that the state am serving has a lot of potential for me in the fish farming business, that I can make it big since the people that are in the business are not really serious with it, because they don’t want to pay expert despite the potential of the business in that state and it neighboring state.

Taking responsibility for the feeling of others can be very detrimental to intimate relationships: This idea is important to me, because taking responsibility for the feeling of others had made me to make several unplanned decisions in the past and even in the present; because I felt I am responsible for the happiness and what is happening in my family. Although, my family happiness and joy is very important to me and in some way I should make it my business, but I discovered that thinking about it all the time and making myself responsible for it make me feel very uncomfortable, thereby making some unreasonable decisions at times, although it had also being a source of inspiration and motivation for me to strive to become successful. Thinking about them sometime whenever there are complain and quarrel at home, this make me feel depressed at time. For example, when I was planning to go for my grandpa burial ceremony in November 12, 2010 and I made a plan to go on the 9th of November. I received a call from my sister telling me to come over and talk to my younger brother concerning some issue. I made a decision that I will leave the next day to see my family, which I didn’t plan before. If I had not being doing a lot of reading on self development, I would have got into fight with a lot of people who I cherished due to the thought of allowing myself being responsible for wanting a better life out of them, knowing that I myself also feel unhappy at times because the way things are.

If we don’t value our needs, others may not either: This idea is important to me, because I realized that it is easy to judge people concerning the needs that we have not expressed. These unexpressed needs of ours can make us very frustrating, thereby resulting to blaming other people who are not aware of the needs let alone knowing its value. For example, I read what my younger brother posted on the wall of one of my cousin’s facebook, telling her that they have forgotten about us in the family, expressing his grievance and asking for his and the family wrong. He was generalizing the whole scene, and my cousin reply asking him about what he wanted and that nobody forgot him or any them. She asked him of what he wanted, and what he is doing or want to do. She told me that my younger brother does not know what he want and that he cannot just sit at home doing nothing, telling me that he didn’t expect her to know what his needs are ,when she is not a magician and that she also has needs. Am writing this, because she, her parent and my family were not in good term and it is difficult for us to relate. I made effort talking to them; I realize that everybody has his or her pride, and that nobody will just extend a helping her to you when they don’t know if you needs it. when I was broke this week, I send one of them a mail and she did say she will send something which am yet to receive, but I know that I have express my needs putting down my ego and I received a response.

Making requests in clear, positive, concrete actions language reveals what we really want: This idea is important to me, because I know that it is a difficult thing to make one request really clear let alone of expressing it in a positive and concrete ways. I said this because I realized that I find it difficult to express myself when the request am making is not clear to me or well written down for clarity to allow sequential order in it presentation. Sometime, a goal or the purpose of doing a particular thing would make me confuse, because the clarity of what the goal or the purpose is about is not yet defined. I get to know what I want when it is clear to me, which when share to people allow me to communicate better with boldness and in positive present language’

Reflect back messages that are emotionally charge: This idea is important to me, because it will help me in communicating better. I said this idea will help me in communicating better, because I like listening a lot rather than talking, and I don’t usually know when to really respond to a conversation when a person who has completely taken over a conversation want me to support or respond to him or her. I really have this challenge of wanting to just say something in a conversation when all I want to do is just listen, because I don’t want the other person to see me as inconveniency for allowing them doing all the talking. But with this idea of reflecting back messages that are emotionally charge will make me a better listener and a good communicator, therefore relieving me of the feeling of being inconveniency to people. Reflecting back messages that are emotionally charged, with the knowing that people express their feeling when they are doing most of the talking and want a better feedback when they pause in the communication will really make me more of a better listener, by listening to what I need to grab in the conversation to reflect back in term of empathy.

In a group, much time is wasted when speakers aren’t certain what response they’re wanting: I put down this idea as one that is important to me, because reading the example that the writer gave in his book make me realized that leader or a spokesman are responsible for directing want they have to achieve what they wanted. When I went to Lagos last month and I was to present a short drama in the church, and the person in charge of the drama told me that the people who would be taking part in the drama was my responsibility. He gave the people their role, and he told me to bring out want I wanted to hear from their conversation, telling me the message they wanted to pass to the congregation. It look very great the way the drama was to be presented and very simple to act, because you are given what to be expected of, and what is required of the drama in term of letting you lead the role in your own way to bring out the response you needed, which fits the drama purpose.

Break patterns of thinking that lead to arguments or depression: This idea is important to me, because I don’t like leading myself to that point in a discussion that will eventually get to argument, which to me is a form of depression. For example, I have involved myself in the pass in argument that I got to know that people have ego, values and belief, which when you get to that point, which require you proving a point that may tamper with their belief, ego or values will bring about a conflicting argument. This conflicting argument or argument is always causing depression with the feeling of annoyance. Because of my past experience with argument, I have learnt breaking patterns of thought that could leads to argument.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

These ideas will help me both in my daily personal life and in helping me to create a better world by dealing with everybody as my customer in any communication, knowing that customers are always right, that people are entitled to their own opinion and expressed their feeling best.

4. Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? if so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

I. We “ say a lot “ by listening for other people’s feeling and needs : This statement is important to me, because I see it as a way of helping others and improving myself from being judgmental or being disgusted by people action which they have decided to act out in their own ways.

II. “Anything that is worth doing is worth doing poorly!”: This idea is important to me, because I see it as a way of starting something, getting something done with the idea that it doesn’t matter how I fumbled at it, but how I can get to know the way to perfect it by just taking a step of imperfection.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them useful?

Yes, I completed them and I find them useful and helpful, it makes you a better person and you worriless.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?



A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating 698

The Monk who Sold his Ferrari
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author was trying to convey in this book is about inner enlightenment of constant and never ending enrichment of the mind, body and soul. And consistently directing ones mind to living in the present which will leads to having boundless energy.

2. List seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List theses seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why it was important to you. Explain giving personal example from your own life.

The following listed below are seven ideas which are personally important to me.

i. On your death bed you will never wish you spend more time at the office, so start spending a little more time at home.

This idea of spending a little more time at home is very important to me, because of the huge transformative message it carries. It is easy for someone not to be able to balance work and family due to negligence giving little time to ones family. I am guilty of this and it’s a wake up call for me. Working to put food on my family table and to give them better life as being the major occupant of my mind, and neglecting spending time with my wife and children. Reading this book made me to come to the consciousness of balancing work and family relationship especially the communication aspect.

ii. Every event has a purpose and every set backs its lesson.

This idea is very important to me, because it gives me more of positive character and to neglect worries in my daily life and situations. I have learnt not to worry or loose sleep over any circumstances, but always look for solution and opportunities in whatever life throws at me. Most time I get more ideas and opportunities in the bad situation that I have found myself in the past. I now believed that every event has a purpose and its purpose will only be for my upliftment and stepping up in life stage, as I am now more confident neglecting worries. I believe that setback is to go back and pickup what you forgot behind for the journey ahead. With this believe, I have learned not to be afraid of what is happening around me, because I have built a strong positive personality that any event is for my personal improvement and success.

iii. Mind management is the essence of life management.

I always believed that the mind control ones mental health and I have learnt over time from my past IIGL books that I have studied, but I have never taught that I can really use it in such a way of managing my life. I have use my mind in the past to change taught and action toward some of my situation. I have used it to control my sleeping disorder as I now uses sleep for relaxing my mind. I don’t usually fall sick except when I am very disturbed or worried, worry is the only thing that make me fall sick in the past and I now have control over it. Reading this book has taught me that I can do better toward taking charge of my life, and that’s why this idea is very important to me.

iv. Create a positive pressure on yourself.

This idea is very important to me, because it enlighten me more about what creating a positive pressure means and how its actually a good thing to do toward achieving success. The idea that I should create a positive pressure by telling everyone I know about my goal and that there will be instant pressure on me to work toward its fulfillment since no one like to look like a failure. I believed in this idea and it has always work for me. I remember that I always tell my wife that if I tell one or two people about my goal, its always come to pass, and this has work for me in all occasions. She has not for once agreed to this Idea as she believed it is a foolish thing to do, that one do not know who want you to succeed in life, and its like giving ones enemy clue about your plan to succeed. I taught otherwise and reading this book has encourages me to continue doing so and create more goals.

v. When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new great and wonderful world.

This idea is important to me, because I have rediscovered myself, inspired and ignited to a great awakening to a purposeful life when I started working at my new job place. I always give free professional services willingly and wanting to improve peoples live through my innovative fish farming practices. When I got my new job as an aqua-culturist in an NGO that is into youth empowerment with the responsibilities to training youth on climate smart and sustainable aquaculture practices. I was happy and my dream started coming to live, I began reimagining how I want to go about my goals and achieving them. No day pass by that I would not have a single idea on how to achieve 100% success rate youth and community empowerment programs ideas. The taught of improving on the organization where I work and the NGO I want to establish brings me great direction and it has expanded my taught from I can’t do it mind set.

vi. Daily incremental improvements produce lasting result which, in turn, lead to positive change; such as reflect on your life regularly.

This idea is important to me, because one of major goal is great self improvement and knowing from reading this book that daily incremental improvements produce lasting results by reflecting on my life regularly. I am now conscious of what I do and reflects on my actions, I now ask myself daily questions about how I feel or how i should feel or react during, before or after an event or an action. I believed daily reflection will go along way in improving my personality. For example when my colleague say something to me, I try to improve on my response and on daily conversation. I have also see how daily reflection will improve my training facilitation.

vii. You must spend sometime everyday, even if it is just a few minutes in the practice of creative envisioning.

I usually enjoyed the moments when I engaged myself in creative envisioning , I feel peace and relaxation with a feeling of joy and fulfillment during this time. This idea is important to me, because I didn’t know before now that it is something I should do everyday , and I also was thinking it’s a childish act before reading about its importance.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

This ideas will helped me in a practical way both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better by:

By constantly engaging in creative envisioning will helped me in creating the better world I crave for as I have learnt that inward enlightenment is awakening and nothing is created in the physical without the mind, as the mind is the foundation of all creation.
By spending more time at home with my family will help me to understand the meaning of life, as charity begins at home and am sure this will help me in treating every individual as part of family that needs attention in the world I dream to create.
By properly managing my mind for favorable outcome will help me in achieving financial breakthrough, self-confidence, great personality and this will helped me in performing my duty of knowledge sharing for development and impactful living to my world

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

This is important to me, because I will start giving more priority to this simple and achievable tools call imagination practicing, and it will be my daily routine having know its more important than knowledge

“If you want to live life to the fullest, care for your thoughts as you would your most prized possession ,one should only thing pure thought.”

This is important to me, because it enlighten me about how to use my mind for a positive life and delete every negative thought that come to mind.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakens

This is important to me, because it draws my attention toward the direction to look into for controlling my life and for inspiration

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I did carried out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment

No, there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good.
and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10


The Nature of Personal Reality
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey is that our belief, thought and feelings form our reality.

2 What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

i. Once you understand that you form your reality, the you must begin to examine these beliefs by letting the conscious mind freely examine its own contents.

This idea is important to me, because having read through the chapter of this book about how I form my own reality by my belief, I started pondering to know how true this knowledge is and I started examining myself and there is no lie about the fact that my reality is formed by belief, feeling and thought . I did examined and pondered about some of the character I possessed now, both the one I am ok with and the one I want to get rid of, I realized it was formed by my childhood experience and belief. For example the fear of not be able to please people close to me, and seeing myself not competent enough to meet peoples expectation. This belief is one of the attribute I picked up from my mother while growing up, as she is more concerned about what people say. I changed this belief through my own personal ideology of me first.

ii. In order to dislodge unsuitable beliefs and establish new ones, you must learn to use your imagination to move concepts in and out of your mind.

I have learned about how powerful imagination can be in the previous book I read, but this book thought me how to channel and use it to shape my life, for example using it to dislodge unsuitable beliefs and in establishing a good and successful one. This idea is important to me, because I have started imagining how I can use it to move concepts, character, feelings and actions in and out of my mind. For example having thought of a situation where I have unconsciously use this idea and how it has worked for me, I realized I have used it to change my shyness when I wanted to take part in a drama group and using my imagination to create a character that allow me to flow well with my role and silencing the shyness character. This has happen twice. This idea is more important to me as it will help me to build more on my creative self and in forming a better me.

iii. A man who is sure of himself is not angry at every slight done him, nor does he carry grudges. A man, who fears for his own worth, however is furious under such conditions.

This idea is important to me, because it make me realized why I reacted in certain way toward provocation, attitude or communication. This idea instantly change the way I relate and react to people actions or communication. For instant I always feel uncomfortable when my senior colleague at the office ask me some question or talk to me in a way I felt is rude or intimidating. I spoke to my wife about it and she told me that is call bullying at work place. I was surprised at her response and to find out such thing exist among adult. Reading this idea instantly affected my relationship with him and I don’t take any word from him as offensive, intimidating or provocative- I just laugh over it.

iv. Without aggression your body would be denied its growth, the cells within it caught in inertia. Aggression is at the base of the magnificent of creativity.

After reading about what aggression means in this book and the idea of how it contribute to growth and how its application to the body forcefully bring out the creativity in one’s life, I began to see its importance and the needs for me to apply it in combination with imagination in other to see it materialize as it is been imagined.

v. Do not be intimidated therefore by the past or the future. There is no need at all for undesirable aspects of your contemporary reality to be projected into the future, unless you use the power of the present to do so.

With the understanding that the power to create the future reality lies in the present and that I can form my own reality from cresting a new belief, and not looking back to the past failure or what I have at present to produce my desirable future reality gave me more confident to dream and create a formidable reality from my present situation. This idea remind me of what Christ said in the bibles that “old things has passed away, behold new things.”

vi. To look backward for the source of current problem can lead you into the habit of seeking only negative episodes from your past, and present you from experiencing it as a source of pleasure, accomplishment, or success.

When I read about this idea , I had to ask myself question if it’s really wrong for me to go to my past and ask myself about what I learnt from a certain past experience in order not to make the same mistake or repeat same actions. The answer I got was that it’s better for me to totally ignore the habit of looking into past experience as I already learnt and developed into a better person, and referring to past experience or situation will only give me mood swing and negative energy. I see this idea as a need to be totally be empty of experience that I have desired to leave in the past.

vii. Because you now distrust the imagination so, you do not understand the great clue it gives you, both in term of problem solving and of creative expression. A good percentage of your problems can be worked out rather easily through the use of your imagination.

I am very keen about the use of imagination so much and always interested to know how I can use it to achieve my desire goal. Knowing how to use it to work out my problem and challenges is one of the thing that make this idea very important to me.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will helped me in a practical way both in my daily personal life and in helping me create a better world by concentrating my energy and imagination using the power of the present to create the world I dream and desired.

4. Quotes: Is there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Only repressed communication leads to violence. The natural force of love is everywhere within you and the normal methods of communication is always meant to bring you in greater contact with your fellow creatures.”

This statement is very important to me, because he taught me that there is more to communication. It’s very important to me as I see it has having more value than money and if I can use the power of communication well, most of relationship and financial problem will be solved.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there are exercises for me to do, I did carry out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No, there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good.
and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 6
D. Would you recommend it to others? 7
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author was trying to convey in this book is that success begat and retain success through quality leadership practices and everything rises and falls on leadership.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you, use personal examples from your own life.

i. When you recognize your lack of skill and begin the daily discipline of personal growth in leadership, exciting things start to happen.

This idea is important to me, because I never thought of the importance of leadership skill to be becoming successful and in maintaining a great relationship. This book and its idea on leadership has enlighten me more about the real objective of this leadership studies in personal development and why acquiring the skill is the key in creating a better world. I have realized a lot of things while reading through this book and why I felt a lot of people need to understand what leadership is all about, and the need to identify with it is very important to identifying with success. This is an eye opener for me since I started IIGL studies. Deb, do you know that I told somebody who is close to me that works in an international NGO, that am taking a leadership course and how interesting it is in my personal development, his response was shocking to know how people don’t see the need to develop leadership skill as a relevant course in today’s job opportunities.

ii. No matter how much you learn from the past, it will never tell you all you need to know for the present, that’s why top-notch navigators gather information from many sources.

This idea is important to me, because I have been thinking lately of gathering more knowledge in aquaculture not wanting to be relying on my past experience alone, but to see if I can gather information that leads to more sustainable and adaptable fish production and practices. I am a training facilitator and I know that equipping myself with good updated information can help me to impact better knowledge to trainee and people who needs it.

iii. To lead yourself, use your head, to lead others, use your heart, that’s the nature of the law of connection. Always touch a person’s heart before you ask him for a hand.

This is a two in one idea that is very important to me, because it helps me with the understanding that there are two approaches in leadership, one is in leading oneself and the other is in leading others. This idea taught me to know that there is nothing wrong in touching people’s heart or getting to know someone before asking them for a hand or favor. I always believe in this idea and belief its part of character sharpening in getting to know who I am and how to engage others. When I came back from work after reading about this idea during break, I told my wife about this idea and she said ”I just read about it on a page I am following this afternoon.” This idea is very important to me because it will serve as a guide and also as a mentality orientation of what relationship goal should be about- a give and take approach is not a bad idea.

iv. The first ability that every leader must have is the ability to lead and motivate himself. Always keep your eyes open for people with potential.

This idea is important to me, because it gives me the idea of what to first understand and know to becoming a leader which is the ability to lead and motivate oneself. To be able to lead and motivate myself is something that occur often and naturally to me especially in a difficult situation where I need to get going, but I have never thought it’s a leadership trait. This make this idea very important to me, because I realize that I have the trait and can make use of the idea to becoming a leader.

v. Success come not from what you know, but from who you know and how you present yourself to each of those people.

This idea is important to me, because it’s one of those things I strongly believed. I always want to be in the company and environment of successful people and I am aware of how knowing successful people can be impactful and in achieving success. I have always encouraged this idea by supporting my wife to travel all the way to the city every Sunday to fellowship with people who she has always looked up to. In being in the company of this people, she has been encouraged to be smart and be expressive, this has built her personality and moral in preparing for the job she dream of.

vi. A key to empowering others is high belief in people.

I have been thinking of a way to do things differently to achieve a very excellent percentage result of empowerment goal, I was able to come up with a lot of ideas even before reading this book and after reading it was a confirmation of great feeling. I attended a conference called African Agribusiness Incubators Conference and Expo (AAICE) hosted by the organization where I worked. I was so worried about the statistics of fund given to various organizations in Africa with the empowerment figure achievement. I also was concerned with the result in my organization and so was my MDs concern. I have pondered about the way forward and what should be done, and a different approach should be taken in recruiting trainee for empowerment. I belief a strong leadership and high belief in people is the key toward achieving any empowerment goal, and this is why this idea is very important to me.

vii. Anytime you know that the step is right, don’t hesitate to make a sacrifice.

As important as this idea is to me so its difficulty in applying it when it comes to decision making. I am in a particular point in my life where I am sure am not where I should be, but am grateful to be here to improve on myself. I felt am in a shell and I needed to make the sacrifice to get out of it, I am always in the taught of what and when is the right time and step to take. And constantly asking myself what kind of sacrifice can i make when the step and time is right.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

In becoming a leader by creating connection and having belief in people will help me to become a better self, and having faith in people to bring the best out of them in performing what they are good at. This will help me in creating a better world where both human and capital resources are put to best use for the good of humanity. This idea will help me in my personal life by helping me to prioritize relationship of touching people’s heart and understand how I can get them to be creative contributing to human development.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“It’s not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strive valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy course; who at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

This quote is the most motivating quote I have ever read and anytime I thought of it; it encourages me to take a bold step and example of it was at the conference that I attended. I wanted to go to the podium and make a request and ask some daring question, but was not confident enough. I know I had to be practicing most of the things I have been reading about, but this particular quote got me stood up from where I was sitting and went to the podium to ask my question and gave my contribution. I am becoming a better person each and every day to take the steps I need to take when I thought of this quote.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I did carried out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No, there is none.

Please rate the following questions on the scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10


Full Steam Ahead
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that I think the author is trying to convey in this book is the power emitted in creating, living and achieving a vision

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to me and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why it was important to you. Use your personal example from your life.

i. Create a shared vision

This idea is very important to me, because it enlighten me of the importance and the need in creating a shared vision. It is also important to me due the fact that it gives a perfect real life situation of how having shared vision with one’s family, colleague or people who share the same value can speed up in achieving and sustaining ones dream. I have always tell my wife about my vision and I do ask her always about what she think for her contribution, but I have not for once talk to her about how we can come up with a vision together and run with it as a family.

ii. Look at your work from the perspective of its purpose, not just the activities you are doing.

This idea is important to me, because it helps keep me on track on how to go about my daily activities at work place. It guides me on my duty as a facilitator and what my job entails and how to align my innovation and creativity with the organization vision.

iii. The power of a picture works when you focus on the end result not the process to achieve it.

I try and assess myself to really know the impact of IIGL studies and the books I have been reading on my personal development, asking myself if I have changed or getting to becoming who I have pictured myself to be. I see the different but am just still curious of the development process. This idea is important to me because it will reshape my thought to focus on the picture rather than the process, knowing that concentrating ones energy on the process is exhausting and draining. I feel uncomfortable and tire when I think about the process, but feel encouraged and motivated when I think about the end result of what the picture of the vision look like.

iv. I believe we need values around integrity, relationships, and success, and we need to identify behavior that demonstrate what these values look like.

This idea is important to me, because it will help and guide me in becoming successful in my vision of creating great NGO with 100% empowerment achievement. I have been thinking and putting a lot of ideas on paper about how am going to create a different empowerment environment, and this idea has able to give me some of the clues I need to go about it, and identifying behaviors that demonstrate the values of integrity, relationship and success is a sure way of achieving great result.
v. If you think your self-worth is a function of your performance plus the opinion of others, then you are caught in a trap that leaves your self-esteem up for grabs every single day.

I have always thought that my performance is a function of my self-worth, although I don’t seem disturbed about the opinion of others. This idea is important to me, because I have been thinking about this at work, and constantly checking the company vision board anytime I come to work in order to be sure that am working in accordance with the organization vision of creating sustainable youth empowerment in urban agriculture and to Africa’s development, and not base on the opinion of what my colleague think of my performance.

vi. The journey is as important as the destination. The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step you are taking right now.

The reason this idea is important to me is because I realized how important it is to take a step and a need to just take a step no matter how little it is. After reading this idea I felt a need to take a big step in my relationship with my family and the people I want to be recognize with. I felt immediately that I need to look beyond my financial challenges and take that big step in my relationship value and this is why this idea is very important to me.

vii. By being honest about my present; accepting the tension and uncomfortable feelings, I can focus on my vision and discover new options.

This idea is important to me, because it described in reality the true feeling of what I feel most time about achieving my vision considering the tension and uncomfortable feeling I get about my finances presently. Immediately I stumble upon this idea I knew I had to put it in practice. This idea is important to me because I believe practicing it will open a new way for me and I believed that the idea that came to my mind during the weekend after reading this idea is as a result of it.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life, and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

This idea will help me in my personal daily life by practicing a shared vision that prioritize my personal relationship of spending time with my loved ones, sharing my dreams, taking care of my health and pursuing a worthy cause that involve carrying my family along in a shared vision.
This will help me in creating a better world by creating an inclusive environment of shared ideas, thoughts, values and creating atmosphere for participating in leadership experience that enable individual achieve a sustainable vision.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comments and to why they were important to you.

Yes there is a particular statement quoted by the author that got my attention and I think the statement cannot be more explained in a simple way than how the author explained it.

“If you don’t put in the big rocks in first you will never get them in at all. The big rocks are your loved ones, your dreams, your health, and worthy cause.”
This statement is important to me, because it make me understand the most important things to have in mind when setting ones goal and pursuing a vision for one’s life. An unhealthy life that is without good relationship with family cannot pursue a worthy cause. This is very important to me because I get to know that the foundation of a vision begins with loving yourself (this includes your love ones).

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I did carry out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No, there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10


The Gift of Imperfection
Assessment by Elebiju Sunday (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author was trying to convey in this book is that imperfection is a gift of practicing worthiness, and practicing courage, compassion and connection in our daily lives is the gift to achieving wholehearted living.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to me and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one to why it was important to you. Use your personal example from your life.

i. Knowledge is important but only if we are being kind and gentle with ourselves as we work to discover who we are. Wholehearted is much about embracing on tenderness and vulnerability as it is about developing knowledge and claiming power.

This idea is important to me; it says a whole lot about being oneself. It taught me that it’s ok to make mistakes, take steps and embrace its outcome, not to take things too serious, accept ones flaw, accept who you are and pleasing self. It taught that the knowledge of self-discovering is the most important part of ones life in discovering and embracing who we are. It taught me that the more knowledge I gain about myself the more power I claim to take charge of my tenderness and vulnerability and to be happy about who I am.

ii. We invite compassion into our lives when we act compassionately toward ourselves and others, and we feel connected in our lives when we reach out and connect.

This idea is important to me because I feel it and know that I needed to practice connection in my life, but not sure how to go about it. I have been thinking over a month now on how to get this connection thing going for me. I have thought of what to do and how to go about connecting and where I want the connection an who are the people I want to connect with that would help my connection flow to living wholeheartedly. The importance of this idea to me in practicing compassion and connection is feasible and achievable act of connection that will help me in my daily live.

iii. Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowing or unknowing attach judgment to giving help.

When my television got bad and I was unable to afford new one or repair it, I had to abandon it at the corner of the house and it took several months of not watching television with my kids in the house. One day a neighbor of mine who so much love gossiping came to my door step and told me he would like to give me one of his old TV so that my children can have something to watch, I was grateful for this and appreciated his kindness, but knowing I would have to convince my wife to accept his offer because she believed the guy will tell everybody around the neighborhood that he gave us TV. I had to share my ideology with my wife and encourage her that it is necessary to live beyond sentiment and to always receive every good thing no matter how little it is with open heart taking away judgmental attitude. I have been able to accept and live this idea and it’s important that am able to practice in my daily life.

iv. When we become more loving and compassionate about ourselves and begin to practice shame resilience, we can embrace our imperfection.

When I was growing up our elders use to tell us that in whatever we are doing we should have small shame. This type of thinking has impacted my life and how I approach things trying not to be embarrass with the thought of not wanting to be shamed. I have been learning and the process of being courageous, expressing myself no matter the outcome, and able to control my emotion. It is a good thing that I read this book and it is a good thing that I am empowered by this idea. This practice of shame resilience is very important to me, and I believe it will more boost my self-esteem as I continually practice it in a courageous manner in my daily life.

v. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver.

This idea reminds me of the important of looking up to oneself in taking a courageous step. I have in the past look up to a lot of people and I have been let down. As I started myself improvement journey, I got to realized that if I don’t do it, I should not expect anybody to- it’s a choice. For example, the people I look up to at work ended up looking up to me for creativity, if I don’t take the courageous step, they don’t. They feel more comfortable to take the step, because they felt if Sunday can do it, they can do better.

vi. If you trade in your authenticity for safety, you may experience anxiety, depression, blame, resentment, inexplicable grief and addiction.

Sometime I thought being who you are and wanting to do things the way you want is an issue, especially when most people think you are not doing things the way they want you to. I learned the different of being who I am to trying to being who people think I should. The sense of fitting in as being a thing I had struggled with and it has not work for me. I have try by all means to remain who I am and worked on the attribute that I admire in the person of me, I have learnt a lot it in this book and it is very important to my identity.

vii. How much we know and understand ourselves is critically important, but there is something that is even more essential to living a wholehearted life: loving ourselves.

The idea of loving oneself to be able to say I am different, he is different, we are not the same but unique in our different ways is important to helping me accepting myself for who I am and who he/she is. To not pick offence and saying is ok and not get offended having the knowledge that everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is important for me to discover that loving myself is essential to how I carry myself and perceive the important of my thought to influencing my happiness and not people opinion.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

Accepting who I am and my vulnerability means accepting people for who they are. This understanding will help me to create a better world by practicing the act of acceptance, embracing others, myself and our vulnerability while working together to create and achieve a sustainable goal for a better world for everyone.

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Fitting in and belonging is not the same thing, and in fact, fitting in get in the way of belonging. Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be accepted. Belonging on the other doesn’t require us to change who we are, it require us to be who we are.”

The statement is so true for me as it help me to define myself in any situation or character identifying, to place my sense of belonging first to fitting in the situation thereby putting my authenticity into consideration.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6 Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book contains many exercises for me and I am in the process of practicing them. I also completed some of the exercises which are very important to me.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10


The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main the idea that the author is trying to convey in this book is developing the habits built on principle to lead truly effective life

2. What were the even ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your life.

i. We give our first energies to our character development before we focus on techniques or how to be more effective with others.

This idea is important to me be, because it proved to me that I have taken a good step to personal and character development. It has helped me to understand that I must have whatever I want to give and also know what i want to receive. It is important to know that I must channel my energies toward developing and achieving the habits that make up the character I desired before thinking of a way of how to impact or influence others with it. The idea helped me to understand that whatever you desire to give is a reflection of what you have within, and it needs to be developed for it to show.

ii. Until you and I are independent, we cannot be interdependent; interdependent is a choice that only independent people can make.

This idea is important to me, because it will help me in interpersonal relationship and in effective communication. I get to understand that some of the little misunderstanding I had in the past and presently with some people when it comes to agreeing together on a matter can actually be due to lack of understanding of independent and interdependent knowledge . Until now, I have not taught or be sensitive of the impact of independent and interdependent on decision making, communication and relationship, and this is why having this idea in mind would help me to make non-judgmental communication and decisions and also in identifying my circle of influence.

iii. You can liquidate human resources by practice system focusing on desire result not considering production capability.

I had this issue at my formal place of work, and I had to resign. My boss has high expectation of what the production should be due to recommendation from external consultant. Everyone on my team knew that the recommendation was wrong base on the design capability of the farm, but my boss mind was already condition to believe that what the consultant had proposed is right and should be work on due to high investment on the facility. The desired result expectance was not feasible under the farm current design and facility, and we tried our best to convince our boss to no avail instead he felt we were not capable for the job. We struggled for a long time trying to achieve a different result under wrong design and it was frustrating and I had to resign. That’s why the understanding of this idea will help me not to make a balance between production and production capability in the future in my dealings with people.

iv. If you want to retain those who are in the present, be loyal to those who are absent.

There is this feeling of regret and guilt I get whenever I involve myself in conversation about someone in their absent. I became even more uncomfortable even with the person I had the conversation with. I am seriously working on building the habit of trustworthiness, never to talk about people in their absent and to learn to know what to say at the right time, when to be quiet and when to chastise someone about badmouthing others in their absent. This idea is important to me because it teaches me on building loyalty and it’s a very important value I desire to earn on my journey to achieving great personal growth and development.

v. Set aside time to go to a quiet place to think about your mission, what you stand for, purpose, values until its inspire you.

I have been doing this for some time now, and can attest to the fact that it has motivated me to take step whichever way I can. But this time, this idea is important to me because it helps me to identify the action needed to be taken to build the habit that identify with my mission, values and purpose. So setting aside a time to go to a quiet place to think about the habit that I need for the mission toward living the purpose is an idea that will help me with achieving greatness.

vi. Until we work on our character, we will not develop trustworthiness and trustworthiness is built on character and competency.

Some time I think about the reasons why colleagues and people seem to trust me with money easily, when some of them are aware of my financial condition. Even when I feel at times that I may disappoint them and also when I let them know the possibilities that I could use the money, am always surprise by their response of believing that I will find a way around. The belief of people in me in that area of my life has helped shaped my thought and character that I can be trusted with anything.

vii. Unsecure people make promise freely and quickly all the time.

This idea is important to me, because I am guilty of this. I always want to please people all the time and most time ended being hurt and also hurting the people I intended to please not being aware of the after effects of what making promise freely at the moment can have. I became aware of this after an incident between someone that was close, and the incident escalated beyond the simplicity which I had made such promise. I was hurt and am sure the other person, I was counsel by wife and business partner, and I was shocked by the revelation I got about myself and vulnerability that I make promise and commitment freely and easily which always push me to a very tight situation. And this also allow people to take good advantage of my kind of person. I have learnt from the past situation and going through this audio book and learning about this idea is a transformation with an important lesson learnt. I will be more of a compose person guiding my word.

3. How will this idea help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world. If so how?

Working on character ethic and personality development will help me to be reliable and trustworthy in both my personal life, relationship and at my place of business and work. Becoming a good example of great character and inspiring people to know that character development is first things first in the journey of human greatness will help shape new generation towards becoming better people and living their dreams.

4. Quotes are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment to as to why they were important to you.

“Share ideas with others.”

Its is important to me because it will help me to be more productive and creative as I share I also receive more insight.

“Apologize if you blow all the deposit in your emotional bank.”

It is important to me because it will help me to realign with my purpose, relationship and character when I make mistake and I just need to have the understanding to apologize.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there is exercise for me to do, I did carry it out.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10

Millionaire Mindset
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author was trying to convey in this book is for the reader to think and act like a millionaire, doing what a millionaire do, and what they do is managing money while the money work for them to produce more money.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you, use personal examples from your own life.

i. When you focus on your debt you acquire more debt, you focus on what you want and not what you don’t want.

This is a very important idea for me as it helps me to remain positive in the face of my financial challenge. It helps me to understand the need to manage debt by simply focusing on how money management helps to ease the pressure of what debt brings, and achieving a good financial attitude toward money matters. This idea is also important to me, because it helps me to go about how to solve my debt issue by having good rapport with financial agencies and focusing on how to be profitable while the debt will be automatically resolved using proper management practices. In my life, thinking about various debts acquired over time used to make my heart beat, but I realised as I grew and developed to be able to reduce the pressure debt brings into my life. Listening to this audio book has given me more insight in handling a debt situation and focusing on what matters and what matters in return makes me debt free.

ii. Success is a learnable skill spend money on education, learn your way to success and it helps you to continue growing.

I couldn’t disagree with this idea, and it’s important to me because the more I read and learn every day, the more I feel I need to read and learn more, and as I do I feel am successful already. Sometimes I feel the IIGL studies never end as a self-discovering journey for me. The more I learn and know new things, the more I feel I am adding height, growth, wisdom and freedom. What I learnt about success as an habit of millionaire, as simple as it may sound it’s not common, and one can only be aware of it through learning.

iii. Until you show you can handle what you got you won’t get anymore.

I always believe in getting results in every stage of my life before I proceed into the next. Having the understanding that jumping from one stage to another without properly managing the resources acquired in one stage. I am aware of this idea, that there are no excuses not to manage one’s resources given that each stage has their own strength of challenges and management, so if whatever is given or gotten is needed to be appropriately managed before jumping to the next phase of life. This idea is very important to me because it helps me to handle my resources very well and allow it to grow.

iv. The habit of managing money is more important than the amount.

This idea is very important to me because it help me to work on money management habit, and also imbibing it in my family especially in the life of my children as they are still kids and it’s the best time to start with them and not late for us. The idea of having jars to inculcate the habits of creating a financial freedom account is very important to me.

v. Commit to 20-30 minute per day to learn about investment and passive income stream and structure.

This idea is important to me because it helps me to think about diversifying into passive income stream to be financially free. The idea of committing 20-30 per day will help me to discover and identify new opportunities to be impactful to reaching out to people on genuine business opportunities having discovered success through learning about various successful investment and passive income streams. Prior to now, I have not been thinking about investing time to know about passive income and how it can help me to be financially free, but getting to know about this idea has enlighten me so much

vi. When you start doing your end of managing your money, the universe supports you and you start feeling lucky.

This idea just caught my attention and I felt I should comment on why it is important to me. I have experienced being lucky in many scenarios when I am calm in a situation where I did things right, things just work as if it was predestined and I felt very lucky to have taken the step. This kind of scenario always repeats itself, and I agreed that doing my part in managing what I have will surely pave the way for things to fall in place as its term luck. This idea is an important guideline to playing my role in managing my resources as first things first in business.

vii. Whatever work for you, keep on doing it and whatever doesn’t work for you stop it.

It takes me a very long time to break out of the habit of deciding to stop what was not working for me. I have suffered running my life based on emotion, not knowing and learning business ethics. It took me a big gut to say no to this habit and take another path of self-discovery and work on what is working.

3. How will this idea help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?

Achieving financial freedom means that I will live a philanthropy lifestyle, and being a philanthropist means I will impact my world positively, reaching out to transforming lives through leadership and people empowerment where hunger is not known in my circle of influence.

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you

“It is not what we don’t know that prevents us from succeeding, is what we know that just aren’t so that is our greatest obstacle.”

It is important to me because it make me to think deep and to question what I know, think about what I know and how it affect my ability and character.

“The learner shall inherit the earth and the learned will be beautifully equipped for the world that no longer exists.”

It is important to me because deciding to be a learner is the most humble and meek thing to do to acquire great knowledge. I choose to be a learner than to assume that I have know it all and suddenly become obsolete with no growth.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do. I did carry out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on the scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful was the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to other? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Master Key
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is how to live a life of abundance and create good relationship by using the key that unlock the potential of the mind to see and create opportunities and also to achieve it.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Resist the habit of volunteering advice to others who have not requested it can make one intolerable bore.

I didn’t think volunteering advice to others who have not requested it is a bad habit, and am guilty of this. My wife is the one that first identify this habit in me when I got into problem with my friend. She told me that I should desist from the habit of giving people advise when they have not requested it to me, and that was the main reason I had issue with my friend and that this may repeat itself if I continue in this habit. Listening to Napoleon Hill talking and listing the bad habits and I found this among it and how it make one intolerable bore, I quickly take notice of this and eager to make correction. This idea is important to me, because I now confirmed and identified with the fact that volunteering advise to others who have not requested it is an unpleasant personality which I need to stop.

ii. Establish for yourself a definite fix system of conditioning your mind at the beginning of each day so you will keep it positive under all circumstances.

This idea is important to me because it helps me to make proper planning of how to design my day and it outcome. I get to image the positive and negative scenario and how to deal with them while conditioning my mind to only the positive outcome with the creation of the awareness system that adversity is a tool for greatness. This idea is important to me, because when I create a fix system in term of forming habit every day that position my mind to be positive in every circumstance, my mind will be more pre occupy with what I want to achieve

iii. Learn the act of selling yourself to other people by indirection such as asking leading question which will bring out the sort of reaction which you desire and do not permit yourself to be drawn into argument or unimportant subject

This idea is important to me because it teaches me the need to sell oneself to other people and how to successfully market oneself through proven principle and technique. Before now I never thought of this idea of selling myself to others and how to go about, or I may be doing it but may not be aware of the fact. With this idea, I now know that I need to position myself to be a marketable brand and going about it with a focus and not be distracted with unimportant diversion.

iv. Prayer expressed in enthusiasm get result quickly

This idea is important to me because I believe anything can be achieve through enthusiasm, and the idea of expressing prayer with enthusiasm will definitely bring quicker result. This idea will impact me greatly in my personal life, because I have decided to offer my prayer only in enthusiastic manner to receive that which I seek and ask as having a quicker response will create a better relationship between my God and I.

v. Try moving with enthusiasm in all your daily work.

When I came across this idea and how moving with enthusiasm can have effect on one’s day and living impactful life, I had to wait and think of an experience where this idea as positively influence me. I realized that it’s not only talking with enthusiasm that make one achieve success but also the body movement. As one speaks loudly with enthusiasm, one also acted or moves the body in a way that flow with the enthusiastic word spoken. In Lagos state Nigeria a lot of where I grew up, there is a lot of thugs in my community and the house where I lived. There is a certain way those thugs has condition there body movement and character in an enthusiastic way that almost all the thug in Lagos state has the same way of life. A lot of people will attribute such loud and joyful character to this, but contrary. They are always happy and this reflects in their body movement especially when they are carrying out their daily tax collecting activities. This way of life of moving and shouting with enthusiasm as become a brand in the country for both the movie industry (comedy and skit making). Sometime I also move in a certain way unconsciously and consciously when am happy, my wife noticed this most time.

vi. Follow the habit of asking the question of how do you know when anyone makes a statement you can’t identify with.

This idea is important to me, because it will help me with thinking accurately and non-judgment. I don’t think I have ever asked that question in my life no matter how simple the idea of asking question of how you know when people make statement I can’t identify with as true. For somebody like me, I just listen and ask if the person is sure before I start thinking about it. This is an intelligent idea and also an idea that will make people that have negative attitude and energy to flee from having unfruitful conversation with someone who is used to asking the question of how do you know. This idea will help me in my personal life to be attracted to intelligent and fruitful people who are concern about ideas and knowledge sharing and also resisting gossip and slandering company.

vii. Start each day with an expression of gratitude for all the adversity, defeat, failures you have experienced in the past and give thanks for the blessing you expect to receive during the day.

I have always been grateful to God for the adversity, and the failure of the past. I use to say to my wife that if God has not taken me through the hardship I experienced I will be the person I don’t want to be. Every time I think about how the past experience has change and make me a better person, learning to give thanks for the blessing I expect to receive during the day is one attitude and habit I need to form since expressing my gratitude has be part of me every morning and day. This idea is important to me , because it will help me to be open to receive that which I hope to receive that not to be expectant at all.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

By forming mastermind alliance with myself and people to achieve what my mind can see and perceive will help to be more creative about ideas and reach out for partnership, seeking divine intervention through praying in enthusiasm for quick and successful result. This idea will help me to create a better word by seeking to form alliance with people that share the same ideas with me. It will help me to create a better world by taking my trainees as partners and working together to achieve their business goal. Having a master mind approach to my daily life, ideas, activities and business will help me see every opportunities within me and others to creating a better world where everyone can be connected to a successful alliance.

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“You have to gain power over your tongue by acquiring the habit of thinking first and then speaking after you are sure that what you will say will benefit you and not injured others”: this got my attention because I have been thinking about the time it would take for someone to respond to a statement/question or how to involve in thinking before one speak in a conversation for one to be sure that what I want to say will be benefit and not carry injury to the others. I thought about the statement for a while and tried to really understand how the author can help me to achieve this, and one of the answer I got from inside me was the verse in the bible that say “ we should guide our mouth with all diligent.”

That means I should not rush to respond in any situation but to always think first, and in thinking first what will be of benefit to me and others.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learnt from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and One is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10

Nonviolent Communication Practices
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is that nonviolent communication is a communication that involve an undiluted , natural and non-socially influenced form of reasoning and communicating. It’s an uncompromised way of communication where everybody’s need is met in a way that one connects to make natural giving possible.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Anything you do out of fear, obligation, for reward or because of guilt or shame, everybody pays for it

It is good to know that whatever someone is doing there is a need to consider the repercussion of ones deed or act in the life of others as also in ones life. That’s one of the thing I learnt from this idea and that’s why it is important to me. In my personal life where I try to balance my emotion and try to be more selfish about something in my life, not trying to always please people at the detriment of my own lacks and needs. I know I want to help without having any expectation, but when the help is repaid for evil, the feeling is overwhelming. I realize that communication is beyond just opening the mouth and saying just word, but about balancing the emotion of meeting peoples need without getting hurt or paying for its misuse. The impacts of this idea in my personal life is that I will have the consciousness that in whatever I want to offer/give somebody, I must have a reason or needs that is not born out of fear, obligation, reward, guilt, or any unpleasant feeling of which I am offering such help, and there should be need that I wanted to be met. It means I should always have a need that should be met which can be part of my values, goal or plans which ever place it have in my life journey of success.

ii. Never hear another person telling you what is right, it is not good for them and it’s not good for you

When I came across this ideology, I stood and meditate about it for a while, listened to it overtime again to make sure I understand what the author meant by this statement. I realized that you get an answer to something you meditate and ask yourself question about anytime you want to get clarification about the reason you do or need to do something or about the respect you get from others. I see a lot of changes happening in my life when it comes to the way I react to things, people and communication, because I try to practice every new thing I read and learn that will be impactful. I react to things easily when somebody tell me what they feel that is right to do and when am sure that they didn’t have the right information or when topic of discussion is not in their field. Reacting to the other person about what they thought is right for me always make me feel very uncomfortable toward them, as I perceive it to be intimidating or an attack to my personality, or sometime seeing them asserting authority over me. This idea is important to me, because it will help me to be aware of the understanding that telling people what’s right is a violent communication and also help me to choose my word or communicate in a way that identify the needs in a conversation for a non-provocative way for achieving good relationship.

iii. Learn to translate each statement into a need

This idea is important to me, because it helps me to understand and to be conscious of what communication is about. I gained the understanding that when listening in a communication, it should be about translating and understand the needs behind the communication. I did not see communication in this light before, but understanding it to be about translating each statement into a need will help me to be a better listener. I will be able to hit the nail on the head when am able to understand and know what the other person is talking about. It will help me to speak less when am able to understand others people point of view. It will help me to respond better while I also express my own needs without so many words.

iv. All judgments are tragic expression of unmet needs

I have learned through hard experience in the past that judging people is a very tragic thing that one can’t allow he/herself to develop the habit. I am conscious of this habit and never want myself to get into it, but reading through this book made me realized that I can actually be judgmental and may not be aware of it due to my understanding of what judging people is. I became aware of this fact, even though it has become part of me never to expect anything from anyone, but knowing that I can be judgmental in one form or the other without me knowing how unmeant needs can make one to be. When I think more about this idea, my work place came to mind and how I continually express my dissatisfaction about the pay and complaining about the nonchalant attitude of the management towards certain issue toward the development of the organization and how I wanted to quit. This idea is important to me because it has brought to my realization the judgmental nature I have towards my needs and how I can make amend.

v. Don’t hear expectation

Whenever I hear somebody expecting me to do something as if its my duty, I get angry and take it as a form of command. Whenever I hear expectation I take it as a way the other person is depending on me and an attitude of shifting responsibility. I also realized that I can be judgmental when I hear expectation, saying in my mind to the other person to grow up and take some responsibility and be independent. It is really a difficult thing not to hear expectation when I don’t keep my thought in control and especially when one mind is disturbed. This idea of not hearing expectation is important to me because it will help me to listen more attentively, ask the same question more and understand what had been said in a conversation and in responding without having the expectation that I am responsible for anything that is been said.
vi. When saying thank you to a person, bring to the person attention what the person did to make life wonderful

It is good to know that one need to communicate in a compassionate way and at the same time know how it can be done. Most of the ideas shared in this book also show how one can practically achieve it. It is great for me to say thank you in another way apart from the general know how. To be able to tell someone thank you by bringing his/her attention to what they did and how it makes life pleasant will surely make the person and I feel good. I am able to do this to people who am jovial with. For example, the communication officer at work who take my picture during teaching and practical moments. I thank him anytime he send the picture to my whatssap telling him how his work gives me joy even if I didn’t ask of it, but the way I said thank you to him, he always give a wonderful response telling me how my work is being compliment by everyone and he is glad to continually give me a shot. The director of finance sent me some pictures she took with me during the conference we attended, I was surprised she did because I wasn’t expecting it from her. I replied thanking her and telling her how she is the best at ever organizing things in the company. Her reply was wonderful and that made my day. Practicing this idea is important to me because it will help me keep happy mood always with everybody and be able to express how I feel when my needs are been met with people services.

vii. Leave yourself out of others people need in your communication

This idea is important to me, because it will help me to only focus on the topic of discussion in a communication and not to divert my attention to topic that is not relevant to what is being discussed. I have the habit of thinking what to say or what will this person be interested in before trying to initiate communication. Another is when communicating I try to make the person feel good when I felt he/she is having a hard time thereby bringing in suggestion that I feel will help the situation. Most time this form of communication doesn’t give me the result I wanted in helping solving the solution I offer. I needed a better and good communication skill that will allow me to express myself and this idea has helped me a lot in thinking right on how communication can be done.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

The discovering of how to communicate in a non-violent way and understanding how it is use to meet everyone needs will help me to be a better communicator and a very good listener, both in expression and reading. It will help me to be calm, slow to speak and not be reactive toward any directed word. Thinking accurately and sensitive to peoples need, able to identify it with my needs will help me to create a better world.

4. Quotes: are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you

No, there are none.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learned from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there are none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and One is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10

21 Success Secrets of a Self Made Millionaire
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is that becoming successful is an intentional act of taking specific steps. These steps are the effective principles of natural law for becoming successful. It is the result of doing certain specific things that causes one to get the effect that one desired.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Commit to excellent, resolve to be the very best at what you do, set a goal for yourself to be among the top ten (10) in your field, it can be the turning point in your career.

In the past I have always see myself as being the best in my life until I started facing series of challenges that I began to develop low self-esteem. I started regaining my self-confident when I resumed my IIGL study. I got my current job and got my confident back. My passion to become the best and be innovative in my field begin to grow. I decided to enter into the Top 10 under 40 most innovative hatchery professional competition organized by hatchery international, Canada. I was surprised to be nominated, because an email previously after the competition that the result was so competitive and that a difficult decision would be made by the panelist. I got nominated and this inspired me so much to be the best as it was my first international competition, and it also encourages me to apply for any opportunity in my field regardless of my qualification. Reading about this idea will help me more to set the best target to becoming one of the best in my field and setting a goal of being among the top 10 in my career.

ii. The most important question you ever ask and answer for the rest of your career “what one skill if you develop and did it in excellence fashion will have the greatest positive impact on your life.

I have struggled to answer this question in the past, but in the process of thinking about what my career is about and the most challenges faced in the field gave me the answer I long struggled with. I think this has helped me to be a problem and solution conscious, to be more creative and innovative. This idea is important to me, because asking this question has helped me to realize the most important skill needed to be developed in having excellent career. It had helped me to prioritize the skill I needed to be able to invent sustainable approach to my practice.

iii. Read one hour each day in your field

The main reason I love this idea is that it taught me the importance and the outcome of dedicating one hour each day to study or learning something in my field would have in my career. With this idea I am beginning to have a study plan where I can split or break every important subjects or topic in my field of study into the least unit and spend one hour each day reading and understanding the unit topic. As this will help me to understand and be detailed enough about each topic of study. I believe practicing this idea will help me to be more knowledgeable, procreate and be the best I can be in my career.

iv. You can increase your intelligent and your I.Q by disciplining yourself to think creatively all day long. Creativity is another word for improvement

To think creatively is very exciting because it has to do with imagination and sometime make me smile having gotten solution to what one is thinking about. If disciplining myself to think creatively will increase my intelligent and my I.Q, then it is what I would love to practice. Since creativity is another word for improvement, then I want to improve more. This idea has helped me when it comes to be creative in my field and feel I know more and looking forward to know more. And this idea will also help me in my learning about other things that is not related to my field to helping me know more.

v. Constantly look for way to help other people achieve their goal

Helping people to achieve their goal is the same thing to helping them to be independent. To constantly looking for ways to help people to be independent will help me to see opportunities everywhere that will help me to achieve my financial freedom and goal at the same time. Understanding and practicing this principle is important as it will help me to provide solution and also releasing the creativity within me.

vi. Never consider the possibility of failure, failure make you stronger, more resilience, more determine, but it’s the fear of failure that prevents you from succeeding.

I will say that I do usually consider the possibility of failure whenever I want to carryout a task and I prepare a way out or solution for the problem when it happened. Most time it happens, until I realized that this thought was not good for my progress. Before I read about this idea, I had decided to never think of failing because I have had series of failure in the past that I could have avoided, and If failure happens there is already a solution for it, so it is not what I should allow my thought to give a space to occupy . to think that am not going to fail is the new mentality I have gained that if failure occur, it is not my duty to think about it but to profound solution for it when it happen.

vii. Whenever you are face with a risky situation, ask yourself this question- what is the worst possible thing that could happen if I go ahead, make sure that whatever it is doesn’t happen.

This idea is important to me because it gives me a perfect solution of what to do to avoid worst possible thing that could happen if I go ahead to taking a risk. It just similar to my 6th idea that I wrote about above, only that this idea help me to prevent every possibility of having a disaster when taking risks ;having asked myself question that will allow me to have foreknowledge of what the risk could be and to tackle it from happening.

3 .How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

Being able to practice the natural principle of becoming successful by practicing and taking the specific steps toward achieving success ; will help me in a practical way to properly make good use of the resources available to properly implement a wealth creation organization. By creating an achievable success empowerment hub which will allow for the creation of sustainable society where everyone is able to take care of themselves, hence a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Self millionaire are not gamblers, but are always willingly to take calculated risk in the direction of their goal to achieve greater rewards.”

This is important to me because it will help me to understand and identify with risks that can be of benefit to achieving my goal.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learnt from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10

The Art of Communication
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea is about becoming an effective communicator by practicing compassionate communication and listening through mindful consciousness.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Learn to communicate with yourself and listen to the suffering in your body and your mind.

I really enjoyed every part of this book, although it seems difficult in understanding every part of the conversation initially, but listening to it over time make it clearer to understand. This idea of learning to communicate with oneself and listening for the suffering in one’s body and mind is important to me, because communicating with myself allow me to hear myself whenever I speak to have the knowledge of how I sound and getting to know the words that make up who I am. It will also help me to be effective in speaking and having good conversation with others. It’s a fresh idea in my goal of becoming a good communicator.

ii. Practice the martyr of saying I suffer please help when you feel suffering.

Most of what I read in this book are really new to me, and truly what you know is your belief. If I can express my feeling the way it is, then I will not have any form of speech hindrance and shyness. I also felt that self-expression in communicating ones feeling in every situation is boldness and act of courage you may not be aware of. This idea of saying I suffer when you are passing through hard time and seeking help is important to me as it make me to understand that help can only be gotten when you ask, and not by isolation and struggling to put oneself out alone.

iii. Instead of rushing to answer the phone, you can breathe in and out with the awareness three times before answering to make sure you are really present.

My wife caught my attention to this part of the book when I was listening while she was beside me. She always say that I have developed frighten and over anxious kind of habit when it comes to answering and speaking on the phone. I have not been listening to her in the past and didn’t really understand what she was saying until now. I get to be more conscious of myself and listen better with every awareness possible. This idea made me to realized that I need to continue my adjustment when it come to my attitude toward answering and speaking to people over the phone. I did a mind and self-searching on how this attitude came about, and I realized it was during the period when I had financial challenges and various people called on phone for the money which I was owning them and this usually make my mind beat faster anytime there is a call. This idea is important to me because I will practice mindful breathing toward my attitude to phone answering and conversation till it becomes an habit.

iv. You have to see others as you see yourself.

There is this confident aspect this idea reflects in word and deed. For example, when I see you the way I see myself it can give me the feeling that there is no different between you and I , no matter who you are, that we are the same being in a different dimension and this can help me to express myself as if am communicating with myself. With this mind set I can communicate better and show compassionate in my communication and listening. This is one of the reason why practicing to communicate and listen to myself is also should be a daily routine practice.

v. Don’t be too eager to help, you may get opposite return, remain fresh.

I understand what this idea is about and it’s important that I learn how to response to people that needs my help. Its good to understand that there are approach that one need to make to balance the act of kindness so that one’s good act does not end with bad relationship. I have learnt through my past experience and I know that practicing mindful breathing and listening to remain fresh and calm taking ones time in thought will allow one to make good judgment while offering help to humanity. I was representing a colleague at a job interview and a girl came in to be interviewed for a cleaning job. When she was asked a particular question, she answered and said many ill and emotional things about her parent and how she dropped out of school. During the interview, I asked about her passion because I know she would not be given the job and wanted to see if we can help her enroll into the fashionista program of the organization. At the end of the interview, we realized the girl was lying about her ordeal.

vi. Our communication is our continuation, our karma

This idea is very important to me, because it helps me to understand that my communication affect my behaviors and way of life. The understanding of how my communication is my continuation and my karma will help me to guide my word in any conversations, to listen and communicate with compassion, knowing that what I say in word will come back to me. For example, I now know that when I communicate without thinking and constructing my word as I am not used to, the aftermath of the communication always make me feel that I should have say it this way or that way, how does he or she feel about what I just said. I always ended up feeling bad and hurt by word and this can change my mood for the whole week affecting how I relate with others. I also get to fully understand and to be aware that our relationship is birth from our communication and after death the word we said and how we had communicated is the composition of what we are remembered for.

vii. When you work don’t work for yourself alone but for your ancestor and your community.

The understanding that whatever we are is a continuation of what has existed and we are the continuation and part of a living community to be cared for in togetherness makes this idea very important to me. It make me to understand that creating a new and good chain of communication in our present moment and living it will help erased the past miscommunication of our ancestor and alter a better community for the present. I will keep the thought of this idea in working mindfulness toward working for my community and shaping good image for myself and ancestor.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

Communicating through mindfulness and practicing compassionate communication and listening will help me to achieve great relationship with friends, family, neighbor, colleague and people I come across in my daily life. It will help me guide my heart diligently and the word that come out of my mouth to be word of exaltation and counsel. This will help me to create a better world by having a gentle and compassionate approach to issue and never be judgmental in my dealings and communication. And to create example in teaching and enlightening people to communicate in a compassionate way for exaltation to have a better world in which everyone self-esteem is boosted for creativity.

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you

No, there is none.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learnt from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 8

Change your Mindset
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is creating a mind-set that allow you to co create events through the power of visualization to manifesting the life of ones dream in the present.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Make goals that will stretch you out of your comfort zone.

I have come across this idea before, but listening to it in this book made me began to think of it importance. I asked myself “are goal simple?” I thought about the ones I have set and checking them if they are kind of goal that can stretched me or if anyone of them have taken me out of my comfort zone. I realized that after self-searching that it’s just very few of them that have stretches me out of my comfort zone. This idea is important to me, because it makes me realized that whatever worth it in life need to worth it, and nothing good come easy. That’s why setting goals that will stretch me need to be made. In my personal life I will use this idea as a guide for setting goals.

ii. Develop what each one of your goal will look like and what it will feel like when manifested.

When I read about this idea in this book, it take me back to the exercises I did in my level three on the initial steps to be taken toward actualizing the set goals. The difference I see in this idea of developing what each of my goal look like is more of me visualizing the development of the targeted goal and visualizing the steps taken in the goal realization, at the same time having the present feeling of it manifestation. This idea gives me more clues on how to connect and be immerse in achieving a created goal as am going to be more visually involved in the process of making it happen in my mind before knowing how to go about it. Getting to know what the goal feels like when manifested through visual-festation is important to me, because it will help me to know the true objective of the goal and if there is a need to reset or adjust the goal and if it meets the need of which it’s been created.

iii. The best thought by far that will should be thinking are thought that gives us the feeling of gratitude.

This idea is important to me, because it helps me to understand the needs to preoccupy my mind with the thought that brings me the feeling of gratitude. Having affirmation of what has been done in my life through various challenges; and how it has sharpen me to becoming a better person; and being grateful for what I have whether I deserved it or not will give me the hope that much can be achieve and receive through the thought of the realization that much has be given me which am thankful for. As I think about this idea and how I can use it in my everyday thinking, it occur to me that I can use it to discover new ideas and solution to problem; I also feel it make me to hope for a better tomorrow.

iv. You are a co-creator and in your role as a co-creator you need to take action in deciding what you want and why you want it, be able to create desire for it, believe that you do have the power within you to create anything.

This book has been more of a journey and instruction to creating what I want having initial knowledge that am a co-creator, but I have not be conscious and taking action in deciding what I wanted and why I want it and creating desire for it. This is a very important idea as it has helped me to align myself with my purpose by taking the decision to do what is needed of me, taking into consideration the important of the needs to do so while creating hunger for meeting the needs. This idea is very important steps to know in order to prioritize ones need and deciding on how to go about it. For example, when I got my current job, I know I had to improve on myself having worked in a farm environment for so long. I knew I needed to get updated. I wanted personal growth and I started acquiring free professional certificates from food and agricultural organization, FAO and other online courses. It then occurs to me that all these certificates are not self-improvement that I needed. I felt I had confused it with my need to get more certificates to prepare for a better paying job, because the pay is very low and I needed to get upgrade and search for better offer. I realized that personal improvement is what I really wanted and not professional certificates and I felt IIGL is the best option for me, but knew it is a difficult option due to reading and doing assessment which can be very demanding considering the nature of my work. I had to pounder how IIGL will help me to achieve what I wanted to enable me create the desire to pass through the process, and also to prioritize my want and create desire to achieve it. It was a big task because a lot of things were working against me to achieving it, but the desire was so strong that I can’t let go of the process

v. Write down the miracle you want to have materialized in your life and the associate feelings of joy and gratitude.

It is easy to understand miracle in a church or Christian meaning, and this can make one to feel that it is met for people with pure heart only that not everybody is entitle to experience Gods miracle. I now understand the word miracle from the explanation the author gave and this has enlighten me more why both good and evil people experience miracle in one form or the other. This idea is important to me because I now understand what miracle is all about, and I will be using it in every area of my life to experience the fulfillment of created expectations. It is important for me to incorporate it in part of my goal setting of goals that I may feel that I don’t have faith to personally bring to fruition knowing that miracle has its own place in our everyday life, and it’s not for me to think how God want to bring about the miracle.

vi. You need to get into the feeling of already having what you set to achieve.

This idea is important to me because I will like to have the feeling of already having what I set to achieve it is important to know how it feel to be able to create a desire to achieve what I wanted. When am used to feeling of already having what I set to achieve, it will make me want to set goal that I which to have the feeling. I will be able to use this idea in my personal life to achieve the feeling of satisfaction.

vii. Create the lists of goals for which you have passion, get the picture of what the attainment of this goal look like.

This idea is important to me, because I will be able to visualize the picture of what each goal achieved look like, and this will help me to have self-realization image of what it is to set such goal as I make plan for more goals. This is important to me in that I can create goals that I have passion for and compare the picture of what the goal look like by getting the picture image of what the goal is and be able to make decision about how I want it outcome picture.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will help me my daily personal life by identifying with the important goals and learn in creating the experience I want to have and live the dream I want now. In doing this I will be able to quickly adjust to the needs of the world I want to create, a better world where I already prepared to be a solution.

4. Quotes: are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

No, there is none.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learnt from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 9

Conversations with God
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in this book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book is for us to understand what our nature is and knowing that our nature is gods, and in experiencing our nature as god is to create and in creating we experience ourselves.

2. What are the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you, use personal example from your life.

i. The process of self-realization is giving your whole mind, your soul in creating self in the image and likeness of God.

This idea is important to me because it make me have a perfect picture of who I am and whose image realization I need to experience while working and creating the habit that will reflect my individuality. When I set out to pursue my goal of self-improvement, it is also to enable me to realize and to be able to release the potential in me. Reading this book let me understand a lot about my understanding of God and myself. It enables me to start thinking in a different direction about what myself image should look like. I now understand what the bible says when it says that” know not ye not that you are gods”. I have been saying self-realization and personal improvement, but reading this book and this idea make me have the perfect understanding of the image of what myself realization and personal growth should be.

ii. When you arrived at God consciousness, you realized that you are not responsible for every human being, your job is to teach them to be independent.

Whenever I came across this word of being independent, it always brings to my mind the personal challenges and need for me and people around me to be independent. To me this is a pressing need for me, and my biggest motivation in life. I don’t like the feeling that I get when the thought of me being responsible for peoples need. I always want everybody around me to be independent to make their decision and be responsible enough for themselves while providing helping hand as my duty toward their being independent. This is why my passion to impact people with knowledge of how to become independent make me to realize who I am as a creative expressionist. It is a thing of joy to always know that everybody can take care of themselves and that they are responsible for their own happiness and abundance. This idea is important to me because it will continue helping me to realizing and experiencing God consciousness in me, as I continue to do my job to create as a creative expressionist for making people become independent to realize their own godliness.

iii. The only true test of your relationship is how you live up to your ideas.

This idea is important to me because it gives me more insight to what I already learnt in some of the book I have previously in some book I read about relationship. This idea helps me to understand more how to relate with my partner in our relationship by living upto my idea about what my role in relationship is. Understanding my role as an individual in the world is as also understanding my role in relationship. Loving my partner, accepting her individuality and living independently in our creation process. Loving her, loving myself, and allowing each other to be whoever we choose to be.

iv. The highest choice is the one who produces highest good for you, and what produce highest good for you produce highest good for others.

This idea is important to me, because it will help me in thinking and picturing what the outcome of my choice of decision look like in helping to know which choice will give me the highest satisfaction, while selecting from my lists of choice or options. Because I want to make better choice that will create best outcome which will enable me to know how the choice I am making will give the highest impact. Making right choice is one of the most important things in my life as it has affected me, but with this idea I now see more knowledge of what to look out for when making choice among many options.

v. In other to get in touch with God you have to be out of your mind.

When I read the previous book that I am not my mind, I had to listen to that part over again before I was able to understand what the author meant by that statement. As I came across the idea that I have to get out of my mind before I can get in touch with God, this made me to understand more about how the mind can be a big obstacle for us to experience our godliness. This idea will help me to control my mind and know how to connect with God and myself.

vi. Life is not a process of discovering but a process of creation.

This idea is important to me because it will help me to focus on my creative ability having the knowledge that my duty is to create and in the process of creating comes self-realization. I have realized that anytime I create solution to a problem, I will have more way of going about solving the problem. And anytime I come up with an innovation and creating it, more innovative ideas will continue coming to mind. This idea shows me the way of achieving creative leadership through creating independent opportunities

vii. If you want to know what’s true for you about something, look to how you are feeling about it as feeling is sometime difficult to discover and often more difficult to acknowledge.

This idea is important to me because it teaches me to understand how to know and identify what’s true whenever I want to decide about something in my life. Knowing how to be able to know and make the right decision in obtaining the best and reliable genuine information is a very important intuition I believed one need to realize.
3. How will this idea help me in a practical way both in your daily life and in helping you to create a better world, if so how?

These ideas will help me in practical way in my daily life to be able to always identify with problems and create solutions for it, to always practice the act of creating and to understand that am responsible for my independence and also to help others be. To experience my godliness by actively participating in creation process. And this understanding will help me to create a better world by doing my part of godly responsibility in experiencing myself while creating and independent environment for other to be independent.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so please quotes as to why they are important to you.

“The master is not the one with the most student, but one who create the most followers, a true king is not the one with the most subjects but the one who lead the most royalty, a true teacher is not the one with the most knowledge, but the one who cause the most others to have knowledge. And the true God is not the one with the most servant but one who serve the most, thereby making gods of others for this both the goal and glory of God that my subjects shall no more and all shall know God not as the unattainable but as the unavoidable.”

This statement is important to me because it help me to understand creative leadership

“When feeling, thought and experience all fail, I use words, words are really the least effective of communication, they are most often to misinterpretation.”

This statement is important to me because it help me to identify with the type of communication medium to use in every situation and how to use communication effectively.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learned from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10

How to Talk to Anyone
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is about how to skilfully deal with anyone and achieve anything you want through using various communication techniques that allow you understand human nature and her needs for satisfaction.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Trash the teasing, never make a joke at anyone expense.

I tease a lot since am a very jovial person and am conscious of the kind of joke I make, but I know one cannot be 100% conscious when the teasing involve other people. I can remember many times I have teased somebody who I didn’t carefully read their mood, maybe because their tone of voice remain the same no matter the situation they are in. i tease a particular person, luckily for me the person didn’t hear what I said, because I made a joke about her being too young to start expressing back pain. Luckily for me the person didn’t hear what I said, because the joke looks as if I was making mockery of her. I got to know about this through a colleague that heard the joke and who also knows about her challenges. I don’t know how she would have taken the jokes and want would have happen if she got offended by the teasing. This idea is important to me as a jovial person who tease a lot will know how to draw the line and learn to manage my friendly character in dealing with people and trashing the tease when necessary.

ii. It’s not the bad news that make people sad, is the way its delivered, it should be deliver considering the person in mind and deliver it with compassion, share the sentiment of the receiver and keep them in mind.

My wife lent me her earpiece which she reluctantly gave me, saying that I will damage it. The earpiece got damaged the first day I took it to work while listening to one of my IIGL book. When I got home that day, immediately I opened the door and entered the living room while she was sitting on the chair- I said to her that the earpiece got damage and it was a very painful experience for me. She got very angry immediately she heard the word damaged earpiece. She didn’t talk to me for almost 4 hours, and I realized that I had communicated the news in wrong way. I didn’t really understand the value that she placed on the earpiece. She Is the one that first told me that I don’t know how to deliver unpleasant news and the way I told her about the incident broke her heart. It was a big lesson I learned that day, and listening to the author of this book also encouraged me to be very conscious and to know how to deliver bad or unpleasant news considering the receiver in mind and doing it in sympathetic way.

iii. Be a copy class, watch people and look at how they move.

This idea is important to me because the speaker really helped me to understand why having a copy class habit can change every areas of ones life in acquiring the characters which one want to turn an habits; and in acquiring habits that can make one able to achieve whatever one want to. Understanding this ideology will help me to be very observant in my communication and copying only the things I want to achieve in my personality and life. I have read about the idea that says “fake it till you make it” and this has worked for me in the past, but I can only practice the way I understand it better. This also make me wonder what the impact of this idea of being a copy class would have in my life if I am practicing it. I am interested in making this an habit as being able to communicate to anyone having the personality to do so will help me achieve my personal development goal.

iv. When you want to give someone a sublime feeling, use their word not yours, you are just alike.

Making people feel good is a joyful thing that make me also feel very happy, it’s a need for me and that’s always my intention in a communicating with people and make them feel comfortable in relating with me. I can easily relate with stranger, but most time find it difficult with some people of certain character, thinking how to go about starting conversation with them. Trying to know what to say to be comfortable in relating and giving them the sublime feeling I also want to experience. This idea is important to me, because I learnt how to give the mutual sublime feeling I want to experience with people in communication while using their word, since their word will make it possible to achieve such feeling and in getting the result of good communication.

v. Get books on public speaking and put the drama into your daily act.

I usually access my performance anytime I finished taking intern in class and evaluate myself based on the feedback I get in term of the interaction and question asked. I am able to get good evaluation and also bad ones. I wanted to have consistence and good performance, and this has motivated me to read books on communication and public speaking. Although I have been doing more of facilitation and am eagerly waiting for the opportunity to take on large audience. I know I can and when I came across this idea and how I was able to understand what the speaker meant by putting on the drama into my daily act, I knew it was exact thing I need to practice and also been a copy class.

vi. Don’t flash an immediate smile when you greet someone as though anyone who walk into your line of sight will be the beneficiary, instead look at the other persons face for a second, pause soak in their persona then let a big warm responsible smile rollover your face flood into your eye.

I am a kind of person who smile a lot, I smile even at the slightest word. I smile when I greet people and even when a good thought came to mind. This has made me very acceptable by everyone at work or people I come in contact with. I remember when I went to an international conference organized by our organization and the presenter ask a question. She pointed at me and said the man in green shirt with a smiling face. Most of my colleagues too were wearing green shirt too and I didn’t realize that I was actually smiling; I guess that caught her attention and made her to call upon me. I feel that some of what the author said is already what I do, but I realized that I need to work on how to use it in a more productive way. Being able to use my smile in a more productive way is one of the most important reasons why this idea is important to me.

vii. Make your eye look more intelligent by looking into the eyes of who you are talking to.

As a shy person, looking into the eyes of the person am talking to is usually a hard thing for me. Although I have a previous knowledge about this idea and am able to learn how to use it. It is easier when am talking to my peer, trainees or people below my age group. I can look into the eyes of people that are very older than me in the eye but from a distance and the same thing apply to me when am looking at the eyes of rich or influential people. I have hard time with this concept, but it has work very well for me while facilitating, especially when I perceive that my intern or trainees are not concentrating and distracting the class. I look into their eyes and continually focus on the most difficult person among them. I understand that this idea work in a variety of ways and I know there are different concepts about it, but I have more better understanding about its application and this will further help me to see less intimidating nature of people.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will help me in my daily life to be a good communicator, understanding the feelings needs in relating to people across all ways of life in non-intimidated manner. Being able to achieve success through effective communication skills and technique will make me a mentor. Mentoring youth and adult on the use of effective communication in succeeding in their various occupation, and having good relationship manner will help create a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

No, there is none
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learnt from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 10

Master your Emotion
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in this book is understanding the mind and taking control over it to overcoming negativity and managing your feeling to live the life of your dream.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. To master your emotion you have to know whether you are acting out of fear or love.

This idea is important to me, because it helps me to evaluate the action behind my state of mind and to know if what I am feeling I good or bad for me in the way its reflect my mood and action. I was used to this word” I don’t want to be emotional’, and whenever I say this the receiver may get offended because he/she may not understand my point of view at that moment at which am making such statement. I have realised since I continued with my IIGL studies and reading all the books I have read so far, am able to examine my feelings and make sure I know the reason behind my emotion in every situation I found myself, and this has helped me to adjust quickly once I know the reason behind every emotion. If the emotion is born out of fear; I adjust myself and takeover the situation. If it is out of love; I embrace It with compassion and this has helped me in achieving good mood and self-esteem.

ii. Instead of talking about all the things you did wrong, talk about the things you could have done better.

It occurs to me that whenever I think of what I did wrong in a particular venture, there is a need for me to always put down ideas and what I learnt from how things didn’t work out to writing down what I would have done better in that situation. The solution is always on my head, thinking that I will not allow the same situation to repeat itself and surprisingly one could find himself in such situation, and end up applying different solution in solving a problem that has already has solution from previous experience and not out of the experience. This idea will help me to always be conscious of keeping records of what I can do better in any situation and also to correct the wrong through visualizing the result of what I could have done better in a past situation.

iii. Stop been overly attached to your self-image, if you overly self-conscious chances are you worry too much about the way people perceive you.

This idea is important to me because I just learn how to always take things easy with myself by knowing that overly attached to oneself image make one worry too much about the way people perceive you. Although I don’t really care about what people perceive me to be, but am sure I have that feeling of overly attached to my self-image and overly self-conscious. Prior to this understanding, I thought overly attached to one-self image and overly conscious is a self pride that one should have to protect ones personality, but seeing it in this light and thinking about it make me realized how truly it’s a reflection of wrong identity. With this idea I will be able to loosen up and shake off overly attached to myself image.

iv. Part of your personal goal is that you don’t have to me like by everyone and that you can be yourself.

This idea is important to me because one of the major reasons behind my IIGL studies is to work on my personal growth, and to know what to do to increase my personal growth is the right direction to achieving my objective. Knowing that I don’t have to be liked by everybody and to be myself is part of what I need to know to improve on myself makes this idea very important to me.

v. The fear of doing something new is always a sign that you should go ahead and do it anyway, this indicates an opportunity for personal growth.

When I have fear about doing something, the feeling I get is that I am not confident enough and maybe I don’t have enough expertise for it. I may end up trying to take up a task for free as an excuse for the possibility of not doing a good job. I the end of the task I found myself doing it better than I have imaged and in the process learning more about the task. At the end of the event blaming myself for not getting rewarded corresponding with the task. This idea is important to me because I now know that it is a good feeling to know when I ha d a fear at doing new things, as it is a sign for me to always take bold steps.

vi. Prepare your environment, your mind don’t like anything difficult, make sure you remove every obstacles so that you can work on your task immediately.

When I read this idea that I am not my mind, I completely agreed with the saying and when I understand that I can use my mind to create whatever I want, I also agreed to that. And is also know that my heart beat faster whenever my mind perceived or encounter danger. This also happen when I want to start new things with the fear of failure coming to mind first, before the courage of chasing the fear out by the by saying it is ok to having the fear. This make this idea important to me because it show me how to prepare myself for a new task by preparing my environment for easy running of my ideas and work knowing that the human mind don’t like anything difficult, by doing this will enable every difficulty to me removed therefore ensuring my task is carried out smoothly . This idea will also help me in setting clear intent and prioritizing my task from less difficult one to the most difficult and this will allow me to gain momentum; knowing that daunting task can kill motivation if not broken down.

vii. Remove every pressure or desire to perform well and give yourself a mission to do a poor job.

This idea is important to me because it shown me how to be more confident in carrying out a task. Having this knowledge of carrying out a job with the minimum expectation of not doing a 100 per cent clean job, that human error can be or is allowed and when my intention is to achieve maximum result will boost my confident in carrying out the task. This will help me to accept any jobs without the fear of failure or worry about not being capable of delivering a good job, knowing that I can.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

Being able to master ones emotion and take over one’s mind to overcoming every obstacles the mind brings towards limiting the ability to achieve success; and to be able to remove every negativity created by the mind to achieving ones dreams; will help me to create and dream dreams. All these ideas will help me to grow emotionally in my personal life to building the personality and achieving the life i desired. Being able to balance and master my emotion, and my desire to live optimistic life will help me to transfer positive energy to people involve in my daily life; thereby creating a better world where everybody in my circle of influence is impacted to be optimistic and use their emotion to live a desired life.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

No, there is none

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I am currently doing some and practicing some of the ideas I learnt from the book

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful was the content? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the over all rating you would give it? 9

Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea about Agri-prenuership is about gaining the necessary skill needed for continually discovering, testing and to pursue opportunities in the agricultural sector business. It emphasizes the needs to create business to create a business prototype for market and having profitability check while having good understanding of your product or services.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Be persistent in overcoming barriers.

This idea is important to me because it help me to understand the fact that there are barriers in doing business and one needs to prepare for hurdles, and to prepare ones’ mind toward overcoming them in order to succeed. Some body gave me an advice I first started my business that if I fail in the business 3 times, I should consider giving it up and look for something else. I neglected such advice and continue with the business and having failed more than 3 times, because of the viability of the business if gotten right. This has led me to pick up more challenges in the business and this has also made me to discover another product in the same business for diversification. Even after I got it right in the business and I wanted to upscale after gotten loan came the unusual flood which destroyed my farm. I still have the courage to say yes to the business. I also remember when my mother called me several time advising me to discontinue the business and look for something else to do when I was passing through these series of challenge, but I remain firm. The orientation of discontinuing a business after 2-3 times of failure has been the order of the day in our tribal community as most of the barriers and failures are termed spiritual attack. This idea will help me to prepare for challenge and also to help me be a good mentor to people in business.

ii. Actively scan the environment and form assumptions about customers’ unmet needs.

This idea is important because it help me to be business minded and conscious of the opportunities of unmet needs around me as a result of practicing this idea. I have been thinking of ways to help interns and trainees to succeed in agriculture business quiet for some time since I began my work as a trainer. I have seen many international funded programs on agriculture in the past 10 years failed or met their target goals, and I have identify with a lot of unmet needs to be met by the parties involved (funding organisation, the organization carrying out the project and the trainee or the purpose of the projects). I continually scan for solution to these needs which if not tackled as soon as possible, it will lead to waste of resources and failure in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This makes me to come up with a hub called sustainable agriculture mode hub (SAM hub). The hub is Agri-preneur imitative solution for everyone who want to into fish farming, aquaponic or integrated farming or already in the agriculture business to become profitable, while reducing the cost of product through organic and sustainable practice. As I take up this idea, I began to scan the environment for more idea about meeting needs that may arise from this hub and stream of ideas continue to flow in.

iii. Structure tests to evaluate to know whether the ideas will work or not.

This idea is important to me because it help me to know how to test any business idea that comes to mind. Having gathered the necessary information from the trainee and hearing from the challenges from the agriculture incubator and sponsors about how it has been difficult to meet their training and empowerment program target, I know that the SAM hub is the best solution. The hub including offering free training and other sponsor organization can also make ease of the hub, as trainee can easily startup their agribusiness using the hub as support without a need for struggling for startup fund. And it will also prevent startup from loosing their hard earn capital. The SAM hub will take care of 100 percent challenges encountered in agribusiness as is more of genuine nonprofit imitative, and that’s why the hub is a scanning solution provider in the agriculture agribusiness sphere.

iv. Being future oriented

Even has we need to focus on the business of today, the need to think about what we do today as it is going to affect what will be required/demanded in the future is a necessity. this idea is important to me because it help me to plan for the evolving world, change in human behavior and population growth in order to be up to date and be present with what the future offers. When I was managing the farm for West Africa Agricultural Productivity program (WAAPP) for improved fingerlings production as the manager of Tiddo Fish farm, I realized that the specie of catfish we are working on will compete highly with for agricultural product with nutrition with human in the future, and this will make its production non-viable. I decided to look for another specie of catfish or other fish species that is culturable and sustainable that will make less use or compete for natural resources with its production with good food conversion rate. I spent 8 years working on this specie and achieving great success and ready for upscale.

v. Being proactive

This idea is important to me, because being proactive is a habit of responsibility in whatever am do my duty or taking initiative to carry out something that is not beyond ones’ ability or power. When the aquaculture enterprise of my department was having a series of challenges from bad water quality, high cost of feed and managing fish mortality as a result of bad and low-quality feed purchased. I began taking various action to tackle each of this problem immediately as it is living organism, because its going to take along process in getting fund from the organisation account to tackle this problem urgently. The problem of water was not an issue to be solved immediately due to borehole drilling process, so I had to quickly improvise a plumbing and water reuse system having the knowledge of sustainable development in workplace. And while the fish was also dying due to bad feed, I had to quickly tackle the mortality by applying organic method instead of waiting for the release of fund to buy medicated feeds while waiting for the fund through finance process. And I also make use of organic feed to prevent the fish from starving when the bad and low-quality feed supplied was refused to be collected by the supplier, because no other financial arrangement was made for another feed procurement.

vi. Avoid trying to have everyone as your customer.

This idea is important to me because it helps me to simplify my target customer to a small section when starting up a business, with this understanding, meeting up with the expectation of the beachhead customer will help spread the rest the testimony that comes with the good product to other intended target customers. When I started the production of the sustainable breed of Africa giant catfish, my target was initially a local government of Benue state, where the farmer is used to collecting the young baby fish from the wild and stock them in pond for grow out. Because they couldn’t get enough from the wild and they needed another source of procuring the baby fish, it was easier for me to penetrate into the market. And because they have the knowledge about the viability of the specie, it was more acceptable and there was more recommendation from the targeted customer for me to supply prospective buyer who have gotten good testimonies about the specie from the customers who are already farming it, and because there were visible evident, the business got large influx of customers.

vii. Create a minimum viable product.

This idea is important to me because it help me to simplify my ideas of developing or working on a product that meet the needs of people in a resource and cost-effective way. I have thought about my strength in my field and how am going to work on products that are very cost-effective to achieve my sustainable organic product that will make it easy and possible for me to create an ecosystem of low-cost product for give away in NGO program while still maintaining sustainability of resources. Organic production of fish fingerlings is what came to my mind and it allow me to produce large quantity of fish at extremely low-cost. This will also enable me to promote awareness for the consumption of post juvenile fish as it is high in protein, less use of agriculture product (reduce competition for agriculture raw material), zero effects of production on climate change. This idea will help me to create an ecosystem of food sustainability.

3. How will these ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will help me in a practical way to create a successful business and organization both in agricultural and other sectors with the understanding that human unmet and evolving needs is the basis for wealth creation. Being able to identify with human needs to create opportunities for job and wealth creation will help reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, hence creation of a better world.

4.Quotes: are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do. I did carry out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment

No, there is none

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Atomic Habits
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book is that habits are built or acquire by creating a system in ones life that allow a person to constantly practice and perform the smallest action that form the habit for which he or she want to acquire in a small time frame on a daily basis over a life time. That is a slight change in ones daily habits throughout a lifetime. Atomic habit refers to a tiny changes, a one percent improvement, its not just any habit however small, but a little habit that are part of larger system, the building block of molecules of ones individuality.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. The only way to change who you are is to change what you do:

I had to think about this idea as I listened to it carefully, asking myself questions about what am doing presently is reflecting in the lifestyle I wanted or if am comfortable with the result am getting. I know that our behavior is the sum of the habits we possess and to change our behavior which reflects who we are, the habits need to be checked to remove the one that is not suitable for the person one want to be or if a total overhaul of the habits need to be carried out. This idea is important to me because it will help me to put in check all unfavorable activities or habits that doesn’t suit the personality that I want to achieve and form or carryout the one that would help me to achieve a successful personality.

ii. Build identity base habits

This idea is about identifying the person I want to become and also identify with the character personality. This idea helps me to understand that a successful identity can be copy and learn to gain the desire behavior. This explained why I can easily recognize a certain church member of a particular religious body from the other in term of their dressing, behavior and the way they speak. I observed that over 90% of the pastor in Nigeria imitate and speak exactly like their general overseer. This idea explain why building identity based habit will help me to tune in and in becoming who I want to be by identifying with the personality, this will also help to keep autobiography of the minds I want to experience by identifying with the behavior and imitating the character.

iii. Solve problems at the system level

This idea helped me to understand the basis behind the success of how goal is easily achieve without spending much energy on the goal it self while living your life to fullness. Having the knowledge that system is about the process that leads to the result which I seek. And this system involves the habits of living a discipline and healthy lifestyle which allow you to have total control of the expected outcome. This means that my problem of having difficulty in achieving any of my goal can be reduce and solve through adjusting my habits at the system level which my life is built upon. Having a good system lifestyle where good healthy and discipline is the core value would help me to progress easily with less friction in achieving my goal no matter how difficult it is.

iv. Create obvious visual queues

This idea explains the reasons why we need to create habits that are attractive and visible to be seen by everyone, because most time we are normally judged by our first impression. By creating and letting our good habit to be obvious for everyone to see, would help make our bad habit less visible and be suppressed. And in practicing the act of making good habit more visible overtime helps us to become it. The importance of this idea is that it will help me to focus more on the favorable and attractive habits that I want to possess to be loud, reflective and visible for other to see easily.

v. Environment is the invincible hand that shape human behavior

The impact of the environment on human behavior cannot be underestimated as it affects our way of life in every stages of development and also socio-cultural behavior. My dressing style change from the normal farm dressing mode to a corporate mode when I began to work in an organization, but I gradually adjusted to it because that is the only choice. Reading also automatically become my lifestyle as I have to research and come up with innovation for the organization as part of my duty. And also to make myself relevant at place of work and be feasible as a result of what i have to offer. Choosing an environment that suit the personality I want to become can be the easy way to acquire such personality as I will have to conform with the environment in order to function properly. This idea will help me to develop very good understanding on how to navigate environmental factor toward influencing my choice of behavioral necessity for my personality.

vi. Reduce friction associated with good behavior and increases the friction associated with bad behavior

This idea helps me to understand that good behavior can be made easy to emulate by removing the vigor involved in making good behavior look difficult to imbibe or adopted as an habit. I understand that you can start practicing good behavior in the most little things that may not seem to matter, as this help in removing the friction or difficulty that make practicing good behavior difficult. By taking very small step in doing the right thing matter no matter how small it is on a daily basis would help me to grow in doing the right thing over time and building good behavior as a result of a little start. For instant if I don’t have enough money, and am finding it very difficult to give, I can start giving as little as possible that doesn’t cost me much which can be appreciated by the receiver even if I count it as nothing. By doing this, am learning to give gradually, thereby reducing the friction that I must need to have a reasonable amount of money or have enough before I can give.

vii. Any habit can be scale down into 2 minute version

This idea is very important to me, because it will help me to be able to practice and acquire any habit that I want to possess by scaling down the process of how to acquire it through practicing it between 2-5 minutes on a daily basis till it become part of me over a lifetime. It will be easy for me to acquire more knowledge in my field if I know that reading 2-5 minutes or a page of book a day will help me to develop a reading habit and in acquiring more knowledge in my field of expertise. This idea will help me to easy developed skills and habit through the scaling down approach.

3. How will these ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will help me in a practical way both in my daily life and in helping me create a better world: By creating a system that allow me to take control over the formation of habits that are in line with success principle. Having good, attractive and pleasant habit that is catchy will attract quality life and successful people that can harmonize resources for financial habitat for creating opportunities that leads to creation of a better world.

4. Quotes: are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Goal restrict your happiness.”

This is true to me because it won’t be fun if one spend too much energy in focusing on the goal without building system of lifestyle around the personality behind the purpose to be achieved. It could be a bit stressful journey, but a lifestyle built on system of success will make a goal part of the success journey.

“People often choose product not because of what they are, but because of where they are.”

I totally agree with this, many are successful in life not because of their qualification but where they place themselves had brought them success. Positioning oneself is one of the greatest step one can take in decision making in life, as said earlier that environment is the invincible hand that change human behaviour , and I will say her destiny also.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me and it involved daily practices of what I learned.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Biography of Rudolf Steiner: The Story of My Life
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book is that man needs to be aware and urgently acquire spiritual knowledge in other to save her civilization which is gradually sliding downward into beneath nature. That man needs to find in conscious experience the knowledge of the spirit, wherein he will rise as high above as in his sub-natural technical activities before he sinks beneath nature. To create within him the inner strength not to go under.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. Whatever is perceived ought to be expressed in clear vivid concepts.

This idea is important to me because I understand from this that whatever is perceived existed both in the natural and the spiritual realm, and it should be created into reality. As approach level seven of my IIGL study, I feel am closer to establishing what is inside of me. Because of this, I needed to identify with a personality that I can relate with, and the choice of Rudolf Steiner came to mind after making some research about his life and works. I have perceived that everything on earth is recyclable and regenerative, and ideas flowing with my spirit on how to achieve a regenerative ecosystem of living organism keep coming to my mind. I learnt a lot from Steiner’ biography and I agreed with a lot of his view that whatever that is now visible to the eyes has been perceived and brought to manifestation for the eyes to see. My responsibility is to be productive by ensuring to work on achieving whatever is been perceived as a solution to working in bringing it to reality.

ii. Know thyself and live at peace with the world.

Reading through Steiner biography as a person who refused to change his personality to fit in anybody life or conform to other people’s belief and way of life was a very important attribute for me to emulate. To have my own life. My experience with myself has been an enlightenment and with this I have been able to focus on myself and my relationship in term of what I have to contribute to the world and not in competing with my fellow human. Knowing myself to living at peace with this world is important to me to live a life of self and the community.

iii. Living in all boldness and fulfillment contributing to humanity, without having the thought of what others are thinking, but of me and what my world responsibility is fantasy is the gateway through which the beings of the spiritual world work creatively indirectly through man in evolution of civilizations.

This idea is important to me because it help me to connotes fantasy to having relationship with spiritual world. It helps me to see fantasy in a different perceptive of thought to ascribing it with connection to spiritual interaction. It will help me to give a high importance to fantasy as a way of connecting with ideas from the abundance of the universe by continually believing in its availability for discovering and ideas sourcing. While I was growing up and as a kid, I fantasize a lot and it brings me joy and make me dream big dreams, but as I became an adult I see fantasizing as childish act. But it has helped me to relax my tension when I practiced it, and having good understanding of what fantasy is will help me to exploit its usefulness for achieving success

iv. The goal of the process of consciousness is the conscious experience of the spiritual world, in the visible presence of which everything is resolved into spirit.

This idea help me to start developing a new mentality towards consciousness, and being conscious to be more observant and alert to the awareness of spiritual presence. I have read books about using the subconsciousness or super consciousness in generating great ideas and in bringing out the creativeness in ourselves, but not in the perception of seeing it as a process of experiencing the spiritual world around us . I understand that we are being and a need to be conscious of the spiritual world around us is a necessity. And I also know that whatever is visible in the present of the physical world is already manifested in the spirit. I remember when I engaged myself based on my previous understanding of prayer, and I woke up every night to pray for my situation to change. I got a word in the spirit that I uphold till date which I used to guide myself to make decision and it help me to keep hope alive. I am very conscious of this spiritual world and believed it as am currently seeing myself aligning with it.

v. Whoever rejects writing because the life of the mind knowingly strives within these- that is, because, in the light of the exposition here given, the world-life is in its striving unfold, itself still further on the stage of the human mind.

This idea is important to me because it help me to know the importance of engaging my whole self to writing, and to constantly make writing a tool for experiencing the content of the mind as it mirror into word and action. Idea is nothing without writing it down to be able to meditate and to think about it use. It is still on the stage of human mind simply because it is not written down in order to be brought to life. I told myself that the most difficult aspect of the IIGL study is the assessment that has to do with writing, and in writing one experience. But I realized that as one do this, it brings to life the hidden and unexpressed part of oneself. It enables you explore both the past, present and future to create the experience of who you are. This idea really helps me to understand more on the importance of writing to bring solution to the present needs of human existence.

vi. Create circle of interest

Reading through this book enlightened me about the importance of having a circle of interest as this help improves one understanding in the field of interest. This has help me when I signed up for LinkedIn and I followed every page, group an individual that is of my interest. This has help me in getting my first international recommendation for an award I won as Top 10 under 40 most innovative hatchery professional. It has also help me to be exposed to opportunities in my field of studies. I have able to make some achievement with this knowledge and ideas, and in working more toward joining group or organization that share the same interest will help to learn more and also boost my contribution to bringing development and innovation into the field.

vii. The striving life of the mind needed meditation as an organism at a certain stage in its evolution needs to breathe by means of lungs.

The important of meditation as helped me when I first read a book on the “ the monk who sold his Ferrari” and after practicing it for sometime with the thought of only using it when there is a need for it. Reading through this book biography, I learnt that there is a need to continue on a daily basis to use meditation because it has a life-giving effect on human growth and wellness. This idea is important to me, because it will make meditation a daily routine and not when I feel a need for it.

3. How will these ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas have helped me to see spirit as embodiment of ideas, with this knowledge these ideas would help me to continually be alert to put to writing every idea and perceived thought to ensuring I work toward making it reality. Having the understanding that ideas are spirit that have profound solution and nothing is impossible in the spirit. With this great understanding that make one able to penetrate into the realm of ideas, it will help me to be a problem solver for the world that needs a sustainable solution for it continuous existence, because if every human can help themselves, the world will be a better place.

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do. I did carry out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No, there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Building Confidence
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book is on how to
become confident by practicing the attitude and habits of confident people.
This is done by becoming conscious of one’s behaviour and how it affects our
body, which in turn reflects on our self-esteem.

2. What are the seven ideas that are personally most important to you? List the seven (7) ideas and why is personally important to you and why explain giving an personal example.

i. Become conscious of your behavior and how they affect your

This idea is important to me because it help me think and
access how my present behavior is affecting my body language
which reflects my confident level. I thought about this idea for a
while and I began to access myself to really know my confident
level from my present behavior. It occurs to me that I am yet to
strike a balance in the way I carry myself. My confidence level
becomes very high when I wear good clothes and dresses that are very
attractive. I speak more fluent and I become loquacious and
extrovert person, and this was my behavior in the past when I
was financially buoyant. The different between now and then in
my behavior is the self-improvement studies while then was my
good financial status. The needs to monitor ones behavior and
how it affect my body is also important to me because it will help
me to start correcting every low self-confident body pose that I
possessed and eradicate them as quickly as possible as I consciously
noticed it.

ii. Practice body pose

When the author talked about how the practice of body pose influences ones confident and how various power pose reflects one’s confident look, I was eager to know
more on how to apply this in my daily life. I try carrying myself and
observing my movement throughout that day, and I began to be
more conscious of my body pose. By understanding how to use
power pose before going into a room to facilitate or before
making any presentation will be my routine as I have seen how
effective the practice is. This idea is important as the right use of
body pose really has an effect on one’s confidence level.
iii. Shift your focus from what you are feeling right now and shift your
focus to the task ahead.

When there is webs of different challenges in ones life and one is entangled in it, confident level dropped. This is as a result of struggling to come out of the
entanglement which prevent one from focusing on the task ahead. Being able to ignore and shift my present feeling and focus on the task of a goal ahead would help me to keep going, and as I developed the strength to keep going so I become stronger and
this also helps me to keep confident afloat. This idea has helped me
to keep drawing confident from the expected outcome I desired

iv. Practice confident body language and improve your feeling of
confident: this idea is important to me because it will help me
acquire and maintain a confident way of life by practicing habits that
will make me live a confident and successful lifestyle. I decided to
practice body pose of different language which include walking,
greeting, speaking etc to see how I feel about if I experience
anything different. As I practice different confident body language
and observing the feeling, I also become conscious of picking and
making a habit of it.

v. Keep a dream journal and write your dream as soon as you
remember them

I have never thought of the importance of keeping a dream journal until now, when the author speaks about writing down the dream you dreamt and confidently focusing on how
to bring it to reality caught my attention. I know that not all dream are good dreams, there are good and there are bad dreams. But I have decided to work on the good ones and write them down, listen to the message it brings and work on the realization. For the
first time in many years after reading about this idea I was able to sleep and remember the dream I dreamt vividly and also was able to decipher the message it brings to my sub-consciousness. Keeping a dream journal will be an important routine in my life as It will help me to also have a visual image of what I want to achieve and give me the confidence that if I can dream it, I can achieve it.

vi. Practice present moment awareness, practice what you want to

This idea is important to me as its will help me to continually making affirmation of who I am and to practice experiencing the person I see myself to be. It will help me to
develop the habits of asking myself question about how my personality will react in a situation or speaking in a group or with individual, to solve or profound solution to a problem on a daily basis.

vii. Commit to 10-15 minute a day first thing in the morning to do
something or reinforce your confident.

Being able to spend 10-15 minute daily to solidify and reinforce my confident by doing things that I found to help me to be more confident or increases my self-
confident will help me to build the confident in any area of my life
that I want to enact self-esteem. By applying and practicing this
principle on the area I want to see the confident effect on a daily
basis. In the past I hung a bag of sac for practicing boxing purpose
in other to improve my ability for self defence also boosting my
confident level by removing the feeling of what intimidation brings.
Also the feeling of confident I get when I do push up, as it help
me to feel good with confident; when I shout loudly several time
in the morning it helps me clear my air way and enable me to
speak boldly. This idea will help me to identify and inculcate the
thing that I can do that will help me to solidify my confidence.

3. How will these ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will help me in a practical way both in my daily life and in
helping me create a better world : Being conscious of my behavior and
how my body language affect the way I act or behave in different
situations or my daily life activities will help me to adjust to a confident
personality by comparing low confident feelings to high confident
and bold feelings. Being successful is a product of practicing confident in
ones daily life, and being successful means one will live ones dream and
my dream to be a philanthropist means achieving millennium goals of
helping in creating sustainable opportunities, hence a better world

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.


5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me and it involve daily practices of what I

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to
comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Empire of Business
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author was trying to convey in this book is that humble beginning is a privilege and should be embraced with hardworking, dignity and other prudent qualities with the passion to get to the top of ones’ career, while the main objective of acquiring weight is to give back to the community which have allowed one to acquire the wealth. It explains the needs for every profession should have the knowledge of the importance and relationship between capital, labor and business ability, and this everyone should possess regardless of your specialty in order to succeed and get to the top of your career.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. The rising man must do something exceptional, and beyond the range of his special department; he must attract attention.

This idea is important to me in that it make me to recognize my position as a rising man. I am able to carryout exceptional activities at workplace and my department is the focal point because of the innovations I brought into the department. My quest for carryout research and studies has also attracted everyone across other departments and I am a reference person for emulation in the organization. I feel and I know that I can do more and get to the top with good salary raise or possibility of becoming a partner in the organization, but for personal reason I am planning to resign.

ii. The business career is thus a stern school of all the virtues, and there is one supreme reward which it often yields which no other career can promise- noble benefactions which it renders possible.

This idea is important to me because it help me to understand that pursing a business career is living a life of responsibilities full of good virtues- a high integrity one, because no business can succeed and last the test of time if built on dishonest and bad values. When I first started my business and the first advise I got from family and mentor is to be discipline and be honest and the sky will not be my limit. I started with all honesty, a little discipline and most other virtues were lacking. I really grew and my name was everywhere in Benue state as the best aquaculturist in the state with me offering various free consultancy services. I made money in a very short time and loss all in a very short time too with a long-term financial struggle. With my experience, I avoided giving people interesting advice about business but only the fact, and avoiding sweet mouthing them to taking short cut. In some extent I avoided consultancy services to people who want to make million out of lies. Truly business career is a stern school of all the virtues for without it no man can maintain success.
iii. Resolve to be a business man. Speculator never

This idea is important to me because it explained to my understanding the need to build business on fact finding and gathering the necessary information for the establishment of a business, and not by guessing work, gambling or speculating of what the outcome will be. The importance of this idea is to help me ensure that I teach people who am going to mentor and empower for business to avoid speculation and also to provide environment that will aid them to have a good kick-off startup that will reduce the possibility of building their business on speculation which has been the case with trainees. I have trained over a thousand of youth at work as a facilitator and I understand that they make their business plan by speculation. I know about this when I view through their business plan and also from the fact none of them carryout market survey. As a result of speculation, millions of dollars on training programs will be loss as trainees will end up not engaging in the business which they are been trained for.

iv. The supremely great managers never do what work themselves worth speaking about, their point is to make others work while they think.

This idea is important to me because it will help me to be a great manager and to understand that the key important of my role in labor is to make able hand work. And also, in helping to prioritize the importance of delegating duty while serving as a support to make labor possible and productive. I have been making and planning how am going to manage them Sustainable Agricultural Model hub (SAM hub) that I want to create across the country, and the ideas of training leaders who are passionate about agriculture is the main task before me. This idea will help be of help as it will help me in striking a balance between idea sharing among workers with the aim of forming strong labour relationship and leadership skill.

v. Capital and business ability, without it brought into play are dead.

The importance of labor has is of the same value as capital and business ability makes this idea very vital to me. This idea helps me to understand the relationship between these three-legged horses called capital, business ability and labor, to how a venture cannot succeed without the other. I recalled in the past why my business also failed because of my inability to keep my worker in check. And I have also seen a multimillion business fail not because the business lack capital nor the owner lack business ability, but not giving value to the labor force. I remember when my boss at the company I work always tell us in the meeting that nobody is indispensable. The thought of the word made a lot of good hands in the company started job hunting, because they felt the statement is a treat to their stay in the organization. This make those that have being giving their best have a rethink, while some refrain from giving their best.

vi. There is nothing inherently valuable in mere money worth striving for unless it is to be administered as a sacred trust for the good of others.

I have set my mind about the kind of business I want to do and strongly have the conviction of going into businesses that allow me pay myself, living a content lifestyle and empowering the community with the profit generated. This idea is important to me, because the thought of thinking about the value and the use of what money is will help me to be more creative toward providing opportunities, and ascribing same value of money to labor, while committing to giving back to the community

vii. The part which active men have to play on earth is that of improving conditions in every direction, making new discoveries, inventing new machines and processes, and extending the boundaries of knowledge.

This idea is important to me because it enable me to understand what my role on earth is and the duty thereof. As a creative individual I can easily generate ideas to problem solving and also can invent alternative solutions to a more sustainable approach to things; considering the impact on the earth as it is. I have a lot of ideas of invention, invent modification and an ecosystem of cooperative innovation ideas that can solve Mans’ present sustainable practice in agriculture. And I think this make me both resource manager and creative expert. For example, I know that achieving 100% sustainable approach and practice through the concept of ecosystem creation will solve the problem of climate change and food security. And also know that labor specialization and incentive innovation will help crime reduction and reduce high cost of food production. I have decided to make ideas generation and skill management my active role on earth.

3. How will this ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will help me in a practical way both in my daily life and in helping me to create a better world by going into business that gives back to the society, to be able to put resources toward labor productivity, and to live a life of daily duty to solving daily problems. By doing a business of philanthropy and charity will reduces hunger and job creation which will make the world a better place.

4. Quotes: are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I beseech you avoid liquor, speculation, and endorsement.”

The quote is important to me because I get to understand the danger involve in indulging in drinking liquor, speculation and endorsement in ones’ life when one want to go into business as it is the destroyer of dreams.

“There is no service so low and simple, neither any so high, which a young man of ability and willing disposition cannot readily and almost daily prove himself capable of greater trust and usefulness, and what equally important, show his invincible determination to rise.

This statement is important to me because it help me to understand that anybody business that I have been paid as an employee or laborer is my business, and if carried out with all sincerity and passion will make me climb to the highest rank in the company business. This is also the same thing in carrying out ones’ duty and business

“Don’t put all your egg in one basket” is all wrong, I tell you “Put all your egg in one basket and then watch that basket.”

This quote help me to understand the importance of specialization and becoming a master in one field as the key to becoming one of the best in ones’ trade.

“The highest worship of God is service to man” power to rendered service to unknown is not given us except by serving those of his creator here with us in our day and generation: this is important to me because it explains the purpose of the duty of man expectation from God which is to render service to humanity. And if service to my fellow men is the highest worship of God, then it will be my pleasure to fully dedicate my life toward such worship and service. And this remind me of what the bible say “when am hungry, you feed me not, and when am naked you clothe me not.

“Honorable and necessary as manual labor is, let us gladly greet productive labor of the mind as of a higher order, as the spirit is above the flesh, although it must never be forgotten that in skilled labor of our day brain and muscle is imperatively needed.”

It is important to me because it help me understand the use of engaging the mind as part of higher labor in solving problems as the most skilful and productive labor of engaging the spirit to work.

“No person will make a great business who wants to do it all by himself of get all the credit: it is important to me because it’s the foundation I want to build on to develop labor productivity to create a successful business empire.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me to do, I did carried out some and currently on others that I have sent a target for.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No, there is none

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

How to Generate Great Ideas
Assessment by Sunday Elebiju (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?:

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in this book is about how to use the super-conscious mind to achieve our goals and purpose at the highest level by practicing the awareness of the solution ability of the subconscious mind. Its about the use of solitude in practicing self searching that can involve questioning oneself and getting answer from the super-conscious.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

i. The constant use of the subconscious mind makes you a superior human

The book not only made me to understand that constant use of the super-conscious mind will make me a better human, but also in connecting with my spirit being to attaining a superior human and living in the highest form of human performance. This idea makes me to understand the difference in one performance and achievement in life that make one human superior and the other average is that superior people use super-conscious mind more often to achieve their desires outcome, why average people use it sporadically. This idea will be of great importance to me by consciously and constantly making use of my super-conscious mind to setting and achieving my goals and objectives.

ii. In order for you to achieve something greater than you ever achieved before, you have to learn certain lessons, you got to be schooled.

I couldn’t agree less with this idea as it has proven an important reason for my improvement. While I learnt new things as I read different kinds of books, the more I became aware of what I wanted and how I can achieve goals, the more I become aware of myself. From various lessons and exercises carried out through reading books made me realized that I can achieve things that is greater than I can ever achieve before. I have developed skills and habits that everything can be learned and gained through study and practice to obtaining success beyond one imagination.

iii. When you get the idea, move quickly because it is time dated, sometime it is dated for a few minutes.

There have been many wow ideas that has come across my mind anytime I find myself thinking about solution to problems. Before I could walk from point A to B over a distance of 5 minutes to get pen and write it down- the idea sublime and completely escape my mind’. I have tried to discipline myself to get an idea journal which I can easily carry in my pocket for easy documentation. This idea of acting fast on my idea will help me to develop the habit of keeping idea journal and also acting on ideas by taking steps no matter how little it is to developing the idea.

iv. Trust your super-conscious idea

The book taught me to understand that the more I trust my super-conscious mind the more it works for me both in term of idea generation and in making things synchronize to make things work for my good. I also know that the hardest thing to do is to trust my idea. There are plenty instances where streams of ideas will just keep coming to my mind in and out, and I ended up not making use of any of them no matter how I feel it is a breakthrough solution, this implies that I did not trust the idea. This idea will help me to trust that every ideas generated by my super-conscious mind should be acted upon and to believe such idea as a breakthrough opportunity or solution. This idea will help me by trusting my subconscious mind to constantly expecting that my goal is going to work and the ideas generated by my super-conscious mind is for the actualization of my dream.

v. Pre-program your mind to respond to positive commitments

This idea has work for me on a sporadic case where I might have unknowing pre-program my mind. I said unknowing because I never planned it, but noticed it has happened on a different instances. For example, when I became used to waking up by midnight to pray for divine intervention for my life and wanted to wake up by 12a.m. and my phone had issue and this made it difficult for me to set alarm to wake up exactly by 12. I don’t know how it happened, but I continually find myself waking up exactly 12 am every night. When this happen I thought the phone had developed 12 am syndrome, but it was real. As I read through this book about pre-programming my mind to respond to positive commitment, it made me to understand the experience. Having this understanding will help me taping on the potential of pre-programming my mind to achieve great commitment, and also to boost my memory.

vi. Trust your intuition, if it tells you to speak and if it tells you not to speak don’t speak.

This idea is important to me, because it will help me to differentiate between practicing confident in order to make my voice to be heard and understanding humility and the wisdom in keeping quiet when I needed to be by listening to my intuition. This is helpful because I have found myself caught up in between when to speak and when not to speak. When I do not speak, I ascribed it to being timid and a need to prove myself that am bold or wanting to express self-confident in any given situation, but I now know that listening to my intuition when it says quiet is also an act of expressing confident when the situation requires it.

vii. Anytime you spent 30-60 minute on solitude you get ideas that may save you many years of hard work just by practicing solitude.

The practice of solitude will help me to consider it use for generating ideas for providing a proper planning options, that will help me in achieving successful projects implementation. For example, it said if I spend 30-60 minute in solitude to think about a project I want to carryout and am looking for what the outcome will be after carryout all the necessary research and paper work on the project, coupled with the experience in the project implementation process. And I now spend some minute in solitude to generate how I want the outcome of the project to be after putting everything together through the use of my imagination using the necessary information gathered, then I allow my super-conscious mind to scan through the project for its own contribution for more ideas of how to achieve successful result.

3. How will these ideas help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world if so how?

These ideas will help me in a practical way both in my daily life and in helping me create a better world: being able to have the knowledge and skills to generate ideas freely through the use of super-conscious mind will make me a problem solver. And being able to solve problems no matter its magnitude will make me a solution provider and creator of opportunities. To be able to provide solution will help me meet the needs of a evolving world that needs my services, hence creating a world of verse opportunities.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author made that particular got your attention? If so please quote and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Everybody has at least four ideas in a year that anyone of it can make them a millionaire.”

It is important to me because I wont allow any viable ideas that come to my mind to go to waste, at least I will make step toward actualizing it.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with? If so why?


6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all the exercise and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there were exercises for me and it involve daily practices of what I learned.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question? If so please comment.

No there is none.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from one to ten. Ten is good and is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9