Edwin Shumba – Profile

Edwin Shumba
Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe
Birthday: 29 APR 1981
Education: Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences Honor’s Degree HBMLS(UZ)
Occupation: Medical Lab Scientist

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
Love, joy, justice; abundance and happiness.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
There are four things that I think are the most pressing challenges facing the world:

* Poverty and Wealth disparities- are at the center of the world crisis. 90% of the world’s resources are being controlled by just a few people due to selfishness. These few people dictate the pace that things go and where they want most of the world’s resources to go regardless of need. Also the poor are not doing enough to get themselves out of poverty. Most of the things that can get us out of poverty are written in books but in Africa there are very few people who spend time reading and studying and putting into practice what is in these books.

* Diseases-HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria are a major threat to our existence. These diseases are claiming millions of lives yearly. In terms of TB and Malaria, I think there isn’t enough work being done to mitigate their effects. It is unfortunate that developing countries are the most affected by these three diseases.

* Struggle for power and leadership crisis is another big challenge. There is now a lot of politicking on issues that affect humanity (climate, change, disease; poverty among others) service to humanity is no longer embraced as the best work of life. No respect of human life hence all the conflicts /wars. This world needs selfless leaders, some the leaders we have do not exhibit any leadership traits at all.

* Climate change is a big challenge that I see affecting the world but it looks like we have decided to ignore it at the moment. This is a reality and the world has to wake up and deal head on with this challenge.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
We need to train more Leaders for this millennium. More and more people must start working on their personal development plans and start reading a lot. Leaders are readers so a lot of reading has to take place for us to be able to lead our own lives first so that we can lead this world better. The second thing I believe can help solve these problems is for everyone to learn to love and become selfless. This I believe will go a long way in solving most of challenges. More money has to be invested in TB and Malaria research so that new approaches in dealing with these two diseases are developed. More education on climate change needs to be done and more resources dedicated to preserving the ozone layer and mitigating the effects of the climate change. More ozone friendly materials to be used.

I am a young man aged 29 and happily married. I have a lovely daughter who is two years old and I am a devout Christian. I hold a Bachelors degree in Medical laboratory Sciences from the University of Zimbabwe. I am studying for a Clinical Research Associate (CRA diploma) as a well as for a Diploma in Applied Monitoring and Evaluation. Currently am working for a Clinical Trials Unit Laboratory, at the UZ School of Medicine as a QA/QC Scientist. I am a passionate entrepreneur with interests in farming, consultancy and real estate. My dream is to retire from employment at 40 and to concentrate on my businesses and voluntary work with people living with disabilities. In the next 5 years 2011-2016 my goal is to be a millionaire. I would like to go to America and learn new business ideas by 2015.
I read quite a number of books some my favorite books include: 7 habits of highly effective people, Rich dad poor dad, Retire rich retire young, Richest man in Babylon, Think and grow rich, Five major pieces to the puzzle of life, Outliers , Africa greatest entrepreneurs, Purpose driven life. I have participated in a number of HIV prevention trials which include MIRA project and a number of the HPTN studies. In terms of leadership I held several positions in youth group and I am currently the Local Chairman for my church Lutheran, – in Hatfield, Harare ,Zimbabwe. My passion is to teach people to know God and financial independence. I really want to change the world starting with Africa. My upbringing in a high density area in Chitungwiza exposed me to some heart breaking poverty, disease and ignorance that is prevalent in most African societies. This gave a real life challenge on the magnitude of the problems in developing countries. It is my desire to liberate my fellow brother to a high state of life. I strongly believe that service to humanity I the best work of life hence am involved in a number of community initiatives to change the world.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
The New Dynamics Of Winning
Keys to Success
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
Real Magic