Meet Our Contributors
IIGL is supported by a handful of benefactors, patrons & sponsors plus a large number of individual contributors from more than 11 countries.
In addition to the following contributors to the international program, a number of students are regularly contributing to their national program.
Cote D’Ivoire
* Roger Yomba
* Nevai Family Foundation
* Debra Silver
* Nahla Rifai
* Imoh Colins Edozie
* Felix Iziomoh
South Africa
* Olita Talent Nyathi
Sri Lanka
* Nene Pilzer
* Pierre Wittmann
* Lale Alev Ertem
United Kingdom
* Gillian Kean
* Baroness Edmee Di Pauli
* Kirsten Bolwig
* Julian Murphy
* Elisabeth Tepper Kofod
* Wanda Gail Campbell (AL)
* DM Tilley (AL)
* Lynne Murguia (AZ)
* Virginia Essene (CA)
* Judith Mayer Family (CA)
* Etta Kantor (CT)
* Lily Ann (FL)
* Corine V. Wilson (FL)
* Joyce Tamori (HI)
* Margie A. Tice (HI)
* Naomi Stauber (ME)
* Thomas Miller (MI)
* Gregory Burazer (NC)
* John Hornecker (NC)
* Michael Lightweaver (NC)
* Heidi Stewart (NC)
* Janis Thayer (NC)
* Barry & JanaeWeinhold (NC)
* Barbara Mader (NM)
* Kathleen Oweegon (NM)
* Judith Royer (SC)
* Ron Walker (VA)
* David Banner (WI)
* Michele Cohen (WI)
* Heidi and Ed Fallone (WI)
* Evelyn Garfinkel (WI)
* Ianne and Steve Koritzinsky (WI)
* Julie Loosbrock (WI)
* Deborah Rosen (WI)
* Mollie Rosen (WI)
* Julie and Mike Walker (WI)
* Patrice Zorn (WI)
We also welcome the contribution of airline “frequent flier” miles.