Chabikuli Ujamaa – Assessments

As a Man Thinketh
Assessment by Jamaa Chabikuli (USA/South Africa)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author, James Allen, uses this text to emphasize the power of thought and how it can be shaped to produce an individual’s desired result. Thought holds as much importance as it does because it has one of the most significant effects on the human body; Namely, the effect of thought on character, health and body. With the centralizing point of thought being purpose, it is deeply rooted in an individual’s achievement, visions, ideals and serenity. The main idea of the text serves as a reminder, to people, that we are the only people in control of ourselves. James Allen offers suggestions to guide those who are misled by their thoughts as opposed to taking an explanatory approach. These suggestions include but are not limited to, self-analysis, application and using your past experience to your advantage as well as navigating future experiences to reach the Divine Perfection.

2. What were the ideas which were personally mostly important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Man as a garden

The idea of comparing man to a garden personally stood out to me because it enabled me to envision the effect of thought on circumstances. Similar to a garden, the human mind will produce regardless of whether it is cultivated or neglected because, “if no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.” I love to plant and harvest seeds so having this visualization made me think about how I would wish for my garden to look, literally and figuratively.

ii. The vision of one’s heart.

In the text there’s a paragraph where James Allen mentions that we, youthful readers, will realize the vision of our hearts whether it’s base, beautiful or both, it will always gravitate towards that which you secretly most love. Additionally, the achievements and/or success received is that which you earn. This also stood out to me personally because of its relevance in today’s society involving social media.

iii. Comparing self to others

Oftentimes people find themselves comparing themselves to others in envy with the thought that it was luck or fortune when in reality they do not see the challenges these people encountered to get to where they are.

iv. Causes of self-doubt

The text also discusses the idea of how only perceiving the result and calling it chance is a dangerous game because it could potentially lead to self-doubt and low self-esteem. Although an individual cannot control what people post on social media, they can control how they respond and react which is what should be more focused on.

v. Thoughts and desires

Each person’s life is based on their thoughts and desires which I now take more into consideration after reading this book.

vi. Redirecting one’s thoughts

This will allow me have a better life everyday which in terms will make the world better.

vii. Change in character.

By redirecting one’s thoughts, I can also change my character to be a better person everyday.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

The text included multiple examples of different cases applying the information provided by the author. These cases involve different types of individuals who seek an end result that is not in harmony with their thoughts and desires. This helped me self analyze and trace the thoughts I continuously have in my own life. Creating a better world will come through improving my daily personal life with the change of thought and the pursuit of my goals through effort. I plan to practice redirecting my thoughts everyday because a change in thought is a change in character. Now although people can not see your thoughts, the change in character will be noticeable which, in turn, may encourage others to do the same overall creating a better world.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The proof of this truth is in every person, and it therefore admits of easy investigation by systematic introspection and self-analysis. Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life. People imagine that thought can be kept secret, but it cannot; it rapidly crystallized into habit, and habit solidifies into circumstance.”

This perfectly highlights his previous point suggesting that once I alter my thoughts towards other people or things, they in turn will alter towards me. I found this important to me because I grew up being taught that I must maintain a certain facade to the public, concealing my reality in order to be successful. Many people, including myself, often believe that nobody can see through the facade which is in fact, not true.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

James Allen mentioned that, “Humankind is always the master, even in their weaker and most abandoned state; but in their weakness and degradation they are the foolish masters who misgovern their “household,” when they begin to reflect upon their condition, and to search diligently for the Law upon which their being is established, they then.”
I didn’t quite understand the “Law upon which our beings are established: The Law was mentioned several times throughout the text and I am not sure if they meant one specific universal law or if it is a collection of all. I thought the law might be, “He that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No exercises in the book.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Nothing else.

Please rate the following questions on scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Jamaa Chabikuli (USA/South Africa)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

This text is about the exploration of Jonathon’s struggle to realize himself as a seagull in the face of a rather unimaginative and dull society. He reaches such heights in his ability to fly, and in a sense attains a power that he never exerts over others. Instead, he teaches fellow gulls who realize the oppression in the society towards their attempts to exert their individuality and become truly free, Jonathan illuminates the path for his like minded friends, and as a potential leader, he nullifies what authority he would have therein.
The main idea that Richard Bach is trying to convey is to never be afraid to keep learning, keep doing things differently and not accepting limits you set on yourself or those set by others. A few thoughts that he intends for the reader to ponder include, personal freedom, oppression of societal norms as well as organized religion (to a certain degree). Richard Bach encourages the reader to expand their horizons fearlessly.

2. What were the ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Beauty and Inspiration.

The idea and beauty of inspiration was personally important to me. When Jonathon was travelling at night after numerous failed attempts of reaching his flight goal, he suddenly became inspired. At that moment, he was not thinking about giving up, he was not thinking about flying in the dark, he followed his heart and accomplished his goal. Inspiration is oftentimes linked to experience. I have been seeking inspiration for a personal project I have been working on but my approach has been incorrect. If I redirect my approach and put myself out there, I may get the inspiration I have been looking for.

ii. Societal Norms

Secondly, the idea of straying from societal norms is most important to me because in many areas, this topic is hardly discussed. It’s important to teach the youth from a young age that they don’t have to be categorized. They don’t have to be placed in a box and limit themselves. The fear of deviating from societal norms and daring to be authentically yourself is so heavily instilled in many minds.

iii. Difficult times

When Jonathon was kicked out of his community, I thought he would be let in after a while but that was not his path. Sometimes the darker more difficult times are there to redirect you into the right path.

iv. Eliminating Fears and Doubts

If I can do that through my thoughts, I will have less set backs.

v. Life is a journey not a competition.

I tend to forget this and it’s important to remember.

vi. Patience

This is very important because life takes different turns because everyone has their own path.

vii. One’s Thoughts

One’s thoughts create different opportunities and set backs which happen. It’s important to know what your mental thoughts are about different subjects in your life.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas are inspiring especially for people that aspire to achieve something will help me to slowly eliminate any thoughts of doubts, hopelessness or fear when pursuing my ambitions because they are an enemy of progress. In the long term, I will achieve my goals more efficiently because I will have less setbacks. This book promotes the idea that in life there are paths. There are the right paths and the wrong paths, both of which come up trials and struggles. However, in the right path, with the right mindset, you are eliminating the obstacles you set upon yourself mentally. The only obstacles you will be left with are the ones that come with life. It’s important to keep trying and picking yourself up after every challenge, ready to tackle the next. We are more than sheep following the beat of the drum. Mankind holds so much potential if we expand.
If people feel less restricted to conform to a certain norm, it creates an environment for free souls and rids the caged souls.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you?

“We are trying to overcome our limitations in order, patiently, don’t tackle flying through rock.”

Society tells us that we should conform, and we specifically are what we are born with. However, the author believes that we are not limited at birth as we are each unique with unlimited potential. This quote also stresses the effects hard work can have on your desired outcome. In the quote, the author also uses the word patiently which is very important because the path to rediscovery and the search for what it is you desire may come with time as it is a journey and not a race. I think people tend to forget that, including me. It is as if we are in this race to see who gets there first but it’s important to remind each other that life is not a competition.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Nothing I can think of.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment

Nothing else.

Please rate the following questions on scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9.5
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10