Name: Carolyn Nabyonga
Country: Uganda
Birthday: September 23, 1983
Education: Bachelor Degree in Human Resources Management
Occupation: Business Entrepreneur
Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
The world that works for everyone should be one where everyone lives to serve others and where people are dedicated and committed to solve each others problems and challenges. Also people should keep getting better in order to serve other better
What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problems are derived from selfishness, leaders look out for themselves instead of watching out for others. Otherwise if every emerging leader was committed to serve and develop the people he or she leads, it would be much easier to solve most of the world’s challenges.
How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
These problems could be best solved by grooming and building more leaders who are people and service orientated and who will walk and live the talk and also practice the knowledge acquired from institutions such as the global leadership institute. And I’m addition mentor the younger generation below them to carry through a service leadership legacy
I am a practicing Faith Driven Entrepreneur, speaker, mentor and coach working as the Director and Founder at GGz Holdings Limited, a multi-discipline professional company with interests in Training, real estate, supply chain and hygiene/cleaning services for both domestic and commercial properties. I am a qualified Human Resource professional and helps to design and implement strategies for other firms.
I am member of Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network; CWEN, WinPreneurs Africa and Ziwani Community, a group of business leaders in Africa who partner with and equip each other for impact in the Marketplace. I am a passionate business leader and a lifelong learner always dedicating her time to constant self-improvement. My lifelong goal is to build others up by facilitating their growth and restoration so they can embrace and live their God given purpose. This I do through her mentorship platform called the Serve Haven for the Glory of God’s Kingdom.
I would like to participate because I am a Life long learner and I believe in continuously acquiring knowledge and building networks that will empower me to solve people’s problems not just in my community but in the world over in any environment I might find myself in. There are lots of problems in the world and the solutions can only come by applying acquired knowledge from spaces like this institute.
As a servant leader, I wake up every day to believe in People, love people and serve people. I serve at my church, Kampala Bible Revelation Church, with the administration team for the last 20 years.
One of my favorite quotes is: “Legacy is measured by the fruits we grow on other people’s trees!” Mark Batterson
Click Here To Read My Book Assessments
Books Completed
As a Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Keys to Success
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